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Page 2: Lord Ganesha- the mentor and protector

Look at the pictures for one minute.

What is there inside a Car Bonett ?What is there in Ganesha’s hands ?

Page 3: Lord Ganesha- the mentor and protector

Who is Ganesh ?

What is his significance ?

What is the message that we are getting from Lord Ganesh ?

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You love Ganesh. Don’t you ? Who doesn’t.

“Lord Ganesha has four hands. In one hand He has a Pasha (rope) and in another He has an Ankusha (axe). In the third He has a sweet and with the fourth He is showing Abhayam (blessings).”

Ganesh is the God of wisdom and prosperity and remover of all obstacles.

With a big belly, beautiful tusk, baby-elephant head, penetrating eyes, four arms, handsome ears, and all these harmoniously balanced, Lord Ganesha’s form is most enchanting and blissful.

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“When you go near Him, what does He do? With the Pasha or the rope He ties you to Himself and does not allow you to go. Then with His axe He cuts as under all your worldly ties. Finally what does He give you? He gives you Abhayam or protection. This is the significance of what He holds in His four hands – Pasha, Ankusha, the sweet as well as the Abhayahastha mudra.”

And Lord Ganesha’s message is ………

“What is the significance of the “ChaturBhuja” ?

“When you begin any task or eat any food pray to Him. It is essential for Bharatiyas to worship Him first always.”

If you pray to Lord Ganesha, what does He do? He will first start alluring you by showing you the sweet. He says, “Come, I will give you the sweet”. Everybody likes sweets and so we go near Ganesha.”

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Honour Our Parents EverydayHOP


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Legend : How did Vinayaka acquire Siddhis (supreme powers)? His parents held a contest for their two sons - Ganesha and Subramanya. They said they will offer their grace in the form of a fruit to whoever came first in circumambulating the universe. The younger son, Subramanya, set out immediately on his peacock to go round the universe. On seeing Subramanya approaching his parents, almost at the end of his trip, Vinayaka, who had been quietly sitting all the while, got up and went round the parents and sat down.

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Parvathi (symbol of Creation) observed that Subramanya, who had taken so much trouble to go round the universe, should be declared the winner.Parameswara (Shiva) asked Vigneswara (Ganesha) what was the inner significance of his going round the parents.

Ganesha replied: "The entire universe is permeated by both of you. The entire creation is a manifestation of the Shiva-Shakti form. It is an act of delusion to attempt to go round this phenomenal universe. To go round both of you is the true circumambulation of the cosmos."

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Then Parvathi exclaimed: "Yours is the fruit."

Ganesha became the Lord of the Divine hosts (ganas).

Easwara (Shiva) was so much impressed with the supreme intelligence of Vinayaka that he told him: "All those who wish to worship Me, will offer their worship first to you." Such was the grace showered on Vinayaka.

What is the reason?

Ganesha's faith in the Lord and His omnipresence. The right path for all people is to develop faith in God and lead godly lives. Sanathana Sarathi, Issue Oct 1991,P.276

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This story tells us:

* Whatever the Ferrari or Merc you may have, nothing can compare to your use of intelligence - your mind. Machines can never match the mind or the power of an idea!

** Improvise. Do not follow the beaten track and most importantly…

*** Any venture undertaken that Honours Our Parents will surely make us victorious.

(10th of June 2006 by Dr. T. Ravi Kumar)

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Why the animals or birds are used as Vahanas ?

“Association with Gods, as vehicles, ornaments, accessories or servants of Gods, endows objects, animals and men with specially sacred status. Elephants, Lions, Eagles, Snakes, Primates - all these and many more have been divinized thus. Divinity is not limited to mankind alone. We find divinity present in birds and beasts too.”

(1992 Discourse)

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“What is the inner significance of worshipping the elephant-faced deity?“The elephantine head signifies intelligence and qualities of leadership. The elephant in the jungle is a symbol of might and magnitude and makes its own way in the forest. It also shows others the way. It is not only highly intelligent but is also known for its fidelity and gratitude.

