





Hong Koag, Oet 17.-Intelligenee haa been re-

c^v-,1 l-i.. aoBflrmlng the woral reara entert uued

raagudiBg the Peniu*ulai aad ©rwutal Steam Na*i-

nawn < omponj ¦ ateamei Bokhara, reported ...

the* diapatchea oa Sat irday aa beinj aeveral

daya e*ardue al thia poti from Shanghai Ihe

Bokhara aaikd from Sbaughal ot Octobet - foi

Baui Koag, an<) BbouW bave arrlved here on Oc

tebei 13, at the lateet lt wa* koown that b t.v-

phconhadaweptoYe. thei hiaa Sea, aadIthe agentaoi the Bteaanei tbought thal hat aakchiaery badb.cotne djaabled in the gale.Kawa baa beea reeel*ed that tbe Bokhara wae

foaad a lotal Bjeek on SaBd Wand, one ol theFbeni:-HoT or ftacadem gToup, rying tn the Chan-

nel ot Fo KkB, betf* ea th Ifcland ol Fonneaa an

tha biaeoe .i.atnland. Only thirfcv-fout peraoBaen haard Ihe Bokhara wereaaved, the loat laclud.yu th.mmander ot the ateamer nnd tbe

part ai he. offleera and erew. There were about

len European ofBeera on tbe Bokhara, and her erew

aaoaieted ol abaat 120 Laacara. The paaaeBger list

argg tua'.l. The et-aiuer wirric 1 tbe BUklla, and

the*- were UBdoBbtaaaiy loat. Her CargO, whirhv,«» evtreiuely vahir.ble, Oompria* 1 a large uruount

of ojiecie and a lieav.v oooatgnawnl ol ailk.It La* b»«en lenrneii that Bome tirue after tbe

BoUhaia leit Shanghai the baraaaetet began to

fall. and tha *ejBBBl araa made BBUg alow and alo.ft

to ri.le OUt the gale thal was known to be ap-

araaehiBg. la » few boura the wind had iacreaeedin rioleoce and aoon waa blorwlng a tarri<De gale.The Btraaaei wa# tv the wartward a1 Pormesa,where typhaone are ot freejoanl ecounanee, and tnthe eomparatively aarrow waterway ahe did not

have aafe ararooui. Ibe aaa waa runaing tremend-0Usly bigb, and ellort^ were made to my the

ateamer head on, bul with th- wtnd ahiftlng about

tkaoompaai thia waa Imposalble. Soca a terriblyhi-h croaa-eca wae ruaning and the bteuaer wae

aitched about Her batehea were eleeelyaattrned down, bat the ^ea* that boarded hei tore

the tarpaulina ort and aoaa the batehea them-aalvee arere carried o*erbaard. Spare eaUa were

then lnshtd o\er the epeninga, but were ol little

garriee Wabrt began to ponr Into the Breroom

au! bagaa to gain oa the pompa.Conateraatian prerailexl amoag the paaeeagcrs,

none of whoat were allowed on deck. Thuee in

the »bla were far nore calm than the atcerage

pajaengers, taoat of whom were < hineae. Soon

the oaal-paaBara and Brenien were toreed by the

rnBBg water to leave tlie (in roont, an 1 B few

¦lautea later the iirr* were extinguiabed. The

aVakey boUer on the main d« g waa kept going,aawaver, and the pumpa contiaued to work. Thejire- heing out, the *eaael beeatne wa* i: .;. iSBible to eel any canvae.*

g ¦, :, d lll booming waa heard, and th bo

aaboard knew they were drifting oa h>lee ehw-e.ln a few minutee the ateamer struok. Everybody«. .rdered on de- k. The Bau«jeBgew »»d Puton life preeervere, bul naay of the people. ward.(.p, owboard aad drawned by the aeaa ove: tbem. lt waa Impoeaibte t© lowrer theboat* Thoae on the win rwdril aide of the ateameiarere en.^hed to gdeeee aoon ofter abo ftranded,Whlle tho- ..n t-fic- lee hi:le COuld BOt BO ap-aroacned becauee of the *ea* that were aweepli.gthe iteamer'a decke. All hantia huddjH bbo>ith- lee ol the deekhouaea, but ejary tlraa a aaa

tnrged over tho reaael thelr number f^wkf*The thirty-foui peraoBg who were gft*ed nian-

aced bv alhiost (.up.-rl.uman eflorts tu hold 00

until the rtornj eubaidad They tii^v were t;.kenoil in an erbau.«t«?d condition.

The Bokhara waa » three-ma^ted tron aeraw ateamer.

of C t*fsr. gro»v ton«^ Bbe waa K'H f**B lonr. :to taetbeatn .md 2f. feet de-p. Rhe waa btdll at Oreaaoehii, i-t:; bv Caltxl d o.. and halled from that portJler enirlnef. of MX» howepower. ware t.f the rompouudtDTorted tvp*. _

Tfyon do nol rrataier iB.inorrow. the chancea nra

II..I Munelhlna «d» ofcur BB ar.Teni your ¦¦¦BMirBIIJ «>"

Ihr twa dnr. BBM follow--Oclober i«l»nd*». l)o nol

iru-l M ln. k ao lon«. Hegiaier lo-morrow!.. ?. .


Loadaa. Ort. 17.-The trtal Ol Tbomaa Nelll^nehar-e^ of WlBBl mnrd-r lu eoayBBCttaa wlth what

ara baawa a* the Umbath pataoBtBg coacs. aiMBadke/ore i*«ualee Hawatna thia morniuc ln the oic

Balley Tbe Attorney-lieneral. ftH Cl.url^i Buaaeil;

tha Haa Baraard Oalartdge, ll. Sutton and Mr. 0113

ai.peami on hehalf al tbe Treaaary; BQd tbe grteone*waa defeaded bv Mr. OtaBjhegaa ^nd ll. Warbm-ton.

T;,e exmrtroom waa crowded. After reaaUag of th* i

dletment, >a whleh BaUl w eharged wlth baitagmurden-d Chwer. Fillen DOBWorth, ABoa

Harah and Bauaa bHrl*eB. attempttog ta poieor.i mtaa Har»*y oi Harrta, and attampUng to blaeh

,:,aii Dr. ttreaabeat ead Dr. Barpar. tae ptlasBaipleaded -noi guUty.'

Btr Chariaa BuaseU then aald he dld not tblpk there

waa aaiBcMnl evldeoee to eoaaecl Salll with the

audar «l the Donwortk .-ri; bnt, m inatiee ot the

prUone*. tbe facta relaMng to Ort. eaaa, ae far a.

!,,.¦., «onM be Btated. Mr Charlea reelted al

...-,h aB the faeta tbal ba*e been aenl altherto la

iheSe dhwatehei ralattvc to tbe mardera. He aald

thal ameng 'he wltoeaaaa fat the fawaaeatian were

two woaaaa aaraed tdaate*. and Hay, who aa*. BaUl

mte* tha todglaga ocenpted by Ibe riover woman.

knew BaUl bb well Ibaf tae fury «oui<i have

M donhi, on beartug tbal* arMeaea, that there wa*

,. ,,,on. ta dMpata his eoaapleta Wedttlkadtaa Oi

UbarMa addad that h- wlahed to eaapkaala* the fad

that Neiil aaked um ktadladr* daagbtat to aacaartata U

the Oirre* bbbbbbi bad dlad from tbe efeet ai

pouon at a ume when no one aaapected that abt

had baaa patasoad. BelU bad alw. ehargad Dr. Braad-baal wlth pafaaahag the gtrl wlth BtayeAniaa, whanaa-

bod] aacapl |he BMU*Brai knew that atryehmaa twd

baaa amptoy*h u, kiu ber. a* Chariaa gaje maoy.f .NeiB'a rbdt u. Aaerlea and hia Irtaadshlp,

,,:, hia ratara to London Wlth Huvnev. who actad

M » apy ot. NelU'a attion. Netll taid Hagne* tbal

th. aaa al Pr. Harper Imd V^J"**,*^fe1who Mr Charie* conttaned, waa BB»e at,« waum

' .; .-;r^l,r,e-L,n!:,.pw::uKd7rd ^^.*weiuned Neiil a* « phyatctan ha had toowa^lnChtcaao. Kii/»brth Maateri wus thea OBUed aoa

ilo:. Bha taauaed tbal Nel ha.i «a*e |e, ...

.ualntaaoe tn the rtreet. aml tn-t a ¦» n ';.",.ln:4 ihe «iw him nlOg P****** ^HlKm,. fei?w4aga wotoho whom the "Un::^''*''''"^,,,n/.. .. \IhiII<1 i ( lover. WITlieSR we.n «.«'" n

!'. "iSSt aml*

v Ne: and Ihe Ctover woman

LT ..,:; no J: Lambeth Itoad. rwo or Uiree waakajater witne,s haard lhal BaUM* Cla*e* *ra* aead.


M,. ... t. K. Tha buUdlag af twa ateaaaeri offc.iHHi taoa eaek la aboui to >.-».-in ..n n,- . hra«. rn*

eeaaetear* far tha lauaaa IAm rad arttl be uaed tor

Pa earao aad laaaatgraal ttatl* betweea U*arpaaiand Puli.i.lel|iioii.

Uflsl> IN THK BUBoTAB OBAIB Feiersburp. Oet, it A BarMua eriali axl u la

the Ru^ian Krain Uade. lor.-itn BMrthanta decUneth- aurplua grala lhal ooaaea fraaa the intarior -f U«

country. Prkea are falltng Bad at th* aaaa Um*

li. Ight rates are ad*anclBg, OWlBg to thr faet that

rtaamera have eaaaed ruanlag beeauaa of the bvcliof earso. eJtporUng ioUSe* have BU*P*oaee,

W..RK OFTHB CHOLBBA IB HAMBUBO.lliiniburt.. Oet. 17. ihe authorltlea reporl «ia Bew

rnM.> of ebeiera and one death Irom Ihe dlaeaae h«*yeaterday. Aeeardlag t« the ofllrlal Bgurea therejJUve i.ii 17,009 .»-.- of eholera and 7.'.!.¦. deatlnataee lha autheaah of Ihe dlaeaae here.

Beatta, Oet. IT. Bapeear MTllllam haa --nt glg.600to the Hamburg Beaate, reaweattag tb«i lt be expen<i.dln ratievtng tbe dtatreaa among Ibe faaUBei of thoaeWhO lllive ill.Kl fr >.n eholera

Otaeow, O* t. 17 Two deatha from eholera oeeurredhere te-day.


FLBTJBO-PBEI MOXIi IN Afl AMKBICAB BDLDOCK.I.ondon. i».t. 17. "The st. .laiin-v Oasette" Mgi

that an Ani-ri<nn hiillo. k lhal waa BMUabtared BlDaptiaad a few dny< ne<> »ie foaad to have been

¦afferlag wlth pleuropti^nrnonta ln nn nscrnviit.^tlorm. The anlmal ls BBdetataod ta have conie from

THEBE nre d*M»o© fainilif.s in andnenr ¦>?*!%. v«»rk tvlio buy tlie

LADIES' HOME JOURNAL.More than 700,a>««f» copies sold tliron«(h-out the country monthly in cities andthe larger towus. ]

Tiles, Open Firepfaces.Household Arl Goods.

