  • 7/31/2019 Lose Your Love Handles Scott Colby


  • 7/31/2019 Lose Your Love Handles Scott Colby


    Lose Your Love Handles SC Fitness 2011. All rightsreserved. No portion of this manual may be used,reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording

    or any information storage and retrieval system by anyonebut the purchaser for their own personal use. This manualmay not be reproduced in any form without the writtenpermission of the publisher, except by a reviewer whowishes to quote brief passages in connection with a reviewwritten for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper and haswritten approval prior to publishing.

    For information contact:Scott ColbyEmail: [email protected]:http://www.TheAbsExpert.comhttp://www.MyFirstSixPack.comhttp://www.TryProgradeNutrition.com[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Lose Your Love Handles Scott Colby



    This book is not intended for the treatment or prevention of

    disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment.Programs outlined herein should not be adopted withoutconsultation with your health professional. Use of theprograms herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader.The author is neither responsible, nor liable for any harm orinjury resulting from this program or the use of the exercisesdescribed herein.

  • 7/31/2019 Lose Your Love Handles Scott Colby



    Welcome to the Lose Your Love Handles Program. Myname is Scott Colby and in this manual you will find 10 abs

    workouts that will really hit those dreaded love handles.These will have your abs looking lean and ripped in no time.

    Now a warning before we proceed. You cant just do theseworkouts and expect to lose a ton of belly fat. These mustbe combined with proper nutrition, resistance training, andhigh intensity interval cardio. You may already be on a goodstrength and cardio program so Im going to give you somediet advice.Check out the top foods to help you get rid of belly fat, somesample meal plans and types of foods to avoid

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    Here are my top 12 foods to strip away belly fat. Some ofthese foods have side-kicks that are also great. Walnuts are

    a great side-kick to almonds, strawberries are a great side-kick to blueberries, etc.

    1) Almonds

    Great for building muscle and fighting off cravings andhunger, almonds are one of your best choices of nut.

    Almonds are high in protein and monounsaturatedfat (which is a good type of fat for your body). And a handfulof almonds gets you about half of your daily requirement ofvitamin E and even some calcium. Almonds also containmagnesium which is important for muscle building. Youcan eat about 1-2 handfuls a day which will do a great job atsupressing your appetite.

    2) Black Beans

    Great for building muscle, burning fat, regulating digestion,controlling hunger. Black beans are a good source ofprotein, fiber and iron. They are also a richsource of antioxidants. In a recent research study in theJournal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, black beans werefound to have more antioxidant activity, gram for gram, thanany other type of bean.

    3) Spinach

    These are great for fortifying nutrient stores and fightingobesity. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E,vitamin K, magnesium and several vital antioxidents. It isalso a great source of folic acid which helps protect againstheart disease, stroke and colon cancer.

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    4) Blueberries

    Blueberries are loaded with soluble fiber that helps you feel

    full longer. They are one of the most antioxidant rich foodsout there. Blueberries are super fruits, high in antioxidantsincluding vitamins C and A. They also offer 3.5 grams of fiberper cup.

    5) Oatmeal

    Oatmeal is very low in fat and is a great source of water-soluble fibers, an integral part of a fat loss plan that helpsmake you feel full over a long period oftime. Oatmeal is alsofree of both sodium and cholesterol and also keeps yourblood sugar levels steady.

    6) Eggs

    Eggs are packed with a variety of nutrients including protein,

    zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E and B12. Research hasshown that eating eggs helps reduce the loss of lean tissue,promotes the loss of body fat and stabilizes blood glucoselevels.

    7) Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritious foods there

    are. It is rich in dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates,protein, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. The numbersfor the nutritional sweet potato speak for themselves: almosttwice therecommended daily allowance of vitamin A, 42 percent of therecommendation for vitamin C, four times the RDA for betacarotene, and, when eaten with the skin, sweet potatoes

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    have more fiber than oatmeal. All these benefits with onlyabout 130 to 160 calories! Among root vegetables, sweetpotatoes offer the lowest glycemic index rating. Thatsbecause the sweet potato digests slowly, causing a gradual

    rise in blood sugar so you feel satisfied longer.

    8) Natural Peanut Butter (almond and cashew butter arealso good choices)

    Peanut butter is packed with heart healthy monounsaturatedfats and helps build muscle while burning fat. It is high incalories, so don't overeat it. Limit yourself to 2-3tablespoons daily.

    9) Olive Oil and Coconut Oil

    Olive oil controls cravings so it helps you eat less. It will helpyou burn fat while keeping your cholesterol in check. Atablespoon or two on your salads instead of dressing is agreat choice! Coconut oil is good to cook with and is a good

    source of saturated fats. Coconut milk is also good forsmoothies.

