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LinesRandom, Occasionally Sarcastic, and Often Esoteric Notions

O.G. Rose

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1. If the North gets more done than the South, it’s because the South has better weather.

2. When the Supreme Court disagrees with you, it’s corrupted either by Corporations or theLiberal Agenda; when it agrees, it's by accident.


It’s not about knowing all the answers, but knowing where to find them.4. To be human is to defend a myth.

5. Bad thinking emerges gradually enough to appear rational.

6. As we pick which books to read according to what authorities suggest, we pick whichcultures to study according to national power.

7. Good Ethics makes clear that doing the right thing takes overcoming competing goods.

8. If you know that you know nothing, you don’t know how little you know.

9. Politics is what occurs between catastrophes.

10. Politicians are actors without recognition.

11. All artists are entertainers, but not all entertainers are artists.(And those who drop a line like that think they know the difference.)

12. Divorce: I get the kids for Christmas, while you take them for College-Move-In Day.

13. Successful bias appears unbiased.

14. Not all races entail trophies.

15. A sentence is composed mostly of what’s left out.

16. Kids fail in school because if a President said he was against education, everyone below theage of 18 would cheer.

17. Personality tests are drugs.

18. If beauty will save the world, heroes will create beauty.

19. ‘Show, don’t tell’ was established by someone who didn’t like to talk.

20. Technology enables us to hide from ourselves while feeling we are open to the public.

21. Technology is wealth.

22. To the degree it entails a love of life is to the degree it is art.

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(And so not all artwork is art.)(And artists suffer.)

23. The problem with politics is that it involves politicians.

24. In the scope of human history, only a few words were used carefully.

25. Stories make people.(Twilight makes living-dead as art makes artwork.)

26. Captions tell you what’s not in the picture.

27. The medium is the weapon.

28. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will change my cosmos.

29. A fundamental tension of Democracy is that a leader makes hard, unpopular decisions, yetyou don’t get elected if unpopular.

30. Heroism and tragedy are inseparable.

31. Nuance makes bad history.

32. Leaders don’t sit at the top, but at the roots.

33. To live is to undergo unintended consequences.

34. Life: what you don’t predict.

35. The first to claim others don’ t listen is usually deaf.

36. The end of philosophy is the end of oxygen: death.

37. Victors don’t change history. They change the people who read it.

38. The best way to escape the past isn’t to ignore it, but to misread it.

39. ‘ The world is everything that is the case’, but whatever constitutes ‘the case’ now isn’t what

constitutes ‘the case’ throughout history.

40. The past, composed of unchanging facts, is perpetually changing (in how it appears)relative to the present we step through (momentarily).

41. Of course you can change the past. Just read it wrong.

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42. They don’t need it: we need them to need it to validate how we live.

43. Creativity creates relations.

44. Determinism and the confirmation of freedom emerge in the space between individuals, a

space that emerges consequence of their free choices.45. We are brilliant at making the world a better place through means of misery.

46. Like preserving banks, will preserving animals create species that are ‘too big to fail’?

47. No one in a hurry thinks they are in a hurry.

48. Is ‘truth’ or ‘what's best for me’ the basis for being rational?(How could you rationally answer this question?)

49. If you go the bathroom and don’ t come out with a new idea, you didn’t use the toilet right.

50. Everyone dies with a book too few.

51. Rule 1: The Customer is always right.Rule 2: If the Customer is wrong, see Rule 1.

52. You have to be smart to know you’re stupid, so if you know you’re smart, you must bepretty stupid.

53. If you act differently when the boss comes into the room, you’ re a thief.

54. Patience purifies the will.

55. If you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll tell you that he’s diabetic.

56. As actual danger has decreased, anxiety about danger has increased.(Thanks cell phones!)

57. History is the story of how humanity wrestles with its misinterpretations of books thathold all the answers.

58. If it doesn’t kill you, something else will.

59. If you don’t know uncertainty is a fact, you’ll never know what to do.

60. Plan to be open.

61. It’s funny: you have to know the nature of being to know the nature of yourself.

62. Uncertainty is certain: irony will occur.

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63. We no longer live in a world where showing and telling are distinct.

64. Masks and faces are two-sides of the same coin.

65. You mu st believe everyone who doesn’t share your opinion is unreasonable; otherwise,your opinion would be different.

66. Without constant law, there would never be decisions, for every decision is a trade-off thatentails negative repercussions.

67. Power deemed moral is nearly impossible to check and balance.

68. You could say for sure that elected officials represented the people if the people had theopinion of leaving the positions vacant.

69. The influenced claim they are controlled and the controlled claim they are only influenced.

70. In an internet-age, the world is at your fingertips, but that doesn’t mean the world needs asavior.

71. Books that make the biggest impression are misread.

72. The fear that a 9-to-5 job is softening your brain is what’s softening your brain, not thejob.

73. Humans tend toward extremes because humans tend toward the comprehendible.Nuances cause anxiety.

74. “My career w on’t get off the ground. ” “Have you tried dying young?”

75. If you start with the first book by Wallace and read them all in order, you journey fromInferno and Purgatory to Paradiso. Sanctified.

76. If you never allow yourself to be made by your environments , you’ll lack the humilitynecessary for learning how to make your own.

77. If you want to learn your purpose, start with learning.

78. Just because the people around you don’ t complain and you have things to complain aboutdoesn’t mean the quiet people always get their way.

79. You can’t know you’re confused without understanding yourself.

80. As new technology develops, the scope of possible possibilities expands.

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81. If no one thought a single racist thought but programs like Stop and Frisk remained,institutionalized racism would still exist.

82. The longer the document, the less people read it; the shorter, the more likely people askfor elaboration.

83. The desire to earn everything in your life and the desire to work hard are not the samedesire.

84. Though you can confirm theory by experience, experience cannot be derived from theory.

85. We all struggle with miscommunication, but we can’t talk about it without making it worse.

86. Though a moment can be used to generate a dime, no dime can generate a moment.(Whenever we work for pay, we trade in our fortunes.)

87. What is non-quality time?

88. It’s hard to tell who’s more brilliant: Heidegger or the people who explain Heidegger.

89. Isolation isn’t a state, but a state of mind.

90. The one who contr ols the definition of ‘good’ is god (and/or Lucifer).

91. You can only ask individuals what’s good for the majority.

92. As you increase bypasses, you decrease destinations.

93. Before the invention of the phone, a boy asked a girl,“Where are you?” She alluded to the only, possible answer,“Where are you?”

94. He looked at a door and saw his thoughts.

95. Joyce didn’t plot out Ulysses: he constructed a second Dublin out of his stream ofconsciousness.

96. Relationship advice: don’t hold against your loved ones the stupid stuff they do in your


97. There would have been endless allusions in Hamlet, like in Joyce, if people wrote anythingbefore Shakespeare.

98. Whenever government cracks down on yellow journalism, they ’re probably involved in ascandal.

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99. Waiting for Godot is the story of how two boys became men.

100. We think only in veils as we perceive only in (w)holes.

101. If you hit your head against a wall long enough, you’ll start to think it’s the wall doing the

hitting.102. With every dream, you become the only person in history who has ever had that dream.

(Write them down.)

103. Voting to preserve ideologies is more natural than voting for real people.

104. He was the most powerful man in the world, but he could only beg the weakest to lovehim.

105. Forgiveness is bigger than your eyes.

106. As babies can die from a lack of touch, can they also die from only touching screens?

107. Loving your neighbor as yourself presupposes knowing yourself.

108. The world doesn’t revolve around you; it revolves around Facebook.

109. You feared the people hanging over your every decision into existence.

110. Plan to procrastinate.

111. Marriage is like an airplane: you can’t believe the thing will fly.

112. The invincible have no need for violence.

113. Cities are defined by the hungry.

114. How do you know that the guy telling you that there are always crazy people in groupsisn’t crazy himself?

115. What we know is crazy; imagine what we don’t know?

116. If you removed the name ‘Heidegger’ from Being and Time, no one would read it.(Names eclipse ideas.)

117. The main function of a Ph.D. is translation: it enables people to understand why you likereading and writing books.

118. What do you call Ghosts eating in a Panera Bread?(Panera-Normal Activity.)

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119. Dictators don’t control by force until control by persuasion fails, and their first act isassuring that they aren’t called ‘dictators’.

120. Pretending like we have a choice: who wants to live a life they don’t understand?


Progress occurs over rocks.122. Wittgenstein said ‘ The world is everything that is the case’, but why isn’t this the case?

123. In an irrational world, no one thinks they are unreasonable.

124. Experience does not make 2 + 2 = 4 any more or less true.

125. ‘May the Love That Moves the Sun and Stars Be With You. ’ -Dante + Star Wars

126. Stockholm Syndrome: why people watch television.

127. Good writers are only the best readers of their work: the only keys they hold are ones youalready possess.

128. A leader is someone surrounded by a bubble; a follower, someone who makes bubbles.

129. No one can tell you wha t you want to know if you don’t tell them what you want to know.

130. The truth is that everyone feels frustr ated that everyone else doesn’t understand the truth.

131. Everydayness is inescapable.

132. The best way to avoid the bored misery of ruling is to go back to conquering.

133. Freedom is a weapon.

134. No one argues for freedom or equality with nothing to gain.

135. Emotions are the subtlest idol.

136. ‘No matter how old you are, the world is in front of you, not behind you.’ -Jerry Reid.

137. Is it a UFO if we know it’s a UFO?

138. Calls are always urgent.

139. ‘Life is found in people’s faces: put down your iPhone.’ -Google Glass

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140. You write best when one of your characters is having a bad day.

141. She watched a Youtube video about the importance of not letting your life be absorbedinto your cell phone while sitting in Central Park.

142. Argumentation is not used to realize truth: it is truth.

143. Over answers, people prefer the belief that answers are impossible.

144. We admire celebrities because of their greatest accomplishment: they’ ve been on TV.

145. You cannot think the side you disagree with is rational.

146. You can only build with what you know you’ ve got.

147. If people control the definitions of words, the dichotomy between subjective and objectivetruth breaks down.

148. To have intentions is to have good intentions.

149. How can you tell your love for people from your love for the feeling people give you?

150. We question ourselves most because of the times we were questioned out of love.

151. Clarity: if your listeners haveto think about what you’re saying, it’s your fault.

152. Just because you’re reaching in doesn’t mean you aren’t reaching out.

153. People don’t necessarily talk about what they think is important: the opposite can be thecase.

154. It’s easier to put your shoes in another person’ s shoes than your feet.

155. 100% of statistics are made-up.