UNION SQUARE< ».»-. igoi. Braidvay.©niT aaaeara ia ».ir iis* a»*ins it* »wn toaadrtaa

B'it of tbe n,aa»r F>t»bll»li4)d av»r BO yeaja.Ma »ld »u. a. tytryluMti <aade aatlafaevary.

the far WCOterB p:-.rf of Ariieri'a. "The Bt Jflmefl'tCasette," commentlng upon tbla eaae, aara thal MrHerbert Gardner, Mlntoter of Agrtculture, may be cgratulated ln bavtng Ihe abole queatlon ol ib.BlaughtVr oi Imported cattle at tbe ports al wblch tbeyarrtve s-tu-ii for hlm tbrough Ibe appearance oleaae ol Iha dtoeaee. The paper addi that ibe recenlproebtmatlon ol Mr. Buak, Amnteaa Beeretary alAgrlrulture, waa undoubtedly a prellmlnary lo dlplo-nintl, preaaureon tlreal Brltaln, but that now ne i.,

will be beard lor a long llme to eome ol ralalaa tbarestrlcUona on the Importatlon ..f Amerlcnn cattle.


BT BAT1V1 IZaaxlbar, Oet, 17..Advteea from th«- Interlor thaw

that tbe Wahehe trlbe, wbleh In tbe latter parl ollast year amaaacred u German expedltlon under com-nmnd ..f Ueutenanl vob Zelewekl, MlBpi the rom

maader, many ofacera and 300 men. have |u-i Btl I dihe German atation al Mpwapwa, on the road io

L'augara. The Arab Governor, two German und twoBrtllab Indlana were killed and many ol Ibe defendera of tbe atation were wounded. It is reportedhere tbal Ibe natlvea have made attaeka on ol r

Enropeafl atatlona. bul no detall* bave I.n rertdved.Parts, (»ct. 17 \ dlapateh lo t:.Tempa" from

Zanzlbar conflrmi* ihe repurted uttack on Ih. flermanatation nt Mpwapwa. The dlapateh add.« tbal IbeGerman rominander and a birge number ol Aratw werekilled. The IVuhehos plllnced tbe atutlon and looko.r with them large .iu.niM.i-s ol Io.h.


Parl*, o, t. 17.-a dlapateh from Porto Boro aayathut no aewa bai been reeelved there alnce oetober12 troin tbe Prenrb eipedltion uader rommand otci-.n.i Dodda, The lat-st lnteDlganee tbowed tbalthe expedltlon waa on the polnl of pamrins Kot.. andadi i,ii- on Cana. Thls latter pluce ahouM bavebeerj )¦. h. d j - 1. rdaj.The ir. ii, I, Chambera reaume to-lav th-lr .->.-

tlon, after ihe aummer ra atlon; md tbe InterpeUatlon aboul Ihe Dahomey expedltlon, notlre ,r theto - 'ion t.. offer wblch h is Blreadj been glven, willIcad o wartn debatea, If no more aatlefactory dlapatrbthan t: , one publbtbed ab. ve la reodved brom theth ...;i-i. imi the aueeoaa wblch hns a< ¦om

paaled rhe Bral movementa «.f Colonel Dodda, dnrlngLis marrb toto the IntenMr af Bebamdn'a darhdomlnlon, ju-ti!i,s tbe beBef tn th, old aaytng thalno newj hl good newa, Ai th- rnte of the lalestreporta, tue Franch oolnmn, comprUlng aboul 1,800Bonogaliar and Eurepeao sUi.i;ers. hud advanreg uloiigti ia Oneme Blver ap fo ti>e Tohone ford. lo<) rnil*--*from th>- eoast, and i»<\ paaaed aeroaa to Ihe otlieibai k ol the Oneme, uft.-r bavtng dedeated tu,DaboBiaaa ln three dlfferanl fls.'its. Tlie road waaa eampaiatlvely ea«iy one frum the ford to Al.ome*.the eapital of Bebantln, or to Caoa* ihe baly ettyol Dahomey. The cpposltlon whieb may bcj raanlfm.-d in the I'.'tiis Cbaraberi tn r. ?'nrrt U) the ex-

p*<ittion win eome only ft..m tbe few p^puti.. w-i,oare anabMia to soire u|»on an* pr«t,xf for aaaalUBgIhe i>ovoniment. Tlo-ir prltvlpnl a'puinetit willproba"i.iv U, l.ns.-d iijxiii the tact thut only'ra:Xt had been *<>t<<<l Iu .lune for th»; aivr lnDahomey; and v.,a\ the Goveraaaeal haa ahreadycxhiiusted thal r.-dit an«i wtll »* compeUed fo -p.-tiilmore tlmii lD.faiu.taaj, ,,. adniltte.1 t,y '. 1>- T>trnpa."B kQldstertal (ir/iiii. Th, opposltlon I>epu,tl,a willnot fall, elfh-r. fo coiinect tne Dahomey eXpertlllnnwltb that of T.oiKlti. and proelnlm thal Iranec ahouMUwp h-r aeMtera ar.d her BNBBBBJ8 at homa, wltri n

vtaaa la the eaer-tbreatontag War ln Baurope, liist.adof lavi«hine them ln ,«>ionial enterprteee. Bu. ijFVance, n< «-,. aaM oawe. "ta ricL enonph f.> payfor her itlorv." ibe 1^ aufHnloutly rldi al-o to jm»a fe-e mtili" a t«.r an expedlifon Inteurt-.! t«, i-r..-:i.ota dvtl tatl '^ overthrowlng Bebaatln, the ui'-at-eit >la\'e fr.! r li, tlie WOrM.

A BEVOLT IN THi: COEOO -sTATE.Eru?^l», Oet. 17..Advlees eweetved h.-r* report a

fretdi Bflrttva Oprlslng ln the C«.;.ko .s'a'e.

Itepiiblbnna, ihe polllna plnrra ln tbe «nrlona elerllondlatrli-t* v»HI BB open fiom *» h. m. .0 0 |>. 111. lor 1.1*reaiatrotlon ot a o.ei» lo-morroi*. Vour rneni.e* .11 fiolhNew«iorU und H100UU11 Hie iiiiiUImk eir.J exrr.lon .0

rrai*trr thelr 111.11. \t ill »ou. «lio«e roiir»..- i« BO )ii".. be

laag iirlitr, eninest nnil il.H riiiin.'.l ' BVCT) IUpul.ll. 1111

in ihe 1110 111<-« abaald reabatew ia maaiaw


1^ a i;io Dl \i. OM FDOTf- BEACISG and

THE B06TOB A.\r> Maini: BTaTXEMsaiii IO BE iv IT.

The nlr of Wiiii Street aaa fuil of runwra yeater-day B propoaed deal wbleh II aaa aaM woaddbind np in otie greal eomblnntion the New»Yort andKew Kt.t;iiiiid, the Bew Vork, Kew ll.'ir.-n and llart-A.r»l, the New-York <\ntr;il. the Boatoii aad Malne andthe Beadlng ayatem. Bome <>l tne t.p.rts aprangnp her.-. la Mew-Yort and othem came l.v telegrapfafrom BoatOfl nnd Phlladelphto, bul i.ll agreed tbal

.in- aaeh movement wns on loot. One etory had it

tliat fh<- pretldeata 01 repreaentBUvea «r tba varlonaoerporatlona aamed im.i been aeen ta eoaferenee atfhe rii.ii Avenue Hotel on Frlday, and tbal ti,-v were

ahout ready to iiiiik* pubVe anBoaneameni of the de-

talfa) >>f a piaa af operatloaa wblch had been vbrtuaDydectdad apoa evaa beforc afr. Pnraona aaanmed theprastdenoy of Bear-Eaghtal. Tbe -.iheme aa .1

to invoive ehangca ln the preeidenele| un-i dlrectorleaof the Baaton .-md Malne aad the New Bngland roada,und Qie (orniatlon between ihe Bnea Intereated M a

BloM imfii, aBlance aimlhir ta ebaiaetef to tbal tararee between u.o, Beadlng, Jeraej Obatral, LeMgh\aii»-v ai d Baltlmore and Oblo ayatema.

Abeolately no eongrmatton of the rnmera eooM be

dhtalneg. Caariea Paraona, preaMenl ol ibe Bew-Vork a"d Bew Bngtaad, dectored poMtlvety thal he

had tnhaa bo parl ln any eoaferenee >.f any hiti.i. ex-

,..|,; ihe one at Wotertory, Conn., on Boturday, whentbe oontrol <,f tbe Meiiden, Waterbury and ConneeUcul Blver Ballroad waa turned over 10 Ma road anderIhe i.e« Blaety-Btoe-year toaae. Preaidenl HcLeod,of Ihe Beadlng, w»a in town both reaterdajr ande.itiir«!.'iv ln critaultntlon wllh many rallroad men, i.nt,,,. eould nol i,< renrhed by Ihe reportera. Al tha(Jreud i.m.i.l rfUatlon It wbn .i-m-.i tbal the VninV-riiiit- were ln any way Intereated iu nny oeaai,,'. rcrned Nea Knclaiid. Mr. Depea nld lhal Ihe

were iinfound.^1 n far a« he h w, and that,.. ,|;1| n ,,1,,, ,,f whal waa behlnd Ihem.

Tbe moal KlgnlBennl f- itur, ol Ibe altnatlon wai

tha fu't lhal New-Bnghind roae to prlce on IheKtnck Rxehnnge ln conaeiiuenee of a demiind for. li.e.;,,!, ,, || torg'-ly from from PhUadelphia,*,ni, aorne ordei fr ra i; ».



PhUadelphia, Oet 17. Thomu Doian, ol thla flty,. gjn |i r .,' ibe Beadlng BaUmad. rxr*."t Igoor.<of any eenference of mllmad ptlidd^nta lo arrange

r t. allfance between N-- Engtand, Boaton and

Malne and ibe Beadlng IVben aaked if the Beadlng,1. n and Malne and .v-» >"ri> and Bew llaven

migi were not to onttol the New Kngland. lolniiy,Mr. Doian repBe4: ' 1 eannof^aiy." and retnrnedti,, aame anawer whrfl a ked «ti-.t provtalon would

be made lor Wew-Bngland'a Breferred atockholtlll- aaM lhal be d:.l nol knoa whetber Mr. Paraonawould ., ..-ti Ihe preiddencj ot Nea El ; md. Mr.

Loi:.,, dcnlea that he haa BC4|alred any atock to theroad.


Tha rtew-T rh Onlml eent oai Ha f*teago Hmlledyeaterday mornlnc ln la aecttoaa, Tha firsi -¦

rarrted the regubar pB!«*?ngerB, aaaoag whaaa araa

Counl Arro, of BerhB. wbo s<-<- t<> atlfad the OaJumMan r.'lebi-atloti at ChlcagO- The BUBBfll sertlon lama'le np of Bpaatal paJaea ean and .arried Vlee-PreaIdent MortOfl and Mt I«ir!v. nnd 08 ITesldent llnre*

;,n,i Ma party, thrnagh ta Chloago by wa» of the UkaSliore and MleMgafl >oithern. (iov.rinr Klower and

Idj atatl .J-" waal on thin tnilu «- far ns Batalo.wh re he will start today over the Ml.lilcnn Cen-tral, alth Troop A af New York Oavalry.

'Ihe VI.e ITesldeiilluI tialn li hituled hv the NBW<York CeritrHl's new monater en»lne. No. 00,'i, WhtehItaa Tfoot dilvei*. Ih »»0 feet lon*. 18 Mal hlgh. aod

BBgkjhg aaO.OUO pouadai. Tbla U the l*re««t »n4 (aat-

e*t eagta* in the wotat, aad reeanUy made a eoa-llnaom mi, ,,f aeva t) i mlle* aa liour w;th aheevy traln.

a large number of manufi turen and bualnea* menfrom iba eentral and we»tern portioa ol the Statewttl alac itart to-dai and to-nlghl the Board ..f Baa-igen ol lb« Intematlonal Uague ol Pieai Cluba wllllaka the rventng iraln orei Uia New-Yerh Centrai:.i,i Iflehlgan otral » Chl ago.

