


    One of the greatest speeches that have changed the world for good was delivered by Martin Luther King (Jnr.). This man had the audacity to dream of a betterfuture for America, and though he did not live to see it fulfilled, it eventual

    ly became a reality. This single act should awaken in us the need to dream big and have the required drive to see it come true.

    The world has experience so much change as a result of dreams by men who found purpose, by pursuing visions created by inspiration and passion. The nation isdeeply in need of change which will only come, when concern Nigerians especiall

    y Christians wakes to realize that it is our responsibility to illuminate even the darkest part of this nation and the world at large.

    The light given to us (The body of Christ) by God serves as solution to the problem of mankind, Just like Martin Luther King (Jnr.), i also have a dream thatone day, Nigeria will no longer be known as a corrupt nation; that the basic ne

    eds of life such as food, shelter and clothe will not be a luxury to the commonman. I have a dream that Nigeria will become one of the most industrialized anddeveloped nations in Africa producing great inventors and scientist. I have a dream that government body would, as the police and other government parastatals,

    not have to collect bribe and politicians will not dare to loot public funds. Ihave a dream that Nigeria would have one of the most stable economies in the world. I have a dream that other nations from Europe, Asia, America among others would labour to have their visa to Nigeria granted. It is my greatest dream that Nigeria ones again will take its place as the giant of Africa; setting the trailfor others to follow.

    I believe in this dream, I believe in Nigeria. Let us join hands to make thisdream a reality through collective efforts, rejection of corrupt practices and

    taking giant stride for change and development. It is our responsibility as thelight of the world to make this vision (dream) a reality.

    OKEIDESAN, OchukoEx-President, LINSA



    How difficult it is to become a Dad. Oh, you might think it's not. It is in fact a natural thing, a moment when two make one. But I am speaking about the actof filling the shoes, playing the part, becoming a "Dad."

    They had arrived at the beach just minutes after Marianne and I had just settled down. I was under the umbrella, she was already greased up and ready to facethe sun. Off to our right this young couple arrived loaded with all the equipme

    nt necessary to feed and protect their newborn. I learned later that the child w

    as just 6 months old. Mum carried the child, Dad carried everything else. Bothhad an important role to play, for this was their first time ever at the beach as "family." It is a new beginning, a ritual of sorts, for they are creating memories for a lifetime. Dad is claiming his place today like all the father's before him. In the next few minutes he will either successfully accomplish his assigned task of setting up this family beach site or fail miserably under pressure. It sets the pace for all future attempts at becoming the man both his wife and child hope for. But his wife isn't going to make it easy: "You brought that?" sheasks; "Why in God's name did you bring that stupid cabana thing, you should havebrought the umbrella". "This will be better for the child, it will keep the wi

    nd from her and protect her from the sun," he said. I could almost hear him grunting, you know like a proud manly man. "It will not! The wind is blowing so hard, it will pick her up and take her away," she replies. He whimpers, slightly wou

    nded. "Well, I'll take her down by the water, you set that thing up. You broughtit," she continues. He growls beneath his breath. I sat watching him, wanting d

    esperately to run over and help him. I wanted to save this young guy from defeat



    . But this is what life is made of, this moment in time and moments gathered andcollected for years to come. So I sat watching him. He fought valiantly, lookin

    g up periodically to see where wife and daughter was sitting. He was meeting hischallenge. I looked down at the beach and saw them approaching. "Come on buddy!You can do it!" I cheered in my heart. He did it! Mother and child stared in aw

    e and amazement. He awaited his accolades from his wife but all he got was: "Youdidn't put her blanket in there, that surface will be too hot! In my heart I was

    booing her. I growled. She turned and stared at me sensing my attempt at unifying in spirit with him. My upper lip curled defiantly, but I retreated. In my mind he was successful. In her soul she knew she had married the right guy. But itis not in her nature to acknowledge that so early on. Then it all came rushing back to me. I watched as he walked down to the shore line. He turned to look at them several times. He stood there now a father, in earlier times perhaps they walked this beach hand in hand as lovers. Now, as a new family, those precious moments have given way to reality. They have responsibilities for each other and for their child. He walks along looking lonely and lost. She lays nearby the babytorn between what once was and what is now. They take turns as she now heads down to the waters edge alone and longing for what was and what is. Having been there myself, my mind fast forwards seeing them both in future times. The scene as

    I see it: They have returned to this beautiful resort by the sea every year now.It has become a part of the family tradition. Dad has now made his mark and successfully played the role of father for about two decades. This time his daughter is walking on the beach by his side, holding his hand saying: "Daddy, We've been coming here now since I was a baby. You have given me a lifetime of memorieshere,". "I can remember the first time we brought you here," he tells her. "Daddy, when I was away at school I missed being with you a few summers. I want you to know it wasn't easy," she says. "It just wasn't the same without you honey," he says with tears in his eyes. "But I know it is a part of life. You are growingup. One day you'll meet a man who will take you from us for good. He will have

    to be a special man," Dad says. "Daddy, he is," she says as she stops and holdsboth his hands. "What?" replies Dad. "Daddy, that's why I wanted to be here thisyear for this vacation. You have given me so many wonderful memories. I wanted

    to give you one," she says. Then bowing her head for a moment and then glancingup to look him directly in his eyes she says, "Daddy, John has asked me to marryhim. I said yes." He pauses for a moment. Then embracing her, they spin around

    as they hug a hug of joy. Back to today, this moment in time... Who knows. Perhaps years from now this wet-behind-the-ears father I see before me will one walkthis same beach with his grandchild. He's struggling with what he needs to do next and I have already seen his future. How? I walked this beach before with my children. For now I am in limbo between Dad and Grandpa. In the meantime Marianneand I cherish these few days together alone, waiting desperately to play the pa

    rt and walk hand in hand with my grandchild. Perhaps I will be here the day he is walking with his daughter. Should I warn him it all comes too soon? No, that'sa part of "Becoming Dad," too. Excuse me. The cabana he put together just blew

    away. He forgot to fasten it down. Grow!!!!!!! "I believe in You!"

