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    Vandetanib mediates anti-leukemia activity by multiplemechanisms and interacts synergistically with DNAdamaging agents

    Margaret E. Macy & Deborah DeRyckere & Lia Gore

    Received: 3 August 2010 /Accepted: 20 October 2010# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

    Summary Vandetanib is an orally active small moleculetyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with activity against severalpathways implicated in malignancy including the vascularendothelial growth factor receptor pathway, the epidermalgrowth factor receptor pathway, the platelet derived growthfactor receptor pathway, and REarranged during Trans-fection pathway. To determine if vandetanib-mediatedinhibition of receptor tyrosine kinases is a potentialtherapeutic strategy for pediatric acute leukemia, thesestudies aimed to characterize the activity of vandetanibagainst acute leukemia in vitro. Treatment of leukemia celllines with vandetanib resulted in a dose-dependent decreasein proliferation and survival. Vandetanibs anti-leukemic

    activity appeared mediated by multiple mechanisms includ-ing accumulation in G1 phase at lower concentrations andapoptosis at higher concentrations. Alterations in cell surfacemarkers also occurred with vandetanib treatment, suggestinginduction of differentiation. In combination with DNAdamaging agents (etoposide and doxorubicin) vandetanibdemonstrated synergistic induction of cell death. However incombination with the anti-metabolite methotrexate, vandetanibhad an antagonistic effect on cell death. Although severaltargets of vandetanib are expressed on acute leukemia celllines, expression of vandetanib targets did not predictvandetanib sensitivity and alone are therefore not likelycandidate biomarkers in patients with acute leukemia. Inter-actions between vandetanib and standard chemotherapy agentsin vitro may help guide choice of combination regimens forfurther evaluation in the clinical setting for patients withrelapsed/refractory acute leukemia. Taken together, thesepreclinical data support clinical evaluation of vandetanib, incombination with cytotoxic chemotherapy, for pediatricleukemia.

    Keywords Acute leukemia . Vandetanib . Vascularendothelial growth factor . Tyrosine kinase inhibitor .

    Combination therapy

    AbbreviationALL acute lymphoblastic leukemiaAML acute myelogenous leukemiaDMSO dimethyl sulfoxideEGFR epidermal growth factor receptorFBS fetal Bovine SerumFlt-3 fms-like tyrosine kinase 3KDR kinase-insert domain containing regionMLL mixed lineage leukemiaPDGFR platelet derived growth factor

    This work was supported by grants from the For Julie Foundation andNIH K12 CA086913-05, CA086913-08 (MM, LG). MM wassupported by the University of Colorado William M. ThorkildsenResearch Fellowship

    Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article(doi:10.1007/s10637-010-9572-6) contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.

    D. DeRyckere : L. GoreDepartment of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology,Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplantation,University of Colorado Denver,Aurora, CO 80045, USA

    L. GoreDivision of Medical Oncology, University of Colorado Denver,Aurora, CO 80045, USA

    M. E. Macy (*)Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology, Oncology,and Bone Marrow Transplantation, University of Colorado Denver,13123 East 16th Avenue B-115,Aurora, CO 80045, USAe-mail: [email protected]

    Invest New DrugsDOI 10.1007/s10637-010-9572-6

  • RET Rearranged during transfectionVEGF vascular endothelial growth factorVEGFR vascular endothelial growth factor receptor


    Acute leukemia accounts for approximately 5% of allmalignancies with an event free survival of 40% for acutelymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and approximately 20% foracute myeloid leukemia (AML) [1, 2]. Despite advances intherapy the overall cure rate for either type of acuteleukemia in adults remains relatively poor. While acuteleukemia is a relatively uncommon disease in adults, it isthe most common pediatric malignancy, with over 3,000new cases diagnosed in U.S. children each year. Whilemore than 75% of pediatric patients will be cured withcurrent intensive therapy, patients with acute lymphoblasticleukemia (ALL) with early relapse or acute myeloidleukemia (AML) with any relapse, or those with specificcytogenetic or molecular abnormalities including mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene rearrangements have adismal outcome [39]. These pediatric patients and theadult population still desperately need new therapies.

