Page 1: LINDBERG. · Nfld. R. NotfCe A.L,E, - · SMALL WQQD, · · BAKING l>O WDJ•;H, • ~~nt will

t • •

YOIX~£E XXX\". [-rwu nul.l .. \11~ J•J: tt n:.\1: .] . . . , : IL\RBOR GRACE, NFLD., '£l'l·:SDA•Yt OCTOJJEl~ :.!:~ , l 'U I.

======~==========~=-===-~=-==--~-~zy~<----==================~=-~~~-====~==--~=-=====.~. ~==~========~;

n.~nta~_Notice . l ~ Something · New ·and Cood in Miner.31 Waters. • Dr. LEHR ~ .._......_.,. ......................... ........._............,... ....'"---·-y- ~.-. ............. ,..... .... ~ ..,.... .......... .~

LINDBERG . & FRAN~LIN'S · Nfld. R. NotfCe <>->~LEM6~~o·E~ ciu~GER A .L,E, · N E CTAR, &c., &c. • C'mumc1kin~ )ft~xiH Y, Ol'lohcr ,' th ,

Hcgnlnr 'lraila will nw a:< r\ll­luw:; :-

l.J:.\\·1: ~T. Jou~·l' 9.00 .\.~r. , .\ 1:111\'E .\ T JJJ:. t in.u·1: :?.::o 1·.~ ..

I. t:.\\' r: Ti n. c: 11. \ 1'1-: n.n) .\\1. • . \1:111 \"1:

• ' A'r : :r . . Tnm(:- }..J.) l'. l l. . . All Estrn '£r:tin:3 n. JUll' ~mnmcr

'l'imc 'l'a blc a-¥o d isconti nued. A. ~. N HJ,E,

( icu cral A «cut.

~Just 'Received at -

SQUIRES' Cheap GroQery Store. .. - --

~-rHE BEST ~'ND CHEAPE·~T lN Tt--i E MARKET_...qt. /

ABsOLUTESAFETv~ ALL BOTTLES FITTED YIITH NEW P ATENT CORk S !EAsY•To•oPEN.•• ~ .... •.,•••••••~•·~~~~~~~w~~~~ ......... ••••• ... ••••••••

Bavarian, ·Carden and .Botanic ~ LII'JDBE;:RG :& FRA~KLIN, Bt-ewers,, Beer, Stout, &c., always·.•n Stock. ~ Srgnal Httl ad, ;=;t.JOhn s #


...... ~~TED; JYST· RECEIV~2_& FOR sALE For .1· "V\T eek Only ·for


C)ur Fall S ock of ;t ' ·


A.!'s,wtcal .T:tlll!-i in 111, :1nd :21h .T u !!,:, Cornet! Hc'cf. in l lb and :21h 'l'i11< ~t .. pcrior.Llll.wh ·~'llllt! ll<:. ,.<·ry t· h~t· Luuc .l ltll'fllll Jtlnt I•HttiP:'. 1'nbl c :-iu l l iu 1. ~. I aud -; Jl, lnt(.!"'.

:--:umc t !.in~ new iu U1o Har!!ai n Line. ""'\ ' .

Don't Fail to see our 5c._. ~O_c and 20c. Windo;ws Yuu <':Ill 11:1\·c nmr (·huicc of C:ood:; tl 1:1t arc \\'urth double tl1e "

l llOJ IC \; <::d lill !! to Sl'c it:; duri ll !! the nex t wcelc . ... .. ..._.


A L:.a·~e A!=::ortmcnt of Hurntm l·;; Bel'!', lr•lll :tnd \\'i nt•. ' ...:chool Exerci ~c n.~\~k--:: , .. up. _-_,.--· . / ~lntc~. Pcnfl, ~l>(C P:apN. En\'c!opc:> -~-:> To\vels fr on1 5 cents per p.air· •

Cheap GOODS. .?> Cheap, Cood and Reliable. 6,. Lang's Plain & Fancy Biscuits,

Cvmpritoi n;:;- l'i fl,l. !",llln, llu tt r r. 'rl'll , Coif,•<', ~uzu r. Frnit , Sultnnn, 1.(-IIH•n , \',llli ll:a, (: in;.;(' r ~lltl-, Cruckall'll', lcctl

• Gino; r . .\ nd a Fe\\' l::u '<•I ·

T ahlc and Ct~t~lduu APPI~.

' .\ F ull ~llt•JIIy or' "Now. ~ahua~e, ~ow Potatoes,

T urnip:.:, 'a rrut :~: Beet. & ·. Gcuoral Urm·cd c:-:. Pru,·i=--iun=--.

l'onl'ed im~:.'· · Fruit. &c. --,-

1)111 'E. ' •. 'E 'U.'D TO ~OXR .. ~ ... ····~······ ...


