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1740 Journal of Lipid Research

Volume 41, 2000

Lipid-binding proteins modulate ligand-dependent


activation by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and localize to the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm

Torben Helledie,* Marianne Antonius,* Rikke V. Sørensen,* Ann V. Hertzel,

David A. Bernlohr,

Steen Kølvraa,


Karsten Kristiansen,* and Susanne Mandrup



Department of Molecular Biology,* University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark; Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics,

University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108; and Institute of Human Genetics,


Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Abstract Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors(PPARs) are activated by a variety of fatty acids, eicosanoids,and hypolipidemic and insulin-sensitizing drugs. Manyof these compounds bind avidly to members of a family ofsmall lipid-binding proteins, the fatty acid-binding proteins(FABPs). Fatty acids are activated to CoA esters, which bindwith high affinity to the acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP).Thus, the availability of known and potential PPAR ligandsmay be regulated by lipid-binding proteins. In this report weshow by transient transfection of CV-1 cells that coexpres-sion of ACBP and adipocyte lipid-binding protein (ALBP)exerts a ligand- and PPAR subtype-specific attenuation ofPPAR-mediated


-activation, suggesting that lipid-bindingproteins, when expressed at high levels, may function asnegative regulators of PPAR activation by certain ligands.Expression of ACBP, ALBP, and keratinocyte lipid-bindingprotein (KLBP) is induced during adipocyte differentiation,a process during which PPAR

plays a prominent role. Wepresent evidence that endogenous ACBP, ALBP, and KLBPnot only localize to the cytoplasm but also exhibit a promi-nent nuclear localization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition,forced expression of ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP in CV-1 cellsresulted in a substantial accumulation of all three proteinsin the nucleus. These results suggest that lipid-bindingproteins, contrary to the general assumption, may exerttheir action in the nucleus as well as in the cytoplasm.

Helledie, T., M. Antonius, R. V. Sørensen, A. V. Hertzel, D. A.Bernlohr, S. Kølvraa, K. Kristiansen, and S. Mandrup.

Lipid-binding proteins modulate ligand-dependent


-activationby peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and localizeto the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm.

J. Lipid Res.




Supplementary key words

acyl-CoA-binding protein

adipocyte dif-ferentiation

adipocyte lipid-binding protein/a-FABP/aP2

keratin-ocyte lipid-binding protein/e-FABP/MAL1

tetradecylthioacetic acid

Fatty acids and fatty acid-derived metabolites exert pro-found effects on cellular proliferation, differentiation,transformation, and homeostasis. Alterations in lipid ho-

meostasis are associated with common and serious dis-eases such as atherosclerosis and noninsulin-dependentdiabetes, and the nutritional intake of specific types of un-saturated fatty acid may contribute to tumor developmentand progression (1–5). Cellular uptake of fatty acids mayproceed by diffusion through the lipid bilayer of the cellmembrane, but findings clearly point to the involvement ofprotein-facilitated uptake systems exhibiting saturation ki-netics (6). Fatty acid uptake has been shown to be influ-enced by intracellular fatty acid-activating enzymes andlipid-binding proteins/fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs).Amongst these, acyl-CoA synthetase has been suggested tofunction in concert with the fatty acid transporter protein(FATP) (7), and a possible interaction between the intra-cellular domain of the fatty acid transporter (FAT) andheart FABP (H-FABP) has also been reported (8). TheFABPs constitute a family of proteins that now encom-passes more than 20 related proteins. Even though theoverall identity of the amino acid sequences may be as lowas 20%, the FABPs share a common three-dimensionalstructure comprising a so-called

barrel formed by 10 anti-parallel

strands organized in two five-stranded

sheetsalmost perpendicular to each other, and two

helices thathave been hypothesized to function as a portal lid control-ling entry and release of ligands from the ligand-binding

Abbreviations: ACBP, acyl-CoA-binding protein; A-FABP, adipocyte-FABP/aP2; ALBP, adipocyte lipid-binding protein; ANOVA, analysis ofvariance; BSA, bovine serum albumin; C/EBP, CCAAT/enhancer-bindingprotein; DC-Chol, 3-







-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl]-cho-lesterol; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; E-FABP, epidermis-FABP/MAL1;FABP, fatty acid-binding protein; FAT, fatty acid transporter; FATP, fattyacid transporter protein; FCS, fetal calf serum; FITC, fluorescein isothio-cyanate; H-FABP, heart FABP; KLBP, keratinocyte lipid-binding protein;LBD, ligand-binding domain; L-FABP, liver FABP; LIC, ligand-inducedcomplex; MEM, minimal essential medium; PBS, phosphate-bufferedsaline; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; SDS, sodiumdodecyl sulfate; TTA, tetradecylthioacetic acid.


To whom correspondence should be addressed.

by guest, on May 20, 2018



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Lipid-binding proteins modulate PPAR-mediated


-activation 1741

pocket created by the two

sheets. Apart from fattyacids, the FABPs bind a large variety of hydrophobiccompounds including eicosanoids, retinoids, and peroxi-some proliferators. Binding specificity varies among thedifferent members of the FABP family, with liver FABP(L-FABP) being the most promiscuous (9).