    With the recent advent of biologically-based approachesto the treatment of human malignancies, new agents againsta wide variety of molecular targets are currently in clinicaldevelopment. These agents target specific genes or proteinsthat are mutated or dysregulated in cancers. As standardchemotherapeutic agents have significant toxicity, agentsthat are tailored to cancer-specific abnormalities areparticularly appealing. The role of vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) in tumor angiogenesis is an activearea of cancer research. Neoangiogenesis is required foradequate oxygen and nutrition to support a growing tumormass. Stimulation of VEGF receptors results in activation ofsignaling pathways that promote endothelial cell survival,migration, differentiation, and increase vascular permeability[10, 11]. VEGF is over-expressed in multiple solid tumorsand is associated with poor outcome [1215]. As a result,VEGFR signaling has been targeted as an anti-angiogenicstrategy in cancer.

    Vandetanib (ZD6474) is an orally active small moleculetyrosine kinase inhibitor with activity against the VEGFreceptor 2 (VEGFR2), also known as kinase insert domaincontaining receptor (KDR) [16]. It possesses inhibitoryactivity at submicromolar concentrations against VEGFreceptor3 (VEGFR3), the epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR), REarranged during Transfection (RET) tyrosinekinase, and at micromolar concentrations activity againVEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) and platelet-derived growthfactor receptor beta (PDGFR) [1719]. In Phase I clinical

    trials in patients with solid malignancies vandetanib waswell tolerated at doses up to 300 mg once daily [20, 21].Common dose related side effects included rash, diarrhea,hypertension and asymptomatic QTc prolongation. Phar-macokinetic analyses demonstrate a long half-life ofapproximately 120 h [20]. Vandetanib is currently beingstudied in Phase II and III trials. Phase II studies in patientswith non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, or medullarythyroid cancer have shown stable disease or prolonged timeto progression in patients treated with vandetanib [2226].Newer studies with vandetanib plus gemcitabine andcapcitabine in biliary cancers have shown significantprolongation of survival and clinical responses [27].Vandetanib was granted orphan drug status by the FDAfor treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma where itsactivity is mediated in part by inhibition of RET [28, 29].

    While the role of vandetanib as an angiogenesis inhibitoris being further elucidated in multiple clinical studies, itsactivity against hematopoietic tumors is less well defined.Hematopoietic malignancies express VEGF and VEGFsignaling plays an important role in hematopoiesis, medi-ating hematopoietic stem cell survival and repopulation viaan autocrine loop and regulating angiogenesis via a para-crine loop [30]. Paracrine stimulation of other cells in thetumor microenvironment can also result in production ofgrowth factors that stimulate leukemia proliferation and/orsurvival [30]. All three VEGFRs are expressed on ALL andAML patient cells and cell lines [30]. Activation ofVEGFR2 in leukemia cells promotes survival through thenuclear factor B (NF-B), mitogen-activated proteinkinase (MAPK)/Extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK), and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt pathways[31]. VEGFR1 and VEGFR3 signaling have been shownto promote leukemia cell migration, survival, proliferationand chemoresistance [30]. VEGF expression in leukemiasis associated with poorer prognosis and decreased relapse-free survival [32, 33]. In addition, pediatric patients withleukemia have increased bone marrow microvessel densitysuggesting that leukemia may induce and be dependentupon angiogenesis within the bone marrow environmentitself [30, 34]. These observations indicate that VEGF andangiogenesis may be desirable targets in leukemia. Addi-tionally, other vandetanib targets may also play importantroles in leukemia. The RET proto-oncoogene is expressedon normal human CD34+ progenitor cells and leukemicblasts from AML patients and RET expression is increasedin more differentiated leukemia subtypes [35, 36]. Of note,EGFR is not felt to have a significant role in leukemiasurvival or proliferation as its expression is rarely detectedin patient samples, and activating EGFR mutations are notobserved in leukemia [37, 38].

    In a previous preclinical report, vandetanib inducedgrowth arrest and apoptosis in 3 of 14 leukemia cell lines

    Invest New Drugs

  • and 10 of 13 patient samples with AML [39]. The goal ofthe studies presented here was to characterize the activityand mechanisms of vandetanib against acute leukemia invitro, thereby investigating the role of autocrine signalingthrough the pathways inhibited. Additionally, we evaluatedthe interactions between vandetanib and selected chemo-therapeutic agents. This is particularly important in pediatriconcology where preclinical studies can facilitate rationaldesign of clinical trials and thereby maximize the amountand relevance of information obtained from the limitednumber of patients available for clinical studies.