    10) Lean Turkey

    Lean turkey helps build muscle and boosts your immunesystem. Protein takes longer than carbohydrates to digest,

    so they require more energy and more protein you eat, themore calories you burn. Turkey is packed with niacin andvitamin B6. If you buy ground turkey, make sure it saysground turkey breaston the package. This is the leanesttype of ground turkey.

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    11) Whey Protein (I prefer the protein from ProgradeNutrition:

    Prograde Nutrition

    Whey protein is a high quality protein that contains essentialamino acids that builds muscle and burns fat. Putting somein with your post-workout smoothie with some non-fat milk, abanana, and some peanut butter will accelerate your fatloss results.

    12) Low Fat, Low Sugar Yogurt or Greek Yogurt (I preferGreek yogurt)

    Dairy is great for making your bones stronger and it helpsspeed up the weight loss process. A recent study in theInternational Journal of Obesity showed thatadding yogurt to your diet may rev of your body's fat burningengines, speed weight loss and trim your tummy.
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    OK so what does your day of eating look like? You alreadyknow that you should be eating every 2-3 hours which

    means that you will be eating 5-6 small meals per day. Awell planned schedule will help achieve this goal. A sampleschedule would include:

    7:00 am breakfast10:00 am small morning snack1:00 pm lunch4:00 pm small afternoon snack7:00 pm dinner10:00 pm small evening snack (optional depending on whenyou go to bed


    Here are some sample meals to get you started.The following meals are for educational purposes and are fora 140 pound female who exercises moderately every day.

    Again, I dont like to count calories and I dont think you needto either. Control your portions, eat the foods according tothe guidelines and you will do just fine. If you are losingweight and starting to get your abs flat and toned like youwant, you can cut back on your portion sizes by 10-20%.

    You should begin your day with 2 big glasses of water.

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    Make sure you get some lean protein, fruits and/orvegetables and a small amount of healthy fat in your meal.

    Drink 2 glasses of water

    Consider one of the following meals:

    Green smoothie with whey protein, coconut milk, 1 cupspinach, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, bananaWhey protein shake with banana, coconut milk, and 2 wholeeggs2 whole eggs, raspberries, 1 oz walnuts2 Omega-3 eggs, 1 orange, 1 cup low fat cottage cheeseWhey protein shake with coconut milk, apple with almondbutter3 chicken sausage links, orange, cup of spinach

    Midmorning Snack:

    Drink 2 glasses of water during the morningConsider one of the following meals:

    1 oz almonds or walnuts and some raspberries1 oz pecans and a whey protein shakebaby carrots, 1 cup of strawberries and a hard boiled egg

    Canned tuna and an appleApple with a tablespoon of almond or cashew butter1 cup Greek yogurt with strawberries

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    Make sure you get some whole grains and/or vegetables,lean protein and a small amount of healthy fat in your meal.

    Drink 2 glasses of water with lunchConsider one of the following meals

    chicken breast (size of a deck of cards), garden salad withextra-virgin olive oil, handful cashewssalmon (size of a checkbook), spinach salad with extra virginolive oil, 1 cup Greek yogurtturkey cutlet (size of a deck of cards), small sweet potato,spinach salad with extra-virgin olive oiltuna (size of a deck of cards), 1 piece whole grain bread, 1applelean ground turkey breast (size of a deck of cards), gardensalad with extra virgin olive oil1 cup low-fat cottage cheese, blueberries, garden salad,tomatoes with extra- virgin olive oil2 tbsp peanut butter on multi-grain bread, strawberries, whey

    protein shake

    Mid-afternoon Snack or Pre-workout:

    Drink 2 glasses of water in the afternoonConsider one of the following meals:Whey protein shake and blueberries

    Protein bar and raspberriesGreek yogurt and an apple

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    Workout Nutrition:

    You want to stay hydrated while working out. Drink a cup ofwater every 10-15 minutes during your workout

    Post-workout Nutrition:

    Make sure to have a small carbohydrate and protein drinkafter training to assist your muscle building efforts.

    Aim for about 20 grams of protein and 20-40 grams ofcarbohydrates. I use the Recoverydrink from Prograde Nutrition called Workout at

    http://www.TryProgradeNutrition.comConsider the one of the following:

    Recovery protein shake and bananaWhole wheat bread and 2 tbsp peanut butter1 cup yogurt and strawberries


    Make sure you get some whole grains and/or vegetables,lean protein and a small amountof healthy fat in your meal.

