Page 1: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive


Dalley Street Lismore NSW 2480 T 02 6621 5185 F 02 6622 2940E [email protected]

I S S U E 3 I T E R M 1 I W E E K 11

Model United Nat ions Assembly (MUNA)

A team of 3 LHC students attended MUNA which was conducted at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre on Saturday 19 March 2016. The team members were Madison Little, Aurora Ihalainen and Oak Hatzimanolas.

More than 30 teams represented their schools on the day and each was allocated a Country. The LHC team represented Russia. Following the Flag Ceremony and the Official Opening, students formerly debated 3 different Resolutions dealing with currently contentious issues of world significance and argued these from their allocated Country’s perspective.

Teams made the effort to dress traditionally and present their table decoration to be synonymous with the Country represented. LHC students won the award for their table presentation. LHC is grateful for the opportunity and support afforded by Lismore West Rotary Club in facilitating their attendance at this Rotary Event.

Helen GeorgeScience Teacher

Page 2: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive


Dalley Street, Lismore NSW 2480

T 02 6621 5185 F 02 6622 2940

E [email protected]


8 AprilLHC ANZAC Ceremony-10:10am

25 AprilANZAC Dawn Serviceand March - Page 7 26 AprilStaff Development Day

27 April Students return 2 MayLHC P&C Meeting - 6pm

3 May Year 7, 8, 9 and 10Parent / Teacher InterviewsSee this page

5 MayUNE and SCU Coff Harbour excursion - returns 6 May

13 MayAthletics Carnival

16 MayYear 7 Vaccinations

20 MayBuilding Capacity in Our P&Cs - Page 17

We would like to respectfully acknowledge the Elders past and present of the Wijabul Wiyabal people and other peoples of Bundjalung Nation. We acknowledge that they are the first peoples of this land on which our school stands.


Parent - Teacher I nter v iewsFor Years 7 , 8 , 9 and 10Tuesday 3 May - 3 :30pm to 6 :30pm

Your son / daughter is issued with an appointment booking sheet.Students are to seek interview times with each of their teachers.

Please check that these sheets are completed by your child and are available to be brought by you to the interview on Tuesday 3 May.

This session will allow teachers the opportunity to discuss with parents / caregivers their students progress.

If you are unable to attend please contact the school on 6621 5185so a mutually convenient time can be arranged.

LHC ANZAC AssemblyThe school community is warmly invited to attend the Lismore High Campus ANZAC Day Assembly on Friday 8 April at 10:10am in the school quadrangle.

Past and present students, teachers and staff will commemorate the ANZAC landing with speeches from staff, students and an RSL member as well as hymns performed by the school choir.

ANZAC Day Dawn Ser viceThe Lismore High Choir is required at 4:30am (in uniform) and we invite ex choir students and staff to join and sing the hymns at the Dawn Service.

ANZAC Day MarchStudents are asked to represent Lismore High at the ANZAC Day march by assembling in Browns Creek Carpark at 8:30am in school uniform. The Captains will be laying a wreath on behalf of our school.

Lest We Forget

Athlet ics CarnivalOlympic ThemeLismore H igh CampusThe Lismore High Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. Yes, and so are the Olympics in Brazil! The theme at this carnival will be The Olympics and I encourage all students to get into the spirit. There will be guest appearances from Zeus, Apollo, Athena and Hercules. Dress up, compete and have fun!

The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive and enjoy the Olympic theme in house colours. If possible, students should make their own way to the venue, however, for those students requiring transport from the school, a bus will be provided. An information note will be available early term 2.

Mark Thompson Carnival Organiser

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Rel ieving Pr incipal ’s Repor t Dear School Community,

We welcome Mr Brito our Principal back after recovering from his fall earlier in the term. I would like to thank Mr Harvey (Relieving Director), Mr Baker and Mr Brito for their support and guidance during my role as Relieving Principal. I also want to acknowledge the wonderful team of professional staff at LHC for their support during this time.

