


¯ "- . !_ ............. ~ ,.’.to ¯ ̄ ~ * 7 :; ,’-= ....... ¯ -......... .,

, , ,. "

-- -’

. .msu,,oe-cO.COMPOUND =~t witZherea/UrkeeP:;-;dtasso;teds~-/~of:a/&~~r:

..... J ies--Se~ars, Tea end Co]]’ee, Spices, Dried i~ruits 3£illvil!.e, :N: J.

FLUID EXTRACT + ~+,~ Ca,reed Ooods, Ylo~r, Soap, ~olasses and Assets January 1st, 1878Syrup, B~tter, Lard, Pork, S~l~ Eish, Brooms #e.

I shall cock, ilion ~y ~su, al f~ell assortment of- ¯ D~’es.~ G ~od$ Uass;meres, Plaids, Jllpaeas; --prints;





g;adger attd Kidneys.F ,r De~, lity. Loss of Memory, Indisposition

t,+ l:xerti,,u ,:,r Bueiues% Shortness of Breath.

"l ~ ;,unlod with Thou~ts of Diastases Dimness o

}:a.~h of B~oud to [l~e. tlekd. !~le -C0fltnte~ianee

an,l DO’ Skin.

If thc,’e symptoms are allowed to go on,very

tre,~u+ntly Epileptic Fit~ and Consumption ~. When the constitution becomes afros-ted it req airo~ t".e aid of an invigorating med-

i2i,~o to strengthen and tone up the eyste’n

--.~b oh

+&L#J, ....

- ..... ,,,Heimb.- .,.s Buck.: ~roES IN EVERY CASF-.

~u’slins, Je~nsl Sheetings and Shinings, Flannels,

Tiekir~gs, J~osierg, Gloves, .gd~i~s, Threads of alll~inds, Butto~% Zephyrs,_Pocket Books, Statio~-ery #c.

~llsa a-goog stoeb of, Ready ~¢de Clothing,,- . - _ _- _. .- _ = -_-_


,tll which will be sold for Cash, and at the low.est ~arket Prices.

.... X-I~It£ON~ON, ~o J.Apzql ~’~’l~tt, 18~/9.

$~7a Monthandp~mee~ gaaraatgsl t* t :a at<||Outfit. fee .~" ¢ :, t:. .’k +ix <’,


eASK,K’r~ OOFFI~S, WITH HAh*’DL~q & p~xT]:~

tS ! ,454,936 23.

This strong end cnnservallve Company insure


other property aga,.st toes er homage

-- -lowest rateo,-for the-termof ....One, Three, Five or Ten years.

VESSELS,Cargoes and Frelghto, written on liberal form

of policies, *lthcut restrictions as to porte

used, or registered tonnage.

LOSSESPromptly Adjusted and Paid

N. STRATTON, President.F. L. MULFORD, Sec’y

January 15th, 1876.

J. Alfrad Bodies, Willlamotown ; C.E.P.M.-hew, May’o Landing ; A. Stephany, Egg City; Capt, Daniel Waiters Abse.^Onl "ano&E. Merrlo, Somere’ Point ; Hen. D. S. ~ltek-man, Port Republic; Allen. T. Leeds¯ Tucker.ton ; Dr, Lewis Roe{l, s tlnntte City ;Altred W+Clement, Haddpnfiold, H. M. Jewett.Window.

H. E. ~OWLEN, ~[. HAK~.)~ON N. J.


.. Fire =lmsurance C0mu ny,-.BRIDGlgTON~ N.-J. ---

Conducted on strictly mutual principles,

Camden & Atlantic :R. R.S u m m ~-~--A~q’mngtqm ezvt a-


Stations. IL h. &¯ A. l~. F. I~.

Philadelphia ......Ccoper~o Point,..Penn. R. R. JuneEaddonflold .......Ashland ............KIxkwnod .........BsrllD ...............Atoo ..................Watexford .......... 7 24

Ancora .............. 7 29

Wmslow Juno ..... 7 35Htmmontnn ....... 7 42Ds Costa ............ :Elwood ............. t "

"Egg Harbor .......Pomona..¯. ...... " 1Absence .......... :.Atlantic ...........May’e Lauding...

P ulr~la~-6 001 8 0061514i~t 8158 2~!4 ~21 8 226 ~S 4 ~a 8 3s8 47 4 39 8 ~98 521,t s~ ~ 40

k M’ I.AM8 00 .

5 001 8155 081 fi 33

5 401 fi 39t~ 071 8 4~

450 8b~ fi301 8~5503 t~0’~ fi4~190~5 121 9 If 7 001 910517] 921 712l 9155231 92~ 7301 $2158:’| 9:~ 7551 900

:-;c| 931 812l 9~544] 04~ g4~|94t553[~ [- 91~I16 05110 O fi35110 Ofi6 I(; 10 ]’ 0 00110 176 3( 10 :l I 0 20110 306 1~ 10 I;


Stations. H.A. A¯ A¯ M. F. ~. A.

I’M P Mt’ ~’41~

a M ~ ~a5~3

Philadelphia ...... 7 50 9 20ICooper’o Point .... 7 4el 0 1~i 6 09penn. R+ R, Ju~c [ 7 33! 9 071 5461 603

57naddonfield ...... i 7 18t 8 5 35[ 3 46/ 5 53Aehlold ............ [ 7 lt’ 8 5015 28t 3 20{ 5 46Rirkwood .......... 17 05 840] 5 23 :tl01541Berlin ............ [350:8~ 53 t 240[bf’0Atco ................ ]1’,43 829 5(3 22bib23

Waterford .......... 1 6 35; 8 53 2 10" & 15

Aneora. ............ 1030 4 47 1 5S 5U9"

Hammonton .......baCoeta ........... 2~ 1 O~ 451

Eiwood .............i 7 17 12 52i 4 43

Egg Harbor ....... 734 407 1235 43’2722] 356121~ 4~1Pomona ............711! ~45 1147 411Ahsecon....,.,.,..,

Atlantic ........... fl 551 ~30 I1 15 3b5

Hay’s Landing... 8 15’ 3 45


-- %

HELMBOLE8B-U HU ,n...,,.*.+..e,.+,s p.-p-, .t:®.d.d to. PIONEEg STUMP PULIZ irma, eo+tto pay losses and .xpe.,.. The ,_ .

proportion of loss to the amount snsured berg All work made hereafter by the undersigned

IS" UNEQUALLED .,++__~+~..o,,+.,.ae+~ava’--~Havtngre, ervtdthoelghttnmannfaotureind verysmall, and exp.eee much: le+, than nlue willho [romnimre,

to the insured. The cost being shout to. csa. Rtuchod egatives, ~- Burnished¯By tmyremedy known. It is preeeribed by the Shop over the wbeetwrlghtehop, F’ggHer" I~ll thio .FaeorlteJfachtne in the countle~olallyhad’ncthingeanbe°ffered~fm°refav°rabl$

"mo*t eminent phyeici,tas all over the world, inher road, I~mmoutoe. N. d¯

~Camden, Burlington, Ocean, Atlantic and t?ap on the: ~endred dolla.s per sear to the ineureroMay, Phereby gly 9 notice.that I am pj~ .~e~ ~.t.hnn ha~or tho


o fill orders at following rates :

Spe tNeuralgia, ,’

Nervousness, .~ ~ ,,~n,,- ~en0,Dispepsia, AYER ¯ ~ON’S MANUAL

." ndigestion -~ IOR ApVIB~t_.~+p~ p~,et~

............ Constipatibii, ........... ~;"~"~’’" ~P’~%--~~-sa~d~°nt~m°ral~atimt°fsm’lL~ tg"mm~ "" Ut.ta

Aches and Pains, u~ _~.*~ ,~ b~ ~ --~.~--’~ ~..-..~,, d~+~,+~’++~,¯ General Debility, ,~.~,~’~,-~ i~.aZ ~ .d~’~=~" """’~..,, e,,m" " =" ~" "" ,-,=,--...~--"~’-~’Y~-

Kidney Diseases, ~i~ ,-,~=~. o~ ~ ~nm-. eel" b,_,’~:.,,..~, eX ".~.~t~, ,~.Liver Complaint,

. ...... -Nervous-Debilky, .-Epilepsy,Ite/ul rrouble%

Paralysis,General I11 Health,

Spinal Diseases,Nervous Complaints,

Sciatica," Deafness, .........


Female Compl’ts.Htmlseho, Pain in the Shoulders. Cough

Dieaine|o, Sea" Stomach, E~ptions, Bad Taete’in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart* Pain in

t.~" the rotten of the Kidneys, and a thousand oth-

er painful oymptoms, are the offsprings of Dys-pepsi~

HELMBo u --’+8++-..- B UOHU++

¯ INVIGORATES + STOMAGH,And stimulateo the torpid Liver, Bowel~ and

Ktdneyo to healthy nation, in cleansing the

RIced of all impurities, and imparting new lifo

~md vigor to the whale system.

A I~1o trial will be quite sufficient to con

vhtce the most hesitating ofit~ valuable rem-

odlal qualities.

...... 4n ehe mmrkef;

For par~teulars send for circular.

.G.W. PRESSEY,bammonto~, N - Inventor & Manor

NO. Z m--~iN---~,

~TteseJIac~ines are WarrantcdtohotlteB~thLrds taken by stockeompanieeaccruing to steekholdere, orpeases of the companies. + ....

~s 9uarantee rand of p.otv Three Million. of Dollars.

If an a~sessmcnt bad to be made of fivecent. onty~ tw;etthe policy ia iooued, it would yet be cheaper tothe memhera tha~ any other insurance offered.And that large amount of money is saved to

6n’dffe~h~T~v~’i’Se-°1~-e¥1w-°~ " duos taken in exchange, also

Gold, Trade Dollars end Green Bac~i h~£ l~r~d~-,,rt~-n~s i-el orv,ew"~ .

for the e]tereoseope, Loth Fnretgu and Amer-

lctm~ of Cities, Towns, Parks, Cot"ice, e~tatuary,xtra fine lot, many of tLe Centennial, I

many ~[l~mmontee, such~aa-

Lake, Steamboat, Fair Hcuao, Par

* the members and kept at home. No assess TEN CY.N’IS each or $1.O0adozenmeat having ever been made, helot now more Orders hy mall promptly :filled, posla’gc paid

Corer of BeUevue Avenue & Hort0n Street th~n thirty years, that saving wouldamoant to at $I.19 a dozen.

Delivered to may eddrese free from observe*

tiOU.,,PattenW"may consult by letter, recelving

the etme attention as by calling.C~mpbtent Pbyaieians attend to correspon.

dents. All letters ebould be eddreosed to

.......... ......Druggist & 0hemist

PhiPa+~[pMa, Pa.

Barber Shop+Thpundersignedhas opened a Barber ~hop ua

Beilovue Ave.tad is prepared to Cut IIalr, Shampoo,Shave&c.,in thebest manner.

A (~ean Tows7 fo Eve~j Man!

Open every day. On Sunday from 7 to 10 inthe morni rig.


Hammon’ton, M l~-tf

C. M. Englehart & Son.

Watche~, Jewelry, ." Silver &PiatedWare.

Agents for the Howard Watch Co.

Masonic Marks & BadgesX~ogers ~ BeD- Oelebra-

ted Plated Ware.

No. 2b~ ~orth Neeond Ntreet.

]~monteu~ New Jemey,

I T0 LtI - &-- ,S]Hamburg Embroideries, Laces,

White goods, ,:Fancy Arti-cles and ~oys.

Ladi~ Furnishing Goods a SFo¢iality.




Europealz ~tlle~li¢ Medicine CO.OF PA RI~ A ~VD LEIPZIG.

IMMEDIATE RELIEF WARRANTED. PgRMA-NENT CUBE GUAItANTF.ED Now exclusively usedby all eel.bested P0yMelans t)f Eorope and America,bo-er,slug a Staple. }larml¢~.t~ and I[eliable l;~m~ly onboth ¢oatinent~. the 01ghent Hrdlca! Aco~emy of

more than Theyare just the thing for a CIIRISTMAS

O.e Million Five Haadred ~housusd Dollar PRESENT,

The Losses by Lightning.Where the property is not sot sn fire, l’elng

less thee cue cent per year toeach member,are paid wlthnut extra charge, and extended soao to cover all policies that are tsoued and cot-standing.


HENRY B. LUPT01~, Secretary,


GE0. W. PRESSEY, Hnmmootoo, N. J.~!~0. W SAWYER, Tu~kerta,, N. J.A. L. ISZARD, May La,die~, N. J.

