
U N I V E I I S I T Y O F P E N N S Y L V I \ S I A



VOI,. XI No. 2




E D W I ~ R D CflIkRA







PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I O I

CONTENTS OF T H E VOLUME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . 101

SIMILAR DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . 162

SPECIAL DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . 106 ORDER OF T I I E NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 THE NAMES OF T H E GODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

THE AMORITIC LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . I I I


AMORITIC NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

A K K A D I A N NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125



DESCRIPTION O F T H E DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

LIST O F DUPL-ICATES NOT PUBLISHED . . . . . . . . . . 173


LONIAN SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

AUTOGRAPH PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSXVIII-LXVI 1 1








M. Scli(~rs: Altbubyloniscbe R e c h j s ~ ~ r k ~ t n d ~ i ~ (Vor(ierasiatisc11e Uibliothck, 5), L.eipzig, 191 3.

C. H. W. Johns: Assyrian Deeds and Llo~uments (3 vols.). American journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. Beifrage cur Assyrioiogie. G. A. Barton: Sumerian Business and Administrative Llocu-

merits Jrom the Earliest Times to ibe Dynasty of Agade (UMBS, Vol. IX, No. I ) , Philadelphia, 1915.

A. Ungnad: Babylonische Briefe aus der Zeit der Hammurapi- Dynasfie (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek), Leipzig, 1914.

C. Bezold: Catalogue of fhe Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyun- jik Collection i n the British Museunz ( 5 vols.).

Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, Series A.

A. Ungnad: Babylonian Letters of the Hamn~urapi Period (UMBS, Vol. VII), Philadelphia, 1915.

British Museum. R. E. Briinnow: A Classijied List of Cuneiform Ideographs,

Leyden, 1887. C. E. Keyser: Cuneiform Bullaof the Third Millennium B. C.

(Bab. Records in the Library of J. P. Morgan, Pt. Il l) , New York, 1914.

Catalogue of the Babylonian Section. All tablets here quoted belong to the First Dynasty of Babylon and will be published by me in a volume of the present Series.

A. T. Clay: Personal Names of the Cassite Period (Yale Or. Series, Vol. I), New Haven, 1912.

Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets i n the British Museum. Allotte de la Fuie: Documentr Prisargoniques, 1908-12. F. Delitzsch: Sunterisches Glossar, Leipzig, 1914. F. Delitzsch: Sumerische Grammatik, Leipzig, 1914. A. T. Clay: Documents from the Temple Arcbives of Nippur

(UMBS, Vol. I f , Nos. I and 2) , Philadelphia, 1913 A. Poebel: Grammatical Texts (UMBS, Vol. VI, NO. I),

Philadelphia, 1914.

(9: )


GTD J A JAOS Jastrow, Rel.


In 111 In IV






H. de G6nouillac: Tablettes de Drlhem, Paris, 191 I .

journal Asialiqz~e. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Morris Jastrow, Jr.: Die Religion Babylonier~s znzd Assyriens

(2 VO~S.) , Leipzig, 1905-12. Journal o f the Royal Asiatic Society. Hilprecht Anniversary Volume, 1909. A. Poebel: Historical and Gramnzatical Texts (UMB>, Vol. V),

Philadelphia, 1914. G. A. Barton: Haverford Library Collection of Cuneijorm

Tablets, or Documents from the Temple Archives of Telloh (3 parts), Philadelphia, 1905-14.

E. Huber: Die Personennamen in den Keilschrifturkunden aus der Zeit der Konige von U r und N i s in (Assyr. Biblio- thek, Vol. XXI), Leipzig, 1907.

A. Poebel: Historical Texts (UMBS, Vol. IV, No. I ) , Phila- delphia, 1914.

lnventaire des Tablettcs de Tello Conservles a u Musle Implrial Ottoman (Mission Franqaise de Chaldee). Divided:

F. Thureau-Dangin: Textes de l'gpoque d 'Agadl , Paris, 1910. I-I. de Gknouillac: Texles de 1'E'poque d'Agadi et de l'gpoque

d'Ur, Paris, 191 I .

H . de Gknouillac: Textes de Z'gpoqzce d 'Ur, Paris, 1912. L. Delaporte: Textes de Z'L?poque d 'Ur, Paris, 1912. E . Chiera: Legal and Adnzinistratiae Documents from Nippur ,

chiejly from the Dynasties of I s i n and Larsa (UMBS, Vol. VIII, No. I ) , Philadelphia, 1914.

A. Poebel: Babylonian Legal and Bz~siness Documents from the T i m e of the First Dylzasty of Babylon, chiefly from N ippur (BE, Vol. VI, Pt . 2 ) , Philadelphia, 1907.

F. Thureau-Dangin: Letires et Contracts de l 'zpoque de la Premihre Dynastie Babylonien?ze, Paris, 1910.

S. Langdon: Tablets from the Archives of Drehem, Paris, 191 I .

W. Muss Arnold: A Concise Dictionary of the Assyrian Language, Berlin, 1905.

Obelisque de Mani i tusz~ , published by Scheil in MDP, Vol. I I . B. Meissner: Beitrage zum Altbabylonisches Privatrecbt (Assyr.

Biblothek, Vol. XI), Leipzig, 1893. Delegation etz Perse. Mlmoires. M. V. Nikolskji: The Most Ancient Documents of the Chal-

dean Epoc (in Russian), Petrograd, 1908. R. J . Lau: Old Babylonian Temple Records, New York, 1906.


OLZ Orientalistische 1.iierillzrr-Zeit~ing. PB A. Ileimel: Panti~ean Babyluniczrm (Scripta Pontificii lnstituti

Biblici), Romae, 1914. Pt. I" \ The two following parts of the present volume. Pt. l l l j PSBA Proceedings of the Society o j Biblical Archceology.

I I . liawlison : The Cz!nei/or?w Inscriptions of Western As ia IVR, VR (Vol. ILV).

R A Reaue d'Arsyrioiogie el d'Archlologie Orientale. RPN H. Ranke: Early Babylu~zia~z Personal Names, from the Pub-

lished Tablets of the so-called Hamnzzlrabi Dynasty ( B E , Series 11, Vol. I I I ) , Philadelphia, ~ g o j .

R T Rlcueil de Troaazrx Relatifs d 2'Assyriologie et 2 I'ArrhCologie Orientale.

IiTCh F. Thureau-Dangin: Ricz(ei1 de Tableltes Chaldtennes, Paris, 1903.

RTllh G. Reisner: Tenzpclzirkundm aus Telloh (Mitt. aus den Orient. Sammlungen, Heft XVI), Berlin, I ~ O I .

SAD I). W. Myhrnlan: Sunlerian Adnzinislraiiae Documents fronz the Second Dynasty of L'r (BE, Vol. I 1 I , Pt. I), Philadel- phia, 1910.

SA I B. Meissner: Seltene Assyrische Ideogranzme, Leipzig, 1 9 9 SA K F. Thureau-Dangin: Die Sumerischen und Akkadischen

Konigsinschrijten, Leipzig, 1907. S T 1 M. I . Hussep: Sumerian Tablets in ihe Harvard Semitic

Museum, chiefly Jrom the Reigns of Lugalanda and Uruka- gina of Lagash (Harvard Sem. Series, Vol. I l l ) , Cam- bridge, 1912.

S T I 1 M. I. Hussey: Sunzerian Tablets in the Haruard Semitic Museum from the T ime of the Dynasty oJ U r (Harvard Sem. Series, Vol. IV), Cambridge, 1915.

TAPN 1;. L. Tallqvist: Assyrian Personal Names, I-lelsingfors, 1914.

T C L. Legrain: Tablettes de Cumptabilitl, etc., de l'kpoque de la Dynastie d'Agadi (Memoires de la Mission Arch6ologique d e la Susiane, Vol. XIV), Paris, 1913.

T D H. de G6nouillac: La Trouuaille dc Drihem, Paris, 191 I .

T N B 1;. L. Tallqvist: h'e~~habylorzisches Namenbuch, IHelsingfors, 1905.

T R U L. Legrain: Les Temps des Rois d 'Ur (Bibl. d e 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Vol. 99). Paris, 1912.

98 U N I V E K S I I Y S ~ I I I S L U M - B A B Y L O N I A N SECTION

TSA H. de Ci.nouillac: Tabletles S~imeriennes Arcbaiques, I'aris, 1909.

UMBS Univ. of Pennsylvania. T h e Museum. Publications of the Babylonian Section (1'1-esent Series).

VS Vorderasiatische ScbriJdenkmuler der Koniglichen Mz~seen ?u Berlin.

Z A Zeilschrqi fur Arsyrinlogie.

The present work is the direct continuation of Volume XI, Part I of the present series, with the title: A Syllabary of Personal Names. T o that book I refer for general introductions to the special class of documents which are here published.

In its turn, this is to be followed by Part I I I : Lists of Sumerian Personal Names, which will also embody a general index of all names contained in the three parts and a list of all the names of gods found therein.

I am indebted to Profs. Morris Jastrow, Jr., and J . A. Montgomery for many suggestions concerning the interpreta- tion of the Amoritic names. I also wish to express my grati- tude to Dr. G. B. Gordon, the Director of the University Museum, for the encouragement and help which he has offered me in the preparation of this work.



The documents here published are, like those of Part I, the work of the teachers and pupils of the Temple School of Nippur. Here, too, we have lists of personal names which have been compiled for practice in writing. But the arrangement and content of the two groups of documents are different. While, as we have seen,' the Syllabary embodies groups of Sumerian, Akkadian and Amoritic names, here the lists are uniformly of one language. Moreover, while the purpose of the Syllabary was that of giving in a brief compass a sample of all the different name formations, here the scribe merely aims a t compiling long lists of all the "approved" personal names which could be formed with the same nominal element. Since the number of "approved" nominal and verbal elements seems to have been rather limited, the result is that all these lists resemble one another very much. I11 some cases, except for the change of the initial element, they would be exactly alike.

We have not recovered all portions of the lists compounded with *XawzaX ( 5 rg IT.), a-ad-da (No. 959 ff.), a-bi (No. 1340 ff.), etc., but we do not miss their loss, because it would be very easy to restore them completely on the basis of the other lists. For this very reason, I have omitted to restore them, since this would have served no practical purpose. The only complete lists are those beginning with a n u , a-hu and a-li.

The uselessness of multiplying such lists forced itself also upon the Babylonian scribes; they resorted therefore to the simple expedient of giving only the beginning oT each list,

' Cf Pt I , p jz (101)


comprising from two to four names, and then to abandon it to begin another one with a different initial element. Cf. Nos. 830 ff.: dU$-ba-ni, "US-na-da, dzlrai'-be?-li, dztraS-na-da, muf-da-bn-ni, dnu-mui'-da-na-da, dGU-BA- L I L-um-mi, dai'nan- i lum, etc. It is unfortunate that we have not very many of these abbreviated lists, because we could gather from them a goodly number of new or uncommon names of gods.

In another instance a scribe endeavored to shorten his list simply hy omitting all secondary formations. 'Thus he wrote a-hi-ellat, and omitted a-hi-ellat-ti, a-hi-ellA(t)-lu; a-hi-la-ni-in, and left out a-hi-la-ni-in-ni, a-hi-la-ni-in-i'u (cf. text 33 Col. IV and Nos. 1 1 2 9 ff., 1 1 4 8 ff.).

I f we follow the scribe's example and eliminate from the lists all secondary formations, we find that they are far from being exhaustive, i. e., from containing all the names that could have been formed with the given initial element. Several common elements which were in actual use a t the time of the compilation of these lists are found t o be lacking. The only explanation which seems acceptable is that they were omitted because not considered appropriate.

Be this as it may, one cannot avoid the conclusion that these lists are very artificial; in general, no distinction is made between the special attributes of the different gods. Only in exceptional cases we find elements which are used exclusively for one deity. Such are: e-ti-in-ti and i-id-ni-ti? for isVtrir (740-41), da-Su-zir for a-hi ( I I Z ~ ) , pa-a-. . . ., i'u-z~b-. . . ., for e -̂a (697, 6 9 9 ) ; i'e-me-a, la-i-da, sukkallum for a n u (507-08; 49 I ) .

A few tablets, very closely related with those here pub- lished, are to be found in a volume by V. Scheil under the title:


U n e Saison de Fouilles h Sippar , 1-e Caire, 1912. They were discovered by Scheil in a building which he identified with that of the school of Sippar, together with a large number of other documents of a miscellaneous character, but very closely resembling the texts found in the Templc School of Nippur. The resemblance of the Sippar and Nippur documents is so striking, that a thorough comparison of the material from the two schools should be very interesting. This is, however, not possible a t the present time, because far too few of the school exercises from Nippur have as yet been published. Besides this, Scheil did not give us exact copies of the original texts, but his interpretations of them, printed in cuneiform char- acters. Now, with all due respect for Scheil's well-known ability in deciphering, no interpretation of a badly written and poorly preserved school exercise can be satisfactory and free from errors. A thorough collation of these texts is therefore necessary before a comparison of the material of the two schools can he safely begun.

Of the tablets in question, several are Sumerian and will be discussed in the Introduction to Part I I I , and others further on in this chapter, under the heading "Special Documents" (cf. below, p. 105). Only one of the documents seems to be a dupli- cate of one of our lists (cf. Nos. rorj ff . ) . I t hears the number Si. 252 (in Sippar , p. 43), and reads: a-hzl-ni; a-hu-ni-ia ( l ) ; a-hu-na ( I ) ; a-hu-ba-ni; a-hu-ba-ti ( = a-hu-nu-sir?); a-hza-wa-am ( = a-hu-wa-kar?); a-hu-nu-nu-urn ( = a-hu-t6-bu-ztm?); a-hu- wa-am (?); a-hu-ju-um (?).

Other school exercises which might belong to the same class of those here published have been found in Telloh or, a t least, have been catalogued with the documents coming from that city. Cf. Inoentaire des Tablettes de Telloh, Vol. 11, Nos. 4564,


4649, 4650, 465 I , 4663, 5840, 5888; and Vol. IV, 7004. Text No. I I I 7 of Vol. I (cf. also I I I r 8) is entered as : Liste de noms propres (exercise d'apprenti ?). 70x50 mm. AIS"~ Vol. 11,853: Modsle d'6coliers: tablette lenticulaire plate, portant sur les deux faces les m&mes trois mots: i-li-ki-ti, 1-li-ki-ib-ri, i-li-ki- a-bi. Diam. 80 mm.

A considerable number of lists of personal names, resembling very closely those here published, but belonging to a much later period, are now in the British Museum. A goodly number of them have been published by Johns in his Assyr ian Deeds and Documents. I give here abstracts from the entries in Bezold's Catalogue, together with references as to the places of publication.

K 173: Names compounded with dnabu and dmarduk. K 241: Names compounded with dnabu, d I M , dIamaS (Publ.

I IR 63 f. and ADD 11, p. 345 f.). K 5656: Names compounded with dir-ra, dnergal, dgu-la, dba-zi

(Publ. ADD 11, p. 376). K 11955 and K 13752: Part of a list of persons of various

nationalities:' Sm. 5 5 + R m 567: Part of a list of proper names of persons.

The names of Col. I are throughout compounded with dnabu (Publ. ADD I I , p. 365 f.).

81-2-4, 255+81-2-4, 446: Part of a list of names of women. These are compounded with the names of the deities dnin-lil, diNar, den-lil, and of the cities ninak" aarbaila, etc., respectively (Publ. ADD 11, p. 377 f.).

82-3-23, 135: Part of a list of names of women. 82-3-23, 137: Part of a list of proper names. The names in

Col. a end throughout with a-a (Publ. ADD 11, p. 379 f.). It is impossible to decide from the Catalogue whether these are school exercises or simple



83-1-18, 695: Part or a list of names of persons. The names are compounded with the names of the gods EN, dIil!, a n u , d2-a, ds in ( = d X X X ) , etc. (I'ubl. ADD 11, p. 369 f.).

83-1-18, 715: Part of a list of proper names of persons (Publ. ADD 11, p. 376).

83-1-18, 857: Part of a list of names of persons, etc. Bu. 89-4-26, 38: Part of a list of names of women (Publ.

ADD 11, p. 380). Bu. 89-4-26, 73: Part of a list of names of women (Publ.

ADD 11, p. 380-81).

Together with the lists, I have published here some docu- ments which differ in some respects from them. Text 65, instead of containing personal names, brings together the verbal elements which were used in the formation of the names. The first column of the tablet is destroyed; the others read: Col. 11: i- . . . . ;' i-din; i-din-nam; i - k i ! - t ~ - a m ; ~ i-ri-ba-am; i-ri-la-am; i-tu-r[a-am]; I . I I : l[i-bur?]; l[i-bur-ral]; te-mi; ma-lik; ma-lik-[ki], . . . . . . . Scheil (in S ippar ) has published several tablets of a similar character, but in these the elements are both nominal and verbal, and do not always correspond with those used in our lists. Ranke (in RPN, p. 38) suggests some changes in the transliterations and translations of these names. I have used several of his suggestions for the translitera- tions, but have left out the translations altogether, for the sake of brevity. The documents in question read:

Si. 503 Col. I (p. 40): ji-dzr; s'i-du; ma-dam (?); ma-gir; ma- f i r ; al-ta.

To be restored i-ial Cf. below, Si. 624. > T h e scribe had written by mistake: i-di-Ia-om.


Si. j 10 (p. 40): nu-wi-ra-am; ?ad?(-i); Sad-du-ni; Sad-du-+L. Si. ? (p. 41 ff.), Col. I : ha-a?-ti; ba-la-ti; di-lill-ti; A N - K U S - n i

(=sulz2l&ni); a-ta-nu-ah; lu-uh-tu-ut; 1%-zcd-lzn-ul; lzc-3-ta; 1 - a - m lu-da-ri; ne-me-el (1 ) ; ma-an-nu-ztm; da-mi-ik; ka-s'i-id; Col. I I : ub-li-ta ( 1 ) ; en-di-mu ( 1 ) ; ri-?a-am; ri-ha-am; ri-ha-am; ri-me-ni; ha-i-ir; lu-mzczir; lu-ur-?i ( 1 is'-ti-gal; ma-hu-ur ( 1 ) ; ha-ni-ti; ma-ni ( 1 ) ; ra-hi.

Si. 205 (p. 4 2 ) : e-be-el; la-ma-li; a-da-la1 ( 2 ) ; in-ia-ar; el-la-ti; a-hi-li; hi-la-ah; en-da-mu ( 1 ) ; ri-la-am; ri-ha-am; ri-ha-am.

Si. 624 (p. 4 3 ) : i ; ia; i-din; i-din-nam; i-bi; i-hi-ik; i-di?- nu-am (=i-ki-.?a-am?); follow other name elements (not personal names !) : en-7u ( = en-nam?); nu-ad-ni ( = nu-$2- i r ) dur-ri; i?-n~e-~SamaS ( = iS-me-an-nil).

Two of the texts published in this volunle (Nos. 59 and 60) differ from the others because, besides groups of personal names (discussed under Nos. I jg8-1606) they also embody miscellaneous words or phrases which have nothing in common with them. These documents form part of a long composition, which has been called "The Sumerian Primer" and the publication of which must be ieft for future time. T o this last group may also belong I n . I 1 2946 which reads: si-ni; si-ni; si-a; u-bar; u-bar, etc.

While the lists are generally of one language we find, espe- cially when the initial element is one of those names of deities which are written the same in Sumerian and Akkadian, that the scribes often passed from one language to the other. For instance, Text 2 2 Obv. contains names compounded with den-lil; the first column is Akkadian, and the second Sumerian; such is also the case in Text 29, which has Akkadian and Sumerian


names compounded with dnin-lil. The order of the two languages is not always the same. Generally the Akkadian precedes, but in Text 2 , Col. lV, the Sumerian part is intro- duced first. In other tablets some columns are Akkadian and others Sumerian. Cf. Nos. 14, 21, 33, 63.

Only in one text (8 Obv., Col. I I I) the two languages seem to be somewhat confused; a t the end of a list of Akkadian names formed with a m , we find three Sumerian names: ana-ma-an-si, ana-ma-an-ba, ana-da-nu-me-a, which are in turn followed by two Akkadian names: anu-5e-me-a, anu-?a-i-da. After these the list is closed and another deity introduced. This fact may be explained on the supposition that the scribe may have for- gotten to include in the list the two Akkadian names, and resorted t o the expedient of adding them t o the bottom. Per- haps, also, he may have purposely omitted these two names so as not to break the usual sequence of the nominal and verbal elements, which is the same in nearly all lists.

Still more puzzling is the fact that the lists of Akkadian names beginning with anu, the first in order, are preceded by three Sumerian names: dninni-sag-mu, dIB-p'(d)-da-da~-mu, dda-mu-da-nir-gdl (2 Rev. I, 7 Rev. I, Dupl. CBS 10994). The fact that the names are three in number might recall the Syllabary (cf. Pt. I , p. 29), and suggest that the lists are a direct continuation of it. This explanation, however, has to be aban- doned when we consider tha t : ( I ) The Syllabary does not end with any such group of names; (2) the three names have nothing in common with one another, and could not therefore have formed part of the Syllabary (cf. Pt. I , p. 3 1 f.).

The different lists follow one another in a certain order, which has been followed in the transliteration of the names.

108 U N I V E R S I T Y U S E U L I - - - R A R Y L O N I A N SECTION

The lists compounded with names of deities come in this order: a n u , followed by den-lil (2 Rev.; 8 Obv. and Rev.), and dnin-lil (22 Obv.); exceptionally d f a m a f follows a n u in 8 Obv. I l l . For the order of succession of minor deities cf. Nos. 795 ff. Another group is formed hy a-ha-ti, followed by a-hu (3 I , 1 I I ; 34, 11), a-hi (34, IV), a-ad-da (25 Obv.), a-bu-um ( 2 5 Obv.;

332 IV). The order of the names in each list is not always the same.

While a certain degree of regularity can be observed in the names beginning with a-ad-da, a-hu, a-li, etc., those com- pounded with a n u follow different orders of succession, thus making it difficult to restore the missing portions of the various tablets (cf. Description of Tablets on p. 167 f f . ) .

No great variety is to be found in the names of the gods, since, as a general rule, it was the practice of the scribes to begin a list with one initial element, and to continue with it until all the names which could be formed had been exhausted.

But, by the side of the proper names of gods, we find also used the name elements a-bu, a-hu, a-ad-da, etc. These are treated exactly as the names of deities, so that we cannot think here of the parental relations and translate: "the father, the brother," etc. Such names as a-bu-um-ilum (1297), a-hi-ilum, a-hi-be-lum ( I I I 1-12), or a-ha-ti-far-ra-at, +far-ha-at, +du-mu- u - i f , +ku-zu-ub-ni-fi (1003-07) clearly indicate that here, under the appellatives of "father, brother, sister," some deities are meant. Exception may have to be made for three names which follow one another and form a little group by them- selves: a-ha-nu-ta, a-ha-mar-fi, a-ha-nir-fi (Pt. I, Nos. 937-39; Pt. 1 1 , 1008-10); here the proper translation seems to be


"a brother," hut it is not absolutely impossible that, also in this case, the appellative may refer to some god.

In a tablet dated in the reign of Hammurapil we find the name da-bu-zi-na-sir written with the determinative for deity. This is an additional proof that a-hu is always intended for the name of a god. The element a-hi will be discussed in Pt. 111. Cf. also Pt . 1, p. 58, Note l o .

The element a-li presents special difficulties and still remains obscure. Tha t it represents a god is clear from the names a-li-ilum, a-li-be-lum (Nos. I 190-91) and from the fact that the other nominal and verbal elements used in connection with it are the same as those used in connection with the names of other gods (cf. especially Nos. 1266 ff.). The reading a-li, and not a-ni, is also made certain by such names as a-li-ne-iu (CBS 1288), a-li-la-li-mi (Bu. 91,286 Rev. 28, in C T 6, 16),

a-li-urn-mi (RTllh I 59, 1 1 1, 6 ) , in which the names are spelled with the usual sign l i . But if, as it seems certain, a-li refers to a god, it is difficult to decide whether this was a male or a female deity. In such names as a-li-a-bi (RPN), a-li-a-hu-zi-a, a-li-a-hu-fa, a-li-a-bu-Xu (I't. I, Nos. 3 3 2 ~ 3 4 ) ~ a-li-ilum, a-li- be-lmz (Pt. 11, I 190-gr), one would naturally think of a god, but by the side of them we find also such names as a-li-urn-mi (RTllh 159, I 1 1 , 6) and a-li-a-ha-ti (VS 1X 200, 1 3 ) . The most probable solution of the difficulty remains, therefore, that of considering a-li either as a personal name or as an appellative of some demon. The old translation "my city" has to be definitely abandoned: in the rare cases in which the word for "city" is used, the spelling seems to be a-li and not a-NI . Cf. dfamaf-du-ur-a-li, C BS I 797.

'This tablet is in possession of Mr. John F. Lewis of Philadelphia, and will be published by me in the Jour+tol of the Amrricon Orienlal Soiicty.


The lists beginning with the sign AN raise another ques- tion: is that sign to be read ilu or anu? In favor of the former reading we may point:

( I ) Tha t in some cases the sign AN is rendered in a variant as i-li. Cf. AN-ma-AN=?-li-ma-AN (LAD, LBD); di'amaf- en-lil-AN = *fama:-en-lil-i-li (LC) ; AN-um-ma-ti= i-li-z~m-ma-ti (VS VII, 106; Poebel, OLZ 16 ( ~ g l j ) , Col. 66).

(2) That in some others the reading ilum, or ili, appears to be the most probable. Cf. Ha-am-mu-ra-pi-AN (Scheil, Sippar, p. 146) ; i-li-a-AN (No. I jg8) ; E-a-mn-AN (Ungnad, OLZ I o (1907) Col. 141); AN-ni (=ilu-ni?, OBTR I Obv. 8).

(3) Tha t in Amoritic names the sign AN is to be rendered i l or il. (Cf. below, p. I 16.)

(4) That in some of our lists names heginning with AN are alternated with others beginning with AN-fz~, which would appear to require the reading ilu-i'u (ci. Nos. 454 f f . ) .

( 5 ) Tha t occasionally we find the phonetic writing il. Cf. il-i'u-ku-ra-ad (RA lo, PI. IV, No. 99, VI, 14).