I appreciate staff, student and family support and cooperation during the recent police investigation in Dalley Street. Police advised the critical incident was completely unrelated to the school. As a result of the school being within the police exclusion zone, Lismore High was closed for two days. We appreciate the hospitality extended us by staff at Kadina High Campus who hosted our staff. The school counsellor is available to support any students wishing to access this service.

Year 12 students have been undertaking examinations this week. It is important for these students to reflect on teacher feedback and address areas identified for development, to place them in the best position for tackling the HSC later in the year.

A recent excursion to Sydney was a great opportunity for students to be culturally immersed in the many locations our state’s capital has on offer including university, public transport, museums, schools and historical sites. The students were excellent role models for the school and Miss Edwards, Mr Jeffery and Ms Myles are thanked for giving up their time to take the kids.

Mr Caught’s North Coast boy’s baseball team had their first win since 2012 with a team much younger than other teams at the tournament. Their excellent sportsmanship was noted by others at the carnival. Cooper Marsh was the best batter on the day receiving the most safe-hits.

The Cross Country held in Ballina was an enjoyable day for all. There were some outstanding staff and student runs and I wish these students well at zone level. Mrs Pruess and the seniors did a great job with the catering. Mr Thompson had a great run and backed up for a much enjoyed game of touch footy against my team on the beach. A special mention needs to be made of John Paden who not only led the field with his athletic prowess but also acknowledged the cultural significance of the area to all in attendance. Miss McKinnon did an outstanding job coordinating the event.

This year’s Anzac Day falls on the last day of the school holidays and for the last 60 years the local RSL has requested that Lismore High provide the choir for the Dawn Service Commemoration of Anzac Day. Attending students are requested to wear full ceremonial school Uniform with school ties and blazers. It is recommended that everyone meets at 4:30am behind the Cenotaph for vocal warm-ups and assemble into their voice group. Mr Brady will be there from 4:30am but any parents wanting to leave children to perform in the choir should remain for the whole ceremony as no school arrangements for minding are possible. After the performance and ceremony, all students and staff along with past students and teachers, are invited back to the Workers Club for a free breakfast. It is a great occasion for informal chats and social interaction. If you are attending and haven’t been to choir practices, please let Mr Brady know via the school Facebook site. I had the pleasure of listening to Mr Brady leading the choir practice and I commend him for his effort and enthusiasm in coordinating this group.

Miss Canning has been doing a fabulous job organising the school ANZAC ceremony which will occur on the Friday 8 April at 10.10am. All students are encouraged to attend the march on ANZAC day and are requested to meet in full school uniform at Browns Creek carpark at 8.30am.


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I had the privilege to recently attend the Kadina High Campus opening of its newly refurbished music and entertainment room. The senior Rivers music class performed three items and it was wonderful to see Logan Eckersley of Lismore High performing with his Kadina class mates.

Next term, the New Choices program will start at the Lismore TAFE site. This is a program which focuses on providing alternative educational pathways for students who would benefit from a more individualised approach. The experienced staff will work with students within a holistic framework, improving social behaviour and employability skills and focussing on students transitioning into further education or employment.

A reminder, Naplan testing is on the 10th to the 12th of May and the Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 parent teacher evening on 3rd May.

I would like to thank Mr Terry Serone for filling in as GA this term and also acknowledge the hard work of Mr Rehbach undertaking a teaching role with students in the support class. Sadly for Lismore High, Mr Colin Appo is moving to Murwillumbah High in Term 2. Mr Appo has developed strong staff and student relationships and has become a highly valued member of our team. We wish Colin well in his new school and also look forward to catching up with him as he visits us to continue the Aboriginal Student Leadership program.

The Year 6 into 7 evening was a wonderful showcase of our school to the community. Miss Sales coordinated the evening and in excess of 200 people were present. All of the classroom displays were outstanding as were the performances and catering. Of the many positive comments made on the evening, I would like to share three: • A student was overheard telling her mother in the car park “I don’t want to go to any other open nights, mum, I want to come to Lismore High”

• A prefect was overheard answering a parent question: Parent “Does bullying happen at Lismore High?” Student “Of course, it happens at every school, but the difference here is that it gets dealt with by teachers”

•Parent comment “What passionate and approachable teachers you have at this school”

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Best RegardsChris WilliamsRelieving Principal

I am limiting my comments in this newsletter as Mr Williams has been predominantly in charge of the school since the last newsletter. I would like to acknowledge the fantastic job Mr Williams has done in my absence. He has experienced a lot of different and challenging events in his month as relieving Principal. It is good for the school community to know that the school has been in good hands when I have been away. I would also like to acknowledge Mr Paul Morris who has been filling in as Deputy Principal for Mr Williams. As usual, the administration staff is the bedrock of the school and I would like to thank Mrs Bennett and the administration team for supporting Mr Williams.

