
Gloria Dei Tidings

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 153 Cherry Hill Rd NW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-396-2641 [email protected] [email protected]


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In consultation with my doctor, I decided to undergo genetic testing given the history of breast cancer

on both sides of my family . As I was getting checked in at Hall-Perrine, I was asked my church affiliation. As pas-

tor, I am on record as being a member of Gloria Dei. This is indeed my community of faith. But sitting in that

chair as a “patient”, it caught me off guard to not be able to list a place where I have a “pastor” of my own. Sem-

inary training instructed me repeatedly on the importance of a pastor having someone to be their pastor. I have

been in that role for many of my colleagues over the years -p raying with and for them and offering counsel. I,

too, have turned to others for those same things. But being a member of a church is so much more than having

a pastor to call on in a time of personal need. It is being part of a community of believers that worships togeth-

er, prays together, learns together and serves the world together.

The ELCA, for the purpose of church records, has guidelines for membership that require a person

attends worship, communes and has a financial gift on record within each year. Let’s be honest, that is a pretty

low bar. However, to be even more honest, God’s bar is set even lower, according to our understanding of

grace. We belong to God simply by being. We are and God loves us and claims us. Maybe that is why, as Luther-

ans who stake our lives daily on the hope we have in God’s love and grace, we struggle to set the bar higher for

membership. We don’t want to put God’s grace in a box with limits.

So, we need to define what we mean by membership in the congregation and membership in the Body

of Christ. Our membership in the Body of Christ is an act of God through the Holy Spirit in the mysterious waters

of Baptism. It has no dependence on us and our actions. Gloria Dei’s doors are open to serve that purpose. We

welcome people to hear the story of Jesus, learn they are loved and claimed by God and they are invited to be

part of something bigger than themselves. No requirements, just welcome. Walk in, sit down, let the story of

God work on you. But then, what we hold to is the power of the story to actively change us. We walk in solo but

we leave different than we arrived. Longing for more, we live differently. We begin to live as a community.

Membership in the congregation takes engagement and response. We each matter in the community as

much as the community matters to us. So, my sisters and brothers, what does it mean to you to be a part of Glo-

ria Dei? As a person on whom the story of God has acted and made a change, how does being a member of this

faith community help you to live differently and what is your commitment to that?

As we enter Advent, we wait for the One who took on flesh and came to be in community with us. I

pray for each of you and I pray for Gloria Dei. Join me in these prayers. Let us pray with hope for what God is

doing in our lives and as a community. How will God’s story act on you, me and us to be engaged together in

the year ahead?

Your sister in Christ, your fellow Gloria Dei member praying with Advent hope,

Pastor Trish

Newsletter Date Volume 50, Issue 13

Advent Study - The

Redemption of


We meet on Sun-

days, December 1,

8, and 22 and on

Mondays, Decem-


Join us Sundays, 10:15 a.m. for Adult Forum!

Dec. 1 - Redemption of Scrooge

Dec. 8 - Redemption of Scrooge

Dec. 15 - Wrap Angel Tree Gifts

Dec. 22 - Redemption of Scrooge

Men’s Study meets weekly at Gloria Dei on Tuesday mornings at 8

a.m., but one snowy Tuesday in October the guys took their bibles on

the road. Long-time member Nyle Spalding has been rehabbing from

some health concerns at the Woodlands at Methwick. While stopping

in to visit Nyle, one of the Tuesday men wondered “What if we could

bring bible study to him?” After making a few arrangements with the

care center, the group made a plan to meet. The staff at Woodlands

was kind enough to arrange for a small meeting room and some warm

coffee. Pastor Trish brought extra bibles and it all worked out great.

Sometimes it is easy for us to get into a comfortable routine until the

Holy Spirit pushes us out into the world beyond our doors to share the

story of God’s love. It wasn’t only Nyle who enjoyed the experience. All

the men got something out of being gathered together in a new place

around God’s word.

Christmas Eve Worship - December 24 - 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for scripture, song, and message as we celebrate the

Birth of Our Lord.


Celebrating the

Season of Advent

Midweek Advent Worship, Thursdays, 6:14-7:00 p.m. December 5, 12, and 19. Holden Evening Prayer. Join us each Thursday as we rest and reflect on the coming of our Lord.

Sunday, December 15: Join us for our Christmas Cantata. The cantata com-bines the Youth Christmas Pageant, choir, tone chimes, instruments, and Worship with Holy Com-munion.



Women's Christmas Dinner - Mark your calendar! Our an-nual Women's Din-ner will be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m. Please join us for a delicious meal fol-lowed by musical entertainment. Tickets are $12 and will be available after our worship service on Sunday.

Join us for Young at Heart, Thursday, December 19, 9:00 a.m. at Lucky’s, 86 16th Ave SW.


Thinking of Others First during the Advent and Christmas Season

Alternative Gift Market - December 7, 9 am – 2 pm

The gifts offered at the Alternative Gift Market are gifts of peace and justice,

gifts that are sustainable and that build security. These alternative gifts offer

hope and new life to people facing crises and need. The AGM will be held at

the Unity Center on Blairsferry Road. Gloria Dei’s Water Purification project

for Tanzania is one of the gifts available.

SERRV Sale – December 8th after worship service Fair trade gifts from SERRV will be for sale at Gloria Dei. Through your fair

trade purchase, artisans are able to lift themselves and their families out of

poverty and communities are transformed by the impact.

