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Live Life with Passion!

Ardiente Newsletter

MAY 2012


MAY 28




Weekly Clubhouse Events Monday

Hand and Foot, Zumba Tuesday

Aquasize, Nimblefingers, Pickleball, Water Yoga, Pokeno 1st and 3rd,

Poker Wednesday

Dominoes, Zumba, Yoga, Tap Dancing, Pan Pickleball Thursday

Aquasize, Pinochle, Poker Friday

Poker Club Saturday

Line Dancing, Poker Club



May 19th at 6:30 PM

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Community Manager’s Corner: Ron Winkel

Annual Meetings On April 19, the annual meeting was held at 5:01 p.m. The one item of

business was the election of a homeowner board member. Lyvoinne Harris was the lone

candidate for the one opening. State law still requires that we follow the election process

with secret ballots, etcetera even though we had one candidate. We had over 100 ballots re-

turned, however a few homeowners did not follow the procedures set forth in the election letter that was

mailed out. The ballot must be returned in the small secret ballot envelope which is placed in the bigger en-

velope with each homeowner's name on it. We must receive the outer envelope so we can verify that each

home only voted once. Also, a couple of people wrote their names on the secret ballot, which you cannot do.

After a few ballots were nullified, Lyvoinne received 97 votes, which was around 1/3 of the homeowners. I

believe that was a very good return in light of one candidate for one position.

Board Meeting A board meeting was also held on April 19 after the annual meeting. There was one item of

business. The Board approve a change in the rules to allow RVs to park for loading and unloading an addi-

tional 24 hours beyond the current 24 hours when appropriate. To do so, requires approval by the communi-

ty manager.

Violation Process. The process that has been established within the community is to notify the homeowner

with three written letters before notice of hearing is sent out. The first letter is a courtesy notice. After 2-3

weeks, a reinspection is done and if the violation still exists, then a 1st letter is mailed asking for compliance

with a return reply letter enclosed. Then after another 2-3 weeks, a 2nd letter is mailed. If the violation is not

resolved, then a hearing with possible fines is the next step.

Quality of Life and Lifestyle. How you live after age 65 is vitally important, Laura Carstensen, director of

the Stanford Center on Longevity, told the following to participants at the Gerontologicial Society's annual

meeting recently. "Up until then, a healthy life is dominated by your genes. After that, it's predominantly

about lifestyle. Exercise and nutrition become more important." I believe this is very true. There are several

things important to a high quality of life after age 65. Physical exercise is very important. Keeping yourself

strong and flexible gives you stability and able to meet life's physical demands as you age. You need to keep

your mind active by being actively involved, not passively. Watching TV is passive. Take on new projects-

-learn something new. It is proven that being active mentally will reduce mental impairment and dementia as

you age. Good nutrition and healthy foods are also important. Having friends and being active socially also

helps you emotionally and makes life better. Living in a community like Ardiente gives you the chance to

make friends.

There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE. - Linda Grayson

Spring: The season of renewal and rebirth is upon us. Like a newborn baby, this season

brings with it the sweetness of new beginnings and endless possibilities.

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Reflections on Mother’s Day

Toni Di Bella (An Ardiente Resident)

Rosa Serio, my maternal grandmother, was born on April 23, 1886 in a small suburb of Naples, Italy,

in the inky shadows of Mount Vesuvius. Since she chose never to speak of her home, I knew little of her early

years. But I knew four facts about her: (1) she was blue-eyed and fair skinned; (2) she told me that she would

marry any man who would take her to America; (3) she was an accomplished seamstress knowing how to

construct clothing even without a pattern; and (4) her family would not let her marry until she was 21 years

old because her sewing provided money for the family. Grandmother Rosa was 21 years old on April 23,

1907. She married Paul Avella on June 13, 1907, became pregnant within the month, left her mother and her

homeland forever, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, went through Ellis Island, settled in Easton, Pennsylvania, and

gave birth to my mother on March 28, 1908. Grandmother Rosa became 22 years old on April 23, 1908. In

her 21st year I think that she was the poster child for immigrant courage, strength and determination.

Mildred Avella Quigley, my mother, was 21 years old on March 28, 1929. In her 21st year she still

lived at home with her family, worked in a local shirt factory, gave her paycheck to her father, cooked the

family’s food, laundered the family’s clothes, cleaned the brand new house that her father built for his brood,

and went to the Pillar of Fire Church on Sundays and prayer meetings on Thursday evenings. Incidentally, my

mother’s siblings included a sister born in 1909, a brother in 1911, another sister in 1914, another brother in

1923, and yet another brother to be born in August 1929. Oh and there was also a brother born dead in 1910.