Please have a safe holiday break and school will resume for all students on Wednesday 27 April, 2016.

Nigel BritoPrincipal

Pr incipal ’s Repor t

Student Leaders

Back - Calvin Johnson, Mark King, Levi WilmothFront - Emily Briggs, Chloe Lampard, Kimberley Smith, Aurora Ihalainen and Jacinta Pitkin

Captains - Oak Hatzimanolis and Madison LittleVice Captains - Nicole Webster and Alyse Outerbridge

Page 5: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive

Al l About Team Work


Students in our class have embarked on a term project to conceive, design, create models and then make billy carts. The students have been involved in all aspects of the project including a visit to Bunnings and Masters to see firsthand the materials they sell for the project.

We hope to have built the billy carts for the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby later in May.The design ideas shown by the students indicate deep thought and the understanding of what it takes to make a billycart.

The students have been utilizing and developing many skills from the classroom to the construction space which will support their ongoing skill development and growth as students and young adults.

Students from JG2 have been designing and helping to create a new, large table for our classroom. Lots of good discussions about what to put on the table have occurred.

The design has been developed in consultation with Mrs Templeton, myself and the students. The colourful design on butcher’s paper will help the student transfer the design onto the surface of the table with a relevant indigenous theme throughout.

We hope this project will be finished this week.

Bi l ly Car ts

Seb, Dale, Reece, Paul and Shea-Lea have been attending the Lismore PCYC this term twice a week and have learnt many skills in the art of grappling.

Jake, our teacher, has been really patient and calm teaching us the basics through to more Judo based defences and attacks.

The students have gained so much from their experiences with lots of laughs and lack of breath sessions making for a very engaging time.

The behaviour from the students has been fantastic, making Kellie and I very proud to represent Lismore High Campus out in the community.

The photos speak for themselves showing our students engaging and having fun.

Thomas RehbachTeacher

Construc t ion


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Year 7 Term 1 “ I t ’s A Wrap!” Congratulations Year 7 students and families - the first term of high school is coming to a close!

What a term it has been… We have covered our first high school swimming carnival, cross country day, open nights, evacuation drills, assemblies, assessment tasks, tests, project-based learning experiences and projects… phew! New classes, new uniforms, new friends and new rules.

It has been a big transition for some and others are beginning to look like part of the furniture already! Students in the year group have participated positively in school activities, sung beautifully at assemblies and are generally “gelling” well as a group.

During our lessons together as a group we have been developing social skills, organisation, bullying and resilience. Our goals for next term are:

1. Uniform- getting it right2. Phones and other personal electronic devices left in the bag3. Positive participation- giving it a go!

It was lovely to see parents and students at the Year 7 Meet and Greet during the term and have the opportunity to share some of our progress and goals thus far. I thank you for your interest and working with us as a year group “team” and as a school.

Happy Holidays Team Year 7 2016!

Ash HallYear Advisor

Competing in a chop stick race forChinese New Year with Mrs Magann

Miss Hall and some very wet house swimmersduring the swimming carnival

Dressed in house colours at Cross Country

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ANZAC Day Choir

Lismore High choir has once again been invited to participate in the ANZAC Day Dawn Service, a testament to the high level of esteem that our school has in the community. For more than 60 years our choir has performed at the Dawn Service at the Cenotaph in Lismore. The choir is comprised of current students, ex- students, teachers and ex-teachers from the 1950’s to the present.

This year the choir will perform at our school’s ANZAC Day Commemoration on the last day of Term Friday 8 April at 10:10am as well at the Dawn Service.