Gifts for Local Students – Please return December 15th

Purchase gifts for students in need at Hoover Elementary or purchase a book

for a first grade student at Taylor Elementary. Gift tags with gift ideas availa-

ble on a Christmas tree in the narthex.

ELCA Good Gifts – Ornaments available for purchase until Christmas.

Purchase a ELCA Good Gifts ornament and the proceeds benefit families and

communities around the world.

Personal Hygiene Items for the Ecumenical Center – Collected through Janu-

ary. We are collecting personal hygiene items for distribution at the Ecumen-

ical Center from now until the end of January. Personal hygiene items are

distributed to Cedar Rapidians in need.

Most needed items include: Shampoo (travel size), Toothbrush and tooth-

paste (travel size), Combs, Other items they collect and distribute: Deodor-

ant, Soap, Antibiotic Ointment, Bandages, Hand Sanitizer, Nail Clipper, Tis-

sues, Single Load Laundry Detergent, Flashlights, and Granola Bars.

Scholarships for AIDS Orphans in the Marindi Parish. Donations provide tui-tion, uniforms, books, and school fees. $70 covers the cost of education for one child for a year. Any donation amount is welcome. Christmas cards are available by the tree if you are making a gift in honor of another person.



Financial Report

through Oct. 31,

2019 General Fund

Income: $224,405

Expense: $196,736

Pledges Received:


Pledges Due:


Thanks to al who

have returned pledg-

es for 2020 and all to

those who give gen-

erously to the work

of our Lord.

The Budget for 2020

was approved at the

Annual Congregation-

al Meeting on Sun-

day, November 17.

Copies of the budget

are available on the


Your financial sup-

port this year has

been most appreciat-

ed. For tax purposes

contributions credit-

ed to the year 2019

must be received in

the church by Decem-

ber 31st.

Congratulations to our confirmands! Kristen Rosauer, Megan

Bumpus, Lauren Lewis, Jacob Strain, Sam Schneider, Clayton Bocko-

ven, and Nickolas Henry.

The youth in preschool through 6th grade will be learning songs for

the Christmas Cantata, “A Campfire Christmas”. Remember to mark

your calendars for youth practice on: Sundays, December 1 and 8,

10:15-11:00 a.m. and Wednesday December 11 at 6:00-7:00

p.m. The Christmas Cantata will take place on December 15.

In Sunday School this fall we learned about David and Goliath, No-

ah’s Ark, Gideon, Esther, Being the Body of Christ, Samson, the Birth

of Jesus and Thanksliving. Thanks to the Middle School and High

School Youth for helping lead the closing skit each week.




God of abundance, we bring before you the precious fruits of your creation, and with them our

very live. Teach us patience and hope as we care for all those in need until the coming of your

Son, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

From Sundays and Copyright 2005 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Litur-

gies Annual License #26540

Prayer Vigil - Ever wished you could be two places at one time? Well,

on Saturday November 2 our Gloria Dei prayer vigil did just that. While

the church was open for twelve hours for members to come in and

pray during the day, the prayer vigil was also happening on Facebook.

For those who couldn’t physically make it to the church building, Pastor

Trish posted hourly prayers that you could read and pray no matter

where you were. The posts contained prayers, verses of hymns, memes

and photos. The pictures and prayers were seen at different times by

over 150 people who follow our page and by many more as the posts

were shared by members in our group. What a public testimony to

share our faith community’s prayers for creation, global concerns, peo-

ple in need and God’s mission! Connect with us on Facebook two ways

through a page and a group. Search for and follow our page Gloria Dei

Lutheran Church ELCA and ask to join our group Gloria Dei Lutheran

Cedar Rapids IA.

Welcome to new Business Manager,

Chris Maakestad.

Chris was born & raised near Newhall along

Hwy 30. As a graduate of Benton Community

High School she attended Wartburg College

for 2 years and graduated from Mount Mercy

College with a degree in Accounting & Busi-

ness Administration. After 15 years working

as a staff accountant for Telecom USA & SCI

Financial Group she started her own ac-

counting firm, Accounting Solutions. After

managing her company for 13 years, she sold

the business to another accountant in Cedar

Rapids. She has been retired for 2 years and

enjoys spending time with her family. She

has been married to her husband, Wendell,

for 30 years and together they have 3 chil-

dren and 4 grandchildren. They have been

members of First Lutheran Church for 30

years and Chris has been a Stephen Minister

for 10 years. She enjoys traveling, needle-

work, reading & visiting with friends over a

cup of coffee in

any coffee shop.


Thanks to all those who participated in our Leadership Re-


Thanks to the Tellers and Altar Guild for serving throughout

this year.

Thank you to all who volunteered to help with Family Promise during the week of November 17. Every meal, overnight stay, ges-ture of hospitality, and help with setting up and taking down beds was appreciated. We supported five people in our family. They were very grateful. Thank you for your support of these families and for putting Others First into action.

Thanks to our Choir, Tone Chime Ringers, Song Leaders, Dave

Young, Scott Lauer, and Dianne Garber who grace our worship

with music to praise our Lord.


Gloria Dei Tidings

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

153 Cherry Hill Rd NW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52405



Office Hours: 8:00 - 12:00


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odically check your mailbox

in the church fellowship

hall. This saves on mailing

costs. Please contact us

with your new address

when you move!

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

153 Cherry Hill Rd NW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52405

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