In my mother’s 21st year, she led a sheltered, albeit drudge-filled life.

I was 21 years old on January 14, 1964. That year for me consisted of the second semester of my third

year at the private school of Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. The highlight of that time was that I

pledged a sorority. I spent the summer at home and did not even have a job. I used that time to refinish furni-

ture that I would eventually take with me the next year when I married. The rest of my 21 st year was spent at

school again for the first semester of my fourth year. My accomplishments during that time consisted of

painting interior walls of our sorority house and completing my studies for the semester. My biggest effort

then was a course called Great Books of the Western World. For that course I had to read two books a week

and prepare a paper on some aspect of one of the books. In my 21st year I was silly, sluggish and selfish.

The above narrative comprises some facts of three generations of women on how they spent their 21st

years on earth. Then I started to think about all my mothers. Scientists generally agree that homosapiens first

appeared on earth about 200,000 years ago. Given 25 years per generation, that means that I have about 8000

grandmothers. Some scientists would even argue that I truly have a “Great-Grandmother Eve.” Suddenly I

realized that I have an unbreakable, unalterable bond with her and all of her daughters, my mothers. In every

cell in my body I carry their mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA. Our ancestral link is real and even traceable, if I

knew where to look.

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Reflections Continued

Putting science aside, I began to think of them as human beings, real flesh and blood women. I wish

that there was a way that I could connect with them. I want to visit with every one of them for just one mi-

nute. I want to hug each mother. I want to kiss her on her cheek. I want to hold both her hands in mine and

look into her eyes. I want to see her smile. I want to know what she remembered most about the daughter who

became my next mother. I want to know what she did in her 21st year. Did she even have a 21st year? Most of

all, I want to thank all my mothers for my existence.

Now I am left with two distinct thoughts. One, I have been unable to pass on my mtDNA because I

have no daughters. My line of eight thousand generations of mothers ended with me. Two, and if I could, I

would like to wish each of my mothers a “Happy Mother’s Day.” If they had one “Mother’s Day” celebration

per year in their lives, how many could each one of them claim? Rosa Serio Avella, when she died at 100

years eight months, celebrated 79 Mother’s Days.

To all contemporary mothers who read my thoughts, I wish you a “Happy Mother’s Day!” For me,

being a mother is the quintessential and toughest job of my life, for motherhood is everlasting. In my life

now, I am content to be the mother of two beautiful men and the grandmother of a six-month old boy.


The premiere of “Movie Night” at Ardiente was pronounced a success for those who attended. The attendees

enjoyed watching “The Descendants” starring George Clooney (who won an Oscar for his performance).

There were movie “snacks”, and goodies to partake. Our popcorn maker was pumping out bags of popcorn

so all who attended felt like they were really “at the movies”. The best part was they didn’t have to “drive”

anywhere, but to the Clubhouse! The weather could not have been more perfect with the temperature great

and felt relaxing.

So, for those who missed this month’s fun, make a point of marking your calendar

for next month, and join the Ardiente “Movie Bunch” for some great fun, and a

good movie.

Hope to see you all on the lanai next month. Remember you don’t have to drive out

of Ardiente!


In which American city was the television series Dynasty set? a) Chicago, b) Miami, c) Denver, d) Dallas

Answer on page 8.

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Of the many interesting homeowners we have living here in Ardiente, one of the most unique is Captain Jim

“Oil Can” Brown.

His life has been devoted to the military. It didn’t start or end with him however. His ancestors fought in all

wars, from Captain Ephriam Brown and his son Lieutenant Samuel Brown, both Concord Mass. Minutemen,

to Sarah’s Brown’s husband Nathaniel who carried the Bedford Flag (“Conquer or Die”) at the Battle of Lex-

ington and Concord on April 19th, 1775. Other Brown family members fought in the French Indian wars, the

Civil War, WW 1 and WW2 in which his Uncle Eddie earned 5 Distinguished Flying Crosses. Continuing the

tradition, three of Jim’s sons and six of his grandchildren have served in the military, and his mother was one

of the original WACs!