Each year the choir performs the Australian National Anthem, the New Zealand National Anthem, O Valiant Hearts and the Recessional (Lest We Forget). If you have not experienced the Lismore Dawn Service it is a must see. It is a solemn yet beautiful occasion with the birds heralding in the dawn and the choir in perfect harmony.

The Lismore High Choir is required at 4:30am (in uniform) and we invite ex choir students and staff to join and sing the hymns at the Dawn Service. Come along and join our chorus of voices as we remember our fallen and past heroes in commemoration of their service celebrating our freedom.

Choir rehearsals are at 1pm on Mondays, with extra rehearsals scheduled as we get nearer the event.

The Rivers College, Lismore High Campus is pleased to announce the introduction of Music in Schools - a program run by the Northern Rivers Conservatorium where school students can take weekly half hour music lessons from highly qualified and experienced Conservatorium tutors. Students will be taken from class during the school day on a rotational basis so they are not missing the same class twice. Attending students are expected to make up for what they missed in their regular classes. At the present we have the numbers to offer lessons in Guitar, Bass Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone. It is hoped eventually that we can also offer Piano, Voice, Trumpet, Trombone, Strings (violin, viola etc)

Intending students are also invited to join The Lismore High Concert Band, which will function as the representative band for all our school and community functions. This will further entitle students to the ‘loan’ of a school-owned instrument, of which there is a limited number. The band will be made up principally from our students at Lismore High and from Primary students in our feeder schools who have reached a level of attainment. The Lismore High Concert Band will practise regularly throughout the year after school on a day to be determined (but at this stage Wednesday is proposed) from 3:45pm until 4:30pm and will function largely the same as the Goonellabah PS ‘Extension Band’ has to date, but will be exclusive to Lismore High and our feeder Primary Schools. A strategic partnership with Lismore City Concert Band is also proposed for our more advanced musicians who will be able to join by ‘invitation’.

To claim places in this program you must register on the Conservatorium’s website taking care to select Lismore High from the drop down menu. Please note that this is an agreement with the student, their parents/carers and the Conservatorium and must be completed before lessons can start.

Enrol now for Term 2 at

Paul BradyMusic Teacher

Music I n Schools

Page 8: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive


Lions Youth of the YearThis competition has been running for many years, proudly promoted and sponsored by Lions Clubs throughout Australia. Last year, I had the pleasure of attending the Lismore Lions Club meeting where Aurora Ihalainen competed at the local level and won the overall judging. Since then, she has represented the club at the next level, again taking out the overall as well as winning the public speaking.

Last Saturday, Aurora participated in the regional final at Tweed Heads and while she did not win this time, the Lions club members were very proud of her performance and her commitment to community and citizenship.

We would like to thank Aurora for her excellent representation and also thank the Lismore Lions Club for their continued support of young people in our area. We appreciate their organisation, support and time given to this program.

Jennifer Josey Head Teacher English

Engl ish CornerOn Friday, 11 March, Year 7 students of Chinese had the unique opportunity to spend some time with the International Students of English at Southern Cross University for English Corner. This was a chance for Lismore High Campus students to engage with overseas students to assist them with their learning of English. As fellow language learners, this enabled our students to observe aspects of the process of language learning and to learn about new countries and cultures.

The students originated from several countries, including China, Japan, Vietnam and Italy. The students were here in Australia for both short and long study programs. Lismore High Campus, Year 7 students, participated in surveys and then chatted with the students. A great benefit of such exchanges is that our language students learn how language and culture can be intertwined and also how complicated English can be irrespective of language background. The Year 7 students were very excited and had lots of stories to share at the end of the lunch visit.

We will continue English Corner opportunity for Year 7 students over the remainder of Term One and in Term Two. Our connections with Southern Cross University also offers us the possibility of their students visiting us in classes to further develop our understanding of their cultures. Congratulations to the Year 7 students who represented their school proudly and with distinction.