But against the reading ilu it is also necessary to consider: ( I ) Tha t the lists compounded with AN are immediately

followed by others beginning with the name of some god, such as den-lil or dramax (cf. above, p. 108). The succession anu, *en-lil, dnin-lil, is just what we should expect the Nippur scribes to have followed.

(2) Tha t Akkadian lists compounded with AN are imme- diately followed hy Sumerian lists compounded with the same sign. I f we read ilu in the Akkadian names, we are bound to read dingir in the Sumerian, which would involve carrying a monotheistic tendency back to a time when certainly it did not exist.

(3) Tha t the Syllabary of Personal Names has given us


portion that has been found, both because of the importance of the material and as a guide in the search for the other fragments.

The tablet is very well written and, except in places where it is badly weathered, clearly readable; it belongs to the class of model Texts (cf. P t . I, p. 46) and is therefore also perfectly baked. In its complete form, it must have contained a nearly complete list of all the common Amoritic names in use in Baby- lonia a t about the time of the First Dynasty.

Besides this one, another text (33 Obv., Col. 11; cf. Nos. 9 1 0 f f . ) contains a column of Amoritic names. The fragment is, to all appearances, like the large tablet above discussed; it is out of the question, however, that it may originally have belonged to it, because Col. 1 1 contains Sumerian, and the reverse Akkadian names. Possibly another group of Amoritic names might originally have been found in the first column of text 25 (cf. Nos. 929 ff.), but this is so badly mutilated that the question cannot be definitely settled.

In discussing these names, I have carefully noted their similarity with other names of the Semitic group. But on working on their translation, I soon realized that, a t the present state of our knowledge, it would be nearly hopeless to give more than simple guesses, without having first collected all the recognizable Amoritic names to be found in Babylonian and Assyrian literature. T h e task could now be undertaken, since many of the Amoritic name elements have already been recognized, and many more can be definitely identified with the help of the names of this list. This task, however, would have been difficult and long, because the number of Amoritic names will prove to be very large; moreover, enough material would certainly have been found for a complete book. Much to my


regret, I have therefore been obliged to let the matter stand without entering in a special line of research that would cer- tainly have carried me too far away from the limits in which I want to keep the present volume. It is to be hoped that such a work will soon be undertaken, so as to f i l l a serious gap in our knowledge of old Babylonian names.

For the time being, a few observations may be here per- mitted. Among the name elements of the long list we find two geographical names: ia-m.u-tzi-ba-la and mu-ti-a-ba-la (in su-mu+, Nos. 19 and 35). In studying school exercises from Nippur, I happened to notice an unpublished text (CBS 6516) which gives these two names in a slightly different form: ia-mu- ut-ba-lumk', mu-ti-ba-alk< T h e document belongs to the class of round tablets (cf. Pt. I , p. 45) and contains only two lines of inscription, doubtless an abstract from some geographical list which has not yet been recovered. The former of these names is in turn identical with the name of a land which prob- ably belonged to Rim-Sin, and which is mentioned in the date formula of the thirty-first year of Hammu-rapi: "The year in which Hammu-rapi, the king, after that he, with the assistance of AIIU and Enlil, marching a t the head of his troops, the land of Jamutbal and (its) king Kim-Sin had brought under his power, and in Shumer and Akkad his command was estab- lished. . . ." (LAD, pp. 64-65). In this date formula the name of the land is variously written: e-mu-ut-bn-lum, e-mu-ut- ba-lumk', ia-mu-ut-bn-lumk'.

The name mu-ti-a-ba-la is certainly identical with mu-ti- ba-alk', and is probably to be distinguished from ia-mu-tu-ba-la (or ia-mu-ut-ba-lum"). .Ifhe two names cannot be mere variants for, in that case, we could not understand the presence in our list of two names, su-mz~-ia-mu-tu-ba-la and su-mu-mu-ti-a-ba-la


(Nos. 16 and 3 5 ) , which are separated by a long interval. Also in the case of the geographical list, we should hardly expect the scribe to have recorded in succession two different readings of the same name: to avoid confusion, he would have chosen the better spelling a r ~ d omitted ihe variant. From the double testimony of our list and of the date formula we can safely conclude that the lands of Janiut-bal and Mutu-bal were two centers in which the Anlorites had firmly established them- selves.

But this should not he interpreted as meaning that the Amorites came into Babylonia in one group and a t a date which can be more or less definitely established. In fact, they seem to have been there from ancient time, and to have formed the oldest stratum of the Semitic population. Amoritic names are found interspersed in Sumerian and Akkadian documents of the greatest antiquity. Moreover, from the very beginning, the Amorites have been very influential in the land, and fur- nished by far the largest number of the Semitic rulers of the old dynasties. Going hack to prehistoric periods, we find them among the mythological rulers of the First Kingdom of Kish (HT, p. 88): cf. ga-lu-mu-z~n, zu-ga-gi-ib, ar-pi (var. ar-bu-um, ar-pi-um; cf. Pt. 1 , No. 2 7 5 ) . In the Second Kingdom of KiS (HT, p. 91 ) we have i-fa-il; in the Fourth Kingdom of K ( I T p I ) : ?i-mu-wa-tir, u-zi-wa-tir, el-mu-ti, and possibly others. So also with most of the known kings of Gutium: e-ir-ri-dzi-PI-li-ir, la-si-ra-ab, si-k-um, ti-ri-ga-a-kl (var. ti-rik- ka-tl) (HI', p. 93). Clay, in his "Miscellaneoz~s Documents from the Yale Babylonian Collections," text 13, gives us a new king of this dynasty, whose name I would read i-ar-la-~a-61,' and who is probably an Amorite.

- .~ ~~~p~

'The first line of the tabict reads: ud-ba 2-nr-In-gn-il lugnl gu-ti-~ria-kam. "At t he time when Jarlaga-el war kingof Cutium. . . ." (Cf.. however, Clay, {bid., p. 12.) The alternate reading:


In glancing through the names of the first rulers of Isin, if-bi-ir-ra, SU-i - l i - fu , i - d i ~ - ~ d a - g a n , is'-me-dda-gan, li-bi-it-iS-tir, ~ r - ~ n i n - I B , b ~ r - ~ s i n , i-te-ir-pi-fa, a - m i , la-an-bi-ia (var. la-ah?-bi-in, la-am?-bi-a) (HT, p. 94; LAD, p. 68 f.), one cannot fail to notice the constant recurrence of the gods of the Amoritic pantheon, dda-gan, if-tir, ' dnin-1B.2 Besides, the name la-an-bi-ia is certainly Amoritic, and so are probably the

elements li-bi-it, i-te-ir (cf. i-tdr, in the Glossary on p. 1 5 1 ) .

Note also su-mu-a-hct-um, i-kzh-un-pi'-ij-tkr, who are rulers of an unknown kingdom (HT, p. 95).

The new list of the kings of Larsa published by Clay ( M i s - cellaneous Inscriptions, p. 31) gives us other Amoritic rulers: nu-ap-la-nu-nm, e-mi-sat, sa-mu-um, la-ba-a-a, gu-un-gu-nu-um, a-hi-sa-ri-e, su-mu-i-lu, n ~ t - d r - ~ l M . It is already a well- established fact that several kings of the First Dynasty of Babylon are also Amorites (cf. IIPN, p. 35). Finally, note also i-tdr-dfamal, patesi of Kisurra (SAK, p. I jz) , and ku-un- ni-ni, patesi of Kinlax (SAK, p. 1 7 6 ) .

The place o l origin of this foreign people was prohahly the land of Amurru, i. e., northern Palestine and Syria," and their language was Semitic. Ranke (RPN, p. 24 ff.) compares the Amoritic names with the Arabic and West-Semitic, concluding that "of all the Semitic languages, the Arabic stands nearest -- -p~~ ~ ~ ~~

ud-la-ni or-la-go-PI lugal gu-ti-ilai-karrr uiiuld seen, to he supported hy the f a c t t ha t , after ud-ba, t he writing is carried t o t he linc below: moreover, t he spelling 2-ur is unusual. But I do not see how the reading 2-or-in-!a-Pi car) bc avoided. If t he sign N I doer not belong to the name, how can i t be translated? Cf. also another inscription of Gu t ium: ud-la ri-zi-tciniugnl gu-ti-urn- ham. T h e element 2-ar-la-gn appears to be identical with the abbreviated name in-or-1;-ha, BE XV 200, I , zz (in CI'N). Cf. also the spelling: 2-in-ni,i-ru-a~?-<i-i-/i~-t~~>t (Uu 91-5-9. 272; in C I , 6, 7).

'Cf . P t . I, p. 39 f . Cf. A. T. Clay: Amurrn, t h e Hoiiie o/Ihi A'orlbrrii Seii~ilsr, index. Set fa i th in detail bv !I. I ' Clay in hls: .Arnnrr.n, Ibe Home o i the AJorthrrrr Sitndrr, Phila-

delphia, 1912.

116 U N I V E R S I T Y ~ ~ ~ ~ S E U . ~ ~ - - H . ~ I I Y I . O X I A ' ~ SECTION

to this tongue, that has been preserved only in personal names."

My own researches in this field do not seem to corroborate his view, because the largest number of parallels have been found in the West-Semitic provinccs. 1'0 be sure, this would be hardly conclusive, because the same waves of immigration which swept over Babylonia might also have touched the land of Amurru. i-\ definite conclusion on this point must be left to further investigation.

The last question which need detain us a little is the pho- netic value of the sign AN, representing the name of god, in Amoritic names. Thureau-Dangin, in Lettres et Contracts, reads this sign i l . I have adopted this transliteration, since it seems very convenient in differentiating the Amoritic from the Akkadian names. We must note, however, that the phonetic value of this sign may be also il. Ci. No. 10: su-nzu-li-el, with the variant spellings xu-mu-la-il and su-mu-li-lu; No. 16: su-mu-la-lnm. These various names seem to be modifications of su-mu-la-ilz~m; note also su-nzu-i-lzc, king of Larsa. Similarly ia-hi-la-tum (KPN, fem.) stands probably for ia-hi-i-la-tum. No. I j2: pu-nu-ha-la-i-li, is to be compared with ha-a-li-61, ha-li-lum, ba-li-li-ia; No. 312: i-fi-ia-21, with i-li-him, i-ti-i- lu-ma. Two other names are remarkable in this respect: ia-a;- ma-ah-NI-il (CBS, I j j2) and ia-ah-fa-av-NI-il (CBS, I 235). In both instances the sign NI might be interpreted as the pro- nominal suffix of the first person, but it is not impossible that i t might also have the phonetic value i. Finally, in the feminine name i-ia-am-ru-ul?-li-i-lu-um (Bu. 91-5-9, 27% in CT, 6, 7) we have a full phonetic spelling of the divine name. In favor of the reading 61, we find su-mu-li-el (No. lo), el-mu-ti (above,

p. I 14), and possibly also those names ending in e-lurn (cf. Glossary on p. 149).


By the side of the writing i l , we find also in Amoritic names the puzzling spelling N I - N I , so common in Akkadian names (cf. Nos. 247 ff. and Glossary on p. 1 5 1 ) . Shall we read here e l$? This seems to be suggested by the name NI-NI-e-ri-la, with the variant e-li-e-ri-sa (VS, VI I 27, j ; r 65, 4).

Finally, very remarkable is the form i-la in su-mu-i-la, pu-nu-ha-la-i-la (Nos. 9 and I gj), which might represent the name i lu with the Aramaic ending a or, more probably, is a rendering of the Arabic ilah (Cf. RPN, p. 3 2 , note 1, and Hilprecht, BE, X, p. xii f.).



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?a-dzi-ki~m, CBS 46j, and I . [su-mu-. . . . . ] - a , I , 1, I . Cf. S'i. K'???,

su-b-mi (gen.1, 1 2 8 9 and I 5 , ~ z ~ - n ~ z ~ - ~ i - i d - k ~ ~ , - d i - l a - ~ ~ ( ~ , I , 1, I j.2 So. Ar. X D (RPN) ; Pal. 16 . szr-mzi-la-lziuz, I , I , 16. Cf. NDC. So. 9.

2 . [su-nzu-. . . . .I-ra, I , I , 2 , I 7. su-m21-la-si-id, I , 1, I 7. 3. mu-a?]-hi-im, I , I , 3. 1 8 . SZI-mu-ab-bal-la, I , 1, 1 8 . 4. S~"-"z~l-a-Pa-ah, 1, 1, 4. Cf. 19. S Z I - ~ z ~ - ~ u - ~ I u - I z L - ~ I u - / u , 1, I , 19.

No. 307 and dSUR-a-pa-', Cf. Xo. j j and p. I I j. 'I'N B. 2 0 . SZL-mzi-rti-!~i-e-im, I , 1, 20. Cf.

5. [SU-mu]-a-pa-ar, I , 1, 5. Cf. ".AT-ru-hu-mz~, Addzl-ra-hi- No. 308. mzi, I ' N H . Ci. Bi. zn7;

6. [su-mu-ai?]-du-um, I , I , 6 . Cf. T T

Nos. 1 0 8 , 2 5 j . Saf. znni. 7. [~zr-nzu-. . . .I-im, I , 1, 7. 2 1. - I - a i i I I , 2 I Cf. 8. [su-nzlu-41, I , I , 8. Cf. sa-ma-dl, Saf. god li? and r i i .

CBS 465, and Bi. 5 ~ : n a - .. . 2 2 . [szr-in]z~-ant-?ti-di-im, I , I , 22.

9. [su]-712"-i-la, I , I , g. 2 3 . [su-mu-ila-ah?-ru-zlm, I , I , 213.

10. szl-mu-li-el, I , I , l o . Also in Cf. ia-hi-ri, No. jg. I N Cf. su-mu- l i - lu , 2 4 . [su-mlzi-a-bu-um, I , I , 2 4 . Also AJSL 29, p. 1 7 1 , No. 857; in KPN, BB. Cf. sa-mz~- su-mu-la-dl, LC, B B ; sa-nzzr- a-bzl-z~m, I< I'N. la-41, 2 1 7 7 A (in CT 8, 4 2 ) ; 2 5 . [SIL]-?n%-a-ra-ah, I , I , 2 5 . Cf. 863 (in CT 8, 2 8 ) . szr-?nu-ra-ab, RPN; a-bi-a-

I I . iu-mu-il-ba?-bi-ia, I , I , r I . ra-ah, RPN, VS VII I 58, 24;

1 2 . [su-m]u-a-?zi-ib.?, I , I , 1 2 . a-bi-e-ra-ah, RPN; ha-ab- 13. [XU]-mu-. . . . .-a, I , 1 , 13 . di-a-ro-ah, OLZ 8, p j g r ; 14. SU-mu-~i-id-kum, I , 1, 14. Ci. a-ra-ah, UMBS I I , N o . I ;


'Special abbreviations: Ar .=Aiab ic ; U i .=Bib l i c~ l ; He .= l l eb rcw; ,; Pal .=Palmiirne; Phelz.=Pheiiician; Puii. = Punic; Solr.=Sabean; SaJ.=Safaitic; Si= Sinaitic; So. Ar .=South Arabic. For mgjiestionr as to transintion cf. Glossary on p. 148 R.

ZCompare the writing Am-mi-It?-In-nn in King: i r l i o i nird l i i icrljl ionr, I l l , p. 248, No. "7 (RPN, P 2;).


urn-mi-a-ra-ah-turn. AB KU. Cf. ia-ku-nu-urn, A 0 4668 Cf. Bi. m 9 .

-T (in R A 8 , p. 75); VSVII

26. su-mu-a-hi-i-a, 1 , I , 26. 18, 8; I 58, 2. Cf. Bi. 7939; .T

27. su-nu-a-&a, I , I, 27. Cf. Xu-mi-a-hi-ia.

28. [szc-rnlu-di-fzi, I , 1, 28. Cf. z - u d i a AJSL 29, p. 182, NO. 373. Cf. Bi. n y t .

T '

29. [szl-nzzc-d]i?-ka?iz, I , 1, 29. Cf. szi-m~-~da-gafz, 97 I I 5, 3 (in C T 33, 24).

30. [sic-mi*-. . . . .I-unz, I , 1, 30. 3 1. [su-mu]- . ?-irn, I , I, 3 I. 32. su-mu-zi-a, I , I, 32. 33. xu-mzl-ta-mar, I , I, 33. Cf. Bi.

-,nn. - - . . 34. su-mu-ia-sa?-ba-su-zlm, I , I , 34. 3 j. szl-mu-nzzc-ti-a-ha-la, I , 1, 3 j.

Cf. No. 19, p. I I 3 , and Phen. i p n n .

36. SZL-n7z1-ki?-it-nzc-z~m, I , 1, 36. 37. sz~-zcl-i1~-11~rn, I , I, 37. 38. szl-lu-kurn, I , I , 38. 39. su-la-pzl-urn, I , 1, 39. 40. su-la-pi, I , 1, 40.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jo. [ia-ti?]-rz4-u[rn], I , I I, I . Cf.

ia-di-ri, B B . 5 1. [iu-till-ra-lum, I , I I, 2. 5 2 ia-di-dzl-urn, I , 1 1 , 3. Cf.

a-di-du-urn, VS VII 18, 9. Cf. Bi. n97959. - . .. . . .

53. ia-di-da-turn, I , 1 1 , 4. Cf. ia-di-

>,n3;2> = ? ? y q n ~ ; Pbeu. E5w;J? T:T: ' 7 :

and Bi. -WN (tribal name). '' 7

j6. ia-[kju-z~n-iar-rzi-urn I , 1 1 , 7. 57. ia-bi-iurn, I , 1 1 , 8. Also in

IWN. Cf. Bi. wzi; Neo ..- Pzm. %%9; Pal. Nv39.

j8. ia-ri-rum, I , 1 1 , 9. Cf. Bi. nlL"-1. T .

59. ia-e-jzi-hi-kl, I , 1 1 , 10. Cf. ia-Xu-bzc-ziw, RPN ; ia-Su- ~cb-%a-garz, LC; ia-a?-hi-i-la, RI'N; Phefz. it),>';.?; Bi. .>..;, . -

60. ia-e-iin-:z~,'s~~-z~i~z, I , I I , I I . . Cf. Pherz. C5)!33WN and Nos. 89 and I 12.

61. ia- . . . . . . , I . I I , 12.

62. ia- . . . . . , 1 , 1 ! , 1 j . 63. ia-ar-. . . . . . , I , I I, 14. Cf.

ia-ar-hi-il, 81000, 2 I (in CT 33. 42); AISL 29, p. 176, No. 2180; VS VII 38, 28, etc.: ia-ar-ha-bu-uuz, LC: ia-ar-li-ka, B E XV, zoo, I, 22, and note I on p. I 14.

. . . . . 64. ia-ar-. , I , 1 1 , I j.

65. ia-iu- . . . .:., I , 1 1 , 16. Cf. No. j9 and ia-izc-ia, Anzarna = B i . y$ i?); ia-Xu-ki-irn-61, - ..

da-tirn, VS IX, 172, 16; 174, 46; ia-fa-da-tunz, RPN, and A 0 4664 (in RA 8, p. 69).

. . . . 66. ia-e?-en-. , I , I I, 17. Bi. 37979. T .: 67. ia- . . . . . . , I , l l , 18.

54. ia-ah-ru-ra, I , 1 1 , 5. Cf. ia-ah- 68. ia-si?-rzl-a-. . , I , l l , 19. . . . . . ru-urn, B B . 69. ia-. .-p-. I , I I, 20.

j5. ia-[kul-un-a-Ya-ru-urn, I , 1 1 , 6. 70. ia-. . . . . I , I I, 21 .


71. ia-bu-. . 1-. . . . . I , 11, 22.

72. ia-. . . . . . . I , l I , 23. 73. ia-ka-. . . . . . I , I I, 24. 74. ia-. . . . .-urn, I , l l , 25.

75. ia-an-. . . . . -61, I , l I, 26. 76. ia-. . . . . . . I , 11, 27. 77. ia-. . . .-dl, I , l I, 28. 78. ia-. . ?-. . . . . I , l I , 29. 79. ia-hi-. . . . . . I , 11, 30. Cf.

ia-hi-tl, VS VII 5, 27; ia-&- hi-61, VS VI I 8, 3.5.8; ia-hi- la-tum, RPN (fern.); ia-hi-ri, ADD; and Bi. in3nl; 5 ~ i n l . . . . . . . . . - . .

80. ia-hi-. . . . . , I , l I, 31. 81. ia- . . . . . . , I , l l ,32. 82. ia-. . . . . ., I , I I, 33. 83. ia-am-ii?-61, I , 11, 34. Cf. ia-

mu-ii-il, 80727, 3 (in C T 33, 44; a-hi-ia-am-s'i, VS Vl I , 179, 4; or ia-am-lik-61, RPN. Cf. Bi. ?,in'. .. .-

84. ia-u-. . .-ru-zmnz, I , 1 1 , 35. 85. ia-ia?-a, I , I I , 36. Cf. ia-a-a-?,

RPN; ia-a-rum, VS VI I 183, 1 , 7.

86. ia-ia-tum, I , 11, 37. Cf. ia-a- tum, CPN; VS VII 123, 3; 124,3; 183, l l , zo .

87. ia-ia-um, I , 11, 38. 88. ia-ia-mu, I , l I, 39. Cf. ia-a-mu,

CPN. 89. ia-e-im-ri-61, I , 11, 40. Cf. No.

60 and I 12. go. ia-ab-hu-ru-um, I , 11, 41. Cf.

ia-ab-ha-ru-um, PSBA 33, pl. 47, No. 29, 25; Bi. ln21.

7 . . . . 9 1 . ia-s'u-ha-tum, I , 11, 42. Also in

RPN (fern.); ABKU. Cf. Bi. n~Tw!.

TT .

92. ia-ah-mu-&, I , I 4 Cf. ia-ah-m~-~da-gan, VS VI I 204, 2; ia-ah-mi-61, I-lonirnel, Altisr. Uber. Cf. Bi. 3 ~ ~ 3 ;

Phen. NnE; Saf. 1Dii. 93. ia-bi-il-wi/pi-ir-ra, I , 11, 44.

Cf. ia-ab-11-ia-lum, LC; and Bi. 523; wjj23, -- . . 7 : : .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104. ia- . . . . . . , ~ , l l l , I .

105 ia- . . . . . . . , ~ , l l l , z . . . . 106. ia-am-nil-bi-. , I , I I I, 3.

Cf. Saf. n2ln. 107. ia-pi/wi?-ru-urn, I , 1 1 1, 4. I 08. ia-ku-un-a.r-du-um, I , 1 1 1 , 5.

C f . ia-ku-nu-um, VS V I I 18, 8; a:-du-um, VS VI 1 1 60,2h; i a - k u - ~ n - ~ l M , LC: ia-ku- un-am-mu, LC; and Saf. 5DK; Si . l5WK; Neo Pun. H7W3; Sub. D5DN.

109. ia-e-te-elz-di-61, I , 1 1 1, 6. Cf. ii-tdr-e-ti-in-ti, No. 740.

I 10. ia-mu-ut-li-im, I , 1 1 1, 7. I I I . ia-u-ti-61, I , 1 1 1 , 8. Cf, a-li-dl,

ADD; also Bi. I N Y ~ ~ ;

$KqYV; . . . . - jK37iIl: . . . 5~97nl . -. - . . . . - I 12. ia-am-zi-61, I , 1 1 1 , 9. Cf. ia-

am-.~i-"FamaS, BB; Scheil, Sippar, No. 35; ia-am-lu- ma-lik, VS Vl l 171, 7. Also Bi. (?)z~TDN; Y ~ B ~ T ~ K ; Pun.

T:--: -- .-: y ~ y ; ynyl.

113. ia-kul-gu?-&-um, I , I l l , 10.

I 14. ia-gu-e-lum, I , I I I, I I . Cf. Nos. 1 5 I , 237, and Pal. N3y: 1532~; Phen. D~N?>P.

115. ia- . . . . . . . I , I l l , 12. 116. ia- . . . . -ra, I , I l l , 13.

OF A K K A D I A N N A M E S 121

. . . . . . . 117. [ial- I , Ill, 14.

. . I 18. ia-. -a-Ez4-um, I , 11 1, I j. I 19. [ial-si-Il, I , l l I, 16. Also in

LC; CBS 7008. Cf. ia-si- d I M , LC; i a - ~ u - ~ l M , LC; ia-si-ra-ah, VS I X 31, 5 ; Bi. ;?.$.


130. ia-am-si-dl, I , 11 1, 17. Cf. Bi. nrocy; Pun. cnp, oat";

T : --:

Phen. csylnwK. 121. ia-ar-ha-am-il, I , 111, 18. Cf.

ia-ar-ha-mu, RPN. Also Bi. mi; c;??; j ~ n n i 9 ; -- - . . . . . - . . . . . . Pal. 9ni9.

122. ia-e?-im-la-la, I , 11 1, 19. I 23. ia-. . . -du-urn, I , 11 1, 20. 124. ia- . . . . . . , I , Ill, 21.

125. ia-kt?-un-. . . . , I , Ill, 22.

126. ia-. . ? - . . . , I , Ill, 23. 127. ia-. . ?-si-ru-urn, I , l l I, 24. I 28. gu-un-gu-nu-urn, I , I I I, z j.

Also in HPN; SAK. I 29. gu-un-gu-nu-lum?, I , I I I, 26. 130. gu-na-na-turn, I , Ill, 27. Cf.

Saf. n132. I 31. gu-[na?]-a-a, I , l 11, 28. 132. gu-[nail-a-nu-urn, I , 1 1 1, 29.

Cf. Phen. 113; Saj. pi). 133. gu-lul-lum, I , 1 I I, 30. Cf. Bi.

$53. TT

134.g~-ni?- . . . . , I , Ill, 3 1 . Cf. gu-ni-i, VS X I l l 56 Rev. 12.

135. [gu-] . . . . . . , 1, 111, 32. 136. gu-. . . . . . , I , Ill, 33. 137. gu- . . . . . . , I , 111, 34. 138. gu-ru-. . . . , I , 11 I, 35. Cf.

gu-ru-ru-urn, VS l X 32, 8. 139. gu-ru-. . . . , I , I l l , 36,

. . 140. gu-ru-. . , I , Ill, 37.