--Wm. Rutherford,Hammonton. N. J.

For Sale or RentHouse, barn and five (5) acre~ of land

half milefrom the station. InquirD ofE. D. REI)MAI%" or T. S. WETItER-BEE. L~2 nov

Subsclibe for the S. J. RZPUBLICAN

LonOon Nurs r .’ PATENTS.

Part, report~ ninety-five cure~ out of one hu;,dred fr sh from thr trent have weighed 16 ozs. withca~c~withiothreedny~. Se~ret--Theoniy dl~olwcof the flavor of a rich Smyrna fig.the t~+LmnousUrloAcldwhlchex~ta|n theBIood of ~hos|d_the.,e,like_tho shrubs u~nd-SaRheamstlrand Gouty Patient~.- ~1 ~k~x:- Six’t~x~’,s- ~orgreens introduced from Japan,prove hardyfor~5. Senttoany addre~.on recelptof price¯ IN-DOBSED BY I’nYSICIAN$ gOLD BY ALLDRUG- as author[ales have already pronounced them

GI~Tg. Addr~s

~V’ASHBUI~I~VJEI ~ CO.,Only Importe~. Depot 212 Brbazlway.

Cor. J~’ulton ~t. (Knox BTd), NEW-YOI~KTo be bad at A. W. COCit nAN’.5. Ii~mmonton,



. ----------¢’lilLAn~l’Pllta"BILLS OF HATEBIAL.q, ¢O~T8, &e.,

.......... 7 + ..... " ........... ~’tirn lehe~ at~h ore e mqce.

Partleewhocontemplatobnfldleg ereinvlted to callnd examine pious whack are kept on band as sampi~t

of work and nrrangomeoi of different sty]es of buildingOrgies AND Seep oreos|Te R. R. SrATIeN’~I~I



ASTOR PLACE, 3rd Ave. & 8th St.(Opposit~ Cooper Institute.)

Be~t location In the city, Xlevated Railroad aud five~otherllnes a f ca-es l~m the door. -

Rooms 50 ct~. to $2 per day. By the week $2 and up

ward~.Open All Night.



Solicitox" in Chmac~ry.~IA¥’N lb&~DIN~. N. J+

JAPANESEPE~SlMbION TREES4 ft to6 iX in 12choicest kinds. Dried specimen fruits ~0 Inventors & Manufacturere.received last seaso~ fro-u Japan woutd when


See that the private Fropn-, g o.t .., take. th......... :StaznD im on e~h =:l’mo,u ~..l, +n0up,ed hy E. L, i "0"re~_ * ,: " " I offer to th, publie an extenoire ’stock of Eas-


to he, we may look torward in this to Sollcltor~ of l’at~nt~ & Attorneys st Law.

an oequisltion of the~ highest comm~rci"l ira-portaneo hs a fruit and tree ol gt~at mat- A,IItJRICA.V ,f’ [;01~EIGN P+dTF~.VT~q,


NEW PEAR.Trlomphn dc Lyons, a’hlto variety whoso

fruit i~ the largest knewn,Aleo large general stuck of trait, sh,tde,

rare ever,~rocns, shrubs," hedge, budding, ~.udgreoohou~o plants, all of which will be soldat about half pried by

,3". "~’Ur "Z’ T ’.X:~ T O X’ff,

HnmmOnton, N. J.

No Fees in Advance, nor until a Patentis allowed. ~’o _~’~es for ruskin9

~r¢liminar~/ Examtnalion~.

FpeMal strentlou giv~m to Interference Csqeehofotc the Patent O~re. Infringement Suits inthe different States. at+d nil litigation appertain~ing to })etcnte or Inventions.

8end h’tamp for PampT, let of Bizty Pages

/ tt

PRIME YOBK STA’I" - BUTTER,OID~R &]lid l~Ultl ’@IDBR ~IllllG&~t:

bottle. I torn, Cttyraud my OWn mamufnoture. Thaekll

_ formosa favors, with renewed facilities I, 19110|t..... ~ .............. ~..+-’ ~---"-" -

[ a ot~tlnued patronitge-Ofola=audmew-frtende~-" °"’"""S0LD ’:i+!+: P s Go+,,sm.o ,o¯or+e,..+d,, r,n,

.’( tic as *Je’.lO .

To take acknowledgment and........... ik0%f-~t- DeedS. ............ : ......

~ammonton, N.J.

C0~+SZA~ZLX O. -~t+~. ,tLSO............... --~+- e-g~ ~ wb+l e.~ in__~ e_as+o_n .............. ¯ .............

CI~’ ~ltgon ras through the tOWax WcdnosdayB and Baturdsyo


¯ Q

--.,_ ,~d


Te,,ms--$1,25 Pet, Year..

Vol. XVII, No. 48. Hammonton, N. J., Saturday November 29, 1879.j-

Five Cents per Copy, :..,: ......"++~,,~. ~ +- -


~RLa0Ataazc]¢~, I ¯ ;o.’*n Wo,~rxm i" ~

............. /_ ~% ....... -

The ..... ko.

+I~ 0hr beautifulL ol~e IEl~d ]Price ~Tlt" mslled frsa on aFpll+’Jtttou.

ALBRECHT & Co.,Wa~erooma, 010 Axch Bt.,

Phfladslphla, Ps.

For Sale and to Bent.Im~rov~l Farms and %’]lingo fats with good bundlogephmmhtly located, In and near the Ceatr. of the town

For 8ale from Jeoo to 6a,oooin etty itmlalmente.

TO RENT FROM $5 to 310_A MONTH. __.

A4drtn%- ....T. J. SMITH & S0N,

}uuag~ntea, .~. J

Trees Il Tie;d i 0esI have the lart~cst variety aud best assort.

meat of Shade and Oruamenlu]Tt’oes, Ever-greens, 1ledge Plauto Shrubs, Plat~t~, Bulbs,&e.,in Atlantis ~eo, Apple, Pear, Peooh

aesay in tha¢ountr~. .......

WM. F. BASSETT.Bellevue Ave. Nurseries, Hammnnton,N.J;

t,t his o~ee, 1203 OltgEN St~et,phqluh, lphl~h Pa...r 0y Iotas.r, on aa Chn, nle Dlsea~oft he Lunt~. Bronchttl~ Asthma. CatarrL.. Nervous.

tleI~y, nynpel~la. Dims, am of" the

OIl~e+.~ car~ the tts~ .f th* knife. ~’he treatmvnt L~ bloodle~2 I~Jel~ and tacee~ful. 32.1 y.

i~[r~. |~, Ti LLt’ItY~W~h, k I’t~;Ml D~al*r It,


PHILADELPHIA,N.B. Dre~ and ~t,ak Hakleg. Ladles l~ul~ Im~de

to orderst short mdlce. Kntf~ lqating and t~n~I~lug.MOUthing t~ds promptly nares,led to.


No, 209 N, EIGHTH St, above Race,PiIILADKLPItlA~ ]’A.

W0ole and I~rthtl ~st* cf tt,:~t.rtrt’L, Dcaanl.aLtrs LIKg AItTIPICIAL TE~rI! m+,,tt+, , $3. 1+5.$10 to ~ZO, I,y a (n~ l, ro~e+s l which i n~ures a p~r!ectSt,

I]ffPERYgCTLY FtTTED TEETI! EEHODEI,ED,~y too ~.)nlo tlrttCl*~q,? itad SlADK TO FIT PalI+Fet~LT¯Teeth cxtr:wtr~l wlHmut p,’tln, 50 c0+ N,) rbargS whenArUflclal Tt*th Itr. ordon~|. Di,c~y~ Teeth l.’tlt,~ fna eup~rtnr m~nl)er wtthotlt Ira+Ill +,,i It~ to’ [+r¢~,+rvo themfor llfn, with putm guhl, at, aurae pl.~tll)a, anmlgam,~n~. &c., 75 ca.. to ~}¯

TEP’~II CLEANED in a barmte.s manner eo a~ togDre them the whltene,~t of Ivory ~1.

E~er~ thiag Warraated a~ rupro~entod,

ALECTURETo Young l%len.

Ja.t Publt.bed, m n S+.M,,d Env,,151~, Price 6 ct&A ]tCttlro oI~ th. ~rttllr.

eoreof Bcmhlal %Veaknt-~s, or Sp,,rnmh~rrh(r,. Indnt.~lby Self-Abn~. in*ohtnti*ry t+’.o)lmlon+. "Impt,tvucy,Nervous Deb[lt y arm t,Jt(..lln,,,i,t~ r,; M:-trrhtg- grn-srany ; t~on~umpthm,Et,ilvl,sy ~tl,ti FII~; ~|.,ttld andPkyslcal [liCtt v~city, t~c--lly Relay

- WI’~LL. ,~T. it.. aDS’bee ot the "t;l~qql lh~lk." &c.The wolld-r,...wn~l attthor. Ira thl~ wlmlrahl,, Lee-

tore. ch.arl~, pr~v,’~ tn,m hls.wn expvd,’nce that th.awfat ct+n.t.q~lee,,,e 51 .~t,lf-Ahtm~ may beramov.d with,,nt mPdl,’lue, o~ld ~¢h|lt~nt dangorunseurglral <q.,ratlotm, l~,nglea, In~trua,~nta, rink’s, urcordial, ; ptdlltlOg one it riled. Uf curt, it Olle,~ certl, lnand efloctultl, L y ~x 0~cII every i(ttff,,ler, e,) matter what0Is roodlt.*.un m.y b% m.y cure itlmselt cheaply, I’d-’*at*ly itod rudh’ally,

~tr- T01s L,~’turo will prove a b~unt to thou,andsand t hon~alld~.

."tent n.d,,r seal, In Ik plttJa env,¯l*,po, l,, Itl|y mhlreee.ou rcet.;l~: t~| -ix Cell[", or two puettL~o stalatm¯

Addro~l tim, r~,,

T̄he Culvorwell ~Iodieal Co.41 .tlnn Strel,t New Y<,rk t Post ()flit:. nux 458s

"-c_~:-0 c, ,,,, T),,:,,,,,, ll,,~, t;,,t.~r+o~.--This |nslitutit)n +,ff,,r.~ unusual t’oehitics forJmpett!ng o thoro(tghly pr~ctical o.~urso of iu.etructioo. Stodenh* airy enter .t ,,ny time,au,I ere adreno~,d ne r.l,idly as th,,h+ ,hi}iSis.will pertrttt The n)cth,.J of instruvllon bylo~ture~r, C,.uo rl ,Srill ned t~+.rsnn. I a,t,.utlonrelicvu~ tile .~’O,h’BI from ".’mbarraa, ale:it8 eX-~,0rl,fl~ot,d in o~hor cyPttem+*.

~ I+lr~¢, LtO I ,,blo e,,rp- of Lno,ut;, Fa Rll,]Tcaohcrs. A],lrvs¥ for P.101og,l,)

}{tI’RR A t~LLEN, Prnpr{otors,Trcnloe, I~, j.


W. D, P cker’ ,



READERS and SPELLERS,¯Ara approved and generally commended be~.



ae their great popularity Iodleates. They haveonly to be ore~ tdbe appreciated,

" ¯ hs ,re eno’ugl~ teePmonialo to’hake a goodeiocd pamphlet alreody largel$ in use in NewJersey. On lhe county list isGL0 UCESTEK,








and in a very large number of other eltleeind towns.

This series recently secured the highest voteat the Teaehers Aesociation in ATLANTIC~0UNTY; - - -- The eause of their popularity te found in theadmireblo gradation, thecomplete elocutionarydrill t the choice oeleet[ons;the 8atisfaetiou they

~y-deligh t-a8 -well--as-educatethe pupil.


GEOGRAPHIEI~.Special Edition for New Jersey are

Thio Series shows all recent discoveries, la,test changes in Europe, e,mlaLns Pby+icsl and

plote|n t~.o.Tbc New Jorosy edition contains spec

ial map of the State showing all tbe e,,uatylaces, railroads, ele.

Monteith’s Geographies have been put on thelht in alargn~umb~r_of~nfies .iL ~low Jer-sey and is the Tesebor’o Favorite.

BhRNES’ HtSTORYOF TBI~ ..... accurate, impartial and attrantLve, and fullyup to the times,

The above b t?0ksaye now largely in use io~tlaeti¢ Coun’y.

School caners Teachers are eordially invi-ted to eorrespond with us.

Special Rates for Introduction.Send for our Catalogue.

A. $. Barnes,& Co.,62B Market St., Fhila.

A. P. FLINT, Geu’l Age.

To Farmers and Horticulturists.’