    Methods and materials

    Cell culture The Molt-4, REH, RCH-AcV, RS4;11, Nalm-6, and HAL-01 cell lines were obtained from Dr. StephenHunger (University of Colorado Denver) in 2001. Jurkat,Molt-3, CCRF-HSB-2, and HL-60 were obtained from Dr.Douglas Graham (University of Colorado Denver) in 2004.HEL, Eol-1, Molm-13, and Molm-14 were obtained fromDr. Robert Arceci (Johns Hopkins University) in 2005.THP-1 was obtained from Dr. Terzah Horton (TexasChildrens Hospital) in 2005. CCRF-CEM, Kasumi-1 andMV4-11 were obtained from the American Type CultureCollection (ATCC; Manassas, VA) in 2008. NOMO-1 wasobtained from the German Collection of Microorganismsand Cell Cultures (Braunschweig, Germany) in 2007. Allcell lines were received frozen, and passaged to confluentgrowth. Experiments were performed on established pas-sages less than 3 months of age. The identity and purity ofthe THP-1, REH, CCRF-CEM, MV4-11, RS4;11, CCRF-HSB-2, Eol-1, and Nalm-6 cell lines, the purity of the REHcell line and the purity and common source of the Molm-13and Molm-14 cell lines were confirmed by multiplexpolymerase chain reaction DNA profiling using the ABIIdentifiler kit (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA) followedby comparison with the ATCC database. Continuouscultures were verified by DNA profiling and used forexperiments within 3 months. Cell lines were maintained at37C in 5% CO2 in RPMI medium (InVitrogen, Carlsbad,CA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) andpenicillin/streptomycin.

    Treatment with vandetanib and other chemotherapeuticagents Vandetanib was kindly provided by AstraZeneca(Macclesfield, UK). Vandetanib and methotrexate (SigmaAldrich, St Louis MO) stocks were prepared at 10 mM indimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Etoposide (EMD Biosciences,Gibbstown, NJ) stocks were prepared at 20 mM in DMSOand doxorubicin (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO) stockswere prepared at 5 mM in distilled, deionized water.Preliminary experiments were performed to determine the

    maximum density for each cell line such that nutrientswould not be limiting for proliferation. Cells were platedand cultured overnight prior to addition of therapeutic agent(s) or vehicle for an additional 48 h.

    Assessment of anti-tumor activity

    For determination of relative number of metabolicallyactive cells, cells were cultured in 96-well dishes andtreated in triplicate with a therapeutic agent(s) and/orvehicle. 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis,MO) in PBS was added to a final concentration of0.65 mg/ml after 48 h of treatment with vandetanib and/or chemotherapeutic agents and cells were cultured for anadditional 4 h. Solubilization solution (2, 10% SDS in0.01 M HCl) was added and plates were incubated at 37Covernight. Optical density was determined at 562 nm with areference wavelength of 650 nm. Relative numbers ofmetabolically active cells were calculated by subtraction ofbackground absorbance and normalization to untreatedcontrols. IC50 values were determined by non-linearregression using Graphpad Prism v4.0 software (GraphpadSoftware, La Jolla, CA).

    Determination of cell death and cell cycle distribution Cellswere cultured in 24-well dishes and collected by centrifu-gation at 240 g for 5 min after treatment with therapeuticagent(s) for 48 h. For assessment of cell death, cell pelletswere resuspended in PBS containing 1 M YO-PRO-1(InVitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and 1.5 M propidium iodide(InVitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and incubated on ice for 2030 min. Fluorescence was detected and analyzed using anFC500 flow cytometer and CXP data analysis software(Beckman Coulter, Miami, FL). For assessment of cellcycle distribution, cell pellets were resuspended in PBS andethanol was gradually added with vortexing to a finalconcentration of 70% to permeabilize membranes. Cellswere incubated at 4C overnight, collected by centrifugation,resuspended in PBS containing 20 g/ml propidium iodideand 2 g/ml RNase A, and incubated again at 4C overnightprior to analysis by flow cytometry as above.

