
A joint initiative ofLISMAN SUMARDJANIDirector of OperationPT Restorasi Ekosistem [email protected]

AGUS BUDI UTOMOForest and Biodiversity AdviserBurung [email protected]

Seminar on ERC in Indonesia. IGES. 15 June 2017. Tokyo

Courtesy of Belinda Arunarwati Margono et al 2012

Conserving the remaining Sumatra lowland rainforest

▪ Production forest, active logging until 2004

▪ Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA)

▪ First Ecosystem Restoration Concession (ERC) in Indonesia –98,000 Ha managed by PT REKI

▪ License held by PT REKI for Hutan Harapan:

▪ Ministerial Decree No. 293/Menhut-II/2007, August 2007 (100 years) for 52.170 ha in South Sumatera Province;

▪ Ministerial Decree No. 327/Menhut-II/2010, Mei 2010 (60 years) for 46.385 ha in Jambi Province

▪ Joint initiative of Burung Indonesia, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), and BirdLife International.

Establishing Hutan Harapan as an ERC

▪ Holds significant portion of the remaining Sumatra lowland rainforests

▪ Important for the livelihood of indigenous people Batin Sembilan

▪ Deliver ecosystem services important for the wider landscape

Hutan Harapan in the landscape

4 Critically Endangered and 6 Vulnerable species

9 Globally Threatened Species

Critically Endangered Asian Elephant and Sumatran Tiger, 6Endangered species and other 10 Vulnerable species


88% of plant species in Sumatra

49% of bird species in Sumatra

33% of mammal species in Sumatra

29% of reptile species in Sumatra

47% of amphibian species in Sumatra

20% of fresh water species in Sumatra

▪ Conserve natural habitat of

globally threatened species in

Sumatra - the critically endangered

lowland rainforest of Sumatra for

future generations

▪ Provide opportunities to the public

and private sector to participate in

improving nature’s capital

▪ Manage Hutan Harapan as a

productive landscape in

collaboration with local

communities and other


Hutan Harapan Vision

Hutan Harapan ERC is managing secondary forests and degraded lands for multiple objectives so that the ecological functions as

well as the economic and social values are improved.

Management strategies

Reflection after 10 years of implementation

Land-use stabilizationBuild economic sustainability

Community and stakeholder engagement


Management strategies

Priority areas of work

Develop non-wood based businesses

Protecting forest from fires, illegal

logging, and forest clearing

Wildlife protection

Collaborative management

▪ Collaborate with stakeholders and partners at local, national, and international levels

▪ Strengthen Indonesia’s policy framework on forest management in ecosystem restoration concessions

Rehabilitation of degraded lands and

restoration of degraded forests

Research on conservation and


Challenge - Fire fighting

Challenge - Forest Protection

Social challenges are bigger than the technical ones

Support livelihood development of indigenous people

Support basic health & education for indigenous people

Land-use agreements with in-migrant groups

Current conditions:

Operational activities: 200 employees - 50% forest protection

Operating cost: USD 2.0 M per annum

Fuel: USD 110K per annum

Towards self-financing in 10 years

• Buffer Agroforestry: Rubber 3,000+ Ha;

Horticulture & fruits: 1,000 Ha.

Sungkai: 2,000 Ha

Others: 1,000 Ha

• Sylvo-pasture: 200 ha.

• Ecotourism: 200 ha.

Business Development with community

Towards self-financing in 10 years


Indonesia economic growth 5.3%, pop 250m

In (South) East Asia: the epicenters of world fastest growth region

Networking: BirdLife partnership, supporters (friends of Hutan Harapan)

Strong branding of Hutan Harapan

Experience and knowledge on managing ERC developed during 10 years of implementation

Moving forward


Local to global partnerships

▪ Development partners

▪ Corporate partners

▪ Research and education partners

▪ NGO partners

Opportunities for corporates’ involvement

Support needed:

▪ Fire prevention and fire fighting▪ Information and Communication Technology▪ Business development on non-timber forest products and services▪ Transportation management▪ Community partnership development▪ Community livelihood development▪ Ecotourism▪ Others

Join Hutan Harapan Global Partnership to Conserve Critically Endangered Sumatra Lowland Rainforest

BirdLife International – Tokyo Office is our focal point in Japan

Ms. Keiko SuzueE-mail: [email protected]

BirdLife International Tokyo4F TM Suidobashi Building2-14-6 Misaki-choo, Chiyoda-kuTokyo

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