A Rema-rkal ie Olub-bang O~er!

~Uy epochs arrangements the SOL’an Ja~gv J?d:PU~-

LICtS and t0e J?aral .’Ve~o-Yorker,(whicO Is a lS-page ilhtstrat~! ngricaltural we,,kly) will BOTH bem,nt to one address, one year;for DIMLy ~i5Every subscriber who aecel,te this offer w/ll a?eo receivea l~tcknge or tbe plaut~ and seeds of the

GREAT SEED DISTRIBUTIONOffer We IL~Ve t~eenlx~l ta nor reader8 t-xo of t0e heeti~tpet~, and a st, london of on|no|de ~e¢.ds, toast value--

which we agree to send for tim r~markaldy low price-fiam6d labors! A-foal Illt~strated tles¢rlpaon of tOc

seeds and plaut, will I+ sent to .11 who apply for a~m|.le copy to tOe ]~ur~l ~Ycl(~}’orL’er. New.YorkCity. nclow we give a condenseo ll~t of the st~_.ds andplanm tlmt nee offered :

Pjr~t. The Cathb,,rt P~’~epberr~--Two Plants. E. P,Roe m~ys qf It : "An fttr itl~ l can IlOW Indict% it S~ln8 tome t0o |n(,ttt vahleldu l~l)berr~, and lllavo plantedfly,, thue~ as many oftb|s variety t~ ef all other~ puttt~gether.",

Judge Parry Imyn : "The (’nt0hert I~ far ahead of all

[~4o othl~ra |at&nlllleS~ "

T S. Force ~.ays ; "No Ra*pborr~ can be more hlg0-ly reconlmended [or general ptlrp~et~."

Charle~ Downing ~y~: "l conch.or It the mo.t prom-~leg ltasb~ rry bvfurl, t0. public,., filr a~ t,¯sted 2’

J. T. I~ovelt say,: "It I~ th. perfect tbts|,borry,"It Is nt once th. hi ~h,.st.tlavort~l, lartrt,st, most pro-

JlflC nnd hardy v.rl~tv ,,r It,,I Ba,pl~,rry known,S(,~o~i. ’ih. TMt,/,l~Gfi. V(~’T},~. "lkeW "Et,glDh |~m’.

At I,remmt bold In Englaltd at ~eq~0 per t,u,hM at w0olo-sale.

Thinl. .M,dd’s Eenoblcd Oate. ]~ir. ~oh|, of Eng-I~ud, I~ ttm Intn.loeer of this variety, ffh tho farm uftho ltet=al New-Y~rker It yteld~d~ la.t m,a~on, at therat. ,,f ;~6 bushels per acre,

),’oorDI. AOI,~ $iblri~. One of the hardlo2,t audnlt,~t tn’;tO(~fOI ~vurl~re.n~ knowo,

let|el,. ~et.lSof ~|ngnolla,. Soolanffeantt. I,onnei,Aetllllhl,t|a, Fra.~t!rl, (J]ztuctt ~tnd Ulttbrel[a.

tqx(0, t~e,’d, from ~tlPd]tt,~ of thu beantLiu! nndn,,w Iris I{.mmpf.rl, llanlv.

Seventh. 8etldS .ftho el, len,l!d I’ll m Vlne, Arl,to-Oe| tt nil)he, ilardy.

Eighth. t~oetlsoftho~lan.Rool,fp0u~a~ft eptophylt~linear.

BInlb. S~mlsefBebl,’~ Now Agnilet:las--be:trllJg tlmlat~e*t flow,,r~ ~,r any ol Ibo I++t’l’llll[’Jltt*ft.

’P~ th. llybrh[ l’t, nP+tt i1iol,8. St,w, h,,atlt|tul. |lotdy. N.i|.Thoat~’~t. rar,,colicet[~neot Bot, t~t ar,,o~-t[mated to 0o wvtlll over~’2.50. Ml’lly ot thole cnttot)tat pr~scat be potehased.

.... o~oa~+,,ts, C~uo- , PURE JUICEn~elt~ eo(J. " .............. of th0

Beans’baked on Saturdays £or Suu. Att gelica ~rape of 0alifornia........ day morning bt’oakfast;- at5-oo~ts+l)op A~remedylu-Dya>epsla;-and-Dtsorde.r-~r~

qt., parties wishing wilt sonar them let by rt~lug therefrom, ie onmrpnsscd.It m~v be had of Mr. Scamanof the4 p.m. Boston Brows Bread fttrnishod HAMM0~IION tIOUSE.

to order.

[For toe 8outh JerSey Republican.]

Heart Murmurings.

BY ~It~. A.. V. IKUNGER.

Dear partner of my earthly Joys,How can I bear to tree thee fall ?Thy otrength to i~u day by" day.Thine eye grow bright, Shy cheek more pale,To mark ’the inroads of disease.A.nd yet be powerless to save ?Ah ! there is not a keener pangCan pierce the heart, this eido the grave.

If faithful love hwl but the power.To wan thee back to lifo and health.I would not ask a greater downr,For thou art dearer far thau wealth.Thlo world would ha a wlldnrncss,If thy dear senile were shut from me ;

How san I hopc? where look for odd ?-For human wisdom fails at best,Oh. GreatRestorer send relief,E’er tired nature sinks to rear.Vain every effort we may make,If it should be unblessed by thee;Vainly my prayer goes up for aid,Thou knowest what is best for me.

Oh. Thou who wept o’er human ills,Whose teenier heart for ushas bled;Who healed the sick. restored the blind,And raised u p Iaxzaruo from the dead tOh, I’voar t.ho pn~yers that dally rlee, -.Give me more grace nnd patience still lI leave my loved one in thy hands.In resignation to Tby will.

.ELanmmonton, Nov.~’fla.

Our Washington Letter.Wa~ntso~o% D. C., Nov. 24, 1879.

here nnd prepor,ng~’~r the buslueso of the’cos-

good deal of talk ab.ut what will and will not

be done, chiefly what will not "be done, becaues

I_h"linvn_the_Demoerute have very_ eeu~ibl.v_

weakened on th%ir revolutionary design% asexpressed in the extra session, and if It is poe-

sable to keep the hot heads down, it will he

Boundbxies of School Districts in

Hammonton ......Central District No. 49, Hammonton, is

bounded as follows :

Beginning at a point on the)ine between

Camden nnd Atlantic couoties tbs same die.

tahoe from the Camden ~ Atlontlo Railroad as

the center of Grand ~trret, about elghty rods

(00), and runnin~r : thence (I) parallel to.aid

railroad, and through too centre of Orand

street to a point ~ne liandred and eight r,;ds

IldS) east of Eleventh street ; thence (2) line parallel to Eleventh street to the Camden

& Atlantic Railroad ; thence [3) along the mid-

dle of ssid railroad to a point at right aughs

With the southeast corner of H. Biggs’ seyenty.

"the northeast corner of eaia BiggB’ ten a’~ro lot,

dle of said avenue to the point of iuteroeetion

with Valley Avenue; thenee ($) along the

middle of Valley Avenue to a point one hun

dred and sixteen (116) rode east of Bellevue

avenue; thence (7) m a northeasterly eourse

to a point twenty (20) rnds north of Liberty

street ; ~henee (8) in a northwesterly course

and parallel to said street to a point forty (40)

rods west of Bellevue Avenue; thence (9) In southwesterly course to the middle of Fourth

street; thenee (10) northwesmrly along the

middle -of Fourth strut to+a point, forty (40)-

rode west of Fairview Avenue; thencn ill)

southwesterly and parallel to Fairview Avenue

rods north of TLird ~treetLthence (12) northwesterly and parallel to Thirdstreet to the county line; thenee (13) along

said eounty line to the plane of b~ginniog.

51agnolia District, No. 48. nammonton, Je

- Begin~in~ at a pc|at%n--She’-lie6 bet~en-

~n~ counties, the same dis-tahoe from Ihe Camd6n & Atlaht~e Railroad

the con[or cf t~rand street, about one hundred

(I) l~arallelto oaid railroad, oud through Ihe centre of

(}rand street to a point one h~u~red and eightrode easC of Eleventh street; thence (2) !n

done~-If.-howevcr.-thehutke~d~ insist upnn- right sngles_with-~. .beiug heard, and force themselves to the’trent, road, .thence along oaid ~amden & Atlantic

youwill see the so called~onsctTative Democrats Railroad to Sov~ut.~str~eet : thence ~4~.along

endorsing, sad d,rently favoring as revolution, the center of Seventh street to Third Road ;

ary ]ogislatlon a~ they over did. Tboyare made thon~e (5)-~Tong the ccnbr ur Thii-d R0ad

to assume a temperate oir by a scare Inthelato Thirteenth street ; thence (6) along the center

elections--that’s all. of Thirteenth etrcct to ~ec~nd Road; thenre

It looks as though the mousy question would

be dropped suddenly, since the eleetiono buried

the greenha~eksro out of MghL The free coin¯

age bill will probably sleep its last sleep in the

Senete finance ecmmitteo, and it ts doubtful if

even Voorhces wants to sail it up. The tari~question Is also doomed to remain in abbyancn,

I think, from the best opinions Iean get. The

Republicans are certainly opp.osed to any agi-

tatiou thai may disturb the present course ofprcspcrity all over the country, aud the Dome-

orate have tJot the courage to do misohicfs theymight do in less thrifty times. The fishery

question in eennection with a proposed reci-

procity treaty with Canada, will he discussed

probahiy, and the outrage ef the late 4alif~x

award further exposed. The Indian qoestioo

will be prominent, and in conneation with it the

propo,ition to open the Indian territory to oet-

dement will bc forced to successful issue, many

think. It is likely that s gend deal of time

will bs spent in the JIouso over Mr. Rsndell’sproposition to so amend theruloe 8e to give the

(7) along the center of said road to the eountyline ;thenee (8) -long said line to the place


Iollows :

Beginning at a point on.tho ]inn of Camdet

and Atlantic counting forty rods uorth of Third

street a~d running thence (1) eoutheaster]y and

paretlel to Third street, forty rods di,tant

therefrom, to a point forty rods went of Fair

view avenue; tbencc (2) northeasterly fortyroda distant from Fairviow to a point in/ha

middle of Fourth street ; thence (3) along the

middle of Fourth street to a point forty rodewest of Bellevue Avenue; theneo (4) northeast.

ly and parallel to Bellevue Avnneoone hundred

rods to a point ; thence (5) southeasterly and

parallel to Liberty street, and twenty rods

therefrom to a point in the line of Lake District

coo hundred nnd sixteen rods east of Bellevue

Avenue; thence (6) northeasterly and alcn~I

the line of Lake District parallel to l~|iddie

Road to the West Mill etrcam ; thence along

over the minority than they now hove, and itis

probable that the seesiou will be enlivened with

m~l~V_nthor little Demtmratio blunders,:

Senator Blaine, and Mr. Frye, of Maine, now

Lore. do not believe the Governor of that State

will huvc the temerity to eommit such a men-

"serous as to count nut the largo Repub.

lican majority in the Legislature. It hn does,

they Buy it will mnko the Republican fight easy

next year, end they can carry, the State by10,000 elcnn mnj,~rity.

thence along the county line to the place of beginning.

__Lake~Dtstr:¢t, No.. 51, H~mootun : -Beginning at a point in the middle ef the

Camden &Atlautic Railroad in tho line of

Seveuth street, and running thence (I) along

Iho mlddlo of said railroad to the cor~

"MateD,is and Central Dietrtets ; thentalon~, the lies of Central Diotriot to a pc

Valley aver, no, the corner of Central

Dole Bistriets, on? hundred and sixteen rode

hoe nrrivcd end assumed the duties of htsofflce

Ex-Secretary Seward will remain at the Do.

partment for two or three days to instruct Mr:

}lay in the duties of his ofllec, aud will thou

leave for his hnmo in New York.Oehei:al G~ant’o frlonds’he’ro’~y that be will

aeccpt Iho Presidevey o£ Ihc Nicaragua CanalCo., if the coneeru iea genuine affair. I learn

that European capitalists have subeeribed

heavily towards it, and our+own peal)Is willhelp it General Grant goes iutn it.

’l’ito Iudlena Demuvrats hohlly announce

that uule~s their parly ,ominatce nondrieksfor +the Prceldcncy it ~’annot carry ludlana.