    Written by Bob Perksedited by Ichide AghoghoAnatomy(200L)

    THE CONQUERORS ATTITUDEEven the impossible can become possible, because I believe so. The toughest c

    hallenges can be won because I am a fighting man. There is fire burning in my heart because Im after a prize. Anything farfetched can be achieved...yes; it can be done because in truth I believe I am the right one. But thats no surprise because there is fire burning in my heart. Anything unlikely can be overcome in an ho

    ur of darkness even though there exist someone who think the situation is hopeless, but my spirit never dies cos of the fire in my heart. My heart is ablaze withthe flame of triumph; my soul alight with this fire of success. An eternal infe



    rno rages within me and when you peep into my heart, you will see the fire burning within. I must have faith in myself when no one else does; work hard becausethat is the main pinnacle to my success; have confidence in myself no matter theobstacles or hardship that comes my way, for I will definitely reach my final destination. In order to prepare for my future as well as succeed in life, I mustlearn to live in the now, any failure or downfall is a stepping stone to a greater height in life. The past is gone but I will learn by it and cherish its mem

    ories, look forward and apply what I have learnt because our everyday life is anexperience and a lesson.One of the most precious things in life is to feel loved, so I will love peop

    le around me and that will make them feel special, reciprocate people

    s love andlearn to love even those I feel do not love me.

    EGBUCHULEM, Chinedu MosesLinguistics (200 level)07060701894

    GRATITUDEGratitude, thanksgiving, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in

    acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive. Gratitude is an emotion that occurs after people receive help, depending on how they interpret the situation. Specifically, gratitude is experienced if people perceive thehelp they receive as valuable to them, costly to their benefactor, and given bythe benefactor with benevolent intentions (rather than with ulterior motives).Gratitude is not the same as indebtedness. While both emotions occur followin

    g help, indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under an obligation to make some repayment of compensation for an aid. The emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness motivates the recipients of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, whereas gratitude motivates the recipient to seek outtheir benefactor and to improve their relationship with them.Gratitude may also serve to reinforce future prosaic behaviour in benefactors

    . For example, one experiment shows that customers of a jewery store who were ca

    lled and thanked showed a subsequent 70% increase in purchases. In comparison, customers who were thanked and told about a sale showed only 30% increase in purchases, and customers who were not called at all did not show increase. In another study, regular patrons of a restaurant gave bigger tips when servers wrote Thank you on their cheques.

    The link between spirituality and gratitude has recently become a popular subject of study. While these two characteristics are certainly not dependent on each other, studies have found that spirituality is capable of enhancing a personsability to be grateful and therefore, those who regularly attend religious services or engage in religious activities are more likely to have a greater sense ofgratitude in all areas of life. Gratitude is viewed as a prized human propensity in the Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish and Hindu traditions. Worship withgratitude to God is a common theme in such religions and therefore, the conceptof gratitude permeates religious texts, teachings and traditions. For this reason, it is one of the most common emotions that religious aim to provoke and maintain in followers and as a universal religious sentiment.

    Gratitude has been said to mould and shape the entire Christian life. The Christian Reformist, Martin Luther (of Germany), referred to gratitude as The basicChristian attitude, and today it is still referred to as the heart of the gospel. As each Christian believes they were created by a personal God, they are stronglyencouraged to praise and give gratitude to their creator. In Christian gratitude, God is seen as the selfless giver of all good things and because of this, there is a great sense of indebtedness that enables Christians to share a common bond, shaping all aspects of a followers life. Gratitude in Christianity is an acknowledgement of Gods generosity that inspires Christian to shape their own thought

    s and actions around such ideals. Instead of simply a sentimental feeling, Christian gratitude is regarded as a virtue that shapes not only emotions and thoughtbut actions and deeds as well.



    Finally, gratitude unlocks the door to greatness. In life, theres so much to be grateful for- be grateful for the life that you have, the food on your table,the clothes you have to wear, the roof thats over your head because a lot of people desire to have all these but to no avail. In whatever situation you find yourself, be grateful.

    UWAGWU, Obiageli Fiona

    Linguistics (200 level)08063807212

    WORKING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLEEvery day of our lives, we interact with people, some with difficult backgrou

    nd and culture but the certainty is that there must be a cordial relationship existing, for us to achieve our individual goals. The question that comes to mindthen is: How do we cope with those difficult people especially those that attack, envy or snoop us?THE ATTACKERSTheir Character: They attack your personality while arguing on issues; twist everything you say; loose out your ideas etc.

    How they make you feel: You feel as if you are hurt or as someone who lost his or her credibility.Your thought: Deep down in your heart, you think that maybe, its your fault, youdont understand him/her, Nobody wants to think always with you etcAttacker

    s thought: Ill make sure that the whole group see how incompetent he is and bring him downStrategies to work with an Attacker: To handle an attacker, you must maintain ahigh level of professionalism, Develop a game plan to guard yourself, Question the attacker without snooping to his/her level, Direct discussions by moving emphasis away from individuals to issues, Talk to the attacker privately and ask hows/he wants to solve your/a problem, Handle the conflict with direct-clear-faceto face solution.

    THE ENVIERSCharacter: They are resentful, jealous, want your praises, dont like your opinionon any matter, feel pompous & arrogant towards you etc.Your thought:I have done my best, everyone said so except him/her, S/he is kind ofself centred, I can feel his /her hostility and envy. These are some of the thoughtyou will have.Enviers thought: Some of the stuffs in an enviers thought are: Why do they all like him?, If I was given the assignment, I would have done it better, Its because s/he has friends or someone who give him/her opportunity and support etc.Strategies to work with an Envier: In order to work effectively with an envier,you must protect yourself (& if possible, help your colleague/envier think morepositively, Encourage the envier, Help him/her to define personal goal and develop his own special skills and enterprise- This will raise his sense of self worth, Keep your talks on a high and friendly level- Never get into arguments especially with others present, Disarm him/her with an honest compliment, Express admiration for whatever he does well, Talk about his/her interest etc.