r~ Rerrio·val ,Notice ! -~c. .._....;.,. - -o--

~ ,. ' ......... -\ JOHN CASEY, ' I

. - -- - ------Al:50~ll'~e :-ituc·k of

~~~~~ll·d r,,iHn Y~e~,~ l\1:. J. JONES, §3 Water Street. ._tone J u~:--. Tra pots. Jl u. "· ('u i•:. nnd :O:a u<·('r.:, aud l'l :lll'·"·

America n ancl En;.d i:- la ~.· ,·tla t:::, ScYth<l.liu.n.d lc.•. lr a,. Ha k t'" · H in · 1'rung;:l htn~. I laud ~., w:;

..\xes. nnd J'ull li uc (I(' othrr :u ti · ('l cs or llanlw:ll'(' .

1:SL.. 'I' he l.:ll:llwe of our (' I I EE:-: E oiTc•·cd nt t':! c. J l'r lh. -

Full line:: l)f(:rnn!ri ';-o.. Dry t: Olllh :, ~)_p DRY GOO os,~ Lcnth crwan' . , ·r. ~ - ~

} Jficro-ttl' /.1•11' ·,,~ flu / ••. ,r(l.l,

. 1 . .l . Il l•: :\ ~ 1·:~:-; y . cun:--i:-:ti ng: ol:_ a'~C' lo t of 1) ,·9~:-\ Gnu(h:, f r0111 .j t . upwards .

A. SQL)IRES, 111

, us tom Tailor and Agent for the White Sewing· lVIachine Co.

thankinr: J.j.; Jll:t ll,\' fr icntls for tl~i r ki11d support du ring

L(,~atly -.\lad~..·s-a :--pcc·ia lt ,~,-~fen · :\ aml Dor s. "P~'RSON S' I L:ulit• :o:' .Ja(·kc t :-; . ·L· I:'Icr:-: and " ;atcr proofs. Hats mHl C:tpt~.

EMPQ ··· ~ .TUM I , . \ wc~l-. .:t: l c~u~d . . ' t ol'l~ ol GJ:, .c?ri c:~chcap. . - \ \' :l I t'r ~~ I'I'P!;J!I~I·IH\1~ ~j 1':\l'(' :_

1\.icl\:tpoo ( '( r<: ll Ct: Jn: fur told:>. &~.:. ------------------


(1~ .\~1) A F J'Jo: ~t

Monday Next, 8th inst. ) !:til:; for ~t. .Tuhn·~ anal i utenned i· ntc pl:H'I':-1 will uC' cl u::<•d :at t ile H :ulJ(•r t :r:H·c l ' d Oflicc

A t 8.30 o'clock a.m. dai ly (~undays C'X<'C ptcd.)

A. '1'. ll H Y~D.\ 1.1-: . l '<'c:t. )J a~l<'l'.

-- - -Norris' Arm Hotel !

. -o-Accommod.ntion for trn\'cller3 by

th e X. & W. R. R., is vrod dcd for nt this Hotel, and e.xc urs!J>n nnd h unting parties cnn rely on receh·­in,:r e,·ery a ttention .

Hl\(cs modern to. Ev~y cnre given to the comfort nntl co1rvenienco of guests . : .

Mrs.' McCioudy, Proprietress.


sa· w··a. The Best Medicine. Makes the Weak Strong At Druggists, 50 c. and St.OO. tJep&. 2a12fr

J... - - J Lnrgo :-toc:k qf ~h·u :-~ . " umcn :' ~ml Cl11ldron :; Leat.hcrware. li 'Ctft·,· St .. . J/.,rfmr Cra<·c. North Sydney Coals- always in store.

the p ;l;o; t lift ·en y ear:;, an tl :-:oli(· lting a continuance ' ol' t ho tia lllc, Ia:.•;!:-\ to int'utlll thctn aml the

gcncnd puhli('. tl iat he l t :ts l'CIIIll\'Od

lt i ~ pl a~·c ot bu:'illC:'S to

124 WAT[R STREET,~ ~FtJ'RN iTU'RE..~

· '· full St(l~ k (If 1 r.,u,.diol,l F \ll'ni ­t urc in l'loc:k . •onlptbin~ 'l':thlt•:o~. Bedstend~, t'h:1i 1 ~. ('hdi'ouicr:;, ~i,lc­Donrds, , ·c. .\ 11 kind,; ot' Fumitmc mndo to unlc1· :tl ~hort noli <:<'.

P aterson & r-:'ostet', 0 0 o e Harbor Crace.


P!l'Tl'ltt-:-F Jt.nJI~C.: :\ I:H't!C a -lOJ t- _;..-~c mcnt at l owC'~t price~. l'itturc3 ~

whcrt.• he ha:-; be tter fm·ili tic · th•m C\'Cl' tu moot their require- ~_r~~l;~ .. ~~~ nrrl t· ~·· _ .• • _ •

(oppo:-.ito the prcmi ... c: of ~h! .:.:-:'1':! . C. " '· H O:' ' & riO. )

me ld~ in both t ho \ Fancy Goods, Stationery, &c. New Cabbag'e, Swedish Turnips, New Apples·. TailOring a n d S ewing· Machine J Dep artment s.


JOHN CASEY, Custom Tailor, 124 Water St.

; . .rl"'\\ • • • . .. _ LL.V ______ ... ,L .t dC:-I:I G FLESit • ·, • , /\::~ IT., f OOD

I!>~ Til E F.\~l' \' t ; , llll'' ~·rom: : a c~111 plctc<:k ."r u.ll ::on · Clf Fanl·y t .oodP, Bl)Oks. ~ta llon :\n·. &c.

'PHOTOG'R~"P~· . ~c I x ·r 11 ~; l' 1111Tn <.; 1: .\ I' 11 0 0\1" :

Photogra phs, 'l'i nty pc,:. ·c., lak t ' ll nnd co pied in tlt o l.c:-t. tyl~ . l'hu· to~l'f'l lh enla rged. (:oocl ·tvlc uud fini;l~J~ un rl' nJeotl. ·

c •.:.·-eo A long e x perience in the l'~I'Et:-...---- .. ....;::._~

11la in :mtl Jt'au y Bi~cuit:;, \·alem:ia aml Floritla Onmgc:. Pountl Cakl", Uakc .Flour, 'l' imtctl ll'rnits nml Ucal ·.

A Full Stock !>f GENERAL GROCERIES, &c. ........ -owo.. --........... - .... -· ·-~--- ·---...... ... - ..... - ..................... _____ _

CHAS. BUTLER, • WATER STREET. J !1 n@fVl c;) T.\ 1\.1 ~0 bu~inc ·:; l' ll5UI'C.:.: ~1\t i~<fl\C· f·;~~i] ill.J l1®u Q W ''d tion in thnt hran<·h or tho tnulc.

==-=-==-=-----=-=--=--=~- _ ._.... ·--=·o~:-=::r>F.R~F~~t.t.V=-= Pnis'ihe lowest-ill'aii'Depa}ltnients T 0 t h e p u b I i c ! Se B ~ze [}" a U1l d ~rom Ide. ' ~PARSONS'~ \ Ye hn\'C un exhib~ tion :\ :plcndid a~sortmcnt of

The Best Known Remedy For EM P Q R I U M Mantle~-\'ery Fa:-;hiunnhle. Ot~cr and Bcnve t· 'rtimmcd. . s H d h N Opposite lh<' omcc of .)[(!' fl! , J oh n Dress i. weeds-from 20c. to ' l.GO per yard.

Nervous and ick ea ac e, en- l\Iunn & Co., f~umlo~I-Tnmmcd .H ,a,ts. Flannclct tc:i from 7c. pe1' yard. ralg·ia, Sea-Sickness Brain Fatigue. Wate r ' trcc t,-Haruot· 'Gntcc. c lstcrlllg. for Lauw:- & Gentlemen. 1'wecds-every varie ty. Sleeplessness. Over Brain Work-Sick Stomach. &c. &c. - - - - Kickapoo .\I ,Y }:; cme~ P iles. Boots and Shoes : A ll ki nu~-rrom t.he

~ . - - Cheupcst to the Best. _ c 25 cents per bottle. c-=:..1-V:: ~~N~

w. H. -THoMPsoN._& co., -~WI.c IOrouO .. cwDilci PLII IL·cl;lS,:iC·:i.

\Vo ter 'lrcet Harbor Grace.

\Ve hnve just re~eivcd from New York, a . hipment of ~ , c GLLAAs <s W'VAARREE~ ~ I L A ti ~ \V A R E ....


- . - ~ - GERMAN 'BAKING POWDER ·which fur dc~ign, qunl!J'y nnd price cnnnot be beaten.

Boots ~nd Shoes, Cheap and Good. sh• hns . rcall.v guo<~ Provisions and Groceries · · · BAKING l>O WDJ•;H, •

Jf. SMALL WQQD, ~~nt will ~we her T im?, \Vc ha \'e :tll gmdes of F'lour Pork , Beef. Butter besides n Importer a~d Manufacturer · of Boots and Shoes

WA'lEll S7R.E.ET, 87~ J OliN'S.

I l't>Uble, E xpen: e . lt IS lnrge nnu vn ried : lock of Fine Groce ries. ' ' free from At1unouia,

A full li ne-of the Best GrtldCt; of Eng lish, American, Cn.nndian nud JJocal-mnde Boobs nnd 'hoes ttlwny::s in Stock.