OPPOS1BO THE UOUSATOBIC LEASE.Brldgeport, < Oet 17 (fl lal)..A meetlag af

th* -. kb Idi n ol tbe H !: .¦ >d Oompaaywlll be beld ln tbli clty t the p u potlagol »otlng -ii .. |. ' .. road lBew-York, New-IUven and Hartford RaUroad Com-pany for nlnety-nlne yeara from July 1, ISBg, Thecontolldated road dlrectora hara alread* roted fnvur

¦. the propoiltlon. Il wa* undentood heri IbUafternoon tbal t... New-Yorh courti bad granted an

tlon to r. r tbe Hou atoahRallroad as eontemi l .. heartni ot. the appll. ui -. wai :- M In . e I nlted Bl it. Clr. ill Court.ln New-Yorh Clty, It Prlday, Tba graatlag af theln] ii etton wai ... kefeller nndI, Plerpont Norgan, wiw d< :¦.¦ the conaumaMthan ofIhe leaae, and wbo beld lt. New-Yorh court* imd aeftirtadletlon or power t.. graal nn InluncUoa aBeat-lag ootagi oi tbe ttockholdera1 meettnfl ln CbnaeeUcut, bobm f the atoi kbolder* ln Ibe ii laaatoal*read »eal nt anea to work t.. get aa laJuncUoa la

anaeetlcut court*, but whether UMy auccerdedor not will aol t- deflnltely known untii la-aaorraw,at the meetlag. He* ra. Haraaa nnd BoekefeUer <>«n

ov.r M*ea righthi ol tne eattre ?'»(k ..f the llauaatoalcroad, aad ai-.. iioi.i a Ibtec lotereal la the Ne« Vork,Bew llaven aad Hartford. They win be preaenl tomorrow al tbe meeting ..r tha Board af Duractara.

.-'.¦. wltb oiber rallroad men, heid a aecret Baaatoai:, Wea York to-day t.. adopt a plaa of aetaaat.The termi of tne leaae aa agreed up.m annie Baie

ago by tbe dlreeton of botb companlea, for tbe atock-bolder* to ratlfy, were rlther tbat the Houaatonlcitoekholdera mlgbl lurrender righl ot thelr>- foron- of tbe New-Yorit, New-Haven and Hartford, orh..p ta-lr Houaatonlr iloek and reeetve for lt oaep. r penl annually. Purh ¦ plan i- n«.t ron«tderedequltnble by the mlnorltT rtockholden <>f n,- Houaatoi '¦¦ road.

? .

BAeTTBOUNn B1IIFMENTB OF FBEIGIfT.Chlcago, Oet. i" .\ fnrther Inereaae ln raalhound

:: -i Chkago la reported forla-t week. Thi enUi.v.m-ni. excltulra of H*eKtork, by all roadi amounled to 77.vji lona, aaatnat71.771. for the preredlng week, an Inerea - ..f 5.751tona, and agalnal 3B.S11 r.,r the corre pondlnala-t year, an Inereaae ol 21.008 tott*. Of thia amonnlthe Mlehlgan Pentral carrled I3,82g tona; B'abash,..._'-:: Lakc Shore, 12.301; Fort waryae, 8,402; Panllandle, lO.flal; Balllmore and Ohto, 4,456; OrandTtunk, 5.404; Nlekei ptate, 6.61 i: Hilcago andBrie, 7,^:;.i, Blg t'our, 3,021. Lake abipmenta dnr-Ing the week amounted to 110,170 tona, agalnal IM,-142 tom for the precedlng week, a deereaaa of 11.003tona Through abipmenta ..f Bour, grarn aad provlalotu from Chlrago tn the eaboard by Ihe n idthe -i .1 Pi iffle \ latlon amounted 38.1 17tona, agalnil 32.042 fnr the preredlng week, nn ln-

i. :i-- of 11,10 lon '¦ '¦ foi tbe .:

r.Hpondlna v.-i, j., i.-.r. an Ineni .. of M jl2t, -. f .!..- iraflle .' \ and. II irrled Mp r r-tit, Ihe I'¦¦;. ... Ivai la IIi 23 p. r 11 nt, th*

,. I..-.. an.l Orand Trunk M per cenl and the !.utlmore nnd >bl u per -nt.

BfMOBS OP A BAIUtQAJJ DEAL,Pltl barg, Oet. 17. II wa* ramoted among the rall¬

road oflfoea to-day, lhal * blg deal had |uai i«»-:iimmatBd In whleh the Pennayl*an Bon

ayatem, embraciiig ihe Pan Handle aad V'andall*had Bbaorbed the rerre llaute and Pi >tia r.Kid

and Ita branehca. The deal, it U ^aid. bai been eon

templ ited for » ¦¦. he Terre llaabPeoria ayatem rmbracea three Unra. The main Hnefroaa Terre llaute ta Peoria ta I7i> mllea ln bmgtb.Th- eonneeUng line* nn. the Dea tfoiaea and Banaa*Clty road, eorertng in mllea, aad the Chleaga, i'»rtMadlaoa and Dea Hotac r*d. forty-nlne mtl«"s ln

hmgth.p.nnsyivanio Campany Blotat* k:u-w aotatag at-out

the jnuttiT. Ti>/ aald Uie aew Haa wouM aot haveanv ..onnertioii wlth the Northweal lyadaat,

MiKPARIVi F<'K WOBUV8 PAXB TttAFFtO.Chleaga, Oet, 17..XIIBoaa »f doUar* are t.etna

axpended br the raBroada rentrlng ln Ohtaaga in

pr-pamtiona for th* expeeBBf Inereaae af baataeaadarlag the BrorMPk Fafr llpward <>f i.:,on n»w

BaaBMBga* oeaohai aad a*. r 4'-.> new aaghMa ha*et.een ordere«l U> le ...t. n tttai BBd d. lheied BWfOr*May l. IBBB, and aU " - rat worka and loroniotlteaboya tn the eoantry nr- ruaatag orerUm* te ru th-ordera. The inir.ois Centrai Bera for :i»x.mr1- aj.d 50 eagtnes. The Chleaga nnd Bortbent« irtag hnlit im nr- and 40 eaglnce, «nd fb» Ldb*gborc iu<> eara and Bnea la bbobI Iba .>ame

proporuon all Ihe road* an addlna lo IheB' on'iiplt is eatlmated that the oauay for addltfonal

rolllng Bloek and notlre power by tha < M ago r,.u.ikaii na v.iii not fall ort o 17,0

I.AKK AM) I: VII. BATES Iv.i. Hlnn., Oet 17. Ar. ofBetal dreaktr t raed

Bd mornlng hy the Northem Bteamablp Canpaayannoaaeea tbe reetoraflm of nit.^ New-York,Phlladi ii hl. ¦'' dhei tern pntata to 8t. Paollo a baala ol II 01 to bt. Paul and 00 <-nt- t Dnintii.

TMK GBEAT OBAIN CBOP BLOCBg THE ROADSBJoaa Clty, lowa, Ort. 17. The rar famlne eoa

Mnt..^. Tlie nilwiv- nre baaleged hr agfdicatioB.for roDthg atoeb md tba demnrraga regnlaUona ai*l.^-lnc mrlctlj enforeed ao lhal the ean may u-

pr mptly nnloaded. Tbe tran portaUoo ..f tha hamenae kraln rrop whal rau the ahortage ..f raiNo retaaae cati \»- experted f>r at 1-a-t two manthaor tintll the butk >.f the graln i... beon deBrered.

AJTBTJAL HEETTXa OF THE OBEAT N'»HI1IKRN.m. Paul. Mlnn., Oet, 17 li:- Hiinnni ¦oattBg af

the Oreat Northern Ballway efcelad a* dlreetoi t-

^eirr Ibree yeai Ifenrj II. Hchlff, >.f Bew-YorkiMr Donaid A. kmltb, "' Hontreal; and Bdward I*Blehola, ..r N.« Vork. The dlrertor* eleetfd the folwlng ofaoera: PreaMent, J. J. HUI, ..f M. J-nnl:

rlre prealdeni, f'oloneJ w. P. i lough, of Rt Paul; areletarr, B. T. Mtbolaa, «.f New York; treaaureV, V.Sawyer, of st. Paul.


OFFICEBfl 'ii A s-i.i'TW\vi>'iii;v ROAD BLECTED.Clnelnnatl, Oet. IT..The ananal meeUag <<< tha

aharehoMera ..f the Dneinnatl, New-Orlean* and Texa*la-iiir Balrway *ra h#M here to-day. Tbe faBawiagperaona were elected dlreeton for the enanlBg ve»r:

\v. P. Aiider-on. Oalttn g. ftrlee, s. M. Paiion, W.A. Baofuaaa, AHiwader BcOoeaM, C. C. Harvey,Charlea H. HcObee, gaaauel 'ihomas. l. C. Welr waa ehaaen b> plaae ..f T. T. «iaff, and Mr. HeOhee in piioe of Joha II Inman. The Areeton »»r

rwil/eil aiul re. -|-eted Mirnn. I Thoaiai rlndiiiiaji g.B Peltoh. pr.i.ieLt Heorj Prak and v. r. Harvey,rlce presldenta: lt. ll Tatem. ¦ecretart. Tha annualrepon ahowed a decreBae In net earnlnga of aaia^sS.


Th- regular BMalMj meeUng -r th- BorthernPaeifle Board ai IBreeton waa beM fealerday, ar*-rai day* In advaa.f Uie a ual lime, tn order 'balthe in. Ident' mnual reporl mlgbl be r»*lewed nnd

prepared for i<.nUllon lo tbe annual meeUng of? i,-uii..1.1.-I-. whleh uin be beld oa Thuraday. Mr.

ftakn* gare a eerhal repor' >.f th- r-nit- <>i kta

rerenl lo'ir of I'.-i-. ii..n o'-r Ihe ayatem, aad thia..kln .,1,o be prepared for aubmUJoo t" the ataelbold. ii- ''a,.


THE BEW fBAILti ON THE CEXTBAL.Th- work ol uylBg tbe new 100-pound ateel raUa

.rn tbe Nea York Centrai ~.\-t-ni i- advaneiaa npbUy.\ |:1,.... .... |on i..: a. .-ii ihe llarlem Rlvi r and

,. ,, i.. i- nifi.ti|.i. t-d, and yeWerday the.,, !, were al «<.rk in ti.- yarda al the Orand Centnl-t,..ii..ii. The new rall. wlll replare Ihe etthtypoand,,,)] which miill ti.'¦.. were Ibe beavleal In a»». "

mli fea \.ai-> »lnc< the ihlrtj m< 1^.1111.1 rall waaIhe landard.