FABPs are generally considered as cytoplasmic proteinsplaying a role in the uptake and intracellular transport offatty acids. Numerous experiments have demonstrated acorrelation between expression of FABPs and the uptakeand intracellular utilization of fatty acids (9), and directevidence of such a role has been presented (10–12). Inaddition, the work by Sorof and co-workers (13–15) hasimplicated L-FABP in linoleic acid and peroxisome prolif-erator-dependent regulation of proliferation of hepatomacells.

Activation of fatty acids to acyl-CoA esters is necessaryfor further metabolic conversions. In addition, work hasclearly established acyl-CoA esters as important regulatorymolecules modulating a large variety of cellular processesincluding gene expression (16). FABPs can bind acyl-CoAesters (17) and were originally assumed to function also asintracellular transporters of acyl-CoA esters. However, twohigh affinity acyl-CoA-binding proteins, the acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP) and the sterol carrier protein 2,have since been characterized (18, 19). ACBP has beenextensively characterized, and has by a combination of invitro and in vivo analyses been shown to function as anacyl-CoA pool former and transporter (16). The structureand binding properties of ACBP are completely differentfrom those of other lipid-binding proteins. In contrast tothe

-sheet secondary structure of FABPs, ACBP is com-posed of four

helices. Furthermore, by binding of acyl-CoA esters to ACBP, the CoA moiety is used as a lid andthe hydrocarbon chain is totally buried in the hydropho-bic binding pocket (20), whereas the hydrocarbon chainis partly exposed to the solvent in FABPs (21). This ex-plains the high affinity and specificity of ACBP for acyl-CoA esters.

Members of the peroxisome proliferator-activated re-ceptors (PPARs) are involved in fatty acid-dependent reg-ulation of gene expression. It is evident that other factorsparticipate in fatty acid-dependent transcriptional regula-tion (22), but several lines of evidence underscore the piv-otal roles played by the PPARs. A diverse group of peroxi-some proliferators, thiazolidinedione antidiabetic drugs,fatty acids, and fatty acid metabolites has been shown toinduce PPAR-dependent


activation, and several ofthese were shown to be bona fide ligands (23–26). Bind-ing of these to the PPARs results in recruitment of coacti-vators and transcriptional activation (27–30). Whereasseveral fatty acids have been demonstrated to be ligandsand activators of the PPARs, little is known about the role oftheir CoA esters. Hertz, Berman, and Bar (31) showed thatcotransfection with an expression vector expressing thelong-chain acyl-CoA synthetase inhibited PPAR



activation, suggesting that the fatty acids rather thantheir CoA esters are the activators of PPAR

.Because FABPs and ACBP are implicated in intracellu-

lar trafficking of fatty acids and acyl-CoA esters, it wouldbe expected that these proteins also affected the transduc-tion of lipid-mediated signaling to the PPARs. However,this assumption has never been thoroughly investigated.ALBP and keratinocyte lipid-binding protein (KLBP) areable to bind several of the identified PPAR ligands (



inthe upper nanomolar to low micromolar range) (32). Incontrast, ACBP binds only medium- to long-chain CoA es-ters with high affinity (33) and, consequently, any effect ofACBP on the PPAR-mediated


activation would beexpected to be mediated via effects on sequestering orhandling of intracellular acyl-CoA esters. The effect of thelipid-binding proteins on PPAR-mediated


activationmay depend on their intracellular localization. By using cel-lular fractionation it has been reported that H-FABP andL-FABP may be present in the nuclear fraction (34–36).However, a comprehensive analysis of the intracellular local-ization of FABPs has not been undertaken.

Fat is one of the major tissues involved in lipid homeosta-sis, and fatty acids exert at least partly via PPARs a profoundeffect on the development and function of fat tissue (37–41). At least three different lipid-binding proteins are in-duced during adipocyte differentiation: the adipocytelipid-binding protein ALBP/aP2 (or A-FABP) (42, 43),the KLBP/MAL1 or E-FABP (44), and ACBP (45). In thepresent report we examine how coexpression of ACBP,ALBP, and KLBP affects PPAR-mediated


activation.Our results indicate that expression of high levels of lipid-binding proteins attenuates PPAR-mediated


activa-tion in CV-1 cells. In addition, we present evidence thatthese proteins, apart from being present in the cytoplasm,also localize to the nucleus in different cell types, and weshow that the intracellular distribution of ACBP andALBP changes during the process of adipocyte differentia-tion of 3T3-L1 cells.