“The elephant is also known for its fidelity and gratitude. In any circumstance it will not forget its master. Even in its last moments, if it hears the voice of its master it will open its eyes and look for him. It is prepared to sacrifice its life, but it can never tolerate its master’s suffering. These are the lessons man should learn from the elephant. Intelligence without gratitude is valueless. Gratitude is a very sacred quality. Every man should be grateful to those who have helped him.”

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“The symbolic significance of Ganesha's elephant head has to be properly understood. The elephant has profound intelligence. Moreover, the elephant has large ears and it can hear even minute sounds…The elephant takes the praise and blame equally. When it hears something bad, it moves its body this way and that way and shakes off the unwanted things while it retains good things quietly. Only Vinaayaka teaches the lessons that are essential for mankind.”

“ That’s why every temple too has an elephant. Even the trumpet of the elephant is special. It shuts up all the dogs on the street.”

“When there is no path for us to tread in the jungle, it is the elephant that walks through and creates a path for us. Similarly, in this jungle of life, it is the elephant-headed Vinayaka who shows the ideal path for all of us to tread.”

(1988 Discourse)

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What is the significance of “Mooshika” - the vahana of Ganesh ?“You may wonder how a small mooshika can carry on its back a hefty personality like Vinayaka. Here mooshika does not refer to a mere mouse. It symbolises the darkness of ignorance because it is in darkness that the mouse moves about. Hence Mooshika Vahana is One who subdues ignorance and dispels darkness.”"Man is bound by three tendencies. The first is Kama (the longing to possess). When that longing fails, Krodha (anger) raises its hood. When the desire is fulfilled and the thing is gained the third tendency, Lobha (greed) overtakes him. If one's desire is beneficial, the Divine will shower Grace. Ganesha has no desire, no anger, no greed. His Grace is available for all who seek good and godly goals. Look at the vehicle which He has chosen, the mouse! The mouse is a creature that is led, even to destruction, by Vasana (the smell of things). Men are all victims of Vasana (preferences and predilections stamped on our minds during the past lives). Ganesa smothers and suppresses the Vasanas which misdirect man and create misfortune.”

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" The mouse is a clever and lively creature. As a symbol it means that we should be clever and diligent in our actions. 

It also represents darkness, which is the symbol of ignorance. The mouse moves about in the dark. Ganapathi is regarded as controlling the darkness of ignorance. The inner significance of Vaasana in relation to humanity is the heritage of Vaasanas which they bring from their previous lives. These Vaasanas (inherited tendencies) account for the actions of human beings in their present lives. They also signify desires. Without recognizing this underlying significance and desires, people merely wonder how a large being like Vinaayaka could ride on a tiny creature like a mouse.

Vinaayaka signifies the triumph of wisdom over ignorance and of egolessness over desires." 

(2002 & 1997 Discourse)

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The True Principle of Lord Ganesha .

“If you want to lead a life of happiness, free from troubles and difficulties, you have to pray to Ganapathi, the Remover of all Obstacles. There is no need to go to any temple. Vighneshvara dwells in each one of you as your Buddhi (intelligence) and Vijnaana (wisdom). When you make proper use of your inherent intelligence and wisdom, you will be successful in life.”

“Students! Realise that you have a conscience which is your guide and that it represents your divinity. Ganapathi, who presides over the senses, should be your guide in acquiring mastery over the senses.”

“There is an inner meaning in worshipping Ganapathi for ten days. The idea is, each day should be dedicated to acquiring control over one of the indriyas (sense organs).”

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“Students and devotees should realise that control of the senses is quite simple. What is necessary, is to not encourage negative feelings when they arise, and to adopt a positive attitude. For instance, Buddha confronted the anger of a demon with his love and transformed him.”