156. Rarely do you cry and think about your wallet at the same time.

157. The only way to see your face is through a reflection.

158. Take note if ‘ w hat is rationalized’ is the same as ‘what you disagree with’.

159. Words are usually red herrings.

160. Gods only make mirrors.

161. You can't determine your own sanity.

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162. People hate two things: not being in a box and being put in a box.

163. We want stories in which evil wins so we can believe it when good prevails.

164. Every beginning was once a new beginning.

165. We like bad art because we know it’s bad art, while good art makes us feel bad for notknowing why it’s good.

166. (Cult)ure?

167. “That’s awesomewhat!”

168. Two artists who have never met come together at a spot in the world. There, they holdhands, touch the ground, depart, and never speak.

169. Do not ask ‘ w hat should I do with my life?’, but ‘who am I?’, for from this secondquestion will come the answer to the first.

170. Apologize: wounds become weapons.

171. “There’s a problem!”“Quick! Smile at it!”

172. It’s popular to be offended.

173. ‘Control’ is often conflated with ‘leadership’, though they are opposites.

174. There is equality at nothing and everything.

175. True leaders are creators, for only creators are original.

176. The sunflower doesn’t follow the sun. The sun follows the sunflower.

177. Sacrificing yourself requires first sacrificing your definition of what constitutes ‘sacrifice’.

178. ‘Know thyself’is a trick question.


On the windowpane is an empty vase where the memory of a flower blooms.180. “Love is all you need.”

“But what is love?”

181. Since a show depicts a media that never reports on propaganda, such a media can't exist inreality without copying television.

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182. Standing still can feel like progress: moving furniture from one side of a room to anotheris exhausting even when the room is on fire.

183. When artists come up with a work of genius, they do so through a private language ( creationex nihilo ).

184. The division between ‘I’ and ‘other’ is the root of all evil (money is just the root of allkinds of evil).

185. If you’re scared to hurt people, you’ll be scared to give them wings.

186. All universals that don’t refer to particulars are alienating,

187. Only one who bows to smell roses should arise to rule nations.

188. You take responsibility for your words to the degree you fathom how they can bemisunderstood.

189. ‘Fact checking’ is the best way to lie.

190. The one who ca n convince others that he is ‘helping’ is invincible.

191. Humor creates silence.

192. Many evils of history come from people who cannot stay alone in a room for more thanan hour.

193. A text in present tense is ‘past’ when read.

194. The more you go forward, the more you may want to go back.

195. ‘Objective’ means ‘Absolute/task’.

196. A human is a physical name.

197. Truths are not clear to those who demand clarity.

198. The ‘present-slipping-into-past’ is the structure of all experience.


Every murder is in the name of a god (such as Baal, Capitalism, China, Money, Family,Pleasure, Hate).

200. What is the survival rate of music?

201. It’s harder to describe an actual thing than it is to describe an abstract concept.

202. The sky is not a limit, but a destination.

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203. “Our love is so great that we don’t make a Greek distinction between Eros, Philo, Erato,

and Agape.”“ Your love is meaningless.”


He was a construction worker, she was a poet, and together they erected the world’sfoundations.

205. One of the most vital skills is the ability to recognize when a word has become meaningless.

206. The less distance between the ‘meaning’ and ‘seeing’ of a piece of art, the greater its beautyor stupidity.

207. She saw symbolism in stairs.

208. If God made the ocean, it was to give the stars a mirror.

209. There is an invisible ‘(to me)’ after every statement.

210. Words are things in themselves. To destroy a word is to destroy a thing.(If you forget someone’s name, you, in essence, erase them.)

211. Bodies are more accessible than people.

212. Romanticism: A person is told to fetch a bird, and the child brings back an eagle.

213. Modernism: A person is told to fetch a bird, and at the end of his life, he brings back a deadone.

214. “Brevity is the soul of wit.” “It’s also the language of jesters.”

215. No road ends.

216. Inspiration is like a sunset: the greater it’s beauty, the quicker it seems to vanish, and neverdoes it return the same again.

217. The color of peoples ’ coffee is a gage of the vitality of their soul. If it’s black, they’re deadinside.

218. Everyone finds True Love, but not everyone has the eyes to see It.

219. Everyone can fly, but not everyone can bear the weight of wings.

220. People are paradoxes.Paradoxes are not contradictions.Paradoxes are sorted out with time.

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221. “Why do you make me suffer?”

“Don’t you want True Love?”

222. ‘Six’ is six ones, not one six.

223. Why listen when you’re always right?

224. She makes herself sad sometimes.

225. Silence is too loud to hear.

226. The road to hell is paved in hearts that will not break.

227. The less details the better.In writing.In praying.In conversing.In philosophy.In working.In growing old.In dying.In…

228. How can customers be wrong?

229. If the universe were left to its own devices for a trillion years, it would never produce a word.

230. Negative space is powerful.

231. Everyone thinks the world will end during their lifetime, and maybe it always does.

232. Do you have a right to call false what is false?Do you have a right to not be insulted?

233. The problem with freedom is that you have to worry about it.

234. It’s hard to recognize arrogance without being arrogant.

235. Have a healthy skepticism of your healthy skepticism.

236. If teachers don’t like being paid less than athletes, they should stop incubating athletics atschool.

237. To create is to make what can be consumed and so that which tempts people to not create.

238. Of all the tasks humans are responsible, seeing what is in front of them is one of the

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239. Perception is reality, but reality isn’t perception.

240. In Democracy, popularity rationally replaces rationality.

241. Creativity drives wealth creation, while apathy drives wealth consumption.

242. Why settle for actualities when you can have illusions?

243. The Government is wasting taxes: the public is its own NSA.

244. Even the most brilliant mortals utter falsehoods.

245. Regardless rather it’s beneficial, knowledge is power

246. Labor without creativity cannot raise a nation’s standard of living.

247. It’s annoying when people spam your social networks with their stuff:

248. Believing you’re better than elites is rather elitist.

249. To not understand can be a sign that you ’re a good reader.

250. The best leaders can be the best at self-deception.

251. The majority of the human race is always dead.

252. A problem with genius is that it isn’t reserved for saints.

253. Using commas is the grammatical equivalent of playing Russian Roulette.

254. Slow and steady wins the race if the tortoise doesn’t have five minutes to live.

255. If people don’t listen to you, it’s your loss.

256. Only comedians argue for views they think are wrong, so only comedians can come off asunbiased.

257. A dead end can be a destination.

258. Helping doesn’t necessarily help.

259. The man who reasons to conclusions gets lucky, while the man who reasons fromconclusions gets tenure.

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260. If you start with conclusions and happen to be right, you’re more dangerous than idiots.

261. We twist the facts to prove that others twist the facts.

262. Irony isn’t cynicism: irony is the fabric of reality.

263. “I just don’t care.”“Then why live?”•“ Why not?”•

264. It’s popular to be afraid.

265. Nothing’s impossible that you don’t want to happen.

266. We joined a global network to find our neighbors.

267. ‘Reasonable’ and ‘unreasonable’ are similes.

268. This is unreadable:

269. A textbook is antiquated upon publication.

270. History is the tragic story of those who studied history in order to make decisions in epochsthat nothing in history resembled.

271. The history of art is the history of the world.

272. To say people are rational is to say they do what makes sense to them, bad or good, illogicalor logical.

273. We are conscious televisions.

274. Liberty is inescapable.

275. The better you know the rules, the more brilliantly you can break them.(Not all rule breaking is equal.)

276. The only way to avoid wasting time is to know thy self.(Which you can never, really know.)

277. The ones who write history are the ones who claim others do.

278. “What’s the biggest threat to Democracy?” (clapping)

279. Why do the idiots always seem smarter after I learn something?

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280. The more rational the followers, the more insecure the leaders (though rational followersbring out the best in leaders).

281. We prefer quick decisions to good ones.

282. We fear terrorism more than dying.

283. “Girl, I cheated on you to provide you with an opp ortunity for personal growth.”

284. You hurt the ones you do not let suffer.

285. We call ‘critical thinkers’ people who think like us.

286. Don’t pay so much attention to what you’re doing that you don’ t do it.

287. “ You love freedom if you defend the freedom of t hose whom you disagree.”“But don’t you hate your neighbors if you let them be wrong?”

288. ‘They don’t teach history’ may always mean ‘They don’t teach my interpretation of history’.

289. The writer traces out the line where silence begins with words.

290. You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you learn something and realize thatyou went through life knowing nothing? It’s like ice.

291. The biggest threat to the world is its innumerable saviors.

292. “We just don’t know how to stop ourselves.” “What’s there to stop? ”

293. The desire to get a degree, rather than wonder, is now the beginning of philosophy.

294. What a man does during his free time is the clearest indicator of his true identity.

295. Most men watch digital representations of life on TV.

296. When play is mandatory to ‘balance out’ our work lives, play is work.

297. You never have enough studies.

298. The acting of thinking harder about a problem can be the very act that makes that problemmore difficult to solve.

299. Inspire others to inspire.

300. The greatest gift you can give is to inspire others to be true to themselves.

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301. “He’s a zealot.”

“But he’s making sense!”•“ To you.”

302. To watch a man construct a great argument captures the spirit like watching a manconstruct a cathedral.

303. Behind every story is a battle between Life and Death.

304. The act of saving someone can be the very act that creates the problem from which thatperson needs saving.

305. You never fail until you quit, for until then you can continue to unify all your experiencestoward the same goal.

306. Can something be awkward that people expect to be awkward?

307. Democracy ends when people vote for what they want over an environment in which theycan achieve what they want.

308. “What’s critical thinking?” “I can’t explain it to you.”