    Determination of Differentiation Marker Expression Cellswere cultured in 6-well dishes or 10 cm tissue culture platesand collected by centrifugation at 240 g for 5 min aftertreatment with vandetanib for 48 h. For assessment of cellsurface marker expression, aliquots of 105 cells wereresuspended directly in 5% FBS/PBS + 40 g/ml humanIgG (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Cells were incubatedon ice for 30 min to block non-specific antibody binding.An equal volume of fluorochrome-linked or biotin-linked

    Invest New Drugs

  • antibody in 5% FBS/PBS + 40 g/ml human IgG wasadded and samples were incubated on ice for an additional60 min. Where indicated, cells were washed with 0.75 ml5% FBS/PBS and resuspended in 50 L of fluorochrome-linked streptavidin in 5% FBS/PBS + human IgG for anadditional 30 min on ice. After staining, all samples werewashed with and resuspended in 5% FBS/PBS, andfluorescence was quantitated by flow cytometry as above.Aliquots of cells were stained with fluorochrome-linkedisotype control antibodies to define background fluores-cence and positive-staining cells. Antibodies were obtainedfrom BD Biosciences (San Jose, CA). 2X solutions wereprepared at the following dilutions: IgG1-FITC (#556028)1:5; CD15-FITC (#555401); IgG1-PE (#559320) 1:5;CD69-PE (#555531); IgG1-Biotin (#555747) 1:5;Streptavidin-FITC (#554060) 1:100; CD28-Biotin(#555727) 1:5; CD2-FITC (#347593);CD11b-PE(#347557) 1:5; CD4-FITC (#340133) 1:5; CD25-FITC(#347643) 1:5.

    Interaction models and statistical analysis Interactionsbetween vandetanib and cytoxic chemotherapies wereassessed by the Bliss independence model [40]. Thefrequency of affected (Fa) expected for an additiveinteraction between 2 agents was calculated based on the

    Bliss independence model using the following formula:

    Fa1 2 Fa1 1 Fa1 Fa2where Fa1 and Fa2 are the effects for the individual drugs(1 and 2) when used as single agents at the concentrationsof interest.

    Statistically significant differences (p

  • determined to be sensitive if the respective IC50 was at orbelow the clinically-achievable serum level of 2.5 M.Based on this criterium, 6 cell lines were sensitive and 13cell lines were resistant. The 6 sensitive lines included theALL line HSB-2, the AML lines Kasumi-1 and Eol-1, MLLlines with predominate myeloid features (Molm-13 andMolm-14), and an MLL line with predominant lymphoidfeatures (MV4-11).

    Vandetanib mediates anti-tumor activity by multiplemechanisms

    Cytoxicity assays To elucidate the mechanism(s) by whichvandetanib exerts its anti-leukemia effect, we evaluated thecytotoxic potential of vandetanib. Six vandetanib-sensitiveleukemia cell lines were treated with various concentrationsof vandetanib for 48 h and then stained with propidiumiodide and YoPro-1-iodide in order to quantitate the

    fraction of viable, apoptotic and dead cells using flowcytometry. Vandetanib induced dose dependent cell death(Fig. 2a). However, induction of significant cell deathrequired treatment with relatively high concentrations ofvandetanib (IC75 concentrations or higher). In all cases,reduction in cell number was observed at lower concen-trations than those required to induce apoptosis (Figs. 1and 2a).

    Cell Cycle Analysis To investigate other potential mecha-nisms of vandetanib-mediated anti-leukemia activity, wecharacterized the cell cycle profile of vandetanib-sensitiveleukemia cell lines. When treated with vandetanib, thevandetanib-sensitive cell lines exhibited alterations in cellcycle distribution, with all lines but Eol-1, demonstratingsignificant accumulation in the G1 phase (Fig. 2b). Thesedata demonstrate that vandetanib mediates alterations incell cycle progression.



    G2/M S G1





    ** **

    HSB-2 Eol-1 Molm-13 Molm-14 MV4-11 Kasumi-1

    HSB-2 Eol-1 Molm-13 Molm-14 MV4-11 Kasumi-1



    % c


    % c






    ** **



    * **







    Fig. 2 Vandetanib inducesdose-dependent cell death andaccumulation in G1 phase inleukemia cell lines. Vandetanib-sensitive acute leukemia celllines were treated with theindicated concentrations ofvandetanib for 48 h. a. Dead andapoptotic cells were quantitatedby flow cytometric analysis ofcells stained with YoPro-1iodide and propidium iodide.Mean values +/ SEM derivedfrom 3 independent experimentsare shown. Statistically-significant differences in thefraction of dead and apoptoticcells in vandetanib-treatedcultures relative to controlcultures were determined usingthe students paired t-test.b. Cell cycle profiles weredetermined by flow cytometricanalysis of permeabilized cellsstained with propidium iodide.Mean values +/ SEM werederived from 3 independentexperiments. Statistically-significant differences in thefraction of cells in G1 phase invandetanib-treated culturesrelative to control cultures weredetermined using the studentspaired t-test. * p