1 1 . g - r i . . 1 , I , 8 Cf. gu-ri, VS \'I I 204, 42.

. I 42. gu-ri-. ?-. . , I , I I I, 30. I 43. gu-na-a- . . . , I , I I I, 40. 144. . , 1 , 1 1 1 , 41.

. . . lqj. gzd-ra-. , I , 1 1 1, 42. Cf. Pal. oiwnv; S o , l j ~ s i 2 . . . . . . . . . . .

146. bu-[nu]-. . . . . , I , IV, I . Cf. bu-nu-am-mu, CBS 1295. Also Bi. i,~.:?; Saf. 91s;

Phen. n j n a ~ s . 147. bu-nu-. .?-e[l?], I , I\', 2. Cf.

bu-ni-i-la, AJSL 29, p. I 71, No. 85 7,

I 48. bu-nu-la?-ma-.?ar, I , IV, j. 149. bu-nu-la-ra, I , I\', 4. I 50. bu-nu-ma-a-h?,~-uin, I , IV, j. 1 5 I . bu-nu-urn-e-/?ant, I , IV, 6. Cf.

No. 147, and Bi. ?x?jg. . . . I j2. bu-nu-ha-la-i-li, .I , IV, 7. Cf.

ha-a-lidl, ' fN B, 13. j I j ; ha- li-lum, RI'N; ha-li-li-ia, VS X l l l lo Rev. 12; ha-li- ia-urn, ibid. 20s Rev. 2 1 ; su-mu-ha-la, RPY; ia-da- ah-ha-lum, RI'S; also Bi. 5 ~ 5 ~ 7 . . .

153. bu-nu-ka-ma-i-la, I , IV, 8. I 54. bu-na-nu-urn, I , IV, 9. Cf.

pa-na-nim (ten.) , AJSL 29, p. 164, No. 2487, and Bi. iI3'29.

7 . :

1 5 5 . pu-ru?-la-luuz, I , IV, lo. I 56, pu-ha-hu-urn, I , IV, I I . 157. pu-ha-su-urn, I , IV, 1 2 . Cf.

Saj. @no. 1 58. pu-sa-hu-urn, I , I\', I 3.


213. ii-ta-. . . . . I , VI , 2. 214. i1-hi-. . . . I , V1, 3. 21 5. ii-hi-. . . . . I , VI , 4. 216. i1-hi- . . . . I , VI , 5. 217. i?-hi-. . . . . I , V l , 6. 2 1 i i . . I I , 7. Ci . is-

mi, B E S I V 34, lo; ii-nzi- "a-gan, I I P N ; also Bi. i~yrj.i';, .. T : etc.

219. i1-gal-. . . . . I , V l , 8. 220. it-go?- . . . . I , V l , c).

221. i f - . . . . . . I , V l , 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . 232. nl~?-al-. , I , V l I , 2. . . 233. ii-im-rzl-hu-nvz-nzi-. , I , V 11,

3. Cf. li-im-ri-ha-ail;-mu, B B ; C'I' IV la l.8.=i;11135 l'N13, p. 304.

234. 72-im-ri-ii, 1 I 4. Cf . ii-in?-rii-fi~?n, VS VII j, 2 7 ;

I I 2 , 2 ; {i-i?n-ri-".Yams;, A B I I U ; i i -me- i r -" iamni , A B R U ; C B S 1404; ;i-i117- r - e r h KP\! ; li-i~n-ri (-id)-di(da), ii-i?w-ri-hii-u?i~- mzl, 7i-inr-ri-l>~z-?:a-/~1, ?i-i?iz- ri-ii-in?, TAI'N, p. 282, Also

So, Ar. ir? (Itl 'N); Saj. ?st; B 1 ; tie. zy i r t . . . .

235. zi-im-ri-a-bu-urn, I , \ ) I I , j .

236. li-it-ri-il, I , VI I , 6. C f . Bi. 1,:~.

237. zi-it-ri-c-lr~m, I , VI I , 7. Cf. NOS. 114, 151.

238. ti-it-ri-. .?-. .?-. . , I , VI I , 8 . Cf. li-it-ri-ia-m, 72-it-m-ia- m, (Anrunza) CI'N.

239. zi-it-ri?-. . . . , I , Vl I, 9. 240. zi-it-. . . . , I , V l I, 10.

241. +it?-. . . . , I , V l I , I I .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252. ti-il-kar-"2-[a], I , VI I I, I . 253. ti-i?-kar-%la-gall, I , VI I I , 2 .

Also in Pt. I, S o . 21

254. ti-a-rzl-urn, I , VI 1 1 , j. Ci . Pben. Slh'il.

255. i-lilr-a?-dz~-z~n?. I , V I I I, 4. Cf. i - i d . , VS IS I 72 , 5 ; i-tur-u1-(hi, VS 1 X 174, 2 1

2 56. i-tilr-li-i[nr], I , Vl 1 1 , 5. 257. i-lur-ha-al, I , VI I I , 6. C f .

Sn/. nn; m l . 'a;py. 258. i-tilr-la?.. , . . , I , \'I 11, 7 , 259. i-tilr-. . I V l l l , 8. C f .

Hi. cF:ny. . . . 260. ?vii-?i[il!-. . . . , I , Vl I I , 9. 2 1 . I - a ? . . . . , I , V l l l , 10.

262. m21- . . . . , I , Vl 1 1 , I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (six

names destro)-ed). 269. [ I " - . . -a?]-hzl-ilw, I , Vl 1 I , I 7.

Cf. Saf. n x . 270. [ i u - . .I-u?-du-zlrn, I , VI 1 1 , 18. 271. ~z~-ha?-kii?~li~?-rz~-un?, I , VI I I ,

10- 272. ~~1-ba?-bu-z1rn, I , Vl 1 1 , 20. Cf.

su-pa-b~l-z&nz. A J S L 29, p. 195, NO. 2515.

273. 771-k~-bl!-lllll, I , VI 11, 2 1. 274. zu-ga-gu-zfnz, I , VI I I , 22. Also

in ABI<U. Cf. 7u-fiil-nzt, VS . . . 1 1 7 4 ; 7zi-ga-g7 (gen.), C B S I 148.

275. TI!-hzl-turn, I , VI I I, 23. Also in I.H1> 85, 5. Ci . 7rl-hu-u?z- iu-urn, V S VI1 lo, I . 12. 19.

276. lu-hu-ut-turn, I , VI I I, 24. 277. ILL-un-zu-na, I , VI I I, 25.

278. ru-ka-ki-i-a, I , VI I I, 26. 279. zu-la-lu-7*m, I , VI I I , 27. Also

in VS VI 1 1 20, 20.


280. lwla-a, I, VI I I , 28. Cf. lu- li-ia, VS VII 154. 13.

281. lu-lu-ul-kil, I, VI I I, 29. 282. ~ z ~ - ~ z L - z L ~ - ~ u ? , I, VII I , 30. 28j. 7"-ku-z~k?-. . . , I, VI i I . 3 1 .

. . . . 284. [zu?l- -nim?-. , I, \'I I I , 3 2 .

285. [zu?]-nim?-i-li-a. I, V1 I I , $ 3 . 286. [lull-nim-?ti-pt~, I, \!I l I , 34.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

297. a-mi-ru-zim, I, IS, I. Ci. S I 119DN; Sa/. 1DN; Pi11 YlDN

.NUDU 298. a-mi-nu-um, I , IS, 2. Also

A 0 4667 (in RA 8, p. 74); PSKA 33, pl. 31;. NO. j, 3 ; ibid., pl. 42, S o . 14, I(;. C:f. Sa/. ]DN.

299. a-mi-nu-tun?, I, lX, j. joo. a-mi-la-ab-ti, I , IS, 4. Also

RPN (fern.); Ci. Ui. ~1121. - , . . 7,:;; Ar. N121, 1721 ( T N B . . .- p. 216); Bi. ;:?my ~ ~ i h - ;

TT.- TT: Pal. 512721, i n p 2 1 , ;?12r, 721121.

301. a-mi-i-a, I, IS, j . Cf. ain-mi- ia, I<I'S; a-mil-ia-tunz, CBS 1288. Also Pal. N'DN, Neo P u i ~ ~ + y 2 ; Pben. m n w y n x .

302. i-zi-i~&-m~~-um, I, IS, 6. Cf. i-ti-su-mu-a-b11-urn. RPN ; i-li-su-lizri-a-bi-im, AJSI, 30. p. 61, No. 689; i-;i-sa-mu- a-b11-uwz, RPN; i~<-nt i~-z~n~- 1 - 1 I 3 I I ; .?b~-niii-/i- l i , BB; 1 - i - a - I - I VS X l l l 104, V, 26.

30% i-ti-ga-tdr, I, I X, 7. Ci. i-71- ga-tar, VS XI I1 62 Ohv. 4; CBS 104; i-si-ga-tor, I'SRA

34, pl. VI I I . No. 276; VS XI l l 73 Obv. I, 8. lo; ;-ti- ga-la-ar, RPN.

304. i-li-ga-thr-i, I, I S , 8. jog. i-7;-la-ri-e, I, IX, 9. Also in

I IPN. Cf. i-7;-(17)-la-ri-e, I N ; i-li-du-ri-e. 80727, 4 (in CT j j , 44) ; i-ii-da-ri-e, RPN; VS X l l l gg Rev. 6 (=gya Rev. 12).

306. i-7i-la-ham?, I , I S , lo. 307. i-li-a-pa-ah, I, IX, I I. Cf.

No. 4. 308. i-zi-a-pa-or, I, IS, 12. Cf.

No. j. o i i a a r I IS, I . Also in

I<I'N; LC; \IS V l l l 20, 24; Schcil, H A V , p. I 54. etc. Cf. i-li-ior, RPN.

1 i - 7 - n u - L - I I S I Also in I 3 H ; RPN; CBS 1221.

I I. - 7 - a r ? I I , I . Cf. i-li-ia-li, RPN.

1 2 i i a l I I X 16. Cf. i-7;- l l ~ m , Man. 1) 9, I ; i-li-i- licma, \IS Vl l l 99, 5 ; also Bi. n,?~, 4 y y ~ . . '!. ..

. . . . 3 I j. i-nu-r~~?-la?-. I , I X, I j . 3 14. i-nu-a-. . . , I, 1 x , 18.

. . 3 1 5. i-nu-a-. , I, I S , 19. . . . 3 16. ia-anz-bu-. , I, IX, 20. Cf.

ia-atn-hu-um, RPN ; VS VI 1 I 14, 16; VS 1X ~ j o , 12;

?a-am-ha-tzdm, RPN (fern.); ia-am-ha-la-lzi, VS V1 I I , 14, j . Also Phetz. nilDW, n'ilDW.

. . . 317. ia-am-h~~.. , I, I X, 2 I.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328. nu-up-1:-zi-bl, I, X, I. Cf.

nu-ap-li-iz-$1, RPN ; TD 60 Obv. j; VS VIII 6, 29;

€ 1 ) ~ . CHIERA-LISTS OF A I < R A D I A N N A M E S 125

also Pun. ~ $ 5 ; Pherz .o$32j~; ~ S o ~ n w s ; a5oSpz.

329. za-up-li-li-$-a. I , S, 2. Cf. nu-ap-lu-ui-&a, CBS I 06.

330. na-up-li-li-iZ-tiir, I , S, 3 . 331. la-ma-il. I , X . 4. A l x i n RT

17. p. 30; Cf. Hi. is>3:. 332. la-ak-ma-kl, I , S, 5. 333. la-ka-s'i-ib, I , X, 6 . 334. la-te-bu-u, I , X, 7. 335. la-nu-7u-k, I , X, 8. 336. la-s'u-mi-gi-id, I , S, 9. Cf.

Saj. Tan; Bi. 5 s ~ ; ~ . .. 337. [la]-mu-ra, I , X , lo; also in

AJSL 29, p. 177, NO. 2495. 338. [la]-ba?-s'i-ra, I , X , I I

339. [la]-. . . :ik, I , X , 12.

340. [la-ha-a?], I , X , 13. 341. la-ha-a-[a?], I , X , 14. 342. du-lu-kz~m, r , X, 1 5 . Cf. d7l-

Iu-ku-um, VS Vl l 1 58, 32, I X , 30, lo; dalkunzand Arab. i ) $?~ t3 , Ibn Dorrid, (Iil'N).

343. du-la-kum, I , X, 16,

344. du-l~<-uk-tuni, I , X , 17. 345. dzi-da?-a-nu-um, I , X, 18. Cf.

Bi. I??. T:

346. i-li-bal-ui-i, I , X, 19. Also I<PN; H B . Cf. "sin-ba-ni-i, VS VII 8, 6. lo. 26.

347. 2-li-AN-u~z-ui, I , S, 20. Cf. zi-nu-ni-21, CUS 465.

348. i-li-ba-as'-ti, I , S, 2 I . Also I-DD 81, 9. Cf. Nos. 413, 633, 801, etc., and Bi. i lW-cn, etc.

349. i-li-ma-lik-i, I , X , .zz. Cf. 2-li-ma-li-hi, Scheil, H A V , p. I 54; 2-li-ma-al-ki, 80900, 13 (in C T 33, 48); ia-am-li- i k VS IX I 52, 13, and NO .83. Cf. Saf. lie, 5 ~ 3 5 ~ ; Phe~z. ~ j n ; Pal. 1 3 5 ~ ; Phen. 7t45n5y2; So. Ar.

Pal. :35n-. 350. 2-M-bar?-+. . . . , I , X , 23. 35 1 . 2-[lil-. . . . . . . , I , S, 24.

[ I . AKKADIAN NAMES. 372. dninni-sag-mu,' " N i z n i is my 376. anu-na-du, " A is exalted," 2, 1 ,

chief?" 7 Rev. I , I ; Dupl. 5; 7 Rev. 1, 5 . Also VS CBS 10994. VIll 36, 13; A J S L q , p.149,

373. *IB-li(d)-da-daj-mu, "lblidda No. 450. is my helper." 7 Rev. I, 3; 377. anuma-kid, "A is a shepherd," Dup!. CBS 10994. 2, 1, 6 ; 7 Rev. 1, 6.

374. dda-mu-da-nir-gril, "\4'ith Damzr 378. anu-nu-sir, ".4 is protector," - the hero.. . .," 2, I , 3 ; , 2, 1 , 7; 7 Rev. 1 , 7. Also Rev. I , 2; I>up!. CBS 10994. in l iPN.

375. anu-di-in, " A n u is judge," 2 , 1, 379. anu-ub-lam, "A has brought 4; 7 Rev. I , 4. Cf. den-lil- me," 2, 1 , 8. Cf. !ii?z-216-lam, di-in, and d?ama?-di-in, LC. VS VI I I I , 8 ; 2-li-zlb-la~iz, BB.

~~ ~- ~~~~~ - p~~ - -

I On these three Sumerian names, cf. p. (07.


j80. anu-ub-ha-lam, "A has brought me," 2, 1, 9.

381. anu-ba-bil, "A brings," 2, I, 10. 382. anu-mil-ba-bil. "A brings," 2, I,

I I ; Pt. 111, 19 Obv. I . 383. aizu-mzl-tab-bil, "A t ake s

away," 2, I , 12. Also CPN; GTD 5498 Obv. 11, 29. Cf. aizll-mzc-ta-bil, I< 91084 (in C'I' 2 I , I ) ; i-li-nzu-tab-li, VS I X 37, 3 ; dSama.Y-mzc-tab-li, VS 1X 84, 5 and Case.

384. am-ie-mi, "A hears," 7 Rev. IV, 17; Pt. 1 1 1 , 19 Ohv. 2.

Cf. bsin-?e-mi, LC. 385. anu-ma-gir, "A is favorable,"

7 Rev. IV, 18; Pi. 111, 19 Obv. 3. Cf. d3amai-ma-gir, LC; "sin-ma-gi-ir, VS Vl 1 l 9, 4.

386. anu-nza-lik, "A is counsellor," (2, 1, 15); 7 Rev. IV, 19; Pi. 1 1 1 , 19 Obv. 4. Also in LC; \'s IX 144, 30.

387. anas-ma-lik-ki, "A is my coun- sellor," (2, 1 , 16); (3, I, I ) ; Pi. 111, 19 Obv. 5.

388. anu-nza-lik-izc, "A is Iris coun- sellor," (2, 1, 17): (3, 1, 2); Pi. 1 1 1 , 19 Obv. 6.

389. aizzt-e-ri-ba-am. "A has given me possession," 2, 1, 18; 3 1, 3 7 1 . 1 , 13); 9, I ; Pt. 111, 19 Obv. 7.

390, anu-e-ri-la-am, "A has helped me," 2, 1, 19; 3, I , 4; (5, 1, 1); (7 Rev. IV, 14); 9, 2. Cf. i-li-e-ri-la, VS VI I 165, 4.

391. anu-i-din-?lam, "A has given me," (2, I , 20); 5 I, 2; 7

Rev. IV, 15; 9, 3. Also in CPN; RPN.

392. anu-i-ki-?a-am, "A has pre- sented to me," (2, I, 21): 3. 1, 5; 5, 1, 3 ; 7 Rev. IV, 16; 9, 4, Also in CPN.

393. anu-du-izi, "A is my strength," (2. 1, 22); 3 , 1. 6 ; 5. 1, 4; 9. 5.

394. anu-dzl-di, "A is my pledge," (2 , 1 . 3 3, 1, 7; (4, 1); 5, 1, 5; 9, 6.

395 an"-sa-di-i, "A is my maun- tain," (2, 1 , 24); 3, 1, 8 ; (4, 2) ; 5, 1, 6; 9, 7. Cf. ?amai-iadt(-i)-2-li, LC: i-li- il-Fa-di-i, VS VI I I I 7, 2 2 ;

sippar"-iadi(-i), VS Vl I l 45>7.

396. anzc-sa-dze-ni, "A is our rnauq- tain," (2, I , 2 ) ; j, I, 9; (4, 3): 5, 1, 7; 9, 8.

397. anu-kart-(;), "A is my gran- ary," (2, I, 26); 3, 1, 10;

(4, 4); 5. 1, 8; 9 9 (Pt. I l l , 18Obv. I ) .

398. anzl-hark-ni, "A is our gran- ary," (2, 1, 27); 3, 1, I I ; (4, 5): 5, 1 , 9 ; 9, 1 0 ; (Pt. I l l , 18 Ohv. 2 ) .

399. anu-i-te-e, "A my boundary . . . . . , " (4 ,6 ) ; 8Obv . 1 1 , ~ . Cf. "iamui-i-te-e, LC; i-li- i-te-e, VS Vl I 1 106, 19 and Case: VS 1X 130, 21, etc.; i-li-i-ti-e, VS IX 180, 14.

400. anu-i-ta-iu, "A his boundary . . . . .," 8 Obv. l I, 3. Cf. i-li-i-ta-ia, AB RU.

401. anu-ellat, "A is strength," 3, I , 12; 5, 1, 10; (7 Rev. 111,


11); 8 Obv. 1 4; 9, 11; Pt. 111, 18 Obv. 3. Cf. i-li-il-la-at, TC 72 Obv. IV.

402. anzl-ellat-ti, "A is my strength," 2 I , 1); 5 I, 1 1; 7 Rev. 1 1 1 , 1 2 ; 8 Obv. 1 1 , 5; g, la; Pt. 1 1 1 , 1 8 Obv. 4. Cf. 2-li-ellai-ti, VS VI I I 34, 38; "a-mu-ellai-ti, VS I X 185, 4.

403. an?&-ellii(t)-iz~, "A is his strength," 7 Rev. 111, 13; 8Obv. 11, 6; 9, 13; Pt. I l l , 18 Obv. 5. Cf. am-s'u-ellii(f)- zu, VS VIIl 44, 14; AJSL zg. p 152, No. 748; i-li-iu- ellii(t)-zu, AJSL 30, p. 70, No. 828.

404. anu-rfd, "A is a shepherd," (2, I 3); 8 Obv. I l l , 8 ; 9, 14; Pt. 1 1 1 , 1 8 Obv. 6. Also in IWN; VS Vl l l 41, 16; In. 1 1 4618.

405. anu-ri-nze-ni, "A is merciful," (2, I , 4 8 Obv. 1 1 1 , 9; 9, 15; Pt. 111, 18 Obv. 7.

406. anu-riqu-i-Fu, "A is his help- er" (var. [anu-ri-]-lu-i~&. 9, 16); 8 Obv. 111, 10. Cf. adadi-ri-~u-u-a, ADD.

407. am-nzt-ri, "A is my light," (2, 11, 5 ) ; LO, I. Cf. d3amaf-nu-ri, VS V1 I I 57, 5.

408 anu-dur-ri, "A is my fortress," 2 I 6 ; lo, 2.

409. anu-nrl-uh-ii, "A is my abun- dance," 2, 11, 7; 10, 3.

410. anzh-"anzli(-fi), "A is my sun," 2 , 1 I , 8; 10, 4. Cf. ddun- pi-Fa-ar~z-Ii, In. 1 1 728.

41 I . anu-lip-ii, "A is my skill," (2 ,

Q ) ; (7 l e v I , I ) ; 10, 5. Cf. li-ip-ti-"MAR-TU, VS X l l l 18 Rev. 9 (=18a Rev. I I ) .

412. anu-tu-kul-ti, "A is my assist- ance," (2 , 1 1 , 10); (7 Rev. I , 1 5 1 6 Cf. i-12-lu- kul-ti, LC; FSClA 33, pl. 47, No. 30, 17.

41 3. anu-ha-ai-ti, "A is my power," 2 I , I ) (7 Rev. 1 1 , 16); lo, 7. Cf. No. 348.

414. a~zu-ba-la-ti, "A is my lire," 2 I , 2 (10, 8).

415. anu-la-mu-li, "A is my guar- d i a n ' 2 I 3 10, 9.

416. anzb-im-di, "A is my support," 2 I , I ; (7 Rev. I l l , 16); 8 Obv. 1 1 , 9; (9, lo).' Cf. i-li-im-di, IWN (fern.); VS V I I 5 1 d?~a-lza-a-im-ili, VS IX 201, 6.

417. anu-li-im-di,"Amy bond. . . ." (var. [a?zu-ii-inz-ill; lo, lz), 2, 11, 15; (7 Rev. I l l , 17); 8 Obv. 1 I, 10. CF. a-bi-?i- i d 103412 Col. IV, I 5 (in CT 32, I I ) .

418. anu-PIC-me-di, "A is my dwcll- ing," 2, 11, 16; (7 Rev. I I I, 14); 8 Obv. I 7; lo, 13.

419. anu-ne-me-ki, "A is my wis- dom," (2, 11, I ) (7 Rev. I , I ) 8 Obv. 11, 8; lo, 14.

420. anu-da-mi-ik, "A is merciful," (2, 1 1 , 18); 8 Obv. I l l , 2; 10, 1 5 Also LBD I 10, 4, 5; RPN.

' T e n t g, 11. 10-1 I, has two lines dcrtroyed, where oiiirl texts have only nnu-itit-di


42 I . anu-nu-da-mi-ik, "A makes favorable," (2, 11, 19); 8 Obv. 111, 3; lo, 16.

422. anu-ga-mil, "A is gracious," 2, 11, 20; (5, 11, I ) ; 8 Obv. I , 4; lo, 17. Also LAD 94, 11, I ; IIPN.

423. anu-mzh-ga-mil, "Amakessafe," 2, 11, 21; 3, 1 1 , 1; 5 , l l , 2 ; 8 Obv. 111, j ; lo, 18.

424. anu-Fa-lim, "A is well dis- posed," 8 Obv. 1 1 I , 6. Also in RPN.

4 2 5 anu-mu-ia-lim, "A preserves," 8 Obv. 111, 7. Also RPN; VS V l l l 4, 32.

426. anu-fa-nzu-z~h, "A is abun- dant," 2, 11, 22; 3, I I , 2 ; j, I , 3; I I Cf. %in-fa- mu-zlh, LC; ia-mu-uh-'sin, and fa-mu-uh-itti-asin, LC.

427. anu-mu-ia-nzu-uh, "A makes prosperous," 2, 11, 23: 3, 11, 3: 5, 1 1 , 4.

428. anu-if-mu, 2, 11, 24; 3, 11, 4; 5. 11, 5; (8 Obv. l l , 17).

429. anu-it-mu-mu, 2, 1 1 , 25; 3, II, 5; 5 , 1 1 , 6 ; (8 Obv. 1 1 , 18).

430. anu-ii-me-a-ni, "A has heard me," (2, 11, 26); 3, 11, 6; 5 , 1 , 7; 7 Rev. IV, 2; 8 Obv. 1 1 , 13; I't. 1, 47 Obv. 3. Cf. 'sin-ii-me-a-an-ni, VS V I I 5 I . I 5 ; i-li-ii-me-a-alz- ni, B B .

43 I . anu-ii-ma-ni, "A has heard me" (var. anu-ii-ma-nu, 8 Obv. 1 1 , 14; anu-if-me-ni, Pt. 1, 47 Obv. 4). (2. 11, 27) ; 3 , I , 7; 5 , l l , 8 ; 7 Rev. IV,

3. Cf. i-li-if-me-ni, In. I 1 2899; dsin-i?-nze-ni, VS VI I I 15, 24; Ix 39, 2.

$32. anu-ii-ii-gal, "A has decided?' (var. anu-ii-ti-pal, 2, l I, 28), 5. 11,9; 7 Rev. IV, 4; 8 Obv. 11, 1 5 ; Pt. 1, 47 Obv. j. Cf. i-li-if-ti-ka-al. VS Vl 1 l 17, 19; i-li-ii-da-gal, In. I 1416; a m - m i - f - a k a LC; i-li-ii-ti-kal, LC.

433. anu-ii-ta-mar, "A is watchful," 2, 11, 29; 5, 1 1 , 10; 7 Rev. IV, 5; 8 Obv. 1 1 , 16; 1 3 . I , 47 Obv. 6.

434. am-la-ni-in, "A is provider," 5 1 I ) ; 7 Rev. 1 1 , 11.

33 5. a77.u-la-ni-in-ni, "A is my pro- vider," 7 Rev, 1 1 , 12. Cf. i-li-la-ni-ni, VS VII 3, 3.

436. anu-fa-xi-in-iu, "A is his pro- vider," (2, 111, I ) ; 7 Rev. 11, 13.