Chleaga, Oel 17. t'halnaan Mldgeiey, of Ibe aTi I..rn Fretghl AaeoekiUon, baa arranged f..r a laalenwitn ti- repreaeatatlvea ol Ihe Bew-Engtand road:.i Beaton 00 Oetoher 20 t" Ba * ichedul* ol west-lioiiml ratea M gowern after Um cloae >.f lah- Baelgatlon. Aircady Um ra' 1 are beglnnlng to ga "i».- TBa

Keep Oil Ihe K11.n1>.a la* waa irha ta aa ia*k li a aawa d*''.- ">''- J»-

lagaalat than one wl.o atui k» Ba In U'.- apaa Beld, *nd

f.r WbeaB as^aulta we are, ln a ni'-»«ur.'. piejut' t Thal

daagar.a aaeaay 10 baaltb, aaUaraa, maat ba aataaateiad(ully anr.ed. 1*.» thru«t« are »naa»n. un'.xp^ted and

dc»dly, ind ean only be suaided a(f*ln»t wlth i-«riainty

by fnrtifrinf the jTiU-m by a coutm of fkgbflatva medl-

eattea. Tha ».ire»t def»;;.e utainn cani., and arrar,MUaaa r"inii>nt. dinr.!. a_n.. »nd ae'ie aak*, B 11*- r - BtaaBgfh Bitt.iv whiek n »i-o aa. eradkata*

.f ,||(. BMMt 0l*tmuU. kWBM of n.jlarU "hi. h :¦¦>'. U11

aatlea af irtlaBaJ apiiian, and th' vnu- af wblahraaaaia* m tha ayaaam evaa »ii'ii Ui» taor* vi»i*nt

,TnipU.m» are iub*ue«l. OneBgaBBB, B**JB romplaii.;.ayaaMBJMda and aidney trauftlaa aic alaiay*' reli«v*4 byuii/ aumial aBBafafc

YOUR HEALTHmav dp-nd unoo tlie way you traal UM waralngi wnrh

,n a. a f- ¦ I " '' - - s Brtea a. ti.

...... m heeini tor a yeai or tw*.

Therelora aet «t onee, foi It bi Impotuni Umm aatura bai the i s. B. 8. aever falia i

toa tyatea. af ., and n aa exeeileni toa

HE V.-ANI-. 1" A'"' H1~ BAMB.

Permlt a* ta edd my aaroe w yom Biaay ith*r eertlB-eotei m

' tha great ara.i B b*< :¦. Speeil fS »¦ 8 :. i- rertainly

..... i t Bveruaed. JOHS W. DAK1EL,a: Bi :-.ri. S>. C."

ir<.t!-» on Biood and 8k!n Dlaeaaei melled tic


i Bfladfatn Pa Iflc i.:i announced »n admnce ta foorth,Bfth and ilxth-claaa ratea to tbe i»U ol 33 centa peru«i pountfa Boatofl to Bt Paal, taktng eBeel Uetober'j<>. The nr.s: three claaaea remato al Bt, 4". and 83cent .,, ii\eiv. Bo tronble la ar.tldpab d toBringing aboul iw reatorallon ol ratea Unme-giatei) alter tbe eloae o! navtgatlon.

TO RATIFV SBaW-BSOLAKD LBAgJB.UostonJ ovt. 17..It is aaM aflkdally that the Bew.

Yorlt and Bew-Enataod Bpecbtl meettag to be heMto norrow is io rattfy the toaaea ol tbe Provtdeace and

gprlngfleld and the Mertden, Waterbttrj aad Cooaectl-mt Blver raUroada

BapahBtaaa erhe «.«h m .n»j.ire eaaBdaare ta th*pnrM «.ll «» «o ibe polllna pbaewo to..oor.-..« im.l

r.-al-ler A lurae reui-.inilou nn ihnl <l"v «ill n.eiin

ihe aavBHaaj «> a h.rae awte tor Harriaaa aad Raaaa


Th» vkdUa ippll »1 btbIb ln tbe L'nlted Btateaon Baturd | waa ai lollowa: Wheat, 35.081.000 b

rta, an Inereaa. ol 3,807,000 bu beb; corn, 13.187,000buahela, Increaae 831.000 buehett; oata, 7,540.000buaheto, Inoreaae 330,000 buahela. "n the yetterdaj the aalea ol optlona on wheatamounted to 1.405,000 buahela, and n "'. wbb

,-., v to 1. With dl o iraglng cable a.ii--t prici Li .1- ited a «i-.,',:.f i eent. A rea. tloa

Immedlately took plaee. lollowed bj a fnrth-r decllneot i |S3 - cent, .s a reaull ol beavy recelpta it

prlmary potnta, Increaaed alocka to itore, and in

Inereaa. In weeMj rbdWe aupply ttoteraentToword thi rloae ol Ihe .Ion, bowever, lh< ra

.,!: ,li ince ,f l i ¦ Bnal Jtemper w,.. .iv. Octobei optlons -.Id Bt >:i Ha .- 3-8 cents.SoveraNT ii. 70 1 k. 71. 1-3 cem»; Decemboi a 0,a -1 centa; Mi r. h .-' - 8 *nt*; Aprll at -.,.. -<¦¦

-.. l ¦. i,;.-. and May al 87 3-10 centa. rhe pol,,i, ¦. ment wa falr Kxpoi -ra took j-.olmi buout of t.,tui -p-.t aalea ol 53,000 Misjieis.

The ipecula Ion Ii rorn «*ai Umlted, and the marn irul-l Irregular. -,,... .,., cloaed at 1-8 c#ntadvunre nnd orben »1 i -_< -1,-. deellne. Tne »pommrkoi aaa ive. Bidppera t.,ok ,...*«>

',.'!¦'.'¦.-.: d ai, de< t:. d a BS 1-9. rant earlyd-iv and b'.b i.-rly rwecvered 1-881-4 eent

rp., lot* whpi .-.i-i:. but more BCttve.besliig .pi ntloua arar*

v. ., ,,',..,. 78 5-8 Novemher, 78 1 2: De-ren ber »0 7-8; J.inuary. W 1 S May. ~~ l ""'¦

(,,-¦ ,,..r 40 7-k ; Novemher, 50 8 R; December.M :: -. 114, M..v, 33 :i i <¦ nts.

.»,-. i. -,,i.,,, 34 i 3 No4 1-8; Dac. m-1.-:. 3«l .'! M-i\. 30 1 'J ¦'-

lu:,| Ortober, r-'.'',, November, 8825; '¦

g7aal^^.'. reeelp. ,' S . Vork ton, Pblladeiphlu ndllaltlmor. IVheat. 777.008 buslola .-..::.. -»._'-¦ ~'^1.|.....|. ,,,- 17',',: 1,',-V. is; toljil gratn, l,J.4,.»lbunheU: tl- ir, 78.331. pu. kop*. llu rw-elpti at i

if :. :,- .1 Uml were: VUmt. 633..01rn, .118.110 bu 113.513

paal graln, 1,054,4111 bv -1-, Bonr, .-<».--- i"«> .

TIIK TBADI IB CMIOAGO.Chfaaga, Oet. ir Btpecktll. Tbe toereaae la tba vtetble

..f aheat, 3,B44,000 buaheto, made tba .'-'l over

.rJl.K«».. Liish-la. Uie lark.--.' on record lor theBcaaon ol ti- year. Tha prlmary markot r.tpuof wheat, 1,800,000 buaheto, were Ihe targeal lor ¦

hIdkI- duy eii,. <. iha erop began to mova. iu- In patio:, abaet Bbowed thal the local atoek kere durtngthe areeb had toefeaatd 831,000 bua iela, maJdng about¦i.oiio.'v'i btaahebi ta Ua pobBf Al1

th.-.e ntrarea, from th- ebdMe to tbe Northweatemrecalpto were of a s.,rt lo dopreai the trade, Pomake .hia apparehtly n on ertal M>* were wea*.-,^1 prteta uid mit derlin*. bal advauced, ai,

PKtvou up 19 eeat, and .>', at thi top, Bay aoldu-tweei, -o :i -8 aod BI, and r.loaed ut ru aani -i.t

fnou-Nflotiahl* the predlrUon of n.iu bad mo

d, wtlfa Uie aavanae. J d bef.*e the elooe adviceatr.m tbe NorthweW aaM thal Jtm Blver VaU.;y r-.-ipMUad Btreadt bW-n iu. down 30 per .-ut. .-rn atieoabout as wbeat dM, Maj aelllng np trom i ¦.

- t J"lop. ll waa al n .i mutii-r

l rnln ln ctSi ,. Th, rec.ipta wert l»:«4» ra: for iu.-.'.-.. 7M0 eara. I. l.-U-.i ... ir ti-

n,m i d. leUera ol ...rn I.-. aeek,u,r. rovorl | .. » growlng Mb-1 lhal i

for \\ u ii aboul Ibe oilom. i»oi rttll -i a

ra i ln aelllng. from 333 l M 1-fl, ','.- .... Pnrdrldee eovoted a I ol

i-.,, B -..,-r, very Btrong, pork advanetaM i" centarrel; tord and rlb*. M ... -¦;."'¦;; ¦' '">" "'':

Bverythlnn cl.I al .he top [b. ttrtirbt,-..,:,,,.-,, ln ...t,,i,.r ipread tn N. ...i-r. II

n 10.001) t...l.vumated lot Tn. aday. Prlcea al ihe yarda

weV< 10 to 13 centa hlillrx. ,,i waadu ' 1 - .'«."' l"'n-r' '"tures

, , , .- No. 1 H.H1l m

,, , .,1,1.. i Baz, BI l" 141J December wa

tl 10 lo ^1 10 1-4.


Tbe petroteum markel rnjoyed an unuaual en-

porlenee yeaterday, ln th. bap. of a pronounced Utllet.n m pip- llhe certllkati Bo dttle haa beendooe la petroleum r-. atly, " il tbe B5,. barrete.old al tha «.oii-olldai-d Rxchango aeemed Uk- a

Urge duv's bualneaa, and th for over a

waek were reported eu the Btock Bx Uange, amount-im; to 7... harrel ln Batton U l. in It certllprlcea Bttdered from tbe actlvity, bowever. faUtag «.n

tn, Uonaolbtated Exchange, Irom ¦¦! !.. 301-4nti it. tlo Ing al .." 3 enta, * blll on thi

t.\,'i,.iii,- the i|uo.nilon wen i0 and '¦<> cei

i- .. .. tor r< tl ..! -- 'i crude oU aiMr. malned uin luingeu.

UVEtTTOCX MABaXETrJ BV TE1 EOBAPH.Buffalo, o<i. 17..Cattle.Beci'lpU for Ihe toat

'..4 bcHira 3,100 kehd; tulal i.t week ihiw far. t..,-..i,,.,,i f ,i Mine iu., toat week, 7,ooo head; ¦.... -i.i.-<iIhrough 1,480 head; to Nea iork, l.eno ..-.,!. on..|. 8,300 head; markel upened 15 lo l1" kower. tbelatli r .'le. iin- on om. .i dull »lth u numl -..

