
Local District CentralBelieve-Behave-Become


Principal’s Meeting

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Understanding attendance data

The importance of Attendance Submittal (100% target)

Importance of training all stakeholders

Understanding tiered intervention

Overview Initial Notification of Truancy (Bul. 5464. 7).


Answer the following questions and share out with your table.

•How often do you review attendance and analyze your schools attendance data? •What are your expectations for today?

“If students miss 10% of the school year--that’s just 2 days a month--research shows they are way more likely to fall behind--even drop out.”

-National Public Radio, 2016

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Updated Attendance Goals

Schools with high rates of Chronic Absence may not be able to achieve 9% or less, but are still expected to show a 20% reduction in the number of students Chronically Absent.

LAUSD Updated Attendance Goals

Missing 16 days (91%



LAUSD Attendance Improvement Plan

LAUSD Attendance Improvement Plan

With a partner, please discuss:

•What are some important points you gathered from the Attendance Improvement Plan?•What practices from the AIP do you already have in place?

•What are your expectations for today?

Attendance Expectations

Teaching attendance:

• Attendance Presentations for Advisory Committees such as English Learners (ELAC) and Compensatory Education (CEAC), School Site Council, Charter Governing Board

• Faculty, Classroom presentations and assemblies

Parent Communication • Send opening attendance letter which describes

• school’s attendance and tardy policy• incentive program information and criteria for certificates/awards

• Parent workshops

Importance of Calendar Dates• Before and after days-off

• Ending day(s) of each semester

• Culturally significant dates for subgroups of students

• Holidays

Attendance Data Systems

Data System

Focus • Attendance Data does not includewithdrawn students

• Attendance information reflects the prior school day

MyData / Insight • Attendance Data (total student counts and percentages) include withdrawn students

• Attendance Data is updated weekly every Friday.

What Does Story does your Data Tell ?

Take a moment to review your school’s data and consider the following:

• What questions come to mind?• Think about subgroups of students

• Have you made any assumptions or hypotheses about the attendance trends at your school? • How can your data help to validate or invalidate these?

• How can data analysis guide and inform your planning?

Attendance Not Submitted


Why is it important

How does it negatively impact?

Teacher Responsibilities

Article IX- Hours, Duties and Work Year

f. 4.0 - Other Professional Duties

“Each employee is responsible not only for classroom duties…for which properly credentialed, but also for all related professional duties. Such professional duties include…communicating and conferring with pupils, parents, staff and administrators; maintaining appropriate records…”

E.C. 44809 Teacher Responsibility

There shall be recorded in each state school register the absence and attendance of each pupil enrolled in the classes taught by the teacher keeping the register or on whose behalf the register is kept and any additional information required by the State Department of Education.

Monitoring/ Tracking of Attendance Not Submitted

How do you communicate expectations?

Develop monitoring systems (Activity)

Accuracy of attendance records and data.

ADA accuracy and compliance (audit ready)

Attendance Not SubmittedBest Practices for Administrators

• Designated staff member generates an Attendance Not Submitted (ANS) report via

MiSiS, at least twice per day.

• teachers identified on the report are reminded to submit attendance


• Develop clear attendance submission protocol for substitute teachers

• Disseminate ANS Report Teacher Memos

• During the final class period prior to the dismissal bell, a designated

staff member generates the second updated ANS report in MiSiS

• The site administrator provides reminders

• Example: Reading name(s) on the PA system, email, direct calls if attendance is

not submitted

• Supervising administrator provides Assistance and Guidance to teachers when


MiSiS DOCUMENTATION – Attendance Systems

• It is the Responsibility of the Teacher/ Substitute Teacher to submit attendance daily

• Electronically report attendance during first 15 minutes (of every period-SECONDARY SCHOOLS)

• Report attendance on paper rosters and submit to Attendance Office (by <<X:XX>> am)

• Verify period-by-period attendance submission- SECONDARY SCHOOLS

• Troubleshoot connectivity issues-Complete Teacher Discrepancy Memo and return to the Attendance Office (by <<X:XX>> am)

Integrated Safe School Plan: Attendance Report Dropout

• Every school shall have a formal, written, proactive attendance plan for the improvement of student and staff attendance.