437. anu-li-bur-ra, "May A be strong!" 2, I l l , 2.

438. awn-li-bur-ra-am, "May A be film for me!" 2, I l l , 3.

439. anzl-tab-ba-e,' "A is my com- panion," 2, I l l , 4. Cf. fab- ba-e, VS IX 12, 4; tab- bu-urn, VS IX 40, 27; i-li- tab-ba, In. 1 1 , 4513; 4699; i-li-tab-ha-e, VS VI I I 52, 3 3 ; i-li-tab-hi-e, LC; VS IX 50, 6; 58, I I , etc.

440. anu-lab-ba-Tu, "A is his com- panion," 2, 111, 5 . Cf. "amai-tab-ba-fz~, LC.

441. anu-iab-ba-we-di, "A is the only companion,"' 2, 1 1 1 , 6.


Cf. i-li-we-di-ma, LC; BB; dsin-a-Fi-we-di, VS VI I i 34, 17; fa-pa-we-di-im, VS VI I 171, 10; tub-ha-we-di-im, VS VI I I 74, 5 ; tap-pi-we-di, BB.

442. anu-lu-da-ri, "A is truly eter- nal,"' 2, 111, 7; (6, 11, 2) .

CI. a-bi-lu-da-ri, LC; bc-li- lu-da-ri, 92565. 5 (in CT 33. 33).

443. anu-lu-ui-da-an-ni, "May A increase to me!" 2, I l l , 8 ; 6 I 3 ) Cf. Nos. 1072, I 168.

444. anu-da-a-a-an, " A is judge," 2, I l l , 9.

445. anzt-ta-a-a-ar, "A is compas- sionate," 2, I l l , 10. Cf. diamaY-ta-ia-ar, LC.

446. anu-kar-ra-du, "A the power- f u l . . .. .," (2, I l l , I I ) ; Dupl. CBS 12659. Cf. 'Yamai- kar-ra-ad, AJSL 29, p. 162, No. 2456.

447. anu-ha-zi-ir, "A is protector," 2, 111, 12; Dupl. CBS 12659. Cf. diamai-ha-li-ir, -ha-sir, LC; i-li-ha-zi-ri, B B.

448. anu-ti-nz~-&-a, "A is my pro- vider," 2, I l l , 13; 8 Rev. 111, 1 1 .

449. a?zwzi-nu-&-Xu, "A is his pro- vider," 2, 111, 14; 8 Rev. 111, 12. Cf. sin-zi-nzc-iu, LC.

450. anu-wa-kar, "A is precious," 2, 1 1 1 , 15. Cf. a-ha-ti-wa- ak-ra-at, BB; a-bi-ia-kar, Bu. 89. 4. 26, 162 (in BC).

45 I . anu-wa-far, "A is superabun- dant," 2, l l I , 16. Cf. i-li- a-tar, VS Vl l l I 4, 44; ia-2a- rztm, 81070, 1 2 (in C T 33, 45); ia-la-ra-fim, B B.

452. anu-wa-rum, 2, 1 11, I 7. 453. anu-gal- . . . . . . , 2, I l l , 18. 454. a?zzi-d?i+z, "A is powerful," 2,

111, 19; 6, I, 9; 7 Rev. I f , I ; (8 Obv. I , 3 ) .

45 5. anzi-i~-diin,~ "His god is power- ful" (var. anu-iu-dun-nu, 2, 111, zo), 6, 11, lo ; 7 Rev. l l , 2; (8 Obv. 1, 4).

456. a~zz4-iu-?za-da, "His god is ex- alted," 2, 1 1 1, 21."

qj7 anu-li-i-li, "Aisnly protector," 2, 111, 22.

458. awu-iu-zi-i-li, "His god is m y protector" 2, 1 1 I, 23.

459. a m - . . ?-. . . . . . . I 2, 1 l I, 24. 460, anu-kal-. . . . . , 2, I l l , 25, 461. am-nu-wi-ir, "A shines," 2.

I l l , 26; 8 O b v . l l , 11; I't. I , 47 Obv. I .

462. anu-mu-nu-wi-ir, "A makes brilliant," 2, 1 11, 27; 8 Obv. I , 1 2 Pt . 1, 47 Obv. 2.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473. anu-IGI, (6, 1, I ) ; 7 Rev. 1, 8. 474. anu-iu-IGI, (6, I, 2); 7 Rev.

1, 9. 475. am-bltum, 6, 1, 3 . 476. anu-iu-bltum, 6, 1, 4; (7 Rev.

I, I 1). 477. anu-si-li, "A is m y protector,"

6, 1, 5; 7 Rev. 1, 12. Cf. 2 - 1 - - 1 103398, 1 I , 9 (in C T 32, 19).

I Cf. Pt. I , p. j a f. Cf. Introduction, p. I 10.

We should have expected anu-no-do before this name


4 7 8 anu-Xu-~i-li, "llis god is my pro- tection," 6, I , 6 ; 7 Rev. 1 , 13.

479. am-nu-ka-xu(?), 6, 1, 7 ; 7 Rev. 1, 14.

480. anu-iu-nu-ha-si(Z), 6, 1 , 8, 7 Rev. I , 15.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491. a~zzc-sukkallum, "A is super-

visor," 7 Rev. 11, 3; (8 Obv. 1 , 5). Also In. IV 7450; etc.

492. anu-l8b, "A is good," 7 Rev. I 4 ; (8 Obv. I , 6 ) .

493. anu-!d-bzwum, "A is good," 8 Obv. 1 , 7.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504. aria-ma-an-si, "A has given,"

8 Obv. 1 1 1 , 13 . Also LA11 96, 8 ; LBD.'

505. ana-ma-an-ba,"A has divided," 8 Obv. 1 1 1, 14. Cf . dnanna- ma-ba, T R U .

506. ana-da-nu-me-a, "There is no one like A," 8 Rev. I l l , 15 . Also LAD 92, 19. Cf. nin-mu-da-nu-me-a, D P 157, I l l .

507. anu-ie-me-a, "A, listen to me!" 8 liev. 1 1 l ,16. Cf. arm-ic-me, IiPN ildn-ie-me-a, K 9 I 082, 8 (in C T 21, 17); VS VI l l 60, 19 ; LC.

. . . 508. anu-la-i-da, "A a hunter. ," 8 Rev. I l l , 17.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 19. diamaS-ba-ni, "Sha~nash is cre-

ator," 8 Obv. 1 1 I . 18. 520. d.Tamai-na-da, "Sh is exalted,"

8 Obv. I l l , 19. Also CBS 3494; CPN.

52 I . dSanzai-?~a-[kid], "Sh is a shep- herd," 8 Obv. l 11, 20.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532. "iamai-ii-la-mar, "Sh is watch-

ful," 1 5 . 1, I

533. %zn~a;-ii-mu, 15, 1 , 2. 534. diamai-ii-nzu-mu, 15, 1, 3. 535. dian~a?-r2'zi, "Sh is a shepherd,"

15. 1, 4. Also in R P N ; LC. 536. Tamai-ri-me-ni, "Sh is merci-

ful," 15, 1, 5. Cf. diamai- ri-nza-an-ni, VS VI I 92, 17.

537. ['iamui-ril-ru-zi-a, "Sh is my helper," 1 5 , 1, 6.

538. ["amai-rii-ru]-zi-Su, "Sh is his helper," I 5 , 1, 7.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549. "iamai-ga-mi1,"Sh is gracious,"

I 11, 3); 2 , 1. Also in RPN; LC; V S V I I , I 5 ,3.4.

550. dianza?-nzu-ga-mil, "Sh makes safe," 19, I I , 4 ; 24, 2 .

55 I . "ianzai-?a-lim, "Sh is well dis- posed," 19, 1 1 , 5; 24, 3.

552. diama?-mu-?a-lim, "Sh pre- serves," 24, 4.

553. Ya?na?-7;-nu-zi-a, "Sh is my provider," 24, 5.

554. "a~nai-li-nu-zi-Xu, "Sh is his provider, 24, 6.

5 5 5 . "?an~a?-zua-kar, " S b is pre- cious," 24, 7.

556. "anzai-wa-lar, "Sh is super- abundant," 24, 8.

557. d?amai-wa-rzim, 24, 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

568. "ell-lil-ba-ni, "Enlil is creator," 24, I I . Alsoin LAD; I IPN.

569. %n-111-na-da, " E is exalted," 24, 12. Alsoin L.AI1; I.BD.

'On thcre three Suinerian names, cf. p. 107.


5jo. den-lil-na-[kid], "E is a shep- 617. den-li!-ii-fi-gal, " E has de- herd," 24, 13. cided?' 8 Rev. I, 6 ; 19,

571. "en-lil-be-lz~m, "E is lord," 24, IV, 2. 14. 618. den-lil-i-la-mar, "E is watch-

572. den-lil-ilz~nz, " E is god," 24, 15. ful," 8 Rev. I . 7; 19, IV, 3. Also in LAD; LI3Il. 619. den-lil-iS-mz~, 8 Rev. 1 , 8 ; 19,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV, 4. 583. *en-121-la-ma-~i, " E is my guar- 620. den-lil-iS-nzz~-mu, 8 Rev. I , 9 ;

dian," 22, 1, I . 19, l v , 5. 5 8 4 "o-lil-irn-di, " E is my sup- 621. ue~z-!i!-ellat, "E is strength,"

port," 22, 1 , 2. Cf. im-di- 19, IV, 6. "en-lil, VS IX 165, 3. 622. [%en-lilj-ellat-ti, "E is m y

585. "en-121-7i-im-ti, " E my bond strength," 19, IV, 7. 3 ,

. . . . ., 22, 1, 3. 623. [den-lil-ellb(t)]-~u, "E is his 586. den-!il-ne-me-di, "E is my dwell- strength," 19, IV, 8.

ing," 22, 1 , 4.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587. de~z-lil-7a-ni-in, "Eis provider," 629. *?tin-lil-kart(-i), "Ninlil is my

22, 1, 5. granary," Pt . I l l , 60, 5. 588. den-!i!-fa-ni-7zi, "E is my pro- 630. dnin-lil-karC-ni, "N is our gran-

vider," 22, 1 , 6. ary," Pt . I 1 I, 6, 6. 589. %en-lil-la-ni-in-iu, "E is his 63 I . dnin-lil-lip-fi, "N is my skill,"

provider," 22, 1 , 7. Also in Pt . 1 1 1 , 60, 7. LAD. 632. dnin-Iil-fu-kul-fi, "N is my

590. %n-lil-e-ri-ha-anz, " E has given assistance," Pt . I I I , Go, 8. me possession," 22, 1 , 8. 633. dnin-lil-ba-a3-ti, "N is my

591. den-liGe-ri-la-am, " E has helped power," 29, 1, 3, Pt . 1 1 1 , me," 22, 1, 9. 60, 0.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634. "nin-iil-ba-la-fi, "N is my life," 602. den-!iGfab-ba-ze;e-di, " E is the 2 9 , 1 , 4 , P t . l 1 1 , 6 o , 10.

only companion," 19, 1 1 1 , 4. 635. dnin-lil-la-nza-~i, "N is my 603. den-lil-i-[le-e], " E my bound- guardian," Pt . 1 1 1 , 60, I I .

a ry . . . . .," 19, 111, 5 . 636. dnin-lil-"u-. . . . . . , 29, 1, 5. 604. "e~z-lil-i-[la-LJ, "E his bound- 637. unin-!i!-rE['l'lnl. "N is a shep-

a r y . . . . .," 19, 1 1 1 , 6. herde\s," 29, 1, 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 638. dnin-lil-ri-[me-ni], "N is merci-

615. den-lil-i?-nze-[a-~zi], "E has ful," 29, I , 7. heard me," 8 Rev. 1, 4. 639. dnin-!il-ri-[nza-?za], "N, b e

616. den-lil-iF-ma-na, "E has heard merciful t o me!", 29, 1, 8. me," 8 Rev. 1, 5 ; 19, IV, 640. anin-lil-ellat, "N is strength," I . 29, 1, 9.

'Af ter na-me-di, we should have expected ne-me-ki.


. . . 641. %in-lil-ellaf-[ti], "N is m y 699. 2-a-Xu-z!b-. ., 16, 1 1 , 4. strength," 29, I, lo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710. 2-a-i?-la-mar, "E is watchful," 652. %in-li2-ii-mz~, 29, 1 1 , 2. I 1; 1 5 , I , I .

653. 'nin-lil-ni-Xi, "N is my god," 711. &a-iF-mu, 1 1 , 2; 1 5 , 1 , 2. 29, 1 1 , 3. 712. ba-i.Y-ni7r-mu, I I , j; I 5 , I , 3.

654. *ni?z-lil-k~-~u-uG-[.t~i]-ii, "N is 713. i-u-da-a-u-an, " E is judge," I I , the abundance of the peo- 4. ple," 29, 1 1 , 4. Cf. dA-A-kz~- 7 1 4 &a-ta-a-a-ar, "E is compas- 3%-ub-ma-lim, CBS I 270. sionate," 11, 5 . Also in

LBI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665. 2-a-ilum, "Ea is god," 13, I . 715. $-a-la-?ti-in, "E is provider,"

C f a - I , T ; TRU. 11, 6. 666. 2-a-be-lum, "E is lord," 13, 2. 716. 2-a-la-ni-ni, " E is my pro- 667. $-a-?a-ru-[urn?], " E is king," vider," 1 I , 7.

132 3. 717. 8-a-la-ni-in-[s'u], "E is his pro- 668. 2-a-Fa-ar-[ru-um?], "E is king," vider," I I , 8.

13, 4. 718. &a-72'4, "E is a shepherd," 669. $-a-nu-[da?], "E is exalted," 9 ; 15. 1 , 4 .

13, 5 . 719. 2-a-ri-me-ni, "E, be merciful t o me!" 11, 10; 15, I, 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

680. 2-a-kari(-i), ' 'E is my granary," 720. [e?-a-r]i-?z~-Zi-a, I j, I, 6. 16, I, I . 721. 2-a-ri-?z~-?a, "E is her helper,"

681. 2-a-karfi-ni, "E is our granary," I I , I I . (Var. [%-a-ri-flu-&- 16, 1, 2. Xu. 15, 1, 7.)

682. &a-~i-li, "E is my protection," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 1, 3. 731. [iF-tdrl-. . . . .-Fu, 20, I l l , I .

683. 2-a-$u/fi/i(-li), " E is my pro- 732. [ii-tiir]-a-turn, 20, 1 1 1 , 2.

tection," 16, 1, 4. 733. [ii-tbrl-ni-iu, "Ishtar is I:I!.

684. 2-a-. . . . .-Fa-i, 16, I , 5. oath," 20, 111, 3. 68 j . 2-~-[7a-ni?]-in, "E is provid- 734. [ii-tdrj-wu-ri, "lshtar is my

er," 16, 1, 6. light," 20, 1 1 1, 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735. ir-tar-dzcr-ri, " I is my fortress,"

696. 8-a-mu-. . . . . . , I 6, I 1 , I . 20, I l l , 5. 697. &a-pa-a- . . . , I 6, I I, 2 . 736. if-tar-nu-uh-Xi, "I is my abun- 698. 2-a-tz~-k[ul-ti], " E is niy assist- dance," 20, I l l , 6 .

ance," 16, 11, 3. Also in 737. 2;-tdr-"am?i(-ii), "I is my LA11 24, 1 1 , 5 ; LBI) 32, 17. sun," 20, 111, 7. Also RPN. Cf. dlM-tu-ku-ul-ti, VS IX 738. ii-fir-kart(-i), "I is my gran- 92, 3- ary," 20, l l l , 8.

. ~p~ - ~ - ' Afrri 654 follow Sumerian names, which are given in PI. I l l , Nos. ~ g o - 9 1 .


739. ti'-tar-karzi-ni, " I is our gran- ary," 20, 1 1 1, 9.

740. i?-tdr-e-ti-;?I-ti, " I is an ar- tisan?' 20, 111, lo. Cf. No. 109.

741. $1-tdr-i-id-ni-ti?, 20, l l I , I I . 742. iY-tdr-tu-kul-ti, " I is my assist-

ance," 20, I I I , 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

753. dlM-ellat, "1A.I is strength," 21, 11, 2.

754. "IM-ellat-ti, " I is my strength," 21, 11, 3.

755. d I M - e l l B ( t ) - l z c . " I i s h i s strength," 21, 11, 4. Also LAD 45, 1 1 , 24; RPN (Ramman-) .

756. dlM-?e-mi, " I hears," 2 1 , 11, 5. Also in CPN. Cf. sin-Ye- me-e, CHS 1243.

757. "IM-ma-l ik , " I is counsellor," 21, 11, 6.

7j8. VIM-ma-lilz-ki, "I is my coun- sellor." 21. I I. .i. , , ,

7j9. V~l l -ma- l i k - i u , " I is his coun- sellor," 21, l I, 8.

760. ["MI-ya-mi-il, " I is gracious," 21, 11, 9.

761. ["MI-mu-ga-mi-il, " I ~ilakes safe," 21, 11, 10.

762. [dIM-i-te]-e, 21, 11, I I .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763. %ill-ma-[girl, "Silz is favor-

able," Pt . 1, 22 Obv. 2.

764. dii~z-ma-[l ik] , "S is counsellor," I't. 1, 22 Ohv. 3.

765. 5~71-nza-lik-[ki], "S is my coun- sellor," Pt. I, 22 Obv. 4.

766. dsin-ma-lik-izl, "S is his coun- sellor," I't. 1 , 22 Obv. 5.

7 6 7 dsin-da-nzi-ik, "S is merciful," I't. I , 22 Obv. 6.

768. 5i1z-mz~-da-nzi-ik, "S makes favorable," Pt. I, 22 Obv. 7. Cf. Qiiz-i71zf-danz-mi-ik, BE XIV 1 1 j, 8.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

795. d ~ z i n - i n - xiki - na - 1 ~ - mu- [z~r?] , ",May I see Nin-insilza!" 22,

V, I. 796, 51in-ilz-sit'-?fa-ur-mzl,L 22, V, 2.

797. d n [ i n zit iL ' ] - l za- . . . -mn , 22, V , 3. 798. %~i~z-gS?-ri-me-it, "Nin-esb? is

beloved," 22, V, 4. 799. d~~ i~ -&[S - r i -?a -a] t (1). 22, V, 5. 800. "i'ara2-ha-ni(?), "Shara is cre-

atress." 22, V, 6. 801. "iara-ba-ai'-li, "Shismy power,"

22, V, 7. 802. dYara-ba-la-ti, "Sh is my life,"

22, V, 8. 803. d3ara-la-ma-[li], "Sh is my guar-

dian," 22, V, 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

814. 'd?~l-li-an-?za-dn~n-ki, "Shni i - anna is my favor," 22, VI, I .

Cf. dnzarduk-d~inj-ki, CBS 419.

81 5. dln?-z~m-mi. "Za? is m y rnoth- er," 22, V, 2.:'

. . . . . 816. " a ? - , 22, V, 2-8. 81 j . dla?-kz~-zz~-z~b-ni-.Yi, " Z is the

abundance of the people," 22, V, 9.

' Surneriani L'r-fiiu=my abundance. Written: dLACALl+I<;I-CUNU. Cf. Pr. 1, p. 70, note 4.

3Thc name is written <VIDAKA, bu t this appears to be glussfd ;N. Urifortunately the text is destroyed.


818. "?a?-ra-bi, "Z is great," 22, V, 855. dni?z-ama?-a{ag-ga-~?a-iir, "N is 10. protectress," 23 Obv. 8.

819. dza?-hal?-lik?, 22, V, I I . 856. 'TAR-ba-ni, "Tar is creator," 820. d[la?]-ri-. . . . , 22, V, 12. 23 Obv. 9.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857. "TAR-na-da, "7 is exalted," 830, d ~ S - b a - n i , "Ush is creator," 2 23 Obv. lo.

Obv. 2. 858. d7',4R-lza-sir, "7' is protector," 831. "3-na-da, "U is exalted," 2 23 Obv. I I .

Obv. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832. %~ra.?-be?-li, " t irash is my 869. "i-iilim-ha-ni, "Cu-silinz is

lord," 2 Obv. 4. creator," I't. I , 1 9 Obv. I . 833. dirrai-na-d[a], "ti is exalted," 870. "d-silim-nu-da. "(; is exalted,"

2 Obv. 5 . Also in VS V11, I't. 1 , 1 9 Obv. 2. 25, 3; 154, 21. 871. "&-silinz-nu-kid, "G is a shep-

834. 6?~u-mu.Y-da-ba-?zi, "Nflmusbda herd," Pt. I , 19 Obv. j. is creator," 2 Obv. 6. 872. %in-mart'-na-sir, "A'in-marki

835. d~zzd-mui-da-na-da, "N is ex- is protectress," Pt. I , 19 alted," z Ohv. 7. Obv. 4.

836. dCU-BA-I~IL-um-nzi, "(;ubalil 873. dnin-mar"-um-mi, "h' is my is my mother," 2 Obv. 8. mother," IJt. 1 , 1 9 Obv. 5.

837. *ainan-ilzlm, "Ashnnn is god," C f . dnin-mar"-ama, RTllh 2 Obv. 9. 1 5 0 , VII, 6; In. 1 1 618.

874. dCI-NIL-ba-?zi,"'Gibil is cre- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848. dCI?-BIl~?-ba-ni, "Gibil? is crr- ator," Pt. I , 19 Obv. 6.

ator," 23 Obv. I. ' 875. dGI-BIL-na-da, "G is exalted," 849. dGI?-BIL?-na-da, "G is ex- Pt. I, 19 Obv. 7.

alted," 23 Obv. 2. 876. dni~~-Sar-na-kid, "Nin-iar is a 850. %'I?-BIL?-?za-kid, "G is a shep- shepherdess," I't. I, 19Obv.8.

herd," 23 Obv. 3. 877. d~zin-.?ar-na-$ir, " N is protect- 85 I . dGl?-BIL?-~~a-~ ir , ' is pro- ress," Pt. I , 1 9 Obv. 9.

tector," 23 Obv. 4. 878. diu-~i-o~~-na-ilz~nz, "Shnlianna 852. *nin-amai- a ? a g - g a - [ b ~ - n i ! ] , ~ is god," Pt. 1, 19 Obv. lo.

"Nin-amash-alagga is cre- 879. diz~-?i-ar~-na-be-l lulz , "Sb is atress," 23 9bv . 5. lord," P t . 1 , 19 Obv. I I .

853. d~iin-ama.?-a~ag-ga-~~a-da, "N is 880. d~u-nz6-n?6-ba-ni, "%amanla is exalted," z Ohv. 6. 2 creator," I't. 1 , 19 Obv. 12.

854. dnin-amai-alag-ga-[na]-kid, "N 881. "a-nzd-mii-nu-da, "Z is ex- is a shephenless," 23 Obv. 7. alted," Pt. 1, 1 9 Obv. 13.

. ~p ~ .

1 lleirored from the pupil's copy on the oppoiile colunln. 20rnitted by t h e scribe. SWrit ten: d U I L - C I .


882. dfa-rnh-mh-ilz~m, "Z is god," 1)t. I , 1 9 Obv. 14.

883. u~a-rnd-~nd-be-lum, "Z is lord," I'r. I, 19 Obv. 1 5 .

884. dNE-(;UN-ba-ni, "Neg~lniscre- atress," Pt . I , 19 Obv. 16.

885. dNE-(;L'N-z~rn-mi, "N is my mother," I't. 1 , 19 Obv. 17.

886. dNE-GUN- . . , Pt . 1 , 19 Obv. 18.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897. 8-kur-[irn-di], "Ekz~r is my sup-

port," 17, I . 898. 2-kur-zi-im-di, " E my bond

>, . . . . ., 17, 2. 899. 2-ktrr-1ze-me-[di]. "Eismy dwell-

ing," I 7, 3. goo. 3-kur-ne-me-[ki], "E is my wis-

dom," 17, 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

910. a-ba-u, jj, 11, I . Cf. ab-ha-a, HPN and Pal., Pllen. N2N.l

91 1. a-ba-a-a, jj, 11, 2. Also in LAD 94, 1, 1 1. Cf. a-ba-ia, AJSL 29, p. 164, No. 2487.

912. a-ba-ba, 33, 11, 3. Also in T C lo Obv. I l l . Cf. ab-ba-ba, In. 11, 4683; KA lo, pl. 11, No. 3 C O . 1 I; ha-ba-ba, A D D 197; ahi-ia-ha-ba, ADD 468. Also Pal. 2%; Saf 123N.

913. a-ba-ak-nu-urn, 33, 11, 4. 914. a-ba-ak-nu-nu-um, 33, 11, 5 . 91 5. a-ba-nu-unz, 33, 11, 6. Also

H I'N (seals). Cf. ha-ba-ni, AIIU 197. Also Pal. N U N ; Pilen. 123N.

916. a-ba-da, 33, 1 1 , 7. Cf. a-ba-di, DP 121, X ; Nic. AlsoBi . N52y;Saf.. Pal., Phen. N721);

2 .

Saf. m y ; Pberz. n73it3'13y. 917. a-ba-ak-721-urn, 33, l l . 8. Cf.

Saf., SC Y.l>N; Si 1YXIN. 918. a-bn-hu-rc~-u?iz, 33, 1 1 , 9. Cf.

ha-ba-!,i~-rz~, A D D 329. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

929. . . . . . . . .-ni, 25, I, 2. 930. . . . . . . .?-ni, 25, 1, j . 93 I . . . . . . . . . -wa-ltar, 25, I , 4. 932. . . . . . . . . -wa-pm, 25, 1 , 5. 933. . . . . . . . . -wa-tar, 2 j , 1 , 6. 934. . . . . . . -a-kildi, 2 j. 1 , 7. 935. . . . . . .-hi-ki, 25. 1 , 8. 6 . . . . -am-da-la, 25, 1, g. 937. . . . . . -7"-urn, 2 j , I , lo. 938. . . , -Ytz?-rz~-um, 25, I, I I .

939. . . . .-r1L-l1W1, 25, 1 , 12. 940. . . . . . . . . . -i-a, 2 j. I , I 3. 941. . . . . . . . . .-i-a, 25, 1, 14. 942. . . . . . . . . .-;-a, 25, 1, I 5. 943. . . . . . . . -&-urn, 25, 1 , 16. 944. . . . . . . . . .-turn, 25, 1 , 17. 945. . . . . . -a-um, 25, 1, 18. 946. . . . . . - . . ?-tuin, 25, I, 19. 947. . . . . . . .-kurn, 25, I, 20.

