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Lose Weight Fast For Women and Men Vol 3

When You Lose Weight Where Does The Fat Go?

Does it simply burn off?

Do you flush it down the toilet?

You will be quite surprised!

Good NewsFor those trying to lose weight!

Secret Method Revealed To Break Down Fat in Cells Much Faster and Easier

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How does fat leave the body?

You may find this weird but fat leaves the body mostly as carbon dioxide from your lungs. Approximately 14-16 percent exits as liquid through any method your body releases moisture. The larger percentage is through carbon dioxide released from your lungs. You can't just sit in a comfortable chair and start panting and think you will lose 20 pounds. It's a process and not as easy as that, but if you were wondering “where does fat go when you lose it?”, now you know. Continue on and I'll let you in on a little secret.

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How does fat accumulate?

First of all when we eat more than our body needs or uses, fat forms inside of fat cells in our body. The cells are always there, they just get bigger and smaller. Unfortunately these cells seem to get bigger in many of us because we aren't active enough. It then shows in our outside appearance.

Not exactly happy with the way we look or feel, we decide to shed some of that excess weight.

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How do we get rid of excess fat?

The theory on how to lose weight is really quite simple, eat less and move more. If we are doing very little all day, it only takes small amounts of food for our body to store fat in those fat cells. You can lose weight without exercising but you must eat very small portion meals. It is much easier to lose when you add fast moving exercise along with the diet. Even for multiple short periods of time throughout the day can help. Keep reading I have a secret for you.

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Summary Plus Gateway to Secret!

To summarize "where does fat go when you lose weight?", After your body processes the fat, it leaves the body as you exhale as carbon dioxide through your lungs mostly, and somewhere between 14 to 18 percent as water through various other organs and glands.

To lose weight we need our body to break down the fat so it can exit our body through our lungs. There is a way to get our body to break down fat quicker to allow us to lose weight faster and easier.

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Method For Our Body To Break Down Fat Faster!

Scientists have discovered a method for our body to break fat down quicker so we are able to lose weight faster and easier. The discovery is known as Raspberry Ketone. You can find out about this valuable secret here.

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