Donna MagannTeacher of Chinese

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Students and staff celebrated Harmony Day on 21 March. Harmony Day is celebrated each year nationally to embrace our cultural diversity. We kicked off a school fundraiser for the Fiji Children’s Emergency Appeal

Harmony Day

The SRC will hold another fundraiser on Thursday 7 April with students asked to dress in casual clothes and bring a donation. We are hoping to raise enough money for a school-in-a-box which provides materials for up to 40 students.

The team at Safe on Social “SoS” have translated decades of experience in information security and privacy, risk and crisis management strategy, business consulting, education and media relations into the social media realm.

Our priority is student and staff wellbeing and keeping your school community safe when using social media. All of our resource guides, training solutions and consulting is focused on how to use social media with awareness and personal risk management. We provide specialist, real world experience based training to educate students, staff and the school community.Late in 2015 we were honoured to be one of the first companies in Australia to be accredited by the new Office of the Commissioner of Children’s eSafety for our work in schools across Australia.

Last week Lismore High Campus hosted staff and student presentations from Safe on Social by Kirra Prendegast. She delivered a number of sessions highlighting what to do when things go wrong on social media, as well as what you should always do on social media sites to protect your personal security and privacy.

Kirra also spoke about what you should always do on Social Media as well as what you should never do. She produced a trifold flyer which she distributed to all students and staff. Her presentations were open, honest and informative. Extra copies of the flyers are available from the Lismore High front office, and the site can be accessed via the following hyperlink:

A big thank you to Kirra for her powerful and enlightening information.

Marianne StickensHead Teacher Teaching & Learning

Bianca UrbinaEALD Teacher

Back row - Jessica Henderson, Eliza O’Toole, Aspen Hall, Cody Hawken-Parsons, Ned Foster and Luke WarrenFront Row - Balin Start, John Golman and Brady Toniello

“ABOUT SOS”Safe on Socia l

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Lismore H igh Campus P & CLast month we held the P and C Annual General Meeting and I would like to thank the outgoing committee for their hard work during 2015. 2015 was a successful year for fundraising, which included a Mother’s and Father’s Day stall as well as the exciting and entertaining Trivia Night. The school also undertook a make-over with a successful working bee and Wendy and her helpers continue to provide our students with an array of healthy food in the canteen.

2016 looks to be an exciting year with some new faces on the committee and some very enthusiastic parents and community members. This year’s committee includes:-

President Nadine Toniello Vice President Michelle Simpson Secretary Gaynor Palmer Treasurer Carolyn Lindwall

All parents and carers are invited to attend P and C meetings which are held the first Monday of the month at 6pm at the school. Meetings are a great way to stay in contact with the school and hear what exciting things are happening.

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting 6pm on the 2nd of May.

Nadine TonielloP&C President

Year 11 Biology & Senior Sc ience Excurs ionOn Friday the 4th of March LHC Senior Science and Biology students spent a day at Flat Rock Beach, Ballina with Mrs. Miller, Mr. Ellem and Miss Hall. The purpose of the day was to collect data on the rock pool ecosystem, to be reported on in the students’ first preliminary assessment task for the year.

Staff and students were treated to a stunning day at the beach and were lucky to share the rock platform with a host of creatures including sea anemones, urchins, crabs, tiny fish and the endangered Oyster Catcher and Little Tern.

The study site posed many interesting questions for our students. Notably, due to the wild weather leading up to the date, the diversity of the rock pool was much lower compared with the previous year.

A picnic lunch was shared together on site before a final reflection lead by proud Bundjalung student John Paden who shared stories of local indigenous history.

A fantastic day was had by all, a reflection of the maturity and dedication of our senior students.

Massive thank you to the staff who help our big day out and the students for being so helpful and mindful on the day!

Ash HallScience Teacher

Our “sun-smart” senior girls Georgia, Felicity and Larissa

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Egg Drop Chal lenge

On Thursday 3 March Mrs Miller’s Year 10 Science class conducted the ‘egg drop challenge’ as part of their physics unit.

Working in teams or individually, students were given limited resources (balloons, straws and plastic bags) to complete the challenge of creating a craft that would save the egg from breaking when dropped from a height.