“Many students today are subject to depression and are confused. The reason for this is their weakness owing to lack of self-confidence. When there is total faith in God there will be no room for depression.”

“Students! There is need for observing festivals like Vinaayaka Chathurthi for external satisfaction, but what is more important is to realise the inner significance of Vinaayaka worship. This is likely to grant you lasting effect. The worship of inanimate idols should lead to contemplation on the subtle spiritual entity represented by the idol. This is the process by which realisation of the Atma (Self) takes place.”

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“Realise and act on the basis that the living Divinity is within you; Ganapathi represents the ideal person who is guided by intelligence and wisdom. Engage yourself in acts which will please the Divine such as moderation in speech, giving up ill-will and hatred, and eschewing all bad thoughts and restraint on desires. Combining spiritual practices with academic studies will make your life fruitful.”

“Ganesha is Aprameya, meaning He is transcendent and all-encompassing. Hence, He can be worshipped in any manner. Your prayers will certainly reach Him if you affix the stamp of ‘faith’ and the address it with ‘love’ to Him. Infact, Ganapathi dwells in every human being in the form of intellect and wisdom. There is no need to seek for Him in the outside world. Realise and act on the basis that the living Divinity is ever-present within you.” (Oct 1997 Discourse)

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Why only Udumu or Modak ?

“He eats only those foods that are oil-free and made only from steam. They are special and unique in the sense that they are cooked on steam without any oil content. Til seeds, rice flour and jaggery are mixed, made into balls, cooked in steam and offered to Vinayaka. You should enquire into the purpose of making such an offering. These steam-cooked offerings (modaka) are good for the eyes, they free us from all defects of the eye like spots and cataracts and are beneficial to people suffering from asthma and eosinophilia. A combination of jaggery and til seeds prevents all defects and diseases caused due to bile (vatha), wind (pitha) and phlegm (cough). The rice flour preparation helps in digestion too.       

These offerings are meant to improve health and confer happiness on man. They are not to be treated as mere ritualistic practices. All that is related to God has a sacred inner meaning.” (Sep 10th 2002 Discourse)

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Why Children Place their Books ?

“On this day of Vinayaka Chaturthi, students place their textbooks in front of the Vinayaka idol and offer their prayers.”

“The inner meaning is that they should pray for the divine wisdom to be bestowed on them. It is most essential for the students to worship Vinayaka on this auspicious day. He fulfils the desires of his devotees. He has no agraha (anger); He confers only anugraha (grace).” (Sep 10th 2002 Discourse)

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Why procession and immersion of idol in River ?

“The significance of that act is that just like sugar dissolves in water to become omnipresent, Lord Vinayaka is also omnipresent. (The form which arose of mud returns to mud, symbolic that in our spiritual journey we identify the formless God with a form and then realize His omnipresence!)”Even there His children are with Him. They are His only property. Consider your children as your own property. And never forget your mother and father who are most important. Vidya (Buddhi) and Siddhi come from parents.”

(Aug 26th 2009 Discourse)

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What is the meaning of “Ganapathi” ?

“ ‘Ga’ symbolises buddhi (intellect), ‘Na’ stands for vijnana (wisdom). 'Pathi' means master. So Ganapathi is the Master of Buddhi and Vijnana.”

“The universe is sustained by Ganas (gods) and Ganapathi is their Master. In this world, everybody has a master, but Ganapathi has none; He is a master unto Himself. Ganesh Chaturthi is the Birthday of the Master of Masters.” (2002 Discourse)

Where are the Ganas? What is their form? When you investigate this, you find that ….