TIIdan’s frinnds ~ny Hcndrieks cannot carry

New York. The Kellyitos s,y they will smash

Til~ten. Ale.gather the Damooratiu Ill,ha is a

lively add promleing one. It amuses us much

herosineo we get the hottest of it through the

loom representattveo whn congregate round the

Capitol. MAXWI~Lc.

¯ FLoe hundred thoU~aDd California sa].man eggs have been received by" Fish~o .mmiesioner Andet~on--to- be di~tribu=tDd in the waters of Now Jersey next Jan-uary. ~Iost of them will be placed in theDelaware.

%rly a:~d parallel to Middle P.oad to Atsion

rtver: theneo (4) along said river :o Ssventh

str, n,; thence(6) along Seventh qtreet to West

Mill Creek; thenes (6) up said creek to Joe’s

branch; thence (7) up enid branch to Lake

-ro~l ;.. thoneo (8) oouthwcstorly along the mid.

die of eatd~Lake road tO Joe’s creek thou down

said crcck to Seventh elroct, and theuco along

Seventh street to th~ place of beginning.

New Columbia District, No. 42 :

Beginning at a point in the main channel

of Pleasant Mill stream (or Hammoutou creek}

where said slream Dresses the lice ,~f Seventh

street, and runs thcnao (1) In a direst line

soulhea0tetly to a point where the line of Fourth

nnd Hcr,-chell 0trpols intersect eaeh other:thence (2) southeasterly along the middle

said IIerschell street to its intorst.otton with the

roacl leading Prom May’s Lmdicg to Now Col.

umbie; thence (3) nortSeestor|y along the mLdal,

of said Iset named toad to the middle of the

main ohanual cf Iho shove Pleasant MiEn

strOam; theLeO (4)down said stream tothoroad le:,dng to New Columbia; thence (5)

-weelefly-eloog, the middle o! aaid-road tothe

road leading to Pleasant Mi:ls; thence (6) in a direst line to where Seventh

street strikes the Atslon river ; thence south.

westerly following the line of Seventh street

to¯West Mill creek ; thence (7) up.s~.~] oreek to

Joe’s braoeh; thence (8) up said branch to Lake ~’road ; thence (9) southwesterly along the ml’d-

dle of said road t. Joe’s braneh; thence (10)

down said creek to Seventh arrest, and lhsnea

(11) along Seventh ~treet to the place of be*ginning .:

New Orrmany Dlstrict, No. 34.

Beginning in the line of Cemden an4 Atlan-

tic counties ir the middle of Second" road ;

thence ~1) soutbeseter]y along the middle of

cold road to the intervention of said road with

~hirtcenth s;rect; thence (21 soulhwester]y

alon~, t0e mlddleof enid Thirteenth street tothe line hetween Buena Vista township and the

towu of II. mmonton ; thence (3) soulheasterly

along said line to ~,eventh ~r~L_t]~.A~~southwesterly following the line of said street

to the Great Egg 4arbor riv~

said river taking the course of Hospitality

8trcam ot brannh to said Camden and AlluUo

eounty line ; thence northeasterly th~f

said county /ins to the plsee of begioning.

The New York World desires to }know whether Geu. Toombs wasunusu-ally drunk when he wrote his famous ’death-to-the.Union dispak, h. J

At the bu’rial of General Joe Hooker,the old white war home, ridden by the i~dead soldier in e0manybatt!es, followed ..... -:the heamc to the grave.

The wheat crop of this year exceedsLhht-of~t-~y twenty-six millions ofbushels; file corn crop is greater by twohundred millions of bushels.

-to,he coast, will- proceed +to’ Guba~ and : .

Alfred Clark,Wcslley L0eds,

John Foux

Henry Park,

Juseph R, Risley/J

Pitney Blaekman,


James B. Wright~

J. tl. Tyler,

Baker Doughty,

Johu Seul]in,

Joseph A. Barstow,

Daniel Berry,

Henry Haar,

T. 4. Nicholson,

Josiah A. Ross

Charle~ KrauG

John Westeott,W. B. Sees]man,

Gee. F. Saxton, .E’tjah Adorns,

Daoiel Ballard,

Andrew G I~tewart,

Aut.uotus J. Smith,

¯ Taking the election returns of thecountry as a whole, the Greenback votet his year is only about one-third ofwlmt

it was in 1878. _~, I

Jury List ~r I he Decem~er-t-e~-m - +

ef court, commencing on Tuesday, December.

0th, lq79 : ....

James Ryon.

John Ireland, "7

Bresher B o o~v,

Wm. Clark// "

R. H. Ohn/eiS,


Benj. Wetherbyo

EIva Kindal,

Joseph 4. Shinn,

David Vincent,

N. Disbrow

James E. Watk[~ ~\

Eliakim Couoverp~._~ "~

James Conove~

Jn]iue Hiocke,

J. V. Albcrtssu,

Lewis M. Panoeaat,Enoch 4igbee,

Louis Ertel ,, P "~

Joc ath,n Doughty. ":

John Hammond,

John Wilson,

George Bern~houae.

dVotiee/s earning eeo-

sioo of Ncw Jersey Legislature, for a law ere- ~atinga borough ~f t part’of Galloway Town- ~ ~.~ship. to ooc~t~p,;rt R..publiet te bol b0Ua. ...... ~=--:ded ns fo.~l~: -Be ;In’leg at~ha 13th corner ~.of theyl~gg I lather ’ Homestead ar,d Vineyard!A~/~o)ioo. in the "James Leeds Road"aa~ said road southeaoterlr to Beaver Rnn,dow~"s~id ruu, the courses thereof to Naoat Creek.down said creek to.Mullion River, up eatd rivel~

.to. 16th comer nf said Aosooiatiou, an~ in *lt~ ’ \

"eec’""uneaa"ri""no .Port Repqblic~ Nov; 27th, 1579,


round the*wo t-¢I.j:~

BY L. T. REMLAP.Eiegantlylllustrated, 400 P~ges Price $1.50. "Otm.~

AaJ.n a f~t sot L ear, re’ate d ~ pU~ a ’~ f.-O-mh I;ka~_ t~m~r~reeepUons, eddree~eoofwelccme, ta aU. t~towns and clues vidted In England Ireland, 8¢ot1~France, Spain, Ira)y, Oerma~y, Egypt, Indle+ Cki~Jal~te mud other,c~nntrles--wlth re~rt~ of tile ad.drm-ee of wel¢ome~ and the General s Wk’~hm; al~grapblc pt.n.plcturee of the plac~.~ of Latert~ vl~ted I~Gt, m,"nl Omnt trod hi~ party. .....

The history of thl~ trtp~ with JUt U.preee,4e~tad tlu~unlo-ked-for OValiona and trlumphl~ tour, wiIt bz lbua4oflutereet m every Amorleatn. "

Sead f~r tall pet’tie-Agent~ Wan tedJ.,..,~.,o.~..,tn~ Inls IS the m,~t emta01e uook iu the ~ket ; m~ve timo, mml $1.00 at nnee for rnmplet~ eepy othe book, yqur ¢hol4~ el-territory. &ddm~

~EVANS & CO.,9 Murray St., N. Y.

Dr. Abel Jff’atrohUd,

--DENTIST.-_.omo~ nr~r ~e ator+ o{H, M+ Tt+wln~,g~+x+Bao+zm~ ^,D Z+tI~LtS+ ~slt~It t

... bP.ECJAI~y~

tar" ~’~ Teeth ]l~l~t~t ~ ~.asiatics

Prl©ee to salt the t|~¢


¯ . . , . - . , ~ ,

¯ . , . , , - ....

’ I~?:L~I~~’:-:I;I: . . ~ , ’ :.:...I~: ¯ ’. 5 ~ a

’ .... _Tb~ @ultaa Wwok~wit~. a ~1notice 6f my

It’s a wise mineral spring th~ knows:: ..... e sl~do~ed b~ m: yet had~ finished, in her rrow ~ut~usnelm FermJW.

hh~We ~atl~ .. . ; in m~king ttsspa.--Uorryllerald.An em~ ~t textible import and doubt-- ’ ~ almonds sh0uld~be

¯ ~ teeth in one me’sent all fell out. ’ feminine, eyes that "You torecent, afidthat is all the gossips knew. ’" l~ds are rich the N° .oae is ever so color%blind ~ tO

His wiseme~ as~mhled at break ol day, " abouther~,’ . ...... ~’yfathdi~." :. ’ ’ shade of the m.lstake a. copper ~or a twa-shillizig ~t’.~./And stood by the thron~ in ~olemn army. The sunimer term A,’~elina "~kdelinKl" -%" "~,: .... season, and the annum plecc.--zJe~ro~ Frees¯s "

:~::_ .. : And when t~he t~rrfbl~ dream w~’tol~old in my soul ,ashamed which it receives.. We find now that

every good in life--:, Time is money we trappers, hut it

¯ .., . ]Each felt a shudder, his blood ran cold, who owed mdused to growth Was never,debt._FonreduceSdu LaetheRep0rter.’principM on a bad,

of theprevious wir~ter.And all stood silent, in |rex .and dread~ in one morning dressed i6’ w]iitd,~With’ - -Thoroughly wetting- the -hair once or

/. ¯ ’ And wondering what was b~t to be said. s~h and shoulder-knees of ch~Ty rib- its worsted hood. _ I turned away~ into crops¯ twice a week with a weak solution.ofAt length an old sooth~yt¢, wrinkled mad bona--the loveliest creature I ever saw. cut to ,tLe heaa~t, but she put out a de- of the soil sMt water will prevent it falling otxt.

At noon she came to me, and said, ,~ery hand. " ",~

. much ¢odubtive- Things are comin~ .to a pretty pass’i " gray, " g~vely: Mr. Durand--thatis,don’t nasa, but I think that when evext an inmgnineant poster is:t Cried, ’,Pardon, my lord, what I have to say~ ’ After to-day I am not coming any rt; for it would make me ’sdil that has

more." ................... ~ if you ~er, e t0_go away ~emm will be the richer for it. One way~etting "stuck upl"--~rn ~unbeam~.

’" - ~’ismaomenoltm~’owtmntfromotihigh:" ......."WhyP" re,?’ . , . mwhlehnhea.rTgrowthofoloverhel~

- Leadville, Col,, already has three

I What am I, that a pain land is by affording an exo~tlent mulch¯ dMly bewspapers~.four churches and aThou slmlt see all tby kiadred die.".Wroth w~ the Sultan’; he gnashed hiJteeth, you"I am golngwere kln~l tOtotheoRYme the tOfirstlive;da]rbUtl answered l~der you unhappy P’ X It does not alwayskeep the land moist,publ[cschoolsyst~.butthcreare, also,

came, and I tell 2~ou for that reason, , ; y. . foragrowingeropofciovertakesmoist- 108gambltnghous~ -And his very words seem to hi~ and seethe, and because you didn’t mind u~tying "I knew of no other way to express urn from the soil with wonderful Since Napoleon I Great became

As heordored t~ w~seman bomad wZthclmins, my h:md for me." my grutitude." ity, but in shadingthe soil from Emperor ofFr~ce, ~ tttlesof h e~-I felt her going so keenly that I could "Gratitude for what P" of the summer sun,’it itary ttohility nave .n: oonfet-r~ on

And gave him a hundred stripm for hi~ pains, not study, try as I would, and in conse- The question was rudely abrupt, hut keep in it, Frenchmen.

The w-’ammen shook ~ the Sultan~s eye quence mY grammar lcsson was a de- she took no notice of my nngracieus otherwise be wasted, or a fiat Girls are we: ~ys’ hats, boys’Swe~ round to see who new would try; cided failure. I went home from school speech¯ stone serves the same purpose, and will, ties and boys’ cr .Yonkers Oaza~.

her way that day, t~ing care that the "Gratitude for the kindness given me indeed, keep the soil more loose and lri- And boas abov necks, the dar-But one ot them, stepping betore the throne, other scholars should not suspect my long ago, mad which I have missed ever able than anything else. that can ba so lings.~Loclq)ort

t ~xclaimed, in a loud and Joyons tone: motives. When I came in sight of her since the day we parted here by the easily a plied. .she was standing motionless by the roadside." & mu~ch which effectually shm]es the ]f Kaiser Wi careful, his

-Exalt, oh head ofa lmppy state! ¯ " roadside, attentively yellow- conseiotis of what itis you soilpromotesttsfertilityinseveralw~ys, son, the crown, soon be as

Rejoice, oh heir ota glorious fate! thistle, downyAdelinaP’ Moisture alone, if not in exceSS,and preparesdisinte"forty-ninth°Jd as he year.

reached his

food I think, too, that "Where is the 2" asks the Pres-clothes closet,Oh Sultan--to outlive all thy kinW away ~rom I could shut my wordsP"

eves of a with -"That I leave to judg- is

" And a lmndred crowns to the wisemaa gave. tree tops¯ and see a Ill She had an for olhe blush of the stmset,,

~~ .....