We saw parachutes, airbags and crumple zones being used by the students to reduce the forces and soften the impact. This helped students to understand how seatbelts, crumple zones and air bags help in car crashes. All students were successful in their creations and thankfully no eggs were harmed in this experiment.

Gabriella MillerScience Teacher

When: Thursday 14 April 2016Where: A Block, SCU, Lismore CampusTime: 9.00am to 2.45pm Parents/guardians are responsible for the student’s travel arrangementsCost: FREEBring: Food, water bottle, covered shoes, pen and paperAge group: Year 9 - 12 students

The program includes a range of learning activities aimed to support the presentations, including science experiments that utilise on-campus equipment, practical activities, group discussion, and guest presenters from industry and current students. See the 2016 SCU Young Engineers program.

For more information:Please complete the registration form. It needs to be signed by the student’s parent/guardian and returned to [email protected] before the event.

Contact: Maree Savins, [email protected] or on 02 6620 3026.

Young Engineers School Hol iday Program

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Sydney Excurs ion 2016memories that the students and staff will look back upon fondly.

As a teacher I would like to say that I couldn’t have asked for a better group of students to take on this excursion. I commend the students on their behaviour and the way they conducted themselves as a group. They didn’t complain (too much), they were always on time, there was very little late night chatting and aside from one lost travel pass, they were all very responsible, well-mannered young adults. They represented Lismore High Campus in a manner that we can all be very proud of.

Lastly, I would like to thank my accompanying staff Mr Jeffery and Ms Myles for their assistance and support during the planning stages and on the excursion itself. You both helped make the experience very enjoyable for me and for the students; I could not have done it without you, so thank you both very much.

Jenna EdwardsExcursion Co-ordinator

Students Repor t

On the 8th of March selected students from Years 10-12 arrived at school excited for an educational week away from school…

As we arrived in Sydney from Ballina we were all buzzing with anticipation to get to the hotel. Little did we know we had communal bathrooms! Shortly after dropping our luggage we took a walk through central Sydney to get lunch and then walked up to Sydney University. We had a nice tour of the campus and learnt a lot of interesting history facts about the site. After that, we walked to Darling Harbour for an early dinner and a short shopping trip before heading to watch an IMAX movie. Once the movie ended we were all ready to head back to the hotel and sleep.

The next day we went to Parliament House and were greeted by the local member for Lismore Mr Thomas George. We learnt heaps of educational facts about parliament and we even got drinks bought for us by Thomas George and got a photo with Regional Woman of the Year (ex-Lismore High student) Mrs Jodie McRae. After that we were off to the Sydney Tower Eye. We took lots of photos. From the Sydney Tower Eye we walked back to Darling Harbour for a quick lunch then went to meet all the celebrities at the Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. We took heaps of selfies and face swaps with them all and half of us had fan girl moments

Tuesday 8 to Friday the 11 of March 2016, a group of 28 students from Years 10 to 12 and 3 staff took part in an excursion to Sydney. There were 3 groups of students including Year 12 Legal Studies, Year 11 Society & Culture, Year 11/12 Art and the Years 10 to 11 Aspirations group. The Aspirations group is designed to give students who display leadership skills and/or academic excellence a chance to experience what university will be like, to ask questions about their future and to inspire them to work hard and strive for higher achievement heading into the HSC and beyond.

The excursion consisted of multiple visits to universities including the University of Sydney, the Hotel School Sydney, the International College of Management and the University of NSW. Other activities included visits to Sydney Tower, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, IMAX theatre, Justice and Police Museum, Museum of Human Disease, Manly Selective College (Year 10 only) and the art students visited the Art Express exhibition.

As well as being a rich educational excursion for these students, the Sydney excursion offers the chance to explore the city and see some of the wonderful things Sydney has on offer. It gives students a taste of life in the city in contrast to their own lives. Many students made comment on the vast amounts of people & traffic, and the fast-paced lifestyle they found themselves a part of, if only for a few days. It opens their eyes to a world they may or may not have experienced yet and provided them with some very useful information about possible tertiary education options.