Alum nnd othc t· Ohjec­tionnble Ingrellient:; of some highly - ltuulcd ,e9mpoumlH.


~ ~~·;··;.!l~:~1:g Best Goods at tho Lowest Prices at our Store. ~i~~~~~~ Leat.herwtwe i~ the Only Stock we handle, nnd we give it OOD , ·-~- - -

our whole attention ; thet·efore, we cnn give you sn.tit~fnction. W --... .~ ILL.S Worm Lozenges in qunlity and p rice. . . l , sboUid be 111 e very household.

OUTPORT ORt;JERS SPECIALLY SOLICITED REMOV ~OT U .! Prompt nnd ~nrefnl utlenlion giYen to nll orocrs. Single pnirs Or. ~ON r

of Boots cnn be sent by p,l. t nnywbere in the Colony nt hns removed to Snln• ! mnll cost. See our Goods, or got our Prices- bor Main District

they are the Best for Quniity and Price. ~-- ....... ~ ....... ~ 11'1 , --- ............,._~--------- in

for BoofB and,.. ... ,.--

TEA ~\Ve would n.gnin cnll specin.ln.ttention to out· 40c. TEA which we import our­

' • selves, nnd which is pronounced to be far ahead of 70c. 1'en.. 1/ds is a Downrigltt Fact. .-' "~ -. ..


Water S t ree t, Iln.rbor Grnce.


Page 2: LINDBERG. · Nfld. R. NotfCe A.L,E, - · SMALL WQQD, · · BAKING l>O WDJ•;H, • ~~nt will

''AUguSt · · lower"

Th(' e is a gcutle­t u t l\f alden-on·

te·Hudsou, N. Y., Capt. · A. G. P:m~i:;, who

bas writleu liS a le tter iu w hich it is evident that he has m:Hk up his miud couccmia~ ~ome things, nud this is " ;hat he s:ws: ' ·

"I ba,•e used 'your prcpnration r~lled August Flowet: iu 1:1y family (or seven or eight yc:nrs. ll is con· :;tautly iu my h ouse, and we consider it' the best remedy for Indigestion,

· ami Cons tipation we Indigestion. have eYer usc:d or

known. Mv wife is tToubled with Dyspepsia,· nnd at timessuA"crs ,·cry much after eating T~e Aug ust F l,owcr, howe,·er, re­lie,·es the difficulty . My w ife fre-

• qucntly says to me when I am going • , - to town, ' \Venrcout

Constipation o f Augu~t Flower, • and·I think \'0\1 had

bctt~r gctnnolber hottk.' i am also troubled with Imli~~c~tion, nnd wheQ· e\·cr I nm. I lake one or twCJ len· spoonful· hcfl'lre £'nling, for n. d ay or two, an~l :all trouble~ rcl:to,·ed!' Q}

spondin~ your. mc.-ney for worth~ iuss medicines and buy a bottle of



will prove of inestimable valuo,

=~ it is almost <.crtaln t o cure

:.: once that sevre' and raspin!!

, I

' I . \·' :'

( ' ··, ) ,

" .. .- -. r .. - lJ ,. -.• ... - ' I • , • t ' ' • ~ l . -

I I . . ~ • __ , •. .

l ' t J t ' • 0 . ~ • # • II. - • I.,.., .. • -::-:- • - t.. '-'" . ' 1'- .-... • "' ~ . ~ . '

Miscellaneou~. .... -·

A ~ew York Bo.;ror.

~r w Y<llk. Ort. Ill.-.\ l:\1'\'('1\-lll rlt\' t.Ji ,·k~ .lntl'!ll rl' illl'~<Ur:!•' nf t•n•t·t iHil l;l 'i I \1 •: 11n •' Ftr••t lt·nlhq•l't'd al ::.J \1 t hi<' uwrniu,.:. ,Jntill).! ll ll'tritk g d•• ;Hid r:1 iu •tHrill. l 'a rl ttl i· f,•ll t ill' utlu r .wny u 11

thl• 11 CIU~t'·rJr7(i :\lonrcw:ot r l t. ,\t l<'•t~>l til tl•ln 1 • r~t'lt!t Wt r.: kt:ll\\'11 ,111 l.w in tht: houll<' aL i:2 M .. nrtW 111 rt~· t. '.!:his huthll' wM ttlll'rh• rru~hNI.

,\I Ill'''' i1 o'dt,ck l wv tlrad U<hlil'll h :1d ho Cll n •lll(l\ 't tl [rum·-.1.111• house• nt. ~:2 :tilt! ,1 d<>Zl' ll ( If 11\I •Tt' pl•f!ltltlll \H' t \l kllu\\'11 ln '•t.' i n11itl.-. Crks It r ltc·lp \\'ere IH~nr.l 111 tl11.: ruin" wl.i!~.· tho lin•lur·n w,·n· .... in); 1. ,·, ry (•,; C'rt il•ll tu ~· tthe injnrp l out. •

T IIU:i"', K:-'u\\'.S Td 11~: l>t:.\ll .\l: t: : t' t.knnwn man, :~; rr:tr<~ of ugl'; n

boar,l<'r i 11 L he howw. · • Jkrth.1 K rottH tl. ·Hi yen-rs (•lrl; li\'C(I 011

1ho sccuucl Jl rll•r d ' :'\o. i:!. Bt•rllm 1\ ntlllll, \\'tll! 1 he w ifll of M i<·h:wl l\ rvnr11. .foot_:r,•ct r:; tr:ltlt 1\ttl.t: l, \\ ho was in Lhc ll:&lllll TI IO:Jill with liil> wit~· nn•l rscnpPd allllUil uuiujur~·, l . The 1\ n,tws f:u tli ly HCI.: Ilpit cl lltt• l!C'I' Illll l lloor or the !louse, ~n. i :!. 'flint t h•• dtnth li11t. is not htr~c·r i~ Hilt r\' t'lholtS.

tio·org-0 J{olJill\1\' it , It, n phulo~rapltcr. lw:1 rolt tl with tltt• 1\rmttll l:rulily, allll <'l'i l':ll <~' t! lr~>nt tl11• d·l •rift hy <·r:twlil'f. rlw ut: h :t \d ru't~w. lls· hdpul thp oh­r I'll ~vn "' the K rnu(!l frllt li ly. ll.l\'itl, ~o rc H ' lll' loi!l \1 ifp, j.),~1· id CUitl his \\ i tc ,, i , (•l in 1\ lot•tl t o('ll!'f t•ll I he b:tt.:k \'tt rlur. Annie and Ahmh:tlll Kroncs, duldr('ll, •H •' !Sti ll in thu ruin11 altWH'n u\·l~•ck.

'I h e: I.Jns(>nh·nt. :u:tl lirsL lloor 1n·rc '"'· cupitd lty n lumily 11:tlliNI Al.r.,hn me. Thc•r4• nre St'\' ( 11 iu tlw fnm iJ;\'. F rom tht• 11U ic w b<rc• sh<••l't, L•1ids Al•r:t· h llms, n eou of :It(' fn nti ls , "'''"' !,!(IL' nut i11 i':tlt'l \', :\l c•\ er :-::,·iullcil. 11 r, uml u,.:, llllttl Al•r11huntto. tni'nla· r wi t II ,\!o::w;!t•r, 1111 t•i).,"''t t ·)'lllt ohl hoy , ( 11· c:q .tJ: '1 ill' Hrc:tu n <If lmck l · roultl hl•:H the t·rits (c•r h•·lp r,f n L k:t · t. fuu r .·~l n!rw.f'. 'flu y Lltunjihl th:e t tom• grown lJCr~un and three <:hiiJrcu WIre t~ti lj lvn ret! 1.\· 1 h~ ruitll~. ·

r\ L St;\'t i1 o\:hod~ l'IH!IIch of the 1h:l ·ris t .. od l,l' < 11 d t·nrc<l ti. \ \ lt\ ' ' tv d itwll8'' Lit(· lu :1tl c.t n 1111111. T il t• iu:t}t \~ t lllllt',! dt-wn hy jt•iM& nnd l •lllll1~ . .

'I II•· r;n nocn talkul w11h tltr i.'e j.:trl:s i n t lt t• nlin11 . 'flwy !':l id thl')' 1n ·rc 111 •· injnrNI and htj!~td tho lin nto•u tv hurry ,;p •• nd gt t'tlu·m out. 'I'IH' lnli ld· ing wh it·h cnual'<l t he arch!cut \\'118

In Ill!-:\ 1>1 1~1 rm:tc:tl :111 :t f• ·t:.ndry. N('i~!1· IJor:s 11ru lund 111 dt•llOill:l'll 'l! tht• wny lll \\l.ic h il wna ccnstntctul. An ~yc wit· llf ~!! SIIYS

T ill: l'l' IJ .Ill)<;\i I'(•J .l, \l'~J;J) ,\I,J. AT \I~(.'E.