¯ +MakesCIot~s Clean,.Sweetand_~__hi~with0ut Sc#lding or Boiling,en~;:ifrubbed on lightlyand the directi0nsstric}|y-]’6116v~ed,Wwill--?gq/so much further than :0tfierS0ap :and:Saves sO, muchFuel, as, t~.

........ p~,ve it to be the ,Cheapest,Soap that:even: a p~oor;,family can buy.

/ Splendid for: ’ A ̄ Wash,that ta es a,whdle ~6ren66ti;"~an "/Coarse or Fine Goods,be done .in. a couple of Hour~, if you will use’ W eolens, Blankets, Frank Siddalls Soap a~fOllow ihe directz’o~t~., ,Fl~mzzals, CaLico, The Clothes will smell Sweeter and look nicer "

Fine Fabrics,and, Delieate Colors.

Cleans Paint, Tins and

_][emoves .ereaee

On the line, than when washed in any other wayand (as they are nolle be So&deEor Boiled,) there. ’.Washboiler to lift

noSteam tO s the or furniiure,a~E

And the right kind of


.... :b-:"...... .~: ....

- .. ,-o

),,~ ,::.’

" 2.,:


¯ e

i :%


¯ " FOR,TIIB .FhI.B SEX. i wln~ amo. .0~td,~L th~ofls~0r-~tail .f!,Ea tlmt resemb# ~A Wife’s !Ior~Lq_Urimel,

....... ~ .... lips wits brutally’ murdered by hHew york ra~htom. ’ . Fa, hlott Fataelea. ~ewa mud Not*mio~’Wo’actt: ’ ’ 81ti:i/h: ade’ordit~g to’ lt0~ own’co’~ff~

A 4¢eid~d oha ~ge styles is noticed The’ dohnan seems a lone-lived gar. A hrnneh’ ofthe Royal School of Art The weapon used w~ an~ axethi~ ~6ason. ~ ghe: last ..fMl and nient, capable of many modifications, as I~cedleworkhaa tleenopenedat Glasgow. claimed to have been b~liy’:trtmwinter, bouffant dra’ avoided it is the leadfng wa-ap for winter wear. A beautiful ’yoltng Austrian traveled

, years’ by. him’ and long, ila

Tile long slefves havedlsappeared, flow- all th~ way from Vienna to,Fort Worth,’purpose to lie’ revenged. On..t!ie,

¯ an~ ~tver, and the~ to’ conform Tox~, ~ marry her sweetheart~ ht of the.¯murder Silo walteduntil the

.............. malt Wt~ asleep~ and¯ then with. re-we Mm. Tiburtius, wJJ blows ~’it]i an axe mutilated

st fronts andloops of rich mater|al. The skirtseven shorter than those of last winterand a neat Loot ls¯supp0sed to belong k.tOte costume, besides one of the bags o"’old times, ’~ which hanES from thlwrL~t, with-flower~ emlSi-oidered orpainted aud, monogram’ at one side.Tllese bags are a pretty mdJunet to tl|eoiMt. They are made mostly of blacksatin, lined with old gold, satin, orwhatever eorresponns with the suit,with wide raffle, at the top, gatheredwith asilk or gPt cord and finished witha long black silk tassel. Oecaslon~lone

finely-cut jet and floral designs in oldgold and heads. These are rareand curious, and at once fiug~est"old finery." Illuminated matermlsare used on nearly all suits’astrimming for plain or mixedThe cOlors are notscribe except asmonious effects, q~e~o designs arc alland enter intoing prismatio clouds~,otmds, olive pr6dominatinthe eomnosition of effect ~eason hasbeen carried to tile extreme, so that eventh~ n~w oUSt.OreS are indescribable.are composed of a

fercnt texture ,and character.- Jr mixed goods, come now in all

as well as in si[k, and present a~ surface resembling demasse, Thea repetition of the designs of sul

’ The camel’s hair melange is suitedevery-day costumes, and show Turland Persian patterns., Mourning lc

¯ terns in camel’s hair are parti~qfipretty, showing gray waves of/fiilkthe bhmk grounds.. The peki~ st~i]

.... andQ"ATd~iere fancies enter ~n~---’-o~.................. material lh,~faet, and are simply 1

¯ elabomW SL~]es tI~at ~ ~ppVared -early¯ r&e spring t~sferred in/dwinter gee

The Scotch I~aids are always aeeepta¯and young l~ldiss, as well as childraxe ~eea at~ficd in these and serviceable

¯ su~ts. The India shawl effects in cash-mere are the novelties of the day,and m~et

’ a ready sale. They )rose: the p:thn-leaf, surraunded or ~.ernOriental d~,M~ns, are

..... ~oine: -Vetoers


They are somewhat . .and about tile same infl~utas mrmerty,and ~how, when mad0 of drap d’eta orcash~nere; ~ camel’s hair,





........ . . . . i.: .... . . :





BtacidE t K clnoy/.


G B OCENIBHtt:El:. M.:!Tro rbrtdge

will, l~rea/ter keep a, well, assorted stock, of Grocer-

,t~--Su,~a, rs, Tea an, d, Coffee, Spices, Dried Fruits

+ancZ=Cannecl Goods, :Flot~r, Soap, JXolasses and.

Stir’tip, Butter, Iard, Pork’, Salt iPish, ~rooms ~V"

DRr GOO Xt other property sg~,ust a0n or O, amagn

D. ’es~ G ~ ods Cass;fr~eres, Plaids, ,dlpacas, t~’ints,

~Tu~lir~s, deaths, Sheetin@ and ~hirtir~s, Flannels,

Tichi~s, ltosierw, Gloves, ~d~ir~s, Threads of all

lc~.n.ds, B~ons, Zephyrs, Pocke~" J~ok,s, ~atior~-



MutualMarine and/Fire.... .ummidr Arr---"~ncememt. ,. .... , +.,

IN.BURANOE CO; "~[illvi}le, N. ft. m,,oo,. ..A. ,~.~. ~. r. . .

....... r ~ P~tA~-,tM.,.tl+ . .

Ashore " " -- 1878 Ph,e+elpm....,. ,,, +00: ,+0.Cooper’s Point+. 6 l+ 4 151 8 l0 +5001 S t1~[allil

" +Ist’ Ponn. r.,R. anno O:: +hi 8 n ~.t,S I S$$ .

l[’ l~$ddon~ld,..,.. 8-31 4 Bat.8~a 5 ZOl e-as

$1 454,936 23. .h:aod ......: .....*+~ Kirkwo0d ......... 6~: 4441 fi46 t~07] 843

-- :-- Derlln..... ..... ;... 70! 4 551 858 t~$1U. Bb5This strong an4 ©~nserva.~vo Company insure Atcu ........ .., ...... 7 l, 5 03i 9 09 ~ 4at 9 ~

FARM BUILDIIqOS, LIVE STOCK and Waterford .......... 7 ~. 5 121 9 ]~ 7051 930". ....Ancora .............. 7 2! 5 171 921 7 12~ 915WmslowJuno ..... 73 59~1 927 7~0.9~1Itnmmo~tom ...... 74 53~{ 9;4 759 9~0 " .DaCostlt. ........... 5.~flt 9~8 812t 9~5

lowest rates, for the term of Elwood ............. 5 441 O 47 S 411 9 44Bgg Harbor ...... 5 b’..I 9 55~9 151 9 55

One, ~hreo, ~ive or Ton years. Pomona ........... ~ lJSll0 08 9 .%110 06__ Abeeoon, ........... {] 18~]0 ]till0 O0110 17

. Atlantic ............ 6 3tql0 .~.~ 10 20110 80"~ "17’, S ~ ]~ L S ,. M’,y’s Lauding...: O l~ll0 lRl

0argues and ]Prelghts, written on liberal form UP TRAINs.ofp,+liclee,’without restrictions as to ports Stations, II..4 A.A. 1. F. 8./i.

used, orreglster.edtouaage. ¯ aa A I~, r + r MIP UL 0 SS ~ S Philadelphia ..... 7 50 _9 ~O.[.. i

Cooper’sPotnl .... T ,10 9 l:~l 5 ~ 4 i0] 6 ~9Promptly Adjusted and Paid Penn. R.R. Juno 733 907[ 54f [$08

.-----.. Hnddonfleld ...... ; ’/18 8571 ~3~’ 346!553Aehland ............. 7 it, "8501 52~ 32015a1~N. STRAITEN, Preeident. Klrkwood~ ........ 7 ()5: B 46T 5 2.~ ~ 1~1 5 41Berlin .............. 6 50, 8 36[ 5 II

"i~"4-~" ’~ff~-£tr:~ .........Aucora ............. 6I~1) 8141 447 15m1509 m

AGENTS. WinslowJuno ..... 62+, $1)8+ 442 1451504J, AlfredRod|ne, Williamstown~ Ilammonton.,.,,. O 15:7 19l= 4 34 l 2~l 4 56

Da Co~tz. .......... 7 54! 4 28 4 51hew. May’a Landing ; A. Stephany, EgI Elwood ............. I 7 45[ 4 17 12 5214 43her City; Capt. Daniel WMters Abse.+on Egg Harbor ....... [ 7 ~41 4 07:12 3~t 4 32Po=ona ...........t~tn, Port Republic ; Allen T. Leedl+. Tool+or. hbsaeon ............ I 7 li I 3 45 11ton ; Dr. Lewis Reed, atlantic City; AltrudW, ^t;st+tio.....:. ..... / t~ 55] ~ 30 l] 151a b5 ’: Clnmeuto Haddonfleld , H. N. Jewett.Wl~dow. ~lay’s Landing... / ~ 15~ ~ 4b .~

. .IX. E. BOWI-ES, l. Xt.,.

I-lv H/LM~O~O~ N. J,

f,, l~tertion or Bnslnees, Shortness of Breath~.Troubled ~*ith Thoughts of Disease, Dimness oVialed, Pain in ~he Back. Chesb end Head

Uush of Blood to the Head, Pale Countouauceand Dry Skin.

r $ If(hose eymptoms are allowed to go on,veryfrequently Epilsptte Fit* and Consumptlonf.ll:.w. " When the constitution beoomeo sHoo-

. ted it requ~s the aiA of an invigorating med-

icine to stren~hnn and tone up the sys’te.n

&I .... ~t.out~t !+0 ,+ , ; .... + ,



Fire Insurance Oomp ny,BRIDGKTON, N. J.

Conducted on ~riotly mutual principles, of"


Jlll which will be sold for Cash, and at the low.

est dlarleet Prices. !HAH~ONTON, N. J,

Aprtl .~.~lst, 18~’9.

J[z prewed to furntshCASKETS, C, OFFr-NS. WIT[l[ HANDLES & PIdkTE~

in every varlet’y, at the~we~t cilia prteee.Pcrlng a perfectly safe Insgrcleo: for JlZS~ whatFuneralspromptly attended IOB’ PIONF R BTU ’P PULLER +‘ =" oust to pay io., and .=p...+. +heproportion of lees to.the amount msnred he~g Havingre~ervedtherlghttoman, nfaoturemad very small, and expenses much lees than usnenimre.

All work made hereafter by the undersigned

Neuralgia, ....

)eean/Atl,ihfioa~ to thetusnred._ The coot heine about ~en cents Rtuched egatlve%-,

P0r 8ale or Rent.Home; barn and five (5) acts. of land

half milefrom the ~tation. It,quire of~. D. RED31AN or T. S. WETHER-

~2 nov

~atfat~,. .¯



31eat ~/lavket, . ,Cur. Dellovno and 2d 8t . . .


.. . . ~-



. Yeax.. ....


HammOntOn, N. 5., Saturday,=Deeember 6, 1879. Five Cents/Per


II l I Pl l D ,ltT S ,RIE OFa

READ.ERS ;rod SPELLERS,Are approyod a.od gtmeral]y comnloudctl be~


me their ;~r, s~ popu!.rilr h~,ti~le.% Thcyhnvoonly to ]3. ~t’ee tO bc at,t~r,’(:i-te(i.

%7C have eD(m~h Le.t:n,,,e;al~ to Ina4k"~3 a goodeited |)nm~,!~let ~drcr, ]., ~:,r~.%.]y In nee in ~ewJoreey. On lh~, ceunty ]ht ~GLOUCESTEIL.