Overall the 2016 Sydney excursion was a great success! As a group we had a good mix of educational and fun experiences and created

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(*cough* Kendelle). We then walked to The Hotel School where they treated us with a cold bottle of water and lollies as well as information packs and highlighters. We did a quick tour of their facilities. We then walked under the Harbour Bridge where Mr Jeffery was way too keen to crash a wedding photo shoot (which we did by the way). We caught a ferry back to Darling Harbour to have dinner.

On the Thursday, the Year 10 students left early as we had to catch a ferry to Manly. We took many selfies and pictures of the view on the way. Once we were in Manly, we trusted Jakira to make sure we caught the right bus; she succeeded. We went to the Manly Selective College where we were greeted by the principal and two Year 11 students. We had a tour around the school and sat in on their assembly. We took notice that the students took initiative in running their assembly to make it fun. We then met the guidance counsellor and attended a Year 11 Society & Culture class to see how the students worked in class. It was really interesting to see these students were just like us but they took their studies very seriously. After this we met up with the other group and walked up to the International College of Management where they gave us a tour and afternoon tea. We had a big group dinner at Manly grill where the teachers made us put our phones away and actually talk to each other. Some people ordered a crocodile burger for dinner and said it tasted like a mix between chicken and pork....Then we caught the ferry back to Sydney harbour it was really nice coming into the harbour at night with all the lights on the bridge and the Opera House.

Friday was our last day in Sydney and in the morning we caught a bus out to the University of NSW where we went to the Museum of Human Diseases and it was really interesting but also pretty gross! We had a quick tour of the Uni before we caught a bus back to have lunch and collect our bags. The buses were late but luckily we all got to the airport on time and got home safe and sound. We were all really tired from the travelling and the walking, I think most of us slept all weekend!

The Sydney excursion was a really good experience; we had so much fun and will definitely go again next year!

Jakira Toniello and Hope CummingsYear 10 Students


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and teacher’s aide Leonie Donaldson to view a number of exciting art exhibitions. The day started with a relatively short drive to the Tweed Regional Gallery in Murwillumbah to view the 2015 Archibald Prize finalists exhibition as well as several other exhibitions and the Margaret Olley Centre.

Fortunately, we were able to enter the gallery before regular opening hours and were given an informative talk by Jodi Ferrari, the Tweed Regional Gallery, Education and Audience Development Officer. The students were given background information about the Archibald Prize and were asked about their own portrait painting experiences. They joined in a discussion about the use of materials in the works, the background of some of the sitters and the controversy that always seems to surround the Archibald Prize. They also learned about the Margaret Olley Centre and the connection that Margaret Olley had to the Lismore and Tweed areas.

Students enjoyed wandering around the gallery viewing the variety of artworks, as there were four other exhibitions on show as well as the two previously mentioned. The fascinating Margaret Olley Centre kept the students interested as they marvelled at the chaotic reproduction of several full scale rooms from Ms Olley’s house in Paddington, Sydney. The rooms were packed up and moved to the purpose built centre at the Tweed Regional Gallery after Ms Olley donated a million dollars before she died, to assist with the project. Margaret Olley was a prolific painter especially of still life. She was a much loved Australian artist who was herself the subject of two winning Archibald Prize paintings entered 63 years apart, in 1948 and 2011.

Visual Ar ts and Photography Excurs ionTweed Regional Gallery, MurwillumbahQueensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art, BrisbaneFebruary 26, 2016

On Friday 26 February twenty eight students from Years 7 -12 travelled to Brisbane via Murwillumbah with Ms Myles, Ms Stewart–Jones

By the time we were ready to leave, the gallery had been open to the public for an hour and was crowded with people catching a last minute look at the Archibald Prize before the exhibition closed on Sunday. Just as well we got there early!

The next part of the day involved a reasonably quick bus ride to Brisbane and an hour for lunch at the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane’s CBD. After lunch we walked across the Victoria Bridge to the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art and spent two hours exploring the Asia Pacific Triennial 8, a contemporary art exhibition held every three years to showcase art from the Asia-Pacific region, including some works from Australian artists.