For transient transfections, the plasmids pUAS


-LUC (46)and PPRE


-TK-LUC (47) were used as reporters and pSV-

-Galactosidase-control (Promega, Madison, WI) was usedfor normalization. The plasmids pcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR



(LBD), andpcDNA3-GAL4-VP16 contain the GAL4 DNA-binding domainand PPAR

ligand-binding domain [LBD; amino acids (aa) 166 –468], PPAR

LBD (aa 137–440), PPAR

LBD (aa 203–505), andthe herpes simplex VP16


activation domain (aa 416 –487),respectively. The vectors pcDNA1-ACBP, pcDNA3-ALBP, andpcDNA3-KLBP contain the ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP cDNA, re-spectively. In addition, the following plasmid were used: pCMX-mRXR

(48), pSG5-PPAR

(49), pSG5-PPAR


2 (51), and pOb1 (52).

Cell culture

3T3-L1 cells were maintained and differentiated by the3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine/dexamethasone/insulin procedure aspreviously described (53). Accumulation of lipid droplets wasdetermined by oil-red O staining as described (54).

CV-1 cells were grown in Eagle’s minimal essential medium

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(MEM) with Earle’s balanced saline solution (GIBCO, Grand Is-land, NY) supplemented with streptomycin (100

g/ml), peni-cillin (62.5

g/ml), and fetal calf serum [FCS, 10% (v/v)]. Themedium was changed every other day.

To strip serum, AG-1X-8 resin (25 g/500 ml serum; Bio-Rad,Hercules, CA) was added, and the serum was incubated at roomtemperature for 12–16 h with constant stirring. Serum was de-canted and fresh AG-1X-8 resin (25 g/500 ml serum) and activatedcharcoal powder (5 g/500 ml serum; Bie & Berntsen, Rødovre,Norway) were added, and stirring was continued at room tempera-ture for 4 h. Resin and charcoal were removed by repeated centrif-ugations, and serum was filtered through a 0.4-

m pore size filterfollowed by sterile filtration through a 0.2-

m pore size filter.

Western blot analysis

3T3-L1 cells from days 0, 2, 4, and 10 were lysed in 0.5 ml of2.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sample buffer per 10-cmdish. Lysates were subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis [16% gels for detection of lipid-binding proteins and12% gels for detection of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein(C/EBP

)]. Approximately 20

g of cellular protein was loadedper lane. The separated proteins were transferred to a poly-vinylidene difluoride membrane and stained with Ponceau S forcontrol of equal load. The membranes were blocked in 5%(w/v) nonfat dry milk and incubated with the appropriate pri-mary antibodies (affinity-purified rabbit antimouse ACBP, rabbitantimouse KLBP, rabbit antimouse ALBP, and rabbit antimouseC/EBP

) for 1 h and with horseradish peroxidase-conjugatedsecondary antibody (Dako, Carpinteria, CA) for another hour.Immunoreactive protein bands were detected by enhancedchemiluminescence (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL).

Transient transfections

CV-1 cells were grown to 50–70% confluency in 60-mm dishesand transfected with a total of 6

g of DNA per dish, using the3-







-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl]-cholesterol (DC-Chol) lipofection procedure (55). The amounts of vectors usedin each individual transfection are indicated in the appropriatefigure legends. When necessary pcDNA3.1 was added to ensureequal DNA/promoter load. All transfections were per formed intriplicate. The DNA was left on the cells for 5 –7 h before the me-dium was changed to MEM containing resin/charcoal-strippedcomplete serum (10%, v/v) supplemented with either activator[tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) or BRL49653] in dimethyl sul-foxide (DMSO) or DMSO alone. After 48 h, the CV-1 cells werewashed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and scraped off theplate in lysis buffer [100 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.8),0.2% Triton X-100, 1 mM dithioerythiol; Tropix, Bedford, MA].Lysates were stored at


C. Luciferase and

-galactosidase(Tropix) activities were determined with a Berthold (Bad Wild-bad, Germany) MicroLumat LB96B luminometer, using 96-wellmicrotiter plates and 25 and 10

l of lysate for the luciferase and

-galactosidase assays, respectively. Results were tested by singleclassification analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Immunostaining and confocal microscopy

CV-1 cells transiently transfected with ACBP, KLBP, or ALBPexpression vectors (pcDNA1-mACBP, pcDNA3-mALBP, orpcDNA3-mKLBP) were grown in MEM containing FCS (10%, v/v).Twenty-four hours after transfection the cells were fixed for 1min in paraformaldehyde (3%, w/v) in PBS at room tempera-ture, washed in paraformaldehyde (3%, w/v) in PBS –methanol1:1 (v/v), permeabilized in methanol at 4

C for 20 min, and in-cubated for 15 min in goat serum (10%, v/v) in PBS at roomtemperature (M. Westergaard and S. Junker, unpublished). Thecells were incubated at 37

C for 30 min with the relevant rabbit

antibodies in PBS containing bovine serum albumin (BSA; 1%,w/v) followed by incubation for 30 min at 37

C with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated swine antirabbit IgG anti-bodies (F0205; Dako) in PBS containing 1% BSA. For counter-staining of nuclei, cells were incubated for 2 –4 min in Hoechst33258 (1

g/ml) in PBS. The cells were covered with 10% anti-fade (phenylenediamine at 10 mg/ml in PBS, pH 8.0) diluted inglycerol (87%, v/v), and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy.

