
Lines of latitude and longitude are used to locate places on Earth.

Section 1: Latitude and Longitude

Essential QuestionsWhat is the difference between latitude and longitude?

Why is it important to give a city’s complete coordinates when describing its location?

Why are there different time zones from one geographic area to the next?

Review• time zone

New• cartography• equator• latitude• longitude• prime meridian• International Date Line

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Latitude and Longitude

Latitude and LongitudeCopyright © McGraw-Hill Education


• Maps are flat models of three-dimensional objects.

• The science of mapmaking is called cartography.

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• The equator is an imaginary horizontal line located at 0° latitude that circles Earth and separates it into two equal halves.

• Latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the equator.

• Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator.

Latitude and Longitude

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Latitude and Longitude


• The value in degrees of each line of latitude is determined by measuring the imaginary angle created between the equator, the center of Earth, and the line of latitude.

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Latitude and Longitude


• Longitude is the distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian.

• The prime meridian is an imaginary line that represents 0° longitude.

• Lines of longitude, also called meridians, are semicircles that extend vertically from pole to pole.

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• The degree value of each line of longitude is determined by measuring the imaginary angle between the prime meridian, the center of Earth, and the line of longitude.

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Using coordinates

• Both latitude and longitude are needed to locate precise positions on Earth.

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Time Zones

• In most cases, each of Earth’s 24 time zones corresponds roughly to a line of longitude and represents a different hour. However, there are some exceptions.

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• The International Date Line, 180° meridian, serves as the transition line for calendar days.

• Traveling west across the International Date Line advances your calendar one day.

• Traveling east moves your calendar back one day.

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ReviewEssential Questions• What is the difference between latitude and longitude?

• Why is it important to give a city’s complete coordinates when describing its location?

• Why are there different time zones from one geographic area to the next?

Vocabulary• cartography• equator• latitude

• longitude• prime meridian• International Date


Latitude and Longitude

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