    THE SNOOPSCharacter: They are unduly inquisitive- prying where its none of their business,s/he seldom realizes that their actions are offensive- Their curiosity must be satisfied.Strategies to work with a Snooper: Give them the benefit of doubt, be politely rude, you dont have to answer everyones question-pass them off with a smile.

    Conclusion: Always realize that you are dealing with people that have different

    reaction/opinion to different situation/issue. Dealing with each person as situation demands means that you must learn to be humble (for two wrong cannot make aright), never attack anyone in public (you may loose) and above all, have a win



    ning attitude.

    OMODON, Jessica .BLinguistics (Graduate)08064558890


    A language disappears somewhere in the world every two weeks (Linda 1991:20)Out of the about 512 indigenous languages spoken in Nigeria, about 75% are presently grappling with survival, they are currently at the very edge (brink) of going into extinction. Egbokhare (2004:13) quoting Bradley .D and Bradley .M (2002:xi) said: There is a grin prediction that in the next fifty to one hundred years,Ninety percent of the languages of Africa will be extinct. This if allowed to happen will be a tragedy given the huge information base and folk wisdom that will perish. It touches on our identity and our continued existence as a people. Thequestion that comes to mind then is what can led to this and what it can lead to.

    One major cause of this is language shift. Vic Webb and Kembo Sure (2001:40)

    defines language shift as a Process in which speakers of one language begins to use a second language for more and more functions until they eventually use onlythe second language. The multilingual/multicultural nature of Nigeria led to theintroduction of pidgin as a lingua franca. Though the Nigeria pidgin is supposedto be a language of inter-ethnic communication, it is now being used for both inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic communication such that it has even acquired a number of native speakers: Nigeria pidgin may soon become the most widely spoken language in Nigeria (Faraclas 1996:1)

    Because of the multi-lingua nature of Nigeria, languages have contact with neighbouring language, As a result, such language is bound to experience some sortof changes which may cause it to go into extinction with the passage of time.Inter Marriage is also a cause of this. There is the tendency for spouses fro

    m different ethnic background to resort to the English Language (Which is the ma

    jor threat to Nigeria languages) or Nigeria pidgin as a medium of communicatingwith their children.

    Nigeria Language Policy divides Nigeria into two classes of citizens whom Egbokhare (2001:15) quoting Bamghose (1990), calls the class of the advantaged and therefore included, and the class of the disadvantage and therefore excluded. Thispolicy of dividing the languages into major (advantaged) minor (disadvantaged)makes speakers of the minority to look at their language with disdain since it is not socio-politically and economically viable.

    In addition, the stagnate nature of our indigenous language is also a major cause, the speech repertoire of our language need changes and improvement in other to account for the rapid changes and development that characterises this age.

    Other possible cause includes: Living in Diaspora, Higher Education etc.The effect of language extinction includes the disintegration of the unity of itsusers (The language of a people is the main symbol of the people as an ethnic nationality. Once the language which binds a people dies, the basics of their unity and group identity will be undermined), destruction of the precious practicesof the people and their traditional practices, such as the knowledge of traditional medicinal plants which is essential to health, folktales/folklore which promote unity among families and beyond etc.CONCLUSION

    We can actually avoid the pathetic effects of language extinction if and onlyif the language users take a bold step to save their language. According to Bamghose (1992:29): When all is said and done, the fate of an endangered language may well be in the hands of the owners of the language themselves and in their will to make it survive.

    EKIUGBO, O. PhilipLinguistics (400 Level)





    I want to begin by saying to you that success is achievable, it does not matter how many times you have failed or was rejected, abandoned, forsaken, despisedor whatever, You can rise from the ashes of mediocrity and self degradation tod

    ay!It is a matter of choice, decide today that you will make the right choices i

    n life, decide that you will do the right thing that will help you to succeed inyour academics, finances, family, relationship etc.

    With the power of right choice, you can turn around the outcome of a bad situation to result in a positive conclusion. The choices you make everyday will determine the outcome of your life and future. I sincerely believe that no problemis impossible to be solved. No question is too difficult to be answered. Thereis an answer to every question in life.

    Can man fly a bird? The Wright brothers answered that question by giving us the aeroplane.

    Can man move at extra-ordinary speed and cover distances in a few minutes? It

    has been answered when Henry Ford began producing his ford carsCan Siamese twins be separated? That used to be a very tough medical questionbut it has been answered since Dr, Ben Carson and his team of determined doctors carried out the first successful operation of separating Siamese twins since the 70s.

    So many impossible questions that has been given possible answers in life! What is your own question? There is an answer you can proffer if only you can believe in yourself and believe also in your creator, dont allow the world to push you around.

    Dear, never bend your heads but raise it high. Les Brown once said: Shoot forthe moon; even if you miss, you will land among stars. There is never an excuse for failing, its your choice.

    MARIS MLinguistics (200 level)


    There is a giant in the inside of you, waiting to be unleashed to the world,waiting to conquer territories, waiting to achieve great strides that generationto come would not forget in a haste.

    There is more to you than meets the eye, there is more to you than you realize. You carry on the inside of you a landmine that could revolutionalize DELSU,Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

    Do not let the limitation of your circumstances, skin, age, background etc cripple the giant that is in you. Do away with limitation in your mind, be the light in the darkness, be the agent of change in your sphere of influence.

    Never forget who you are- the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus, achosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar person, calledout to show forth the glory of God. Never forget who lives on the inside of you,walk in the consciousness of who you are in Christ Jesus. There is a giant in you

    Egom OnyinyeLinguistics (200 Level)


    His divine power has given us everything that required for life and godliness,through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you m



    ay share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires (II Peter 1:3-4. HCSB)

    The powers of the all-sufficient God has given EVERYTHING required to live fulfilled life Spiritually, Academically, Financially and otherwise, to all Christians. One thing that however comes to my mind whenever I take a time-out to ponder on the above scripture above scriptural passage, is the fact that some Christians will be partakers of this everything while others will be Observers.