  • Selectivity of tyrosine kinase inhibition We characterizedexpression of known vandetanib targets in a subset of bothsensitive and resistant leukemia cell lines to investigate thepossible biochemical mechanism of vandetanib-mediatedanti-leukemic activity. All of the cell lines expressed one ormore of the known targets of vandetanib (VEGFR1,VEGFR3, PDGFR and/or RET) (Supplementary Figure 1).Only one vandetanib-resistant line (THP-1) expressedVEGFR2 or EGFR. No correlation was observed betweenexpression of receptors and sensitivity to vandetanib.

    Treatment with vandetanib alters expression of differentia-tion markers on leukemia cell lines The observed accumu-lation of leukemia cells in G1 phase of the cell cyclefollowing treatment with vandetanib is consistent with thepossibility that vandetanib mediates differentiation ofleukemic blasts. To investigate this possibility, a subset ofthe vandetanib-sensitive cell lines were treated with IC50concentrations of vandetanib and cell surface expression ofdifferentiation markers was determined. Both ALL andAML cell lines demonstrated alterations in expressionof hematopoietic differentiation markers (Fig. 3). HSB-2, a T-lineage ALL, down-regulated expression of CD15(a myeloid marker) and CD69 (a T-cell activation markerthat is also expressed on immature myeloid precursors).Expression of CD28, which is expressed on mature T-cells was up-regulated in response to treatment with

    vandetanib. Both AML cell lines, Eol-1 and Molm-14,exhibited down-regulation of the lymphoid markersincluding CD25 (an activated T-cell marker, also expressedon monocytes), CD4 (a T-cell co-receptor) on Eol-1 cells andCD2 (T-cell marker involved in interactions with antigenpresenting cells) on Molm-14 cells. Molm-14 also demon-strated decreased expression of CD11b, a myeloid marker.These cell surface alterations suggest that exposure tovandetanib promotes altered cell surface characteristics ofleukemic blasts.

    Vandetanib interacts synergistically with topoisomerase IIinhibitors and antagonistically with an anti-metaboliteagent As vandetanib mediates anti-leukemia activity bymultiple mechanisms, we investigated the interaction ofvandetanib with standard chemotherapeutic agents used inthe treatment of leukemia. A vandetanib-resistant cell line(Nalm6), the most vandetanib-sensitive cell line (HSB-2),and a moderately vandetanib-sensitive cell line (Molm-13)were treated with IC50 concentrations of vandetanib and/ora standard chemotherapeutic agent (doxorubicin, etoposide,or methotrexate), alone and in combination for 48 h andcell death was assessed by flow cytometric analysisfollowing staining with YoPro-1-iodide and propidiumiodide. Interactions between agents were assessed usingthe Bliss additivity model [40]. Upon concurrent treatmentwith vandetanib and a topoisomerase II inhibitor (doxoru-







    CD25 CD4

    % P


    ve C








    CD15 CD69 CD28

    % P


    ve C








    CD11b CD2

    % P


    ve C











    Fig. 3 Treatment with vandetanib alters cell surface expression ofdifferentiation markers on leukemia cell lines. Vandetanib-sensitiveleukemia cell lines were treated with IC50 concentrations ofvandetanib (grey bars) or with an equal volume of media alone (whitebars) for 48 h. Cells were then stained with fluorochrome-conjugatedantibodies against the indicated cell surface differentiation markers

    and analyzed by flow cytometry. Mean values +/ SEM were derivedfrom 4 to 5 independent experiments. Statistically-significant differ-ences in the fraction of cells expressing the relevant marker invandetanib-treated cultures relative to control cultures were deter-mined using the students paired t-test. * p

  • bicin or etoposide), all three cell lines exhibited statisticallysignificant increases in the fraction of dead or apoptoticcells relative to the predicted values for additive interac-tions indicating a synergistic interaction (Fig. 4a and b). Incontrast, treatment with the anti-metabolite methotrexate incombination with vandetanib resulted in significantly lesscell death than the predicted additive values for all threecell lines, indicating an antagonistic interaction (Fig. 5).Synergistic and antagonistic interactions with topoisomer-ase II inhibitors and methotrexate respectively, were also

    observed when the Molm-13 cell line was treated withhigher concentrations (IC75) of vandetanib, indicating thatthese interactions are not concentration dependent (Fig. 6).