A f~·w lllinut('S nfll't the r r.t11h tlw ~h ritks uflhl! in1priso11~l "ictitnl:!l',lllhl uo lt·•nr.llol•r<·ks :t wlly .• \1. ci~t.L u't'lf•l'k thrt tl l ·tdits haol LNm' tnkNl rw mtht· min~ twr) of them m u ti lutcd Hlllltlfll bryoe;d rc<:~nitit •l•, nnd pt·r~ons pe:r· l'~>ll~ were uudo·r trt•:llJUt'J1t. for severe injuril'i rc..:c i,·, tl. Til<' 11choul hous(', ,, .~ d,l!,r tr• the wr t kr d l'l rucr ur~!', wail temprm1rily 1 ~1 rn1!11 in~tlll h "Jiihal. j.~Pi :~·r ~ ld.nn).!hl lll au,\ Ius two lall'f(! l•r• .u~l 1 t t.nt blnnh t:s in "hidt to wr:tp tI ll' tt'scned p< ll!tlr , u11ol !iJ• cn lO l·ind II p \\'Otllldl\.

') Ia• 111 w lotti!tliliJ:: h t\1! hl'<·n In C(.t\1.-.C

••t' ,·,mstruc•tiuu aloc,ut. tlon•c wt•ckl'. IL w 11 t·• IH• u.-st tl :~ s a ' :sl' Cl\t. shop,' for t:d:t r.~. '!'l:i.• \mi l,; w ro liP Lut. the n~ •l lt:ul not " "' 11 put. nn. 'l'ht' rlcnd 1\ I'Tr l•h:ntili<'•l :t8 :\\r11. fje:rtlli\ Krones; :\lr. :'t l'illllln, thirty yf-:trs e W.. :t s•\lcs· mnn, aull;•l':tttd tlltd n u, ht'd z\ l,nu-. !111) Ln.ty; Abmhnm Allr•liHllll&, IIJ.;l!ll nino

I \ ' tli1S, son of l ~n:tc A lm thllll 18 •



Highest of nlt in Leavening Power.-Latest U .'S. Cov•t R ..:iJort

-------· • . I •

THE SEA SERPENT AGAIN. I employment, hy· thc inm·nll~'c l cJi~tJty .. · --.- . I of t.hc :wn·ict•, hy tlw Jll?lltiilltl pttt\'J~imt , ~~1\· ,•r Cr~~·k, 0 ·t. 5 ...... ;1h'!''" Creek hy i ntlltllll~ty frulll d:lll~<·r of 1li1ichnr}:t'

contt·~ !-!•tllflptng to .the front. w1Lh 3. s_ca- nt. the wh1111 of :l t.ym ulllt·:~l j,IIJ•trin­scrpNH etory. IL hl·m.t ll sen-serpent tcm! f,•remnn or r:mlmn"tl·r. nutl 8lttry in the (lnlinnry ucceptuti'on o~c the ri,::ht to hl\1'0 . nil · t·hnrJ:"~ c•t' l t>rm. 'J'h:lt is tp :1)', the sel\·scrpctiL misconduct. impartia lly in,·,•sliJ;.ttcd. was S\'t·:~, u11t Ll\c 11~111 who stl\Y thcsCA· Ami it. would hen s:tf,·~unr.l tol'ut i<'ly S<'f!Wnt la nuL the lnntl who nsthllly 11ee ngttin!lt such gi,.;tuttk, , . .,1w•·rt··d sen·scrprnts. It. • -4\';ll:\ two yelll't1 nrlll :IPSI\Uils ll!lOn life nr,ltu•rl\' ll~ l\' ntul

' I r.. I' \\' I . ' I' •• nw rc ugu t. 111~ v tl•t: . l>Ot s-;-u~w pnhhc s:\l'cLy :ts the h1to s: m p·t thy ll~ad nu<l · gt•nu-s••'" a 8t'l\ serpent. 111 alrike. L:tkc "t:.:rii.' ncnr. tltis pui iot. Yt•st<'f\lny the ~nmo sr rr<' lll ,-ur OHC nonrly like it., cumpnring tle•s<·ri jitir)lla ns relo:llcd L,J C1tpl. 1•. \\'oocls :tu.t the i\wu·struclc t!J)cctnlore of lht' p r .. sent, wns seen by tlm•c pera tlll~ ...... w~c wrorJ cnnuot. IJe doul•tcd :lie ffi!v.- Alex. WnLt, J'ltetor of the .tptisL Chnrch of t.hi11 plncc, his wi fe nul Miss ~~~ll i c Uh:uls\'y, went. thm· to the ht•nch ft•r 1\11 nftl'rnoon'e onting. Bctwren llvo n•ul.six o'clock )'C•ah~r,J:ty tl ftt•rnoHn, while g.1zing out. un tlw la k<', t hey !.card n grcnt com· m~otiun in the \\'att·r r"l· few rt>~lt~ • If the poi nt. whrrc st.tud~ the tlltl li~ht.·lwuse nnd b'' "t h:~ lf 1t mile from :ho place 1\'HC'rc thl'r ,,.t•rc stnmling. The \\~Iller 11'118 rl111nicl l intu fou m uv Lhe m O\'c · mc·nts c,f sr,mc monster. in n few mo­nt t•nttt t lw IH:n·:H•rpcnt , for thuL i:1 wh:tl il \\'11!!, e-n me it ~l" \'ic·w. h \\'118 gt)ing dclwn the lake tt l :"1 mtc of &pcctl thAt. w(lllld hnn : mall · thH lti$: ' i\mth-Wt·at.' lllla ll~ l l) kel'P :tp with it . 'l'he three intl r• Mr•tl SfH'CtnLor:s watched tho ecr­pNlt unti l ll I.Jt•canm 11 lllCro speck in tht' mi tldln ll istancr. 'fho Uu\·. ~lr. \\'ntt btl\'¥ ti~«L whoL hc cunldeee.ofthc t'fl'.llUrc' ."nrh•tl in h.·n~th !rum li\·r• to l'i X (ll lWCI\'U HlHI t·ightccn ft:cL RS it. rO!I!' n111l ft-ll i n the 1\'ltll•r, thuu~h how mn <'h llf it a~ l<'n): th wos im·ialblc is only n 111:\lt<:'r of r<mjr·clnre. ' l'ht're O.Jipetlr­ccl to J,o on i ta·k, fro m one to two ft•rtopurt , llllltH'th iu,: ;i'n tltu nnlllre of liufl , ()(whit-It 1!<11111'1111\CII only three or fm1r w,·rc visihlt· wltilc at other timl.'e l' i):.hl t•r ten could uc Been. The, ht>ntl w 11o; Itt•:\\ ir r nml 1l.trkcr iu appearance th:111 Ill'' rrst ~of the Lolly. AI to the l'p<'cilic "I'P.<':tr:tnc(' of the acrpen~ it wa~ illl! •~~tl•lc lo s:ay ; r ithcr in regaN lo tlw ll,•ad. 11r wllt·tht· r the hcxly wae serp4'llt i uc in ~h11 JJO c;r h~·n \'ic r. Fron1 it~ di~t.tlll'<' nml the: comm~>tiun in tile wntt·r C:tH~N.l hy it's 01\l\'t-llll'nll!, it. Wl\11 hnr.l w tli~.tin~uish p(.)!it i\'ely :.t8 to ite slut.fle nnd size, huL of tho chAr•lCleris­ticl' mcntionr.c l, tho Uev. Mr. \Vat.\ tool.: pnrlicuhu- notice nnd is \'ery 111111itivo in hie nl'serliot:s. )lr. \\'ntt (lays biQ only rcJ,:rC'l wns tiHi t h1• wns not. ncnrcr the sNpent or d j.l not. hn \'e n mnrine ~lase. Fro nt l hc S<'Ypent'.l! !iile nTid "fpenrnnrc. conplt!d with thc r:lt•hlity o·aa mo>·e­mt>nts ho e1\\' 6 he huu ld no~ wish to CII~0~11 1lo.; l' it \\ hiJO in 1\ ll llllllj UOI\t if it hut! rm~· ui;pos jtioll to show liglt~. ~ couple of y urs ago ,a liehcrlllttn of thil plncc n!n imc:d to have acen a.scn,aerpcut lwei uhout 1 he 11:\IHC time sitnilur rl:­porla W<'re mndc from \'ttn Duron nnll uy Cupt. P. Woods, bcfl,rO n.entlonecl. Much curiosity hl\s uecn a roueed here,

1. ;;d fur " wh ile now the surfncc of olt.l k:rjo ;rill bo scanned wiLh more

than ordwary xjgp~~~~~--

J _ _.....,._ __ _


S:m · Frarfci~co. S pt. ~1.-Tiw loic •Bri~illJ• s\}ip Sene~nl ill~~~ tlw II!Jl hllll of thc""Piicilic, sornuwhere in lati:ndl· north, lon.;ilmle lHl.O '. for it wns in nbom thnt. h)t::\lity t lmt U. Ol~t·••· a snilr1r on tho schooner ~lary U. Ht~". Ill\ w ill'r r<-tl l i~ht. ~o rm L one l'tormy night :u.aen. . . The ·~·n• j.!lll wns hiJll lld frum. nn Dieg., to 'J'aC(IIll:\ with lou