    A Partaker is somebody or something that takes part, participate or have a first-hand taste/experience of something, activity, event etc while an Observer issomebody who though witnessed (hear or see) something, activity, event etc butdoes not have a taste of it (see II Kings 7)

    It is Gods desire for us to witness and partake in all the goodies and packages He has for His children. The big question now is how can I be a Partaker? Your level of intimacy with the owner of what you want to partake of. It is notssible to partake of something when you dont have a personal rapport/intimate relationship with the owner, hence you must work on, and improve daily on your relationship with God (the owner). Having a basic knowledge of what you want to partake in: The level of your understanding of what you desire to partake in is a key quality that determines the l

    evel to which you will partake in such a thing. You must therefore seek to knowand understand, in full measure, what is the breadth and length and depth and the height of His divine nature (i.e. the living expression of what God is and howHe functions. Heb. 11:3). Make appriopriate moves: Nothing on earth moves until you make move. Though youknow the owner as well as have a knowledge of what you want to partake in, you must however make moves/carry out appropriate Acts (Actions that Command Testimonies and Surprises) either through prayers (backed up with fasting), Praising God, Reading/Study, Giving/Tithing etc. Know this: that which you do first will determines what God will do next in your life.

    CONCLUSION:Scripture speaking in Romans 8:32 says: He did not even spare His son own son

    , but offered Him up for us all; how will He not also with Him grant us everything (HCSB). The same God that delivered His own son up for us while we were yet sinners, has also given us everything we need to live a fulfilled life, apply theabove principle and you will testify of the goodness of God. See ya at the top.

    EKIUGBO, Oghenesuowho PhilipEx-President, Baptist Student FellowshipDELSU-Abraka. (07062851103)

    POEMSTHE MANS DEATHIt is a fact that the man had diedBut what could actually cause it?Could it be an Accident?Was it rather an attack?Of what nature?

    People said it was witchcraftSome said it was a robbery attackOthers said it was an ailmentStill some believed it was Gods handiwork

    Poor him! If death was a sleepWe would wake him to tell us the cause

    But since it is a deeper sleepAnd though the good and the bad will also dieThe truth remains: the creator remembers him!



    GBEGBAJE, Esere MercyLinguistics (100 level)

    LETS BE THE CHANGEEveryone desires a changeIn all of lifes facet

    Our forefathers have toiled for itSowing seeds and now has goneOur parents have done their partsNow, we must be the CHANGE!

    Rising all day, each of usLets be the change we desireWith humility, kindness and sinceritySaying NO to wrong thingsEven YES to right onesBrooding over ideas that will bring progressThen we can be the Change we need

    Lets learn to LOVE!cos it performs miracles, hatred doesntAbove all, lets trust the Almighty GodWhose thought towards us are goodAnd who can enable us be the CHANGE!

    OKOGHA, PeaceLinguistics (200 level)


    Sometimes in life, you meet peopleSome create meaning for livingSome bring out the spark in youSome want to affect your life for goodSome want to eat you alive!

    Someone stretches out His handsFor you to hold and have your confidence backAnd this someone is Jesus Christ

    You may not know Christ value for youBut He is still the everlasting messiahHe will always rescue His own fro death.

    YOUNG, OghenekevweLinguistics (200 level)


    Have you ever head of Evarest? Do you remember insurmountable everest that no one could climb for years until a man who learnt never to put the word impossible in his life

    s guilding principles. Edmund Hilary they call him...yes, he wasthe first man to climb insurmountable everest. The funny thing is that when this man was asked it feels like setting a world record and what gave him such faith that the mountain could be conquered, his answer was It is not the mountain we

    conquer but ourselves.Dear, think about this, you are the real everest. What is that which seems in

    surmountable in your life? -your ability of making it in all facet of your life,



    it is possible. Believe in yourself, shun fear, work on yourself, coquer your fears, conquer yourself; then you can do it...yes, it is achievable.

    EGBUCHULEM, Chinedu MosesLinguistics (200 level)07060701894


    Estimates of the number of languages spoken in the world today vary depending onwhere the dividing line between language and dialect is drawn. For instance, linguists disagree over whether Chinese should be considered a single language because of its speakers

    shared cultural and literary tradition, or whether it should be considered several different languages because of the mutual unintelligibility of, for example, the Mandarin spoken in Beijing and the Cantonese spoken inHong Kong (see Chinese Language). If mutual intelligibility is the basic criter

    ion, current estimates indicate that there are about 6,000 languages spoken in the world today. However, many languages with a smaller number of speakers are indanger of being replaced by languages with large numbers of speakers. In fact,some scholars believe that perhaps 90 percent of the languages spoken in the 1990s will be extinct or doomed to extinction by the end of the 21st century. The 10 most widely spoken languages, with approximate numbers of native speakers, areas follows: Chinese, 1.2 billion; Arabic, 422 million; Hindi, 366 million; English, 341 million; Spanish, 322 to 358 million; Bengali, 207 million; Portuguese,176 million; Russian, 167 million; Japanese, 125 million; German, 100 million.If second-language speakers are included in these figures, English is the secondmost widely spoken language, with 508 million speakers.