948. . . . . . . . -kzmnz?, 25, 1 , 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

959. a-ad-. . . , 25, 11, 2.

960. a-ad-th-bz~-unz~, "Adda is good," 25, 11, 3.

961. a-ad-da-nu-ri, " A is my light," 25, l 1, 4. Cf. a-ad-da-turn, CBS 1135.

962. a-ad-da-dur-ri, "A is my for- tress," 25, 1 1 , 5.


1 Section ~to-(8 is compounded of Amoritic names, and these have accordingly been included in the Glossary on p. 148 ff.

Far o-ad-do-id-bil-zrin. (Scribal error.)


963. a-ad-da-nu-uh-s'i, "A is my $0. a-ad-da-tab-ba-iu, "A is his abundance," 25, l I , 6. companion," 25, 11, 23.

964. a-ad-da-diams't(-ii), "A is my 981. a-ad-da-tab-ba-we-di, "Ais the sun," 25, 11, 7. only companion," 25, l l , 2 4 .

965 a-ad-da-la-qzi-in, "A is pro- 982. a-ad-da-i-te-e, "A my bound- vider," 25, 1 1 , 8. ary . . . . .," 25, 1 1 . 25.

966. a-ad-do-[a-ni-in-t~i, " A is my . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . provider," 25, 11, 9. 987. - a t , 32, 1 . I

967. a-ad-da-la-ni-in-?r&, "A is his 988. . . . . . . - m z ~ , 3 2 , I , 2 ; 34, I , I . provider," 25, 11, lo. 989. . . . .-?a?-mzl, 32, 1 , 3; 34, 1,z.

968. a-ad-da-li-bur, "hlay A be 990. . .-la-am, 32, 1, 4 ; 34, I , j. strong!" 25, 1 1 , 11. 991. . .?-a-la-at, 32, 1 , 5 ; 34, I , 4.?

969. a-ad-da-li-bur-m.' "!blay A be 992. . .?-la-gi-a, 32, I , 6 ; 34, 1, 5." firm for me!" 25, 11, 12. 993. . . . - d a , j 2 , I , 7 ; 34, I , 6.

970. a-ad -da -du -n i , "A is m y 994. . .-da?-ga, 34. 1 , j ; (var . . . . -

strength," 25, 11, 13. LAL, jz, I , 8). 971. a-ad-da-du-d i , "A is m y 995. . -den-lil, 32, l ,9: (34.1.8).

pledge," 25, 11, 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972. a-ad-da-sa-di-i, "A is my moun- 1002. a-ba-ri- i '~-at ,~ j I , I I , I .

tain," 25, 11, 15. I O O ~ . a-ha-ti-Far-ra-at, "Aliuli ('my 973. a-ad-da-sa-du-ni, "A is our sister') is queen," 30, I ; j I ,

mountain," z j , 11, 16. 11, 3.j 974 a-ad-da-kart(-i), "A is my gran- 1004. a-ba-ti-far-ha-at. "A is power-

arp," 25. 11, 17. ful," jo, 2; 3 1 , 11, 2 .

975. a-ad-da-karzi-qzi, "A is our 1005. a-ha-ti-du-mil-11k-?zi-ii, "A is granary," 25, 11, 18. the favor of the people,"

976. a-ad-da-ellat, "A is strength," 30, 4; 31 , 11, 4.'' Cf. dzl- 25. 11, 19. mu-uk-if-tdr, VS I X I 76, 7;

977. a-ad-da-el laf- t i , "A is my ma-ad-du-mu-lck-ili, A B R U ; strength," 25, 11, 20. du-mu-uk-hgltim, C B S 1288;

978. a-ad-du-ellii(t)-a?-?z&, "A is his ztmnzz&-dzl-mzl-zik-bi-el-ti, strength," 25, I I , 21 CBS 77.

979. a-ad-do-tab-ba-e, "A is my com- 1006. a-ha-ti-e, "My A," j 4 , I I , I.' panion," z j , 1 1 , 22 . Cf.a-ha-ti,Nii.1Obv.V111,3.

- - ~- -- -- ~-

I Wr i t t en : tz-a~i-~/~z-l i-S.4-r<>. ( S c r ~ b ~ l error.) This name may he complete.

3 Written: ju?-da-a. (Scribal error.) ' For a-ba-ti-ri-?a-at. (Scribal error.)

Kote that the order of this and t h r following name is inverted. Last sign omitted by the scribe.

'Omitted i n all other texts.


1007. a-ha-ti-ku-~ZL-ub-ni<i, " A is t h e abundance of the peo- ple," 30, 4; 31 , 1 , 5 34, 11, 2 . V f . dA-A-k~-?7,~-zrb- nza-tim, RPN (fern.)

1008. a-ha-nu-fa, "We have found a brother(?)," 30,5; 31, I I , 6 ; 34, 11, 3. Also in Pt . I , No. 1008.

rooy. a-ha-mar-s'i, " I have got a brother," jo, 6; 34, 11, 4. Also in Pt . I , No. 1009; PSBA 33, pl. 45, No. 25, 14. Cf. a-ha-am-ar-Ii, 1.C; I W N ; a-ha-ar-s'i, Man. C 17, 4; D 13, 3; a-hi-mar-ii, RPN.

lolo. a-ha-nir-?i, "We have got a brother," 30, 7; 31, 11, 7; 34, 11, 5. Also in Pt. I , No. lolo; RPN (-kal-lim). Cf. a-ha-anz-ni-er-Ii, R P N ; A-A-ahanz-~zir-?i, Bu. 91, 286, V, 2 1 (in CI' G, 4).

101 I . a-hz*, "Brother," 31, 1 1 , 8. Also in I-IPN; In. I 1300; VS VI I 204, 49. Cf. a-hzl- z~nz, LC; NII

1012. a-hu-ma, 31, 11, 9 ; ( j j Obv. I ) . Also in G'TI) 5501 Rev. 11, 23; TKU; In. I 1 684.

1013. a-hu-ni, "Our brother," 30, 8 ; 31, 1 1 , 10; 34, 11, 6. Also in LAD; CI'N; RPN; HI'N; T D ; L.C, etc. Cf. a-bu-zi-ni, H F N ; In. 1V 7706, etc.

1014. a-hu-be-lu~~z, " A is lord," 31, 11, 11.

I 01 5. a-hz~-thb, " A is good," 30, L);

3 1 , 1 1 , 12); 34, 11. 7; 35 Obv. 2. Also in TRU 10,

9; T D ; Man. A 1 5 , 14, etc.

1016, a-hu-th-bu-um, "A is good," 30, 1 0 ; 31, 1 1 , 13; (32, 11, 1 ; 34. 1 , 8; 35 Obv. 3; 48, l I, 4. Cf. a-hu-z~m-DA- bu-unz, probably same as a-hzl-tli-bu, VS VI I 48, 10

and 49, 13. 1017. a-hu-ki-in, " A is true," (30,

11); 32, I , 2; 35 Obv. 4. 1018. a-hu-ki-nu-zmz. " A is true,"

32, l l , 3; 35 Ohv. 5. Also in LC: VS V l l l 1 5 , 18, etc. Cf. a-hu-urn-ki-nu-ztm, BM 97236, 16 (in CT. 33, 3%.

1019. a-hu-li-bur, "May A be strong!" 31 , 11, 14: 32, 11, 4.

1020. a-hu-li-bur-ra, "May A be firm for me!" 31, 11, 15; 32, 11, 5.

1021. a-hu-rZG, " A is a shepherd," 32, 11, 6: 38, 7.

1022. a-hu-ri-me-ni, " A be merci- ful t o me!", 32, 11, 7; 38, 8.

1023. a-hu-ri-%[a-nu], " A be merci- ful t o me!", 32, 11, 8.

1024. [a-hu-lip-ti], " A is my skill." 1025. [a-bu-tu-kul-ti], "A is my as-

sistance." 1026. [a-hu-ba-ai-ti], "A is m y

power." 1027. a-hu-ba-la-ti, " A is my life,"

guardian," 17, 3

' LVritten: Kii-ji~->ii-;i. Written: l<u-sb?-,&ti.


1067. [a-hu-ga-mil], "A is gracious." 1068. [a-hu-mu-ga-mil], "A makes

safe." 1069. a-hzc-ia-lim, "A is well dis-

posed," 38, j; 39, 2. 1070. a-hu-nu-.?a-lim, "A pre-

serves," 38, 6 ; 39, j. 1071. a-hu-lu-da-ri, "A truly is eter-

nal," 39, 4. 1072, [a-bin-lu-u?-da-an-nil, "May A

increase t o me!" 1073. [a-hu-ri-nu-il-a], "A is my

provider." 1074. [a-~ZL-:i-nu-u-?u], "A is his

provider." 1075. [a-hu-ii-me-nil, "A has heard

me." 1076. [a-h1n-i?-ma-nnl. "A has heard

me." 1077. a-~ZL-it-fa-mar, "A is watch-

ful," 38, z. 1078. a-IJU-i-ti-gal, "A has de-

cided?", 38, I . 1079. a-hzr-if-mzl, 38, 3. 1080, a-hu-ii-mu-mil, 38, 4.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1091. a-a-hu-;?-mu, 40, 2.

1092. a-a-hzc-if-mu-nzz~, 40, 3 1093. a-a-hu-nu-wi-ir, "A shines,"

40, 4. 1094. a-a-hu-mu-na-wi-[ ir] , "A

makes brilliant," 40, 5 . 1095. a-a-hu-ba-. . . . , 40, 6.

. . . 1096, a-a-hzt-nu-. , 40, 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1097. a-hzl-l~m-7a-ni-i?z-ni, "A is my provider," 41, I .

1098. a-hz~-z~m-?a-ni-i?z-??6, "A is his provider," 41, 2.


1 W r i t t e n a-hi-bu-uiil (Scribal error.) * \\'rillen: a-hi-12-bur. (Scribal error.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109. a-hi, 43, I , I .

I I lo. a-hi-ma, 43, 1, 2. I I I I . a-hi-ihcm, "A is god," 43, 1 , 3 . I I 12 . a-hi-be-lz~nz, "A is lord," 43,

I , 4. I I 13. a-hi-ti%, "A is good," 43, 1, 5. I I 14. a-Fi-ld-bl~-zcm, "A is good,"

43, 1 , 6.' I I I j. a-hi-li-bnr, " M a p A b e

strong!" 43, I , 7. I I 16. a-hi-li-bur[-ra!), "May A be

firm for me!" 43, 1 , 8.2 I I 17. a-hi-rfri, ",4 is a shepherd,"

43, 1 ) 9. I 118. a-hi-ri-[mej-ni, "A, be rnerci-

ful t o me!" 43, I , lo. I I 19. a-hi-ri-ma-nu, "A, be mcrciful

t o me!" (43, I , I I ) . I 120. a-hi-lip-ti, "A is my skill,"

Dupl. CBS 4601, 6670. I 12 I . a-hi-fu-kztl-li, "A is my assist-

ance," 32, IV, I . I 121a . a-hi-ha-a.T-ti, "A is my pow-

er," ilupl. CBS 4601. 1 1 2 2 . a-Bi-ba-lu-ti, "A is my life,"

32, IV, 2.

I 123. a-;li-la-ui~-ii, "A is my guar- dian," 32. IV, j .

1124. a-hi-nu-ri, "A is my ligllt," 32. IV, 4; 33, IV, 5.

I 125. a-hi-dz~r-ri, "Aisnly fortress," 32, IV, j: 33, IV, 6.

I 126. a-hi-nu-uh-ii, "A is my abun- dance," 32, IV, 6; 33, IV, 7; (45. 1).

I 127. ~-hi-~farn?i(-?i). "A is my sun," 32, IV, j ; 33, \V, 8; 452 2 .

-~ -~ -- -- ~~ -


I I 61. a-hi-da-mi-ik, " A is merciful," I 181. a-hi-i-din-nam, "A has given 32, V, 4. me," Dupl. CHS 4601.

I 162. a-hi-mu-da-mi-ik, "A makes r 182. a-hi-i-ki-?a-am, "A has pre- favorable," 32, V, 5. sented to me," Dupl. CBS

I 163. a-hi-ga-mil, "A is gracious," 4601. 32, v, 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I 164. a-hi-[mu-gal-mil, " A makes I 188. a-15, 52, I . safe," 32, V, 9. I 1%. a-li-ma, 52, 2.

I 165. a-hi-?a-lim, " A is well dis- I 190. a-li-ilum, " A is god," 52, 3. posed," 32, V, 6. Also in VS VII 2 , 20.

i i 66. a-hi-mu-in-Lim,"A preserves," 1191. a-12-lie-lum, "A is lord," 52, 4. 32, V, 7: (44, 11, 1). I 192. a-li-tdb, " A is good," 52, 5;

I 167. a-hi-lu-da-ri, " A truly is eter- 56, 1, 6. nal," 44, 11, 2 ; 48, IV, I . 1193. a-li-td-bu, "A is good," 52, 6;

I 168. a-hi-lu-21s'-da-an-ni, "May A 56, 1 , 7. increase to me!" 44, 11, 3; I 194. a-li-li-bur, "May A be 48, IV, 2. strong!" 52, 7; 56, 1, 8.

I 169. a-hi-7i-nu-6-a, "A is my I 195. a-li-li-bur-ra, "May A be provider," 44, 11, 4; 48, firm lor me!" 52,8; 56, I, 9. IV, 3. I 196. a-li-YE'&, "A is a shepherd,"

I I 70. a-hi-ri-nu-h-iu, "A is his pro- 56, I, 10.

vider," (34, V, 1); 44, 11, 5; 1197. a-Li-ri-me-ni, "A, be merciful 48, IV, 4. to me!" 56, 1, I I .

I 171. a-hi-ii-me-a-ni, "A has heard r 198. a-li-ri-?nu-nu, "A, be ~ e r c i f u l me," (33, IV, 2); (34, V. 2); t o me!" 56, 1. 12.l 44, 11, 6; 48, IV, 5. I 199. a-12-lip-ti, "A is my skill," 56,

I 172. a-hi-iF-ma-nu, "A has heard 1, 13. me," 44, 11, 7. Dupl. CHS 1200. a-li-tu-kul-[ti!], "A is my as- 4601. sistance," 56, 1, 14.

I 173. a-hi-ii-ti-ga1,"A has decided?' 1201. a-li-ba-ai-ti, "A is my power," 44, 11, 8. 56, 1, 15.

I I 74. a-hi-ii-la-mar, " A is watch- 1202. a-12-ba-[la-ti], "A is my life," ful," 44. 1 I . 9. 56, I, 16.

1175. a-hi-ii-mu, 44, l I, lo. 1203. a-li-la-[ma-ri], " A is my guar- I 176. adi-it-mu-mu, 44, I I , I I . dian," 56, 1, 17. 1177. a-hi- . . . , '44, 1 1 , 12. 1204. a-li-[nu-ri], " A is my light,"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 11, 1-2."

'The other lists would end with ii-mnmu. Cf. a-li. 1255.

Written: a-li-ri-ma-iiia? 'Text 56 has two empty spaces instead of three. One oi these three names must have

been omitted.


1236. a-li-im-di, " A is my support," 5 5 Rev. 6; 56, 1 1 1, 14.

1237. a-li-?i-im-[di!], " A my bond . . . . . . " 56, I l l , 15.'

1238. a-li-ne-me-[di!], " A is my dwelling," 56, I 1 1, 16.'

1239. a-li-lze-nze-[ki!], "A is my wis- dom," 56, l l I , 17.'

1240. a-li-da-[mi-ik], " A is merci- ful." Dupl. CBS 5987.

1241. a-li-[mu-da-mi-ik], "A makes favorable 56, IV, 2.

1242 a-li-ga-mil, "A is gracious," 56, IV, 3.

I 243. a-li-mu-ga-mil, "A makes safe," 56, IV, 4.

1244. a-li-in-lim, "A is well dis- posed," 56, IV, 5.

1245. a-12-mu-[ia-lim], "A pre- serves," 32, 1 1 1, I ; (56, IV, 6).

1246. a-li-1%-da-[ri], "A truly is eternal," 32, 1 1 1 , 2; 56, IV, 7.

1247. a-li-lu-ui-[da-an]-ni, "May A increase t o me!" 32, Rev. I , 3; 56. IV, 8.

1248. a-li-ri-nu-zi-a, "A is my pro- vidsr," 32. l l l , 4; 56, IV, 9.

1249. a-li-li-nu-zi-iu, " A is his pro- vider," 32, I 1 I , 5; 56, IV, lo.

1250. a-li-ii-me-ui, " A has heard me," 32, 111, 6; 56, IV, I I .

125 1 . a-12-ii-ma-[na], " A lias heard me," 32, I I I , 7 ; (var. a-li- ii-me-na, 56, IV, 12).

1252. a-li-ii-ti-[gal?], "A has de- cided?" 56, IV, 13; (var.

. . . a-li-i-ti-. 32, 1 1 1, 8). 1253. a-li-ii-ti-i, 56, IV, 14; (var.

a-li-i-ta?-. . . . 32, 1 1 1, 9). 1254. a-li-i!-mu, 56, lV, 15. 1255. a-li-ii-mzr-mfb, 56, IV, 16.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1266. [a-lit-na-kid, " A is a shep-

herd," 50, I , I . ~ 1267. a-li-na-sir, " A is protector,"

50, 1, 2. 1268. a-li-i-din-A~V,~ "A has given

me," 50. 1, j . 1269. a-li-i-ki-Sa-am, " A has pre-

sented t o me," 50, 1, 4. 1270. a-li-e-ri-ba-am, "A has given

me po~session," 50, 1, 5. 1271. a-li-e-[ri!]-ta-am, "A has

helped me," 50, 1, 6.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1282. a-li-wa-kar, "A is precious," 50. 1, 7. Cf. a-li-wa-a[k- rum], VS VI I 7, 30: a-li- wa-kar-tunz, VS Vl l 128, 19.

1283. a-li-wa-zztm, 50, 1, 8 ; 53, 5. 1284. a-li-wa-tar, 50, 1, 9.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1295. a-bu-unz, jj, IV, lo. Also in

In. 1 1 686. Cf. a-bu-u, A 0 454 (in RA 8, p. 69).

1296. a-bu-urn-ma, 33, IV, I I .

1297. a-bu-urn-ilum, "A is god," 33, IV, 12. Also in LAD; GTD 5548,4; In. 1 1 623, 641, etc. Cf. a-bu-urn-2-li, i n . IV 7739.

Last sign omitted hy !he scribe. Follows the ;tnalogy of t he lists composed wi th names of deities. Cf. nizu, Nos. 377 78

389-92. For i-din-rinnz.

W r i t t e n : n-li-e-;a-an!. (Scribal er ro r )


a-bu-urn-AN-lum, In. 11,868; a-bu-urn-2-lurn, RTCh 386 Rev. 5, and HPN, p. 42, note 4.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308. a-bu-urn-tab-ba-e, "A is m y

companion," Pt . I , 38, I .

1309. a-bzc-urn-tab-ba-iu, " A is his companion," Pt. 1, 38, 2.

I 3 10. a-bu-um-tab-ba-we-di, "A is the only companion," Pt. 1, 382 3.

I 3 I I . a-bzc-urn-e-ri-ba-am, "A has given me possession," Pt . I , 38, 4.

I 3 I 2. a-bu-urn-e-ri-?a-am, " A has helped me," I't. I , 38, 5.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323. a-bu-um-mu-Fa-[lim], " A pre-

serves," 27, 11, 2. I 324. a-bu-urn-ii-me-a-[nil, " A has

heard me," 27, 11, 3. 132 j. a-bu-urn-is'-me-?zi, " A has

heard me," 27, 1 1 , 4. 1326. a-bu-uuz-ii-ti-[gal], " A has de-

cided?' 27, l I , 5. 1327. a-bzc-um-ii-fa-nz[ar], " A is

watchful," 27, l I , 6. 1328. a-bu-urn-it-[mu], 27, 11, 7. 1329. a-bu-zdm-it-[?nu-wzz4, 27, 11, 8.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1338. a-bi (28, 1 , I ) ; Dupl. CBS

6676. 1339. a-bi-ma (28, 1, 2); Ilupl.

CBS 6676. 1340. a-bi-durn, " A is god," (28, 1,

3); Dupl. CBS 6676. I 341. a-bi-t&b, " A is good," 28, 1 , 4. 1342. a-bi-td-bu-urn,"A is good," 28,

1, 5. Cf. a-bu-td-bu-urn, LC.

1343. a-bi- l i -bzcr, " M a y A be strong!" 28, 1 , 6.

1344. a-bi-li-bur-ra-am, "May A be firm for me!" 28, I, 7.

1345. a-bi-lip-ti, "A is my skill," 28, 1. 8.

1346. a-bi-tu-kul-ti, "A is m y assist- ance," 28, 1, 9.

1347. a-bi-ha-ax-ti, " A is m y pow- er," 28, 1, lo.

1348. a-bi-[ba-la]-ti, " A is my life," 28, I , 1 1 .

1349. a-bi-la-ma-?i, " A is my guar- dian," 28, 1, 12.

I . a b i u r i "A is m y light," 28, 1, 13.

I 3 j I . a-bi-nu-uh-Xi, " A is m y abun- dance," 26, 3.

1352. a-bi-diarnii(-ii), " A is m y sun," 26,4. Cf. ~ - b i - ~ i a r n a i , AJSI. 29, p. 171. No. 8j7.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363. a-bi-i-te-e, " A m y boundary

.," 28, l l , 2. . . . .

1364. a-bi-i-ta-iu, " A his boundary . . . .," 28, l l , 3.

1365. a-bi-ie-mi, "A hears," 28, 11, 4.

I 366. a-bi-ma-gir, " A is favorable," 28, 11, 5.

I 367. a-bi-ma-lik, " A is counsellor," 28, 11, 6.

I 368. a-bi-ma-lik-e,' " A is my coun- sellor," 28, l I , 7.

1369. a-bi-ma-lik-Xu, " A is his coun- sellor," 28, 11, 8.

1370. a-bi-ellat, " A is strength," 28, 11, 9.

1371. a - b i - e l l a t - t i , "A i s m y strength," 28, 11, lo.

For a-bi-ma-iik-ki. Cf. i i i- ixa-lik-i (NO. 349).


1372. a-bi-cllii(1)-zu, " A is his strength," 28, l I, 1 I .

1373. a-bi-du-ni, " A is my power," 28, 11, 12.

I 374. a-bi-du-di, " A is my pledge," 28, 11, 13.

1375. a-bi-sa-di-i, "A is my moun- tain," 28, 11, 14.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1409. . . . .-ha-a?-ti, 27, I, I . 1410. . . . a - l a t i 19, I , I ; 27,

I , 2. 141 I . . . . . . -da-a-a-an, 27, 1, 3. 1412. . . . . -ta-a-a-ar, 27, 1, 4. 1413. . . . .-ga-mil, 8, l l , zo; 27, 1 ,

5. 1414. . . . .-mz]-ga-?nil, 8, 11, 21 ;

27, I, 6. 141 5 . . . . -i?-mle-a-xi, 27, 1, 7. 1416. . . . .-ii-m]u-a-xi, 27, 1, 8. 141 7. . . . . .-i2-ti]-gal, 27, 1, 9.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1454. . . . -+]-im-di, 8 Rev. I I , I 5. 1455. . . . -nc]-rife-di, 8 Rev. l I, 16. 1456. . . . .-nel-mc-izi, 8 Rev. 11, 17.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469. [x,arad-1. . . . . -71, 20, I, 2,

1470. [warad-nzl?]-nu, 20, 1, 3. 1471. ~ a r a d - ~ 7 ; 4 R , "'l'he servant of

T," 20, 1, 4. 1472. ~ a r a d - ~ H A - K u , "The ser-

vant of H," 20, 1, 5. 1473. warad-ka-at-da-ku, 20, 1, 6. 1474. warad-NI-A-AS, 20, 1, 7.

Cf. F a - ~ ~ ~ z - N I - A - A S , Pt. I , No. 39.

1475. warad-dda-ta, 20, 1, 8. 1476. warad-d?a-la, 20, 1, 9. 1477. warad-"da-gan, 20, 1, 10.

1478. warad-"a-mu, 20, I , I I . Cf. LAD loo, 17.

1479. warad-um-nzi, 20, 1, 12.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1490. nu-zir-'en-lil, ".l'hc light of

Enlil," 64, I . 1491. ?~u-zi,;~sin, 64, 2. Also R P N ;

TD; I ; 'I'RU, etc. 1492. nu-zir-i-li-a, 64, j. 1493. nu-kr-2-li-s'u, 64. 4. 1494. nz~-zir-$1-tar, 64, 5. Also TI).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 505. SU-dda-gan, 63, 1, I . Also in

Man. A 11, 15 .

I 506. SU-ir-fdr, 63, I , 2. Also in RPN; T R U ; TI); S T II,etc.

' T h i s and the following threc names might be complete and are probably Amoritic. In this text, ma-lik is repeated twice, while we should expect -ma-lib, -ma-lik-ki, -ma-lik-lu.

B r \ B Y L 0 N I , 4 N SECTION

1507. . f~- 'ura??, 63, I, 3.l

1508. SU-ma-ma, 63, I , 4. Also in BAII 121, 11, I ; 122, 11, I ;

1~II.C; IIPN; 111. I 1 653. I 509. . f ~ / - ~ m a - [ m i ] , 63, 1 , 5 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 548. i-lznl-ME-DUG, 62, I . Cf.

i-l7~l-AN, In. I 1096. I 549. i-fa-?-a, 62, 2. Cf. i-ta-$-a,

HPN, p. 54, note lo: SAD, p. 86, note I : In. IV 7457; 7467; i-ti-&, Man. C 4, 7; 9, 24; 1 I ; ii-ti-$-a, RPN; VS Vll l 17, 14; i-ti-AN, T C 72 Obv. Col. 1 1 , 21; i-ti-nir-ra, In. IV 7757.

1 550. i-ti-$-a, 62, 3. 1551. i-ti-diama? (Abbr.), 62, 4.