' ennd for Ut\ll•I.SL. ::;he w n!\ 11 lnq~,. i rn1 ship of lhe lat<•st drs i~n. and wms ron· eider, tl one of Lhc Lt•c;L iu tlu~ Jo:n:.; lil'lh merchtt•J I. llliHinc !IC'r,·ic,·. TiH· t ';tpl. was ncc~11np•inicd U\' his daut:hlt•r, null t.hc crc.:w furw:tr, l ~t)nsislt•t l M I wrm , .. 8(l \'Cn men. lt. \\'tiS (':1 dy iII :\In rch when tho....,.()ucl a:.ilcu, :tnt! t ht• unh· tidings of !lor w~vl.~t•n l':t pt. Thnuq~· eon, of the schoom·r . \'tn-t,[ lt1 .~. wn•ll' fro111 S 1U1 DiC'go 11 !'cw wotkS'l~~. tsn ~· iog thnt. Ito wue in ..:omt,nny wi th ht"rlJilthe' ni~ht of ~l.nch 1$.

Olsen was on the th•t•k t~f the Rl'!to •tt r r durin~: the whole night at sen, au.! lw eay~ th~~hli•Jlll•<l the little schooner nhuut wus tho wnn;t lw e\·cr cxporienact.l in n l!C•Jrt.\ m 1111>rc of ye&l'll t.hnt. he ! Ill S Sfl<'11L Ull thl• (ICl' ll n.

Tho ::it· ncgal , Ill' says w:1s !'i!,:l•IP•I just 1111 dnrkncs.:~ w11s· c lvs ing in, ht!nting- up ngrtinst 11 fr(' lwning uorthl•:tsl ~'r. By mi•lnight tho gnlo w,ts nL itt~ h t•i:.:ht.

Olsen said l11t 110011 hogan tu wtitdl iolr the J;lt.•aut of tho ::5<'11C'J:'tt l'l! l iJ,:;htt~. It II I!Cill<'\1 l() him, in his ,(tend of 11 tlenth nt sen, like n r.ty or hope. :-:(•\'('ru l limc•a he mi,l!setl tho li1:ht. whc•n his vcaacl rode t.hc creaL vf n W•l , . .,, lou l !l!Jr 'etwg•tl wns then down tlt•cp in ~ trough t~f tho sen, nml tho next minutl• it wou ld avpt>ar. The d:lllgt r i n<'r<'lltl( cl. 1111<1 every mnn lutd t\) httll~ (lit for dea r lif<•. Just before tin: tiny IH'):rtn t.o br~nk the red light of the hit: ship llPIJcnred fort he !nat time. Tho ::icn<·~~~l wns on a crest vf ~~ wuvo when :\ sttn:tll III•Jrc severo then ita prcdccu!sor" can1c down upon them. Thu red li~ht. gh.•amt'<.l, LIH·n we}Jt out. for 1111 insL:\11!. l l rc:lp· Appeared for a moment , then w:ta h~t nltogeth<'r. In \'llin the 11choonr r Bus11 wnlched for it. J t had gone fnn·,·~.·r. and wil h j~ went the lh\ 'll 111' he r crl•w: \\'hen d:\.y Lrol'l~'. ~bout an hour :tftcr· w11rd, the big ship ·w:1s uow!Jac in e igh ~.

M¥ wns trout.ll-tl for 1\n.•utr ycnra whh ~ drf hat·~ illg ..:rm~h, :tnil wna aom plelely cu rc:d b~· I :,c tJI!l: of WJ:,1'AI!'~ 8,\J.S·'~l OF Wu.n Cti RI!\". • he i" now i O yen t11 oltl, n nil \\'" . H . DE..X l'ER, 5.i Winchester 'L ••

In mnny ca.s<•s, the fir WQrk of 1 · :-; ... n >rn I 111 i rrur ncCillcnLs occu rrC'd In thf' .·ily dnrinJ: Llw ehmn. ln W e11t ' N th Chlt> lA' r c.IJUil l\' ..Jtundr~t!s uf trNS WCtc •' or ern llj•rtlt.JIC'o: A~\\'!.! ~ 'h(SlC' r, ll hous" in

'lo Obvi~t-tc Strik~. ....,....,_ (From tile lieruqo flro•a.l'JnJC-' )

..t.ycr's Surs•lpnrilln is h1 l.'xrt.'l the t:l'­fect:i of I hp ~~her medicine~ Llllll han· been trie<J in \•qin. "' ft. \}'Q 1lu L.p n en·: ing of tirnt:l IJ.ttd mone}· i f l·~ Ju·ri illt:',;tl·~ tr,ok A~·<'r'8 Haut;p:irilhl :J l first instt•nd of at lll!st. A

. com~;o M <'rrction .,.,.,,~ /'WC}lt from i t11

Ssu ran Ce Co fu tuulat i tlcnHJii!IIH~I. Anvthcr _ n wt. till' ftlllltO fatLO at Ut·nsonhurat, ;.,. J.

I Tbc 1./ .n~; Distnlt<·•: Tclcphon<' & Tole.-

( )!rnplt (;uliiiJ:\ 11)''6 linl8 lrunt ~<' IV York

The recent. rnilwo~y strike, which co~tl. the notion, noconlin~,; to .Hmdatrcct.'a re­j)OfiS, $81,000,000, has led the St. Paul 'Nolth~,·cp~ U11gazinc to Jlropda"o n nov(.'! pjun fo~ tl:}e pr~cntj<m of like oc:~ur· rencce JD tho f~t.\1rc. Th.e JI/Un I' to cnliat mtm for the r~ilwny eci.yicc J?y RUthorily o( lllt~jo,t~J )llW· lf_cre ill a rudimentary ou~lino of ~llo P.l~n 1

. ---- w lhl.~tun wt•re l.tsulh· \\reeked . . At Eut. Estn.ultshed l SG3 C\tt'W'J"tho l-:t18t cfu·atcr crc~k lloodt'tl

--- • the lvw loUJIIs on cnch side of lhs atrcum, LO~DOX : nnd tho l nvcrn:cro Hotel, on .Utnl.:~r'e

1. MORG.AT.E STREE'r, . . E. C. l'oinl , ii! snrrounJcd ov W•ll('r. Firt~t.-~nlietment of rail"'~Y em: ployca for a term of five ycara-the p:~opere nre to bo signed before a United ~tai•• .. ommi~tsioncr. Assignment. t.o

l);Com: AXD ,f\r.\"DS (1~7.) /! Flying Machine.

Fir~~; Premiums .............. . ........ J:f.)(ti 000 J,if" Pr~miunts ............ . ........... l!l7:ooo

~ l nt.e.rust .................................. .'"H3,00o Accumulated }' ttndl! ............ .£8,4.:?1 ,000

MOfl.t. peoplal~twc: heard of ~{r. Maxim diffcrl'nt. uranol1Cfi ~r (}ill •wrvico nc· nnd hi" !lyiug nuu.·him•, hut. 'fer;- few cording to qunlilieation1.' ~o lfl t\if ;Q know who he is c.r what hill m nclljne !I ~# dr•P!~ftrged except for misconduct or like. Mr. M1tXim i11 nn .Rn~lja)unnn ancomp~e;1~, ;.q !•~ shown by the em­li ,•in~; n(•l\r Bcxly in the Munty uf pJ.o,•iug ~J)Ipsm,y ~efOFe ~ ppm_~etent

The Under is:nc·d tUC <.'mpowen-,1 to K clll , nnd he epconds much of his time IJo:,.a pf ,-c,t~>rence. uren Whl'cJ) t .~ .Cfi,i··-1 e:rect. insurlm C<'S on all kind~; o f Jlro- · f • · fl · cl in" wl ' 1 " --r ,. { ... 111 pPr ec.tng 1\ ytng ma 1 " ,.c 1 pi~ cla18 ai)Oll'4 .;e Fenrcseu~u. ~t~~c~~;.:~. mullnnd nt.ourrent.Rntcs he bu jn,·enled. AL present tho nt&.· 1t+J-J.>ennlt~ra fi)F ~deJ~it-;n•Y the

citi ne ie 11()(. intentcd lf) ny. It. rune on acrrfcc und ~c(~IJin; JO Obey tflO o,-deFJ The nbo,·o mpnny is well-known for 11 rnilrond, whlcla hns two sets of n\ils, or au(l<•ri.or otticeJ"t!. 4 ,Pf~Ctf~J..tjon of ,a

i~ libcmlity nna prompt.n as in settling one nbon• the othe-r. The rontl is con- cerlnlll pcroenta~o of the I)OIJ•tc4 em: lo.:~sC! . et r11ctcd for uperiut<'lttul Jll''~cs~nnd ployo's po.y, to be 10\'e&ted rot hit honeli~

PJI08pecLuaee Fo cms of npplicnlion is J,OO'l fee t. Jonf.!. Tho m~tchin.c, P1P• }n jZO\'r rnmt>nt. funds drawing iotercat. for Fil:o :md tire. Insurance, and nl· pcllcd by the wind, rnna aJong the ~0 be p~ti4 t~jm at. tho e.xpiralion or his oth~r lnfomru.tion cnn ue oht.a ined n~ j tr ck. T!ec eet:or.d -.ct. of ntil• aro up.- tP.rni _of 8eyv(oc,. fM ~? ~tl forfeitabre the ollice or.

1.wc down, :tnd nrc to p rcvr nt it fly ing only in cnae 0n,1~ ·a~e1tiou.

