Page 1: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Local Features

Computer Vision

Page 2: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Correspondence Problem & Keypoint

• Correspondence: matching points, patches, edges, or regions across images

Page 3: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Overview of Keypoint Matching

K. Grauman, B. Leibe

Af Bf


A2 A3

Tffd BA ),(

1. Find a set of

distinctive key-


3. Extract and

normalize the

region content

2. Define a region

around each


4. Compute a local

descriptor from the

normalized region

5. Match local


Page 4: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 5: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 6: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 7: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 8: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 9: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
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Page 11: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

DoG – Efficient Computation

• Computation in Gaussian scale pyramid

K. Grauman, B. Leibe


Original image 4



Sampling with

step s4 =2




Page 12: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Find local maxima in position-scale space of Difference-of-Gaussian

K. Grauman, B. Leibe

)()( ss yyxx LL






List of (x, y, s)

Page 13: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Results: Difference-of-Gaussian

K. Grauman, B. Leibe

Page 14: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set


• Scale-space extrema detection

• Keypoint localization

• Orientation assignment

• Keypoint descriptor

Page 15: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Scale-space extrema detection

• Find the points, whose surrounding patches (with some scale) are distinctive

• An approximation to the scale-normalized Laplacian of Gaussian

Maxima and minima in a

3*3*3 neighborhood

Page 16: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Eliminating edge points

Page 17: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Orientation assignment

• Assign an orientation to each keypoint, the keypoint descriptor can be represented relative to this orientation and therefore achieve invariance to image rotation

• Compute magnitude and orientation on the Gaussian smoothed images

Page 18: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

T. Tuytelaars, B. Leibe

Orientation normalization

• Compute orientation histogram

• Select dominant orientation

• Normalize: rotate to fixed orientation

0 2 p

Page 19: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Reduce effect of illumination • 128-dim vector normalized to 1

• Threshold gradient magnitudes to avoid excessive influence of high gradients

– after normalization, clamp gradients >0.2

– renormalize

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A result

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Structure from Motion

Computer Vision

Page 22: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 23: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set
Page 24: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Depth from disparity

x’ z



C C’




(X – X’) / f = baseline / z X – X’ = (baseline*f) / z z = (baseline*f) / (X – X’)

Page 25: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

General case, with calibrated cameras

• The two cameras need not have parallel optical axes.


Page 26: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

• Given p in left image, where can corresponding point p’ be?

Stereo correspondence constraints

Page 27: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Stereo correspondence constraints

Page 28: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Geometry of two views constrains where the

corresponding pixel for some image point in the first view

must occur in the second view.

• It must be on the line carved out by a plane

connecting the world point and optical centers.

Epipolar constraint

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• Epipolar Plane


Epipolar Line


Epipolar geometry


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• Baseline: line joining the camera centers

• Epipole: point of intersection of baseline with image plane

• Epipolar plane: plane containing baseline and world point

• Epipolar line: intersection of epipolar plane with the image plane

• All epipolar lines intersect at the epipole

• An epipolar plane intersects the left and right image planes in epipolar lines

Epipolar geometry: terms

Why is the epipolar constraint useful?

Page 31: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Epipolar constraint

This is useful because it reduces the correspondence

problem to a 1D search along an epipolar line.

Image from Andrew Zisserman

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Page 33: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

What do the epipolar lines look like?

Ol Or

Ol Or



Page 34: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Example: converging cameras

Figure from Hartley & Zisserman

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Figure from Hartley & Zisserman

Example: parallel cameras

Where are the


Page 36: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Example: Forward motion

What would the epipolar lines look like if the camera moves directly forward?

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Example: Forward motion

Epipole has same coordinates in both


Points move along lines radiating from e:

“Focus of expansion”

Page 38: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Fundamental matrix

• Let p be a point in left image, p’ in right image

• Epipolar relation – p maps to epipolar line l’ – p’ maps to epipolar line l

• Epipolar mapping described by a 3x3 matrix F

• It follows that

l’ l

p p’

Page 39: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Fundamental matrix

• This matrix F is called – the “Essential Matrix”

• when image intrinsic parameters are known

– the “Fundamental Matrix” • more generally (uncalibrated case)

• Can solve for F from point correspondences

– Each (p, p’) pair gives one linear equation in entries of F

– F has 9 entries, but really only 7 or 8 degrees of freedom. – With 8 points it is simple to solve for F, but it is also

possible with 7. See Marc Pollefey’s notes for a nice tutorial

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Active stereo with structured light

• Project “structured” light patterns onto the object – Simplifies the correspondence problem

– Allows us to use only one camera



L. Zhang, B. Curless, and S. M. Seitz. Rapid Shape Acquisition Using Color Structured

Light and Multi-pass Dynamic Programming. 3DPVT 2002

Page 43: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Photometry stereo

Helmholtz Stereopsis

Page 44: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Structure from Motion

Page 45: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Structure from motion

• Given a set of corresponding points in two or more images, compute the camera parameters and the 3D point coordinates

Camera 1 Camera 2 Camera 3

R1,t1 R2,t2 R3,t3

? ? ? Slide credit:

Noah Snavely


Page 47: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Structure from motion ambiguity

• If we scale the entire scene by some factor k and, at the same time, scale the camera matrices by the factor of 1/k, the projections of the scene points in the image remain exactly the same:

It is impossible to recover the absolute scale of the scene!


XPPXx kk

Page 48: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

How do we know the scale of image content?

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Page 50: Local Features - · 2018. 11. 12. · Overview of Keypoint Matching K. Grauman, B. Leibe f A f B A 1 A 2 A 3 d( f A, f B) T 1. Find a set

Bundle adjustment

• Non-linear method for refining structure and motion

• Minimizing reprojection error


1 1






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Photo synth

Noah Snavely, Steven M. Seitz, Richard Szeliski, "Photo tourism: Exploring

photo collections in 3D," SIGGRAPH 2006

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