    Drink 2 glasses of water with dinner
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    Consider one of the following meals:

    lean steak (size of a deck of cards), broccoli, salad with

    extra-virgin olive oilchicken breast (size of a deck of cards), mixed vegetablessalmon (size of a checkbook), broccoli, saladtuna steak (size of a deck of cards), salad

    You can choose one of the options from the lunch menu

    Before bed snack:

    Optional, depending on when you go to bed, consider one ofthe following:

    1 cup low-fat cottage cheese1 cup Greek yogurt and handful cashews

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    For best results, eliminate these as much as possible

    High Fructose Corn Syrup (Boosts Your Hunger)

    Average American consumes 62 pounds of high fructosecorn syrup a year (equates to 228 extra calories/day) High Fructose Corn Syrup is sweeter than sugar It is found in products like ketchup, pasta sauce, andcrackers When you consume it, insulin isnt released, leaving youhungry Check food labels. If high fructose corn syrup is first onsecond on the ingredient list, check to see how much sugaris in the food. If over the sugar content is over 8 grams, skipthe food.

    Trans Fats (Hardens your arteries)

    Increases the amount of bad cholesterol in your body

    Linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and aweakened immune system It is created by combining vegetable oil (a liquid) andhydrogen to create partially hydrogenated oil. Turns into asolid at room temperature. Think Crisco or margarine. Doyou want that sitting in your stomach? YUCK! This fat is a solid. Once it gets into your body, you have awaxy buildup of fat solids in your circulatory system, leading

    to possible heart disease and stroke. Check the ingredient list on a food item for hydrogenatedor partially hydrogenated. This signals a trans fat in thefood. The higher these ingredients are on the label, themore trans fats they contain (note: peanut butter containstrace amounts).

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    Some Saturated Fats (Expands Your Belly)

    Saturated fats sink to your stomach and saturate yourorgans with soft little globs of putty.

    Your body likes to save your saturated fats for energy forlater use. And it saves these fats in your tummy. Saturated fats raise your cholesterol levels and increaseyour risk of heart diseases and some types of cancer. Saturated fats are found in fatty red meats and high fatdairy products. Limit these as much as possible.

    Refined Carbohydrates (Saps Your Energy)

    Examples: white sugar, white bread, bagels, waffles, etc. Eating these spike blood sugar, and then a letdown asinsulin stores the bloodsugar and your body begs for more.

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    The Workouts And Equipment

    OK before we go into the actual workouts, youll need a fewpieces of portable equipment. Dont worry, nothing big and

    expensive, and definitely none of those crazy abs gizmosyou see on the infomercials.

    But what you do need will make your abs workoutsextremely effective so I highly recommend them. If youbelong to a gym, you make have access to some of these.

    Ok so what you will need for these exercises are thefollowing:

    Valslide --- Click to see where to buy theseStability BallMedicine BallPull Up Bar - You can get an Iron Gym Pull Up bar on


    And thats it! Youll be amazed at what you can do for your

    abs with just these pieces of equipment.

    OK. On to the workouts!! And youll notice for each exercisebelow, if you click on it, it will take you to a videodemonstration of the exercise.
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #1

    Six Minutes to a 6-Pack.

    In this workout, you have six exercises. Each one you willdo for 30 seconds. Once you finish one exercise go to thenext one with no rest. Complete the circuit twice, with a nonstop clock (no rest between rounds 1 and 2).

    Band Rotation x 30 seconds (15 seconds each side)Stability Ball Rollout x 30 secondsStability Ball Rotational Tuck x 30 secondsRotational Hanging Leg Raises x 30 secondsStability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 30 secondsMedicine Ball Side Bends x 30 seconds
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #2

    45-15 Abs Incinerator

    This is a 5 exercise circuit. Each exercise you will performfor 45 seconds with a 15 second rest in between exercises.Go through the circuit twice.

    Valslide GrasshoppersValslide Alternating CirclesStability Ball PlankMedicine Ball WoodchoppersMedicine Ball Woodchoppers (other side)
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #3

    Abs Blaster

    In this workout, you have 4 exercises. Perform each one forthe prescribed number of repetitions with no rest betweeneach exercise. After you finish 1 round of the circuit, rest for60 seconds and repeat for 2 more times for a total of 3rounds.

    Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 20 eachBOSU Band Rotation x 15 eachValslide Hamstring Curls x 10T-Stabilization Plank Hold x 30 seconds each side

    3 rounds, 60 seconds rest in between rounds
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #4

    Deck of Cards

    Get a standard deck of cards and remove all 2's, 3's, and4's. When you draw a card, the suit represents an exerciseand the number represents how many repetitions you do.Face cards = ten reps, Aces = 11 reps.. Work through thedeck as quickly as possible.