SAIand :,everal other Counties. oLst+ ad~~EWARK,




¯ ~1 "WOOI)BUItY,’ ¯ MT. IIOLLY,

$ CAMDEN,az~id a very large number of other 0~tesand towfis.

Thi~ ~ori.~ recently ~o~ured tho bi~he.t thc T++~}.t+r~ A,,n i~’~ ~A’rLA-STIC. _COU.WIY. - ...................... ".

Thecau~,+,<,ftbeir 1,’,},flarityjl P f,urd in thoadmirable gra,!ati,m, lh,.et, mpleTe +:t.,’uti.,m~rydrill, the eh,,iee .+v},.cri.r~.lh. ~iMao:i,,+~ ,|~’~’Vgive ou,I t~at t~ty delighl, as ~’ruil us cdura?ethe I u’pi. - I


.Mr. Editor:]ftherol~lts’.veoterlltllc gem In ourl~n-

guage+ tht*/~ the fo]lowlng nelectlon, T havoyetto ++co it. ~lty0u Can ILnd roonl for It }n yoorcolumn., It ~’onld gn+;tlfy oue who lnvc. thchfly~, nrt/.J l)erhttp~ touch IIIC heart of rnorcthan one moLher who reatl+l the t’P+ICI+UnLICAN." *

Mother’s Boys.

Yes. I knnw thnro arc etnhm on my carpet--The traee~ of small, inu[Idy boots :

And I t+eo your fair.tapcstry~ glnwlngAll spotless %vlth blossom, had fruits.

And I kllO;V n,y wnl],q are tl|~l~gUl’ed,With prlut+~ oft~ttntll tlngcr8 and l~alzds.

~’kll(I I /:CO thal your own housbhold whltenes~.All fresh iu it. purity t+tal+td.L

And dente~by Inn~y mnnll heels ;

It++ Fln,~ol h, Hhllllng fnlrf;tee revt~ls !

Aud I kn,~wtlmt n*y Farlor Is littered ¯With D~ally nhl tre:mt~re+~ und toy++;

Whlln your own 1~ In datntl£~t order,t" ninlrmed b~ tile pre.’+en, ce of hoys.

And I kuow that my roonl is tllvndt~LQu It() boldly ftl] hour++ of lhe doy;

"W’hth~ you sit. In ynur otr~l unlnt+lestcd,And dr¢.anz the bolt q ulqt a u Uy.

Yes. I ]mow I ]lure Jackets t hat .w’ear out.And butLons that never will P+L:+.y ;

%Vhile ::+)u can elnhrl)lder at [el~nre.+...~x fill h*i,l’II pretty arL~ llf"ero(ehet.’’

"Arul i kr+,nv there are ]e+-oa~ of.~/.:/|l~-~’g ......

\Vhhfll T hm~+L I),+ p.ttlenl; t+~l~o:xr;/ ........%~,’t’+Jle yOfl hilly /<|f. (JO~VI! tO your lr()VI21,

4 )r tuen Lhe h~+~.L lU:lgl~kZ[llC llear.

3.:c-% Lkuow t|t+:rt.’ nl’e~’our little bedsides3?.’here I mum +~t~md wtttchful eut}~ night;

\Vh|h, you umy I.o out |n 3()ur curtis=e,z~l. Utt ’11~¢~1 ill ytHJr dJ’e.~,.;~ Nr) bright !

~,)W I ti+tlttR l’ul ~t n~,.~t ltLllc Woman ;


flli~IP}’,~I"i:,’TLY F| t’TED ’I¯EE+I’II h’l’31~’ll)EJ.)~lL

(hyt[lO~,*llll: ,.io~,,..,p i%a,[ Mkl,I; ’h’ F|T ),t:l(~**~.(.rl,~t¯¯ lq’tll ,.+u,.t,’t - 1%+11~11 )111 ~,t/I)I rl )

’:~i ~lF t’II,tl;~l" %% ]l~,nArlHb’i,d T,,,.lh .r,. ,,t’,l, r,.,I I~ .+’.,~ e,I T,,~,th t lib, Chlit I~TIII,’I F lll4111tl,P Wl[It,+~ll I~ t[,t ,~,, ~k" I,I l,r,’x,.rv(, tht,lllfortlh.+ ubh pure. ~oh), ;:+.::¯~+i+. I+J.,ll:m, ~,l:~£)g:tn,,|~)n+’. ¢¢c., 7h ,’I~. t,, ~l," TEt.~l’t|l’|,t;+,’Nl’;t’ i.. i.e ,l+l,m+, |it+mu, ut+ I0. ~-LaKiv.’ n,~.l~ th,, +~ nlt,,r+,,.~ .f I +,u v :’~1,

|:t cr) thlt;,( ~ an’,tuL~ ,I tt~ l’+’l,t++’~,’~.t<’d.

,+?2/;’A’U+.¯.+’J.’o ?3Count. ~lon.

+last l’n1+l~¯h ",]..I) a ;’,, ;tl,~d F:h’.+,’h~l,c. ]’lhTM ,x eft.¯ . I, +,t~u+., ,, th,, Nl, htl,,. T|’,,atm.l,t. t,lul |httllcal

+~ L~ut~ l)’l, ~’ ,+at am .,,L ,i+~’Ixt~ ;,I ~:irrt,tg,l ~V’ll-or;allY ; Vt,l), ,, t)l,t[,,+..I+;t,i’h’t~,~V .+i<+; P/r.;:-"+4,,~d’.| )tn,tl’l.~-i,’~d l,w¯q,,,,qly.,’zv--+;Y lh.ltl£+IP.l¯J, t’l;LVl’.It."~%’i~t.1,..’~|; it, Itllttiof oi Ih+, "’,,+++t~ lh’,+t+..’" ,t~p...¢.~::+ ’~’, ........I.t ...............t,,,,,+ .....,,, ,I,t ........I,~,m,, t ....

’~’~al¢ott,,¯ t[,;.~l~ pr. v,~ tl~u£1 hi.+ .m~t ~ xI ,let,v. 1i~.1 tb~l~ule,,o-,,l .l,,.te .I :*nil.A.,,..., l,,.,v tl,. l,flF,,;,u,tl3x’~ut.~td AX i;!,: r~l tl~, x~H~l,mt d¯Lt~ ~,.t,,tt~+*.r-h’al ,,l,,+r.,lloopi. l+,+,~..i,.., |fidn+m,.dL.< rJl;t:,i~,,P+c,,,,l i%1. : [,,¯H+Itllb: Ull+ Jt llUl~ll, +el ,.nro hl tlflPl’ t’vl’l,q[Ojtltl+ i-]l., ttl,k£. ]’% ’xhh’h ,.+,’r+ .x,[t.:.r. it. %+t,ttthl,+ c,,l.tlth n I..X t,,., llttt~ ctlro hilum+elf ehcal,ly, prl,Vtll+tV el|at radh~xID’.

l’.’i:" Thl.; I,t.t’t~wr, will lll’t)vt~ a [.,u. to tl.alwtt.I++oi¢,i t ht}ll~;% lid..

5,’tU t]lltl"[" ~’it~. [O a l~htln <.fl’+’ol I[+,,, |+t italy a, tldre.;~,oil i,+l~t,[tlt ,I o1% Cl.ll.~, ill- two [~,~%Lit~,u Nlaulpn.

- " ~ddt,,~- th,+ P{|1111++heru, .........................

~h.? Calverwell raedical Co.41 .% txu 5tro,!t Hew York ; Pest Office BOX 4bB0

tment down Broadwey r, Ii tt~ d~,l,arlore, April19, 18+H. It wasa eud but etirring dny, ond

tho tecne malto~ a picture lhnt .ppe.l~ to .11the grander impnleoc’of’¢.nr future. Pboto-

graphe of the pielur,., made by Fredricks. aroon ~alo at the Fair. Mr. Fro0riol,,~ ha~ furthergiven t.ub++tl, nti,d evidence of hi. (nchusiaemfor tho regiment by thu havdsox:m andsomo-~vhat Lovel douati,m of $500 wnrta ,,for,letsfor phol,,gr.i,hs at hi++ gallery. Thi~ la nc de.~iee o[ a novleo eilher for teeuri~g an ~nLro-duetien to the public, for Prcdrink. ha~ bonnfomous for tie ~ieturea ever--~veo "Morley"

m~ca ~m~ll bay--a~dlam not telling nolo-davehow Imlgagolhat wan. In ~rtlth, it wa~he who introdeced photography into this eouo"t~y on a largo ~ca]~ yearn ugo, bringing over

orv hurenu will have to bo re.ostabli~hed to to- V,,lutno throe of 1he" "LIbr.ry of Uoiver~al

new thc Tih|en h~,o:n, lIowerer, elo,lng the Knnwledge," rect:ntly i~ued, eontair,,s 86£

or Now Yor:~. l:mi tUereftire the e.nls,t is eel-tied in advanf’o I)y Iho Dem~+etat~ themsclvoc.

A project i~ on for t, at:d will hnvo muchpupport in Congrel.e ut Ihe vorj" , uIset, to US-

¯ |ablh h n new bure+au, 1,robahly iu lho l.terior]tcparlmenl. t~ hsve t3hor~o of inining u<+~ire+.

There ie great l+¢td of ~oulc govervment super+.i~u~jn ;|,c matler. It woald l,o tile means of

cievoloplng now mineral resources. Thn~tod?veh,Dd~eut+~ in VIrgiuia, North Carolieo. vnd

other Ea+~torn Start,., h.s hoighteoed the dc~iro

amon: nlit+i+lg ].e~q+Ie fi~r a Bureau ahi(.h (,ana.d lab,,r inlo the o l)er

¯ " " " " w" ’ f,-Jd uud bo a protc,~tion to ullarLtsts. ~o artn+t le better nr mere ~de,y r ¯ ’known-"-~and’--a~.r ,.+ " -I "’~ ’. ~o d~ thegn be any_ ,,~pe~izi_~t+ tuthie~a ~ I1.. ~h /Street. ] project ?

<= " .. ~ ’_Fio DPtn~cr’tts |]ele aro growiugopposite Stewart’e, ts a finn onn vf ucn. ~oott, ’ ’tnr which the old her,,.+ar yearc hefare the wor. about their;ni4onu+e +-eat ,,fSeuatar Kc]l.gz,

Other ct-lebntlt+s by tho ecore have sac beh~rehi~ camera, aod his rt~etu++ are as wt~tl filledwith patrons os they ivero yenrs ug-.l’t was, therefore simply tho boaest admiration

of ono of Ntw Yu~h’+ 1)~;L known ei.tizon0 ferthe Seventh ~hl:’h protepled the gift, but it

was au aot I~o uuique a~d /~re~ful as to richlydceorvc tbe.~+vci.l meoiio,’ I glen tojt. .~xndtl~e/~.ev+~nth-:i+.4:ichly-xtl+.tth~_O$.~iL~_n+d ~1_1_ th.+

other tuket~ of .~-r+ttitu,ie ;t has received fr~,ta

thoto wl use I+nT~r~v ~n4 lives It+ has gtl~rdedarid defendod, in critical hvur~, thropgh alltbe~e years, In 11+62, when l,ce itdvou~td

aor,~s~ the Pot++m.’+c/it .gnu ]eft tho City/on

]ee~ thao

A Valuable Medicine.J~uchu in varn,uc lorms tlas for many ycar~

h-ea o2o of Ihe (’bier article+ i’t tht+ .tfaterie~Medi-a for ~h~ tro;~tmcnt of certain disoaecs,¯ amm,g w:,irh are tho~o chietly sffeeti.g thetllillltry+ (~ t:eS,lVO, uod circulatory organs.The diffico,~y that wa.l<,ngexpcr|encedin oh-taining a i,r~p,tratian of t.hi~ v.[uah;e drug thateuuld .hv.),n + bo relied upnu for unitormtty tnswemzth .~d .I,~olu(o uurity/ed to lho Intro~ductiou of ti~d,.bo+d’r, Exlraot .f Buehu.whieht,,r lhe ~ +~t quLtrtor ,~t’ It ~StaFV II,a~ huen ex~tendvely u~ua b,)th by pby~i~i:m~aud In h,,u.eun<l fanti~y r, ra+’tme, .rid ~ith very grati(yiog"~ueee~e,. Thia Ioedieioe, lilt. nver~ other volu-

rhone who have us. h,r it will de well t. seetb:;t ,bey oh/bin tho+./e..itte"Lletmt~old Buchu," --

