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Under the provisions of state law, this report is a public document. A copy of this report has been submitted to the Governor, to the Attorney General, and to other public officials as required by state law. A copy of this report is available for public inspection at the Baton Rouge office of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor. This document is produced by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, State of Louisiana, Post Office Box 94397, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9397 in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 24:513. One copy of this public document was produced at an approximate cost of $0.55. This material was produced in accordance with the standards for state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. This report is available on the Legislative Auditor’s website at When contacting the office, you may refer to Agency ID No. 10897 or Report ID No. 80160140 for additional information. In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance relative to this document, or any documents of the Legislative Auditor, please contact Elizabeth Coxe, Chief Administrative Officer, at 225-339-3800.

Page 3: Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists€¦ · Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists ... laws and regulations, ... travel expenditures, contracts, payroll, , and ethics

Louisiana Legislative Auditor Daryl G. Purpera, CPA, CFE Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists September 2016 Audit Control # 80160140


Introduction The primary purpose of our procedures at the Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists (Board) was to evaluate certain controls the Board uses to ensure accurate financial reporting, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and overall accountability over public funds. The Board was created by Louisiana Revised Statute (R.S.) 37:711.4 to administer the Louisiana Professional Geoscience Practice Act. The Board’s mission is to protect public health, safety, and welfare and to guard the state’s natural resources with regard to environmental and civil projects where a geoscientific review and evaluation is required. The Board was authorized to set fees for the licensure of geoscientists on and after August 1, 2013.

Results of Our Procedures We evaluated the Board’s operations and system of internal control through inquiry, observation, and review of its policies and procedures, including a review of the applicable laws and regulations. Based on the documentation of Board’s controls and our understanding of related laws and regulations, we performed procedures on selected controls and transactions relating to cash, licensing fees, credit cards, travel expenditures, contracts, payroll, budget, and ethics training.

Follow-up on Prior-year Findings We reviewed the status of the prior-year findings reported in the procedural report dated October 7, 2015. We determined that management has resolved the prior-year finding related to inadequate segregation of duties. Although the Board implemented a policy requiring the submission of travel reimbursement claims within 30 days following travel, the finding relating to untimely submission of travel reimbursements has not been fully resolved and is addressed again in this report.

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Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists Procedural Report


Current-year Findings Untimely Submission of Travel Reimbursements The Board members did not follow the Board’s policy for submitting travel reimbursement claims within 30 days following the date of travel. During a review of 10 travel reimbursements, we identified two reimbursements totaling $1,680 for expenses incurred between 55 and 87 days before the reimbursement claim was submitted. The Office of State Procurement’s Travel Guide (PPM 49) states that travel claims should be submitted within the month following travel. In addition to noncompliance with PPM 49 and the Board’s policy, the untimely preparation and review of travel reimbursement claims increases the risk of errors. The Board should ensure its Board members follow the Board’s policy for submitting travel claim reimbursements within 30 days following the date of travel. Management concurred with the finding and outlined a plan of corrective action (see Appendix A). Required Ethics Training Not Completed For calendar year 2015, the Board’s employees and six out of eight Board members are in violation of R.S. 42:1170, which requires that all public servants receive one hour of education and training each year on the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. Management was unaware of the requirement, but all current employees did complete the online training course for the 2016 calendar year prior to our completion of the engagement. All Board members and employees should complete the required ethics training annually. Management concurred with the finding and outlined a plan of corrective action (see Appendix A).

Other Results of Our Procedures Cash The Board maintains a checking account that is used for general operations. Two staff members participate in cash collection, disbursement, and reconciliation activities, and all disbursements require review and approval by a Board member prior to payment. Cash balances totaled $172,868 at May 31, 2016. We performed procedures to reconcile cash transactions to the Board’s general ledger, evaluated the segregation of duties between Board staff, and confirmed the timely preparation of bank account reconciliations. No exceptions were noted. Licensing Fees Approximately 99% of the Board’s revenue collections are annual licensing fees. We traced selected licenses that were granted to supporting documentation to ensure the appropriate fees were collected in accordance with the fee schedule established by the Board. No exceptions were noted.

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Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists Procedural Report