Attendance Not Submitted With Date Range

Mr./Ms. Teacher

Sample Teacher Memo for ANS

School Attendance Team

• Stages of Group Development Assessment

• Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing Assessment Inventory

Far Below Basic

Less that 87%24 or more absences

87-91%15-23 absences

92-95%8-14 absences

96-99%1-7 absences

100%0 absences

Excellent Attendance=School Success

Below Basic




More likely to achieve at grade level and graduate

Academic Systems Behavioral Systems

1-5% 1-5%

5-10% 5-10%


Intensive, Individual Interventions

•Individual Students


•High Intensity

Intensive, Individual Interventions

•Individual Students


•Intense, durable procedures

Targeted Group Interventions

•Some students (at-risk)

•High efficiency

•Rapid response

Targeted Group Interventions

•Some students (at-risk)

•High efficiency

•Rapid response

Universal Interventions

•All students

•Preventive, proactive

Universal Interventions

•All settings, all students

•Preventive, proactive

Designing School-Wide Systems

for Student SuccessAttendance Systems

Adapted from:

Three Tiered Approach to Reducing Chronic Absenteeism








Considering the Whole Child

Truancy Intervention

• Attendance is Required by CA Education Code:

EC 48200: Each person between the age of 6 and 18…shall attend the public full time day school or continuation school or classes for the full time designated.

• Truancy is Defined by CA Education Code:

EC 48260: A student is truant if absent from school or tardy to school in excess of thirty minutes, without a valid excuse, on three occasions in one school year or any combination thereof

Truancy Notification Letters

• Initial Notification is issued by Central Office

• Data is captured from MiSiS throughout the school year

• Letters will generate for students age 6-18 with three or more absences (or tardies/LE’s more than 30 minutes) with reason code: 2, 3, UC, 0

• Second and Third Notifications must be generated and mailed by the school site.

• Designate a staff member to monitor attendance after letter #1 and follow-up accordingly

Additional Interventions for Excessive Absences/Truancy

• If a child has excessive absences that are being excused by the parent, consider revoking the parent’s privilege to excuse illness absences.

• If the student continues to be absent without additional verification, the absences will be coded as unexcused and the school can begin sending truancy letters and implementing other interventions.

• After sending Truancy Letter #2, the school administrator or qualified designee must offer a parent conference to identify reasons for truancy and attempt to find solutions.

• Convene a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting.

• Seek support from the LD Northeast PSA Resource Panel

Attendance Documentation

•Keep copies of all attendance letters sent to parents.

•Maintain notes of all contacts with parents regarding attendance. •MiSiS Contact Log (not confidential).•Written notes with date of contact and detailed information.

LD Central Updates September is Attendance Awareness Month

Wear GREEN every Thursday

Attendance Matters Day (formerly Student Recovery Day)

September 7, 2018

Local District School Name

Central Contreras LC GLBL ST

Contreras LC SOC JUS

Contreras LC ALC

Contreras LC BUS TRNorthwest Chatsworth Charter High

West Bernstein Senior High

East South Gate Senior High

Northeast East Valley Senior High

South Jordan Senior High

Far Below Basic

Less that 87%24 or more absences

If students are not in school, they cannot learn.

Every day is important.

Keep it under 7.

Every day matters.

Thank you!PSA Field


PSA Aide

Leilani Morales

Viviana Hernandez

[email protected](213) 241-0158

[email protected](213) 241-0125

PSA Lead Counselors

Mario Vega Chan Cao

[email protected](213) 241-0192

[email protected](213)241-3903

SARB Chairperson Rafael Rubalcava

[email protected](213) 241-0162

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