3T3-L1 cells were fixed on day 0, 2, 4, 10, and 16 of differenti-ation in paraformaldehyde (4%, w/v) in PBS at 4

C for 5 min,and permeabilized in 70% ethanol for at least 5 min at


C.The permeabilized cells were incubated at room temperaturefor 1 h with the relevant affinity-purified rabbit antibody fol-lowed by incubation for 1 h with FITC-conjugated antirabbit IgGantibodies in PBS supplemented with BSA (1%, w/v). 3T3-L1cells were counterstained in the same manner as CV-1 cells andanalyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (TCS; Leica,Bensheim, Germany). The primary antibodies were those usedfor Western blotting.


The effect of ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP coexpressionon PPAR-mediated



To investigate the possible effects of lipid-binding pro-teins on ligand-dependent PPAR-mediated


activation,CV-1 cells were transiently transfected with the reporterconstruct PPRE


-TK-LUC and vectors expressing the dif-ferent PPARs. The cells were cotransfected or not withvectors expressing one of the lipid-binding proteins, andafter transfection cells were treated or not with ligands/activators of the PPARs.

The PPAR activator TTA was chosen for several reasons.First, results from our laboratory have demonstrated thatTTA activates all PPAR subtypes although the activation ofPPAR

is by far the most robust. In keeping with this,ligand-induced complex formation assays indicate thatTTA is a true ligand of PPAR

as well as PPAR

(23).Thus, all receptors could be stimulated with the sameligand. Second, TTA is readily converted to a CoA esterbut is unable to undergo

-oxidation. Thus, the concen-tration of TTA as well as its CoA ester is likely to build upin the cells after addition to the medium. Finally, whereasTTA would be expected to bind to ALBP and KLBP, itsCoA ester but not TTA itself would be expected to bind toACBP, that is, FABPs as well as ACBP could potentially in-fluence activation of PPAR by this ligand.

As shown in

Fig. 1

, the TTA-stimulated


activationby all three PPAR subtypes was moderately decreased bycoexpression of ACBP and ALBP. TTA-independent


activation by PPAR

and PPAR

tended to be slightlyreduced as well, indicating that the effect of these lipid-binding proteins is not entirely dependent on the addi-tion of an exogenous ligand. Coexpression of KLBP re-sulted in a more pronounced decrease (approximately50% reduction) in


activation by all three PPAR sub-types, and this effect appeared to be TTA independent.The absence of any significant effect of cotransfectionwith a vector (pOb1) expressing high levels of leptin indi-cates that the inhibitory effect of the lipid-binding pro-

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teins is specific and is not merely due to the expression ofhigh levels of an exogenous protein. Leptin expressionfrom the pOb1 plasmid is driven by the strong cytomega-lovirus promoter, which is also used to drive the expres-sion of the lipid-binding proteins. When BRL49653 wasused as an activator of PPAR

, ACBP and ALBP had nosignificant effect on ligand-dependent


activationwhereas cotransfection with KLBP resulted in a decreasein


activation potential similar to the decrease ob-served for TTA-induced


activation (

Fig. 2

).To investigate whether the lipid-binding proteins ex-

erted their effects through the LBD of the PPARs, CV-1cells were transiently transfected with the reporter con-struct pUAS


-LUC and vectors expressing fusions of the

GAL4 DNA-binding domain and the LBD of the differentPPARs. The cells were cotransfected or not with vectorsexpressing one of the lipid-binding proteins or leptin(

Fig. 3

). Coexpression of ALBP resulted in a significant re-duction in TTA-dependent


activation by all thePPARs, whereas coexpression of ACBP consistently re-duced the


activation by PPAR

and PPAR

, but notthat by PPAR

. In a few experiments coexpression ofACBP resulted in attenuation of PPAR



activation (results not shown); however, the magnitude ofthe attenuation was variable and always smaller than thatobserved by coexpression of ALBP. A minor reduction inthe TTA-independent


activation by cotransfectionwith ALBP or ACBP was also observed in some transfec-

Fig. 1. The effect of lipid-binding proteins on full-length PPAR-mediated trans-activation. CV-1 cells weretransiently transfected with the reporter plasmid PPRE3-TK-LUC (1 �g), pSV-�-galactosidase-control (0.5�g), pCMX-mRXR� (0.5 �g), and either pSG5-PPAR� (0.5 �g), pSG5-PPAR� (0.5 �g), or pSPORT-PPAR�2(0.5 �g) expressing the full-length PPAR subtypes. Cells were treated or not with 100 �M TTA and cotrans-fected or not with pcDNA1-ACBP (1 �g), pcDNA3-ALBP (1 �g), pcDNA3-KLBP (1 �g), or pOb1 (1 �g) asindicated. Equal DNA/promoter load was obtained by the addition of the empty pcDNA 3.1 vector. Lu-ciferase activities were normalized to �-galactosidase activities. The normalized luciferase activities are shownas fold induction relative to that of transfection with the reporter plasmid alone. Each column and error barrepresents the average and the standard deviation, respectively, of three independent transfections. Resultswere tested by single classification ANOVA. * P 0.05; ** P 0.01. The results are representative of three ormore experiments.

