
This kugel, definitely sweet and with no shortage of cottagecheese, is a perfect choice when you’re craving something both hom-ey and comforting. Brent’s Deli in Northridge, California, shares it’stake on this classic.

Brent’s Deli’s Kugel



August 7, 1964: Congress passedthe Gulf of Tonkin resolution, givingPresident Lyndon B. Johnson broadpowers in dealing with reported NorthVietnamese attacks on U.S. forces.

1782: Gen. George Washingtoncreated the Order of the Purple Heart,a decoration to recognize merit inenlisted men and noncommissionedofficers.

1789: The U.S. War Department wasestablished by Congress.

1814: Pope Pius VII issued a bull re-storing the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits,four decades after the order had beensuppressed by Pope Clement XIV.

1882: The famous feud between theHatfields of West Virginia and the Mc-Coys of Kentucky erupted into full-scaleviolence.

1942: U.S. and other allied forceslanded at Guadalcanal, marking thestart of the first major allied offensivein the Pacific during World War II.

1959: The United States launched theExplorer 6 satellite, which sent backimages of Earth.

1963: First lady Jacqueline Kennedygave birth to a boy, Patrick BouvierKennedy, who died two days later ofrespiratory distress syndrome.

1974: French stuntman Philippe Petitrepeatedly walked a tightrope strungbetween the twin towers of New York’sWorld Trade Center.

1989: A plane carrying U.S. Rep.Mickey Leland, D-Texas, and 14 othersdisappeared over Ethiopia.

1998: Terrorist bombs at U.S. embas-sies in Kenya and Tanzania killed 224people, including 12 Americans.

2007: San Francisco’s Barry Bondshit home run No. 756 to break HankAaron’s storied record with one out inthe fifth inning of a game against theWashington Nationals, who won, 8-6.

Today’s birthdays:

Former MLB pitcher Don Larsen is 85. Ac-tress Verna Bloom is 75. Humorist GarrisonKeillor is 72. FBI Director Robert Mueller is70. Actor John Glover is 70. Actor David Ra-sche is 70. Rhythm-and-blues singer HaroldHudson is 65. Former diplomat, talk showhost and activist Alan Keyes is 64. Countrysinger Rodney Crowell is 64. Marathonrunner Alberto Salazar is 56. Actor DavidDuchovny is 54. Jazz musicianMarcus Rob-erts is 51. Actress Charlotte Lewis is 47.Actress Sydney Penny is 43. ActorMichaelShannon is 40. Actress Charlize Theron is39. Actor Randy Wayne is 33.

HISTORY“You must learn day

by day, year by year, to

broaden your horizon.

The more things you

love, the more you are

interested in, the more

you enjoy, the more you

are indignant about—

the more you have left

when anything happens.”

Ethel Barrymore, Americanactress (1879-1959)



Note: Bigar’s Stars is based on thedegree of your sun at birth. Thesign name is simply a label as-trologers put on a set of degreesfor convenience. For best results,readers should refer to the datesfollowing each sign.

A baby born today has a Sun inLeo and a Moon in Sagittarius ifborn before 11:38 a.m. Afterward,the Moon will be in Capricorn.

Happy birthday for Thursday, Aug.7, 2014:

This year you often rally yourenergy at home and get involvedin a cause. As a result, you willaccomplish a lot. At times, thosearound you might feel left out asthey encounter the new, efficientyou. Make time for loved ones andfriends. They will continue to playa pivotal role in your life. If you aresingle, you are likely to encountera new person. Recognize thatyou are changing, and avoid acommitment for at least a year.If you are attached, your sweetie

might be taken aback by the newyou. Give him or her time to adjust.Capricorn is all business.

The Stars Show the Kind of DayYou’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive;3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)★★★★ — Someone seems tomatch your fiery nature, and thiswill challenge you to move ina new direction. It is up to youwhether this is war or peace!Responsibilities call, but you’llwant to make extra time for a keyperson in your life. Tonight: In thewhirlwind of the moment.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)★★★★— Others are just as challengingas you are. The problem seemsto be that one person wants tobe more combative than you cantolerate. Your family will serve asa powerful anchor. Know that youcan have what you want. Tonight:Consider a weekend getaway.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)★★★★ — You’ll want to get past aproblem, but you might not be ableto contain someone’s anger. Some

of you will attempt a noteworthydiscussion, while others opt toavoid the situation. A one-on-oneconversation will point you in theright direction. Tonight: Go for aclose encounter.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)★★★★— You’ll find yourself surroundedby others. One person specificallyis hot-tempered and capable ofcausing you a problem. How doyou want to deal with this? Manyof you will opt to head down amore peaceful path. Tonight: Don’tallow someone to trigger you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)★★★★— You’ll want to focus on certaindetails that must be completedif you are to enter this weekendfeeling fancy-free and content. Youcan accomplish a lot, quite quickly.Refuse to let a loved one or familymember slow you down. Tonight:Know when to call it a night.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)★★★★— Your playful manner and deliber-ate attitude will attract others’ at-tention. They might not be exactlysure of what you want, but neitherwill you. Remain responsive to

others. If you become irritatedby someone, simply walk away.Tonight: Start the weekend early.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)★★★★— You might be more upbeatonce you distance yourself from adifficult situation. You won’t wantto reveal everything on your mindwhen checking out an investmentinvolving your home. Refuse totake on a commitment just yet.Tonight: Stay anchored.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)★★★★★ — You could be angrierthan you realize. You have beenholding back your feelings for solong that you might not be totallyaware of what is even triggeringyour anger. Slow down some, andinitiate a conversation. Tonight:Hang with a favorite person.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)★★★★ — Your spending couldgo way over budget if you arenot careful. Your instincts areworking overtime. Be careful aboutswallowing anger, as there couldbe a backfire. You might find thatgetting a situation resolved can bedifficult. Tonight: Play it conserva-