Jim himself devoted 45 years with the military, 32 on USMC active duty, then 13 in USMC and Navy Civil

Service. He joined the US Marine Corps Reserve at age 17 while still in high school and he attended USMCR

summer training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Upon graduation he was transferred to active duty and

served in China, Japan, Guam, Korea, and did six tours of Vietnam, earning a Bronze Star with combat V, a

Purple Heart, and many other honors. He earned seven enlisted pay grades and seven officer pay grades.

His love of cars and car collecting began in his teens when he worked at a Cadillac and Oldsmobile dealer-

ship repair shop where the senior mechanics taught him to do the job right the first time because parts and

materials were in short supply due to the war. It was while serving as a mechanic and later as Motor

Transport Maintenance Officer that he got the nickname “Oil Can”. He was instrumental in initiating the first

automotive hobby shop on the Marine Corps Base but he says that this was done after hours because the mili-

tary dictates duty first, family second, and (private) automobiles third!

Initially, with six children, his family lived in a large trailer, due to the shortage of Military housing. Howev-

er, the construction skills he learned would serve him well later in life when he built himself and his wife

Kyoko a magnificent home in Virginia on 6 acres with a 19 car garage which housed 19 national show-

winner original automobiles. Jim was a member of 8 National Automobile Clubs and a charter member of the

National Hot-Rod Association.

Some of his prized cars were an original 1939 LaSalle Convertible Coupe with side mounts, and a 1976 Cas-

tilian station wagon which came with picnic tables and a refrigerator! Kyoko drove a 1979 Gucci Cadillac

with 24 carat gold accessories.

Jim and Kyoko came to the Las Vegas area three years ago, and after a golf ball infested period at Aliante,

attended a Veterans breakfast here and decided to buy a new Shea home. They liked that it is near both the

Nellis medical facilities and the new Veterans Hospital in North Las Vegas, as Jim’s health was seriously af-

fected by The Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune water contamination where million gallons of fuel leaked

into the water supply while he and his family were stationed there, affecting up to a million people who had

drank or bathed in the contaminated water. This issue was recently exposed in an hour long documentary on


Captain Brown has a simple philosophy to live by: do your best and be your best, always do the job right the

first time, and your thumbprint is on all that you do.

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Interesting Veterans Statistics off the Vietnam Memorial Wall

There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those

added in 2010..

The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date

and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 36

years since the last casualties.

The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth ,

Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June

8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance

Cpl. Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.

There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall.

39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.

8,283 were just 19 years old.

The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.

12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.

5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.

One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.

997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam ..

1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam ..

31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.

Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.

54 soldiers attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia . I wonder

why so many from one school.

8 Women are on the Wall. Nursing the wounded..

244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of

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Vietnam Memorial Wall Continued

Beallsville , Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.

West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the


The Marines of Morenci - They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the

little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop. 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer

busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in

the Apache National Forest . And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of

Morenci's mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a

group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966.

Only 3 returned home.

The Buddies of Midvale - LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were

all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah

on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They

played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam.

In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy

was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F.

Kennedy's assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving

Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor

Remembrance Day.

The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245


The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 - 2,415 casualties

were incurred.

For most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the

Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the

families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these

numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers,

because they were our friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters.

There are no noble wars, just noble warriors..

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In this month of Memorial Day in which we remember and honor our veterans, we

would like to also spotlight the son of one of our own esteemed Ardiente veterans.

Son of Sal and Marilyn Sirna, Judge Salvatore Sirna says his initial career aspirations were to become a law-

yer, but he put those on hold when he chose to go to West Point. “My grandfather got his citizenship by serv-

ing in the Army during World War 2, and my Dad served in Vietnam. So I think it was my family’s example

of service and giving back that really took precedent over me pursuing a legal education.”

He subsequently served as a field artillery officer in the Army’s 7th Infantry Division and, as part of a rapid

deployment unit, was involved in some dangerous missions behind enemy lines that formed a special bond

between his fellow service members, one he still treasures. Judge Salvatore says ”Those who have served in

uniform will attest to this: you can’t get the military experience out of your system. It defines you. It’s been

invaluable for me.”

In December 2010 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed him to the Los Angeles County Superior court

and he has already been making a great impression according to his legal associates. One colleague said of

him “ he’s a throwback to how many judges used to approach their duties and has really embraced his role as

a civil servant.” Salvatore says “This is not my courtroom - this is the courtroom of the people in the com-

munity. We are hopefully just worthy stewards of the courtroom.”