Cf. i-ti, T D ; i-ti-a. TRU

I 562. SID-AR-IR (I), 66 Obv. 1563. U H - S L I M - T U ~ K I ? , 66 Obv. I 564. lu-al-ti, 66 Rev. 1565. BAR-na-?ti, 66 Rev. 1566. pu-pr?-i-li, 66 Rev. Cf. bzr-

pi-zi, 1.C; fiu-+in, VS VI I I 19, 25; PSI3A 29, p. 277.

I 567. . . . -la-72. 66 Rev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I 578. . . . -1um-ma-rzl-z~t?-as?, 67, I . I 579. [ad?]-da-nu-6-?a-a-iu, 67, 2.

1580. a-hu-zrm-li-ip-hu-ztr, 7 3. Cf. li-ip-bu-ur-anum, VS XI11 73 Rev. I .

I 581. li-mzr-ut-a-a-bi (Abbr.), "The fear of the enemy. . ," 67, 4. Cf. MAS-MAS-a-a-bi, In. IV 7847.

I 582. a-ha-tu-ur-ii, "Thou hast got a brother," 67, 5.

I 583. da-ub-la?-ar-"nin-. . . , 67, 6. I 584. d?uma?-i-in?-deu-li/, "The sun

is the eye of Enlil," 67, 7. Cf. dz~flr-igi-%en-lil-lii, VS X I 1 I 88 Rev. 7; 98 Rev. 10.

I 585. den-liGka-. . l-?i(d)-da, 67, 8. I 586. nam-ti(1)-la-. . -dzig,z 67, 9.

Cf. nanz-ti(/)-la, 96-6-12, 1, 5 0 (in CT i, nl. 6). , . r .

34, 3, 4 ; TI); i-ti-@, T D ; . . -- ~~~ ~ - p ~

~. ~p~

~-tz-~du-ga7z, Man. C 16, 7; i-tiGUIM, TRU 27, 9; T R U i-din-2s'-tiir, 67. 10.~ 347, 8, 9 ; i A d s i n , HPN; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In. 1 1 875 ; i-ti-anzn-ba-li-it, . . . -dG, 60, 1 , 2.* RI'N; it-ti-i-li-a, A 0 4665 [ha-ab-dC], 60, 1 , 3 . (in RA 8, p. 70). [ D I N G I R - D I N I G l R -sag,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 1 , 4. -- .

' T h e l a s t sign appears as USI.AN+(;tiNti, b u t we expect hcrc an Akkadian name. 'To be restored: ?zarn-li(1)-la-ni-d&g) 3'lhis is probably the name of the scribe. Cf. Pt . I , p. 18 f. &Cf, discussion on p. 106. Restored from duplicates CRS 5823, 5969, etc.


[ D I N G I R - D I N I G I R - s a g , H P N ( i - i - a 1 ST 60, 1, 5 . 1 1 .

[ D I N G I R - D I N J G l R - s a g , 1603. i-li-a-li?, 59, 6; (60, 1 1 , 3) . 60, I , 6. 1604. i-li-a-hi, "My god is A,"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (59, 7); 60, 11, 4. Cf. I 598. i-li-a-ilum, "My god is god," i-li-ma-a-bi, VS Vl I I I 12 ,

59. I . Cf. i-li-ma-ilz~m, BB, 2; i-li-ma-a-hi-&, AJSL 29, LAD; AN-ni-ilztm, PSBA p. 176, No.2180; In. I 1475, 29. p. 275, 1. 2. 1 1 , 5876; Man. A 16, I .

I 599. i-li-a-Cl-luvz(?), "My god is 1605. i-li-a-hi, "My god is A," pure!", jy, 2. 60, 1 1 , 5. Also in RPN;

1600. i-li-bitum, 59, j. VS VII 28, j, 4. Cf. 1601. i-ii-bitu-iu(l), 59, 4. i-li-ma-a-hi, B B . 1602. i-li-a-hum, "My god i s A," 1606. i-li-ilz~nz, "My god is god,"

59, 5 ; ( 6 I , I ) Also Go, 1 1 , 6.' Ci. i-li-ma-ilunz, A 0 3482 (in RA 5. p. 93). LAD; LBI?, etc.

-~ --- ~~ p~~p

L T h e sign A N is incomplete.



a-ba-a, a-ba-a-a, 11 910-1 I .

a-ha-ak-nu-um, a-ba-ak-nu-nu- um, 1 1 913-14.

a-ba-ah-721-ztm. 11 9 I 7. a-ba-ba, 11 912. ?3N4 "to do, t o makc?" a-ba-da, 11,

916. a-ba-bu-ru-um, 1 1 9 18. a-ba-nz~-urn, I I 91 5. ZN, a-bu-unz, "father," in su-mu+,

11 24; i - m - i 1 1 235; a-bi, in di-wi-irt , I 67; a-bi-i-a, in su-mu+, 11 26.

ah-ha-la, in xu-mu+, l I 18. n ~ , a-hu-um,"brother,"in ia-. . . +,

l l 118; bu-nu-ma+, l l 150; a-hi, in di-wi-ir+, 1 68;

AN-un-ni, in Xi+, I 1 347. Shall we read il-zm-ni?

a-pa-a& in i-?i+, I I 307; [su-mz11+, 1 1 4.

a-pa-ar, in i-zi+, 1 1 308; [su-mu]+, 1 1 5.

a-ra-ah, in +. . . . , 1 640-41. a-ra-ah, in su-mu+, 1 1 25. Cf.

RPN, p. 210.

71~, "to be long," a-ri-ik, in be-li +, 1 18.

ar-mi-lz~m, cf. ar-wi-tuni. ar-mzl-e-u[m], cf. ar-wi-unz. 337Nk "hare," ar-na-ab-fuvz, 1 277. ar-pzl-. . . , cf. or-wi-um. ar-wi-z~rn (var. ar-$21-. . . , ar-m71-e-

~l[?l?] ), 1 275. a-hi-ia, in sz~-mu+, 11 27; ur-wi-tlL?n (var. ar-nzi-lunz), I 376. [a?]-hi-im, in [su-mu]+, 1 1 3.

AK, in ir-bar/maj+, 1 9. ~h~ ~ i ? a-iar, in i-ti+, 11 300.

name of a god? Possibly a-:a-rzL-um, in ia-ku-un+, I I j. Nabcl. Cf. Pt . I , p. 39. ai-du-urn, name of a god, inyia-klr-

a-ma-zum, 1 534. un+, 1 1 108; i-tzir+, I I nDH4 a-mi, "uncle?", in +i-a, 25 5 ; su-mu-[as'?]-du-z1n1, I I

+fa-ab-ti, 11 300-01. 6. Cf. ai-du-urn-a-hi, CBS a-mi-nzt-urn, a-mi-na-tum, 1 1 298-99. 1352 (in IiI'N, p. 209, note a-mi-rzt-urn, "commander?" I I 297. am-xi-di-im, in rz~-mu+, I1 22.


in& "to see," am-ra-an-ni, in 2-li+, ip? a?-ra-ax-~zi, in ?-li+, 1 190. 1 189. a-ti, in ? - l i t , 168.

nD "man," a-mu-ti (var. mu-ti), in a-fz~m, 1 533. di-wi-ir+, I 69. ba-a?-ti, in i-li+, 11 348. Cf. RPN,

a-ni-ib?, in su-mz~+, 1 1 12. p. 224, note 2 .

8 The elements in this list have been xrranged in strictly alphabetical order, irrespective of their derivation.


ha?-bi-ia, in szr-mzl-il+, I I 10.

From bBbz1, "gate!" il-ha?- bi-ia = threshold god?

733 "to build, t o create," bal-xi-i, in i-li+, 11 346.

bar?-@-. . . . , in ? - l i t , I l 350. ~ N X "Lord," be-li, in +a-ri-ik, 1 18. bz~-na-nu-um, I I I 54. bu-nzl, "son" in Reg. I l 146-53;

bu-nzl-um-e-lum, I I I 5 I. *da-gan, name of a god, in i -bi - ik f ,

I 281; ti-il-kar+, 1 20; I1 253.

di-bi-ir, cf. di-wi-ir. dil-karn, in su-mu+, 1 1 29. j)D? di-ma-ik, in I 16. j9.r di-ni, in su-mzaf, 1 1 28 115 di-pi-ir, cf. di-wi-ir. Ins di-fa-na, "strong, leader?" in

su-mu-li-id-ku+, 1 1 14. Cf. RPN, p. 225, note 7.

515 du-da?-a-nzi-unz, "darling," I I 345.

115 di-wi-ir (written: di-bi-ir, d - p i - in +a-bi, +a-hi, +mu-ti,+a-mzi-ti, I 67-69.

i355 du-1%-$urn, du-la-kunz, du-lu- uk- fz~m, 1 1 342-44.

%a, nameof a god, in i-bi-ik+, 1282; ir-bar/nzui+, I 8 ; na-ap- li-?i+, 1 1 329; d$-a, in ti-ir-kar+, 1 I 252.

5~~ 41, "god,"' in ha-a1 +, 1 576; ia-. . . . . . -61, 1 1 77; ia-am- si+> 1 1 120; ia-am-Ti?+, I I 83; ia-am-?i+, 1 1 112; ia- an-. . . . +, 1 I 75; ia-ar-ha- am+, 1 1 121; ia-e-im-?if, 11 89; ia-e-iu-bi+, 11 59;

ia-e-te-en-di+, 1 1 I 09; ia- si+, 1 1 119; ia-zi-fi+, I 1 I lo ; ik-bi+, 1 278; ir-bar/ may+, 1 7 ; i-?i-ia+, I 1 312; la-ak-ma+, I I 332; la-ma+, I 1 331; mu-{urn+, 1 91; nu-up-li-?i+, 1 1 328; su- WZZI+, I 1 8; ?i-im-ri+, I I 234; i i r i + 1 1 236; SZL-

mu-li-el, I I lo. 5N, e-lum,' in ia-gu+, 1 1 "4;

mu-turn+, 1 92; bu-nzr- um+, I I I j I ; ?i-it-ri+, 11 237.

ga-ga (also dga-ga, dKA-KA), name of a goddess,? in tu-li-id+, I 312.

ga-tdr, in i-fi+, 1 1 303; ga-tdr-i, in i-?i+, 1 1 304.

ga-ti, in i-li+, 1 67. g u - . . . . , 1 1 135-37. 144. 553 gu-lul-lum, l 1 I 33. 121 gzh-[na?]-a, gzl-[na?]-a-nzi-um, gzt-

?za-nu-tum, 1 1 I 30-32. gzi-fza-a- . . , l l 143. gu-?zi?-. . . . , I I I 34. gzi-ra-. . . . , I 1 145.

., l l 141-42. gu-ru-. . . . , l l I 38-40. 3 gu-ulz-gu-izzh-um, gu-un-gu-na-

turn?, l l 128-29. Fa-ab-ru-. . . , 1 642. ha-al, "maternal uncle?', in +dl, 1

576; +lz~m, 1 575. Cf. ha-la.

ha-am-mi, in ?i-im-ru+, 1 1 234. ha-at, in i-tzir+, I 1 257. ha-ba, in fa-a, +mu, 1 205-06.

Cf. ha-ba-ia, TAPN p. 282.

'Cf. discussion on p. 116 2Cf. Pt. I , p. 67, note 2 .


ia-Fzk-ha-iirm, I I 9 1 . [ia-till-rz&-?~nz, [ia-ti?]-ra-tum, 1 1 50-

51 . ia-. . . .-z~nz, 1 1 74. in-zi-. . . -711-um, 1 1 84. N,YI ia-zi-ri, in +Cl, I I I I I . ia-. . . . . . , l l 69. i-bi-ik, in +diia-gaiz, +&a, +iX-

tdr, 1 281-83. i$bi, in +i1, +rum, +wa-?urn, +ir-

ra, I 2 78-80. 5N1 il,' in su-mz6-l-ba?-bi-ia, I 1 I I . N a in bzi-~ZL-ha-?izu+. 1 1 I 53;

3%-mu+, 11 9. 3 , I , in +an?-ra-an-ni, I 189;

+a?-ra-an-ni, 1 190; +Far- ra-an-ni, I 191; +a-ti, 1 68; +ga-ti, 1 67; +pz~-ti, 1 66; [ru?]-nim?-i-li-a, 1 1 285; pu- u - 1 I I 566; i-li, in b ~ - nz~-ha-la+, I I I 5s.

i-110-a- . ., I 1 314-15. i-na-ru?-la?-. . . . , 1 I 3 I 3. ir-bar/ma,', in +!I, +$-a, + A K ,

17-9. ir-ra, name of a god," in ik-bi+, I

280. i i - . . . . . . , 1 1 221.

~ ~ n c "to hear" i?-mi-. . . . , I 1 218. iy-fa-. . . . . , 1 1 2 I 2-1 3. i'i-thy, name of a goddess, in i-bi-

ik+, 1 283; mu-'urn+, I 93; nu-up-li-ri+, 1 1 330.

'lin "to come hack," i-tzir, in f a i - .............

. . . dz-zcm, +ha-at, +la?-. +li-ijm], 25 5-59.

i-fa-ri-ik, I 17. i i Y ? "to come forth," i-ri, in Beg.

302-12. Cf. Ranke and Hilprecht in IWN, p. 3 1 , note I .

ha-nza, in bu-ni~+i-la, I I I 5 j. . . ?-ki-ia, . . I-hi-ia-ia, . . ?-ki-ia-mu,

. . ?-hi-ia-turn, ki-ia-ti, I I 138891.

ki?-it-izu-om, in su-mu+, 1 1 36. kzir-bu-rum (Amor.?), I 367. kzir-'i-i (Amor.?), I 366. la-ak-ma, in +!I, 1 1 332. la-ha?-Xi-ra, I l 338. la-ha-a-[a?], 1 1 340-41. la-ka-Xi-ill, 1 I 333. la-lam, in su-mu+, I 1 16. Prob-

ably for i&-ill4nz, cf. p. oo. la-ma, in +il, I I 33 1.

la?-ma-Jar, in bu-m+, I I 148. [la]-mu-ra, 1 1 337. la-nu-ru-zi, 11 335. la-ra, in bu-nu+, l l 149. la-Fu, in +mi-gi-it, I I 336. la-te-bu-zi, 1 l 334. li, in szi-mu+kl, 1 1 9. li-im, in ia-mzr-ut+, I I I lo. i-tzir+,

11 256. ma?-al-. . 11 232. ?in ma-lik-i, "prince, leader" in

2 - I f + , 1 1 349. mi-gi-it, in lu-.h+, I I 336. mu-. . . . . 1 1 262.

. . . . mu-na?-. 1 1 260-6 I . nn mu-ti (var. a-mu-ti), in di-wi-

ir+, I 69. Cf. Bi. i;i_@>nr?. . .

mu-ti-a-ha-la, in su-mu+, 1 1 35.

152 U N I V E R S I T Y L I U S E U M - R A R Y I . O N I A N S f C S l O N

ui:~-ti~m, in +;I, +e-lnm, +ii-tir, 1 93.

~ 5 3 "to look," %a-ap-li-zi, in +il, +&a, +ti-thr, 11 328-30.

na-bu-zi, name of a god, in i-?i+, I 1 310.

pilir-ir-ra, name of a god, in ia-bi- il+, 11 93.

pu-. . . . . . , I I 165-68. 174. pu- a, 11 162. pu-gu-[ru?], pu-gu-TIC-[urn?], pu-ilia-

gzl-ru-[urn?], I I I 71-73, pu-ha-hu-urn, I I I 56. pu-ha-su-u?n, I I I 57. pu-. . . .-kum, I 1 160-61. pu-ru-. . . ., 11 169. pzi-ru-nu-um, I I I 59. pu-sa-hu-um, l l I 58. pu-ti, in 2-li+, l 64. pu-. . . . -iuuz, I 1 164. pu-zil-la-lum, 11 1 5 5 . pul-unl-. . . . , (Amor.?), I 643. C f .

pu-un-gu-ru-[um?], I I I 73. pz~-?u, in +?Mi, I I I 566. 3n7 "to be merciful," m-l~i-e-in?,

in su-mu+, I 1 20.

ra-ri-e-inz, in su-mu+, I I 2 I .

su-la-pu-um, su-la-pi, 11 39-40, s:~-2u-kum, 11 38. SIL-nzii, "name," in Beg. I I 1-3 j;

su-mu-urn, in i-li+, 1 1 302.

C f . RPN, p. 218, note I .

SZL-ul-1%-lum, 1 I 37.

nnv ia-ant-hir-. . . . , ll 316-1:. dSa?nSi(-ii), namc of a god, in ti,&-

&id+, I 3 I I . C f . um-mi- d l sams'i(-ii), Bu 9 1 , 234, 1. 28 (in CT l I, 23).

jar-ra-an-ni, in i-li +, I 1 9 I

17V a u u m "king," in ia-ku- nn+, 11 56.

ii-im-mi-ilz-ni (var. Si-mi-in-ni), 1 573.

Xi-it-ti, 1 572. Xi-mi-ilz-ni (var. ii-in-mi-i~z-ni), I

573. %mu, 1 574. tal-kam, in i-li+, I I 306. lDH, "tosce,"ta-mar, insu-mu-, I 1 33. ti-a-ru-uin, l I 254. ti-gi (var. fi-gi, ti-iz-gi), 1 19. ?pi "tb be exalted," ti-iz-kar, in +,

I 20; +$-a, 11 251; +%a- gizn, 1 2 1 ; ll 252.

'151 " to give birth," fu-li-id, in +nianzii(-Si), I, 3 I I ; +ga-ga, 1312.

zi-a, su-mu+, " M y S," 11 32. zi-si-. . . . . , I 248-jo. wa-?imz (var. rum). in ik-hi+, I 279, wi/pi-ir-ra, probably the name of

a god (same as 'ir-ra?), in ia-bi-il+, I l gj .

521 "to present," fa-ab-ti, in a-mi+, 11 300.

la-ri-e, in i-zi+, I I 305. i )V ?i-id-kum, "righteous," in su-

mu+, I I 14; szc-mu-li-id-ku- di-ta-nu, I I 14.

i n ? ?i-im-ri, "helper," in Beg. 11 234-35.

721 ti-im-ru, in +ha-am-mi-. . . . , l 1 2 3 3 .

li-it-. . . . . . , 11 240-41. zi-it-ri, in Beg. I I 236-39. zu-ba?-bu-um, 11 272. ~~~-ba l - ku?~ lu l - r z~ - z~m, 11 271. ~u-gu-gu-unz, I 1 274.


niit 7x-hu-tz~n7, z7.,-~?~-z~/-lum, I I 114m (var. wa-rum), in ik-hi+, 1.279. 2 75-76. [iu?]-. . . -nim?-. . . . , l l 284.

I&-ha-hi-i-a, I 1 278. [fu?]-nim?-2-li-a, 1 1 285. lu-kzl-bu-zdm, 1 1 27 j. [lull-nim-ni-pu, 11 286. :u-kil-ztk?-. . . , 1 1 283. zu-z~n-ju-na, 1 l 277. rzt-la-a, 11 280. ru-ju-ug-gu?, 11 282. ZIL-la-174-um, 1 1 2 79. ?u-7u-ul-ki?, 11 281.



Spezinl abbreviations: ag=parlicipiunz; ip=impcratiaum; pc=praecativu::i: pm=pernzansiuum; pr=pracicns; pt =pruetcritztm.

N Ub-lanz, II~-ba-lam, cf. 521. agzi, "crown, tiara." Written: a - ~ I L - ddda, from Sum. adda, "father;" zi-a, in +, +ti, +En-ma-fi,

a-ad-da, in Reg. I I 959-82. 1 165-67. [ad?]-da-nu, in +zi-Fa-a-izr, a-rum, cf. Amor. List. 1 1 , 1579. i larik , cf. Amor. List.

i-id-ni-ti?, in ii-tiir+, 1 1 741. n ~ , ahu, "brother." Written: a-

a - a - h ~ , cf. ahz~ . hu-unz in Beg. 1 1 1097-98; +li-ip-hzl-za?., I I I 580;

2x1 abu, "father." Written: a-bu- a-hum, i-li+, l l 1602; a-hz~, unz, in Beg. 1 1 1z9j-97; Beg. I 1 I O I 1-80; a-li+zi-a, 1308-29; a-bu, in a-li+ia, a - i I 332-33; a-hi, 1 334; a-bi, in Beg. 1338-52; Beg. I I I 109-77; +li-bur-ra, 1 3 6 7 5 + I 1 1605; 1 431 ; +?a-gi-ii, I 430; d i -w i - i r f , I 67; dnergall+, +@-bu-tlnz, 1 432; Mi+, I 672; ?a-lim+, I 37. I 1 1604; di-wi-ir+, 1 68

ibik , cf. Amor. List. (Arnor.); ?a-lim+, I 38; l:Nh "to be strong." 1' pc li-bur, a-ha, Beg. 1 1 1008-10;

in a-ud-da+, l l 968; a-bi+, [+a]r-Ji, 1 938; [+]nir-ii, I I 1343; a-El&+, 11 1019; I 939; [+l?z~~-ta, I 937; a++, I 1 1 1 15; a-li+, I 1 + t a a l l I 582;, I 194; +an-ni, I 439; + P A , Beg. I I 1091-96. 1 440; li-bur-ra, in a-ad-da+, ahatu, "sister." A-ha-ti, Heg. 1 1 969; a-!IZL+, 1 1 1020; 11 1002-07. a-hi+, 1431, 1 1 I I 16; a-li+, itnl, cf. jm). 1 i 1195; m u + , 1 1 437; 39N, aidbu, "enemy," in li-mu-uf- 1 - r - i 1 439; li-bur- a-a-bi, l l I 581. ra-anz, in a-bi+, 1 1 1344; jr8, inu , "eye." Written: in ,a-gz~- a?zzr+, 1 1 438. zi-a+mn-ti, 1 167; i-in,

13N1 ~dbarrz~, "companion." u-bar-ru, *Jam~i+~en- l i l , 1 1 I 584; IGl in +urn, +ni, +'sin, 1 122- ( = h ? ) , a m + , l l 473; anu- 24. h + , 1 1 474.


A-KU (='sin), +DI,+I)I-ma, +pi-nzt, 1 58-60.

ikrihu, cl. 313. iN, ilu, "god." Written: ilum, in

a-bu-urn+, 1 1 1297; a-hi+, 1 1 1111; a-li+, 1 1 1190; "ahan+, 1 1 837; 8-a+, I 1 1 5 ? 11 665; den-lil+, 1 1 572; - 1 , 1 1 1608; i-li-a+, I I I 598; 'ix-7i- an-%a+, 1 1 878; "a-ma- nib+, 1 1 882; i-li, Beg. I I 1598-1608; tam-ra-an-ni I 189 (Amor.); +a?-ra-an- ni , 1 190 (Amor.); +a-ti, 1 68 (Amor.); +ga-ti, 1 67 (Amor . ) ; +pu-ti , I 66 (Amor.); +s'ar-ra-an-ni, I 191 (Amor.); +. . . , 1566- 68; diin+, ++n, ++ill, I 1 0 1 2 ; din+, ++a, ++i l l ,

1 4-6; "a-xi+, 1 578: ?db+,++a, ++?us 149-51; na-bit?,, 1 84; nu-zir+, ++a, ++in, 1 46-48; 11 1492-93; (111~-?u, Beg. 1 1 455, 4 5 6 458, 474, 476, 478, 480; i-lu-zn (= ilGt- ilh), +, 1 28; +ma, f IZU,

I 2 ; +nu-da, +ma-na-da, 1 30. elzdriz, ci. Amor. List.

nli, Beg. 1 1 I 188-1284: +a-hu-zi-a, fhld-?a, a-hu-in, I 332-34; i + ? I I I 603; .?a-linz+, I 39; ?a-linz-a-ii-inz, ?a-lim- a-lim, I 39.

%HJ ellu, "clean, pure," in i-li-a-dl- b l ~ l ? , 1 1 1599.

iilatic, "power, strength, iorce." Ellnt, in a-ad-da+, I I 976;

a-bi+, 1 1 1370; a - h u f , I 1 1052 ; a-hi+, I 1 I 148; a-li+, 1 1 1227; m u + , 1 1 401; %en-id+, 1 1 621; dIM+, I 1 5 3 ; dnilz-lil+, 1 1 640; ellat-ti, in a-ad-daf, 1 1 977; a-bi+, I 1 I ; a-hu+, I 1 l o j j ; a-hi+, I 1 I 149; a - l i f , 1 1 1228; n n l l f , 1 1 402; den- lil+, l l 622; d l ~ L f + , 1 1 754; %in-lil+, 1 1 641 ; ellh(f)-?a, in a-hi+, 1 1 1372; a++, 11 1054; a-hi+, I I 1150; a-li+, 1 1 1229; a n n f , 1 1 403; 'en-lil+, I 1623; " l M + , l l 755; ellii(f)-a?-?u, in a-ad- da+, 1 1 978.

cDN, uuzrnn, "mother." Written: um-mi,in+[?iibat],+/b-[ha-at],

1 638-39; dGU-13,4-LIL+, I 1 836; dNE--GUN+, I 1 885; dizin-rnark'+, 1 1 873; warad+, 1 1 1479; d?a?+. 1 1 815.

7 m e "dwelling." Written: nc-me-di, in a-hu+, I I 1063; a-hi+, l l I I jg; a-li+. I I 1238; an%+, 1 1 418; bkur+, 1 1 899; %en-lil+, 1 1 586; . . . +, 1 1 1455.

iii~dn, "support." 1111-di, in a- h ~ + , i l 1061; n-hi+, I 1 I 157; a-1i+, l 1 1236; u n u f , 1 1 416 ; 8-kur+, 1 1 897; %n- lil+, I 1 584.

a-ii~a-:~mnz, cf. Amor. ?nN, nimelzu, "wisdom." h'e-me-ki,

in a-hl~+, I 1 1064; a-hi+, I 1 1160; a - l i f , 1 1 1239; anzt+, I 1 41~); 8 - k n r f , I ! 930; . . . +, l 1 14 jb.


lDN, "to look," I ' pr, a-mlir, in +be-li, I 361); +%en-lil, 1 368: +fa-?a, +ie-ri-la, +?e- ri-if-5.7-tdr, I 8j 87; pc 11"- I in %ii?z-in-sih'-nnf, I I 795. amrrinni. ci. Anir~r. List.

imtu, "terror, fl-igl?t." I-mi-ti, in /IL+, I lo[).

an?-da-ru-rln? (Amor.?), 1 1 I 394. all?-?a-ri (Amor.?), I I 1395. ]INd "to be merciful." I ' ip, dili l~-IB-

en-~zam, 1 420. ifiis'am, cf. ti??.

zisi-. . . (Amor.?), I r q S jo. isbwn, cf. 31'3. isr~r, cf. ?Ti. 2riham, cf. 397. grilanz, ci. yfl. ariib, cf. Amor. List. ir-bar:'mai, ibid. arwium, a m i f z ~ m , ibid. arnabtunz, ibid. ars'i, cf. 3Wl. 7 , ( ? I PC i r i k in . . . .-la+,

I 395. iirik, ci. A m o ~ . List. i.?nzu, zimumu, cf. S4o't.

lij1sS I' , "to plant," pr 2rii, in dlz~- lu+, 145 .

airiinni, cf. Amor. List.