The uhimatc po..sibility ef nnw.~papor pre-~iLtto~ ~etul~ to be rwebed, Ibia year, by l’he

.:.gain.’in 1863, j,~.~t bt, foro the Bdtlo of Getty.~-burg, +It loft-on very. ~ee~,nilt~J~t-.lh~ .fzOnL

relaealh,, rs ~ec-ing it

from t~etty~barg witl~ tea:toted flags aml ~,rek~nbatt.liu:,+. A~, iv¢/Ii~:ient Com,ois~,rtat had.]clt thu army wltn+~ot .~eap for ~-velat week.%.rid hard taurohlnff over dustx, road~, ia n,rel-t~+ring wcothvr f~,r day~ anduij:h~, ha,l rcdu,,ed.~ ~,~tl t)ur c’.’.;hi,:: t,, ;t et~ndtti.,u ditScult l,,t ae,Vltian t., /uliy

t-lql~!~hing L,,u tt(lul t|,ou~nt, ti~ of the uleu "~-,’relilcr:tH S in r,l~f. To cr,,wtt all. the.heavy r~tiufu!h, wieg th~ battle l;a~ llt~ed th,~ r+:tas ~.i’hmud wt,i~h thm,-.i ,1~ (’t huof~ und ten th(,tl..and~of fect had redu:ct t’, ~t liquiJ l,a~te ~llichrl.;:~i~.d tu ,,ur very wtuBt~. ,111,1 tho.t ragged.dirly, ct)vercq with mud, =o,iu+atol by I~attlc,

hulfiu~t,,:,lwith nard e;;rt~¢d vie|ory~ lht, Armyof Ihc l’ut,,u*ae laarched in~-Frerh, ri<k C~tyto fit~d tt,o ~eve.til t,oin~ guird dt:ty iu ti~clvwn. la’t/uI~t i,; I’:’i"; e~,]}ars, re~[,}ut, d~.nt inI.~[i~h~d L.e,,t8 a~m eDlish a.+ tl,o 0hi Gt:an!it~t+lf. Wo rubl~ed tl,~ p,,~dor.grmte from ~,ur

¯ ,:,tic.% ]o~,ked d.wn :,t’ ~.urseJve.~¢ np at tl~etuuIIl,:s~ ,o,,+ ut th,~ :t +.[t’~t[~/.tad ple,ldvd a1,,n+

in ho mu,l .;atu u u.t+,riiig anutl+ctuA:~ upunthe le|h~w %1 h+, Wao(O tht,st~ t;ne~-/thvut II1~

"1", PdL’ A~Nn I’nlDE 4~,ND ClllCt’n~TA.~Cn,,r %trar, ~’it[rIoU" ’%~’ar.I’’ lJut t+t’tO.~l.l (hn~oveal[l nvvor went int J battlo ;tt< uu .,rgamz,ttt,+nit nlild0 il+t:[t it[t Ihlot.ghout tt,o et,,iro ormv

~. ,he cl:~a~ho went from i.ts rznl~ [,Jh(Jhl eUILm|.~ioa~ hi th~ volunteer ~erviec. lt.~

Lnrtat)cr~ V+’t, ro ~t)U~[l| aher to t~lllcer other rcl;tUJtt n t ~+I Ul+d

Ul Louisiauo. They ~tarted ~ith great coufi+denco in tho ~flbrt tt+ tin,eat him, eo as to lUllhe

+~ure uf a to,,j,*rity ia tha Senatt+ in 18+31, hutthey have wc.hetrud, the facla ore eo cleorly

ogato~t them. 3Vi, shir gtot: is not., g,~od p~acoIo’work op politie,d cneoe for the St~*tes The’stealtng~f tho Moina Legi~lator~

w~s fixed up here, nod there i~ groat ind gne-ti,,n among the faithful because t,Je 51ain~

New Y~,rh T,-ibane. When It aw.y Web-ntvr’s l.h.abr~dged Quarl,, PJetvrial DJeu /:mryLe bingle fiv,~ years ,ub;crib,~rs t. i’~ Wet.k;y.We lht, u~h( it tn, d g~,t+o I0 Ibo otu)o:+t b~it,|~.u,t it i,lactd. 15,00U ot the.’eJ)iod,mar,e.+--Ihebiggest ea:o ever he.rd vf--on,l ia dew ~lartlngoot on e.~ethivg yet m,,ro vurpr,~ing. Teasi.glo five yeors’ ~ub~ertber. ~hu merely ~.dd8SZ to the regular remiuance [~,r five yeat~ to i sWeakly (mukluk. Lu-all only $12), It ~cn,ls as azift ¯ i’od ~et ot Chamber’s Ehnj elopzodia,.theIote..t e,Jitiot b with +Amerieao a44~tj,,t~, "in

¯ D+hu,,crat~-didn’t-appeac + (o hove. tho .+e,+u~agu.~t wenty--v.,lomcs~ o,m I uiu i~,g _ia+~n IJrl-~_.,n¢i+Oxerl~ .....iJ-l,erfeet tho cen~piraey’; .................. t m+’to~rt+mP.n!,;_.4~, per -e~n . mu:o ~.uat:en+73aau

Evideol}y lhe l)cmoel:atic maj,)rily are in no I AppLetoa’a C vclupm,na, which eelht qor eighty

h~r.ry to get at tho .publio bueincss this’~u~tl.v the appropriation CtJmtpittees meet audget =hings it= .~h.pc bcf,,ret0e’se.~cioa epeDs,

+’but Ibi~ yvar tJoth]ng h’~; bt’~fi done, nnd Iho

lulpre,~.~ ion 1Sthe bolidaye. .~li~,x WELL.

Yhe Libre, ry Mag,,zhLe of ~el~et furei~n litof

atureis to 13o incrcasclt t() 192i,:~,. moulhiy)~i~,l the tvpo etdarg-d, f.,l the yci, r ]$St)~--Atm:ricau ~ook Excilangc. Now Furll. ~|t~(t y,~,,r. .... -

Those xt’anlin~ a go~4 :~gricultuml Fapereltll t)tltnltl to(’ ]t~ItF(tl .\’¢’tt’ }’O7"/~’(’]’. onc f.’~/ [hU

,~l’rlt)t it)n nf ./~lru/. a(l. \Vc wilJ,u," t"q’ ’r .’,~,:J, I~t t}~e .++..l~l+e,+iCa~ ++l/.,r,l’ict~:l~riat.O).p

5"-’.’2.3 /ler~ is a’n 6pl,<~ftnnlt,f to +.¯ocure ~. ’t’l’Pt.teL:t~:, agrlcu;tural ]ntperewlth y~,nrlo(:al p:+.ltcr~,tlk vt..ry 1(,%’+’ tlglU’t+, %%.’1.. "+%’i;I nl,~(, ttlrlu~+hullt+-l);Jpt,r %%Lilt tll, + .Q’(’i<’ll{+~e ..[liii.¢~<.,tlt [(,F;¯l.~ J!cre J~ ~lll I)ll}}ortuhlty tc)r obl:tJnit)gsour lot.ul l~:t+t,~ r ltntt I|H. |~t’bt v+ou h ly .~elt:lttl/|opal)er pnb[t.~h(td t~t ~t" tl t11." lllore tl]:ln ~.’(}~1.’Itn’,’e to p:~y for the.’~’/en.¯g/e ..l,a..,rf¢<~:t alune. WO give here the fitatistics, showing b~"].%¯(.’I"%’ lltueh:tn]e. C%’t:l’b" tltFUleP und hu~lnt-.~nlatt’.,.)~otzhl lntvc lhi,~ ~tlnllr~tbh ~ +%cJnntl/lc tho l’eporl~ oftbo Intel’nation..+| ~tt+8oeia-Jot, rn~tIT- .................... r tton that thereare 78,~J46 Sunday ~ehool~

,,The l,ifc and W’~rds of Chri.t," by Geiltie’ 85:~100 teachers and 6,504,(~54 scholars;hc;et,,It+rc pnbh.h,:d at $60tt, iS just brmt.,+, tout tn ~t h:~uqy ro,r£me, K.’.l ,ype a.d hand ~t grand total of 7,357,U00. "/’hc’zeporc ofF(~lne!’. bvl,h,l. Ior tt~:: ~,rie~r of 59 ernls, hy tl~O,~ul,.r/c,t~ I~,,,,h,r~+_.< N++w Y,,rk. Afinoe~t!t,.tf, u i~:e ta:;ttp.i~:+,, bah ltu.++-ia binding,gilttoll ~ [5 ~t,h! fur :1.00..

A Capitul N.u;ber. snd ft.I]ofiuto:e~io~ nndtlf.tU~ tl~;x rtnzlti,~l~, ~e tlle ~l;ttel’lc~¢tt’ Ayr/e.lta-r;~t h)r J), t’~mber ]. A I’Izmlrrd or tOrero articte+ a::d try.m-, t~ivi~,g’l,r~l,’.ie~d hints :t.+’l ~ug~.,t,~l,,ll*’~ i*£++~ ilJe., ratl,d wtt]l t)early a htlr~dr+ d,:lll~rt%.~L~s. r~. rtlxl~ll{~t~+~lO arli~le, wi,h an-coral:’+ rkvt~’ho~ t.t 2I- ntw ;urln. ~ of JJnrleJl"th~’it+’.:, ~ti~l il,t’:tt~t ever’," owIler of Zt ;O,.’In.r vil],t~t" 1o’. 1\ v,~ri=’t3 ,.’; Jiun,ho~ ~ctJe~+ne~I;’e shown it|~. An itnl+l,r’ahl tabh. ~,+ inany.,.+rre ol f. edi[,.: shll’s, und thuir e,,tOl,araliw,vuht~., b+’b’L’,’eu. ’J here ~,rc firm ]l[os~r,~l.t;(,nb 9[

i*~llrqtt.r’e t;~]ri.~Itlttr.~ Vl.~i~: it]sty ,~t’ [,+*t~-It,,tlr~,+

~,’,’t.:n .~lx at!Nl~Itl+n am| Ih~ir fiitiu~ ; th.~ J,t,:k-As~ [tat~bit~i of

trained t+~2ccra_’~elll t:~o~ t,ttUol it~ ranli.~ t!) Spit~t’r.! e}tq tet:lr %~’eus; Of .Millew..~ at" - (~hri:,(,z:n- U:t.a:.’ent~ ILnd :, U2alLit,ht~ t~| uther

C~tIln’utt,t *,lhcr tr,~t,t)~, O[ ttzet, e, throe r(,,+.t’+ T,, tn,n,..::a h,o nu,t,’r-u, to .peak ut part,c~tl,~rly.,v. "I’tt a:~.

O~’m.r.J , t++e++t+-r:inv l,t¯t¯nuJu I~’~,.Io+tel.~+ add .~l.$11 ;~.~cP.r. ,’41t~:.:]o tu, mtJe-~ l.r-~P.~’t~.--~-" ~i, ecm~vn nUl,), 6’ee~tts. Or.,ng+ Ju t I 6~O,u

f,,u~ -live l.i,~ot~t,,tntC.16nels, ]/’~ v]d Artn,,ry _ ,.,+v,-l’ut+li*h~.+%-~l.~_~rua~w~.~.’~o.~,~ork.wa~ ol¯o o; the it3ort~, t- the city, ttntt h~t£C~thc ,~t,u.’ertl,tioo, tho S~W .XtmerI Fair, au,i Li].~.(.c,.tt’. ,lf.gc~:(ne’fo: Dtc,utber haq

varie , li~t ,,f t.~,t .,zTB, tht! ,,xt,M 13 ,ti,’eahle fcathc text upo. which eo ioa,hqauto a ~tr’uonha.h h~eu l)reaclm t by ~IUIIL~.;Y.