IUI-...U1; .-xii-ii ateera, 1,500 t> I.UUO U ¦.¦ WOO;Cholce do 1,400 lo 1,500 :-. 84 10 ¦-!<¦¦. itood t,,

!ali,> fag ablpplna .1". 1,800 lo 1.1'mi ,,. 84 104«w :id. medluni Butrhet und alilpiiei ,' i--r. I.loi)i,, 1,350 Ba, B.I >Oi. .ri: 11 ^ n tiaiid) butcbera' *»,l,o<io io 1,100 tba, BUsi3«885i>; llcbl Uall la.Bte«-r«, '.'<«) to 1,'Kiy ;'-, gU 75. 83 1". roar -. 1.0O010 1.4.H) Iha, 83iOrt83 35; oxen, .uon lo '- ¦'¦

.f'J '_'.* iS'i -.'> !'..»- iilol tiell-r.-. Koud Ut eXtrtt. 83 50.1aa75; do .lo common, fU«(3 10; poor lo iiood ntlxedbulchera' wi. to 1,000 Ba, Etia 83 7".. cowx loi.unouio i.iir, ti .ntfifi, do i.*ooii t.. corn l"d. 83 i ¦¦»

8276 bull aiock. glt(0<r82; rat, 84l25<ia>j <0; -x

p.ui, 82 MOrfgy d(»; bologna, *"-',.f- .-'-.. atotkecs andIwdera iloa and i,.w-i-, tluckera, 8235.i8200;fe,.,ui B3H5<r8B85; ronin.on t« i- ailleb cowa,0220845. Ilogs.Berelpla lor th- bu. 24 houM,13,350 head; total for week ihu. far, 38.050 head;for ii,ne tim- laai wreh. 41.1O0 I, ,-ul conalgnedIbrousb, 18,030 head; lo Kew York, 10.330 head: ons.ii... 15,000 ii.-ini mnrkel opened alrouu to aj^hadelinn.-r; cloaed Brni, all *old: heav* eorn fed, e". 7...85 to; pm k.-i-s uml medluni, i6 75ag3 8i>: Yorkeralood t.. h,-.t ...rn fed. .-'.'. .'"' *.¦ '¦'.: do Hchl '.> hilrdo, |, k> -.",....: good beavy enda, 85485 35;plga, good t«. be fed, g3a 8S II ,;pit: common -Klr'' lo falr, S-^',..-1, aaaortedroi.lilia, B535£g.*i .": .oniu. rougha, 84 ." N 7',:

>":! 7.1084 30. Klut'p and Imn'¦. K ..» li«t s im-Uie lii-i twr.-iitj four :.-. tl.-ji.i li-:..i total tui-wee ihu< btr, 18.000 head: for aame llme las. weok,l-.imi h<ad; r.»ns!gn,,<l Ihnm, i,i 0 i< id to Ne*.York, :i,-i«i head; on **lf, 10,000 l,-ud: markelopened n-rj iiuii .ind h.u-i'. I.. .ai nreak, with a numher linsold; rliole* lo fanej wel i-l 81 ¦" fl 751falr t, Bimd .p. 84*4 »..: rulla and romnion, do,-j ao. (3 BO; un.'iil do, 811 7',..I 7'., I'lnaba,ii.-ti.-.-. rholee lo fancy. 95 23ir8W>flo; do, rali lot.I, .*I 75*83; rulla lo mlr. 83 75»8I 75; Cunadu.¦ouimon ... good. ¦¦¦¦ 35. 83 50; do, cholce to i.r.-'. '.#3 7.',.

t'btrago, ..... 17. im- Rvenlng Journal' reporta:Cattle Reeelpt*. '."J.iaiu 1,-h.i markel aleady ot. beal(Tadi oii-t- lower; be«l nntlvea, 85. .-¦ '.'

*l H 44 18) Texaiw, 81 ',.',«-J *0; storkera, f2 K5a. ;: »5; ro*.a. fl 30, -_. ., llo» K- elpta. B 1.000.,.,, t, markel 10. bigber: rougfa and rommon,11 -,,,. 13 pii k. is nn mlled, I '-' ]i.rlm, heevt and l>"ti-Ii.-i-s.* welcbl 85 ¦'¦ ¦-r 7".:.,, . U.'l.t. 8". lOwgCi 1' »¦ "-¦¦ P Ij ll'l '.''""

,,,,| markel IOa ISi blgher: ewe -.: i 81 i >:Ixel. 84 -. r'l 75; W-i.-m-. .ri 20a*5 55; tombs,


,, |,.,| ... t. 17 iMtt', Reeetpb4, 7.100 beedttilpment-., -'"» h-,.d: markel i..u -ui- fatr to

niiiiv iieera, ?:; r 73: ordlnan ;" i.'TVxaa .uid Indlan eteew. 82 10e#3, il,.^ K-. - p -.

;;:;,, |i.-,.l ablpmoBU, nol.-. m.irUei 10, Blgher,beavy, 85 30 85 UO.

I.t i;<i|'K.\N PBODUCB MABEETB,Uverpool, Ocl 17. :i 13 i> m. Beaf mid Pork ta

falr demand. Ilama in falraemand; .horl cnt, aboulu .,, io ". iteady al -'>i- Od; ahouldera, aboul ii' tois gj itiii ai 36a 8d. Bacon In good demand. Cheeaaln falr .i-m.nni. Amenean Bneat whtte and colnredtirm it 51" for Beptember make. Taltow nnd turpenline ii, poor demand. Boeln ln bir demand. LardKpnt and futurea In poor demand; prlme We»tern apoland Oetober, ateady al 48i 3d. Wheot and mpoor demand. . orn -i>.' ln pooi demand fotur. t-

Ihe demand l> Improvlng; mlxed VVealern Oerembetiteady ol l« 5 l-2d. Ilopi at London- I'l.-li" CoaalThoie'l« notl ng offering, Recelot« ol wheol fOr thelaai week from Atlantl. porta, 10.100 tiunrlers; fromPaclfle porta, none; from oiiier aourcea 19.000 quarlara Becelpta «.f Amertraa oata mt tha toat wivk-2i,7i)o gaartara.

i_ .

Along Ua iludaea Blver to Cbicugo, VaB New YorkOamtntk »..' .


li w. Bewr, pfca*--.. mi Baaa, bale* . ,,¦i'-,,J

. 100 Laad. ptg* . - ''.ABee.aax, tkp. . 2 Leather, aldee. B.aso

a.... ,. 'uab ::¦> spinw turp., bbi*.... »i»¦¦'..i. bale* .. 2,050 Ko»in, bbft . ¦',,

-¦i ...',*.. 428 Pltch, bi.N. .g*|. I:.-. |....... »58 Oil cak«. pkga. a,lj»

bi,- ii'.: "ii. ..:.!. bbQ. ;'.'aaea. 6,045 Paanuta, o*^». t,*j?

Pio'ir, pKg*. M,*2B Pork, pkgi. ¦".'-l on.n....... I.hl« . 40J|Beel pagi . ,nhi',

t ... ... meau pkg*. ^'Siu it, bu»k 820.225 l-.rd. pkuh . 'M,.

uth 281 t*rd, k. -- . (¦'..'I»7 '." B<im*i i-f< . '-;\

Mait. buah Cbeeaa, l.Kira . B.ioalUrl.-y. Lemh . 21.0V) S'imac baaa . 1*J«V .- fi-i . 6,050 Tatlow, pkga . V...-i».i. b'.a. 884 Tobaeea, hhda. <"»

i.-.-. pkRi 1.W Totacee, paaa . *."»"QraM aeed, ba?-.... 1701 B/fcfaaay, bbu . aai

OENERAL MAKKKT REPOBT.COFFEE Fot Braill grewtha the n.arket wa* dull,awt

tu,i tt loa#« i-innrea were falrly «.'..'..¦ l»n aa ir-,,,,,_. ,,, ... «. .¦ 10*15 polnW

,. _. on flrmei cable accouoU, but uadci > ;' "" "Xhr. .,;. - valu. - wld ofl and ela*ed with but allgBloet chabge. foi M- dar All the '.»»«» a*^. Tutlom " 45 p. m.-Oetober, 70a od, Noveniber, 70a edD oet 70. Od; Jauuary, 71s !)d | Kbruarv ,71* 9diM,: i, 70« '.'.t K:c auoted: Flrat onimnrv .io klloai.104000 g.I ucondVo kllo*>, W * IO0; »*$¦*£:XCc r idoti ln li..-. 5,000 ba«*i K:" *to^lt WO/JOO,,:;-.' Ki. Enarkrt dull; lUo ,hlpn.enl* by atoJUMI WIT, ,,i -:... , during week, 81,000 W>. l-h; ahlpnaau to

during week, 18.000 baga Blo purcbaaei toi stat i durlna week. 27.000 baga; rj|o pvrrhaaa* to*g .., i-K. 4J.OO0 U.«*: frelght per M-amer,o

lt .. .1 state" 80c and B per entprlmBge .teamer* h«dii.«.",. .! ro" aitTd >ut--' 4; ¦^.""£ Santoa. aa700jm - v,,,.... markat ttni,; Baotoa aklpmenU. fprUnlteaKtab-a i.v ¦¦¦¦¦. la.caej baaa; fita ¦Mv*o*o**tot

,,,,,.. :.. I,,,..,; sunto. pureha^ea for Lnlted M*te«,..-., J bi .-¦ M,i.,|..irl,>-.-» for Karoiie. U.000 bBgaSa^vSi fTelKBt |. "teamer ... Havre W Aaa- aad 10 per:,-,: priaiBgei Eteamen loadlng at Santoa for Burope, it

troni Bentoe, Oakabei U, Boaaa, 1..00O

'"Vi.nihs. iughe*t. Uwaaa. <&gfk. s°1"'

¦l'"',rv.. ir«.i'.n':Ki '.'..'..'.*V; ,'' .'.U85 I4JM I4.05dt4.75 8.250f\-r_U .......lJJS 14.70 14.652l4.70 6,750,; ..,.'.r. '... l.-..:,o 16.50 18.80al5.10 600'. ',,¦-. |635 15.20 l.-..-0,;|.-,.-.. 1,250

.,:; -:::::::: !.->..... ism wooait-ot 10.000,,, inx-Th.- *pot market nledriaody «'||Jf-^J»_"rm.. aaalaaal v\f"t- ,i.»7 hstl* - f'T ''Hl -umi>" Wl.

'f;;^';j;:v%.'!:;, tf. ^..^ ,^i.- ;^:,i.:<t w,iggbaie*la-., week - 'i 83.«°8 bu* yeBT.

..'¦VV".;;;""''1 .^.oo^eii 8.6W.J02oi a,?. u'' livs. 248 848 872.558I"',;,1::..,'..'".. w;,*-^*. asm w.age, .:,'ir:.v, :::: la^al .iSS

s., k m sew.York |n llcenaed wan-Boueea, co-mo dally .

414 uin i.'h r 1.I1.-- le^ttmated. 41,41*

,.'., u, Naw.York by runolBg^^

Bto' '":. .,:, rn;...iv'; I-r<; .^l::^.. .,^'",;,:,V'q lotattoai ai« aeaodBB Amerieaa itaodan of ektaatl a

Baa- rpi«nd». OaV.^ ., . .I*i .r> i:*-io

'V .,t 11 1.10.fv .2. Sf;$

., Ordlnary.-.?,,. -1!b.-i rttdlnary. J»Jg i^l..wMII!a .TliClB HK, i,u Mlddltog.71B-18 8

M Id ing.^V1C p,3-10IdlH 8 . aatia 8«.fllddling ..».» ^ ! ,,.>B aTBdi..Ji> o'li'i';I a'r. .

HTAUTBB.rjrdauu*. 0- kaJSf1^ .-';',.,,;

ol whl 11 arlean 3 '"¦ ' -".' ¦ '-¦¦' " ,"'' ! "f

whleh - -"nt- °°° t,r,l",. Al;.... 1.1. >i-f market -.¦ idler; mld uplanda,

1 i-.i-.|..-, .1, 1, ,1 barelj tteady and BneBanerd.faru' quleU, t. .t steady. f!..'li- n...l.

irket q.t and -r-ai.-.,,Vd -1 .... .'. -..: "¦.- »im ¦¦' SO«a Oetober...n.' \ .. ,0 \»t 50»4 January. Bl*ai

j'ri -'.l'.., klarek, 53; Aprll, .'..-". leJlera. Future

rY,"¦ ..,r«. gurta aeUre, oia-mna 54rd polata hnw,i. u.alna al a n-t *d».I of l« poiuU foi th. BBT.