    Linguists classify languages using two main classification systems: typological and genetic. A typological classification system organizes languages acc

    ording to the similarities and differences in their structures. Languages that share the same structure belong to the same type, while languages with differentstructures belong to different types. For example, despite the great differencesbetween the two languages in other respects, Mandarin Chinese and English belong to the same type, grouped by word-order typology. Both languages have a basicword order of subject-verb-object.A genetic classification of languages divides them into families on the basis oftheir historical development: A group of languages that descend historically from the same common ancestor form a language family. For example, the Romance languages form a language family because they all descended from the Latin language. Latin, in turn, belongs to a larger language family, Indo-European, the ancestor language of which is called Proto-Indo-European. Some genetic groupings are universally accepted. However, because documents attesting to the form of most ancestor languages, including Proto-Indo-European, have not survived, much controversy surrounds the more wide-ranging genetic groupings. A conservative survey ofthe world

    s language families are as follows:

    AFRICA: Africa language families are: Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Congo, and Khoisan, although the genetic unity of Nilo-Saharan and Khoisan is still disputed. Afro-Asiatic languages occupy most of North Africa and also large parts ofsouthwestern Asia. The Niger-Congo family covers most of sub-Saharan Africa andincludes such widely spoken West African languages as Yoruba and Fulfulde, as well as the Bantu languages of eastern and southern Africa, which include Swahiliand Zulu. The Nilo-Saharan languages are spoken mainly in eastern Africa, in anarea between those covered by the Afro-Asiatic and the Niger-Congo languages. T

    he best-known Nilo-Saharan language is Masai, spoken by the Masai people in Kenya and Tanzania. The Khoisan languages are spoken in the southwestern corner of Africa and include the Nama language (formerly called Hottentot).



    EUROPE: Europe language families are: Indo-European, Uralic etc. Indo-European Languages, the most widely spoken family of languages in the world, contains thefollowing subfamilies: Albanian, Armenian, Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Italic (including the Romance languages), Slavic, and two extinct subfamilies, Anatolian (including Hittite) and Tocharian. About 1.6 billion people speak Indo-European languages today. Uralic languages sub-families includes Samoy

    edic, Finno-Ugric etc. Europe also has one language isolate (a language not known to be related to any other language): Basque, which is spoken in the Pyrenees.

    ASIA: Asia language families includes the Indo-Aryan sub-branch of Indo-European, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic, Afro-Asiatic etc

    AMERICA: North America has such language families as Inuit (Eskimalent), Na-Den,Algonquian, Iroquorian, Siouan, Uto-Aztecan, Mayan etc while South Americas majorfamilies are Carib, Arawak, Macro-G and Tupian.


    Linguistic reconstruction is the recovery of the stages of a language that existed prior to those found in written documents. Using a number of languages that are genetically related, linguists try to reconstruct at least certain aspects ofthe languages

    common ancestor, called the protolanguage. Linguists theorize that those features that are the same among the protolanguage

    s descendant languages, or those features that differ but can be traced to a common origin, can be considered features of the ancestor language. Nineteenth-century linguistic science made significant progress in reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European language.While many details of this reconstruction remain controversial, in general linguists have gained a good conception of Proto-Indo-European

    s phonology, morphology, and vocabulary. However, due to the range of syntactic variation among Proto-Indo-European

    s descendant languages, linguists have found syntactic reconstruction more problematic.


    The number of languages currently estimated and catalogued in Nigeria is 521. This number includes 510 living languages, two second languages without native speakers and 9 extinct languages. In some areas of Nigeria, ethnic groups speak more than one language. The official language of Nigeria, English, the former colonial language, was chosen to facilitate the cultural and linguistic unity of thecountry. Even though most ethnic groups prefer to communicate in their own languages, English, being the official language, is widely used for education, business transactions and for official purposes. Here is a complete list of 528 languages spoken Nigeria, including some that have no native speaker. Below is a listof languages spoken in Nigeria:1. Abanyom2. Abon3. Abua4. Abureni5. Acipa, Eastern6. Acipa, Western7. Aduge8. Afade9. Agatu10. Agoi11. Agwagwune12. hn

    13. Ajawa14. Ake15. Akpa



    16. Akpes17. Akuku18. Akum19. Alago20. Alege21. Alumu-Tesu22. Ambo

    23. Amo24. Anaang25. nc26. Arabic, Shuwa27. Arigidi28. Ashe29. Asu30. Atsam31. Auyokawa32. Awak33. Ayere34. Ayu

    35. Baan36. Baangi37. Baatonum38. Bacama39. Bada40. Bade41. Bakpinka42. Bali43. Bangwinji44. Barikanchi45. Basa46. Basa-Gumna47. Basa-Gurmana

    48. Bassa-Kontagora49. Bata50. Batu51. Bauchi52. Beele53. Begbere-Ejar54. Bekwarra55. Bena56. Berom57. Bete58. Bete-Bendi59. Bile60. Bina61. Biseni62. Bitare63. Boga64. Boghom65. Boko66. Bokobaru67. Bokyi68. Bole69. Bo-Rukul70. Bu71. Bukwen72. Bumaji

    73. Burak74. Bura-Pabir75. Bure



    76. Buru77. Busa78. Cakfem-Mushere79. Cara80. Cen81. Centm82. Che

    83. Cibak84. Cinda-Regi-Tiyal85. Cineni86. Cishingini87. Ciwogai88. C

    lela89. Como Karim90. Cori91. Daba92. Dadiya93. Dass94. Daza

    95. Defaka96. Degema97. Dendi98. Deno99. Dera100. Dghwede101. Dibo102. Dijim-Bwilim103. Diri104. Dirim105. Doka106. Doko-Uyanga107. Dong

    108. Duguri109. Duhwa110. Dulbu111. Dungu112. Duwai113. Dza114. Dzodinka115. Ebira116. Ebughu117. Edo118. Efai119. Efik120. Efutop121. Eggon122. Ehueun123. Ejagham124. Ekajuk125. Eki126. Ekit127. Ekpeye128. Eleme129. Eloyi130. Emai-Iuleha-Ora131. Engenni132. English

    133. Enwan134. Enwan135. Epie



    136. Eruwa137. Esan138. Esimbi139. Etebi140. Eten141. Etkywan142. Etulo

    143. Evant144. Fali145. Fali of Baissa146. Fam147. Firan148. Fulfulde, Adamawa149. Fulfulde, Benin-Togo150. Fulfulde, Nigerian151. Fum152. Fungwa153. Fyam154. Fyer

    155. Gaa156. Ga

    anda157. Gade158. Galambu159. Gamo-Ningi160. Ganang161. Gbagyi162. Gbari163. Gbaya, Northwest164. Gbiri-Niragu165. Geji166. Gengle167. Gera