309. Don’t break their hearts out of love.

310. All definitions are married to the Uncertainty Principle, for is a cat a ‘cat’?

311. There is no limit to the cruelty done out of love.

312. To disagree with someone doesn’t mean that person isn’t brilliant.

313. Art is our only hope for bipartisanship, but politics is what no artist will touch.

314. The judgmental don’t think they are judgmental; otherwise, they wouldn’t judge.

315. Something isn’t true because the person who says it is old, wise, qualified, etc.: it’s truebecause it’s true.

316. The truth will set you free, but it will cost your life.

317. ‘Selflessness’ isn't to empty your-self so an-other can project onto you their idealized version of their-self before trying to be you.

318. If it’s all a lie there’s no truth to compare it with.

319. You can only learn from the mistakes that don’t kill you.

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320. The relation of a man who doesn’t know Chinese to the language is like the relation ofmankind to metaphysics: its meaning(less).

321. Where truth is opinion, politics supersedes philosophy.

322. What is non-quality time?

323. We all struggle with miscommunication, but we can’t talk about it without making it worse.

324. The easiest things to talk about are the things you know nothing about.

325. The better the teacher you are, the more money that is taken from you and given to theteachers who need it.

326. A democracy is not successful simply because people vote.

327. Optimism can be a dangerous thing: it can ma ke people believe a suicidal policy isn’t so badafter all.

328. “Nothing makes sense anymore.” •“I get it.”

329. Only idiots say things that are true.

330. “I think the media has made it impossible to think.” •“ Why?”•“They’ve surrounded us with geniuses.”

331. “We call ‘politics’ what we disagree with.”•“ That’s not true.”•She sighs,“Politics.”

332. “I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it.”•“I won’t believe it until I see it.” He draws his sword.

333. Books give us faces.


Banks should be nonprofits.335. You can only kick the can down the road if there’s road left.

336. If you want to know a man, find out what he doesn’t believe.

337. To fail is to succeed at what doesn’t matter.

338. Planning is bad planning.

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339. Beauty is to truth what Virgil is to Dante: it is the guide.

340. Storm clouds are the clouds with silver linings.

341. A good story leaves us with something to do.

342. Experience is exercise.

343. Asking a question mustn’t be an act of transferring the responsibility of answering it toothers.

344. Calling someone an ‘idiot!’ is like shouting ‘fire!’ in a crowded room.

345. Unlike adults, children aren’t childish.

346. A genius is capable of stupidity which the ignorant cannot imagine.

347. Art is an unexpected way home.

348. A house has walls; a home, space.

349. Humans are rational because they rationalize being irrational.

350. The need to be funny counters bias.

351. Safety beats freedom.

352. The one who does what’s right may do everything else wrong.

353. Argument is like alcohol as conversation is like communion.

354. A common language is a common philosophy.

355. Creativity is an attitude toward life.

356. Some express their freedom of speech by censoring yours.

357. You’re always right when you’re afraid.

358. As you are free to moralize ignorance, you are free to choose how deep you think.

359. Philosophy is self-help!.

360. Everyone loves changing the world.

361. Few fight to know what they know.

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362. Lying to your self is more addictive than lying to others.

363. Our civilization’s passion is fear.

364. Those who work least are first to tell you not to overwork, as those who overwork are first

to tell you not to be lazy.365. There is invincibility in ignorance.

366. Inspiration comes at the rare moments when there’s no time for it.

367. The Postman Law: As a conversation grows longer, the probability of someone checkingtheir phone approaches 1.

368. The Cat Law: As a conversation grows longer, the probability that someone has to showyou ‘that video’ approaches 1.

369. A human is a philosophical being that’s end is philosophy.

370. To read a novel is to watch an architect build a cathedral. Why then, does reading notcaptivate the people like football?

371. Why talk someone through their problems when you can outsource the job to apsychologist?

372. A narcissist is someone who wants the world to love him or someone who wants to bealone in the world.

373. “I told my mom that I had to end our call because I couldn’t find my phone.”

374. The modern walks down the sidewalk composing his next, witty status in his mind.(Like this one.)

375. ‘What you fear is what comes unto you’, but you won’t believe me until a cognitive scientistconfirms it. Then you’ll forget I spoke at all.

376. One of the big secrets in life is that you’ll be most depressed soon after you’re mostsuccessful.

377. Appearances change while essences are clarified.

378. The modern has a brain in his chest and a heart in his head.

379. Not all gifts are received.(Take the present.)

380. When people want to be deceived, no force on earth can stop them.

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381. Great minds master misreading, and are those most profoundly misread.

382. Though nobody thinks they are, everyone is threatened by good questions.

383. All great thinkers love Hume.

384. The goal is not to be right but to help people find truth.(Says everyone who wants to be right.)

385. Reaching the love of another requires struggling over the mountain of their kindness andthrough the valley of their insecurities.

386. As prices rise both as productivity and/or currency devaluation increases, so knowledgerises both as stupidity and/or wisdom increases.

387. Everything today feels ‘ultimate’.

388. Every moment leaps into the infinite and falls back into the finite.-K(ierkegaard) paraphrase.

389. If you ask an artist to help you with a project for free and he asks for money, the artist isthe greedy one.

390. As no one likes being blinded by the sun, no one likes hearing about dreams.

391. To assert that art is to be believable is to assert that the lives we live are ones we can believein.

392. ‘Who Needs Video Games? Let’s Play Outdoors!’(Coming to Xbox this Spring.)

393. I have no idea what constitutes doing something with your life.

394. The perfect person doesn’t think abou t being perfect.

395. People confuse.

396. To live is to watch.

397. You cannot approach perfection if you don’t believe in your own fallibility.

398. When everyone tries to avoid a disaster, they cause one.

399. (On Economics): It’s easy to say something about someone who ne ver says anything forhimself.

400. A performer shouldn’t feel embarrassed, but rather the people watching, doing nothing.

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401. A baby has more power over women than a king.

402. Gifts can be obstacles as obstacles can be gifts.

403. You teach people if you tell them what you think as a way to provide a framework through

which they can think.404. Today you can’t say ‘people fear death’ until you get a government grant and conduct a ten-

year research project.

405. Imagine: Congress once debated whether or not it was necessary for Congress to meet oncea year.

406. A man who cannot discuss what he knows nothing about is a man who may be calledknowledgeable, but not critical.

407. Between idea and actuality, depressed/euphoric, people flip and flop.

408. Depictions (of war, New York, sex, etc.) make it possible to experience things like theyaren’t in experience.

409. Critical thinking begins with the realization that a man, even when motivated by good, can want to do what he cannot accomplish.

410. You’ll often be told that you’re wrong about what is r ight.

411. In our technological world, we are emotionally desperate for emotions we are sure weactually feel.

412. The truth is that we deny truths we cannot handle.

413. You’ll get far in life if you make the people around you feel smart.

414. New #Redskins name: ‘The PCs’ (Politically Corrects). Mascot: Desktop computers.

415. There are a lot of unbelievable things out there.

416. You can always find good reasons to take away freedom.

417. The #modern schedules events at which the #modern schedules events.

418. Only gods can quote someone right.

419. True things have to be repeated until they are shook into meaning.

420. Many beautiful things are not really there.

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421. Tolkien wasn’t a genius: Middle Earth doesn’t exist.

422. What are words but ships destined for shipwreck?

423. The most popular time to talk about good restaurants is during Thanksgiving.

424. New Sartre ‘Gaze’: “Have you seen the Youtube video?!”

425. It’s natural to love passionate figures on television while disproving of passionate people inyour life.

426. The most popular time to talk about Youtube is while watching TV.(The previous Tweet was about voyeurism.)

427. Black Friday: when we become demonic to strangers to finance presents for loved ones.

428. People gossip for the best of reasons.

429. It’s easy to sin when you don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.

430. Gratitude liberates.

431. Anxiousness and safety are corollaries.

432. Gratitude isn’t measured in one’s willingness to ignore problems.

433. We all want to be seen because we want to feel that we’re not the only one who doesn’tknow whether we exist.

434. “In a world in which irony is the fabric of being, it’s not surprising that humanity’s effortsto save – ”“Damn.”

435. That which you have faith in is that which you die without.

436. When I talk to you, I’m not talking to everyone you know.

437. It’s easier to change the world than preferences.

438. This Thanksgiving, skip to Christmas.

439. Please ‘like’ me. Please.

440. Liking someone’s status about feeding children doesn’t feed a soul.

441. Your friends can thrust your life before a public theatre at any moment, and there’s nothingyou can do to stop them.

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442. It’s nearly as impossible to read a book you don’t agree with as it is to listen to someoneyou think is an idiot.

443. Individuals who value privacy value empathy more than those who directly value empathy.

444. Technology changes words, habits, procedures, and values.

445. Millennials rather believe they are spoiled brats who are unwilling to work than accept theyhave no future.

446. Does the government give less grant money to shelters that house fewer homeless people?

447. Once you find people who say what you like to hear, it’s hard to stop listening to them.

448. I know you'll stop taking the drugs when you don’t need them to be high.

449. No one thinks they are Extreme, and people with a slightly different position from yoursare Radicals.

450. Stupidity and heroism emerge simultaneously.

451. Redefinition is takeover.

452. If Americans are exceptional, does that mean they are superior or just different?

453. Empathy and what-you-feel-like-doing are opposites.

454. Artists and academics aren’t opposites.

455. When Jesus told stories, the listeners were often the bad guys.

456. What is wrong isn’t necessarily what isn’t normal.

457. Atheists can’t be Pharisees.

458. Fathers run the world while mothers rule it.

459. When man is allowed to live freely, his life seems to simply go through the motions.

460. There has never been a thing in a movie, only images of things.

461. Is the body of an artist art?

462. Conversation is struggle.

463. You’re not smart if you’re too smart.

464. You enter maturity when you accept that you’re always going to be a kid.

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465. What is a blessing to one is an obligation to another.

466. Dante will teach you how to live; Milton, how to die.


How can a person want to not want?468. People don’t have trouble handlin g what they think is true; it’s lies that get them.