The enormous Gallery of Modern Art and Queensland Art Gallery were full of a diverse, unusual and engaging cross-section of artworks that encompassed video, interactive works, painting, drawing, photography and sculpture of all descriptions, printmaking, mixed media, textile works and installations. Two hours at the two galleries was not long enough to experience all the works, however, the students managed to get around a large percentage of the exhibition and enthusiastically participated in the “art for kids” activities.

After such a stimulating and interesting day surrounded by great and unusual art, the very long bus trip home was a lesson in frustration as we were caught in Brisbane’s Friday afternoon peak hour that seemed to have started hours early. Crawling traffic from Brisbane’s South Bank to the NSW border added 75 minutes to our return journey but despite this, the students were patient and happy to enjoy each other’s company on the bus. It was a pleasure to accompany these students on this excursion as their behaviour was excellent. Particular commendation must be made to the senior students, in particular Sherkirra Lahne, who helped in the supervision and care of the junior students throughout the day.

Roslyn Myles Visual Arts Teacher

Page 15: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive

Table Tennis G ala Day and Nor th Coast Regional Based K nockout Competit ion

Nor th Coast G i r ls Open Cr icket

Jakira Toniello recently represented Lismore High Campus in the North Coast Girls Open Cricket Team which competed at the CHS Championships. The team defeated Sydney West in the Grand Final. An outstanding effort. Congratulations Jakira.

Penny GrahamPDHPE Teacher

On Monday 14 March the Gala Day and knockout trials were conducted at Goonellabah Table Tennis Centre. Our Campus team of Ethan Magnay, Sam and Blake Lancaster and Angus Gallagher played well. In Round 1 the boys had a hard game against Evans River K-12 School with Blake having a close game of singles. Round 2 saw a very closely fought game against Richmond River High Campus, with Sam convincingly winning his singles and combining with Angus to win their doubles match. Round 3 also saw another close game against Kadina High Campus, with the boys being narrowly defeated in each round. Alstonville High School and Nimbin Central also had teams competing.

On the day, the Richmond Zone Team for the Rivers Secondary College was chosen. Blake Lancaster made it into this team and Sam Lancaster is a reserve.

In the final, The Rivers Secondary College Team defeated Evans River K-12 School, winning 5-1 rubbers and they now go through to the next round against Kingscliff High School next term. Congratulations to the boys for their excellent effort and sportsmanship on the day.

Debbie BakerTable Tennis Coordinator


Ethan Magnay, Sam Lancaster, Blake Lancaster and Angus Gallagher

Page 16: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive

Lismore H igh Campus Cross Countr yThe Lismore High Cross Country was held last Thursday 24 March in Ballina. We were fortunate to have great weather on the day. All students on arriving were enthusiastic and ready to compete in the 5.6 km course.

Congratulations to Harvey who placed first with 206 points, Richmond who placed second with 166 points, Oakes who placed third with 151 points and Aspinall who placed fourth with 95 points. Well done to Mr Jeffery who was the first teacher to cross the finish line.

Well done to the 2016 Age Champions!

Boys Girls 12/13 Years Rocket Wilson Aspen Hall 14 Years Bailey Crabtree Kayla Lowe 15 Years Bailey Moras Racquel Smith /Kayla Finnigan 16 Years Sam Gallagher Amber Reynolds 17 Years John Paden Kendelle O’Reilly/Dana Wilson Junior - AWD Kynan Davis Jessica Murphie Senior - AWD Trent Rose Katie Burke

The Northern Rivers Zone Carnival will be held in Lismore on Friday 20th May. The top 4 competitors in each age group will attend the Zone.

Keiara McKinnonPDHPE Teacher


Page 17: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive

North Coast Electorate

When: Fri 20th May 2016 Where: The Rivers Secondary College Lismore High Campus Dalley St, East Lismore NSW 2480 Time: 10am – 2pm Registration from 9.30am Light lunch and refreshments provided Registration Open Now! Click to Register For Further information Call Debbie: Ph: 1300 885 982

or email: [email protected]

RSVP: 5pm 11th May 2016

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Page 18: LISMORE HIGH CAMPUS NEWSLETTER€¦ · The carnival will be held May 13, 2016 at Riverview Park, Lismore. All students are to attend. This is a great day for all students to be competitive

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