“ The Jnaanedhriyas and Karmendhriyas (five organs of perception and the five organs of action) are the Ganas. The mind is the master over these ten organs. Buddhi (intellect) is the discriminating faculty above the mind. Thus, Ganas also symbolize the Senses. The ten Senses, the Mind and the Intellect together constitute the Ganas. Ganapathi is thus the Lord of the senses.” (1994 Discourse)

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What about the name “Vinayaka” ?“He is also called Vinayaka, which term means that He is one who has

no master above Him. He is the Supreme master. He is beyond the mindless state. One who has stilled the mind cannot have any master. Without Vinayaka, there is no Nayaka (master). ”

“In what form does Vinaayaka - the one who has no master - exist within a human being?”“It is in the form of the Aathma (Soul). The Aathma has no master. The

mind is the master of the Indhriyas (senses) and Indhra is the master of the Indhriyas. People conceive of Indhra as presiding over his own celestial realm. But as the Lord of the Manas (mind), he resides in everyone. The Buddhi (intellect) which is the master of the mind is the very embodiment of Jnaana (Wisdom or Awareness). What kind of awareness is this Jnaana? It is Constant Integrated Awareness. It remains unchanged, neither growing nor diminishing. It is called Vijnaana. Unfortunately, nowadays Vijnaana is equated with science. Science is not Vijnaana. Science is phenomenal knowledge. It is based on demonstrability.” (1997,2002 Discourse)

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What about the name “Vighneswara” ?

“Man is confronted with many Vighnas (obstacles) in the journey of life. Prayers are offered to Ganapathi - who is better known as Vighneswara - for removing such obstacles and minimizing impediments. Ganapathi is an important deity for people of all sects. He is the deity to whom worship is offered first in any ritual.”

“ There is special significance in placing Vigneshwara in the forefront before embarking on any undertaking. In a forest, when an elephant moves through the jungle, it clears the way for others to follow. Likewise, by invoking Ganesha, the path is cleared for our undertakings. The elephant's foot is so large that when it moves it can stamp out the footprints of any other animal. Here, again, the symbolic meaning is that all obstacles in the way will be removed when Ganesha is accorded the place of honour. The journey of life is made smoother and happier by the grace of Ganesha.” (1989 Discouse)

“By what means can Vighneshwara remove any obstacles and impediments in our way?”

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What about the name “Lambodhara” ?

“People sing about Him as the one with a big stomach. But the stomach is full of air and nothing else. He never accepts anything from anyone though He moves about everywhere. God is also like that. Whoever may offer, He will bless but not receive.”“Life is under His control otherwise everything will get destroyed. It is only because of Vinayaka that vinasha (destruction) is prevented. Whether you know it or not and see it or not, He is with you always. Man cannot stay without breath and breath is Vinayaka. Air is life. Without our inhalation and exhalation, there is no life.”

“Vinayaka has a trunk - not the one you use to carry your clothes when you roam! The trunk does everything - breathing, drinking and eating. It is foolishness to think of Him as an idol, for He is present as the breath in all. He has been there from the beginning of creation. So Vinayaka is in you, around you, below you and above you.” (Aug 26th 2009 Discourse)

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What about the name “Paarvathi Thanaya” ?

“The symbolic meaning of the relation between Paarvathi and Ganesha: “When Ganapathi is described as Paarvathi thanaya, who is this Paarvathi? Paarvathi signifies Prithvi (Mother Earth). Everyone is a child of Mother Earth. The meaning of Paarvathi thanaya (son of Paarvathi) is that Ganapathi, who is the Lord of the Ganas, is the son of Paarvathi, who symbolizes Shakthi (the Divine Energy).”

“Where are Paarvathi and Ganapathi to be located?”

“What is the relationship between Paarvathi and Ganapathi? People do not normally enquire into these matters. Usually Paarvathi is considered as the mother of Ganapathi and no one recognizes the underlying unity between the two. Where are Paarvathi and Ganapathi to be located? Are they in the external world or are they immanent in every human being? The truth is both of them are all-pervading and convey the message of Ekaathmabhaavam (spiritual oneness).” (1997 Discourse)

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What about the name “Siddhi Vinayaka” ?