A. 0. HAYWAIW. otfth11 tmr k. 'Ihcr~ nro nrn111 1\tllldt• 'l'hi;d:-~nljj~~ eq1pJorcJl~ Ute I • T. Jonl':'a. t>d to P.aeh ,;ide of ~he mnchin.<', ~hloll, rliht. or (jj8chn,.gP o n ~hpH~ applJcat.f.oo

Agent for X.F.LD. , when t he ,.~~ nscs, c:at~h 111 tho up- !Jy gi\'ln~ •'•"Y <l•ye' potjc,e 4•U# 1(1 ,c; . W. H. 'l'HO:\Il'SON, per rail. o.ut.l r.un al~n,~ 1t 08 on 1110 cein l v.llh their hono,~IJIC d~e~q.rg,c :-~oh·Atent. for Harbor Grnce tower I rAck . Piomc nmo Nr{[,l I he Br!l1S allarceamgca ()( pny. ·

• •

Hood's Cured ~H!tr

Others Failed ·.. .. ....

Scrofula In tho Neok .... Buncnew ~11 Cone Now.

- -·-· ------ ga"!'l wrly n•!d tho. \'Uit>l hRvJngnotJHn,t; Fourth- l)eneione for diaabililiea in·

I t(l. 1mpetle ttl\ fla j.!ltt iO_ared 11+"llY ~uli ~:~ne/J •in tho lino of t.luty and of ohl i&naMJI!fe.lfAin!f, .MIJ~hted C?~ the tur'!'wtthout liurtwg 1 p.j;.c1 'fl~,e eJtJ fllO"ia~ companies, bow- ' Jlt i!•'~OI' . 111<' ' '<'I!SCIIs couatrucltO JP i c•·er tolln•·c•J·e'ri•l'· t.nn,sicndieabl· "C.J. llOO<I&Co.,Loweii,MBss.:

l J3 )()() 0 1 11. l d il • ' ' .,... "t' ·r r "'< 1• " ••ocntlcmen:-Iree\ t.h:'lt l e:tnnot ~yeoousb :to .f l hU'r}' • t Jl Unt 11• I 1\ • • cd empl.o)'(J to l!UCh <lu(i<'p llJ U)ey may hi flh'orof Hood's Slli'S:1p;u'IUA. Jo'or 0\'0 yc:t~J eqUJp.n1e:nt wei!Q1 8}100 pound)!., 80 1111 j Lu cotnp~o: ten t to perform. ' · · ·.•·. J~.t:l.V9~e!1~oul!JM with scrofubln my11cck CRr~)'ltiJ1, . Cii JII\CI(Y •• J)t:"llri.Y 2,000 11?•· f Fifth-locreueed pay after rc-l)nljat,- ~d't; ~v~ klmlt .ol !I)~IIl~i~: whllll 1t J:i dm·c!' l•y l'!·~ mim ~l uro CO lit · mcut. in all gratin, a a " motive for con. Url!lrl f!l4 po~ dq m~u1ul s9'1iJ. nntl \VIIbd J'.¢n;n· pf)nn~ cn~J nt'..ll wh1ch _11r~~ lwii'f4 JJl, aintling iu tl1e s <:r\'iC<', eo t-hat fahhful menced co tak6 llood'a SQr54par111B l~~ ~F ~ll!IQhnr. )L lll\8 ft•Ur l11g sHiu lllill.a Anli num Pfmltllook forl\'nrd to Letter poai- brSO bUDc:he. on mr neck so aore t.hnt 1 eoutll I <' r~rnpcll (! l•y two lt~fM4'! two.l:llnded tion• a aid ' b~;l}eF p111 "'i.~h increasing ~ d' sa- c

• 8C'reW8, wluch ur ~ur~~~l l•y mcaue.M leugth of l <'rYI Ci;. • 00 SSat Jll• ures t l~o t.wo compoond rt'l1l.l.JIII& afort-an ttl. Such a eyet<>m wonld !Je quaej-milf· ~ F' \\ hethPr .thia \'t>ueJ 1f!il h1) ~}·It· .to go t 11 ry in ita ¢hMra.ctcr. IL would IOmrr ••... : ~l910lt~H~ucb. When 1 hM L'lken R!l tllonO Ill any tJl.recl tOII Whtch Jle f!Jl• whnt. iolt>rf, rO with ~riOil&l liberty, OIWi boUJt ~OJ tll!f fb~~efrro1 t,h~ fOf~I)CSS r'\11 ~1neer may etecr tt i• A probl~>m HHlt J.,uC'tfJ1/m Toltmt.rilf Lllkiog upon them· cone. -.,1 before J bad G~tl•hecl 1.\1.0 le~'htld ttf6 ,

(;aate Uke others. In big bottles, 1s y t to be euh•cd. lL tra vellet.l on tho aclvce ~10 ~lja~t~ioua of the eervice bunehes hAd ontlretr dlsoppcared.'' DI..A...,cus 50o. and. 81.00. r(IMI until it. broke awny nt th4 r&l£1 of would have ocl' w 'o-,o pA ~o- for com ATWoov, 81\nge.n·mc, ~Jntnc.

· ·~ 4.) nailca nn hour. Rrul th11t iL Ia p!JWPI"- J h"'- on lhit account tlfan }l i Ul; N. B. 11 you declolo to t::tko rloocl's &.rsn~ ~L~N.K JfOB S of pycry de- .ful t)iu filet. of ils brPakin" *he etrong ro~(iiJl' o, ~he jlor. The lou (lor'lhe l,ue~uY Vilftrij !•!lluecd to huy uuy other.

ecnpLtOI,l pllntec nt tlJe STAl'\UARD l nl('ta) ll!rl!d ll?Rt. UUHchcd it to ihe fJ't?edmn to a4ri~ wpuJA ho more than - HCJoct"e-ttttf~uuu p' r~stor. Office-near and <.henp. "1iill check ratLts endence~ • Co"' 4 ' tor b1 tile pe11p~~ACT !>! .•.~.U&d pcrtst4tt!l?.ac:~ouotlboalhuehtar;c~~

A Good Appetite .\.lw:~ys nccrnnp!ulit·s good lt~.• .tlth, an.\ an :lf.JSCtiCO (II appl•ti lc is :111 i ndict~tirm of xvm~·thinl.! wnmg. Th<· uni,·,·ns·d I t. st i rnony ).:i \'CII hy t hnse whl) h:t ' '<' lll:!CLI Jl O(ld'~t .'.1 I"'' Jill ri !Ia, :IS hi i ll! m<•rits in u•,..torill): t111• :lf'l't•tHc. an:! .1.11 :1 pnrilir r tof the ltlcmcl. Ct llllltitn,•~t tlrt' ~lr, •ug, dL r ·comnn•no lllth.n th:tL c.111 lrc urg,•d lor :lny liiCtlicinc.

Hoon's l'11.1:; cure nil lil'c r i lhs, hil· liuuo!IHS•, j tu :alicc, illllit:c:tinn, skk hethll(·hc. :.!-'ic. . ~

l' lt.r_.., ~ I'H.I~ ~ I ' Clll ::a !111.~:.:;,

• 'nll'TO}Id-~loit"lnr •; intell!!f! it chill~ ttiHI 11lingi11{:; 1111 !tL nt n i;;ht ; \\'Qr ,., I"· ecm tchinr. Jf nlluwull to contintle tumors fc.rrn which oft<·n lJicetl nntl ul· crmLr, b!'com in~ \'t'TY ~orr. w.1 Y~~:·:> 9!X't'~ES t' QtOp~ th~ jLch\·u~ ~uJ hl<'(',l· ptg, hculs ulci.'J'jLLidn, n\H 111 nv.:~i. cno('S \'Cmovcs ~he tumoni. At drugJ!iKl~, nr hy m :til , for GO cents. Dr. Swuyne ,~ Son, l'hiltulclphin.

• #

G U .L'~RD IAN Fire and Life

Assura0ce Oo'y. fl. DJ1T EO - ---

OF LONDON .'tl lt"CRI nEt) C.\ PIT u ......... .£2,(lOO,t)(lO tg. l'otr\t. l Ft :m . .; t·r-

W.\ 1:11." tW ......... ........... 2,750,ftft0 C::tg. A:s:q;,\1. l :s~.:o~n: n •w'u oF S:~l,UOO Stg.

The U l'.\ TI DI XX bt•ing tL fih!t·dn'\8 1-:nJ.;Ii!h I n.snnutc<' "om puny , olli.>ns All thos<J nJ' ant~tgt·8 most dc:>in1Llc to in· R:J r f"nl, d1. .. untlonhlhl ~lability, fii\'Or· ni,Jt• lt1rtrl R JUit ! prnlllt•t St't.Lieru.cnt to cl:timM fc•r lo.*fl· · •

'!'he t' tll!f..l'l!i,;n<'ll lm dug been ap­poinr "tl ,\ gents r.)r ~~wfoundlaud IU"8 pr1'1uu. .I to isMnc Pv!itiue ,,gaitu!t lou hy Fire.

'f.,~ ~1. \\'J.:\T+:u. t. J <•h n'8. JO:'El'JI l;Ot>D I·:~, Suh·A~cnt.

H arhllr Gr11cc, N.lo' ,



LO)lB.\.RD ::iTHEET A)ID 011 .\I~L"\tl Cf{O' ·•

EST.\BLISHEI> -- · f X 11·2. TltCSTt-:F:.i~rHin:<..-rolt:s:

Jo I'Pb w. 8.'\~endnlf' , &l•l· llrl~>tow Hol' llf. l!:•q.'

The Ho n . Jnmn• Byn,. John Cl.lltou{ J,;,Jf!·

U.!ll\1' 1111 1-" l,;onp{!, E¥)., ).I • .P. lh·M~;c.\ rl hnr 1- ullcrr •~q.

Clmrlt.·~< t:. Oood 1orL, Ean. ~r. Hhodc h :mitl;)t 1.lJ:.t'l· · · •• s.r John LUIJIJtiOk, t:nrt., l l .l tj • ChurlC~ l'hnmnll [,t:t'll'l , Csq,

'hnrlt· .. ~lu~:un,,·,J-:~q. l'lto llun. Etl\\·lu B. l'o rtmiUJ, Esq,

