  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Louise and Sean: a Celebration Slide 3 Our adventure starts in BC... Slide 4 A boy named Sean Slide 5 Not a camera fan, yet Slide 6 Ride-em cowboy, in Regina Slide 7 YUM Slide 8 Move to BC, Stop at Calgary Zoo Slide 9 Pony Ride Age 2 Slide 10 On the move (love the pants!) Langley BC Slide 11 Langley BC, Age 3 with friend Gene Slide 12 Bundled Up! Slide 13 Age 4 Slide 14 Grade 1 North Otter Elementary Slide 15 Do I have to sit here? Slide 16 Grade 4, North Otter Slide 17 Cub Scouts Slide 18 Vacation back to Saskatchewan Slide 19 First moose, 13 yrs old Slide 20 Seasons passes to Powder King Slide 21 Top academic in Grade 7 Slide 22 Meanwhile In the Ottawa Valley Slide 23 Ottawa Valley Girl Slide 24 With Carolyn and Rob Slide 25 Two years old and lovin it Slide 26 At the Agnew farm with cousins Slide 27 Oma and Opa Knobel with grandchildren Slide 28 Knobel kids in Holland Slide 29 Junior Kindergarten Slide 30 5 years old Slide 31 Cousins on the gas tank again, Agnew farm Slide 32 Christmas morning (age 5) Slide 33 Family ski outing, Gatineau hills Slide 34 Louise before she was allergic to cats Slide 35 Halloween Slide 36 Louise with her Oma Knobel Slide 37 The ladies with the hats Slide 38 Bathing beauties at Uncle Wayne and Aunt Teresas Slide 39 School trip Slide 40 Girl Guides Slide 41 With cousins, holding baby Greg Slide 42 At the cottage with the Pentons and the OBriens Slide 43 The cousins go skiing Slide 44 With Carolyn and Kyna OBrien on the Bluenose in Halifax Slide 45 Meanwhile, back in BC... Slide 46 Chetwynd BC, High school Slide 47 Counter Attack, 1988 Slide 48 Christmas - more ski stuff! Slide 49 Miss Chetwynd Pageant Slide 50 Xmas with Grandma, Grandpa Phillips Slide 51 Last season at Powder King Slide 52 Air Cadets Slide 53 Seans graduation 1992 Prince George Slide 54 Love of puppies- Lacey Slide 55 Looking good Slide 56 UBC graduation Chem. Eng 1996 Slide 57 Look out world, here I come Slide 58 Heidi and Kens wedding, June 97 Slide 59 Christmas 1997, with Danielle Slide 60 Seans Grandparents 60th Anniversary Slide 61 Meanwhile, back in Ottawa... Slide 62 Louise the pianist Slide 63 Louise and Francine Slide 64 Christmas with the Agnew cousins Slide 65 High School Graduation Slide 66 Kids at Christmas Love the Goatee Slide 67 Now I remember why I went AWAY for school Slide 68 Louise at Queens Slide 69 Birthday in 1995 Slide 70 Some pictures of Evil Louise... Slide 71 Censored Slide 72 Science Formal Slide 73 Slide 74 Iron Ring Celebration Slide 75 Graduation 1996, Top of the Class Slide 76 Slide 77 She doesnt look any smarter Slide 78 The car she didnt get for grad Slide 79 Travelling in Spain Slide 80 And in France Slide 81 Maid of Honour for Francine and Dat Slide 82 Sisters in Sarnia Slide 83 Family Gathering Slide 84 Agnew-Knobel Clan with friends - Carolyn off to Bangkok Slide 85 Louise and Mom Slide 86 Meanwhile, what has Sean been up to in Hamilton? Slide 87 Playing Ultimate! Double Team JD, WIDE OPEN for the swing pass Sean. Pipes it deep Slide 88 Ultimate! Double Team JD, WIDE OPEN for the swing pass Sean. Pipes it deep Slide 89 And More Ultimate! (JD is still waiting) Slide 90 Then one summer... Sean comes to Canada Day at the Cottage Slide 91 Louise is swell, I wonder if she likes me? Slide 92 I think she likes me! Slide 93 Love blooms... Slide 94 The beginning of something great Slide 95 Louise and Sean Together Slide 96 A Seans-eye view of Louise Slide 97 A Louise-eye view of Sean Slide 98 A Louise-eye view of Sean in a tuxedo Slide 99 Diving in the 1000 Islands Slide 100 Relaxing after a hard day of Ultimate in Fergus, Ont Slide 101 Engagement party in Ottawa Slide 102 All dressed up for a wedding Slide 103 Moving out of the old house in Sarnia (biggest snow storm of the year) Slide 104 Slide 105 New house. You need friends who will paint for refreshments Slide 106 Hey, where are those refreshments? Slide 107 Mmm..blender drinks Slide 108 House warming party (dessert) Slide 109 Sean and Louise with their favorite redhead... (not you Monica) Slide 110 Fergus, lab mix (at 10 weeks) Slide 111 Slide 112 Fergus at the cottage, where it all began Slide 113 Sean and Louise September 15th 2001 Slide 114 Youve Come a Long Way Baby Slide 115 Slide 116 Slide 117 Slide 118 Slide 119 Slide 120 Slide 121 Slide 122 Congratulations, love, and best wishes from your family and friends

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