.... ,:;,., were a-l-r. but 1. wrlng hy tha, rnjn brought abm.t tne

Tho aalei were H8.WH) belea.Clo*ing pri.-w. UgheatJ,

,,., h-, . :Y..'., 7.78 7 77.::: ....7.07*7.08 7.74 ,.«.i s, 00\,.\- n.'-r

7 BO 7.87 '¦ 7s 24 ..7 T'.l? 7 ,->ll .IO ..*.'"r .71»2tt7.98 7....'." 7...-I 76.600

J.":i:'".,..:::»:oi*8.oi «io s.o.- is,:ioo!. ;r;"M .h 14*5.1.-1 8.21 B.11 io 100.:'",V ¦¦.'. B.?5*H.2« 8.11 B.24 7 -.?.

il,,. "¦".".'".'.'..H.48iflt.4d 8411 8 15700,

.-. 8.5298.64 a 58 g.66 50*Ji.,i"h".Vn-'iV Ml.v-L- FLOt'B Thera ««. no Unprov,

.. .,.. d.tnand, and quotaBflOa. while nu

.rert iary.1'. ntit.t.nj. 8:il.v.. fl.rOO Bl l«.eiti£aiiotJdatei2*a*M*aTo th*Weal Indlea

;,.; ;,; ,./ 5 V... :J; .,. ,..,,... ai 90*0220. *i»riaaHteau, Bl 25«B1 86 ; MiperOoe Bt .0**2 20 flne

... .,. ,-,. .t- -i rn 1 « n.f. ±4 .->. - 1.'

.2 8 ;.-, .901THERB PLOUB Dull.260 bbU, qnoted *3 ii"./*i for »teal8hU;

,..-, | | I-..M. iti i «.Will \ r i*i.< R Dull; g ted 11 7M«1 nofoj neari Kwni aT URAIN'-Quoted BOBitBBily, *** towyi ii,. ,i i< i.u.i aalea, 200 ib.« ¦ageraac «t *J .,.>,.

-..i 70 .COUBMKAIa.Dutt. Br«ndy»tn« guotel *ii ¦>.>;"¦ '*>;< 10.

UltAIN WIIBAT The npBea ll-l f.ueind weak at

n ,|. ,-i ,.. ui -.-. k reaetfou ImmrtUteli t- plaee,r. by a rurther deelln* <.f '.¦pfa nt prln.ury polote, a.rl ln. r.<i--l

. ,. in .:. ind :i galu -iioivi by U\- areeaJy vi^lbus. All :..tvan. ol \nlHe "'¦¦ n toofc 1.1 .. ¦>

h th« w-.. and Ui I. a i« -.¦ -

ln ipot ¦'..... partljlahl 28.000 bu-h, of

.-...'. r..,i. ».000Ui Bo. 1 ! |.. (-i,.l.-r, and

N .( MI ineap. .1 LO B-ie> iindeiSile* 105 bu-h future; il't.> h -'.

-.,-. inrlnd S«i '- I.7U '» al ul Xo. 1 N'«jrthor.i.': NO. 2 Mll.«..,....;. ipring. 7:t.i7:t.,.. and ui.arad'd i.d ,o..v»_'

,| .¦ do !'. .:..'» r. Wlo J uarr, .'!<.,mg ut Waei ,lj *}*'Th.

-. .: inrir o''.1-.i*,,,.. cliMlngat. 8. i

.;.. ¦¦.' itive movameni wa* l*bt u tthe man mled :¦¦ rulor l'arl» ln Ui

h !. 1 re ..;.- and ln .- *.... W|th --r.- in it!.- -I..K-.' im '«. aovan.

.1 markei waa ta r.v, ndlnil S3.000 n

... .- |(000 ...-'. .!¦ .'' 'I ;"¦,.,.,,.r¦i (>O0 i.'i-l. -|"t_ ii-

"in'din X.'i mlxed at 4 ..>' ¦'¦" N''. ".';, ¦' ".

,1,-1. .,- ¦-./ .oV». '-¦¦.¦.

.. '.¦ doi,,.,.. in ".l ¦«¦. clo'lng al 51;,. do Maj 5

{ r o ...... .- ,. and de-.,,,,,1 mtloued v. ik In ayn path.i jrlUi »h-at

m.d .oni, a

A i. i.vei ¦¦'¦¦ however ,,d. i.a- ,t.nd ut a e. n Ul hi«>c s.M.f |.--

L yja" i 5? ...,|,. 15 :i.No ': "¦¦¦.iv NO. 3 ".

.' .»«, \ mlxed, .! liverid, .(".', unerad-dNr t'rn n.lxea hi do d.< «hif M«*»* N'' -

ivi-iio; ..t Mi'-.': d- Noiember. ," «..

b r 80^8 wjhigRl .. loatiig ai »OH». ^»,**'«f-'.i .i. .,: -oiit-.-' B»* al New-^ort follow:

Oit.ll '92 VV'k - I'h'eo. " 01.v. .. wheat 7 n.V) 2'.i8 loo. 78) ut)2 2.2< |2S ., ,.. ..7.' »"!. lie". Ii>" !.!¦. ."

,.: ,,.,., .i \. a \ irk in at.¦*«* :' 0et.1S.Ve. WVaCh'tr*. Oet.lT.-Ol.u,,.ir . ,0111.007 In .1 0780 7 6881

I..150.247 Inc. 1 .1 7-1 1-94 241.

2.010 100 Inc. 8M.8U 1 07O.IHM\..w.T. i'i l'i.-l-- v- I- «,.-.- -uvn.-i.t "f vl-ll.l- tup-

plyl Hatutday, .bei '.;. ,';;'.;,'.., ...

ifloal Inereaae n,..,, ., .,.->, - ..".-. "..!..«¦.» ».g07."50 .

,A '.' 'I, -l,"

UM'l .""" v.. ooo

.i ... 7. 19001 H OM ..

Barler. buah . 1.718.000 IMMk-O .. ..

Vlatble wpplj m th* Colted Btatea ind < anada:o. t 15 '92. Uit.8.'li:. Oet 17 .1 ui t 1 < .<.>

u ,. i. i| i.-,,ld)l,0 0 51,28,000 81.0 "4.941 18 7 : .0,,,',,. ,|, il.. iHi.i 11 8ld.vC0 8.8 »,853 8.J.'. ..

-"!"' |, . V...t.i 7.. H.'.aj i.;. ;..l/ *,.l230lg,.; I-,I,t'.il 0 0 88. 000 8,0»5,i>-2..

, XX* .. 50465o; du ahert rye, >0io - do m h. ¦¦;. 40-.

lioi'b b 'a moderataly al prevloua qjotaUone, Sew.1 Ktate rop ol 18:»-. ¦">. '- "" F'M* ".'u.,', 2*23. crog ol 1*91, prlms w okalta, 2:..-i.J. ,:, ,",. :,.n.¦¦! .. ie.i-.A-. .rop ol i-

Id ..a.. 5010. Kaola Coaat, cjap *f -¦.-¦,;-''-".riuu oi IfeVl, prm. '.. chol '-.-<'-*.. do omnieu «

%%." ih.-joH. ,rop of l-shj. i.-io- ...i.t-iiu oldulds ...'..... It.uurlan land Hofcenuan, 5o^6.^ Altawrka

M T \ ¦- TIN.Rulad llrmor. but »».* not -|-. ti, ....'..¦« ie -'" . lOl'PBR Waa utiona,, ', ,,dvan -'oil 85c Md. 11.06. aaked, DeceauTa at 11.98c... LBA1> Wa. Oull a..d h«»vy, bd« 4!,.(*... ioalng Undou prliua: »pot tin. JLOo .« Odi,!...-. !,... ..i '¦ m n. eoppir. £46 l» ..J. do

, io, Nileaof «l M i. -.-.. 5 ¦¦ >¦.-..! .....^ niarket Brro; .--..'.ii aarran*, 4la aa;

v, :i Stlddlenbora. 88a Ud, B,.|»lan ¦.paltor, B19., , ,;im ui.... .¦«) teat,

,...,1 .. \. .1 in-. :< 485c foi Kood t" iBoeyjj- I'., .1.. IMtTJO.

NAV.V1. ai'OKEx SIMIUTS Tl'lU'KNTriNE 1>-..1 a..d,nn. , kM,ci .al -. 1.Ma KOSlNj Oull.,,.,.,:¦ btraln l qt oi< o o Bt --'-.¦ i.i ao, 11i. t. .-, i.' «i .-¦ ,-i i. ... »i '. >; II B170;I, *'¦ V '¦.¦'¦ M * ... M ... Bg 16 W W 88 50.

11,'nv i'> luere wae a vori tali «. u.a.iu.. ai. - aarc iii.ii. i. U'.i ui inluii and fiwtui deaa, IU .;i ll 1..N-

,, ,. \,. io Antwi rp, -i...- 12,0 K) bu»heih «la praln a

i,, i,,.¦ kouiii "2,04)0 Ini4|ihi» tiralii a .1 Ui la-....ii " ¦'¦' vl

.(..,.. 24,000 buaiieiegrala (ie eiiatjiM 4ii ,lli i.. - i.. .:. ... ... ii. .. '-. .».

Li,B ;.l« M1>t i't.i.AM">ii \i;i l.i.- >..i|> ai..'!¦"... New-Yoi. Ko d >.¦

e»rgo private i-n..- «Bip Murna, K,-a ^ "i tn;, ta i i. po. t, pi Ivate i. au al k, N «

,.ol i., horn rai. -ii- Keptu. k) tol .. 22a,. n,,. .- Vera < ru. ...»l. *'.'..^, -¦.ne

i. or. Ui llavana, coal, 4160; KhooBei ¦

ladeipbta, lumaar, B4 74; bark, Boatan to m.-nne.cargo, private Unm»i ¦cheaaer, BmaaaleB u.

... I'lini. ¦ ,,

nl j..jj.i i«,r iieii«ii4 on u i;. Meaoy.nurk-t. CottoaaeeB, .ruue, ilftdsuc; auuimar,retl.iw, Iiui. e 81W81%c; (jrime, 80vf80lac; ..rT

¦¦!i,i2!«'".- wlntei yellow, l7W88c; whitf.,.imai-r «hn»-. SI*awa2c; L'ocoaaut, Cey-

lan .-.,'/¦..'..¦: Coehla, 6i»e; ced, aBBKle: Uaiecd, maciiv \i.i.-u .ui "-'l t4e al.'utta .....a .*o out-w-towBr i.ard, prln.a, i.r.s M.t n.aii-. i;.",-n7.'. utlloar, clo.,7|,|.. u.H.-i. .nhad.'n, rrude, ;il'«3S.-; dirk prcaaadVi liahi |f.«>il. 87ei i.i.^i. n.'d vinter. 40c; extrablea'rhed wlnter, 4Ie; white «n.ter. 42e; «p.'nn. crude,h8<f69r i.iitnral iprtng, 67d70< ll-O'-h.^l » 72./-..¦ na-'.ra! wint-r. ,4 ,/ T»" bl»a> hed wint^r. 7 '.. >

j.,lin prlnw l.i.f..-. .i',.i'.'-.¦: »h:i!e. erudc S.i.ilh^nir...- nat».i iprlng. 8tc; bl*ai-k*d iprlag, .'..'.e".7. natur.ilwlnte. .'.".. bleached »iuter, :.7rf58.- extme. bl',.,, in i-pluin-, hl-wehed nliiter, «!.. rai^-e,4, .lOrf,;... ,,.i ,u.¦.!. IMI5V bapk MffSae; atiaita, MB17 ellve, Itallan, bbla, inmmia" a4«it7j>; »aiad quality.>i -...,» x..i-f.»,- i.Mine. iawSae.