Our Washington Letter.\VAFItlNUTON, D. C., Dec. 1, 1879.with hi~ P’nitt.~ t~ z’rac~¢,"[~a o|)nt~inte,| day, all

i{lI-P.]3 lliKe p3rt itl tile" ol+et, ing ef tau Fair; Democr,r~s as- tO tlle DeXt cttu, palgD, anll bill¯tlcl+crat IIene,u~k. gr.ty, ~tately, aud gularty enuugu, l,O umttor h-w they decide

E%’ ItnY I N(’[I A S+,I¯DtI:I% theie ,.+il[el eltt.e~, LhO result ie I qoally gratttvinb7I~ear~ hi.),.~lle-:corre,i t,~rtu m,,ll shy throttgh toltVl,eblioane. ’/’~+u~ tboled)uua Demoo:at.~tho P+wa11Dittg ero%~,(tu Ihul t~olne tl) (’~teh sight/ ale quit,~ sara that tJobody hat helldrick~ eao

, ~,t+ ~ I;0 ~qGSid ,.1,t l,O~; ;’ IT, o ~+e-a:tlt. f’z,~hi.u’und’-~-~ thr.t-State¯: .lJhio-bcmouxa~.a.~ tl~i,::.k_.¯~a~h~:ulty td’ tho metrup~Ais ert,xr,J und jostle uight ]. nobudv but a favorite+" ~on e.a carry that ~t*tto,

und doy asnnver, l,¢forc’-L-and what is thi~ olL] (they dou’t meutiutt Thutman a. ott<u an ta~.yaboot? What hnyo tht+’~n lneu d,~no th.t people i dhl); Ti[d,.’tl’~ It ,ks tt++~:rt In+hlly rht~t oeitttetshla’d thUt~ rio with eneh other t,~du theln[ II~ndriul.~, ’J,’itnltlI,Ltl hot a:~y othor Dcun~ctathon,,r? l)nul~? What nn rcgimertt ot eIlizen c.ut u,,rr[y Ncw Y,,r,% t,.budy, in faot, except.- hller~ ,~cr~’el bare []()no, Fo I tbo Tiidun: a’.| tl!e ht((ir ht,otaol~l day that u,,ne ~+~tl+.¥ 2or[-~ Surerlth |lnt l,e(tn tho j,+t prhte <+t Ih..~o"eatdd’ will uo, I,nt tha~,dtt, r e~ln,!itlale.Ihu Melr,~poli.~. Eh, vet~ time.+ _qnt’o 18"5, whon mu~t h.~ trotted uut Th~ r,. et, n be no uti~takethe i~repott2raU, d poa<3o_of thu,oity ~er~ at tho t;~st the BayarJ b,,om is ,bu ~Lror+gost in tht+mo:cy’ ,,f u m,.b, tho civtl anthorltleS havo [ t~iltltl wat+~-o ~l[ilJo Dttnncr+itiu oIcrtor;,I vote~alled +6i,tt’a th’o tddrt~ntl: to tttl[,pl,;,~s ri,)t trod ’.viii et, m,~ fr,.m, l’rot,ai~ly Cougre~stuau l’:lli~,vie,tieatc Ih. n, ajv+,ty of laW. Itwa. ;he l;rst+ of" L.ui~lan.. Lold tno truth au ~,rnr]y o.’+ ,myrugim¢llt to leave New York ;,~ 1861 and in, rch i one elm wht, n he ~aid : "Tim Stmthern Demo-,

"TO tho’trofeneo et: Washingtor.-The Capitul-;-br~.,s ~ill--b~-~Ttti~flrd-x+ith "l~u)’ard, nud willhud heett cut uff frt,tn e,,nm~nuleation with the, ~,h’o Ilim evory Routhern eotc,o; with [la]Jeoek,Nerth fnr ~vernl d~y~,, Itad hnd been in i.’~mi- er lh:ndrlt’hs, or ,ht,lgt~, -r David DavtB.

nt,.t tiatl~er ut oal,ture, Wh~u t~e Seveeth] it, ~horr, tbeSouth will a¢o*,ptany good Dem~trrtvt.d it reot+ived th,~ per~lotal thn=~It~ of Preo- ocrp.t, wltl~ tho ~ieglo exeeI lion+of Mr. TB,len,"lh+ t Lineol ~eert~t~ rx ~q,++srl au~ Gou ~q¢’otl:"’ . " ’ ’" ~ ~ ’ ’ [ u~ L have said. ’the si~ne ur,~ very empl, atiot ~r lt~ prt mI tnt~s en I ener y._: ............. "_ ........ ’..~," . ............... tl!,i! th~ .B,9.a[~ m.en 1,uvn w,,,kcd up his hoo,,~

TOOl &~ N aFT I ,’ ’ ’ c. in,lu+trit tlntt tl/e~’ ba’v+- ~ImS~it ++t+v6ai. a mnmber of the S,,w;n,b. end has pahtted a Tilden out nf the Southern field, und tho litor-lino picture rspre£+entlt~g tho march of tbn reg~ ,

turo tic tt 1 tl;k’ II ,nl~D2r of arrlele.~ +]L!-cr*plivn o~tl+e ~n~l In I"t*e:,~ at ]lonlo liter1 sbrt)ad. "’Aalnu~:l~e I)i~rayt~n~," h> t}et,r~e L. Catlitt, ,,ur eea.-ul ot [." Ro,.h~:l/e, give~ a g-~l,]tfe xm’ou:~:.~:tn llllt~tra’~l,o~. O[ thu q)I(1 ~p,inl-h scttl,~;F~ i+fBilhuu,it.’+ plcture~ttne slrr~,.t .-cene.+,toixca pep-tll.,lt,~n iiiiii aeliv,+ tt~,l,+tstriv++. "Ill lhe B,lck.wt.’ds .I Caroli.a." by I.oai~n C.,Qi:t .l*n,:~,

lit tl tlnursitlt~ tl$~It:elS ~1~* Alueri<..,tn iit’e i1£ .~t£10~tllL.~]u r~k.i~)e renaote [r~;IO rail.v,tyu ;tnd ~|tett-~,,,i lit es of trnw.I, Wirt Sik~.s d,.~erii.+,s tb,:"[’:n,.:lish (’.flee l’ttLllcr ." r.,r,.itlv ,,~:abliehcdhy ,he l)uk~: .t P,’e~’tn i,;~:r, Lnrl’l 8balt~bu,y,~|r. t;]adstoht,, ah,4 othvlC, I , attht,~t [[:t~ worAi~i/~ eht..~ !~ trulU tho "t;il~ [llll:tee~" ;tr~tl Ot ,tinaryi;U’L~I i~;’]l (,’t,~i’~.- "’ **Tn ¯ +~Z 13~ t,f "tHelen C.,ntt,l,ell. ttellt~ wjth +’ho prot,or trent-nfl:llt O1" the tor:|lle, an’l ~’.,)tltraM~ t[llJ voti~:Uul~mothuds pur.~u~d in the bt’t+t :t~ylum~ b ,(:t ofi,h.r<q,e and Aol,,rie,t with tho sy~telu ht~tlt,ltedat tlht,~l, in" B +lg,nm, w~,i,:h is ;t e,,I,,uy ~,flu.llctlics sul~j(’et [I~ no e~mtiuo:nent or D2STr~tirlt+Anolbcr gaper dose=vine t,/’ car~hd co.~ide, utlt,n is tt dt, s,rlptitn of the "Advantages nndi~ira<h’antagrs of a Foreign Educ.tlon forY,rang Fb’publiet,ns." Dr. Ch:,rh~ W. Dulleshad it.short practical p.per o~ "’Pols.ning, a.,dlt.w to ’J.’ru~t it." L. 1,,jetmo eriHel~ee the"Iml,re.~ioncst ,%’he.] o[ l’ointint/,’" +rod ~L.~l;th~r e,,vtribot,+~ on ,,uterta!nlng htstorleal.+kdch eutithd ".%lonsieur Io Uhar,na,lt." Inp,dnt, ~u literary *,xcellencu nothing in thenumber ea~ ele ~ith n:tot7 ,~1 Engllsh lifec;tllcd "R,~:e," which I. {uil of tcoiMve touehe~.and ~h~,we a ma.ter’y power of delineatingchltraet*r. "Aimce," by G.H. Pierce, whichis o,,nehMod in tn]e numhel, iaasimply toldcut ,l~’ep y patho|i¢ atory....~ha..’~outbly(i:>~vtp’° anti I’torary uotiees ore as ,bright andre~,,labLu .s u*ual.

The new velnnlnbeglne with tbsnextnumher,und in it will ha+eom~encmt, a.n(tw eoritl story."Ad;ua and Eve," by tho author Of "Dorothyl: 0~t."

d.ll.ra! Wecloo’t kno~ how’tho II~ng~a,4o~=o.bat t~lzat lhe Trlbu.eha~ aeeearl+, ebcd I oreto-fore io tho +~ame htlo V|,~,,I e thai i~, d ,e.~ [-- TheTrlbu.e+i¢, n ,~ tho gredt z,,iti,,,,.l pupcr -f thoIt, put, lieae% a}Jd whbg..~r w,tnt~ a New Y.rk ""

ebo Id send tur it. Wo vri.Jt i~,+ pros.~

I<~eal paper, thu ~ery bell ~jy t’~ make

Pre~ider+ey in 1880 is t,, p!t~h ’£h,+ Tribune’*

t~:Uad thin Ja~t J"£tl~.rind UcSt ~¢Dt:r;tl D,,l~er lor e,lnn~r)" t’ireUlULl~te,nod the best htrm~.r’s pap,:r i w.hii6 1is !}uro .tu."O m=d ~,.uudaut I-rovi=zun tur tho hott~t:holdit~tcr~t~ ~bd f.r tLn children alwa~’~ mal*o it a

.19m~ty lavu:t,<,.

repor~ of the S. 8." Convcntiouj held in" #+ " +3 + +"+¯ " +~flzabeth, Oct. 19th and .0th, bul; weomit it for the rea++on that it would Occu-

py too much space u’nd wbu]d at this t’ime

bo of li~tlo interest to our ~oaders. Bul;

~uuday Schools ia the State of New Jcr-

~cy, is as fullows: ~mnber. of sehoo~.1,8i,6; t filters, 8,287; teachers, 21~P%9.

Aver~ge+attendanee of teachei~ and ofli-

enr~, 21,::0~. ~’umber of ~eholars, 188+-’++’92; ntm~ber ~f ~cholars as church mem-

b(~, b;;,0t;5; l,,imaz.y ~cho]ars, 57,816.M¢~ney raised by couuties, $64,5.


It ic the f,.llow wh,~ eat.- ~.he chestnu~ in thwdat k who catches tho.wo~m.

Tho fa+’tthat halfa barrel of ku~otlno~s i~tIreq tently’fo~lo,l ia a two-q,+att b.~y has poverbct:u expl,d,*ed.

,1 t,aebeh)r up,m rtadb~ Lhat "two lover~will .~it np nil night with ouo chair in te~* r~o~"-said-zt.c~uld. nut._bo dol,e enle~s one ~f them

~at on UtO floor. ~uch igt,ornnce i. I,ainful,--

An" Iri+hm,~u w~ going along a .ro:r i. whenart a.gry I)nti ra~hod utJt,n bitn ;,ttd wi h hiat nrl,e to~ea him over a fnnee. ’lb,+ Iri.hmanr.covering It, m his falh npon Iooki~g up t+ow

tho hull [¯awing ond t,.+er:n_~ up the ground.and ~aid: ’~lit was not fur your howlng an4~er.l i,~g~’~.r apoh, gie~. yeu brute, lair. ~,nd [

eh..ld thi~k )co had thr.wn me over thiso.~eo’/

2:0" Jur) Li¯~t ~r:,wn f-r Ihe December teria.f t.ourt eotutne~cmg oo Tuecday, December

9th, l’t7.1 :AIlrtd’~lark, Jame~ Ryen

Lccde, John Ire;;m,t,.t,,ha Foox i’, +" ~ .....llettry P:trlt, Win. (’lark,,T.:eph R. ltisley~ It. It. Obnnt~ie.



.v.+r +-~o._

Piu, ey lflaohma., Th,+mas Wiek.[i~nry Otto, I1. l[. Y. W~ck.%Ja~es B. Wrigh% B~nj. %t etherby~J. II. Tyi,~r. I’:h’a K{nd,+i.

Bakce Doughty, " Jo~oph H..’.t, in:~.

Joi.n 8~-nllin, David % lucent,J,,e.po A. Bar~to+v. ~., I Borey, J,nlre:; E. Watk ~,Ilc,,ry H,,nr, Flit, him Con,,v:.r,I~. !]. Nlcho1~on~ Jn,u, s Co:,over.J.siai, A, Y, ons ~ J1-tias ill~.el, o.Charlett Krau%, J.V. Albert.~,,e,

Joh~ Wseteott, i+ewi~ M. p.~t,e~ a3t~W. [1. Steohran, Era,oh ili~hee,

:~,o,,+ ])’. Sallnn. L6ui~ Ertelt. -

E]lJ~,t A.ta:ne. Jet,.th,+n Don hiT.

Daniel Ballard, Jehu Harem adoA~llrew-(~. 8tvwm%-: dgh_u--Wilso%++ -Auk’~tua 3, Smith, George Be~ehomp~



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