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tions (results not shown), indicating that lipid-bindingproteins may also interfere with endogenous ligands. Theeffect of ALBP and ACBP on PPAR-mediated trans-activationwas clearly dose dependent. Coexpression of KLBP re-sulted in a pronounced dose-dependent repression of theTTA-dependent as well as TTA-independent trans-activationby all three PPAR subtypes. Cotransfection with the leptinexpression vector had no significant effect. Thus, the resultsobtained with the GAL4-PPAR(LBD) constructs reflectedthose obtained with constructs expressing full-length PPAR,indicating that the lipid-binding proteins exert their inhibi-tion through the LBD of the PPARs.

To investigate whether the inhibitory effect of thelipid-binding proteins was specific for PPAR-mediatedtrans-activation, the effect of lipid-binding proteins onGAL4-VP16-mediated trans-activation was determined. Asshown in Fig. 4, coexpression of ACBP and ALBP had noeffect on VP16-mediated trans-activation. Surprisingly,we found that KLBP attenuated VP16-mediated trans-activation. However, the dose-dependent effect of KLBPon VP16-mediated trans-activation was less pronouncedthan that observed on PPAR-mediated trans-activation,suggesting that KLBP apart from a general inhibitoryaction exerts a more specific effect on PPAR-dependenttrans-activation.

Finally, the effect of coexpression of ALBP and ACBPon the dose-response curves for TTA activation of PPARswas investigated. As seen in Fig. 5, PPAR� is activated byTTA at a concentration as low as 5 �M, whereas activationof PPAR� needed concentrations of about 20 �M and acti-vation of PPAR� concentrations between 20 and 40 �M.As noted earlier, cotransfection of lipid-binding proteinshad little effect on TTA-independent trans-activation. Co-expression of ALBP resulted in a shift to the right of thedose-response curve for TTA activation of all the PPARs.Similarly, coexpression of ACBP resulted in a shift to theright of the dose-response curve for TTA activation ofPPAR� and PPAR�. However, ACBP had little effect onTTA-induced PPAR� trans-activation. An attenuation of

PPAR� trans-activation by coexpression of ACBP was ob-served only at low concentrations, that is, 5 �M.

Ectopically expressed ACBP, ALBP, and KLBPlocalize to the nucleus in CV-1 cells

The results of the transient transfection experimentsshowed that forced expression of lipid-binding proteinsdownregulated PPAR-mediated trans-activation. It islikely that at least part of this effect is due to sequestra-tion and/or increased metabolism of PPAR ligands inthe cytoplasm. Lipid-binding proteins have generallybeen regarded as cytoplasmic transport proteins. How-ever, this view is almost exclusively based on results ob-tained by cellular fractionation, and it is well known thatnuclear proteins may leak from the nucleus during frac-tionation. Preliminary results from our laboratory sug-gested that several lipid-binding proteins also locate tothe nucleus. Consequently, we decided to determine theintracellular localization of ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP inCV-1 cells, the cell type that was used in the transfectionsdescribed above. The lipid-binding proteins were tran-siently expressed in CV-1 cells and the localization wasdetermined by immunofluorescence microscopy. CV-1cells have an overall low expression of endogenous lipid-binding proteins, and do not express detectable amountsof ALBP and KLBP. In addition, the low expression ofmonkey ACBP is not detectable with the antimouseACBP antibody. Figure 6 shows that a significant fractionof the transiently expressed ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP lo-calized to the nucleus. We never observed cells exhibit-ing an exclusively cytoplasmic localization. No immuno-staining could be detected in cells transfected with theempty expression vector, and the addition of TTA didnot result in an altered distribution of any of these lipid-binding proteins in the transfected CV-1 cells (resultsnot shown). Thus, ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP are able to lo-calize to the nucleus in transiently transfected CV-1cells, and may occasionally predominantly localize tothe nucleus.

Fig. 2. The effect of lipid-binding proteins on PPAR�-mediated trans-activation, using BRL49653 as aligand. CV-1 cells were transfected as indicated in Fig. 1, except that TTA was replaced by BRL49653. Eachcolumn and error bar represents the average and the standard deviation, respectively, of three independenttransfections. Results were tested by single classification ANOVA. ** P 0.01. The results are representativeof three experiments.