IMtOVIM'>N>--1'ORK.The m»rket wm rathei nior*

artlve elnJng hlither: sales, 400 bblj. Maaa quoted at*i*j^»1" 25 for °ld, *13«ai3 50 for uoW; farotly hhm. B19ph-rt clear, ai5'«i7 M)| extra pattie, 412 80«dl«.. UI!t«l-aVuU aud aauluvkdtdi attra a.«as, *W»4ki 78, tatally, Iti


¦ 10: paoked ln barrcls, 87*89; extra IndJa m4*\ 811*-13 30 BEKF HAMS-D.ill and unchanp-d a.uet«d 412Bete and Bll We»t.LAllD-Hlglier, wltb near men tha20 pohita up City ataaai o,uiet, aMea, l-W tca at fcMfetimoIi ,,-el B.9$e i,.,ii.:nal. aftei BBNt or ,5U to al8 70- » BV l,ld lor \.jv.-r,i#r, atrer mtea of 768 u-o at8 05,-.' Itetlnod nuot.-d at Be ( oiiTlnent and 8.884 So'itjiAin-rlea L'T MKATh-Dull and unchane-dp kieu beiiirs qu*t*d. H'.dOc; pp-ki.«l haina. IU*lle; srrok-d do. U»94f12c: nlikVd «hpulde".. fe|siii-kod do 7Lj'/7V.MIIiIlI.t-S-0iilI and noin-

Inll... DBESSED ||iK.s,-Fl!ii, quoted, 7-ir for200 Tt>, 7^c for IN) Oi. 7>ac for loO fl; BtgB, 1V.BI'TTER.Hrm and In n ..d>-rate aupply. ( reatner*.state and PrnnMHanla. extraa 28420V -r-ainerv.u s-,-rn «ep»!-itor extma, :'oL. "-/..: Brata, Zf>a*n>e,rcooda; '.i,/¦-.>: thlrda, loaeoe; creamerr. «.»';;"'.lune do. first to extra.. 21«28c; da jeeonda, 184120B.>-.... .lairv halft.ihs and |ku.«. extlWJ J I, -v

_.... firsta,

..I ,/*>¦'<¦¦ wrnniN lo./'jOr M»i» dalrv W-l-h mns. extrn.¦"<( "l- rti-ta ilt«ae: »e-ond«. I0*!0e: thlrd*. 174M8B!¦sut" dalrv. rlrklim. 18«-'2e. a-'-oudt to extra ; WeMeraImlUtlon r-an.. rv. nr-K 20.U2-. ¦"V-","!";. .', ''.:w--'-rn dairv, Brata, IBCgte; iiubbbb, U*4n8e; w-«t.,,, f.,m-v. Juae flrklna extra*. 17-: eeennde to»1d<ae: June. tot.-, IB<e4M7e; f». tory. thlrda to rir>M,1,...1''k- < lll.l^lv-I'ull. bul -teady State fWVL..rv full -team, tanov whlre. S-p'emn*r, 10V do c«l-,,i. d id,,/iov Auiniat. fam-y lOe; ebotee liVilOs.,-;.i.,i to priine. OUffKV; common to falr, 7*4»*'; paitZkln» tomrnoa to -hulce. 3ail>-<: Stale f»etoiv, Tullakini* i ,/-_¦- i-.i'.s-Quiet and hut abghtiy eaaagad.ataut'aad pVooa*lvaal% uew-iaJd, ehatea, 22\4B24eforprtme t" -h..-; r«Jr. 32^4B34e; Braotefw, aaeaada and tn-rarlor, »I,M '.0 per r>w; Wehtein, Irehouae, tB4MS*j0.

>si (4AB BAW.JtahM a trltte nnner ln aympatl.y wtlbBttrone, But prloea are not <|iu.Ub!r -fcuin-d. No btialneatiw'j.s r-,. i' d. Quotallona: 80 Wat. 3c, and3 7-1,1 f.r 00 taat centrtfural.B»KIM'l> -Qulet and fteadv, crushod and cut loai,-. .'l.'.ff.'.--, eruii'iie'ed, 4 15-1«is«)^ powii*.:«*1. 4 I'-lO*.

n-s 4 1V1G, )-. i conf^-'tlonora^ A. 4 11-ie4f4V'.foluiiiMa A. 4lj-t4 lt-143e: atandaid A 4 Ig-UaMe: ino-ldv -V,- 1-1.-" ><>¦ « 4 3-1.1*4V: No. 7. 4Va4S-14f:si, S 4 1-1884V; No- 0, 44S4B.18. No. 10, 3 1510aKe; Bo. 11, IH4M 18.184; No. 18. 3"ae>S 11-ifle.

HTF.ARINE I»m.!. bwl ataady; rlty lart quoted atOV tn hhoV and 10c In tc», lleomaraarlne. city. 74»C

TAI,I."\V-yuiet, but nrm; quoted at 4^e f*rprlma etty.

^, m


October 17, 1892.Beeraa. Cowa. C»I*ea. Bheep and l^mba. Bwtna.11.1U 233 5,495 5.1,074 40 638

»eerea.Cowr.Calve«. IJhaSB. fartka.Jeemy Ctty St^ck Tkeda' 3,o« f* ».«oB u,»t6Kixt.leth.«t . 4,3'J4 133 4.3*J »V,0, * ,--...Portleth-at. i-y/i 'ao ""«» «i'ft> i*aaHoboken . 2. W 62 0_» -40- 1 4»BvVeehawaen an a B»...

.878 ... Ui « & 3 ia

Becelpta la-t «e.-k.11,13d 2i> 4,,5< o3,8-'7 41,.BBQLOTATIONSi OF JJEEVES.

(l0,,. ..e60'. Sfigoood to'prlma . *J.i iVfiPalrtofwal. ifl 9 \&( omiiioii to medluni .- gg. f 4 00T-xanaand aaB-breeda . VAVA *i^Ox<ii aad atoaa . ?i.. ^ \-JaBulla and dry eowe. Ifl % 3 ¦A\.IWKV lo-'.ai. --tinal.d. nWkXVAK\ti-n,- la-ii,'!' ol prb-a..¦ -.-,^"-".i*

,,,,,! t., prUua (.t-era one v...n a|ro at 4a»d0<i««>o«,the averaae pre a «-i» eatHnatad at ti 85.

.,.,.IU.lAi> KecelpU for tuo dava, 80K cars or o,1£J

head 197 oare cooalKned dlrect to »la«4*taeer», 34 <-ai* tor,-xport allve to Ureat Brltala aad 77 eara for Ue aucaaaimaklna, irltb 4 ,;us l-tt u\-r Batarday, 81 eara ta Ba »«.i«.

jhe demand wia moderately *tlve for all fjrad-* or tatue,and ii.'i-cs a uaall fractlon hlfhar; and cood t« ehol.-eIm ov-.s were atroDf, 10c bigh-r, a qulte llfceral demand forcxport helpiin; tha trade. iiniy j cara a/ere tapanm bb>aold at th.- -lo- T. lana a. BBOaaaM 18 ikt 100 m,Colorad ,s and Bangera at *J l-l^ati BO; a .'arload of \orasut- "ecruba" at »3; tommoi, t.. chaic. aaUva »t»er* atKl :.',(/*..i 16, lncludiiiir 47 very gntA UM- d>. (latlior toohaavr fo: ttu* marketi at tb" outside ilcur.-: axoa and.taaa ut «3 IL "--a»4 »6; bull- at *2 -J.'.a*:t '.0; dry co»a atM lOdWJ) an.l 2 <»r» of mlx-J .-attl- s.,id at. ?.ili.,'i»l.LMty dr-^spd l.t-.rf st<-a<ly and ln falr demand at eS^Hje jwi

<.,., nt, t,, p.ini- i,at,v- sid-s. an o<i.i eareawt of t-xlrado aelllng ;.t :'¦ i'V-v- and Colorada aldet told at 4>ja?gij, able advi-'s iudi<ate no aaatarlal hai'd- In pne.-a.K-triir. rat.-i beef aella at 88* p»i r., Aaaerlcaa st--cr* ajjlymdoii and I.lverpiol at, 10'/HH-, and at the lor/nei mar.k-t :i f.-.v top.- at 1-'-. .'*tin.ut-d dead weiclit. aiilm.entv.Tueaday ou tli« Bovl- -!ej eatfl" foi J Miambere and 'J'Ji!li j) rir s. hwarrs-hiid t Butiberger, al-o 180 r,n U.eBlndoo for M. iJoluainith.

we;:klv shipmenis.

I I I.ive |Qrs.of LlviSklppers. fcteamera. ]».'attl- lie-f itili.-ap.

FfllB'l* fou.puKy.. City of X Y..Eaatuaua Cooipaajr.. karaola .Faatmana Coaipaoy ,\!a-ka.K»-t u,ui> Coaapaay.. I ptty of K.,in-..1 N mmi I Sotia(r. H. Uainiroi.dtOo.J. Shaa berg..f. Shamberg.s Hulab'i,-,liw 'j hl dv^'il/.ii'nSch* '/ i.iidSJsuUb'aM ilo.darultfi.8/. W. Braueri. b DtttaBhaeb_Totila .I 1.8-H|f4,44*0[ 20

Total .lupii.eote laat week.....' 2,12818,7401 1»7IU-'..i, -rrpmotits tar the w.jek. 2.011 9.303I .Hall i. t- -iilpii.-nu for the »»«k.I l,2W.'| .| .I'liilad-lulila sl.'iiui-nts for the w.«k....| VcHJi I.6OO1 .Montriil sti:pni-nts f6r the W»aB.I 2,1571 .1 .

Tn I.ond.n._.I 2,217' 3.47.(1 .I.. Llverpool. :,':,,:,2',,'-JI .

,. ,..oiv. 1,521 1 1100.To 1.1 ttol .I e...

