Page 1: Loving God Growing Together Faith Connections

Rincon United Methodist Church

107 Savannah Avenue, Rincon, GA 31326 (Web Site) (E-Mail) [email protected]


Loving God Loving People Growing Together Moving Forward

Faith Connections

For many people, the pandemic

redefined work, with more employ-

ees logging hours from a home

office—or kitchen table. Boundaries

between job and personal life blurred,

as did any sense of being “off duty.”

Most of us prefer clear divisions

between our tasks and time. While

such separations may help with

scheduling, they are artificial human

constructs. “Whatever your task,” says Colossians 3:23 (NRSV,

emphasis added) - whether in public or private, family or job, spiritual

or worldly activities—”put yourselves into it as done for the Lord.”

Verse 17 tells us to “do everything” in Jesus’ name, “giving thanks to

God the Father through Him.”

That means even work and worship interlock. As Rich Warren

writes, “Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and

perform it with and awareness of His presence.”

NewsletterNewsletter, September 2021



Fail Family,

Schulz Family,

Freddie McRae

Nancy Sells

Kayla Alexander

Beth Holland

Linda Johnston

Patricia Carr;

Tabitha Sikes

Nancy Sells

Peggy Rahn

Jeffrey Smith

Keith & Jackie Barnes

Jorge & Dani Buendia

Jackey Nease

Kaycee Kessler

Bethany Smith

Susan Wise

Pastor Michael

Robert & Bridget Caldwell

Tabitha Bacot

John Hazel

Chloe Tillman

Carolyn & Stanley Gisriel

Matthew Fraser

Rose Fraser

Russ Fraser

James Reinhart

Wayne & Ann Cockrell

Jim & Jill Anderson,

Noah Edwards

Jordan Rahn

Glenn Andrews,

Ray & Shirley Causey,

Norma Cave, family

Camilla Corbin,

Keith & Marsha Cornell,

Charlie Dukes,

Kathy Fraser,

Jack Green,

Arlene Herndon,

Beth Holland,

RD Jaudon

Joyce Kelley,

Maxine Oglesby,

LCPL Brisco Olsen,

Donald Quinones,

Mary Rotureau,

James Sapp,

Delane Summers

Laboring for the Lord

Page 2: Loving God Growing Together Faith Connections

Season of Pentecost

Sunday Worship 11:00 am

Rev. J. Michael Finn **********

August 1st 10th Sunday After Pentecost

Guest: Rev. David Thompson

August 8th 11th Sunday After Pentecost

Nehemiah 6

“Asking a Big Question:

Distraction, Opposition,


Focused on God”

August 15th 12th Sunday After Pentecost

“Asking a Big Question:

Wisdom in Leadership...”

Nehemiah 7

August 22nd 13th Sunday After Pentecost

Nehemiah 8

“Asking a Big Question:

A Sacred Day Before the Lord”

August 29th 14th Sunday After Pentecost

Nehemiah 9-10

“Asking a Big Question:

Corporate, Confession and A

Promise to Remember”

August 2021 Page 2

June Stewardship


Total Receipts $23,797.00

Total Expenses $20,346.00

Difference $3.451.00


Total Receipts $127,675.00

Total Expenses $124,082.00

Difference $3,593.00

Music Ministries ~ Ralph Long

Chancel Choir will practice again on Wednesday, August 11th at 7:30. The

Handbells and the Journeymen will begin again a couple of weeks later.

Many Thanks to everyone who has been providing special music for our

Sunday Services and to everyone who helped provide special music during


The Effingham Community Orchestra will be giving a concert at the church on Saturday,

September 11th at 7 p.m. There is no admission charge but a love offering will be taken for the

orchestra. A reception will follow the concert in the social hall.

“I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.” J.S. Bach

Musically Yours, Ralph

Flower Calendar for 2021 If you like to put flowers in the church on Sunday for a special day, sign

up by the work room or call (826-5796) or email ([email protected])

the office. Thank you to all those who have helped!!

Upcoming dates available: September 5, 12 , 19; October 3rd & 10th.

Other dates available, call the office if you would like a date November or December.

Finance Committee

May 16th @ 12 pm

All Committee Meeting will be held in the Social Hall

From the Office

The Office will be closed on July 5th.

If you have something for the newsletter, please remember to get the information to the office

by the 15th of the month.

United Methodist Women & United Methodist Men

August 5th & 19th @ 10 am Men’s Bible Study

August 5th & 19th @ 11:30 am Men’s Lunch @ Ms. Jean’s

August 23rd @ 6:30 pm Men’s Night Out @ Frank & Linda’s

Eva Oglesby Circle will resume in September

August 12th @ 6:00 pm Angels of Hope Circle location TBA

Gifts have been given in memory of Norma Cave by Ron


Gift given in memory of Grady Long by Tom & Susan


Nehemiah 11-12

“Asking a Big Question:

“Moving In and A Time

of Dedication”

Mission Dresses & Shorts ~ August 14th

from 8:30 am until ????

Join us on August 14th to help make mission dresses/shorts for the

children in Africa. Bobby Gale will be here on at a later date to receive

these dresses and shorts along. Join us in making the lives of children


little bit brighter and colorful. If you do not sew but would like to

help, there will be plenty to help with, so please come on out and join


Page 3: Loving God Growing Together Faith Connections

Meetings this month:

Administrative Council


August 2021 Page 3

We are in need of nursery volunteers for Sunday morn-

ings. If you would be willing to help, please contact Kim

McGee. Thank you! Phone/Text @ (912) 655-8668.

Be in prayer for all those returning to school this month!

Promises on hand

Audrey Penn’s book The Kissing Hand features a young

raccoon who’s nervous about the first day of school. Mom

consoles him by kissing his palm, signifying her presence with

him. The youngster can simply put his hand to his face

anytime he needs a kiss from her. If that isn’t tear jerking

enough, as the raccoon scampers to school, he returns to kiss

Mom’s hand so she’ll have a Kissing Hand too.

That story reminds us of Matthew 28:20, when Jesus

promises to be with us always, and of Psalm 23:4, which says,

“I will fear no evil; for thou art with me” (KJV). God gives us

a Kissing Hand through baptism, sealing us forever with the

Holy Spirit and the mark of the cross of Christ.

Just as the raccoons cherish their kissing hands, may we

cherish the promise of our Father’s eternal presence. Thanks

be to God, whose “goodness and mercy shall follow us all the

days of our lives” (Psalm 23:6; revised). Julie Lee, NewsletterNewsletter, September 2021

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August 2021 Page 4


Church Office 912-826-5796

Hours: Mon.-Wed, 9 am to 2 pm

Thurs. 9 am to 12 pm

Friday, Closed

Fax Number 912-826-2263

E-Mail [email protected]


Michael Finn 912-826-5796 (O)

Cell: 478-973-3448

E-Mail: [email protected]

Associate Pastor/Minister of Music:

Ralph Long 912-826-5796 (O)

Cell: 912-667-8332

E-mail: [email protected]

On The Web:

107 Savannah Avenue

Rincon, GA 31326


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