469. It’s hard to not shape yourself in the ima ge(s) in your head.

470. When you don’t take anything seriously, you don’t have to be good.

471. The opening of a seed to observe its mechanics, even when in hopes of learning how tohelp it grow, kills it.

472. Like Capitalism, the greatest threat to Democracy is success.

473. Media is a people’s environment of images.

474. The prophet can be more dangerous than the prophecy.

475. How are important people similar?No one listens to them.

476. Pay attention to people who are positive when most are negative and negative when mostare positive.

477. Chaos generates patterns: math is real.

478. Time does not pass when you forget it exists.

479. People are not people: they’re mysteries.

480. Popularity feels better than greatness.

481. A person with options isn’t necessarily a person who’s free.

482. People who don’t think they are special are special.

483. Everything is dangerous and everything is beautiful.

484. Danger and beauty are two sides of the same coin.

485. It’s never safe to learn.

486. It’s not true because Plato said it: it’s true and Plato said it.

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487. Poverty, like money, corrupts.

488. The problem with truths is that you can’t erase them.

489. When we shouldn’t apologize, we want to; when we should, we don’t.

490. Dangerous relationship: pattern-finding, OCD person with someone who deals with angerproblems.

491. As with God, we try to make people happy by saying sorry enough times.

492. Gossipers don’t think they gossip.

493. There is often an inverse relationship between talking and action.

494. Beauty is power: it paralyzes.

495. People say sorry to know others aren’t upset.

496. “How are you feeling?”•“Nerves.”

497. “How are you?”“Sex.”

498. Friends don’t give friends OCD.

499. Judge yourself to keep people from judging you.

500. Fear trumps temptation.

501. Humans have never lived in the past or future.(Only the present, which is nearly impossible hard to think about.)

502. People put more energy toward their cell phones than God.

503. There is a difference between ‘living in the moment’ out of fear versus out of love.

504. Good advice is often advice you have to tell yourself over and over again because you

naturally do the opposite.

505. We live through events more so than years.

506. Is government motivated by taxes like a business is motivated by profit?

507. If I murder someone during a play, am I a murderer?

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508. In our post-literate society, the culture of non-reading controls the culture of reading.

509. The problem with talking to people is that they sometimes listen.

510. The great thing about nonsense is that it means whatever you want.

511. Tradition is to creativity what memory is to consciousness.

512. Planning is poor planning.(Aka: Never separate your planning from your present.)

513. Everyone loves hating Gangnam Style so much that their eyes light up whenever they hearit.

514. The way to love evil is to hate it.

515. Irony is spiritual.

516. It’s either always or never the President’s fault.

517. If a true hero is someone who will do evil for a Higher Cause (according to Nazis), is a true villain someone who will do good for God?

518. If I’m a dream come true, I can never leave you: I’m always in your head.

519. If writing is re-writing, writers are all plagiarists.

520. What's the difference between ‘feeling sad’ and ‘being sad’?

521. On Life: A man has a superpower: when he picks up a jar of spaghetti sauce, it suddenly weighs300lbs, falls, and shatters on the floor.

522. You have to be able to think critically to recognize that you can’t critically think.

523. Imagination threatens our way of life more than terrorism.

524. The best religions can absorb criticism and make disbelief part of belief.(Take Capitalism.)

525. People revolt not when they demand leaders to act, but when leaders act.

526. Any good dictator would sign a peace treaty.

527. If a man cleans the house because he wants to rather than because his wife asked him to,he’s selfish.

528. Social entrepreneurship can make us believe the more we consume, the more we alleviate

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529. The person walking past you might be the next great mind.

530. ‘What Shall We Do?’ is a name of a solution.

(Many questions are names.)531. A prophet is the only idiot who sees a dreaded thing coming and is just another of the

thousands who saw it coming after the thing occurs.

532. Who’s the better Dad: the one who dies for his family or the one who loses his soul for it?

533. The lazy tend to condemn the lazy as the evil tend to condemn the evil.

534. In an election, when the only choices are stupid, you have to vote stupidly.

535. Like my laptop, I hope to never think of myself as anything but an instrument (untouched).

536. Cynicism mocks cynicism and cynicism survives.

537. Belief affects non-believers.

538. So we want to ban soft-drinks and legalize drugs?

539. An open-minded person would admit that it might be too late to save the world.

540. Writing, like drinking, occurs in the space between what is and what is wanted.

541. There can be only one oldest trick in the book.

542. You have to sell the rights to your work to publishers to be published, who arrest people who quote you, though you want to be built upon.

543. Everyone likes different books and different writing styles, but your work is terrible andyou need to give up.

544. ‘[Schrodinger’s Cat] is all’ (Lear).

545. How can you be friends with people with who you can’t talk politics? Isn’t love thoughtful?

546. Actual questions are without answers, but actual answers aren’t without questions.

547. The people who don’t want to change the world do.

548. In a crazy world, you have to be crazy to keep sanity.

549. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it does not stop death.

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550. Facts are made; truth, found.

551. Good art teaches how to make good art.

552. The Freedom of Speech is more dangerous than the Freedom to Bear Arms: that’s why it

comes first.553. The difference between ‘art’ and ‘decoration’ is the artist’s depression.

554. To quote is to preserve history, while to translate is to make it present.

555. Truth is something you lean forward for.

556. We go into the future looking for someone who can predict it.

557. Hobbies have been usurped by entertainment.

558. At least the NSA isn’t a terrorist organization.

559. You took the road less traveled? I'm so, so sorry.

560. To quote is to mock/revere.

561. To translate is to mistranslate.

562. You’re so comfortable being wrong that you feel wrong being right.

563. Why write when you can critique?

564. Leaders who have all the answers have fewer answers than leaders who only have one.

565. Art is the challenge of Capitalism, as marriage is the challenge of Environmentalism.

566. Mediocrity is worse than uselessness.

567. To make new art is create a new lens through which to see old art.

568. In the city (of you), there are many (un-translated) languages.


If poetry is overheard speech, like Mills says, then Facebook is poetry.570. Kids used to go on an adventure to see if Grandma was home; now, kids simply call.

571. Textcourse: texting during, or instead of, intercourse.(Adult Entertainment)

572. Babysitting has been outsourced to cell-phones.

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573. You are responsible for loving the truth even when it is from the mouth of someone youdislike.(smile)

574. The improvisational mind, ‘un-restrict-able by grades’, fails.

575. The 2008 Financial Crisis: When everyone became an economist.

576. The corruption of one’s self is never as visible as the corruption of others.

577. Never say anything......out of make sure that (insert) convince yourself that (insert)....motivated by mistrust.(Trust me.)

578. Beware when all people speak well of you (Luke 6:26).

579. The claim ‘I’m crazy’ is always a lie: a maniac cannot discern if he’s mad. A man whoconfesses insanity wants to be left alone. He’s sane.

580. Dumb people ask if there are dumb questions.

581. The obvious is the enemy of the true.

582. Those who fear disagreement never agree.

583. Is the winner of a lottery to be congratulated?

584. It should take you about ten minutes to insert a comma.

585. The comma is shaped like the Devil’s tail.

586. Don’t give up the essence of what you want for what you want.

587. Everything is too universal in poems that fail.

588. “You said it was alright!”

“After you structured the situation to where I had no choice but to say it was alright.” 589. ‘Shock and insult’ are the most common, irrelevant, and ruinous forms of argumentation.

590. Love is thought often as commitment and action, but not enough as a way of thinking andseeing.

591. The quantity of words isn’t problemati c when the quality is high.

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592. You’d have to be an academic to understand what academics do.

593. Paradox: When Y is (not) Y.

594. Hypocrisy: When Y, critical of X, equals X.

595. Irony: When Y is done for X, resulting in Anti-X.(Irony isn’t simply failure.)

596. Life would be very sad if you always got what you wanted.

597. Taking the hurt out of life takes out the life.

598. Brilliant individuals are capable of brilliant stupidity, while the average are only capable ofidiocy.

599. Truly important things don’t cause stress until you stop looking at them and rather look atyourself and how you relate to them.

600. If you want to stress people out, give them nothing to stress over.

601. Pleasure from work is good, and so is technology insomuch as it contributes to thatpleasure. But technology is bad when it replaces it.

602. If the explanation isn’t ironic or the conclusion tragic, especially question it.

603. Perhaps 1984 is why the NSA doesn’t bother us? (Perhaps warnings make the dreaded familiar?)(Perhaps warnings make us indifferent?)

604. Have a deep skepticism of your capacity to think about the world.

605. Rationalization is indistinguishable from explanation without experience.(But when is experience reliable?)


Most things are like airplanes: you only hear about them when there's a disaster.607. Def ining ‘normal psychology’ necessitates defining the meaning of life.

608. Social media is very unsociable.(Tweet that!)

609. Try not to spend your life trying to solve problems by means that create those problems.

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610. We are all incredibly masterful at telling others what they should do without doing itourselves.

611. Love proved by doing is love stressed to death.


Honestly, people want to be around their family insomuch as it consists of friends.613. Most of us want people to be happy without developing the capacity to give others


614. For new ideas, do we need more questioning or daydreaming?

615. Truth-less, there is no standard to measure, define, and resolve conflict.(Just preferences, which probably caused the conflict).

616. Everyone wants personal responsibility during the good times.

617. All technology is stupid: it cannot think without us.

618. If you have passions but not expectations, you’ll be happier.

619. The boy who cannot see his face is always represented.

620. Forget the world and forget what holds you up.

621. High IQs are like cars with high-gas mileage: without gas, lower IQs with gas so further.

622. 1% conditional and 99% unconditional is 100% conditional.

623. Tragically, you don’t need critical thinking to be a genius (only thinking).

624. As with money, where there is charity, there is corruption.

625. Preferences are more of what you get over than what you get.

626. Characterizing people you disagree with is a fantastic way to avoid questioning yourself.

627. Free range is freedom with fences, and until you encounter the fences, it’s indis tinguishablefrom freedom.

(Isn’t that horrifying?) 628. Mistakes are experienced as mistakes retrospectively; otherwise, they wouldn’t really


629. We are not free to choose how free we are.(And we are freer than we want to be.)

630. Perhaps we claim people are stupid to justify our lack of an ability to talk intelligently to

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631. People no longer believe people are changed by the better argument, and so fight for theirright to have an opinion.