Ot.dlcy n ob<"-rL :-:Inllh, },;~q. • . Wllllu!~~~.'~?~~.l!}'hornp on,Etq.

linn. ntrector-JOH~ J. lll.OOM Flii:LD,EIIq. Wl t.l.IAM c. :\l .AOI"IQX,,l. n 1 John 1-'t..:":<CI$ .D. ~lAUD<ISA t.IJ I St:crclarleA.

'Ihn CTJ~Rj:tlm•·~ll ll nnlirr~ Ollie(' nee ~\IRri&IJ• tpecl by n uun.wrou~ tl.nd ' ; Cll lt hy Proprle­t qrr, In lld1lltlo;a 10 II larl)!liii\'Cbl CII C'apllal • ll.nd tl:o ,.r.nnn\1111:•\u nntl llht•rllllly wtu,' \l'htoh !\II\ IIIII IR\ ' Il nlwn~ II hCt'U m fiL ar• w .:U.kll<JWU n ntl n<"kno•.dectucd.

:i'hlll m f'Cirluucl' O( lh• tr:tn!oaclloOI O( Lbe

. PJHENJX FiRE O.PFIOE mn>• he Cl!llmntc·•l from l ht' fnt'ltboL hlnc:c ILl '*'l'b1JIIh10~11l-now Ol't•r 0 S E JIONDII~D \ ' r:A.llll-lhC T•h)"ln\)'ll l Ill C1tllift}QUO:l (!( t.bli Ollllfllll (()r<l.<llii!U h l\vo C ICC:t 4tlOd i'0Ull11E.Bll li LIJIO:-IH ~wrtltl lf. · · ' 1,: t t ·'

hi'IUtniW~l' ol(ninllt Lo.<s bv f'l1·e an4 t..IJChl n h•t: nrl' utroolc•l lly t ho C<lnipnny upOn 0'\"(':'). clC..Cfi)lliHU 0( l'rOJ)I)Tt)', OU Lhe !DO~ ~a~·brn~!a h .TI?' . , • •. ,


I ft, J,I.I)WA Y'T 1'1 t.l. nrc arruri fit• a of lwalth to nil nntiont~, of wha tc \'c r c lime. They hn·:e givcp hopo, relief nnd com­frJrt to ni lllioias. tn irrJtnlion nnd de­bility, ~::cncr.ttcJ by \'~<'t>ssea of nn); kintl, ( Jr jn t:~ncrttl 'pro!itr:t lion or the 14Yslcm, t h t'lr C'ti~ct i~o rttpit11y soothing, n:novnttng, n nrl rc&lt h ·r. 'J'hey rapitlly rl ri\'o from the !!\'stem the ntorl•ill <·nu'c of nilmcnt, "n111l renew jp the fnunc ita pristine nnimAthm, h b1Lirh, ami v,1gouf·. 'fhcy -;rently in­rrcnt~e the n'}>J!Ni e, gh·o ti.l,te ~) the stomach, neeiet' lltc clil(est ion, 'and in!· pnrt. clnsticity to t.ho apirit11 ; thl"i r l'&ecnce cnier.. J~ cjreu lntion nml, rnrrii•tl thro'll:.lh ~ course, <'xerrs · illl cleansing po\,·cr c:in•r" <:vH·y or'gtln. l ti tho lf~n~p ·tlwy .nJjccl. _most slrikiug chnpgle, cpnHr11 np tj1c IJ)IIJ" ro n nou• into J1Urc llrterJfl) ulood, hy ~·lliclt Lite whole frame b Ncrult~d.

. \\r. q. Ti't~~DELL. ' t. ,lohn 'fl. .J\ ~(}Ill for· Ne~~·foq n<ll:p1rl:!.

J. A. Whitman. "-io'~~, ~:~:,~:l~ 1,"'· 1soo. Custom_ Tailor

W. 1-J.~~lroc~; Jtrock\·tllc, Gt)~. Will m1~rant.eo Fit. Worknu\nahip I \ l r \ fl f ~ 1, y~ ~ ,

DE.\R Su: ;-~or 12ye~l"'l tpY w1fe ,~·ne a!'!d ~yl~: · • "·mArtyr l? that ~rcl\d chaca~e, l>):~(>l'~ I Custom \\"Ork of all kinds pcr~rmed eJB. ~ognpgJeiJered !1~r ; !J]IYP.JCI_nns a~ loi;•est. prices and 'r ith dcspnt.,Ch. w~ro (l(III8Ull~· tllld mcdu:nl !lfiJII, ~n~·t!/ I ~~,lu '"' OJ1l01} rcccjve PfOlUUL a~·CDflOD w1t.hout a\'~Jl. One doct?r ndvta.ecl a .. Oi'\'O ue a l:f.i i. •f • chango of chmnl<.', auggt•etmg Mllmtoba - - --AS a d<'eirablc plncc. We noted upon WA'TER ~T HARBOR GRACE this nd\·ice, coming lteN two yeAr:~ n~o. . ' "" ·• • 'fpe clutnc;e of clilllll(e wrought. n chnngu ' . jndec<!;' ).nt~ for t.lto yon;_r, , a~ ~)10 wu~ litl.~ ~lttb.· 0. r ~rRU §tanbatb 11oon cduflncd Lo lleJk3nffiJllclcr t)le¢4rP ~ .. r ~ , . .... . of Lwo doctor~~, who oescr tcd she could j· --.t m.., livu but. a month. longer. .[\. n c ighuor CO~CEPTION DAY ADVERTISE.B. cam~ to ~eo her one dAy swho hnd been I' printed lUI d. pUblllhod e-very TtiNd"7 and rea<hnJZ) our _!llmanac. h~ t.~ld h l'r of ••rtday evcnln~t. at the stnndard Olftee, VI'· the teattmontllla alto roo.t.l an H, of the torla.St.ree\, HllrbOI' Onc:e, by .Wol(!f ct O&:L kfel't',r,nounL· pf g~od ~P,cy ~·ere doing 1 SVDSCa.t.M'loNa l\A.ns :-$2 per annuro ; a nil adviaed. her io tqr' ~ ijox' o'f ·or~ ,!a'.~r~~~v !'It&. i ~~ret:"''~~ ~it~Pf·~r ~r.! M OI'Ili:'S Iodann Root PJ{ls. She diJ 110, t

)• -·1 , , • • 1 · .. o\.DVIIRTl8t~o 1\.\T&!I :-M coot• a~r laeb lbr

wns r•• 10\''--u, 100pt 1mpro~1og, fltlC lJJ tlrd~ lnaerllon; ~""""'1 Ci'n~ per I nob fbrcaolt now able to do bl)ueo-wQrk, iltld COli· c<~utluuaUou. ts~<rlat ratelforLhroeor moro tiouc& tbe UIO or Mone's .Pills. hlOOl'lll . The number or lnMrt.lonl or tl'le

r• adveru.eemensa mUlL be •pecUied by tbo ~Olll'S gratefully, uP.O. DONN. adTeru•r.

• f .... ~ • : o- ,

. /

) ....

. .

Page 3: LINDBERG. · Nfld. R. NotfCe A.L,E, - · SMALL WQQD, · · BAKING l>O WDJ•;H, • ~~nt will

J ..


==~==~====~s~·~u~N~l~~~~~H~T~~N-~G-H.-ro~-:=oE=AT~H=,s =-o=oo=R~.,~--~=-~-E-N_D_E_n;.. ~~-eF-ood-or~~~-H~ut~~ri4~~an~. ~-~~====~~ L. Cued r An ex:llllill;lt iou of thf' clifTeren ' li>W a Young Lady waa r

0 & Paines Oeler y Compound surroundinl-{s of J •rc. J.i~toric 111an

Terrible llalady When Near the . · cxhibit.;sutlil·iC'ntc\'iflcawo tu pa\rn' Has proved Brink of the Grave. Banishes Rhe,umattsm thal in urh timc,.; mau f"und hi.:

OAP by its • . ' and Neuralgia Pla plc fo(IC) in th nc~h or allilllalr~. · Tho lnrge, pretentious brick resi· nf li'!h. :nul Jatlcrly of 11ird::, _wllic·h

· enormous dt·m·t· :1 t ti )li:uui :\\'ell\10, in this nt tituc', .il' tH•I u,.;ually, he coHkrtl sale that it is ·it,·, ir~ the h cnne of the heroine of Permanent Cure After Years ·t,H'ure 1•ati u~. tltc anMt di1et•t c·,· i ·

The best value for the Cnqsumer ~ o( any soap in the market.

Uillions o£ women throughout the .world can \'Ouch for this, ;ts it is they who hn,·c pro\·cd its \'~luc. It brings them less labor, greater ~!>mfort.

thf:- intcn•l'ting ~tory. , 'he is. Miss fA dent•(• i n. J'•dlll ltc•i ll!! n:: r •• (Jfl\\'~: :'\l ar~urct. ' l\'llbuuS!h and hertnter· 0 g•)ny, In · t)l<' p:tG ,>lilhic il(!t'. nt L4.·~ c,..tin~ CX JtCricawcs <ful'ing tho pns t Enl''"· l"ran~ K•·nt' · ('m·,., I>C'\' Oll·

(\lUI' ycar'i are pulJiisbed hete for llo Fal'lorc . lllhcn itat'ur.~·s R!!JUedy :-l;irC'. :11\fl c)..:rwh(•r•·. lr:t~t'' nf h\1· thelirr~ttime. 1\ nu H u II wan worklll:ll l.,ltip-llint itnplt.• -