Credit Cards The Board has a credit card that is used by the executive secretary for postage, payroll software fees, and supplies. We traced selected credit card purchases to supporting documentation and evaluated compliance with laws and regulations. We further confirmed the timely review of credit card statements. No exceptions were noted. Travel Expenditures Travel expenditures include conference travel for Board members and the executive secretary, as well as reimbursement of travel for Board members to attend meetings. Fiscal year 2016 travel expenditures totaled $9,706 through May 31, 2016. We traced selected travel reimbursements to supporting documentation and evaluated compliance with laws and regulations. During our review, we identified travel reimbursement claims that were not submitted within 30 days following travel as required by the Board’s policy. This issue was reported as a finding in the prior year and will be repeated as a finding this year (see Current- year Findings section). Contracts The Board contracted with several parties to procure software and perform legal, accounting, and web design services. Fiscal year 2016 contract expenditures totaled $19,444 through May 31, 2016. We traced selected contract payments to contract terms and evaluated compliance with laws and regulations. No exceptions were noted. Payroll Approximately 41% of the Board’s expenditures relate to payroll costs as of May 31, 2016. Board personnel include the executive secretary and a part-time assistant. We traced selected employees’ salaries to contract terms or pay structure and evaluated controls over time and attendance records. No exceptions were noted. Budget The Board annually adopts a budget by majority vote of its board of directors. The budget for the year ended June 30, 2016, was approximately 5% lower than the previous year because of expected decreases in Board member per diem and travel and professional service contracts, offset partially by an increase in expected payroll costs due to the Board hiring an additional employee. We confirmed the adoption of the Board’s budget and evaluated variances between budgeted amounts and actual revenues and expenditures for reasonableness. No exceptions were noted.

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Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists Procedural Report


Ethics Training Board members and employees are required to receive annual ethics training in accordance with R.S. 42:1170. We requested documentation to determine whether the required training was completed. For the 2015 calendar year, Board members and employees did not complete the required government ethics education and training (see Current-year Findings section).

Comparison of Activity between Years We compared the most current and prior-year financial activity using the Board’s general ledger and other system generated reports to identify trends and obtained explanations from management for any significant variances that could potentially indicate areas of risk. Management provided reasonable explanations for all significant variances. The following charts show the Board’s fiscal year 2016 cash basis revenues and expenditures through May 31, 2016.

Fiscal Year 2016 Revenues, as of May 31, 2016

Source: Board’s General Ledger

$100,090 96%

$3,400 3%

$875 1%

License Fees - Renewals

License Fees - New Licenses

Other Revenues

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Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists Procedural Report


Fiscal Year 2016 Expenditures, as of May 31, 2016

Source: Board’s General Ledger

Under Louisiana Revised Statute 24:513, this report is a public document, and it has been distributed to appropriate public officials.

Respectfully submitted, Daryl G. Purpera, CPA, CFE Legislative Auditor


$8,300 6%

$9,706 7%

$61,231 41%

$26,852 18%

$25,000 17%

$16,444 11%

Board Per Diem



Other Operating

National Exam Access Fee

Professional Services

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ChairmanMadhurendu B. Kumar, Ph.D

[email protected]

Vice ChairmanJohn E. Johnston III


Secretary/TreasurerArthur H. Johnson

[email protected]

BoardMemberWilliam R. Finley

[email protected]

Board MemberKelli A. Hardesty

[email protected]

Board MemberLloyd G. Hoover

[email protected]

Board MemberWilliam R. Meaney

[email protected]

Board MemberDaisy pate

[email protected]

Board MemberL. Todd perry

[email protected]


9643 BrooHine Ave, Ste. ror, Baton Rouge, l,A 7o8o9

August LL,zOtG

Daryl G. Purpera, CPA, CFE

Legislative Auditor1600 North Third Street

P.O. Box 94397

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9397

RE: Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists

Dear Mr. Purpera:

This letter is in response to the letter of August Lo,2ot6 from BrianFleming, CPA, Audit Manager.

Regarding the finding by title Required Ethics Training Not completed.the Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientist (LBopG) concur. TheLBOPG was unaware of this requirement. Allstaff and board membershave or will complete the training for 2OL6 by August 3I, ZOL6.

Regarding the finding titled Untimely Submission of TravelReimbursements. LBOPG concurs. Emphasis of the requirement thattravel reimbursement claims must be submitted within 30 days of thedate of the meeting and travel will be made.

With kind regards,


E. Johnston lll

e\tr\ r u

A. 1

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We conducted certain procedures at the Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists (Board) for the period from July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016. Our objective was to evaluate certain internal controls the Board uses to ensure accurate financial reporting, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and overall accountability over public funds. The scope of our procedures, which are summarized below, was significantly less than an audit conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. We did not audit or review the Board’s Annual Fiscal Report, and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion on that report. The Board’s accounts are an integral part of the state of Louisiana’s financial statements, upon which the Louisiana Legislative Auditor expresses opinions.

We evaluated the Board’s operations and system of internal control through inquiry, observation, and review of its policies and procedures, including a review of the laws and regulations applicable to the Board.

Based on the documentation of the Board’s controls and our understanding of related laws and regulations, we performed procedures on selected controls and transactions relating to cash, licensing fees, credit cards, travel expenditures, contracts, payroll, budget, and ethics training.

We compared the most current and prior-year financial activity using the Board’s general ledger and other system generated reports and obtained explanations from the Board’s management for any significant variances.

The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our work at the Board and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the Board’s internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. Accordingly, this report is not intended to be and should not be used for any other purpose.

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