“Vinayaka has two children - Vidya and Siddhi. They stay with Him and learn from him. Vinayaka never commands orally and communicates through Mounam (silence). His gait is soft.

Breathing is Soham. It has three parts - pooraka (inhalation), Kumbhaka (retention) and Rechaka (exhalation). These three happen as per the will of God. These were also taught by Vinayaka and propagated by his daughters - Vidya and Siddhi. So He is called Siddhivinayaka. There is none to explain this secret.

He manifests before whomsoever prays to Him wherever he may be. He is Universal and not restricted to the Bharatiyas alone. He is the master of the Universe and He destroys all your sins if you think of Him.” (26 Aug 2009


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What about the name “EkaDantha” ?

We should do things which the world will follow and not merely ape others – particularly in things like our dress and conduct.

This is the true meaning of the saying ‘Paropakaarartham idam shareeram’ (Utilise the body in the service of others). (10th of June 2006 by Dr. T. Ravi Kumar)

Lord Ganesha broke His tusk and used it for recording Vyasa’s dictation of the Mahabharatha. The Mahabharatha was sure to benefit mankind and He gave His all for it.

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“Lord Vinayaka is the embodiment of love. He always showers love only. When He was acting as a scribe to write the Mahabharata to the dictation of Sage Vyasa, he displayed the same attitude of love. Since He was the embodiment of Love, Vyasa selected Him particularly to undertake the duty of a scribe. Throughout the period of writing the Mahabharata, Vinayaka displayed this quality of pure love. That is why you do not find even a single mistake in the Mahabharata. Since He was flawless, His word was also flawless. You do not find the bad qualities of anger, jealousy, envy or pride in Vinayaka. They are the qualities of a human being devoid of noble qualities.” (Sep 18th 2004 Discourse)

“The relationship between parents and their children is one of love, nothing else.”

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The Physical And Divine Aspect of the form.

“The physical aspect has a meaning and the form should not be neglected. The form will take you towards morality. But do not forget the spirit. Without the spirit, you cannot understand divinity.”“While considering divinity, remember that only the form has birth and death. Who is Brahma? Who are you? Aham Brahmasmi. Brahma is the breath and has no form. He has no birth and so no death. So too it is for Aum. Pain and pleasure are only for the one that is born and has death.”“Who is God? God is the underlying Unity in the apparent diversity. That is Brahman. Do not keep dolls and call them as Ganesha, Krishna or Rama. These forms are all derived from Ravi Verma paintings which he too imagined. He has not seen divinity. None have seen God in reality.”

“Know the significance that Vinayaka stands for the absolute Master. Understand the festival and understand the significance.” (Aug 26th 2009 Discourse)

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“The adoration of Ganapathi is not of recent origin. Ganapathi is lauded at several places in the Rig Veda which clearly shows that Ganapathi is as ancient as the Vedas. In several places Ganapathi is mentioned both in the Vedas and the Upanishads (most ancient Indian scriptures). There are many prayers addressed to Ganapathi in the Narayanopanishad. There are prayers to him in the Thaithiriya Upanishad.”

(1997 Discourse)

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Ganapathy Gayathri

“Ekdantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Dantih Prachodayat”“ I meditate on the single tusked lord,

the Lord with His curved trunk. May He grant knowledge and inspire me.”

“If you want to lead a life of happiness, free from troubles and difficulties, you have to pray to Ganapathi, the remover of all obstacles”. (1997 Discourse)

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How Should we Pray to Lord Ganesha ?

“We should not ask for petty things like jobs and other worldly matters. We should pray: ‘Let there be no obstacles in our path’. We should ask for Ganesha Himself. Once you have Ganapathi on your side, you will become the master of all.” “There is no need to go to any temple. Vighneswara dwells in each one of you as your Buddhi (intelligence) and Vijnaana (wisdom). When you make proper use of your inherent intelligence and wisdom, you will be successful in life.” (Aug 25th 1998 Discouse)

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