
Principal's message…..

Phone : 8389 6419 Fax : 8389 6448 - Email : [email protected] -

Principal’s message…..

Lobethal Primary School Newsletter Term 3, Week 5, Thursday 24th August 2017


Friday 25th August Book Week Parade [9:00—9:20 in the gym]

Friday 1st September Show Day [school closure]

Monday 4th September Pupil Free Day!

Friday 8th September Cupcake Day { remembering Briony]

Monday 11th September Bush School

Thursday 21st September School Concert [Matinee 11:00am /Evening 6:30pm]

Continued overleaf…….

Dispositions for learning: the little moments matter.

We have been very pleased by the response from families to the ‘Powerful Learners’ survey we sent home. Our school

priority is developing all children as powerful learners and we were keen to know your thoughts regarding how powerful

your child is as a learner outside of school. Your insights help us to gather a more complete picture of your child and what

you do to support them as a learner.

Some indications of powerful learning are:

Showing genuine interest in learning new things

Being curious

Maintaining focus and ignoring distractions

Having a go at something new

Using time productively and finish what they are


Persist with learning, even when it is hard

Use failure and mistakes as a way of improving learning

Coming up with original ideas


Work with someone else constructively

Solve a problem with imaginative thinking

We loved to read your responses about the little moments when you as parents ‘nudge’ your child to try new things and

encourage them to be stronger and more capable. Here are a few of your ‘pearls of wisdom’…

“Try and not rescue them before they have really challenged themselves.”

“Encourage, encourage, encourage!”

“We remind her that mistakes are okay and part of learning. We also occasionally remind her that she isn’t going to ‘get’

everything or be instantly good- that it can take time and that it’s healthy for her to work on what challenges her.”

Attention Year 7’s – Transition Paperwork must be returned to the front office by next Friday

This week we

welcomed back to the

team “Lizzie Ellis” who

will be working

Wednesday and


Toni Burford

“Encourage her interest in the world and explore together.”

“Give a partial explanation- he must work it out.”

“We have learnt and are learning more about the importance of praising effort rather than


“Not rush in to help her out.”

“Using the language of powerful learners –pointing out to them when they have used the

qualities of powerful learners.”

“We involve our children in problem solving mistakes and we model making mistakes and

learning from them.”

“We encourage open discussion when developing ideas and general issues. Restrict screen


“Encourage critical thinking-questioning the purpose, methods and outcomes.”

By using the language of powerful learning and helping our young people recognise when and

how they have been a powerful learner, makes the little moments matter. Thank you for your

responses and insights. By working together, we are developing strong and capable learners.


Please keep an eye out for your child's NAPLAN results, they will be sent home soon.

It is time to talk about concert preparations!!

The School Concert will be held on Thursday 21st September. There will be two shows, the Matinee starting at 11am and Evening Show starting at 6:30pm. The show will run for approximately 80-90 minutes.

This year’s theme is ‘Music for Change’.

Below is a list of each class’s costumes that each child will require. Remember if you can’t source your child’s costume let us know and we will organise it.

I have printed off some images for each class to look at examples.

Bronwyn Mitchell

Dinosaur or pre-historic costumes that they are free to move in.

Beck Reeves

Bright, swirly, colourful nature clothes!

Tracey Constable

Diversity is our theme so - A different profession or hobby or culture! and

Black pants and top

Simon Dorr

Clothes and accessories made out of anything recycled!

Simon Lock

Red, black and yellow clothes

Sarah Wright

Clothes according to the groups and characters that they are playing! I will send home a more specific note for this group!

Please make sure that your child is able to move freely in their costume as they will need to dance and play instruments in them. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it because we can make costumes at school too.

School Concert

Continued overleaf…….


Knock Out Football Grand Final will be held on

Wednesday 27th September [Week 10]

West Torrens Oval—Woodville— Kick off at 11:15

[more details closer to the date]

Concert Seating

Seating is always a tricky issue to manage for our concert. We will have two concerts again, one during the day and one in

the evening. Last year we trialled not having the school children in the audience to help us with space, so that we could

ensure everyone had seating. Overall this served its purpose and it enabled more room for families. However, the feedback

from students was that they regretted not seeing the whole concert. Whilst they were able to watch the concert at

rehearsal time, it did not have the same ‘feel of excitement and wonderment’. In an effort to accommodate both needs, we

are hoping to allow children in to watch the concert in the Matinee (as this is when we have more room) and keeping them

in the classroom (Green Room) during the evening concert, where they will be brought onto the stage by their teachers for

their performance.

This will depend on final numbers, which can be determined by pre-issued tickets.


We will pre-issue tickets again this year so we can determine correct numbers and be able to organise enough seating.

Please make the effort to pre-order your tickets so we can accommodate the different groups who wish to see the concert.

A note is attached with this newsletter.