Because it makes a great story, you are guilty until proven guilty.633. You cannot get statistics on how you are to read the statistics.

634. Conflating ‘wanting something to be legal’ with ‘supporting’ has hurt critical thought, as hasconflating ‘skepticism’ with ‘disbelief’.

635. “I’m offended, so you’re wrong.”

636. Don’t defeat yourself.

637. You can’t have common sense where there is no right and wrong.

638. The virtue/vice of monarchies is genetics.

639. If you assume you’ll misunderstand, you might be a better listener.

640. No space is more rewarding to read into than the space in which nothing is said.

641. How we came to receive Playstations from a cartoon of a man who was martyred takesbeing an American to understand.

642. Numbers have replaced critical thinking.

(Because they appear to be manifestation of critical thought.)

643. Partiality comes from partial evidence.

644. Agreeing/Disagreeing protects us from changing.

645. When we truly don’t know, we don’t even know we don’t know.

646. Don’t be driven by your faith in humanity to a place where you find humanity isn’t worthhaving faith in.


“I need a selfie of my anguish!”•648. Research is qualified with ‘ifs’, ‘buts’, and ‘maybes’, but research for consumption is

summarized as ‘research shows’.

649. No one thinks that they try to force everyone to think like them.(They think they help people realize universal principles.)

650. If only we could get jobs in loving ourselves...

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651. Life is simple before and after life is complex.

652. Like war, torture is always monstrous, as it is always monstrous to not do everything in yourpower to save lives.

653. If you do it by the books when the books are corrupt, you are corrupted.

654. A CD on repeat has more variety than the radio.

655. We like high prices because they give us a sense of quality while providing us withsomething to complain about.

656. If media wasn’t biased, what would we talk about?

657. We get to define ‘the childish things’ people should put away, and those things neverhappen to be things that we like doing.

658. No one lives in a real or fake world; rather, everyone lives in real/fake world.

659. The bad issues of nations with good reporting will seem worse than the terrible issues ofnations with bad reporting.

660. Silence is compliance, but uninformed speaking is catastrophic.

661. Beware of processes by which you can obtain formal authority at the cost of yourleadership capacities.

662. Seeing open spaces as ‘undeveloped’ has contributed to an ‘undeveloped’ relationshipbetween ourselves and nature.(And so with ourselves.)

663. ‘No one is rational’ cannot be said by an irrational person.

664. We have no shortage of empathy for people like us.

665. Saying‘no, no’ (humbly) to a compliment has become the new way of saying ‘yes, yes’(arrogantly).


Geniuses point out what we’re seeing. 667. It isn’t just the acts you want to be influential that influence.

668. Good thinking has existential consequences, while bad thinking does not.

669. Rejection often occurs out of love.(And often results from seeing what’s best for you as what’s best for others .)

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670. People who accuse people of not caring about people don’t necessarily care about people.

671. Motivating humans is philosophy’s biggest problem.

672. A virus is to physical sickness what a situation can be to mental illness.

673. Beautiful things are everywhere, yet very hard to see.

674. Boredom incubates horror as creativity incubates liveliness.

675. The words we don’t define are the easiest t o use.

676. As your ears set you up to never know if you’re a good singer, so your brain sets you up tonever know if you are a good thinker.

677. Show me a man who cannot be criticized and I’ll show you a man who no one knows.

678. We’re all talented skeptics of everyone but ourselves.

679. Perhaps it is by chance that the police are becoming more militant as the debt increases.

680. Procrastination is training for emergencies.

681. If you focus on genius over practicality, you end up with more genius practicality.

682. Everything makes you stronger except what kills you.(Changing how you say something changes how it ‘hits’ you.)

683. Once a standard is created, there is then the possibility of failing to meet it.

684. Jefferson believed you should stay in school so that you’d know when you’re liberty isthreatened. What a joke.

685. We aren’t suffering from information scarcity, but from a loss of values – our problem isinformation glut.

686. It’s not false advertisement if its 1% true, for it’s not completely false.

687. You cannot be ‘totally confused’, for ‘totally’ implies a comprehension of one’s state.

688. Those who define success also define failure.Powerfully.

689. War is the inability to disagree.

690. If you acted like you did with a cell phone without one, you would suffer from OCD.

691. You can have incorrect axioms and win a Noble Prize.

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692. ‘It’s my culture’ and ‘it’s just how I am’ are used too often to justify staying the same.

693. ‘Don’t be afraid’ means ‘don’t be likely to be afraid’, and it implies a mode of being versussimply a reaction.

694. ‘The Thinking Man’ should be a statue of somebody daydreaming out a window.

695. In a dystopian future, the government rewrites all the dystopian novels into utopian tales. The people do the rest of the work.

696. To be is to be ironic.

697. You can only teach Heidegger in Greek.

698. There have probably been people who participated in something that (once) outraged them.

699. Learning what others think is not the same as agreeing with them, but it is proof ofhumanity.

700. Suddenly, we find ourselves discussing what we don’t realize we kno w nothing about.

701. Wise people are like jazz musicians: they know when and how to improvise.

702. Generations used to be separated by 40 years, then 30, then 20…. Perhaps soon, a day will be an age.

703. Beware all punishment before trials.

704. Desire to be liked only by those who like those who do the right thing.

705. Can you use the internet and be bored?

706. To limit choice(s) is to gain freedom from choice(s).

707. Sometimes it seems like things were better when things were worse.

708. Thanksgiving: The Lost Holiday.


Beware: being ‘liked’ can feel better than being loved. 710. Ad Clamant : to respond to arguments by yelling at a person, rather than responding to the

content of their arguments.

711. Ad Sugere : to debate by interrupting a person before he or she can formulate an argument,rather than responding to that argument.

712. Minds are changed not so much from being ‘out argued’ as ‘out narrated’.

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713. Socratic Descartes: ‘I question; therefore, am I?’

714. Research shows that saying ‘research shows’ doesn’t make a truth any more or less true.


‘Important’ and ‘good’ aren’t similes. 716. ‘Empathizing with’ and ‘˜defending’ aren’t the same thing.

(And conflating them has ruined empathy.)

717. It isn’t black and white, and it isn’t gray. It’s black, white, and gray.

718. It’s a sin to quote Ayn Rand.

719. What is rational in the long-term can be experienced as irrational in the short-term (and vice-versa).

720. Sensitivity is relative.

721. The more media grows, the more we lose the ability to identify what we don’t know.

722. Safe places to read are rare.

723. The fear of failure is like the fear of success, but while one fears not being seen, the otherfears being visible.

724. If you always see problems, it might be because your presence creates them.

725. It’s difficult to live believing hard work doesn’t pay off.

726. What is self-evident is relative.

727. Humans are capable of freely choosing circumstances that force them to (insert).

728. I’ ve never met someone good at what he never did.

729. An event doesn’t ‘wear on its face’ what case it’s evidence ‘toward’.

730. Success is made of our messes.

731. Conversation agonizes when participants are detectives with check-lists investigating to seeif those around them hold the right views.

732. Politics is death-by-sound-bites.

733. Jobs that help humanity can breed more corruption than jobs that only help individuals.

734. Control-freaks don ’t think of themselves as control-freaks, but helpers.

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735. The more images present, the more difficult it is to experience what a person hasn’t seen an

image of first.

736. Humans know of no other ‘whos’ then humans.

737. Failing to communicate includes speaking when you shouldn’t.

738. There are th ree reactions to what you don’t understand: ignoring it, trying to understand it,or trying to control it.

739. We are our meta-narratives.

740. The better your art, the more people will want to illegally download it.

741. You know you’re ready once you stop listening to anyone (including yourself) who saysyou’re not ready.

742. When babies are the enemy, to thrive is to be alienated.

743. Mentoring isn’t controlling.

744. Before the Pulitzer Prize, you couldn’t fail to win one.

745. Logic alone isn’t enough, for it seems logical that small objects fall slower than big objects.

746. Authority can turn into censorship.

747. Society is where people try to stop misunderstanding one another.

748. There’s a point where jokes rot into truths.

749. ‘ Wrong geniuses having power’ is a strong argument for freedom.

750. It’s upsetting when someone shows patience when you want them to be upset.

751. To lack a parent is to lack an instruction manual.

752. Truth is not restricted to those who are always right.

753. The gradual realization that your loved ones are human is a process of maturity and anxiety.

754. Emotions can get in the way of getting done the things that you are emotional about notgetting done.

755. In free societies, the first freedom lost is the freedom to know how societies gain and losefreedom.

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756. The mind Romanticizes ‘what is not’.

757. In the womb, the afterlife is life.

758. I have never seen a female referee in professional football; therefore, football hates women.

759. Getting people to believe in your Vision is easy to confuse with getting people to believe inyou.

760. Is passing on genes different from passing on wealth?

761. One man made an undefeatable argument for Capitalism; another man, for Socialism, andbecause of one of them, the world was doomed.

762. It is easy to garner support for a beautiful cause that lacks an end point.

763. As it is unseemly to win a football game 100-0, it is unseemly to pay a bank CEO 100million, regardless if it attracts the best talent.

764. Is the act of speaking the act of thinking?

765. Nietzsche wanted to escape to Pre-Socratic Greece.

766. The best leaders have failed miserably.

767. There are arguments that entail the right substance yet bad logic, as there are argumentsthat entail the wrong substance yet good logic.

768. Great thinkers have ridiculous thoughts.

769. Teach rigor before information; the second is always changing.

770. Historians can accelerate the rate at which history repeats.

771. To purchase is to vote, and spending is always a claim of what the purchaser thinks is thebest good for a given time and place.

772. Nietzsche avoided Ethics and claimed that we should have character to be beautiful.


If genders are real, liberation from them is nullification; if g enders aren’t, you’re already free(even if peer-pressured).

774. Because it’s hard to say ‘you did something wrong’, the end of freedom is only a matter oftime.

775. Purpose forces you to live (through any nightmare).

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776. Don’t def ine your life by what you don’t do.

777. Thinking is (‘toward’ ) atomism.

778. As there is White Privilege, is there Science Privilege? Career Privilege? Non-Art

Privilege?...779. Slightly different axioms lead to entirely different universes.