    Spades = Stability Ball Rotational Tuck (each)Diamonds = Valslide PikeClubs = Band Rotation (each)Hearts = Valslide Grasshoppers (each)

    So you draw a card, perform the exercise according to thesuit and number on the card, then go to the next card.Continue until you complete the deck. Its a lot of cards soyou might want to get a partner on this one to help you out!
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #5

    Roll the Dice

    Get yourself one dice. This will be another randomizedworkout. Each number on the dice represents a differentexercise. Roll the dice once. Whatever number it lands onperform that exercise (with the number of reps prescribed).Once you are done with an exercise, roll the dice again.Keep playing for 15 minutes getting through as many rollsof the dice as possible.

    1) Dumbbell Rotational Squat Press x 10 each2) Rotational Hanging Leg Raise x 10 each3) Stability Ball Moving Plank x 104) Valslide Circles on Stability Ball x 10 each5) Valslide Side Reach Feet on Stability Ball x 10 each6) Medicine Ball Woodchoppers x 15 each

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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #6

    The Pyramid

    This pyramid workout involves climbing up and down apyramid. You will be working through 3 separate exercises(Stability Ball Rollout, Valslide Grasshoppers and StabilityBall Medicine Ball Russian Twist). You will begin with 1Stability Ball Rollout, 2 Valslide Grasshoppers and 3 StabilityBall Medicine Ball Russian Twist. This is your first step inthe pyramid. You should work through 10 steps. For eachstep you should multiply Stability Ball Rollout x 1, ValslideGrasshoppers x 2 and Stability Ball Medicine Ball RussianTwist by 3.

    For the advanced, when you reach step 10, you will workyour way back down the pyramid (10, 9, 8...1)

    Step 1: Stability Ball Rollout x 1, Valslide Grasshoppers x 2,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 3

    Step 2: Stability Ball Rollout x 2, Valslide Grasshoppers x 4Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 6

    Step 3: Stability Ball Rollout x 3, Valslide Grasshoppers x 6,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 9

    Step 4: Stability Ball Rollout x 4, Valslide Grasshoppers x 8,

    Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 12

    Step 5: Stability Ball Rollout x 5, Valslide Grasshoppers x 10,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 15

    Step 6: Stability Ball Rollout x 6, Valslide Grasshoppers x 12,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 18
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    Step 7: Stability Ball Rollout x 7, Valslide Grasshoppers x 14,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 21

    Step 8: Stability Ball Rollout x 8, Valslide Grasshoppers x 16,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 24

    Step 9: Stability Ball Rollout x 9, Valslide Grasshoppers x 18,Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 27

    Step 10: Stability Ball Rollout x 10, Valslide Grasshoppers x20, Stability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 30

    Once you reach Step 10, and you're up for the challenge,work backwards from step 9 to step 1.

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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #7

    No Gym, No Problem

    You have 4 exercises. You should perform 60 seconds ofeach exercise, then 45 seconds of each, 30 seconds of eachand finish up with 15 seconds of each exercise for a total of10 minutes. There is no rest in this workout unless needed.

    Valslide Staggered Push UpsValslide InchwormsValslide Alternating CirclesValslide Hamstring Curls
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #8

    Enhanced Interval Training

    Squat Thrusts x 10 repsBand Rotation x 20 each sideMountain Jumpers x 20 repsRotating Hanging Leg Raises x 10 each sideMountain Climbers x 20 each legMedicine Ball Side Bend x 20 each side

    This is a tough one because after you do the cardiomovements, the abs exercises will be a lot harder toperform. What you should do is run, immediately do theexercise, then rest until you catch your breath before you goto the next run. As you become more fit, you will find thatyou can shorten your rest breaks.
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #9

    Glutes and Gut

    Stability Ball Rollout x 20 repsValslide Reverse Lunge x 20 each legStability Ball Moving Plank x 20Valslide Side Lunge x 20 each legStability Ball Plank x 30 secondsValslide Reverse Diagonal Lunge x 20 each leg

    There is no designated rest for this workout. Rest asneeded. Go through this circuit twice.
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    Lose Your Love Handles Workout #10

    Quad Circuit - Abs Blaster Style

    You have 4 exercises to do. Do them in a row with minimalrest in between. Then rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 2more times for a total of 3 rounds

    Valslide Staggered Pushups x 10 totalStability Ball Medicine Ball Russian Twist x 20 eachDumbbell Rotating Squat Press x 10 each sideStability Ball Rotational Tuck x 10 each3 rounds with 60-90 seconds of rest in between each round.

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