    168. Geruma169. Ghotuo170. Gibanawa171. Giiwo172. Glavda173. Goemai174. Gokana175. Gude176. Gudu177. Guduf-Gava178. Gun179. Gupa-Abawa180. Gurmana181. Guruntum-Mbaaru182. Gvoko183. Gwa184. Gwamhi-Wuri185. Gwandara186. Gyem187. Hasha188. Hausa189. Hausa Sign Language190. Hide191. Holma192. Hne

    193. Horom194. Huba195. Hungworo



    196. Hun-Saare197. Hwana198. Hya199. Hyam200. Ibani201. Ibibio202. Ibilo

    203. Ibino204. Ibuoro205. Iceve-Maci206. Idere207. Idesa208. Idoma209. Idon210. Idun211. Igala212. Igbo213. Igede214. Iguta

    215. Igwe216. Ihievbe217. Ija-Zuba218. Ijo, Southeast219. Ika220. Iko221. Ikpeshi222. Iku-Gora-Ankwa223. Ikulu224. Ikwere225. Ilue226. Irigwe227. Isekiri

    228. Isoko229. Ito230. Itu Mbon Uzo231. Ivbie North-Okpela-Arhe232. Iyayu233. Iyive234. Izere235. Izi-Ezaa-Ikwo-Mgbo236. Izon237. Izora238. Janji239. Jara240. Jarawa241. Jere242. Jiba243. Jibu244. Jilbe245. Jimi246. Jiru247. Jju248. Jorto249. Ju250. Jukun Takum251. Kaan252. Kadara

    253. Kagoma254. Kaivi255. Kakanda



    256. Kakihum257. Kalabari258. Kam259. Kamantan260. Kami261. Kamo262. Kamwe

    263. Kaningkom-Nindem264. Kanufi265. Kanuri266. Kanuri, Central267. Kanuri, Manga268. Kapya269. Karekare270. Kariya271. Khana272. Kholok273. Kinuku274. Kiong

    275. Kir-Balar276. Kirike277. Koenoem278. Kofa279. Kofyar280. Kohumono281. Koma282. Kono283. Korop284. Kpan285. Kpasam286. Kpati287. Kubi

    288. Kudu-Camo289. Kugama290. Kugbo291. Kukele292. Kulere293. Kulung294. Kumba295. Kupa296. Kurama297. Kushi298. Kutep299. Kutto300. Kuturmi301. Kwa302. Kwaami303. Kwak304. Kyak305. Kyenga306. Labir307. Laka308. Lala-Roba309. Lamang310. Lame311. Lamja-Dengsa-Tola312. Lamnso

    313. Laru314. Leelau315. Legbo



    316. Lemoro317. Lenyima318. Lere319. Leyigha320. Lijili321. Limbum322. Lokaa

    323. Longuda324. Loo325. Lopa326. Lubila327. Lufu328. Luri329. Maaka330. Mada331. Mafa332. Mghd333. Mak334. Mala

    335. Mama336. Mambila, Nigeria337. Mangas338. Marghi Central339. Marghi South340. Mashi341. Mawa342. Mbe343. Mbembe, Cross River344. Mbembe, Tigon345. Mboi346. Mbongno347. Mbula-Bwazza

    348. Mburku349. Mingang Doso350. Miship351. Miya352. Mom Jango353. Montol354. Moo355. Mumuye356. Mundat357. Mvanip358. Mwaghavul359. Nde-Gbite360. Nde-Nsele-Nta361. Ndoe362. Ndoola363. Ndun364. Ndunda365. Ngamo366. Ngas367. Nggwahyi368. Ngizim369. Ngwaba370. Nigerian Sign Language371. Ningye372. Ninzo

    373. Njerep374. Nkari375. Nkem-Nkum



    376. Nkoroo377. Nkukoli378. Nnam379. Nshi380. Numana-Nunku-Gbantu-Numbu381. Nungu382. Nupe-Nupe-Tako

    383. Nyam384. Nyeng385. Nyong386. Nzanyi387. Obanliku388. Obolo389. Obulom390. O



    391. Odual392. Odut393. Ogbah394. Ogbia

    395. Ogbogolo396. Ogbronuagum397. Okobo398. Okodia399. Oko-Eni-Osayen400. Okpamheri401. Okpe402. Okpe403. Oloma404. Olulumo-Ikom405. Oring406. Oro407. Oruma

    408. Ososo409. Otank410. Pa

    a411. Panawa412. Pangseng413. Pe414. Peere415. Pero416. Pidgin, Nigerian417. Piti418. Piya-Kwonci419. Polci420. Pongu421. Psikye422. Putai423. Putukwam424. Pyapun425. Rang426. Reshe427. Rogo428. Ron429. Ruma430. Samba Daka431. Samba Leko432. Sambe

    433. Sanga434. Sasaru435. Saya



    436. Sha437. Shakara438. Shall-Zwall439. Shamang440. Shama-Sambuga441. Shanga442. Shau

    443. Sheni444. Shiki445. Shoo-Minda-Nye446. Shuwa-Zamani447. Siri448. Somyev449. Sorko450. Sukur451. Sur452. Surubu453. Tal454. Tala

    455. Tamajaq, Tawallammat456. Tambas457. Tangale458. Tanjijili459. Tarok460. Tedaga461. Tee462. Teme463. Tera464. Teshenawa465. Tha466. Tita467. Tiv

    468. Toro469. Tsikimba470. Tsishingini471. Tso472. Tsuvadi473. Tula474. Tumi475. Tunzuii476. Tyap477. Ubaghara478. Ubang479. Uda480. Uhami481. Ukaan482. Ukpe-Bayobiri483. Ukpet-Ehom484. Ukue485. Ukwa486. Ukwuani-Aboh-Ndoni487. Ulukwumi488. Umon489. Uneme490. Uokha491. Urhobo492. Usaghade