    In this study, we investigated the anti-tumor effect ofvandetanib on acute leukemia cell lines in vitro. Wedescribe the anti-leukemic activity of this agent andelucidate mechanisms by which it has its effect, both alone


    Rel %


    d Ce


    Vandetanib + Etoposide






    % D



    Vandetanib + Doxorubicin




    Nalm-6 Molm-13 HSB-2

    Nalm-6 Molm-13 HSB-2

    Fig. 4 Concurrent treatment with vandetanib and topoisomerase IIinhibitors results in synergistic induction of leukemia cell death.Cultures of the indicated leukemia cell lines were treated with IC50concentrations (determined by MTT assay) of vandetanib (Vand)alone, chemotherapy alone or both drugs concurrently for 48 h asindicated. Apoptotic and dead cells were quantified by flowcytometric analysis of cells stained with YoPro-1 iodide andpropidium iodide dyes and normalized to untreated. Interactionsbetween the two drugs were assessed using the Bliss IndependenceModel. The predicted response for an additive interaction (BlissAdditivity) is determined based on the single agent data. The observed% dead cells for the combination therapies are greater than the % deadcells predicted for an additive interaction, indicating synergy. Meanvalues and standard errors were derived from 4 to 7 independentexperiments. Statistically-significant differences in the fraction ofapoptotic or dead cells observed relative to the fraction predicted foran additive interaction were determined using the students paired t-test. * p

  • and in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapies. Whilethe effect of vandetanib on various solid tumors is welldocumented, the role of this multi-targeted tyrosine kinaseinhibitor with effects on VEGFR2, RET, EGFR and to alesser extent, VEGFR1, VEGFR3, and PDGFR has beenmuch less studied in acute leukemia. In addition, it is likelythat there are off target effects that remain undefined at thistime. Our results demonstrate that vandetanib exhibits anti-leukemic activity against several leukemia cell lines invitro, including both ALL and AMLs, three of which havenot been previously described as vandetanib-sensitive(HSB-2, Molm-13 and Molm-14). The anti-leukemiaactivity of vandetanib does not appear to be specific to aparticular lineage or subtype. Of note, three of the sensitivecell lines possess MLL translocations (Molm-13, Molm-14,and MV4-11) [42, 43]. This is of potential clinical interest,as MLL rearranged leukemias are typically more refractoryand associated with poorer outcomes [6, 44, 45]. Similarlya large majority of MLL-rearranged leukemias demonstrateover-expression of fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (flt-3), aknown negative risk factor [4648].

    The concentrations at which vandetanib exerts its anti-tumor effect on sensitive leukemia cell lines in this studyare within the range of concentrations expected to affect theknown selective targets of the drug and are clinicallyachievable. However, vandetanib sensitivity does notappear to correlate with expression of any one specificreceptor. While this observation does not preclude inhibi-tion of known vandetanib targets as a mechanism ofvandetanib-mediated anti-leukemia activity, it suggests thatreceptor expression will not be a useful clinical marker ofvandetanib sensitivity. These data are also consistent withthe possibility that vandetanibs anti-tumor activity occursthrough different signaling pathways in different cell lines,by inhibition of multiple pathways in individual cell lines,or by off-target effects which have not yet been elucidated.The kinase inhibitor profile of vandetanib and the broadrange of IC50 values for sensitive cell lines are consistentwith the possibility that inhibition of different receptorsresults in anti-leukemia activity in different cell lines.Notably, anti-leukemia activity against cell lines containingMLL translocations requires higher concentrations ofvandetanib compared to other sensitive cell lines. Thisobservation is consistent with the possibility that anti-leukemia activity is mediated by inhibition of FLT3 in thesecell lines as they all express internal tandem duplications ofFLT3 and vandetanib is known to inhibit FLT3 phosphory-lation at concentrations greater than or equal to 1 M [39]. Incontrast, vandetanib's anti-leukemia activity against theEol-1 and HSB-2 cell lines occurred at much lowerconcentrations and may therefore be mediated by morespecific inhibition of known target receptors, such asVEGFR1 and VEGFR3. Thus, it is possible that a subset

    of the sensitive cell lines are dependent on VEGFRsignaling for proliferation and/or survival. VEGFR signal-ing may also play roles in proliferation and survival ofleukemia cell lines that are not sensitive to vandetanibwhere other signaling pathways function redundantly suchthat VEGFR signaling is not absolutely required.