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Fig. 3. The effect of lipid-binding proteins on GAL4-PPAR(LBD)-mediated trans-activation. CV-1 cellswere transiently transfected with pUASGal-LUC (1 �g), pSV-�-galactosidase-control (0.5 �g), and eitherpcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g), pcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g), or pcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g). Cells were treated or not with 100 �M TTA and cotransfected or not withpcDNA1-ACBP, pcDNA3-ALBP, pcDNA3-KLBP, or pOb1 as indicated. Equal DNA/promoter load wasobtained by the addition of the empty pcDNA 3.1 vector. Luciferase activities were normalized to�-galactosidase activities. The normalized luciferase activities are shown as fold induction relative to thatof the transfection without PPAR activator and without vectors expressing lipid-binding proteins. Eachcolumn and error bar represents the average and the standard deviation, respectively, of three indepen-dent transfections. Results were tested by single classification ANOVA. * P 0.05; ** P 0.01. The re-sults are representative of three or more experiments.

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Expression and intracellular localization of endogenous ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP duringadipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells

Induction of ACBP and ALBP expression during adipo-cyte differentiation has been well documented at the RNAand protein level (42, 43, 45). In addition, Northern blot-ting has shown that adipocyte differentiation is accompa-nied by increased levels of KLBP mRNA (44). Thus, to in-vestigate the intracellular localization of lipid-bindingproteins in a system where they are naturally expressed,we decided to determine the localization of endogenousACBP, ALBP, and KLBP during adipocyte differentiationof 3T3-L1 cells. Figure 7 shows that KLBP is induced inparallel with ACBP and ALBP during adipocyte differentia-tion of 3T3-L1 cells and, furthermore, demonstrates that theaffinity-purified antibodies directed against ACBP, ALBP,and KLBP only recognize the cognate protein on Westernblots. Figure 8 illustrates the intracellular localization ofACBP, ALBP, and KLBP during adipocyte differentiationof 3T3-L1 cells. It has been reported that immunolocaliza-tion analyses of adipocytes often cause difficulties due tostrong background fluorescence of the fat-laden cells. There-fore, immunostaining of the nuclearly localized C/EBP� wasincluded as a positive control. Immunostaining of C/EBP� isclearly visible on day 2, and the intensity of this nuclear stain-ing increased steadily in accordance with the increased ex-pression visualized by Western blotting. Weak immuno-staining of ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP was visible already onday 0. A clear induction could be observed on day 2 fol-lowed by a significant increase in the level of all threelipid-binding proteins up to day 10, in agreement with theresults obtained by Western blotting. On day 0 and day 2,ACBP and ALBP as well as KLBP localized predominantlyto the nucleus. After the increased expression of the threelipid-binding proteins during adipocyte differentiation,the cytoplasmic staining became more prominent, and thelipid-binding proteins became almost evenly distributed

between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in the fully differ-entiated adipocytes.


By using conventional immunofluorescence micros-copy and confocal laser scanning microscopy we showedthat ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP localized to the nucleus aswell as the cytoplasm of CV-1 and 3T3-L1 cells. In CV-1cells transiently expressed ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP exhib-ited prominent nuclear localization. In no case was the in-tracellular localization of these three lipid-binding pro-teins confined exclusively to the cytoplasm. Addition ofTTA did not affect the distribution of ACBP, ALBP, andKLBP in CV-1 cells.

A significant fraction of the endogenously expressedACBP, ALBP, and KLBP localized to the nuclei of 3T3-L1preadipocytes and adipocytes. The proteins appear to lo-calize predominantly to the nuclei, especially in the earlystages of the differentiation. However, firm conclusionson the relative intracellular distributions cannot be drawnfrom the present data because the small lipid-binding pro-teins during fixation and immunostaining may be differ-entially retained in the cytoplasmic and the nuclear com-partments, respectively. The results obtained for ACBP aresupported by a report demonstrating that ACBP also exhib-its prominent nuclear localization in rat liver hepatocytesand the rat hepatoma cell line H4-IIE-C3 (56).

The size of ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP is sufficiently smallto allow diffusion through the nuclear pores. A cluster ofbasic amino acid residues resembling a nuclear localiza-tion signal is present in the C-terminal region of ALBPand KLBP, and in the mammalian ACBPs a cluster oflysine residue is present in the extreme C-terminal region.However, this cluster is not conserved outside mammals, andis clearly absent in yeast ACBP, which nevertheless exhibit a

Fig. 4. Coexpression of ACBP and ALBP has no effect on GAL4-VP16-mediated trans-activation. CV-1 cellswere transfected as indicated in Fig. 4 except that the GAL4-PPAR(LBD) expression vectors were replaced bythe GAL4-VP16 (0.25 �g) expression vector. Each column and error bar represents the average and the stan-dard deviation, respectively, of three independent transfections. Results were tested by single classificationANOVA. No significant differences were found. The results are representative of three experiments. * P 0.05.

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prominent nuclear localization (C. Børsting, R. Hummel,A. J. Kal, A. Stoop, M. van den Berg, H. F. Tabak, J. Knud-sen, and K. Kristiansen, unpublished observations). Fur-ther studies are needed to examine whether nuclear trans-location of ALBP, KLBP, and ACBP depends on targetingsignals. In this context it should be noted that controllednuclear exclusion has been reported for the cellular reti-noic acid-binding protein type I (57), which is compara-ble in size to ALBP and KLBP and devoid of a canonicalnuclear localization signal.