    493. ut-Ma

    in494. Uvbie495. Uzekwe



    496. Vaghat-Ya-Bijim-Legeri497. Vemgo-Mabas498. Viti499. Vono500. Voro501. Vute502. Waja

    503. Waka504. Wandala505. Wannu506. Wapan507. Wpha508. Warji509. Wom510. Yace511. Yala512. Yamba513. Yangkam514. Yedina

    515. Yekhee516. Yendang517. Yeskwa518. Yiwom519. Yoruba520. Yukuben521. Zangwal522. Zari523. Zarma524. Zeem525. Zhire526. Ziriya527. Zizilivakan

    528. Zumbun


    Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949), American linguist and founder of structural linguistics (see Linguistics: Descriptive and Structural Linguistics). Born in Chicago, Bloomfield graduated with a bachelor

    s degree from Harvard in 1906 and received his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1909. In 1917 he extensivelyresearched Tagalog and other Austronesian languages, and in the 1920s he workedon grouping Native American languages. He played a key role in the founding ofthe Linguistic Society of America in 1924. Bloomfield is best known for his commitment to linguistics as an independent science and his insistence on using scientific procedures. Early in his career he was influenced by behaviorism, a school of psychology based on the objective study of behavior. He based his work, especially his approach to meaning, on behavioristic principles. His major work, Language (1933) is regarded as the classic text of structural linguistics, also called structuralism. The book synthesized the theory and practice of linguistic analysis.

    Noam Chomsky, born in 1928, American linguist, educator, and political activist.Chomsky is the founder of transformational-generative grammar, a system that revolutionized modern linguistics. Avram Noah Chomsky was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, where

    he earned a Ph.D. degree in linguistics in 1955 under the direction of Americanlinguist Zellig Harris. While still a graduate student, Chomsky held an appointment from 1951 to 1955 as a junior fellow at Harvard University. He joined the f



    aculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1955 to teach French and German. In 1976 he became Institute Professor of Linguistics at MIT. Chomsky created and established a new field of linguistics, generative grammar, basedon a theory he worked on during the 1950s. In 1957 he published this theory, called transformational-generative grammar, in his book Syntactic Structures. Chomsky made a distinction between the innate, often unconscious knowledge people have of their own language and the way in which they use the language in reality.

    The former, which he termed competence, enables people to generate all possiblegrammatical sentences. The latter, which he called performance, is the transformation of this competence into everyday speech. Prior to Chomsky, most theories about the structure of language described performance; they were transformationalgrammars. Chomsky proposed that linguistic theory also should explain the mental processes that underlie the use of languagein other words, the nature of language itself, or generative grammar. Chomsky placed linguistics at the core of studies of the mind. He claimed that linguistic theory must account for universal similarities between all languages and for the fact that children are able to learn language fluently at an early age in spite of insufficient data that has no systematic logic. His contribution to the cognitive sciencesfields that seek to understand how we think, learn, and perceiveemerges from this claim. Of equal import

    ance were Chomskys arguments that a serious theory of mental processes should replace empiricism, the belief that experience is the source of knowledge, as the dominant model in American science. Chomsky wrote on politics early in his life but began to publish more on the subject during the 1960s in response to United States policies in Southeast Asia. He deliberately scaled back his work on linguistics to dedicate more time to writing about the role of the media and academiccommunities in manufacturing the consent of the general public for U.S. policies.Chomsky also addressed the effects of U.S. foreign policy, and he felt that intellectuals have a responsibility to use scientific method in criticizing government policies that they find immoral and to develop practical strategies to combatthese policies.Chomskys linguistic publications, in addition to Syntactic Structures, include Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965), Language and Mind (1968; enlarged edition,

    1972), and Language and Thought (1992). His political writings include AmericanPower and the New Mandarins (1967); Peace in the Middle East (1974); The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1983; updated edition, 1999); Deterring Democracy (1991); Hegemony or Survival: Americas Quest for Global Dominance (2003); and Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault onDemocracy (2006). Hegemony or Survival hit the top of the bestsellerlist in 2006 after Venezuelan president Hugo Chvez, during a visit to the UnitedStates, recommended that Americans read it.

    Roman Osipovich Jakobson (1896-1983), a leading linguist of the 20th century, was born in Moscow but moved to Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1920. There he helped tofound the Prague Linguistic Circle in 1926 and became its vice-president. In 1939, with Czechoslovakia threatened by Nazi Germany, Jakobson moved first to Denmark, then to Norway, and finally to Sweden, in 1940. He moved to the United States in 1941 and began teaching in New York City. He was a professor at Harvard University from 1949 to 1967, and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1957 to 1967. Jakobson was president of the Linguistic Society of America in1956. He received two prizes for his work: the International Prize for Philology and Linguistics in 1980, and the Hegel Prize in 1982. Jakobson was influentialin the development of an approach to the study of language style that later became known as linguistic stylistics. His best-known work deals with structural phonology, the formal patterns of sound in a language. Jakobson

    s distinctive feature theory is often regarded as his greatest insight. This theory claims that distinctive features, such as tongue height and lip rounding, are important factors to take into account when carrying out a phonological analysis. Jakobson belie

    ved that distinctive features reveal more about how sounds of a language are organized than do segmentsthat is, discrete units such as vowels or consonants.Jakobson also contributed to the understanding of the acquisition of phonology i





    r, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregationand the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on alonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of Americansociety and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we

    ve come here todayto dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we

    ve come to our nation

    s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent wor

    ds of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing apromissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the

    unalienable Rights


    Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    It is obvioustoday that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked

    insufficient funds.

    But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of thisnation. And so, we

    ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to th

    is hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no timeto engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the timeto rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path ofracial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice areality for all of God

    s children. It would be fatal for the nation to overlookthe urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro

    s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope thatthe Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.

    The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say tomy people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the highplane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And theyhave come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. Wecannot walk alone.And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights,

    When will you be satisfied?

    We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is thevictim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfiedas long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging inthe motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfiedas long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believeshe has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will notbe satisfied until

    justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.

    I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And so

    me of you have come from areas where your questquest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith



    that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go backto the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I sayto you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of todayand tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Americandream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the tru

    e meaning of its creed:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, thesons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation wherethey will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of




    one day right there in Alabama little bla

    ck boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that oneday every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight;

    and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.

