Page 1: LiveWell November '10


LiveWellSupporting students in achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Get in The Zone!New to Price Center Plaza

Stolen IdentityProtect yourself today!

To Buy or Not to Buy?That is the question.


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10 Steps to FInancial W


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Page 2: LiveWell November '10

In the case of... stolen identityIn the past, bandits in black had to crawl through the window to empty your wallet or

steal your diamonds. Today, in the virtual monetary system online, money-snatchers have a whole new bag of tricks: they’ll steal your identity. In fact, nine million American identities are stolen every year!

How to protect yourself:

1 Don’t give anyone your Social Security, credit card, or bank account numbers unless you know the source and/or have initiated the contact. Also, avoid giving personal

information over unsecured telephone lines (such as a cell phone).

2Don’t throw away papers that have important account or financial numbers listed on them without first tearing them up into tiny, confetti-sized pieces.

3Keep your credit card and ATM receipts in a safe place until you’ve paid the credit card bill or balanced your checkbook. The backseat of your car does not qualify.

4Don’t leave bill payment envelopes in a home mailbox; these can be opened by any Tom, Dick, or Harry, or Jane. Go around the corner and put your envelopes in the

blue postal mailbox instead.

5Don’t send your credit card number over the Internet unless you are sure the website is secured and your computer is protected by anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, and

other security software.

6Don’t get hooked by “phishing.” Beware of emails from various personages informing you that “funds have been deposited” or “requests have been approved”

in some mystery transaction. Wthile it’s exciting to receive news that you are getting money, if it isn’t from the Financial Aid Office or the US Treasury, you don’t want it.

7Read your statements carefully. If that 45-minute phone call to Shanghai or that $260 dollar purchase at Foot Locker isn’t yours

(check your closet to make sure), suspect fraud.

8Report any suspicious activity immediately. You have the right, and the responsibility, to protect your identity

from unauthorized use!

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1 0 S t e p s to Financial Wellness

Live beneath your means—Which means, spend less that you make. This is the first rule to establishing financial independence. Living by this rule will allow you to reach your financial goals faster, and with a lot less stress.

Pay off your credit cards—Credit cards are usually the most expensive form of debt. Commit yourself to always paying more than the minimum required on your credit card. You’ll save incredible sums of cash by paying off credit card balances.

Pay yourself first—By making yourself the first “creditor” paid, you’ll develop solid saving habits that will help you reach your long-term goals.

Save six months living expenses—It’s smart to have a “rainy day” fund. For most people, six months of living expenses will provide an adequate cushion to weather most unexpected financial storms.

Stop shopping for fun—The consumer-driven market is stuffed with useless things to buy. Stick to what you really, really need.

Seek wise counsel—Don’t try to go it alone when making tough monetary decisions. Consult a banker or financial planners, or turn to friends and relatives who have solid financial habits.

Give back—Through non-profit foundations and other charitable donations you can contribute to the global community while giving yourself a tax break at the same time.

Plan major expenditures—If a house, new car, or other large purchase lies in your future, take the time to make a plan to reach your desired goal. A little planning goes a long way.

Educate yourself—Read financial publications and consider taking a course on basic financial management or investing. Check out LiveWell’s CashCourse online!

Review progress—Every year, list the value of what you own and what you owe. The difference between the two numbers is your financial net worth. Save this list, date it, and compare it to your current year’s progress. You’ll be amazed at how much difference a year makes in your f inances.

Contributed in part by Jeff Rubleski, MBA

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Nov 1st: 10am-6pm

Nov 8th: 8am-4pm FREE Get Well kit - $15 value!

Nov 10th: 12-4pm

Nov 16th: 1-4pm

Nov 18th: 5-8pm

Nov 19th: 1-4pm

Nov 22nd: 8am-6pm FREE Thanksgiving treats!

Nov 29th: 8am-4pm FREE digital thermometer!

Student Health ServiceConference Room #226 (use back stairs for entry)Cost with SHIP: $0Cost with SHIP waived: $15

Flu Vaccine ClinicsStudent Health Service

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To Buy or Not to Buy?That is the question...

“My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.“

~Errol Flynn

Our capitalist, consumer-driven economy would have you spend every red cent.

Common reasons for picking your own pocket and dropping the extra dollar:

• Peer pressure (Let’s go out tonight! C’mon, it’s Friday! Meet us for dinner!)

• Immediate gratification (That cookie sure looks good. Cool shoes. I’d love a latte!)

• Keeping up with your pals (Do you have the new i-Phone?)

While spending money and getting stuff might be oh-so-much fun, winding up broke sucks. What’s more, if you’re OVERSPENDING, chances are you have nothing to show for it except the dent in your wallet.

Maybe you’re the type of person who will see a great t-shirt for ten bucks and buy it (“Ten bucks! That’s almost free!”). Maybe you also spend ten bucks on a bite to eat, another ten on a movie,

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To Buy or Not to Buy?That is the question...

and ten again on the gas it takes to get there. As you look over your transaction history, it turns out that not “ten” but hundreds of dollars have been spent on impulse. Oops.

Next time you reach for the debit card, be honest: do you need it or do you want it? For example, you need to pay rent. You need healthy groceries in the refrigerator. However, you want to go to the movies. You want the expensive item on the menu. You want those jeans.

Don’t be duped by marketing strategies designed to keep you wanting more. Advertisers are experts at getting into your head and fiddling with the controls. There is always a cheaper way to do things, or alternatives that really and truly cost nothing. Close your wallet, open your mind!

As usual, LiveWell provides handy tools to help you out. Check out these tips for plugging spending leaks and stretching your dollars.

For a clear visual image of your purchasing patterns, print up the Needs v. Wants Worksheet and the Expenses Worksheet. Regardless of what you tell yourself (“Only ten bucks!”), the numbers don’t lie.

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Got a minute? Check it out…

The LiveWell Blog(A fun read that’s guaranteed to feed your mind.)

The LiveWell Blog is updated weekly with articles and news bulletins to keep you thriving!

Productivity and time managementLoving and honoring the real youMaintaining a body that is healthy, happy, and strongBalancing your budgetLiving greenGetting the most out of career resources and opportunities Awakening to your purpose and passionCultivating healthy relationships& much, much more!

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Words of WellnessHappiness is an attitude. We either

make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is

the same.

--Francesca Reigler

Office of Student Wellness

Student Services Building 5th Floor, Suite 562

(858) 822-7618

Hours: Monday-Friday8:00 am to 4:30 pm

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