780. Philosophers should write novels as novelists should write philosophy, yet philosophers arehorrible writers; novelists, dreaded philosophers.

781. Surprisingly, how you li ve isn’t how everyone should.

782. It’s impossible to write a story that every Myers Briggs type likes.

783. Potential can hide a lack of purpose.

784. It is easy to worry and hard to be aware.

785. It is a sin to love humanity but not individuals.

786. If you love running, visiting your friends instead is a sacrifice; if you hate it, visiting yourfriends is perhaps a (secret) excuse/distraction.

787. Is it discrimination if ‘toward’ who (you think) discriminates?

788. You will never cease the passions that never cease to surprise you.

789. If self-manipulation is natural of the self, it takes self-manipulation to avoid.

790. The world has never been in black and white.

791. Acting is difficult because it closes space for imagination.

792. Mentorship isn’t to compare a person ’s life with yours, but to provide a structure in which aperson can make decisions for his or her self.

793. ‘I think you think I think’ is the Cartesian, defining tension of postmodern life.

794. It’s natural to like being liked too much.

795. Convincing people something wrong is right is as thrilling as being right.

796. In a world where people seek truth-seekers instead of truth, nihilism is true.

797. Is there really such thing as a Do-Nothing-Congress?

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798. Lovers desire purgatory for the other.

799. Is it oppressive to call another oppressive?

800. Can you lie if no one speaks to you?

801. Life isn’t only what you do with it.

802. The internet accelerates dialectics.

803. Do not demand the beautiful, good, and true to lower themselves to your perception;rather, raise your perception up to them.

804. If whatever will save the world ever becomes offensive, then the world will end.

805. You’re always talking to yourself, for when you talk to someone, you’re always, at least inyour mind, hearing yourself talk.

806. Those who claim censoring history should be a crime can be guilty of censoring history.

807. You can’t learn how to think for yourself if you don’t learn how others think .

808. Dismissing a thinker is not the same as critiquing one.

809. Idealism is sub-conscious.

810. The problem with learning what people think is that you come to understand them.

811. Progress must not be defined by impatience.

812. We rage for unity.

813. Consciousness never creates conscious objects, which make consciousness ‘appear’ unconscious (ironically).

814. Money is the means by which we estimate and test the metaphysics of value.

815. The best art emerges at the point where people become what they are creating.


Our reason is in the way we think about reality more so than in reality itself.817. Humans are not brains sitting on a stick, but brains feeling around a world.

818. Just because you care doesn’t mean you're right, but you will naturally want to be right thatyour idea of care is actual care.

819. The artist does not exist to make your understanding of the work easier, but moreprofound.

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820. The Apocalypse will be a result of good intent.

(I would bet on it if I could collect.)

821. Cell phones make us feel safe as the internet makes us feel informed.

(Be aware.)822. There is no love without imagination.

(To develop creativity is to develop love.)

823. To stop one step from the summit is to never reach it, though one still sees a great distance.

824. Does society naturally go in the direction of the loud?

825. Knowing genes are the biggest influence on kids may take a lot of pressure off of parents,maybe too much.

826. Everyone is in denial about something.

827. Puncturing a spirit occurs as a letter is torn while opening the envelope.

828. Music you can’t stop listening to is hard to find, but once you find it, you can’t stoplistening.

829. One’s authority does not rise as does the popularity of one ’s blog, but neither does itdecrease.

830. We need love to be mysterious.

831. It’s easier to paint beautiful pictures with falsities than with truths.

832. Subjectivity objectively exists.

833. What is a Non-Human Right?

834. Can you sue someone over a misreading of their work?

835. Which works of art do you consider great because they are tied to your emotional history versus because they are objectively good?

836. Freedom is never restricted for bad reasons.

837. The elegance of sports is easier to see than the elegance of arguments.

838. The sense of a logic is as pivotal as the sense of an ending.

839. Ideas appear bigger than things.

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840. You succeed when failure is death.

841. All debates and/or constructive dialogues should have one rule: never question motives.

842. You don’t get your own room when you’ re married, so why should you get one when

you’re a kid?843. Chaos isn’t chaotic unto itself, but normal.

844. New ideas tend to entail some degree of plagiarism.

845. (Insert witty saying that someone will love me for.)

846. Nothing can stop those who know how long life lasts while living each day as if their last.

847. Most historic events are linked together by a string of misunderstood philosophers.

848. Rallying people who have something to gain is easier than rallying people who only havesomething to protect.

849. Most fallacies are reasonable.

850. Try to write a book about a book nobody reads.

851. Responsibility for responsibility’s sake is irresponsible.

852. Rationalization is ‘toward’ repetition as is all action, for humans are ‘toward’ patterncreation.

853. Organization isn’t an inherent evil, as the absorbing of all comers isn’t an inherent good.

854. Ezra Pound didn’ t create it, but he arranged the culture of the 20th Century.

855. Where there is no disagreement, there is no diversity ( though it may look like there’s lots).

856. It’s easy to win an argument as long as you don’t make one.

857. No one should go through life having never enco untered a problem they couldn’t solve.


Intellectual rigor begins with realizing that every sentence consists of countless assumptionsand questionable premises.

859. Where you fail in school is where you learn intellectual rigor, and it’s also where you lose your chance to get into an Ivy League.

860. Non-creative writing tries to avoid any risk of misinterpretation, while creative writingembraces that risk.

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861. If you want to learn who you are, observe people observing.

862. Cogito ergo putatis cogito.

863. If by ‘don’t marginalize’ one means ‘don’t be objective about’, then the causes of

marginalization will never be overcome.864. Yelling is easier than admitting you're wrong.

865. We live what we learn.

866. Symbols of action naturally and easily replace action.

867. As a child is influenced by, but not the same as, his or her parents, so art is an image, butnot a replica, of its creator.

868. We see others countless more times than we see ourselves in a mirror.

869. Presence creates evidence.

870. The heavier your thoughts, the more you have to work them out.

871. Conservatism is grounded upon the worst of people, while Liberalism focuses upon thebest.

872. Empathizing with people is not the same as defending them.

873. A genius recognizes the brilliance in people with whom he or she disagrees.

874. People often act as if hate and disagreement are one and the same.

875. Non-Violent Resistance is to hold up a mirror.

876. Language (art)i-culates the tension of freedom/determinism.

877. At college, too often p arties don’t occur between classes, but rather classes occur betweenparities.

878. Saying you eventually have to stop philosophizing and settle upon something sounds

practical and like censorship.879. Roads appear where people walk.

880. To ignore a lack of personal responsibility in a matter is not empathy, but the replacementof reason with emotion (the death of empathy).

881. Can we have great minds in an age where everybody is one?

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882. You decide when people are listening t o you and can claim they aren’t when they are.

883. College teaches you that the ‘real world’ is Hell and that your current residency in Heavenhas an expiration date.


In our connected world, has there ever been an age where speaking was so hard?885. With art, view it like assembling a TV: if 99% of it is done right but a part is missing, it

won’t work.(Perfection isn’t optional.)

886. When the roots die, for a long time, the tree doesn ’t look any different.

887. Memory is 20/20.

888. A costly error is thinking that you don’t disagree with something unless it offends you, asyou don’t agree unless it makes you emotional.

889. Hunger will make anyone brave.

890. Can something in the Constitution be Unconstitutional?

891. To be in relationships is to have the power to define people and to be at risk of beingdefined by them.

892. Can you protect yourself from your protectors?

893. Telling people that something makes you upset (rather than just being upset) seems to be a

popular debate technique.

894. At two I thought ‘2 + 2 = 5’ , but now I t hink it equals four because I’m a flip-flopper.

895. The conflating of ‘voting for’ with ‘supporting’ and ‘law’ with ‘justice’ have destroyedgovernance.

896. States where ‘anything can happen’ are more exciting than states in which ‘somethingoccurs’ (and this why we, rationally, delay decisions).

897. “Why are you misquoting him?”

“If you were well read, you wouldn’t ask me that question.”•898. Old age isn’t for sissies.

899. Never has the use of the word ‘forever’ been backed by experience.

900. Is it an apology if forced?

901. You were born to dream without closing your eyes.

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902. When you cannot raise arguments without being accused of agreeing with them, you cannot

be rational.

903. Paradigm shifts in vacuums never change.

904. Self-consciousness is a dam.

905. The purpose of morality is to teach you not how to die, but how to live.

906. Try not to use empathy to get people to shut up.

907. Since only the genius of Michelangelo can paint the Sistine Chapel but any idiot can burn itdown, it is improbable that genius lasts.

908. Be careful: discussion may only create an appearance of progress.

909. Our center of ethics has become our work, not our creativity.

910. Intentional distraction is the key to creative problem-solving.

911. When every sentence is an unbearable responsibility, you will write well.

912. You are not what people say you are, especially when you want to be.

913. The big picture entails the long-term, but the long-term doesn ’t necessarily entail the bigpicture.

914. The best way to stay out of jail is to become a judge.

915. After it happens, anyone can say ‘it could have only happened this way’, and, in a way, beright.

916. Government can prevent Revolution by not giving the people a reason for it.

917. Selfies: Why the Government doesn ’t need the NSA.

918. Don ’t care: you won’t judge.

919. Problem-solving drops as accusations of ‘having an agenda’ rise.

920. Media rule is mob rule.

921. There are only loving parents: everyone else is the helicopter mom.

922. Consequences have consequences.

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923. There are lives never lived in our midst.

924. Philosophy should be a requirement for living in a city.

925. It’s a sad state of affairs when idiots defend the correct positions.

926. People shouldn’t listen for what offends them, but rather for what intrigues them.

927. Numbers present themselves as more concrete than reality, and yet are much less.

928. You’ ve become an adult once the only way back home is to move forward.

929. The problem isn’t people don’t know what (insert) is, but that people can learn what (insert)is and not do it.

930. Where there are no thoughts, there is no fear.

931. Dreams are a temporary or eternal yet-to-be.

932. The prevalence of profundity decreases as does its necessity.

933. Give people work that others will respe ct them for doing and you won’ t have to pay them adime.

934. I doubt that anyone doubts everything.

935. Myers-Briggs is like pain medication: take it in the right doses, and it will help you avoidunnecessary pain; overdose, and it will become your drug.