To M.-nl-en. 4'J. .IX B rmuda and Waa* Iodl.>«.1 .7 20

T tal for all porta.|M -"' J23 .20Total fot all pn ta laai w-eu. ...; V I8,|24a28| _187

gBtaa.Bewtoa a- OtUeBt; 27 Obse ataera, 1848 ib aver-,--.¦ at *5 18 per 100 IT,; iO da, lo45 W. at *5 15; 17 d",1 im<» » at *¦'»; 10 do, 1475 Bi. ar 84 80: IH do. 1288 B,,- BtOO: li do. l-'w Xti, at JI.K); 17 do, 1-180 r\ at*4 0o: 17 Eeatueky d... iv.'d B», «t fuio, is viraini*,lo 1311 tn. at *4-0; 2 OI1I0 oxen. 17lu r», ut »4 00; -'do, 175U :n. nt .St'.io: 4 Staito bull>, lot'5 Tf), al $-2J; IS

. 078 B». at *1 40.u. M.-j'ii. w.i 1 .'". 1'-' t.-vj.-.s. u:ot "i. ateaio.-

12 do 113J - BI r.l '". '-'i CoI.-imIos. 12VI ». it #:i L">Vlralnta itcera lfSO Bv. 'it B88S; .-':) 4o. !Ost Th. at

13 75 20 do fe« ox-.i 11»" B». at 08 45; 10 Kentu.'ky,'l. IMihI BI at 05 05; - dO. 1415 B), at Ti'.eJ. Hd do. 13HS

! *4 '-,. 10 do, l»70 K. ar ^4 .)', 10 ,!o. 1898 Bt, at

»i 00; 10 do, i:i'-'i - >' *» «»: -'- de, l'-'I'J fr. at «4 35ih ,.,, ii«n, '* it Bt 35: 28 s-mi* Jo. 1280 al ?. -",

¦'¦, ¦- -4; 17 do 1007 * M BB2B; M tg.iooo *¦ at 43; '-' Keatueky oxea, l'."0 B, at 4>t 3o; 17..,v.,l .ttlv, 1274 1 row. 1200 *. ti '\y,n,.sheri an t Culrer 37 Cotoradae, 11,0 .».. al 43, -h,-. i" 1040 " at *:. 70 ."> d-. l"lo 8 a' t-i ¦" Ti d,,,

it Sl 20 do, 11 H », |« *i 80; 18 0,_., - ,t >4 00 .0 Vlralnlii do. 1144 th, al 11 o.; 30

» .. 04 05; 10 'i 1. 128B " al t< 40: T^ do.13"7 at 84 !.".: 18 'Io. 1826 - " 44 50 id Beataeky,:,[.:- ,t 8415; do. 1210 B. al B868; S Staw

1,450 ft ..' 14 2 do, 171'- " ,.*', .*'J'-y .,, a-. ,«

Khaaiberc; 20 li ;. -*» -"; \\-y " g» 5,,..;.- 1270 *, ,.t B885; 18 do. ISlg BJ, at B8 ?*->. IS

M';' ; ;' hiM0 pteera. UNJB, a4 84 aa¦: to,,.. ,.,,, i4oo n 1.' -1 bs; is aa, wog i>, atn .0, 7 Ba,"m;...:!'.!.^ 17 Beataeky «tee.v 14(W ai 70;21 do. 1166 Bi, at 88 60 20 o«« 1278 M B812%.

s. Kand n ',. i.ll. .'.'.:.- <¦¦! th, <t t.. B Bp, .'-.3- - -", 't7"do :t.'7 - at 84 60 18 .lo, IM. Bt, ,t

B460 *:i'.."do 874>- »t 84: ii Vlrgtotodo, WMlh, a4.'

,,. ,'.,, «. ., «, IJ; 2 ,,\-n. 1200 BtI ¦-; l bbtoatac 10W r U 83 64) 1 Ohlo bull. 142JJ- .: al l Btaa de, B80 B, al BB88; 1 eawi; BM K"w Ikaraati b Bkaraaja: 17 Kewtaeliy laaera. MW ..

at »6i5 2ido.i4K*..taV iS^do law^aiB. i

Ity ot X Y...vnraiiia .


S ,:-(. ".lir.-- .

Nlunltoba.I -¦. - A,o .

vYellaClty.I 1501 .....!.Maoltooa- 221 .1 .vturl.l .I .1.120

r,\,' - a'V v ibS 174 8.7at^26 6-.U.iTi7i -. at 8400 ^< 4o, 1408 to, o R 40 li taaati »¦

*"MH ?H '.Vs- :Reoei,.-*. 48 kawd. dtl 1.11 jetytow

.-#» ao d t»-dai KeelU* »»ad4 aod rd; ,ar> to -ln. tlyti »25»4«t» I-r head.

.VI \ - "- I'- I.2W ,":,,: 822 BI '."tri-st and 4.,

at Jeriey fltt On n.oderate ,,-e ,,-s gte mar.- .-

allhoul any qnotable improvenieni ln prtge.¦ II the stoek araa s.,.,1 a. 4 -..,- f-r n-r - Mr

., .' r',,« r. ..¦.'" »<f4«ae loi led calvwa and aalxed lot-.

¦""',,- , and and » atlda Bm bi 4»-.. f.- dr-ss..i :<< -s-is; fb« IO"aC for .ountrv di-s.-d",,,'.. ,.!,,;.. .,-.,.-1- lle: 0, 12. f-r ettj greaaad, aaM a

iam>4 broughl I'-'1-. ,.V\. 'i:,,,,i. k v RetlU: 10 rfaU 187 »«W«8ga.

,. ,,, 100 n 18 do 146 ~ il Bj BO: -' do. 200 IB, at; red ealvea 140 », at *4 SOj 49 ftataeri 48 to.

.4 » al 828n hd. 2l. B> at82_5.Hume '* Mullen 57 veal. 152 r* a' B7 88: 81 de. 124

a; 14 do 120 rr at 80 60; 9 do. IH* Ih. at S5 4., ttag. a a/aataea da. 800 ». a4 8t8f)|

-,.',,,, .>¦. rh at <;( 185 do gB2 8 at B282j i» v,...,<, 13 veal* 14? te '-'-',, Bi at *..r, ,>o.

,; rjui ih, k 10 feale, t-'O to ldo 8-. at aWB7 25; 4

frd,VliTotts0 7c vea^ Mt 8, at 88. 1 do. 15* ih, ats7 ,;, 2 'io 157 th, it *.. _«,

1 k PMaork v jaena: g B»"Jr«-.«ir»jP; J*Jf*2*:,i do 887 Ih, i.t «g5; '.M 4o 840 B. BtBSgt); 2 do. 258. al r»40' 6 do 270 », at 82 60: 8 do. 23, fl. atrJOO k'v-.Ts H.i rr at *7; li .1- I'Hi fl. at 4; .'. 1 da.itj .. at *r 50; I do. i«o rr at «h.


ludd v Burklncham; 2 fraaeera 178 at Bt 81 78; Bffz :.., 17 fed caJ*ea, 288 fl. at 88; vaada.

al 86; .'. d.. 182 th, nt »7 s do. ll'. Bj it B7 -'5:i.v m ai »7 50: 18 40, 187 «Y »t *7'l2i2.

\l CaTiUno: '-' veaaa, 123 . al 47.",.. :< 84 188 Bj. at*: 1 red ealraa, 2.10 fl. at 44; «2 Bjaaeere, Ma fl. »t

u pi,.¦ .v Ce B rcato. 235 fl at 87 68: 30,;¦ kaaersi 272 Ih it 82 50: »K* do. 240 B, at 83 88; 25 do.

~"V s. Kaa.' I jrr.-Ts 108 P, at. 82 60siiri'i' vvn r.v.Mii*. Ba-ejpufargwadaya .nciu41i>x

,,(',,. naltned <lir,-t to but<*era, wer g8 j.s. or

¦j )., ,,,) ,, -,' BOth-at. 20 a al J,---. «'ltv,and t cara at Bohoken Fully 16 rar« l>, ...!-- wen

pena at Jeraey L'lty. r«.P weie dull ».O.oitant ilteration ln \> '" lamba *.. <. »lui((rlah, hut 1 1 maI,.,. «j. tmnaacted bofori th< li » and th- uptovn,a|(,, ..,. ,|..,¦.,! »ilhi:i 4 ,:. ...Is. «l,i> at bh<- Um r

v 11 Inrtudlng ao. 8 er 10 ira -f |»'rii,an«Mit -'hoaid-'.-.> y ,- wrrr iii».ut 15 cara 1-lt in the u'li*. t'oii.ii-n.,'. ,,,... it 88 t» 124 per 100 B: ealto aadf.. 1. u . >4i88j tolenoe to ebstaa ai*' |'.'..".'.'.t"ii,'ii(l.i!i st,.,dy a. 8%4kB%a, ,'*,"l('« BBraBBBBj

«ra. al '.'. draaacd lamba h-«d a vciyfaii l-ioulry a. 7;-tf.» j-. ifiic edaod aaock brtnalaf IC'.

Sl ], ii., rn-'-,. 1: 88* t'aaada lamba 78 th, averatsBt.t .., n.-r 100 H 470 ii-. BO ft, at 86 75 122 Weateru d ..-I .. ,i +5'¦."'.¦ 300 do. mi tb at 86 30; 01 do. al th,"¦ r, III State d... '.'1 BL at *.'> 42 li 848 W-ten alie. r>..,:. - ,, at 82 B2 'i t't *. at $4 50; 88 Mata d.o,73 m' at +i 80 .16. 70 fl. at 83 5o.

ii in,- v Muii-n: l-Vi stute lamba, 70 fl. .. 88, .8do 70 - at *5:.'. 165 de, iv* B nt V. B8: 117 do,

n ai 8525; '-'"« fenaaylTmnla do. ; rr.. at »550:.. 07 d.. nl fl. at 86 24: W de.

,-, || at 30 21B Waatera de ,2 fl. at »....0; 12',. ., li'iH a, at 4. 80 18 d.. '..-. !>., at 44»,; State ,1., 88 Bl al -1

,,' ,. oil i inafla u nbe B8 1 tl M 1,048dn KO fl ,' 45 73; 221 Wentertl d. 7! BJ o -....';.; 213Stit- d...' HO tt, a' ss'. UT1-, 180 aheen aod to. bo, «W fl.

« do. iti fe. >t 8880; .11 Ohta akeap, 107.. I( a6 181 107 fl, at *5 uv

)|., .i.x 4- Ilolll*: 300 Cai.4k.a laml.s BO fe, at *i;I.u> (J7 a al *»: »»1 do. 7» fl. at 43 87«a; 2<>0 do.>St th atfeVOO J-'l do, et fl. ate^75. isi renuailvaniado. 4<i Ih at ».'. :'7'2

I) \] l'h-so, v (o 168 st:4te la-.ih* , 2 lt>, at e-> .5.|2 ,t. «e. fe at *,'> 371-., MO V.irlnlt do. .44 fl,

,i 45 13 85 r-ni-vlvaiil-i do. 00 fl at 40 .0 20 I'enj.avlvanl* aheep. 88 fl at 53 26 10 m*i» do. 75 fl at 44 26-

n pidcoca v Bona: Ild State lamba rg fe aadfj71 ,! 57 B at BS 75- 75 do. H4 fl. at 45 15: 110 do. 67fl. at'*5: 40 State .he-p. 105 fl. at 44 25, 21 da. »4 fl,"

juat 8 nanklaabaflt t/tl BBata torabi 73 fl atf^l^;ltil 4>> 70 Ih, at 4H. 77 4o. t* fl. at 45 74 33 io, .19 8878: 55 do. 71 fl. at 43 70: 28 do. 8*1 fl at a^,V):51 do «i fl at a5 \f\ flfat* hheep. 110 th. at <-.", 40 do,in:t fl al »4 7« 13 do. Tl» fl. at 44 50; 51 do, 93 fl. at*t u d 110 fe at 43 50M Colllna: 17 State *hee|,, !»6 fl. at »4 'iO «2 do. 33

fe al 4-. 23 188 rstat- lainbs, l<j fl, at 45 75 30.1 do. COth, at *¦¦'> 28,

WUkaraoa k Sh.-rmau: 14 Kentucky la nb». 74 Ih. at8880.

P s Ki-i". 3,s sute larni*. 6-5 fl at *5-'>0.HO HN -Reeelpta 00 .-ars ,»r (V:410 i. ad..10 fin at

iOth-st und 21 .ar> at Jt-rea* »'lty. Hull and lower.¦ -n...:ed aalea at 45 5J445 80. tBBBkBJ UK'ut woulddmibtleaa brlBg 44.

sal»--M tolllna: 51 aUU hoe». 207 fl averafe, at43 80 r*r 100 fl: 3 roufh do. 4t» fl at «4 80.

Judd v HueMneaam: 6 Sute haga. 240 ib, at 86 88;1 reugh do, 880 Ih, at 84 60.

r. V Ktua: 1 State keae. 8B6 fe, at 86 50-

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