His parents, the Sirnas of Citrus Heights, Ardiente, must have taught him by good example, and they have

every right to be proud.

Birth Announcement Gloria Bean's new Grandson

Baby Dillon was born April 28 around 5:30 pm by C-Section. He weighed 7 lbs. and either 2 or 5 oz. and was

19 ½ inches long. Mother and baby are doing great. Gloria was tired and very happy.

Marty and Rich Puzio are expecting another grandchild.

May Celebrations Monthly

Carrots & Cauliflower Month, National Better Hearing Month, Older Americans Month, National Salad



5/6-5/12 Goodwill Industries Week, 5/13-5/19 Reading Is Fun Week, 5/15-5/21 National New Friends, Old

Friends Week, 5/25-5/31 Old-Time Player Piano Week


5/1 National Dance Day, 5/8 VE Day, 5/14 The Stars and Stripes Forever Day, National Senior Health & Fit-

ness Day

Trivia Answer:

c) Denver

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What better way to “celebrate” Friday the 13th than to walk into a room with an open ladder and a black cat at

the door? Well, that’s what the attendees had, and all were feeling “lucky” to be there.

Whenever the word “potluck” is used this reporter knows there are certain assumptions made about the

“quality” of the food offered. But at Ardiente, you can be sure the food offered at our potlucks reaches new

heights of “quality”. The “groaning” tables offered diners everything imaginable. From, delicious roast beef

(with au jus) and mashed potatoes, a wonderful rice dish, three kinds of amazing soup, AND for the piece de

resistance delicious choices for dessert. No one went away hungry! The evening also had a “scary movie”

trivia quiz, and the winners were rewarded with appropriate movie “snacks”.

All in all it was a great evening, and those who attended were happy to welcome some of our new homeown-

ers. So, for this month, don’t forget there is a Happy Hour every second and fourth Fridays of the month.

Come join the fun and get to know your “neighbors” here at Ardiente. And, if you have a “new” neighbor on

your block, bring them along. It is a great time here in our community!


Driver Safety Class

AARP has a long history of supporting and celebrating educators. In 1947, Dr. Ethel Percy An-

drus founded NRTA (formerly known as the National Retired Teachers Association) to help

address the economic challenges and health needs of retired educators. It wasn’t until 1958

that Dr. Andrus opened the organization to all older Americans, and thus, AARP was born.

It is in this light that I am proud to announce AARP Driver Safety’s 2012 Educator Apprecia-

tion Promotion that will be in force during the months of July and August. Right now that’s

all the information I can give you – watch for further news concerning the cost of the Driver

Safety class.

The next Ardiente AARP Driver Safety Class will be scheduled for Saturday, July 28th from 9

AM to 1 PM in the Fiesta Room.

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Stan and Maureen Sigal’s 50th Anniversary Cruise

By Maureen Sigal

Our vacation started out on April 7 when we boarded the Grand Princess leaving from Ft. Lauderdale. We

have been on many cruises before, but this cruise was

special since we would be celebrating our 50th Wed-

ding Anniversary mid-way thru the cruise. Actually,

our celebration took place the day after Fri., the 13th

and the day before the 100th anniversary of the Titan-


This was a trans-Atlantic cruise so we were at sea

five days before we set foot on land. Our first stop

was the Azores where we tried to see Crater Lake

thru the rain and fog. When the weather started coop-

erating, we were able to see beautiful green country-

side. One of the interesting aspects of this Island is

that while it has served as a valuable air and naval station to the Allies in both World Wars, it continues to do

so for the NATO alliance.

We continued cruising for another three days and

then we visited Scotland, Ireland Falmouth, Eng-

land and France. Very noticeable in all countries is

the abundance of "Green" -- grass, mountains, etc.

unlike the brown mountains and desert-scape we

have in Vegas. Of course in order to have this

green, you also have to have rain which we had eve-

ry day of our journey!

One of the highlights of our vacation was visiting

Normandy, Paris. We have been to Paris before, but never got out to Normandy which was a three hour ride

each way from our Ship. We cannot tell you how impressed we were visiting the beaches, D-Day Museum

and the military cemetery near Omaha Beach. As we walked around with other visitors, there was a quiet hush

in the atmosphere in respect to the many lives that were lost and the many who were injured on those battle-


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Sigal Trip Continued

Prior to starting our trip, we logged in to

'' which is a board where you can talk

to other people who will be traveling with you. We

started talking to a couple who live in Delray Beach,

FL who also got married 50 years ago on the same

day as us. We made plans to meet on the ship and

have dinner together in the specialty restaurant on

April 14. We found out we had a lot in common and

plan to keep in touch.