936. Government rarely expands without a morality justifying its actions.

937. Sitting is tiring.

938. Generalization is a temptation.

939. Non-expressed thoughts are indefinable from nonexistent thoughts.

940. If you spend your lif e solving problems that don’t exist, you help preserve the problemsthat do.

941. Fantasies make more sense than reality, for we understand what we create better than whatcreates us.

942. If you want to change people, you write for the minority, for the average p erson doesn’t want to be changed.

943. If the Constitution seems to violate Human Rights, is it not morally imperative that it beignored? Or is that when it matters most?

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944. People are meaner when they’re mean than they’re nice when they ’re nice.

945. We often don’t take seriously what we prize highest.


It’s not hard to lose something after you forget what it means.947. The human is more complex than the universe, yet the smartest often study Math and

Science alone.

948. It takes a cliff to determine what’s a step too far.

949. Simplicity is simplistic if not purified through fires of complexity.

950. Wasting time is a tragedy.

951. Genius is driven by the torment of fragments – of possible wholes.

952. Your love of freedom is measured by how much you defend the freedoms of those youdisagree with.

953. A cup is objectively ‘the-object-cup’ and subjectively ‘my cup’: ‘[objectivity/subjectivity] isall’ (Lear).

954. Schools make you ‘learned’, not ‘learning’, the latter being paralyzing – society would fallupon glimpsing the oceans of what-it-knows-nothing.

955. Humanity is extraordinarily gifted at demonizing saints.

956. To be believed in, you must do more than never lie.

957. Einstein can’t be smart with a 2.8 GPA.

958. A society that thinks people only invoke their rights when they ’re doing something wrong isa society that will lose all its rights.

959. It is easy to confuse idiocy, which is beneath understanding, with genius, which transcendsunderstanding.

960. There is no hate where there is no care.

961. Statistics only move you to action when you already agree with them.

962. It is not self-evident what is self-evident.

963. It would be hard to find a vaguer notion than success.

964. Where you have no margin for error, you will avoid the possibility of mistake.

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965. Failure erases greed.

966. If you define something as obvious, those wh o don’t see it are fools, but perhaps you’re thefool for thinking that it’s obvious?

967. Calling a fact a fact and an opinion an opinion is incredibly difficult.

968. Don ’t will to be g reat, but will to make people’s lives better – it’s by chance that you oftencan’t help but be great if you do the later.

969. You ’re still a bigot even if you’re bigoted only toward who you think is bigoted.

970. Mistakes are never mistakes at the time.

971. There won’t be creativity and innovation where it can’t improve grades.

972. The greater you’re potential, the higher the chance you end up a nobody.(Because you think it’s impossible.)

973. We act like ‘being a leader’ means ‘being successful’.

974. Books are terribly persuasive at making people think reading is important.

975. No one thinks they want ‘instant gratification’ – the thought isn’t pleasant.

976. Education is doomed because as long as you get good grades, it doesn ’t matter how muchyou learned.

977. What you know isn’t as important as what you think.

978. The more successful you are, the easier it is to think like an elite than yourself.

979. No one can tell you that you don ’t listen.

980. Guns can destroy the body while cameras can destroy the soul.

981. To lack imagination is to lack love.


It is easier to be hurt than to avoid hurting others.983. No one knows what they are going to do with their life.

984. You are right not because people agree with you, but because you are right.

985. People are smart regardless if they sound it.

986. It is natural to make decisions based on a sense of justice over what will actually work.

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987. Sometimes, the worst thing people can do is try to help.

988. As wealth increases, so does the need for character, but the nature of wealth is to erodecharacter.

989. If the w orld revolved around you, you’d be lost in space.

990. People who disagree with you aren’t always idiots.

991. Don’t only save people from what you define as a crisis.

992. Living entails surviving, but surviving doesn’t necessarily entail living.

993. Since college is where all the smart people are, college is the best place to let other peoplethink for you.

994. It is possible that test scores could decrease as brilliance increases.

995. What is uncritical thinking?

996. Evidence isn’t ‘for’ interpretation so much as it is ‘ within’ interpretation.

997. TV medicates.

998. The scope in which we make decisions is always smaller and simpler than the world in which decisions are made.

999. People usually don’t realize they need help until it’s too late, often because others ‘cry wolf’too often about them ‘needing help’.

1000. Looking at the universe, you’d think the world would be bigger.

1001. Hopefully school isn’t the worst thing that happened to education.

1002. Intellectual curiosity makes more of a difference than intelligence.

1003. No one thinks they don’t leave their prejudices at the door.

1004. A person concerned exclusively with justice will often talk past someone exclusivelyconcerned with ‘does it work?’

1005. No one knows what they are going to do with their life.

1006. People were educated before standardized tests.(But how do we know?)

1007. Prestige and success can impede meaning and creation.

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1008. ‘Thinking well’ and ‘thinking ’ are not similes.

1009. But what good is Truth if it can't make you money?(Better to be stupid and rich, right?)

1010. If doesn’t entertain, it must be worthless.

1011. Societies suffer because when facing an irreversible decision, it automatically looks away.

1012. No nation that lost freedom thought it was losing freedom. The same could be said aboutequality, diversity, etc.

1013. Never underestimate humanity ’s capacity to expand the horizons of idiocy.

1014. Those who say ‘this isn’t about ideology ’ tend to be ideological.

1015. We are often setup for jobs that can be automated.

1016. With every dream, you become the only person who has ever had that dream.(And if you don’t write it down, it’s gone forever)

1017. Revolutions that do not occur alongside an Intellectual Revolution fail.

1018. Someone else doesn’t know a lot because you don ’t know anything.

1019. No one knows what they are getting their selves into.

1020. ‘Is my side right or am I biased?’ is something rarely wondered by the biased.

1021. There is a difference between thinking ‘I’m tired’and saying “I’m tired”: the first cannotreach others, while the second can.

1022. John is told that he should not lie and John lies, though he is happier when others don’thave power over him. (John’s mother is oppressive.)

1023. Is ‘truth’ or ‘what’s best for me’ the basis for being rational?(How could you rationally answer this question?)

1024. The feeling ‘they are amazing’ doesn’t have to feel like ‘I’m worthless’.

1025. Freedom from goodness is slavery.

1026. Because we view artists as gods or idealists, we don’t believe we can become them or wantto.

1027. Mediocrity often seems more seductive than excellence.

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1028. A rock cannot be a turtle, but nothingness can be whatever it wants.

1029. A great way to preserve your view of the world is to stay illiterate.

1030. Perfect people don ’t have to think for themselves.

1031. It’s hard not to die thinking the Apocalypse is a moment away.

1032. Selflessness isn’t shrinking to make others feel bigger, but inspiring others from greatness tobe great.

1033. Critical thinking is critical of thinking.

1034. Every now and then, people engaged in a conversation with you aren’t only talking with themselves.

1035. In Democracy, if the people believe something is undoable, then it is undoable.(And in a TV world, tragedy is all.)

1036. It’s natural to be furious over what doesn't matter.

1037. What happens happens whether we believe it or not.

1038. The place of education in people ’s lives cannot be established by education, but by people.

1039. We must believe in the power of the intellect over the power of the military.

1040. Democracy works best when everyone is a lifelong expert at everything.

1041. Is ‘usefulness’ useful?

1042. Matter is made of energy, but is energy made of matter?

1043. If you remove or leave all the people who hate you, everyone will like you.

1044. Perhaps people avoid discussing race not because t hey don’t care, but because they dislikeconversational minefields?(A racist concern?)

1045. If anything isn’t a fairy tale, it’s love.

1046. The premise ‘school = learning ’ is false.

1047. The smart people stay invisible when visibility isn’t necessary.

1048. Evidence (always) threatens (someone).

1049. Good art moves the heart, but great art also moves the imagination.

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1050. Entertainment you don ’t believe in cannot change you.

1051. Just say ‘ we need to stop selfishness’ and everyone will love you.

1052. Stuff that doesn ’t exist tends to look like you.

1053. Evidence is ‘toward’ the framework accepted before the evidence is observed (thisdifferentiates ‘things’ from ‘evidence’ ).

1054. You often find yourself talking about what you know nothing about without realizing it.

1055. Making ‘point of view ’ mean ‘opinion’ implies opinions are matters of what you see, not what you think.

1056. Did you see my post about the addictiveness of posting?

1057. We tell people who think like us that they think for themselves.

1058. The difference between ‘thinking something through ’ and ‘changing your mind’ is perhapsonly verbalization.

1059. Keep ‘I disagree’ and ‘I’m offended ’ as far apart as you possibly can.

1060. If one of us doesn’t have free will, does it follow that none of us do?

1061. Darkness emerges where lights misunderstand.

1062. You do n’t say ‘it’s the effort that counts ’ when you come in first.

1063. Do people use the phrase ‘modern art ’ to justify ‘mediocre art’? If so, such work is justlycalled ‘modern’.

1064. The better you ’re education, the harder it is to resist the temptation to discuss what youknow nothing about.

1065. Smart people know when to be invisible.

1066. In Democracy, if the people believe something is undoable, then it is undoable.

1067. Where TV is king, tragedy is kingdom.

1068. Where egos and ideas mix, empirical evidence is a threat.(And they always mix.)

1069. Eyes never see themselves, only their images.

1070. When we speak to ourselves, do we know to whom we speak?

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1071. The internet is make-up.

1072. Until it rots for the last time, you can enjoy fruit from a tree you cut down.

1073. A theory of everything is only possible if everything can be theorized.

1074. Everything done in art is a gamble.

1075. It is possible that the idea of x is more dangerous, useful, powerful, etc. than the actuality ofx.

1076. Why struggle for answers when you can look them up?

1077. No one likes good ideas until all other options are off the table.

1078. Zeitgeist is an emergent result of countless conversations, interactions, thoughts, etc. thathave nothing obvious to do with one another.

1079. Society can feel like it pressures us to pressure one another (to pressure).

1080. The programs of popular politicians are financed by taxpayers, and if popularity increases asdoes spending, taxpayers will pay a lot.