    We also expanded on previous studies by investigatingmultiple cellular mechanisms involved in the anti-leukemiceffect of vandetanib. Our data indicate that the anti-tumoractivity mediated by vandetanib occurs through multiplemechanisms and is concentration dependent with inductionof apoptosis and cell death occurring at relatively highconcentrations, well above the IC50 concentrations. Atlower concentrations, little to no apoptosis and cell deathare observed, but alterations in cell cycle progression dooccur. The increased fraction of cells in G1 phase suggestsa delay or arrest in cell cycle progression induced byvandetanib. An similar increase in the fraction of tumorcells in G1 phase has been described in response tovandetanib and other EGFR antagonists and this accumu-lation in G1 phase in solid tumor cell lines has been shownto be due to decreased cyclin D expression [49, 50],suggesting a mechanism by which cell cycle effects may bemediated. However, the relevance of this mechanism inleukemia cell lines is questionable as none of the sensitivecell lines expressed EGFR.

    The observed accumulation of leukemia cells in G1phase is consistent with the possibility that the cells areundergoing differentiation in response to treatment withvandetanib. Indeed, treatment with vandetanib led toalterations in the expression of hematopoietic differentia-tion markers. These alterations generally suggest a moremature phenotype and/or down-regulation of aberrantlyexpressed markers. HSB-2 is an immature T-cell leukemiacell line [51]. When treated with vandetanib, HSB-2 cellsdemonstrated increased expression of the mature T-cellmarker CD28, decreased expression of CD69, an immatureT-cell marker and a marker of mature T cell activation, anddecreased levels of CD15, an aberrantly expressed myeloidmarker. These changes could be consistent with differenti-ation towards a less proliferative, more mature phenotype.Similarly, Eol-1 and Molm-14 exhibit down-regulation ofCD25, CD4, and/or CD2, markers that are expressed on Tcells and on immature myeloid precursors, again suggestingdifferentiation to a more mature phenotype [52]. To ourknowledge, this is the first description of a small moleculeinhibitor with VEGFR inhibition properties altering expres-sion of differentiation markers as a single agent. Consistentwith our data, down-regulation of cellular VEGF levels hasbeen associated with induction of leukemia cell differenti-ation into functional leukemic dendritic cells in AMLpatient samples [53]. Taken together, these data suggestthat inhibition of the VEGF pathway can induce differen-

    Invest New Drugs

  • tiation of leukemia cells. These observations are particularlyrelevant given that abrogation of differentiation is a commonmechanism of leukemogenesis, particularly in AMLs.Differentiating agents are also used to treat other cancersthat demonstrate an undifferentiated phenotype, such asneuroblastoma, and vandetanib may also be therapeutic inthis context. Interestingly, vandetanib does mediate syner-gistic anti-tumor activity in combination with retinoic acid, adifferentiating agent, in neuroblastoma cell lines. In thiscase, retinoic acid mediates increased activation of vandeta-nibs target RETand may thereby render neuroblastoma cellsmore susceptible to apoptosis in response to treatment withvandetanib [54]. Similarly, vandetanib-mediated differenti-ation may play a role in increasing sensitivity to apoptosisin response to normal cell stressors or treatment withchemotherapy agents. Studies investigating changes indifferentiation mediated by vandetanib or other VEGFinhibitors in combination with other agents have not beendescribed.

    Additionally, and perhaps more relevant clinically, weevaluated interactions with other therapeutic agents that arecurrently in clinical use. Vandetanib demonstrates synergywith topoisomerase II inhibitors, even in cell lines in whichit does not demonstrate single agent activity, and thus maypotentiate certain conventional chemotherapy. These datasuggest combination strategies which may be clinicallyrelevant particularly for AML, as more of the sensitive lineswere AMLs and topoisomerase II inhibitors are commonlyused in AML therapy. The synergy observed whenvandetanib is combined with a DNA-damaging agent hasbeen previously described in solid tumors and is thought tobe mediated in part by effects on pro-survival pathways[49, 55, 56]. Interestingly, when vandetanib is combinedwith oxaliplatin in human colon cancer cell lines, there wasa marked synergistic decrease in the expression in VEGF-Asecretion by the tumor cells [56]. This may be part ofvandetanibs anti-leukemic effect, as the leukemia cell linesall express high levels of VEGF as part of an autocrinestimulatory loop (data not shown) [30, 5761]. With theaddition of chemotherapy, VEGF secretion may be furtherimpeded compared with vandetanib alone. Vandetanib canalso affect multi-drug resistance through inhibition of thetransport functions of both the p-glycoprotein and ABCG2proteins [62, 63], suggesting another rational reason forclinical evaluation of the synergistic combinations. How-ever, while this mechanism may play a role in some of thesynergistic interactions we observed, this is not the onlyrole for vandetanib as the Nalm-6 cell line does not expresspGP [64].