We had a good time during our fourteen day journey

with lots of fun memories, but the very last memory

has got to be maneuvering thru Heathrow Airport.

We had to spend eight hours waiting for our non-stop

to Vegas, but it's not like we ended up with lots of

time to kill. After walking endless hallways, going up and down countless elevators, going on two trains and

four escalators, we were very happy to sit for ten hours on our flight home.

The best part of our vacations since we retired to Vegas is coming "Home" to Ardiente and all of our friends.

We have been suffering from some jet-lag the last couple of days, but we are ready to get

Poodle Skirt Workshop It was Poodle-Mania at the Clubhouse in April as a number of ladies prepared their 50's attire for the Sock Hop! Put on by the Nimblefingers Club, 8 women decorated felt circle skirts that had been assembled to size by Thyra Zager and Diana Eden with an assortment of poodle appliques, rhine-stones, cording, and boa, each producing a poodle skirt unique to them! A special thank you to Ginny Sprinkle and Carol Mey-er for their help, and for all who turned out to have some creative fun.

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You know you are a “mature” individual when you have to explain to a young DJ

what constitutes a “Sock Hop”! On the other hand, your fellow “sock- hoppers” en-

joyed the fun of the “hop” and the 1950‘s music that went with it. The Fiesta Room

was decorated all in pink and black, with dangling vinyl records (thanks Marilyn

Sirna and Marty Puzio for the loan) and a checkerboard dance floor.

The “dress” for the evening was highlighted by the handmade poodle skirts worn by nine Ar-

diente ladies. There were also, jeans, clam diggers, t-shirts with “rolled up” sleeves (containing

faux cigarette packs), saddle shoes, and, of course, bobby sox.

The dancing included a “Bunny Hop” (requested and led by David Malecki), jitterbug, the

“Twist”, and of course there was “slow” dancing. In honor of the late Dick Clark, the attendees

did the famous “Bandstand Stroll”. All who participated received their daily aerobic workout!

The food was delicious and included hot dogs, chicken sliders, hamburgers and tater tots (sweet

potato). There were two types of “shakes”, regular and “adult”.

It was a great “nostalgic” evening, and those who attended pronounced it a success.

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International Pictures of the Year.

Here are three very touching photos honored this year.

First Place

When 2nd Lt. James Cathey's body arrived at the Reno Air-

port , Marines climbed into the cargo hold of the plane and

draped the flag over his casket as passengers watched the fam-

ily gather on the tarmac. During the arrival of another

Marine's casket last year at Denver International Airport , Ma-

jor Steve Beck described the scene as so powerful: 'See the

people in the windows? They sat right there in the plane,

watching those Marines. You got to wonder what's going

through their minds, knowing that they're on the plane that

brought him home,' he said. 'They will remember being on

that plane for the rest of their lives. They're going to remember bringing that Marine home. And they should.'

Second Place

The night before the burial of her husband's body, Kathe-

rine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep

next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a

bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before

she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and

played songs that reminded her of 'Cat,' and one of the

Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing

watch as she slept. 'I think it would be kind of nice if you

kept doing it,' she said. 'I think that's what he would have


3rd Place –

“Son, a grateful Nation……..”

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Carol and Fred Meyer

Carol and Fred Meyer moved here from Tampa, Florida this year.

Fred is a retired Air Force pilot, and Carol worked at the Universi-

ty of South Florida in the Psychology Department. They have two

sons. One son was born in Merced, California where Fred attend-

ed flight training for the KC-135 (the Air Force air refueling tank-

er). The other son was born in Wichita Falls, Texas where Fred

learned to fly air rescue helicopters for his assignment in support

of the Vietnam War.

They both originally hail from New Jersey (as do a number of Ardiente residents). Fred and Carol were both

born in Passaic, New Jersey. Fred lived in Clifton, New Jersey, and Carol lived in Mahwah, New Jersey.

They did not “formally” meet until a family vacation in Miami, Florida. However, their families knew each

other as Fred’s uncle and Carol’s father worked together in the same steel company in Clifton.