The results from the transient transfections with the full-length PPARs as well as those with PPAR LBDs fused to theGAL4 DNA-binding domain indicate that ACBP and ALBPare able to attenuate the TTA-stimulated trans-activation byall PPAR subtypes and shift the TTA dose-response curve tothe right. The attenuating effect is in general more pro-nounced for ALBP than for ACBP. In particular, GAL4-PPAR�(LBD)-mediated trans-activation is only minimally af-fected by coexpression of ACBP and only when the concen-tration of TTA is low. This suggests that a competition exists

Fig. 5. Lipid-binding proteins shift the dose-response curve of PPAR activation by TTA to the right. CV-1cells were transiently transfected with pUASGal-LUC (1 �g), pSV-�-galactosidase-control (0.5 �g), and eitherpcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g), pcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g), or pcDNA1-GAL4-PPAR�(LBD) (0.25 �g). Cells were treated or not with 5, 10, 20, 40, or 100 �M TTA and cotransfected or not(solid diamonds) with 2 �g of pcDNA1-ACBP (solid squares) or 2 �g pcDNA3-ALBP (solid triangles) as indi-cated. Equal DNA/promoter load was obtained by the addition of the empty pcDNA 3.1 vector. Luciferaseactivities were normalized to �-galactosidase activities. The normalized luciferase activities are shown as foldinduction relative to that of the transfection without PPAR activator and without vectors expressing lipid-binding proteins. Each column and error bar represents the average and the standard deviation, respectively,of three independent transfections. The results are representative of three or more experiments.

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between binding of TTA to PPAR�, which has a muchhigher affinity for TTA than the other PPARs, and pro-cesses furthered by high levels of ACBP (see below).

The effect of the ACBP and ALBP on trans-activationis specific for the PPARs because VP16-mediated trans-activation is not affected. KLBP, on the other hand, re-presses not only PPAR-mediated trans-activation but alsoVP16-mediated trans-activation, which make it impossibleto draw firm conclusions about the effect of KLBP. How-ever, it is worth noting that the magnitude of the KLBP-dependent repression of VP16-mediated trans-activation isless than that of PPAR-mediated trans-activation, suggest-ing that KLBP apart from a more general effect also ex-erts a specific attenuating effect on PPAR-mediated trans-activation. In an earlier study we found that coexpressionof ALBP enhanced PPAR-mediated trans -activation mod-estly in the absence of exogenous ligands (58). However,we have since discovered that this was caused by differ-ences in promoter load, that is, the transfections were per-formed without securing equal promoter load in thetransfected cells.

The 3-thia-substituted TTA cannot be �-oxidized, but isactivated to TTA-CoA. Thus, TTA treatment of cells pre-sumably results in an accumulation of TTA-CoA in the cells(59). The attenuation of the TTA-induced PPAR trans-activation may have a metabolic as well as a sequestrationcomponent. In ALBP knockout mice the absence of ALBPexpression in adipose tissue is only partially compensatedfor by an upregulation of the expression of KLBP (60). It

was found that the total pool of fatty acids in adipose tissuewas inversely correlated with the amount of FABP, suggest-ing that FABPs facilitate the metabolism of the fatty acids,thereby decreasing their availability as PPAR ligands (32).In addition, an analysis of fatty acid uptake in diabetic ratssuggested that ALBP would mainly be involved in the effluxand not the influx of fatty acids (61). Overexpression ofALBP and other FABPs in L6 myoblasts has been shown toincrease esterification of fatty acids (12). Finally, ACBP hasbeen shown to be expressed at high levels in cells with ahigh fatty acid metabolism (18) and to relieve product inhi-bition of the long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase, thereby accel-erating metabolism of fatty acids (62). Thus, it is possiblethat the attenuating effect of ALBP and ACBP on TTA-induced PPAR-mediated trans-activation is due to the abilityof these lipid-binding proteins to increase esterification ofTTA. In addition, ALBP may directly sequester TTA takenup by the cells, and it is possible that the ability of ALBP toboth sequester and increase the metabolism of TTA ac-counts for the more pronounced effect of ALBP comparedwith ACBP on the attenuation of PPAR trans-activation, inparticular PPAR�-mediated trans-activation. Our findingthat a significant amount of ALBP localizes to the nucleus,suggests that ALBP might sequester TTA in the nucleus aswell as the cytoplasm.

It is noteworthy and fully in keeping with the precedinghypotheses that ACBP and ALBP do not suppress activa-tion of PPAR� by BRL49653. Binding of BRL49653 byACBP has not been reported, and it is unlikely that

Fig. 6. ACBP, ALBP, and KLBP exhibit a nuclear as well as a cyto-plasmic localization in transiently transfected CV-1 cells. CV-1 cellswere transiently transfected with the appropriate expression vectors.The cells were fixed after 24 h, and the intracellular localization ofthe lipid-binding proteins was determined by immunofluorescencemicroscopy. Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33258.

