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Link Building Strategies After Google Panda Update:

What To Do NowGoogle's recent search engine update has

dramatically altered the search engine optimization landscape. High volume, low-quality link building strategies are no longer effective when it comes to improving your site’s ranking in the search engines. Now, SEO marketers need to focus on quality over quantity and rethink the way they build links for their sites.

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Good Content

Google is now placing a huge emphasis on quality content. Both the content on your Website Design Company site and the content that is linking to your site need to be of high quality if you hope to see positive results out of your link building campaigns. Google is looking for more visitor interaction with your own website that demonstrates someone is interested in your content. Making changes to your website to increase visitor time on site, page views, and visits will allow your website to appear of high quality in the eyes of Google’s search algorithm.

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Guest Posting

Writing guest posts for other blogs is an excellent way to get new links for your site in a post Panda world. Blog owners are always starving for new content for their sites. Reaching out to these blog owners and offering to write a guest post for them will be welcomed with open arms. When you write the guest post, make sure to include a back link for your site.

While it is preferred to write a guest post for a blog that is within your site’s niche, with best Blog Writing Service this is not a requirement. As long as you can write your post so that it ties in to your site’s niche, you will see the benefits of that back link reflected in your site’s rankings. If you can creatively incorporate your site’s niche into your guest post, you could pull off a successful link-bait campaign.

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Create your own Authority Site

One effective back linking strategy you can employ that is Panda safe is to create your own authority site. On this site, you will post nothing but high quality content that is directly related to the content on your money site, which you are trying to rank for a specific term. After you have created this high quality content authority site, you can create several smaller sites – free web 2.0 sites with high PR will work for this – with blog posts that point to your new authority site. Mix in some other links from social media websites that point to your new web 2.0 blogs and authority site and you will surely see some improvements in the SERPS.

The high quality content will ensure that your sites stay around for a long time and pass the most link juice possible.

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What to Avoid

While making changes to their algorithm, Google added new penalties for certain SEO tricks that used to be very effective. No longer can you create back links with just one anchor text. If Google sees a bunch of links to your site using the same anchor text, you are sure to receive some type of penalty. Your anchor text needs to look natural in the eyes of Google which is why you need to diversify the terms you use for your anchor text. Do not be afraid to mix in terms like “click here” or “visit now” as this is how non-SEO Internet users would link to your site on the web.

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