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)★★★★★ — You know where youare going, though a friend couldslow you down. Trust your judg-ment, and you will come out ontop. Confusion might surround aphone call, so try to confirm whatis going on. Tonight: Only whereyou can listen to music!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)★★★ — Know when to pull backand let others steal the scene. Youmight not be sure of your choicesif you opt to head in a differentdirection. Listen to an angry friendor relative; this person needs yourhelp. Tonight: Keep your plans asecret for now.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)★★★★ — Reach out to someoneat a distance. This person’s freshperspective always helps level youout, allowing you to see a situationdifferently. Use your intuition tohelp open up a conversation witha friend. Tonight: Aim for what youwant.




The cue-bid to show a good raiseis very popular with duplicateplayers. It frees up the jump-raise to use as a pre-emptive bid,showing four trumps and aboutfive to seven points.West won the opening spadelead and continued with theking of spades, ruffed by South.Declarer drew trumps in tworounds, ending in dummy, andruffed dummy’s remaining spade.This was followed by the kingand ace of diamonds, then a lowdiamond toward the queen-10.South rose with his queen, andhad to go down one when the jackof diamonds didn’t fall and the aceof clubs proved to be off-side.Declarer can succeed byinserting the 10 of diamonds onthe third round of the suit. He cannow discard a club from dummyon the queen of diamonds andsurrender only two clubs to thedefense. Is there any reason forSouth to find this play? A reasonsupported by bridge logic ratherthan a peek at the East-Westhands?Yes! Should the 10 of diamondslose to the jack, West would beend-played! He would be forcedto give South the king of clubs oryield a ruff-sluff. That combinedwith a club discard on the queenof diamonds would give South his10 tricks. The diamond finessewould win even if it lost!

Contact the writer: [email protected]




L.A. Times crossword puzzle is running in today’s Classifieds.


All puzzle solutions are on Page 2E.


ACROSS1 Little children5 “Get lost!”

10 Political party’s interpretation14 Border on15 Actor Michael16 Zip __; part of an address17 Skimpy skirt18 Uneasy feeling19 Bylaw20 Germfree22 Irrigated24 Actor Steiger25 Under26 French farewell29 __ for the course; normal30 Actor Stacy __34 Discover35 “For __ a jolly good fellow...”36 Inlet between Africa and Asia37 Light brown38 Crew member40 Actor __ Mineo41 Get-up-and-go43 Not at home44 Examination45 More unusual46 Run slowly47 Helium & argon48 Yellow citrus50 Wheel’s center51 Makes content54 Cure-all58 Remove from power59 Gets close to61 Strike with an open palm62 Back of the neck63 Rattled64 Give a hoot65 Fellows66 Mold; form67 Hooting birds

DOWN1 Scottish caps2 Death notice, for short3 Adjust a piano

4 Began to awaken5 Burn with liquid6 Walking stick7 Big __; semi8 Response9 Tin or copper

10 Used a device for fastening11 Rain heavily12 Eric __ of Monty Python13 Requirement21 Debtor’s note23 Bus rider’s coin25 Woodwind instrument26 Run __; chase27 Ross or Rigg28 __ tube; pool toy29 __ person; apiece31 Donkeys32 Discontinue

33 Stops walking35 Dobbin’s dinner36 Traitor38 Grimm baddies39 Big coffee cup42 Tells, as a story44 Hot sauce46 Nativity set figurine47 Pistol49 Restaurant lists50 Speediness51 Ping-__; table tennis52 Oahu feast53 Notice54 Get ready, for short55 Talon56 British peer57 Chimpanzees and gorillas60 As flat __ pancake


The Burlington Railroad bridge a few miles east of Columbus, Nebraska, collapsed into the Loup River inMarch 1960. Rain fell on top of heavy snow run-off to cause flooding across eastern Nebraska.

To order reprints of our photos, contact the World-Herald library at 402-444-1014 or OWH [email protected] more historic photos online at

45 minutes. Serves 8 to 12.½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted,divided1 pound fine egg noodles4 eggs, separated1 cup sugar2 quarts cottage cheese¼ cup sour cream1 cup milk1 teaspoon vanilla extractSalt and white pepper, to taste1 cup crumbled cornflakesCinnamon sugar for sprinkling(2 tablespoons sugar and ¼teaspoon cinnamon, combined)

Heat the oven to 350 F. Lightlybutter a 15-by-11-inch bakingdish with a little of the meltedbutter and set aside.

Bring a large pot of lightlysalted water to a boil and addthe noodles. Cook the noodlesaccording to the package direc-

tions, then drain and set aside.In the bowl of a stand mixer,

or in a large bowl using a handmixer, beat the egg whites tostiff peaks. Set aside.

In a separate large bowl, beatthe egg yolks together withthe sugar, cottage cheese, sourcream, milk, vanilla, the restof the melted butter and 1½teaspoons of salt and one-halfteaspoon of pepper, or to taste.

Fold the noodles into the eggyolk mixture, then gently foldin the egg whites, one-third at atime.

Spoon the mixture into theprepared baking dish and coverwith the crumbled cornflakes.Sprinkle over the cinnamonsugar.

Place the baking dish in theoven and bake until the custardis set, 35 to 45 minutes.

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