After meeting in Miami, the rest is history. Must be some magical “air” in beautiful Miami, and after their

courtship they were engaged after Fred graduated from the Air Force Academy and began flight training in

Lubbock, Texas. They were married on Christmas Day in 1966 (Fred received a “short” leave from training

to marry).

Fred’s last Air Force assignment was in Tampa, and he retired from the Air Force in 1986. After several

years as an airline pilot and several years with the Florida Department of Health, he retired in 2007. Carol

retired from the University in 2006. After their retirements, their son who lives in Minneapolis was con-

cerned that they were not close to any family members when living in Florida, and encouraged them to move

closer to him or his brother (who lives here in North Las Vegas). They had visited Las Vegas many times

as Carol’s aunt and uncle lived in Henderson, so they were very familiar with Nevada and this area. They

finally made the decision that they wanted to move and retire here in Las Vegas (Minnesota winters played a

large part in the decision). When they visited Carol’s family, they looked at Aliante as a possibility, but

when they checked out Ardiente they were “hooked”, so to speak. Both feel it was a good decision, and

means they can have holidays with family.

They have a grandson who lives here and two granddaughters in Minneapolis. The grandson visits often,

and the granddaughters are coming for a visit in May. Their new home has a “grandson” cupboard with ap-

propriate toys, and likewise a “granddaughter” cupboard for the girls.

Both Carol and Fred are very pleased with their new home, and have enjoyed participating in the various ac-

tivities in the Ardiente community.

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First order of business is to apologize to the person or persons that came to the Club House in April to find

that we were not holding our meeting there and the hostess did not know where we were meeting. Whoever

you were please call me. I wrote an article but it must have been lost in the mail.

At the April meeting Marc Warner gave a very informative presentation about Kidney Transplants which was

followed by a poignant discussion.

Our last meeting of the year will be held at Pasta Cucina at Aliante Casino on May 9th at 6 PM. You must

have made your reservation with Bob to attend.


A great group of Ardiente ladies went to lunch again in April, this time to the Petra Greek Taverna in Tivoli

Village. We sat on the patio where it was nice and sunny, and where a cool breeze kept the temperature per-

fect. The food was really good and the baklava and yogurt deserts were to die for.

Next month, on Wednesday May 16th, we will once again dine al fresco, weather permitting, on the lovely

patio next to the lake at Marche Bacchus. Sign up online so we know numbers, and gather in the Clubhouse

for a 11.30 departure.


If you would like to have information about you club or pictures, please let us at the newsletter know.

Send your articles, pictures, questions, etc. to:

Nancy Tradup - [email protected]

Marty Puzio - [email protected]

Diana Eden - [email protected]

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April’s Hike was at Valley of Fire and

Petroglyph Canyon

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Ardiente Grand Circle Travel Show

March 30, 2012 at 6:00 PM

We are bringing another travel company, Grand Circle, to Ardiente. Overseas Adventure Travel, or OAT, is a

part of Grand Circle. They have been referred to us with high marks and one of our homeowners has traveled

many times with them. We will have a presentation of a couple of great trips and some good discounts will be


Mark Wednesday, May 9 at 6 p.m. in the Fiesta Room on your calendar to learn more.


New Water Yoga Class!

2:00 to 3:00 PM

Our fitness instructor, Marty Jacobs, has added another class to the fitness schedule. Water

Yoga began on Tuesday, May 1 from 2-3 p.m. in the pool.

Water Yoga is a great class for those with back, hip or knee injuries. This low-impact class is

easy on the body and the water keep you from overheating. Marty Jacobs has many years of

experience in yoga. The class will be $3.00 each or you can buy a Fitness Card with 10 classes for $30.00.

Please pay at the front desk.


Get Moving with Zumba!

Monday & Wednesday at 10:00AM

Zumba is the perfect balance of fun and fitness! This class is great for

all levels - from beginners to advanced exercisers. Join us for an ex-

hilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning

dance class!