Fig. 7. Expression of lipid-binding proteins and C/EBP� duringadipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. Protein extracts were pre-pared from 3T3-L1 cells at different time points during adipocyte dif-ferentiation. The expression of ACBP, ALBP, KLBP, and C/EBP� wasexamined by Western blotting. The strength of the enhanced chemi-luminescence signals can be compared only horizontally and doesnot allow comparison of the abundance of the individual proteins.

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BRL49653 or a metabolite thereof would bind to ACBP.ALBP does bind thiazolidinediones, but the Kd of bindingis in the micromolar range, and hence orders of magni-tude above the Kd of binding of BRL49653 to PPAR� (63).Accordingly, the presence of ACBP or ALBP would not beexpected to affect the metabolism of BRL49653 or thebinding per se of BRL49653 to PPAR�.

The effects on PPAR-mediated trans-activation by over-expression of the lipid-binding proteins contrast the re-ported enhancement of retinoid-dependent trans-activationby expression of the cellular retinoic acid-binding proteinII (64, 65). Similar to the lipid-binding proteins, the cellu-lar retinoic acid-binding protein II seems to shuttle betweenthe cytoplasm and the nucleus, but the collision-dependenttransfer of ligand by the cellular retinoic acid-binding pro-tein II clearly enhances trans-activation.

In conclusion, the prominent adipocyte lipid-bindingprotein ALBP does not appear to be positively involved intransducing the PPAR activating signal of exogenousligands. Rather, it appears that ALBP as well as ACBP whenexpressed at high levels may act as negative regulators, pos-sibly by sequestering and increasing the metabolism offatty acids and other PPAR ligands. Several of the lipid-binding proteins including ALBP and ACBP have func-tional PPAR response elements in their promoter regions

and are known to be induced by PPAR ligands includingfatty acids (66, 67) (T. Helledie and S. Mandrup, unpub-lished results). Thus, increased levels of fatty acids will in-duce the expression of these lipid-binding proteins, whichmay sequester and/or enhance the metabolism of thesefatty acids, thereby effectively reducing the availability ofPPAR ligands. This might represent another example ofnegative feedback regulation ultimately involved in themaintenance of cellular homeostasis.

A report from our laboratory suggested that ACBPmight be positively involved in the synthesis of endoge-nous ligands for PPAR� during adipocyte differentiation(53). However, the results presented in this article indi-cate that ACBP can also negatively affect activation ofPPARs by exogenous ligands, possibly by binding acyl-CoAderivatives and thereby increasing the turnover of theligands. In addition, overexpression of ACBP may also in-crease the size of the pool of acyl-CoA esters, which mayfunction as PPAR antagonists (M. Elholm, I. Madsen, C.Jørgensen, A. Krogsdam, I. Kratchmarova, D. Holst, M.Göttlicher, J-Å. Gustafsson, T. Flatmark, R. Berge, J. Knud-sen, S. Mandrup, and K. Kristiansen, unpublished observa-tions). The effect of KLBP on transcription is intriguing,and certainly warrants further investigation. Pronounceddifferences distinguish the ligand-binding pockets of KLBP

Fig. 8. Intracellular localization of lipid-binding proteins and C/EBP� during adipocyte differentiation of3T3-L1 cells. 3T3-L1 cells were induced to differentiate, and cells were fixed on the indicated days during thedifferentiation process. After permeabilization, the cells were incubated with primary antibodies against ACBP,ALBP, KLBP, or C/EBP�. FITC-conjugated swine antirabbit-IgG was used as secondary antibody. The intracellu-lar localization of ACBP, ALBP, KLBP, and C/EBP� was visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. by guest, on M

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and ALBP. Furthermore, the electrostatic surfaces of KLBPand ALBP differ significantly (68), suggesting that they mayexhibit differences in their ability to interact with cellularproteins and membranes. How these differences affect thebiological functions of ALBP and KLBP remains to beelucidated.

We thank Dr. Rolf K. Berge for the generous supply of TTA, Dr.Søren Ebdrup (Novo Nordisk, Denmark) for the generous sup-ply of BRL49653, Dr. U. B. Jensen for preparation of DC-Cholfor transfections, Drs. P. Grimaldi, E-Z. Zoubir, B. M. Spiegel-man, and J. D. Tugwood for the PPAR�, PPAR�, and PPAR� ex-pression plasmids, Dr. R. M. Evans for the PPRE3-TK-LUC re-porter and the RXR� expression plasmids, and Dr. M. D. Lanefor the anti-C/EBP� antibody and the pOb-1 plasmid. Thiswork was supported by the Danish Biotechnology Program, theDanish Natural Science Research Council, the Novo-NordiskFoundation, the Danish Center for Molecular Gerontology,and the National Institutes of Health (grant DK 53189 toD.A.B.). Part of the work was conducted within the Center forExperimental BioInformatics, at the University of SouthernDenmark, Odense, and supported by the Danish National Re-search Foundation.

Manuscript received 9 December 1999 and in revised form 19 May 2000.


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by guest, on May 20, 2018



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