*iist uilzi, "foundation," in [ad?]- da-nu-u- ia-a- iu , 1 1 1579.

ii-ti-i, scribal error for is'-ti-gal, cf. ip.

iifigal, cf. is'tamar, ct. inM. riK, illi, "witl~," in i-li-"3a7vrai, I I

1551. n3'lK "to see, to find."' 111 pr a-ti,

in a-gu-u+, I 166; Mi+, I 66; ~zu-la, in a-ha+, 1 937; l I 1008.

atum, in if-tdr+, 1 1 732. i-tn, in i-$6-&a, I I I j j ~ . ~ N:nN itil, "bounc!ary." Written:

- in a - h i 1 1 1141 ; a-li+, 1 1 1319; i-ta-YZL, in a-hi+, I 1 6 4 ; a-bu+, I 1 1046; n-li+, 1 1 1221;

a n u f , 1 1 400; de~~-lil+, I I 604; i-te-e, in a-ad-da+, 1 1 982; a-hi+, I I 1363; a++, I 1 1045; a-li+, I 1 1220; a m + , I 1 399; "en- lil+, I 1 603; d I M + , I 1 762; i-te-iu, in a-hi+, I I 1142.

ins etellu, "lotd," in e-tel-pi-. . . . , 1 239-41.

e-ti-in-ti, in ii-tlir+, 1 1 740. ;far, ct. l m .

j~ 3 bglu, "lord." Ue-lzlm, in mi-mi+, I 1 883; be-li, in a++, 1 1 1014; a-hi+, I I +a-ri-ik, 1 18; a-.ilzur+, I 1112 ; a-If+, l l 1191; &a+, 369; ri-ii+, 1 I 5 ; be-li, in I 1 666; "en-Id+, 1 1 571 ; duraS+, 1 1 832. tiu-li-an-na+, 1 1 879; '?a- babil, cf. 531.

~ ~

1 Ci. Vngnad, i:iibiil, p. 1 2 3 .

2 I h e context does not pcirnit us to read the name 2-diii-ti?.

EDLV. C H I F R X - ~ I . I S ' ~ S O F A K K A D I A N NA,\IES 157

~1'2 bitu, "house, temple." Bitum, i n I , 11 1600; anu+, 11 47 j ; anu-?%I, 1 i 476; bttu- Zzl?, i n i-li+, I 1 1 6 0 1 .

nil balatu, "life." Ra-la-ti, i n a&+, 11 1348: a - h u t . I I 1027; a-hi+, I 1 I 1 22 ; a-li+, 1 1 1 2 0 2 ; o?zz~+, 11 4 1 4 ; "nin- lil+, 11634; "am+, 11 802; . . . +, l l 1410.

I I ' " to create." pr ib-ui, i n + m u , +&a, +"lhl, 1 I 19- 2 1 ; 'ncrgal?+, 1 6 7 1 ag bn-ni, i n &a+(?), I 113; deu-lil+, 11 568; " [M+, 1 486; n ~ S + , I1 830; dgC- silinz + , I1 86g;"lu-lu+,l 44;

dGIBI1 .+, 11 8 7 4 ; " N E - GUN+, 11 884; "nin-arnai- q a g - g a f , l l 852; "nin- IB+, I 42; d?7zi-mui-du+, I1 834; "iara+, 11 800; "inma?+, 1 1 3 ) . 1 1 5 1 9 ; .?a?-rzd-if???+, I j 38; "TAR+, 11 856; "<a-7?id-md+, 11 880; ' . ..+, I1 848.

barlma.7-na-?zi, I I I 56 j. barta, "power." Ba-0.7-ti, i n a-hi+,

I I 1 3 4 i ; a - h i ~ t , 1 o z h ; a - h i f , I I 1121a; a-if+, I I 1 2 0 1 ;

a n u f , 1 1 4 1 3 ; dnin-lil+, 11 633; "?ura+, 11 801; . + , 11 1409,

$132 " t o be gracious, to make safe." I I' ag ?nu-go-nzil, i n a++, IT ag ga-mil, i n a&+, 11 11 1068; a-hi+, 11 1 1 6 4 ; 1067; a-hi+, 11 I 163; a-li+, a-li+, I1 1243; anu+, I1 11 1242; anu+, 11 422; 423; d.?amai+, 11 5 5 0 ; a + ( ) I I 1 4 ; dianzai+, . . . +, I I 1414; ?nu-ga-nzi-il, 11 549; ...+, I1 1 4 1 3 ; i n dlM+, 11 761. ga-mi-il, i n ' lM+, 11 760;

di-&,'pi-ir, c f . Amor. List under di-wi-ir.

da-ab-la?-ar, i n +%in- . , l l 1583. dadu, "pledge". Du-di, i n a-ad-

d a f , 11 9 7 1 ; i z - b i t , 11 1374; a-hu+, 1 l 1056; a-hi+, I1 1 1 5 2 ; a-if+, 11 1231;

anz~+, 11 394; . . .+ , I1 1430.

715 " t o last long, t o be e t e rna l . " 1' pm, i n lu-da-ri, 1 107;

1 442. dziru, "fortress." Dz~r-ri, in a-ad-

da+, 11 962; a++, 11 1030; a-hi+, 11 1125 ; a- li+, l l 1 2 0 5 ; a m + , 11 408; ii-ldr+, 11 735.

il? " to judge." I ' ag din, i n +i-li, ++a, ++iu, I 4-6; di-in, i n ( i 7 2 7 ~ + , 11 375.


daianu, "judge." Da-a-a-an, in a m + , 1 1 444; $-a+, I 1 713; . . + , 1 1 1411.

pDS "to he merciful." 1' pm da-mi-ik, in a-hu+, I 1 1065; n - h i t , I1 1161; anla+, I I 420; "siz+, 1 1 767; . . . +, l l 1457; l l 'ag mu-da-nzi-ik, in a - h ~ + , I I 1066; a-hi+, I I 1162; a l l U + , 11 421; 'gu- silim+, 1 816; dsilz+, I 1 768; . . . +, 1 1 1458.

dumku, "favor," in a-ha-ti- du-mil-zak-ni-ii, I I loo5 ; dztm-ki, in Qu-rilim+, I81 5; "u-~i-a?z-lza+, 1 1 814.

531 "to bring." I ' ps z~b-lam, in a-hu+, 1 1 1036; a-hi+, 1 1 1132 ; a-li+, 1 1 1 2 1 1 ; a m + , 1 1 379; ub-ha-lunz, in a-hu+, 1 1 1037; a-hi+, I 1 1133; a-I$+, 1 1 1212; anu+, I 1 380; 1' ag ba-bil, in u-hz~+, I 1 1038; a-hi+, l l 1134 ; a-/i+, I 1 1213; atzzt+, I 1 8 ; I I' ag mzL-ha-bil, in 11-~zL+, 1 1 1oj0; I 1 1135 ; e l l + , 1 1 1214;

di-ma-ik, cf. Amor. List. 7 "to be powerful." I' pm drin,

in a m + , anzc-iuf, 1 1 454- 55.

dannu, "powerful." Drin, in + $ - I $ , f +a, ++-:us I 10-12; dlzc- lu+, 1 41; + d - - . , 1 245-47; dan-ni, in "ln-lu+, 1 44.

dunnu, "might, power." Du-xi, in a-ad-da+, 11 970; a-bi+, 1 1 1373; a-hu+, 1 1 1055; a-hi+, 1 1 1151; a-li+, 1 1 1230; a?zz*+, 1 1 393; . . . +. 11 1420.

da-izi-zir, in a-hi+, 1 l I 128.

1 a m + , I I 382; I I" a g mu- tab-bil, in a-Fzt+, 11 1040; a&+, I 1 I 136; a - / i f , I 1 1215; a m + , I 1 38 j ; "gu- silim+, 1 817.

?Nil wedzl,' "the one." Written: e-di, we-di, we-di-im, always in conjunction with tappu, (/. v.

751 t ~ ~ l i d , cf. Amor. I .ist. 1 3 N , S ~ u s i , "exit, door, way.

W U - ~ Z A ~ , in a-li+, 1 1 1283;

1 ' I hc meaning of the element W I - ~ ~ L L is not ye t certain. Ungnad translates we-du-iw-li-ib- ltt-ut as "Der Einzige mogc ;im Leben bleiben" (\IS V l l 76, 1 c ; 128, 4.47; 136, 4; Dilbal, p. c ig) and dimiza?-ze-dnm-~~-i~'r as 'Shamash, schiitze den Einzigen" (VS VII 15, 2.8; Dilbal, p. ~ t j ) , nnil I have followcd him in thc traiirlation of the names. In favor of his view might also be quoted V R qq 11, 218. which reads: dti~-f~~-~~F~-~~~-la-gdl=ditiard~h-liip-pi-~-e-di- .tub-Xi, and ddo-iiiil-inu-di-~i-gcil=dgu-ln-i~~-~~til--i-lib-: in both these cases a comparison with the Sumeiian cleilrly shows tha t L ) - ~ L L means "th: only." Bat a nams i n t hc Syllabary (P t . I, No, jqg) appears t o suggest another interpretation: d-ld-bad is translated n-bu-lap we-di-im and n-bz~-ln,b riii-ti-iiiz T h e two words we& and d?tilu are the translation of the same ideograph, and may be either relatcd or identical in meaning. Cf, also the name dininn?-mi-lniiz8-ha-li-it (Bu. 9 , . 786 in C-i VIII , 40) which may sugsrrt t he complete form of we-di~-uin-li-ib-lt~~~cl.


anu+, 1 1 452; Yanzai+, I 1 711 wardu, "servant." Beg. I I 557; . . . +, 1 1 932. 1469--79. + . . . , 1 271.

lpl 'wakru, "precious." Wa-kar, in in1 'va t r u , "superabundant." a-li+, 1 1 1282; a m + , I 1 N'a-tar, in a-/if, 1 1 1284; 450; '?arna?+,ll 555;. . . +, m u + , 1 1 451; d?arna3+, 1 1 931. I I 556; . . . +, I 1 933.

i -zz~m, cf. Anior. List. a-ad-dat, 1 1 967: a-hu- 131 "to call." 1' pr ir-kur, in ?A%+, 1 1 1098; a-hzz+, 1 1

+ a m , +&a, + d l M , 1965- 1035; a-&+,I1 1131; a-li+, 67. I 1 1210 ; a m + , 1 1 436;

ill "to provide." I ' ag la-ni-in, $-a+, 1 1 717; den-lil+, I 1 in a-ad-da+, I I 965 ; a-hu+, 589. I I 1033; a-hi+, I I I 129; i131 "to provide,'' I' pm i n +nu- a-li+, I 1 1208; anz~+, 1 1 h-a, in a-huf, I 1 1073; 434; &a+, I 1 685 ( 1 , I 1 a++, 1 1 1169: a-li+, I I 965, 11 715; %- l i l t , 11 1248; a w + , 1 1 448; 587; ?a-ni-in-ni, in a-ad- diarna?+, 1 1 553; . . . +, da+, 1 1 966; a-hu+, I I 1 934; ~i-nu-zi-iz~, in a-bu+, 1034; a-hu-urn+, 1 1 1097; 11 1074; a-hi+, I 1 I 170; a-Ei+, 1 1 1130; a - l i t , I I a-li+, 11 1249; anu f , I I 1209; anzt+, 1 1 435; ?a-ni- 449; ?ianzai+, 1 1 554. ni, in 2-a+, 1 1 716; den-lil tirkar, cf. Arnor. List. +, 1 1 588; fa-~zi-in-Xu, in pl1 i~ar ik , ibid.

n ha-ha, cf. Arnor. List. hu-urn-rum, ibid. ha-ab-rz~, ibid. ?Ti1 "to protect." I ' ag, in anu+, ha-al, ibid. 1 1 447, d/Af+, 1 488.

D 2% "to be good." I' pm $26, in -I + 1 49-5 I ; td-bzl-urn,

a-bi+, I 1 1341; a-bu+,ll ina-ad-/da!]+, I I 960; a-hi+, 1015;a-hi+, I I 1113;a-li+, 1 1 134?; a-Eu+. I 1 1016;

1 1 1192; a m + . 1 1 492; a++, 1 432, l l I I 14; a-li+, diarnai+, 1 132; thbal, in 1 1 1193; an%+, I 1 493; A-A+, 1 243. tii-[ha-at?] in urn-mi+, I

tdbi~, "good." TIE(], in +i-li, ++a , 639.

I Or in-kar, in-tar? (:f Hommel, OLZ g (1906) Col. 270 f . , and Nos. q j o ~ - I . 'The clen~ents arc probahly Amoritic.

77 idu, "hand," in a-nziir-id-21-tar, .., .d . ilar, o.?ran~zi, ci. Amor. List. 1 87.

3 . . ?-ki-ia, . . 2-ki-ia-nzu, . . I-ki-ia- 1 1 5 1 ; a-li+, 1 1 1234; ai?u+,

tum, . . ?-hi-ia-ti, cf. Amor. I 1 j g j ; $-a+, I 1 680; i.Y- List. t i?+, I 1 738; %in-lil+, I 1

ku-hi, for Sum. kzi-bi, in nu-krf , 629; kard-ni, in a-ad-da+,

1 442. I 1 975; a-hu+, 1 1 1060; 112 kinu, "true, steady." Ki-in, a-!,it-, 1 1 I I 56; a d + , 1 1

in a-hu+, 1 1 1017; ki-nid- 1235; anzhf, l l 398; &a+, ZCPPZ, in a-hit+, 1 1 1018; I 1 681; 2;-Id?+, I 1 739; S U + , I 385. "nin-Id+, I l 630.

213 ku~b71, "abundance." Ku-zu- kur-'i-i, cf. Amor. List. ub, in a-ha-{ifxi-Si, 1 1 1007; 213 ikribu, "prayer, offering," in dnin-lil+ni-li, I 1 654; dla?- ikribu-fa, I 32, ikribi(-hi). +ni-ii, 1 1 817. $.?-tar, I 33.

ku-al-ia (?), in li-bur+, I 441. kur-bri-pin, cf. Amor. l i s t . karil', "granary, treasure room?" Y u ' ~ I ' pm ha-a?-da-kit, in warad+,

Kari-(i), in a-ad-da+,l1974; 1 1 1473. a - E z ~ t , I1 1059; a-hi+, I1

libur, libarm, cf. 'I:N,. ludari, cl. 117. lili, probably scribal error for Zelili,

I 90. lamassu, "protectinggod, guardian."

'a-?nu-72, in a&+, I I 1349; a-huf , 1 1 1028; a-hit-, I 1 1 1 2 3 ; ~ - l i + , I 1 1203; a n u f , 1 1 415; den-lil+, I 1 j83; "nin-lil+, 1 1 635; diara+, 11803; . . + , 1 1 1428.

lu-mu-[ur?], cf . ?EN,. 1195 limuitu, "evil, wickedness, hos-

tility," in li-mu-ut-a-a-hi, I I I 581.

liphur, cf. 7 3 ~ . no5 liptu, "worli, skill." Lip-ti,

in a-hi+, 1 1 1345; a-hi~+. I 1 1024; a-hi+, I 1 1120;

a-li+, I 1 1 I ; a m + , 1 1 41 1; "ni~z-lilf, 1 1 631

la-ir (divine name?), in ~ Z L - u r + , I 442-

lirik, cf. 7 - ~ , . litur, cf. iin.

- --

I Cf. discussion of th is word hy Langdon, in PSLI,4 36, pp. 29-30.

EDW. CHIERA-LIS1.S OF A i ( K 4 1 > 1 : \ 5 NALIES

n 1213 "to be favorable." 1' pr im a-hi+, I 1 1146: a-li+, I 1

gur, in Bet. I I I jro-23; pm 1225; a n u f , I 1 387; " IM+, ma-gir, in a&+, 1 1 1366; 1 1 758; d s i n f , 1 1 765; a - h u t , 1 1 1048; a-hi+. I 1 . . . +, 1 1 1442: ma-Iih-i'u., I 144; a - l i f , l l 1223; aiz?b+, in a-bi+. I 1 1369; a-hu+, 1 1 385; dsi7z+, 1 1 763; I 1 1 0 5 1 ; a-hi+, 1 1 1147; . . .+, l l 1443. a-li+, 1 1 1226; a n u f , 11

nrigr21, "favorite." Mi-gir, in +an- 388; VIM+, I 1 7jr); ',rill+, ni , + A N , +. . . , 1 338-40. I I 766.

In: "to be equal to." I' ag ID malznu, "who?" Ma-an-n11-un2, ma-bir, in +, 1 70; ma+, I in +ma, f nza-hir, +ma- 7 I ; ma-an-nz~-z~m+, ma-an- !~ir-izc, nza-w-urn-mu-hir-izt- ?z;~-z~rn+iz~, ma-flu-unzf Ju- 12u, 1 72. 1221, 1 72. W~L-ra-nu-um, "foal, cub," in I 93.

-in .,,- "to counsel." I ' ag nza-lik, (ni)arii, cf. nu-,. in a-hi+, 1 1 1366; a-hu+, ma-ru-ui?-as? (Cassite god Marut- l l 1049; a-hi+, l l 114j; tas?), in . . .-lzim+, 1 1 1578. a-li+, I I 1224; m u + , I 1 nzu-u??-mu-?za-7zu-u~, 1 482. 386; d l M + , 1 1 757; dsin+, nzutum, rnz~li, a~nz~l i , cf. Amor. List. 1 1 7G4; . . . +, 1 1 1441 ; ma- miif?*, "land," in a-gu-h-a-in-ma-li, lik-e, in a - b i f , 1 1 1368; 1 167. ma-lik-kc, in a - ~ I L + , I I ~ o j o ; n~ulabbil, cf. 537.

7 "to be cxaltcd." I ' pm ?la-da, in a?zz~+, l l 376; anu-?u, 1 1 456; &a+(?), I 1 669; "en-lil+, I 1 569; Y;IIIIL+, 1 1 87j; "2-silim+, I 1 870; ila-pi+, ill*-zu-ma+, I jo; " l M + , 1 487; %i?z-amai- a fag-ga t , I I 853; %in- ID+(?), 1 428; %ZL-nzui- da+, 1 1 835; "amu?+, 1 1 520; d T A R + , 1 1 857; %zrai'+, 1 1 833; "(/St, I I 831; "a-m6-nzd+, 1 1 881: d . . .+,1184g;. . .+, l l 1406-

jN 1 nEn?~, "we" Acc. ni-a-ti, in fa- l irnf , I 39.

N,22 "to call." I ' ag na-bi, in +den-lil, +"sin, +i-li-iu, 1 82-84.

151 "to give." I ' pr i-din, in fanurn, +&a, +'si?z. I 61-63; i-dilz-qzanz, in a?zz~+, I 1 391; a-hi+, 1 1 1181; i-din-AN, in a - l i t , 1 1 1268; ps la-din, in.+a-ha, +nu-nu, I 382-83.

I "to shine." I ' pm na-wi-ir, in a - a - i ~ z ~ f , I I 1093; a w + ,


I l 461; d l M + , 1487; l l l a g mu-nu-wi-ir, in a-a-hz~+, 1 1 1094; a m + , 1 1 462.

ndru , "light." NIL-zir, in Beg. I 1 1400-94; +i-li, ++a, ++Xu, 1 46 48; "da-gan, +if-tdr, +"la-gn, +ga-ga, +dlza-ha, I 329 ~3 I ; ~ Z L - r i , in a-ad-da+, 1 1 961; a - b i t , I 1 1350; a-El~+, I 1 1029; a-hi+, I 1 I 124; a-li+, I 1 1204; aim+, 1 1 407; +i.?- I&+, I 1 734.

wn] nuhIu, "abundance." Nu- ub-i'i, in a-ad-da+, 1 1 963; a - b i f , 1 1 1351; U - ~ ! L + , I I 1031 ; a-!I;+, I I 1126; a-If+, I 1 1206; aiiz~+, 1 1 409; iX-id?+, 1 1 736.

1 "to look upon." I' ip i-tul, in +anurn, +&a, + d l M , 1 116-18.

ntmedi, cf. ?CHI. nErneki, cf. pnH,. 3x3 isblr, "sprout," in is-bu-urn,

1 168. 7x2 "to protect." I T pr z , in

+anurn, +&a, + d l M , I

40-42. ag na-sir, in a-li+, 1 1 1267; a n u f , 1 1 378;

d nin-amai-alag-{a+, 1 1 855; i n - m a 1 1 872; "in- far+, I 1 877; *. . . +, 1 1 85 I ; a i r in . . . +, I I I 408.

7p1 ndkidu, "shepherd," nu-bid, in a-li+, 1 1 1266; a m + , I 1 377; 'e7z-lil+, 1 1 570; dgh- silinz +, 1 1 87 I ; dnin-arnai- alag-ga+, 1 1 854; dnin- iar+, I 1 876; !Jarnai+, I 1 521 ; "7'AK+, 1 1 858; d . . . +, 1 1 850; . . +, 1 1 1407.

nu-ka-su(?), in a n u f , anu-Xu+, I I 479-80.

xiri i , cf. ?I&. nit%, "people." h'i-ii, in a-ha-ti-

du-mu-uk+, 1 1 1005; a-ha- ti-kzc-p-ub+, 1 1 1007; dnin- lil-ku-7th-ub+, 1 1 654; dra?- ku-7%-ub+, 1 1 817.

o',rrf~ "to he exalted." I' a g nu-ii, in " I M + , I 488.

nis'u, "lifting u.p," in ii-tdr- ?zi-iu, 1 1 733 ; dnin-lil-ni-?i, I 6 j3 . Cf. RPN 242, note 9.

90 pa-a-. . . . , in $-a+, 1 1 697.' nio pa?-al-ha-an?, "fear," in +ri-ig- pzi, "mouth," in e-lel-pi-. . . , m i , 1 396. I 239-41. pul -un?- . . , cf. Atnor. List.

pufu, cf. Arnor. List. Y?D "to appoint, to order." 1 I T ?no "to gather." I' pc 11-ip-&ur, pr 6-pa-kid, in +, I 3 I.'

in a-hu-urn+, I I I 580. puti, cf. Amor. List. -~

'To be completed pu-n-ti? Cf. 1'1. I , p, i l , note S.

EDW. CHIERA--LISTS O F A I < K h V l h S U.411ES 163

;N,Y $$nu, "good." Zi-i-ni, in Z L "protection," in $-a- a m + , 1 1 457; a m - h + , l l z i l l ( - 1 1 1 683. 458. 5DT .:imdz~ "yoke, bond." Zi-

713' "to hunt." I ' ag la-i-diz, in im-di, in a++, 1 1 1062; anzl+, 1 1 508. a-hi+, 1 1 1158; a-li+, I 1

553 rillz~, "protection." Si-li, in 1237; a?zu+, 1 1 417 ; s -kw+, i ~ ? z i ~ + , 1 1 477; anu-iu+, I I l l 898; li-im-ti, in den-lil+, 478; $-a+, 1 1 682. 1 1 , j8j.

7 karradu, "powerful," in anu- V'p "to present," I ' pr i-ki-ia-am,

kar-ra-du, 1 1 446. a-hi+, 1 1 I 182; in a d + , kiitzr, "hand," in i-li-ga-ii, 1 65, l l 1269; a-nu+, l l 392.

a-mrlr-ga-7a, 1 85

1 r "shepherd," in a-hu+, I 1 1021; a-hi+, 1 1 1117; a-li+, I 1 I 196; a~zz&+, I 1 404; $-a+, 1 1 718; 'sin+, I I l o ; dnin-lil+, 1 1 337; '?ama.?+, 1 1 j 3 j; "11i11-1il- r$'ilu, 1 1 637.

DN,? "to be merciful." I T ip ri- me-ni, in a++, I 1 1022; a- hi+, 1 1 1118 ; a-/$+, I 1 1197 ; anz~+, 11405; $-a+, I 1 7 1 9 ; i n - 1 I I 6 "in+, 1 I I I ; "iamai+, 1 1 536; ri-?nu- na,ina-hz~+,lI 1023; a-hi+, 1 1 1119; a - l i t , 1 1 1198; dnin-lil+?, 1 I 639.

rimtn, "beloved." lii-me-it, in ['a-ba]+, I I z q i vdha-al- bu+, 1237; ' T I ~ ~ I - E S ? + , 1 1 798; ri-mi-if, in da-ba+, I 129.

V N , l reill, "first." i in +anz~m, +$-a, +be-li, I 13-1 5 ; ri-ia-at, in da-ba+, 1 130; 'ka-a?-ha+, I 238; dnin-gS+, 1 1 799.

mi rub& "great." Ra-bi, in d?anzai+, I 1 3 I ; d?a?-ra-bi, 1 1 818.

Dl1 rigmz~, "cr),, lamentation, noise," in pal-al-ha-am-ri- ig-nzi, I 396.

71; "to help." I ' pr e-ri-la-am, in a-bu-zlnz+, 1 1 131z;a-li+, 1 1 1271; nnu+, 1 1 390; 'e~z-lil+, 1 I 5g1.

ri~11, "hclpcr." Ri-:IL-zi-a, in $-a+, 1 1 720; "iamu,'+, I 1 537; ri-lu-Xu, in %+, l I 1 2 ;

ri-fu-zi-.?z~, in $-a+, 1 1 72 I ; a n z l l , 1 1 406; "?anzaS+, 1 I


538; ri-7"-in, in 2-a+, I I EC-, "to acquire, to possess." 721.

