Page 1: London's keystar locksmith shares interesting fun facts

London’s Keystar Locksmith Shares Interesting

Locksmith Fun Facts

Locksmithing is one fine profession which requires skill and training just like everything

else. Imagine a world without them. Pretty unsightly don’t you think? Today you buy a

fancy new plasma TV and when you wake up the next morning it’s gone. Bam! No one

wants that for sure. The need for safety and security is innate in every person. This is

even attested in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This very need brought out the

emergence of this profession. Do you want to know some interesting facts regarding

this industry? Well you’re lucky as London’s Keystar Locksmith have some fun trivia in

store to share to us.

The oldest lock in history was made by the

Egyptians and is around 4,000 years old. It

was found by archeologists in the Khorsabad

ruins near Niniveh. It worked by using a large

wooden bolt to secure the door which had

several holes or slots. To secure it, the holes

are filled with wooden pegs.

Meanwhile the oldest key-based lock was

found in the ruins of Emperor Sargon II’s

palace during the Assyrian Empire around

704 BC. It resembles the pin tumbler principle which can be found in a lot of modern

locks today.

Locksmithing was also a favorite hobby and pastime by the French king Louis XVI who

is the famous husband of another infamous historical figure, Marie Antoinette.

Before pursuing his escape artist career, the famed Harry Houdini was in fact a

locksmith! He is even known to offer his services for free. If you don’t know who he is

then where have you been? Houdini was a renowned Hungarian-American illusionist

and stunt performer who was noted for his sensational escape acts that often involved

chains, handcuff, locks and more locks!

For those of you who do not know yet, it is possible to use one single key for your

entire home including the gate, the garage, the back doors, front door and windows.

You name it! There are professionals out there who can customize your office or homes

so that you won’t have to carry a big bulk or pile of heavy keys and go crazy as you find

which one fits each of your doors. Here, they will fasten and cut out a complex key

unique for you. You can even choose which doors would have the same key.

Lastly, Keystar Locksmith tell us that this profession requires the ingenuity of a

carpenter, machinist, mechanic and security expert all in one. This isn’t surprising as

the industry does involve complex skills needed from each of those professions.

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