    This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we willbe able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jailtogether, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And this will be the daythis will be the day when all of God

    s children will beable to sing with new meaning: My country

    tis of thee, sweet land of liberty,

    of thee I sing.Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim

    s pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountainof Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we willbe able to speed up that day when all of God

    s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

    CORONATION OF ELIZABETH IIThe coronation ceremony of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was held on June 2, 1953, in Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne after the death of her father, King George VI.Traditionally, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the highest official of the Churchof England, presides over the coronation ceremony. The ceremony is divided intofive parts: the entry, recognition, and royal oath; the consecration of the monarch; the investiture with the royal robes and crown; the enthronement; and, fina

    lly, the service of Holy Communion.




    RHODA Chokor


    Prof. (Mrs) R. AzizaProf. Jeff MokobiahDr. BiakolorDr. E.E OginiDr. Njosi J.Mr. E.U Tonukari (Ph.d in-view)Dr. (Mrs) R. MebiteghanMr. Don Utulu (Ph.d in-view)

    Mr Emeka Ifieseh (Ph.d in-view)Mrs Obikudo (Ph.d in-view)Mrs M. ObadanMr. Godwin IvworinMrs. E. AllehChief. AkanighaMr. ArierierenMr. Moses DarahMr. Lucky Ejobee



    President PHILIP Ekiugbo 400 07062851103Vice-President MARY Chukwuka 400 08066716748Secretary MAVIS Izomo 300 07063047492Financial Sec. JOSEPH Imeba 300 08066690551Asst. Fin. Sec. CALEB Ivworin 200 08135115831Treasurer BRIDGET Egwuli 300 07039047361Social Director WEALTH Igoru 400 07068494557Asst. Soc. Dir. EMMA 300 08030740059Librarian EMUOBOR Kafene 400 08162929884Asst. Lib. ESTHER 300 07034669585PRO MARTHA Akawe 400 07067137799


    S/N NAME PHONE BIRTHDAY1 ABADA, Odezi 08060874337 June 212 AJAMAJA, Efe Jenifer 080633191333 AKAWE, Ifeanyi Martha 07067137799 June 214 AKPOTU, Isabella 08062118728 Oct. 265 AKPOVESO, Leroy 080634706216 AKUMABOR, Nneka 08161333138 April 77 ANTHONY Christopher 081370574298 BAGBE, Yetunde 08069095205 Nov. 229 BALOGUN, Wasiu 08064622646

    10 BOZI, Sophia 08067868609 April 2311 CHUKWUKA, Mary 08066716748 Feb. 312 EDU, Oghenetega Pleasure 08067663305 Aug. 14





    nd the standard you try to live by, you are likely going to attract guys who dont value you and your standard either.

    ITODI, AbigailLinguistics (400level)MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES*One definition of insanity is to believe that you can keep doing what youve been

    doing and get different result.

    *It pays to plan ahead, It wasnt raining when Noah built the ark.

    *The richest soil, uncultivated produces the rankest weeds

    *Our strength is seen in the things we stand for, our weakness is seen in the things we fall for.

    *We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, others judge us by what wehave done.

    *It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong.*Learning what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do.

    *Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present

    *When someone puts a limit on what you will do, that person has put a limit on what you can do.

    *It is the set of the sail, not the direction of the wind that determines whichway we should go.


    Investors, shareholder, backer, sponsor, participant, patron, interested partyWhether a company is high tech or low tech, operating in an age-old industry orone of the newer service or knowledge ones...its success will depend, more thananything else, on the satisfaction of the needs and desires of each unique stakeholder.



    S DESK

    It is with mixed feelings that I put pen to paper to write this thought provoking address. Special thanks to God Almighty for giving me the privilege to serve in this capacity and for His grace that saw us through in this journey.

    WHAT WE HAD IN MINDOne source of joy in my six opportunities of being a leader, is working with great minds, who, in their constructive criticism, logical reasoning, critical analysis and philosophical reasoning has made us birth wonderful visions. Our 11-manteam, despite our individual busy schedule (yesbusy schedule), and con straining

    ourselves to the finance at our disposal, birthed the following vision: A welcome party, A 4-days excursion to Abuja for Academic and Social purpose, Production of a magazine as an incentive, a 3-day LINSA week (day 1 is novelty football m



    atch, day 2 is a seminar on After DELSU: What Next? and a debate between the boysand girls in 100 level, while day three is a dinner party or a prom) among others. But lo! Our vision was but a day dream. At the edge of bringing to reality our visions, the powers that be struck; well, no qualmsyeahno cause for alarm

    THE STAKEHOLDERS AND THE STAKE THEY HOLDThe Supreme Student Senate placed a suspension on the leadership of the Associat

    ion for collecting seven hundred naira as dues:


    APPRECIATIONSpecial thanks to our HOD, Prof. Jiff Mokobiah for his innovation and good worksin the department, Our staff adviser, Mr E. Ifieseh- you are a gift to LINSA, My Predecessor, Linguist Okeidesan Ochuko, All lecturers, Non-Academic staff andall cheerful LINSALITES, not forgetting those who betrayed us (Excos, Members and non-members), we owe you no grudge, to be frank with you, Ive been praying toGod almost on a daily basis not to pay you back in the future when I have the opportunity to do so.

    WHAT I LEARNTMy dad (Capt. A.U. Ekiugbo) made me to appreciate the fact that it will be foolish of me if I dont learn from the mistakes of others and more foolish of me if Idont learn from my own mistakes. It is on this template that I sat down to ponderon my experiences to learn some moral lessons, some of which includes: I must be watchful so my enemies do not outwit me, I must test and try all friends to know the once that are trustworthy because some of them are traitors and spy, I must not undermine the powers of my opponent, I must learn to punish all forms ofmisdeeds, etcIt is common place knowledge that life does not end within the four walls of DELSU emyes, there is life after DELSU.

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