I ' pr in [a-hdl-or-ii, I 938: 1 "to give po~session."~ I ' pr a - - t a r - 7 I I loo<^; n-!,a- e-ri-ba-an?, in il-b~i.-?~m+, 1 1

fa-ar-ii, I I I 582; (I-ha-nir-Ti, 1 3 1 1 ; a - l i + , I 1 127o:an1~+, 1 1 389; "el%-lilf, 1 1 590. I q jy ; I 1 1010.

sukkalh~, "messenger, supervisor," in anz~+, 1 1 491.

Su2, in Beg. I I I jo5-09; +wu-?zu, +ki-m-urn(?), [ + I ki-ir- '11~7a-7>ia(?), 1 384-86.

> j & ~ ;elibu, "fox," in ?e-12-~ZL- 1 1 ~ 7 , ie-li-bzr-ia, 1 88-89.

Xu-ub-. . . , in &a+, I I 699. ?add, "mtiunt, mountain." Su-

di-i, in a-ad-du+, 1 1 972; a-bi+, 1 1 1375; a++, I 1 1057; a++, l l I I 53; a- l i f , I 1 1232; am&+, 1 1 395: sa-dfr-ni, in a-ud-dd+, I I 973; a-Ex+, 1 1 1058; a-hi+, 1 1 1154 ; a-li+, l l 1 2 j j :

anzt+, i l 396. SID-AR-IR, I 1 I 562. [.Full-hi-ir, in +"mu-ma, I 8 6 . .?e-li-12, 11-11, I 90.

114~4;d?ama.?+,11 551; lC+, l z~+ , 1 108; 1 I1agmu-ia-lini, inu-bu-urn+, I I ~ p j ; a - E ~ t + , l l 1070; a-hi+, I 1 1166; a-li+, 1 1 124 j ; m u + , I 1 425; "iamai';, 1 1 552.

iimzc, cf. Amor. List.

"to hear." I' pr if-me-a-izi, ina-bz~-l,cm+, I 1 1324; a-hi+, 1 1 1171 ; a n z t f , 1 1 430; "en-lil+, I I 6 1 j ; . . .+, 1 1 141 5 ; [if-mla-a-ni, in . . . +, I I 1416; ii-ma-?ti, in a + I I 43 1 : 2.7-mu-?la, ina-hu+, I I 1076; u-Ei+(?), I 1 1172; a-/i+, 1 1 1 2 5 1 :

"efz-lilt, 1 1 616; ii-me-ni, ina-hz~-~mw+,lI 1 j25 ;a -hz~+, I 1 1075; a-li+, l l 12jo; la?-me. in t i - i d r . 1 125: , ,

c j ? ? "to be well. to preserve." I rpm 2ai-n?e-t~rnz, tul-mi-iztm, I I 2 j ;

Fa-linz, in +u-bi, +a+, +a- tax-me-a-112, 1 126: ip ie- li, fa-lim, +a-It-in%, t n i - me-a, in an&+, 1 1 507; ag

" t i , +NI-A-AS, 1 37-39; se-MI, in a-hi+, I 1 1365; a-!,a+, I 1 1069; a-hi+, I 1 a-bu+, 1 1 1047; a-hi+, I 1 I 165; a-li+, I 1 1244; aizu+, I 1 4 ) ; a-l if , 1 l 1222; aizz~f, p~ -- ~.~ ~~ ~~ ~

~p~ ~

' Cf. tingn;id ZDMG 62 ((908) p. 721 B. 2 i h e common rendering giiitii for the sign SG is \cry probahiy erroneous. i n tents of this

period, that word would be wriiten i n full. li S t i is used as an ideograph lor some word,

this is certainly a noun. Very probably, howe\er , the sign S l l wili prove to havc the phonrttc value 38'. Cf. Pt. I, No. 384 and note.

1 1 384; I I I 1 756; i i.?-tn~t, in <?-'1-hit+, I 1 I I I L ) I ;

a-hzr-urn+, 1 1 I j r8 ; o-hzl+, 1 1 1079; <z-bi+, I 1 1175; a-li+, 1 1 1254; a ' + I 1 428; a , I I 1 ; 'Ien- lil+, I I 019 ; "nztz-1d+, 1 1 652; "s'anzui+, 1 1 533; ? Z ~ - W I ~ I - ~ ~ ~ I I , in ~z-tz-bu+, I I 1092; ti-b~t-urn+, 1 l I 329; a-hfl+, 1 1 1080; a-hi+, I I 1176 ; a-I$+, I I I z j j ; a n z ~ + , I I 429; a I 1 ; "en- Id+, I l hzo;".?umai+, I I 534.

nnv "to he abundant, to make prosper." I ' pm Ta-mu-uh,

njic; "to double, to increase," 11" pc lza-uf-da-an-izi, in a - b u t , I I 1072; a-hi+, I 1 1168 ; by error: 121-ui-an-izi, a m + , I I 443; 12-11-11 a d + , I I '247.

ip&'to balance, to weigh, to de- cide?" I1'ps ii-li-gal, in a-bzt- tlnf+, I 1 I a-bu+, I 1 1078: a-hi+, 1 1 I I 73; a-li+, 1 1 1252; a m + , I I 432; %n- 111+, 1 1 617; ix-ti-i (scribal error), in a-li+, I I 1253.

. . VpV "to destroy, to kill." I '

ag ?a-gi-ii, in a-hi+, 1 410. in an%+, I 1 426; I I 'ag mu- m d Tarhu, "powerf~~l," in a-ha- ?a-rnz~-~~h ,in an?&+, 11 427. ii-s'ar-ha-a/, I 1 1004.

11-mi-in-ni, cf. Amor. List. a r . "kine." ,far-ru-um. . . ~,

inv "to be attentive, to he in +avz~m, +&a, +ba-ni, watchful." 1" ps i?-fa-nzar, 1 536~~38; ?a-ar-[ru-urn?], in in a-b21-urn+, 1 1 1 3 2 7 ; $-a+, 1 1 668; .?a-711-[z~m], a-hzl+, I 1 1077; a - h i t , I 1 in 2-a+, I ! 667; . . - l i a ? ] - I 174; a m + , 1 1 433; &a+, ~ I I -ZLTT~, 1 1 938. I I 710; "erz-lil+, 1 1 618; iarralfi, "queen," in a-ha-ti-Tar- "iamai+, 1 l 532. ra-at, I 1 1003.

iunzs'u, "sun," "iamTi(-ii), in a-ad- iarrd?ztli, cl. Amor. List. da+, 1 1 9/34; a-hi+, I I ierlz~, "angei-,punishme~~t,"' ina-nzur- 135z;a-!lzf+,II 1032;a-l~i+, e - r i - i t - - 1 , 1 87; a-mur- 1 1 1127; a - l i t , l l 1207; ir-ri-la, 1 85-86. a n z ~ + , 1 1 410; is'-ldr+, 1 1 737. Ti-it-ti, cf . Amor. List.

n ti-,qi, ti-gi, cf. Amor. List. laiiirlt, "compassionate." Ta- 1 "to turn, to be merciful." I ' a-a-ar, in nnu+, 1 1 445;

r i r in +anz~m, +2-a, $-a+, I 1 714; . . .+, 1 1 1412. +'IAl, 1 94-96; pc li-tzir, ti-il-gi, ti-i;-kar, c i . Amor. List. in +, +ru, +ra, +rn-ni, I i3n i u k ~ ~ l l i ~ , "strength, assist- 07-99. ance." TIL-kill-Ii, in a-bi+,

~ . .~

' Th i s translation would be in accord with ti-riiur-80-;a (1'1. I , S o . S j L r\nothcr translation inight be: ' I have srrn t he morning light oi Ishfai."


I1 1346; a++, I1 1025; a-hi+, 11 1121; a - l i f , 11 1200; anu+, 11 412 ; $-a+, 11 698; ti-ldr+, 11 742; 'ni~z-lil+, 11 632.

lulid, cf. Amor. Lis t . fu-al-ti, l l I 564. iappil, "companion." Tab-ba,' in

a - h u f , 11 1041; a , 11 I 137; tab-[ha?], in d I M + , 1 487; lab-ba-e, in a-ad-da+,

a-ad-da +, I 1 980; a-bu-zcm+, I I 1309; a-hu+, 11 1043; a-hi+, 11 I 139; a-li+, I1 1217; a m + , 11 440; tab- ba-w,e-di, in a-ad-du+, I I 981; ( I - b ~ - ~ m + , 1 1 1310; a-hi+, I 1 I 140; a m + , 11 441 ; %en-lil+, 1 1 602; tab- ha-e-di, in a-li+, 1 1 1218;

tab-ba-e-we-di, in a++, I I 1044.

I I 979; a - ~ Z L - u m f , I I 1308; larii, cf. 2 ~ 1 .

a-hu+, 11 1042; a-hi+, 11 I 138; a-li+, 11 1216-18; tas'melum, las'meani, cf. &i?tSf a m + , I1 439; tab-ba-Yu, in

-~ . ~~ .

I I n t he transliterations, I have adopted the writing tab-60, instead of iappf i , t o p p d , erc., because of the uncertainly as to the interpretation of these names. Moreover, lab-ha might also he a phonetic wi l t ing for tap-pa. Cf. 2-li-lob-bi-c, LC, clc ; io-$0-we-di inz, VS VI I '71, co.




I 38-39 z159+2200+22j6+1 IOOO+I 1068+11o73+1981o. Portion of a very large, baked tablet. Meas. 2 1 2 ~ 1 1 7 X 4 2 . (Has been reduced.) Cont. Col. 1: 1-40; CoI. 1 1 : 50-93; Col. 111: 104-45; Col. IV: 146-74; Col. V: 18j-201; Col. VI: 212-21; Col. VII : 2 3 2 ~ 4 1 ; (hl. V111: 252-86; C01. IX: 297-317; c01. X : 3 2 8 - j ~ . I , 11, IV Expd.

2 4 0 4 1 2342. Large baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 147X I 16X 30. Cant. Obv.: 830-37; Rev.: Col. 1 : 374.-98; CoI. I I : 401 03, 407-23, 426-33; Col. 1 1 1: 436-62; Col. IV tl-eated in Pt. I l l , Nos. 1233 54. 1 Expd.

3 42 2339. Right L.ower part of unbaked tablet. Meas. 6 z X 7 j X 25 . Cont. Obv. destr. Rev. Col. I : 387-90, 3 9 2 - 4 , 401; Col. 11: 423. 426-31. 1 Expd.

4 42 6447. Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. i 8 X j o X z j . Cont. Obv.: 394 99. Rev. not inscribed. IV Exp.

j 42 I 1010. Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. (11 X 7 2 X ) j . Cont. Ohv. not inscribed; Rcv. Col. 1: 390-98, 401-02; Col. I I : 422-23, 426-34. 1 Expd.

6 42 5934. I'ortion of nnbaked tablet. Meas. 8 j X j6X 38. Cont. Ohv. List of nanies with ilet. "tilg" (not published). Rev. Col. I : 473-80, 454 55; Col. 1 1 ; 442-43. IV Expd.

7 4 j924. Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. I 33 X 1 2 2 x 2 7 . Cont. Obv. (not published) cf. l i s t of 1)uplicatcs on p. oo. Rev. GII. I : 372-78, 473-80; Col. I I : 454-55, 491 9 2 , 434-36, 4 1 1-1 3 ; Col. l l I ; ?, 401 03, 418 ~ 1 9 , 416-17, 461; Col. IV: 430~-3j. 428 29, ?, ) R ~ - L ) I , j84-86. IV Expd.

- ~ - . -- . .

I Measurements are given i n millimetprs. length (height) X width X thickness. \Vhencvci the tablet (or fragment) varics in size, the larg-st measurement is given. CBS refers to the Ca tahgue af the Bxbylonian Sxtictinn. Cont. refers to the translitsration o f the tablets which is givcn on pp. 118-r47.



8 44-45 CBS

5803. I'ortion of large, baked tablet. hleas. 161 x I I j x 3 2 .

Cont. ')bv. Col. I : 44j?, 4 j 4 j j . 491 3 ; Col. 11: 309-403. 418-19, 41(j-17. 461-02, 430-33, 4 2 8 ~ 2 9 ; Col. I I I: 420-zj, 404 00. 448-49. 504-08. j 19-21 ; I&. Col. I : 0 1 j z o ; Col. 11: 1454-58. I \ / Expd.

[.a!-ge unbaked tahlet. F r a g n i r n t a ~ \ . Mrab. I j 5 x 123 X j o . Cont. Obv. : 389-08, 4 0 1 o(j; Rev. puh- lished in Pt , I l l , No. 17, 6. I Expd.

1-arge unbaked tablet. Meas. 162 X I r o X j z . Cont. Obv.: 407 23, 426. Rev. published in 1% I l l , No. 16, pl. 5. 1 !-:xpd.

Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. hleas. 8 0 X 5 j X 27. Cont. Obv. Col. 1: 710 20; Col. I 1 destr. I<ev, ruled but not inscribed. IV Expd.

I'ortion of an unbaked table[. Meas. 1oX56XzG. Cont. Obv.: I jzo-zj; I<e\,.: Sunierian 1'1-imer (not published.) IV Expd.

Left Upper Cornerof unbaked tablet. ! l eas , 46X5oX8. Cont. O b v : 66j-69; Rev. list of names with det. "gi.?' (not published). IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet (same as No. 20). Mcas. 4 8 X j 8 X 13+. Cont. Col. I : Cf. I't. I I I , Nos. I 322 -30; CoI. I I : Pers~lial names composed with ii-tdr; Rev. dcstr. IV Expd.

Fragment of half baked tablet. jhlcas. j6X37Xz)+ . Cont. Col. I : 710-12, 718-21; COI. I I : destr. Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet (same as So. 33). mea as. 45Xj8X21 . Cont. Obv. Col. I : 680-85; Col. I I : 696-99. Rev. dcstr. IV Expd.

Left L'pper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4 7 ~ 48X2j . Cont. Obv.: 897-900. Rev. Svllabary (not published). IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. !Lleas. 55X37X 30. Cont. Obv.: Cf. I't. I l l , Nos. 1298-99. Rev. Personal names composed with dni?z-lil. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 5 I XhoX 31. G m t . Coi. I : 1428-30; Col. l l : 549-51; Col. I l l : 602-04; Col. IV: 616-23. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet (same as No. 14). Meas. j8X51X28. Cont. Col. 1: 1469-79: Col. 11: CF. I't. 1 1 1 , hos . 1 1 18-26; C O ~ . 111: 731-42. IV Expd.



6441. Fragment of baked tablet (same as No. 16). Meas. 51X61X24. C o n t . C d . I : deitr . Col. 11: 910-18; I . I : C f . P t I l l , N3s. 1033-89; I . I : 1171, 1145, I 129, I 124-28, 1295-97; CoI. V : 1387-95. IV Expd.

Portion of unbaked tablet. Crumbling and very frag- mentary. Meas. 7 2 X 8 j X j i < . Cont. Col. 1: 988-95; Col. 1 1 : 1006-10, 1013, 1015-16; Col. I l l : r o j p - 38; C O ~ . IV: I 130-32; C0l. V: 1170-71. IV Expd.

Upper part of half baked tablet. Meas. 59X58X24. Cont. Obv.: 1012, 1015-18, 1033; Rev.: 1041-46. IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet. Meas. 71 X 5 o X j 1 . Cont. Obv.: 1057-62; Rev. Syllabary (not published). IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet. Meas. 48X3oX 13. Cont. Obv. destr. Rev. loz7-?1. IV Expd.

Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4 4 x 3 5 X 12+. Cont. Obv.: 1077-80, 1069-70, 102 1-22; l i e v destr. I I Expd.

Lower Left Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4 z X 5 j X 33. C o n t Obv.: 1069-71 ; Rev. Syllabary (not pub- lished). IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 54X53X26, Cont. Obv. List of names with det. "gi?' (not published); Rev. 1091-96. IV Expd.

Portion of round tablet. Meas. Diam. 90; Thick. 32. Cont. Obv. 1097-98. Rev. not inscribed. LV Expd.

Right Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 54X41X16+. Cont. Obv. Col. I : 1027, 1029-31; Col. I I : 1051-56; Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. I 13 X92 ~ 2 6 . Cont. Obv. destr. Rev. Col. I : 1109-18, Col. 1 1 : 1131- 36, I 138-41; Col. I l l : 1153-58. IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet. Meas. 6 2 ~ 5 7 x 2 8 . Cont. Obv. List of names with det . "ku?" (not published). Rev. Col. I : destr. Col. 11: 1166-76. IV Expd.

Lower portion of unbaked tablet. mea as. 67X70X22. Cont. Obv. and Rev. 1126 -43. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 88X57X12. Cont. Obv. I 143-52. Rev. Sumerian Primer (not published). IV Expd.


Fragment of half baked tablet. Meas. 5 o X j b X 1 2 f . Cont. Obv. Cf. I't. I , Nos. 28-30. Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet. Meas. 28X57X24. Cont. Obv. Col. I : destr.; Col. 1 1 : 1016; I . I : I 131-35 Col. 1V: 1167-71. I V E x p d .

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 4 j ~ 2 0 . Cont. Obv. 1208-09. Rev. not inscribed. I I I Expd.

Upper Left Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 55X80X 34. Cont. Obv. List of names with det . "gi?" (not published). Rev. Col. I : 1266--71, 1282-84; CoI. 1 1 : 1208-10. IV Expd.

Lower Right Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas 81 X 54x24. Cont. Extant Obv. not inscribed. Rev. Col. I : 1208-18, 1220; CoI. l I : des t r IV Expd.

liight Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 80X 39x23 . Cont. Extant Obv. not inscribed; Rev.: t 188-95. IV Expd.

Right Lower Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 48X 52x30 . Cont. Obv. List of names with det . "gii" (not published); Rev.: 1234-35, 128243. 1V Expd.

Right Lower Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 42X 51 x 2 8 . Cont. Obv. erased. '(ev. Col. I : 1215-18, 1220, 1222-23; Col. 1 1 destr. IV Expd.

Right Upper Cot-ner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 73X 56x22. Cont. Obv.: 1048-52; Rev.: 12)t-j6. IV Expd.

Large unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 140 X I 18x34. Cont. Obv.: Grammatical (not published). Ref.Col. 1: 1192-1203; CoI. 11: 1204-22; CoI. 1 1 1 : 1223.39; Col. IV: 1240-1255. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4 6 X 4 7 X 8 f . Cont. Obv. Cf. 1%. I l l , Nos. I I 13-17. Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Round tablet. Unbaked. Meas. Diam. 60; Thick. 21. Cont. Obv. Pt. 111, No. 1391. Kev. not inscribed. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 6 0 ~ 4 4 x 3 2 . Obv. Sumerian Primer (not published); Rev. 1598-1604. IV Expd.



5900. Fragment of unbaked tablet. mea as. 51X78Xz7+. Cont. Obv. destr. Rev. Cf. Nos. 1602--06. IV Expd.

6410. Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 70x73 Xjq. Cont. Obv.: 1534-47. Rev. List of temples (not pub- lished). 1V Expd.

I 1334. Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 74X54Xa5. Cont. Obv.: 1548-51. Rev. not inscribed. I Expd.

6658. Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Cont. Obv. not inscribed. Rev. Col. 1 : 1505-09; Col. 1 1 : Cf. Pt. I l l , Nos. 1068-72. IV Expd.

5833. Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 65 X53 X 30. Cont. Obv.: 1490-94. Rev.: Sumerian I7rimer (not published). IV Expd.

5870. Right Lower Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 56X 78x41, Cont. Obv. Col. 1: destr. Cols. 11-Ill. Rev. List of names with det. "kui" (not published). IV Expd. '

5959. Round tablet. Unbaked. Bears traces of having been inscribed several times. Meas. Diam. 78; Thick. 26. Cont. Obv. and Rev.: 1562-67. 1V Expd.

13568+13575+13576+ 13583+ 13588+ 13592+ 13596f 13601+ 13614. Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 160X 130x38. Cont. Obv.: 1578-87. Rev.: List of names with det. "gii" (not published). I l l Expd.





Largeunbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 1 6 ~ 1 0 x 2 8 . Cont. Col. 1: 110-16 1 1 2 0 3 1 Col. 1 1 : 1135-47, 1153-55; c01. 111: I 1 6 1 6 6 , I 171-74, 1181-82. IV Expd.

Left Lower Corner of unbaked tablet . Very much distorted and effaced. Meas. 5 5 X45 Xz7. Cont. Obv.: Names beginning with element " I M , dba-u, d ~ ~ i n - ~ ~ , dlM, 'nix-IB; Rev. not inscribed. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 9 8 x 4 7 ~ 3 5 . Cont. Obv. destr. Rev.: 1124-27, I 129-31. IV Expd.

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 44X33X38. Cont. Obv.: Traces of names beginning with the element anu. Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Left Lower Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 58X56X28. Cont. Obv. I 144-47. Rev. dcstr. IV Expd.

Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. qoX43Xz4. Cont. Obv. I 188-90. Rev. effaced. IV Expd.

Unbaked tablet. Fragmcntary. Meas. 131X122Xz7. Cont. Obv. ~. 430-31, 395-98. 391-92, 384-88, 420-23; Rev. published as No. 7, pl. 6. IV Expd.

Fragment'of unbaked tablet. Writing large but irregular. Meas. j6X57X24. Obv. Lexicographical. Rev. Col. I, destr.; Col. 11: 1242-43, 1246-47. IV Expd.

Fragment of baked tablet. Meas. 77X5oX33. Cont. Extant Obv. not inscribed; Rev. 1230-35, 1250-52. IV Expd.

Portion of a round tablet. Meas. Diam. 64; Thick. 22+. Cont. Obv.: Names composed with the element dnin-. .; Rev. destr. but probably not inscribed. IV Expd.

Two joined fragments of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4oX38X8+. Cont. Obv.: 1238-40; Rev. destr. IV Expd.

Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 37X43X23. Cont. Obv.: List of cattle (not published). Rev. I 144-46. IV Expd.

Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 3GX37X21. Cont. Obv. 112-16. Rev. not inscribed. IV Expd.

Left Upper Corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 3 6 x 4 1 X24. Cont. Obv. destr. Rev. 125-55, IV Expd.

Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 138X85X32. Cont. Obv. to be published in Pt. I l l , No. 61; Rev. Cols. 1-11, destr.; Col. I l l : 1222-31; Col. IV: 1235-jg. IV Expd.

Small fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 42X2gX12+. Cont. Obv. destr.; Rev. Col. I : Fragments of names compounded with a-bu. IV Expd.

Portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 82X6oX24. Cont. Obv. List with det. "gi" (not published); Rev. Col. I, destr.; Col. 11: Traces of names compounded with a-li; I . I I : 1284, I 109-16, 1120--21. IVExpd.

Lower left corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 5gX68Xj2. Cont. Obv. List with det. "gi.?' (not published); Rev. Cols. 1-11, destr.; COl. 111: 1150-51; Col. IV: 1168-72. IV Expd.

Upper left corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. goX48X30. Cont. Obv.: List with det. "7d" (not published); Rev. Cols. 1-1 I, destr.; Col. 11 1; Traces of names compounded with a-li; Col. IV: 1271, 1282-34, I 338-42. IV Expd.

Lower left corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 8 6 x 6 2 ~ 2 7 . Cont. Obv.: List with det. "pi" (not published); Rev. Cols. I - I l l , destr.; Col. IV: Traces of names compounded with anu.

Lower left corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 4 3 x 5 1 X27+. Cont. Obv.: 1163-64, I 167-68; Rev. Cols. 1-11, destr.; Col. 111: Pt. I , 54-59; Col. IV: Pt. 1 , 82-88. IV Expd.

Lower left corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 37XGzXzj. G ~ n t . Obv. List with det. "gii" (not published). Itev. Col. 1: 1028; C O ~ . 1 1 : 1282-84, 1204-o5. 1V Expd.

Large unbaked tablet. Meas. 15oX122X26. Cont. Obv. pub- lished as No. 2 3 , p. 15. Kev. contains a complete list of per- sonal names colnpounded with anzl, but it is mostly destroyed. I 1 Expd.

liight upper corner o( unbaked tablet. Meas. 7 2 x 7 1 X22. Cont. Obv. destr.; Rev. mostly destr.: it contained a list of personal names composed with the element anu. I 1 Expd.

Right lower corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. I 1 7 ~ 5 0 x 3 5 . Cont. Obv. published H'1' No. 130; Rev. Cols. 1-111: destr.; Col. IV: I 143-56. IV Expd.



46 I 4 ~' 7 and p. 173 i ; P.173 1~

6 I

34 5 1

5 3 5 5

~ I I

TEXT OR Pni.8 ~



CBS -..

6667 6670 6674 6676 6678 6679 6736 10764 I 0985 '0994 I 1000

I 1 0 1 0

I 1068 1 1073 11334 11337 11355 1 1398 1 1404 12659 12756 13568 13575 13576 13583 13585 13588 13592 13596 13601 I 3607 13614 I 4008 141 12


CBS ~~.

1 5900 5616

23 and p. 174 (1)

5920 27

42 5934 5 7 50 18

P. 173 5946 8

29 59 3 5 32

P. 173

5953 5959 5968 5976 5987 5995

26 5996


19 I 6392 44 6395 48 I 6410

P. 173 1 6425 P. 173 1 6438

36 6440 P. 173 I 6441

I I 6447 65 58 41

6448 6449 6450

, 6658 I3 , 43 ! 6659 1 2 6665






Cor. 9 50,. 8






COL. 4 cor. 3 co:. 2







COL. 4 car. 3 C O L . 2 COL. 1













1 1 12




car . 1



cog. 2

REVERSE cor. 4 C O L . 3


Cor. 3 coi. 4





OBVERSE =or . 3


COL. 6 C o r 5 COL. 4













COL. 2



REVERSE COL. 2 cot. 1


32 "3 - OBVERSE


cor . 1 COL. 2 c o r 3





COL. 2







36 37







5 0









car. 3 cot. 2 =or. 1


57 58




REVERSE C o L , , G O , . 2


co,. 1 OBVERSE

,201 2 c o r 3











L IST O F A M O R l T l C P E R S O N A L NAMES. ( R E V E R S E )

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