1081. Who believes they believe what they believe because they want to believe it?

1082. When it comes to knowing truth, you are your biggest obstacle.

1083. Facts are true 100% of the times they are facts.

1084. Culture is always on the brink of death.

1085. Imaginary or not, belief that others are against you can help you feel right.(When no one disagrees with you, you can feel irrelevant.)

1086. A person ’s empathy is no greater than the person ’s empathy for those without empathy.

1087. It is easy to look into the evidence and verify anything you believe is true, while what youdon’t believe cannot be falsified.

1088. Our desire to find evidence for what we believe is rarely overcome by our desire to knowthe facts.

1089. The truth is usually in the middle: for the Liberal, between Clinton and Sanders; for theConservative, between Trump and Cruz.

1090. Ideas clump.

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1091. In a comfortable world, claiming discomfort is to claim distinction.

1092. The world is falling apart because people don’t agree with you.

1093. We rarely think before we speak or speak before we think: we mostly speak/think (while

telling others to ‘think before they speak ’). 1094. When your peer reviewers all think like you, your work still gets labeled‘peer reviewed’.

1095. Power is the capacity to design or decide the story in which people live.

1096. We tend to call ‘amazing ’ what expresses what we believe in a way that makes us moreconfident that what we believe is right.

1097. Learning that isn’t comfortable is probably real learning (though comfortable learning thatsupposedly helps spread justice, patriotism, etc. is hard to stop).

1098. There is no guarantee that the technologies we create are technologies we can ever come tohandle.

1099. If I arrange Fact A after Fact B, I can imply Liberalism is false; vice-versa, I can implyConservatism is false.

1100. A theory that explains x but cannot be empirically verified could nevertheless be true andyet epistemologically irresponsible to accept.

1101. To assert that art is to be believable is to assert that the lives we live are ones we can believein.

1102. As prices rise when productivity or currency devaluation increases, so knowledge rises both when stupidity or wisdom increases.

1103. Does being unhealthy, unhappy, stupid, and/or existentially anxious help us live longer?

1104. A classroom could be perfectly efficient and students not learn a thing.

1105. Socrates would find no place in our age that considers asking questions about questionsakin to avoiding them.

1106. Today, you can ’t say ‘people fear death’ until you receive a government grant and completea ten-year research project.

1107. Artists are often those who don ’t know what they’re doing but who know that they ’re doingsomething.

1108. Whether poor or prosperous, a failed society is one in which its citizens don ’t believe life is worth living.

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1109. People used to say ‘I am the son of ’; now, they say ‘I work at’.

1110. Votes get a person elected, not truth, and voters never think of themselves as one of those who doesn’t vote for the truth.

1111. Worry about the happiness of loved ones is a common, easily rationalized, and nearly-indestructible cause of unhappiness.

1112. When we hear another ’s dreams, we are too often like the man trying to keep the sun out ofhis eyes.

1113. ‘To not live is to not be criticized’ says the one criticized for not living right (by choice?).(Phrases follow life or vice-versa?)

1114. For better or worse, everyone loves changing the world.

1115. The majority doesn’t learn x before experiencing x, and so history repeats.

1116. When the choice is between suicide and Russian Roulette, you choose the latter, assumingyou can tell which is which.

1117. Are you truly blind if you’re not blind to your blindness?

1118. Art is liturgy.

1119. Why bother destroying an argument when society allows you to simply claim that you don’thave time to destroy it?

1120. The problem with thinking through writing or speaking is that you create a trail of stupidideas that could strike people as convictions.

1121. If you don’t take ownership of ideas, ideas will take ownership of you.

1122. It’s hard to stabilize your mind, as it’s hard to see yourself not looking in the mirror.

1123. Speaking is like driving: we usually do it on autopilot and it is always potentially life altering.

1124. At infinity, any case that can be backed by evidence will be backed by evidence, though only what is true will be true.

1125. Writing and discussion are ‘the market tests ’ of what you read – how you determine whichideas are truly good, not just seemingly good.

1126. In politics today, the only reason you would ask to clarify a question is because you wantedto avoid answering it.

1127. ‘ The customer is always right’; otherwise, you have to explore how to interact with everypersonality type, which transcends conceivability.

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1128. Facts matter insomuch as they prove that you ’re (objectively) right.

1129. Does IQ reflect the total capacity a person can absorb or just the speed at which the personcan comprehend?

1130. The rules of chess do not play chess.

1131. We are always already at work. We all begin in a middle. We begin after a beginning.

1132. Once you add GIFs to your article, everyone who disagrees with it will be wrong.

1133. We are always after the news we need, while those we disagree with are always after thenews they want.

1134. There is no activism without interpretation.

1135. Interpretation is what other people do.

1136. It’s never safe to learn.(If it is, you might not be doing what you think you’re doing.)

1137. What do we do when we think?-Convince ourselves we’re right. -Convince ourselves we can be wrong but happen to be right.-Cat videos.

1138. News usually demands reaction before investigation, and as technology advances, thisdemand becomes increasingly irresistible.

1139. How can you know the world doesn ’t understand you unless you understand the world?

1140. Who thinks they don ’t conform their thinking to the facts?

1141. Trade helps invisibly a little bit in countless ways, but if it also hurts you, it hurts you very visibly.

1142. We live through events more so than years.

1143. Is ‘non-sense’ that which we cannot understand or that which we cannot sense?

1144. We speak of ‘people’more than we speak of those who actually exist.

1145. Before the other, free will is proven, for it is there that it is felt that ‘something ’ is beingkept from doing what it wants.

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1146. World War is ‘too big to happen ’, but that doesn ’t mean it can’t happen (as TBF banks canfail).

1147. Planning is often poor planning.

1148. Is it the nature of politics today that only third party candidates can be thoughtful? In other words, can such a candidate become mainstream without becoming what voters flee tothem from?

1149. We get to decide which sentences aren ’t clear to us and hence ‘nonsense’, and thosesentences just happen to be ones we don ’t like.

1150. Description informs: it isn’t neutral. Consider: -The Congress met today to discuss Iran.-The Congress met today to debate Iran.-The Congress met today.

1151. As confidence that a thing can ’t happen increases, so increases the likelihood that the thingdoes happen.

1152. Our bias for a ‘theory of everything ’ impacts which geniuses we remember, even though the‘fragmented’ geniuses can be more brilliant.

1153. Learning is about discovering facts and experiencing truths, but not just one or the other.

1154. Is patience more a matter of ‘gritting teeth’ or changing character?

1155. It’s not true because Plato said it: it’s true and Plato said it.

1156. The most common time people talk about hating TV is while watching it. The most popular time to talk about good restaurants is during the Thanksgiving meal.(Lacking creativity, we don’t know what else to discuss other than what we can associate

with w hat we we’re experiencing (ex: weather).Furthermore, even if we can, we don’t knowif those around us will be able or want to follow an ‘abstract’ topic. )

1157. As intelligence rises, so increases the likelihood of overestimating correctness; as it falls, sodrops the capacity to recognize wrongness.

1158. All great books attempt to swing for the fences and often miss – greatly.

1159. You don ’t live in a bubble, only those who don’t think like you.

1160. Cellphones aren’t the problem so much as is cellphone addiction (CPA): the same goes withjust about anything.

1161. Art without meaning is a model without depth.

1162. Literature can be a philosophical argument for a truth that cannot be merely

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1163. Who wins the idea war wins the war.

1164. Even when correct, the picture is incomplete.

1165. We say ‘there are two sides to every story’ as if there can’t be hundreds.

1166. After it’s repeated long enough, a strawman argument becomes an argument.

1167. People who rightly note that ‘people are a lot less rational than they realize’ are also a lotless rational than they realize.

1168. The problem with statistics is that you can never include all statistics, as with any truth.

1169. Perhaps it is a moral duty to develop your character for your children.

1170. Empathy is needed for best care, but empathizing regularly with the dying and sufferingmay lead to self-destruction.

1171. The absence of conflict is not the presence of joy.

1172. Assumptions are cookie-cutters.

1173. Serious intellectual work takes a lifetime and that’s bad for TV.

1174. Anxiety is ‘metamental’ while fear is ‘mental’.

1175. Are any of us not too sure of ourselves?

1176. Thought follows language more than language follows thought.

1177. They say symmetry is a big part of beauty, yet sunsets are not symmetrical.

1178. The obvious is often the enemy of the true.

1179. People choose x over y mostly due to emotional impressions; intellectuals, rational(ized)emotional impressions.

1180. Of all the books about how the world is soon going to en d, the one that’s right won’t sell very well.

1181. You ’re always invincible until you’re not.

1182. We hold others up to epistemological standards of proof we do not hold ourselves up to when it is good for our ideology.

1183. Had Aristotle’s publishable works not been lost, the world would be radically different.

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1184. A person who doesn ’t know when to follow and when not to lead is a bad leader.

1185. Geniuses usually don’t know it, but ‘smart’ and ‘right’ aren’t similes.

1186. The self expands like the universe: infinite, thinning.

1187. Worrying about worry, stressing about stress, hating hatred, loving love – circles of Dante.

1188. Great and terrible thinkers work hard to be sure you can never say ‘(insert) thinks’.

1189. The lines between principled, stubborn, and stupid are very thin, and few if any manage notto cross them.

1190. If what people wanted to do was what made the world a better place, the world would beparadise.

1191. The sheep following in front of other sheep look and feel like shepherds.

1192. You are more at risk of losing your life for the right reasons than the wrong.

1193. People who can’t think for themselves will think they can think for themselves when sotold.

1194. Those who don ’t listen are prone to claim no one listens to them, seeing as they never hearthose with who they converse.

1195. Everything that can be true exists in the universe with everything that can be false, and so

we live in ‘the Library of Babel’ – non-sense.

1196. We’re all masters at never letting ourselves realize how much of what we believe (right or wrong) is simply what we’ ve been told.

1197. Bias is emergent more than intentional, making us poorly equipped to detect it, except inothers (a practice which rarely cultivates self).

1198. Who thinks they watch news that isn ’t ‘real news’?

1199. Good advice is advice you have to remind yourself of constantly because you naturally do

the opposite.1200. Seeing isn’t believe.

Believing is believing.

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