    The antagonism seen with methotrexate is not surprising,as methotrexate is an anti-metabolite that affects purinemetabolism, and therefore DNA synthesis. As vandetanibinduces a G1 phase arrest, it likely prevents leukemia cell

    progression into S phase, where methotrexate exerts itseffect. Similarly, we would expect antagonistic interactionsbetween vandetanib and other cell cycle specific agents,including other anti-metabolite agents affecting DNAsynthesis and therapies that exert their effects in G2/Mphase, such as the vinca alkaloids and taxanes. In contrast,vandetanib may be particularly effective in combinationwith G1 phase specific agents such as L-asparaginase. It isalso possible that a more favorable interaction betweenvandetanib and methotrexate could be achieved if thetreatments were applied sequentially. Although studies havedemonstrated that the sequence in which receptor tyrosinekinase inhibitors and chemotherapeutic agents are adminis-tered can affect the interaction between agents, we evaluatedonly concurrent therapy because the long half-life ofvandetanib (120 h in human serum), makes sequencing lessclinically feasible [20, 41, 49, 50, 65].

    The data presented here focus on the direct anti-tumoreffect of vandetanib, however it is also important to notethat the bone marrow microenvironment is not representedin our model system. It is well known that the bone marrowstroma abundantly expresses VEGF and its receptors. Inaddition, leukemic bone marrow has a higher density ofmicrovessels than normal bone marrow, suggesting a rolefor increased angiogenesis. The studies presented hereassess autocrine inhibition but do not account for theparacrine involvement of the endothelial cells and otherhematopoietic cells found in the bone marrow microenvi-ronment or the contribution of increased blood supply toleukemogenesis in this environment, both of which can beaffected by VEGFR inhibition. As such, further in vivo andclinical studies are warranted to investigate potential anti-leukemic effects that are dependent upon the milieu of thebone marrow microenvironment.

    Our results demonstrate that vandetanib has direct anti-leukemic activity in vitro. Its activity is mediated bymultiple mechanisms and probably through different recep-tors or pathways depending on the cell line. Furtherevaluation of the specific signaling pathways affected byvandetanib will be necessary to elucidate the exactbiochemical mechanisms of this drugs anti-leukemicactivity and to facilitate development of robust pharmaco-dynamic markers for clinical trials. This study also providespreclinical data to facilitate rational clinical development ofa therapeutic regimen containing vandetanib for pediatricacute leukemias, based on its synergistic interactions withdoxorubicin and etoposide. For this combination, thesensitivity of leukemia cells to vandetanib may not beimportant, as treatment with vandetanib increased sensitiv-ity to cytotoxic chemotherapies independent of whether thecell line was sensitive or resistant to vandetanib. Takentogether, our data support further evaluation of vandetanib,both in animal models and in clinical trials. Further

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  • evaluation in an in vivo setting will be necessary todetermine whether the autocrine effects we demonstratehere are clinically relevant and to evaluate the contribution ofparacrine signaling inhibition and anti-angiogenic effectsmediated by vandetanib, both as a single agent and incombination with DNA damaging agents. However, vande-tanib provides an exciting new molecularly-targeted optionfor treatment of acute leukemia.

    Acknowledgements We thank AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical for thegenerous gift of vandetanib. We are also grateful to Lori Gardner forlaboratory support, Gail Eckhardt for comments and discussion, andRobert Arceci and Stephen Hunger for critical review of thismanuscript. This work was supported by grants from the For JulieFoundation and National Institutes of Health K12 CA086913-05,CA086913-08. MM was supported by the University of ColoradoWilliam M. Thorkildsen Research Fellowship.


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    Vandetanib mediates anti-leukemia activity by multiple mechanisms and interacts synergistically with DNA damaging agentsAbstractIntroductionMethods and materialsAssessment of anti-tumor activity

    ResultsVandetanib mediates anti-tumor activity by multiple mechanisms


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