We are looking forward again to seeing your beautiful children’s efforts. How exciting!

Warmest regards,

Rhiannon North

Save The Date…...


Saturday 16th September

9:00 am—12:00 noon

In preparation for summer planting we are holding a working bee in the garden. We will be preparing our new garden area

as designed by the students.

Tasks to be carried out include:

Building garden beds

checking irrigation systems


Removing spent plants.

I f you are able to lend a hand please contact the school. As you know more hands make light work!

Spare Clothes

Due to weather conditions and life’s little accidents our spare clothes supply has disappeared.-[ especially tracksuit pants,

undies and socks, mainly sizes 5-8] If your child has come home in spare clothes it would be greatly appreciated if you could

return them clean to school as soon as possible.

If you have any clothes appropriate for school that your child/children have out grown they would be greatly appreciated .



Fundraising News

Well done to Mackenzie on

the closest guess for the

large jar of jelly beans. Her

guess was 308 [there were


Well done to Ella and

Axel on their joint win

for the small jar of jelly


Their guess was 160

[there were 158]

Selling times for the Book Fair will be :

Wednesday— 3 - 3.30 pm

Thursday— 8.30-9 am and 3 -3.30 pm

Thursday Lunch time—1-1.20pm - The library will only be open to

students who wish to purchase from the fair

Friday—8.30-9 am and 3 to 3.30 pm.

Book Week Lobethal Primary School staff and students were fortunate to watch the Super Duper Performance on Wednesday. Matt and

Kristi from Perform Educational Musicals were highly engaging; performing some of the 2017 Children's Book Council short

listed picture books. Some of the students even got to be part of the show


If you require OSHC for the upcoming pupil free day and school closure day please contact the

school to make a booking!

SCHOOL PHONE: 8389 6419 / OSHC Mobile : 0417 874 792

The LPS Fundraising Committee have met this week and made plans for the rest of 2017. This term, the Fathers Day Stall will be open after school on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st of August. A wide range of items will be available to purchase, ranging in price from $3. Plans for Term 4 are as follows: Ladies Night at LPS – Friday November 3rd at 7pm Student Disco– Thursday November 9th Christmas Raffle More details will be sent home in due course and, as always, any help from families, is always welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for your support!

Over the weekend mother nature decided it was time

to start our nature play area sooner than we had


Community News


Junior Cricket 2017/2018

Cricket season is starting soon and to kick things off we are going to have two introductory training sessions for the under

10’s and under 12’s [weather permitting]

Thursday September 21st - 4:00pm—5:15pm

Thursday September 28th - 4:00pm—5:15pm

Where: At our new cricket nets, Lobethal rec ground

For more information please contact:

Brenton Green 0437816992

Melinda Martin 0459437850

Just bringing to your attention that we have had two known cases of Influenza A this term and one case of School sores, here is a bit of information about both:

Influenza A:

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs caused by the Influenza A or B (or rarely C) viruses. It is highly infectious. In Australia, seasonal influenza of varying severity occurs every year, usually between May and September.

How influenza is spread: Influenza virus is spread when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes small droplets contain-ing infectious agents into the air. The droplets in the air may be breathed in by those nearby. Infection may also be spread by contact with hands, tissues and other articles soiled by infected nose and throat discharges.

School Sores: School sores (impetigo) are a superficial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria, or sometimes both, that is most common in children.

How school sores are spread:The bacteria can easily spread to other parts of the infected person’s body or to other people directly by contact with sores or indirectly by contact with contaminated clothes.

Health In formation

Signs and symptoms:School sores appear as a flat, yellow, crusty or moist patches on the skin (see image), usually on exposed parts of the body such as the face and legs. The sores are often greater than 1cm in diameter.

We hope this information helps, if you have any questions or concerns, please come into the office.

Look what happened…...



As you may or may not be aware, the School Concert is being held on Thursday 21st

September (week 9) of this term.

There will be a matinee session at 11.00am as well as the evening performance at 6.30pm.

Over the past 3 years, it has become increasingly difficult to fit everyone in our gym for

the evening performance. After careful consideration as to the best possible solution, the

decision has been made to continue holding the concert here in the school gym,

distributing the audience evenly over 2 performances.

For safety and comfort, this year we will be using a ticket system to ensure the gym is not

overcrowded and all adults are seated.

Each family will need to pre-order the number of tickets they require for each


We suggest grandparents/younger siblings attend the matinee with a parent and one

parent attend the evening performance. We can accommodate no more than 4 adult

representatives per family at the evening performance.

We thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Please fill out the form below and return it to the Front Office so we can be assured of

meeting all seating and safety requirements .

A gold coin donation will be collected at the door.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Family Name: ………………………………………...

I would like …...….. tickets for the Matinee Performance

I would like ……….. tickets for the Evening Performance

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