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May 26, 2012

4:00 PM-7:00 PM

$ 10.00

Mark your calendars and save the date! Our Annual Memorial Day BBQ will be held

on Saturday, May 26th at 4pm. We will have a wonderful menu for you and your

family to enjoy. The is a special event, where the typically beautiful weather permits

us to include families (and grandchildren!). Menu details will follow. The cost is

$10.00 per person; please sign up online

A Tribute to Patsy Cline by Joni Morris

May 19, 2012

6:30 PM-8:00 PM


Please plan to join us on Saturday, May 19th at 6:30pm in the Fiesta Room for an incredible talented enter-

tainer, Joni Morris, who does a fabulous job impersonating Patsy Cline. We have received many wonderful

comments on this show; she has done Aliante, Siena, Anthem and all who have seen the show say it's one of

the best shows they have scheduled! The ticket price is $12.00 per person. Don't be disappointed as we are

limited to 72 at this event! Please sign up online.

Mt Charleston - Mary Jane Falls (A group favorite)

May 20, 2012

8:00 AM-1:00 PM

Our hike for the month of May will take place on the 20th of May a Sunday. As always

we will meet at the clubhouse at 8am. We will be going to Mt. Charleston to Mary Jane

Falls (a group favorite).

Mary Jane Falls is a 3 mile round trip hike that will start out easy the first half mile of the trail before becom-

ing a bit difficult with a series of switchbacks up the steep slope to the falls. Our reward is the cool water and

shade of the falls and surrounding limestone canyon. Bring plenty of water and wear sturdy hiking boots for

this hike. Remember, our hiking group is diverse in age and hiking skill level. So it doesn't matter if you are

the first to the top or the last. What matters is that you joined us. Afterwards, we will have lunch at

Mt.Charleston Lodge.


If so, contact Nancy Tradup at 365-0427 or [email protected].

We have 4 people so far who are interested but we would like a few more residents.

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To place an ad in the newsletter,

pick up a form at the front desk,

fill it out and return by the 20th of

the month.


The primary mission of the Ardiente

Newsletter is to provide a non-

political communication link to the

members, build community aware-

ness and inform Ardiente Homeown-

er Association members of communi-

ty news. The Association provides

this publication for informational

purposes and only and neither en-

dorses nor promotes any of the prod-

ucts or services advertised herein and

assumes no responsibility or liability

for the statements made in this publi-

cation. We reserve the right to refuse

advertising for any reason, or cause.

We also reserve the right to edit, con-

dense and verify all articles and

graphics submitted for publication.


Canon EOS Rebel G film camera with 28-

90mm lens $175.00 In excellent condition.

Minolta SRT201 film camera. No lens in-

cluded. $35.00. Needs some minor work.

Call Albert or Helene at (702) 450-0310 or

(702) 418-05464. Ardiente Residents.



Electric Lift Recliner Extra Large.

$250.00 OBO Contact Nancy at


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May Movie Night Poolside

May 25, 2012

Poolside on the Loggia

7:45 PM-10:00 PM


Join us for the second in our series of Summer movies poolside. This month (May 25th) will be

"We bought a Zoo".

Movie night starts at 7:45pm...$1.00 for the nights entertainment, movie and popcorn, what a deal!!!

See you on the 25th !!



Did you know that you may be able to re-finance your existing mortgage EVEN THOUGH IT IS


The US government program is called H A R P 2.0. If your mortgage is guaranteed by Fannie Mae or

Freddy Mac ( 80% of mortgages are ) you may qualify for this program.

To get started Google H A R P 2.0 or Fannie Mae or Freddy Mac to familiarize your self with the pro-

gram. Their web sites will show you how to get started.



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Our Ardiente has three additional books by Nevada Barr. Firestorm, Flashback,

and A Superior Death. All are books about National Park Ranger Anna Pigeon at

different National Parks. The books are mysteries and also very descriptive of the

park the story takes place. If you have never read any of Barr’s books, now is

your chance to enjoy reading an interesting book.


Submitted by Nancy Tradup

1. Mix into a paste:

1/4 c. or 2oz. Red food coloring

2 T. cocoa

2. Cream together:

1/2 c. shortening 2 eggs

1 1/2 c. cake flour

3. Mix together, then add flour and liquid alternately:

1 c. buttermilk 1 t. salt

2 l/4 c. cake flour 1 t. vanilla

4. Add 1 T. of vinegar and 1 t. of soda. Hold vinegar over batter when adding soda, letting it foam

over into batter and fold in. Do not beat.

5. Grease and flour 2 layer cake pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees.


3 T flour 1 c. milk

Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cool before adding.

Cream until fluffy:

1 c. sugar 1 c. butter

1 t. vanilla

Combine and whip like whipped cream. Frost cake.

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