.. F1\Ur'ycnrs ngo.'' she snid, " I iS Usflll. r11cnt". wc•ap lll "- <·t c.- h:I\'C '"' <'n w:• , a. ufferer in nfl thj\t the term / , fuund in quart ernary 'tlcpnsit!-: or in ihrplicr~. antlate\·erthoughtofbcing Jn,·cr:l of " lll'l•c·f'ia ., (rn t e <'nrtlt of ns ht•nlth\' as f :un tu·uuy~Vhy,. )(r. Ueorge <:.cary, of Hudnt.'.''• J.i';.!l1 antiquity.) :'l""nc:!at~"d with the :tl lh nl tirire, I wa:~ uch n scrawny, Out., writes 11s fol l <l\\'~ :- J,qnc·.~ ot' \':II i•1u,; all lll l:\1". r11a11y punr little 111id;.;et, paleancl emnci· ·• For n numiJcr of \' C:II'3 T \\':1-' 11ow c•xtin<·i-matlllllnlh.tidwriunl att·t i h \· :111 nilment peculiar to u s greatly t. rnul?l!!cl witit .ncumh:in (haity) . rhin<wc:n, ... <:a ,·e-l>c:rr, tho wumelt, tlt:it"'lu \· father nnd mother .and rhoumntt!:'nt, an~ tra ed ru:tuy loiwn. lu ll':'<'. nnd te!!Hicer- nll\IIY ~=====~======:;:=:==========---:=-==== l.!:t \'C. 1110 up '•o die. The l?cal doctors, Lut got little or 110 relief _, u,•h l• >lltf'~ l•l';n~ t•:lrtially c·arhnn·

Why Was It '"Uint Ay,Jr'.c :'hr··•a•arllh, unl of the grut

nllmbca· "' , h I'~'~' I' mulous manurae­lurt'll t:arono:hutll thl• \l'flrhl. wns tho only llll!dlc:ln • ur rh" I. lui nchnlllNI nt the 'Vorhl',. rntr, ('hlr:u.u:" •\ 11•1 wby wa.s It · tlt:~ t. 111 '1•111: nf ''"' unlto•oa <' lfort.s of the m:wu!:t tnr<·h 11f ••th••r aor.:t•nr:~tlons, tho-1h:.:lslott or 1 h1• \\'urhl's !-'air ~ir•·etors \1 as llOt r<l\'l'f:i •ta:' 1.-- E ( ' J1t:H:titiuncr ( ( w:ts nt that tame unlit I plt.'cha:-cll a l,i>l!lc of your i--ctl or dt:nrcrl.nwrr·uwhntw,;~plit. .F ... I H~-: H E .. •..Ll).) _ l- • ~ .

1'1 .... •• h'in~ nt ~cotlantl. Brnnt Co., Ont.,) Paine':; Celery ('omlJ<>unrl fro111 our c \·i.lcllllv f01r their .,,11 tcnl..;, "'-'Hl

l 1 S:titf •it \\':IS on ly :l tnntlcr of 01\)'S drt~l!gi, t, )J r. Jrnrn:y. 'fh(' lllf'rli· htHtC'S \\:ith illri"illll.~ :t llcl ~rotn·e,.; ,\ t•r:torohne t•l l !t' I.P. a:>-"Artlcloa g WlliHl f \\'UUJd he l:liU 1\WU)' in thO cine ga\'e pa'OlllJII. :\lltl Wllat h:l" in lht' lll undouhlctlJ v ('all:<l'd lo\' lh::o..t.nro lu nny wAydangoroul or cJiurclt yard. atlll 11:-1 I wns such ' a -v"'ov~d to be pcnllanent relief; aud ltu1111111 kdlt, l,c::itlcs cltu a·<·~m f, c~>C.'Inclvo, liliro po.tent modtclno ..


• ........,._.. ....... .. ~y ~ufT<' · 14t:t~ not whothe)llivc\1; I Lclie,·e il to be unct1uallcd fnr a..:lw~. aud hl:~e·kt•lll'd ::fu11c.,, with nostru·;,Jl, lU1d omplr~cat propara· o _........,_, ................ ".... ·~~ . .. .. - T w·· ~ f1 ' . I r II . 1 k I . •o n I d h 'VC }>1'0 t h... "m ict ions, ",,. " ' " '"'"'. I • f r I 11 • li " ' ""· whbo~ •• .,. ...... uo ....

· AMERI G AN. NET & _ l1' tl L~. t;.~f,·l?l~.·.}~~lt:i::: .~;ft:~:£:~ ~~i~:::.~~~;.~:,:.~:~~~~:i·l~~~~~;~·~i:.~: !i\!~ff:.~.~~S;;\\{~~~~};{-~>~~Ii1 , ~~~i~~Z~f~~~;~t,~;,;~:; : 34 Commercial Street, Boston Mass. h:t\'C to C:llf\' ' me about much aifment~. . ed c-ltil.'ll\' of I he :-:hell:: of ,..,Ji - • I' •al \ , Ill'' ' 'lll<' •lllllll'· ~ :t'i ltllhll ror·


~ 111y telling 11itlt tllaL he wouldn't as n mu;:t ' ·el iahle l'Ciltcd r furll~ tltt.:ir 1, " · 11 f,11 ~·ih!C' talt>, J,t•ing 1'•>1'111· .r: ,.· ·ttt pr•;•tr.·o.r• h:lll norhlug to ~'

~uu~ca·, · :nH.Iltow he said with tef\rS. Puinc':; C'clc ry ('omJu•uud :iWh'l'" · i,lt· lic--h ....:.nllt::l'cl; m·;:lcr. corkhl, • • ·tl rro:"J whkh lt l •~·mn l•uumac.a. 1\ Ill .. " C\'C . • th.·t' h e woulu ue Will - l' ·e '" ·i tl I Jll\\'CI' Ill\ "(•·.- tlll'll''lll,'"' ' ll'tlll·· lt"•t't'itl!!. l~llt l. /:mw~. lt l• a:lth':l h l•l·lnlml'lltobo 0 I

" . ~ h I ·' n way 1 1

:\. u '' 1

! . 1

• • ' ' • ' " ,. , t' m 111mt l'o:;J''•·Iumw.t ltltr:lct ~r o · iu~ tu cln it nhn1ys, if o cou u known to uther lltCdH·tn('::. f t •~ fl nundt•t· ·of tht' wi ld dul·k. ~·~o~o, . 1;,··. :: .. t r·1 ,. , •• ,.y~('ns~, wottby g


n1;h. han~ me with him. Tt was the li[();.t·cnewl•r tllal (' \'Cry Hrlfer- :-lll~. r• ac.' wild bo:lr. rcintlecr, :tilt I :' ... ll•l~o~• ,m···•t "' t h l~ mu tlmport:lnt o CAPLI -~ tJ , . ; d l' 11 t I y forcunlnincd that I ing ni!m- wol an a nti clti ld l'honld uther nni ru:d:-:. 1·.,n;:umctl in fnotl. ,, • ···itvr- c.'lll·· t ' " l!•'lhrr ror rn.utng .:huulcl 1\ l)t ·lliC nt that lJn\·ticular usc, when pain ll.l nglmy make rniit\.:. l<·ol ,, ith' tu .. J.; .,f "lt•nc· :t'h+l '.:·;.,·"· ' ~mnnf.u-turc I a1ro•lnct.s ot Ute g

COD, HERRING AND SEINE S. tilll('. :1" ·:t miraculou:i trnn!lformn- lire miseraiJ lc :ind l earablc. lli nt' anti t,utst.•. arrow heat!.- axe:;, ··111 ' ::lU. 0

tiull in 1\1 \ ' condition wns the talk 'fhis w'onclerful metlad1H.: i.; t is h:II'J'llllll head~. H!:!h hovk~. :tlld " , - h s . 'II 0 of the nci!.!lt horhOOll. I rend, of noblest gift that IIICtlical ·cicll('C ,\\'ll:'t nut. (lll'dher wi tJI dw rcoal, .'. i~ ., ~ o' ,o arsapart a

· • o · J' ·~ · '-..• n y , the wtmc~crful cnrc thnt were lrn.s t>\'CJ' gh·cn to the Wllrltl. ft i:: wuutl t · rolca,;. and rudo p11ttcry1 ltcin~ \\'l'l'ltt:ht J,y Dr: Willi:uns' fast ' lCrsct.lin~ all othc' r lll<'tli- t:r•·h ;llld II c\·idc•twing th e pr- 1 .. - lttodforE1tblbition g Pi11k l'i~l ;; f11r Pale People, nnrl my cine!! fort 1 urc-Tlf rht'lltilat i,;l\1 . ~cute anol al•it-: of f11'C·ld::turic •' ,· 'i' .:E WORLo•s FAIR g


~AI. _

Cod, Trap and Herri_ng fJ et's, f:dl1 cr went to Hnuttfon11 whore \le nemalgia, dy. J•C p:::ia, i aHli~<'=-ti••ll, man. /' .. O..C:. .. ~.P..~f-!.i!~.oo,o,po!r oo c Jllll'ch:t~ctl ;, couple of Loxes from ncn·oui!nc~:~ nnd ~eueral dchilit.'··

] 'I l 1 f Q• .1:1.:. A: \\'allace. I commenced It is recommended anti prc:5cri ·\11 of lltc \ 'ur.v Be ·t Oualit.\' ant -' :u l.HU m· 1

(' • 1 ~ lakin·• lltctn. anti [ thoug 1t ,or a bv physicians a ll O\'Cr t lC cuuntry. -.\ l'urtl; lll<l li::lt weir wa:> t'<··

1 - _ -

NES lillie lJtal tltC\' diclme 110 goocl. 1\S ns the'bc.;t and f:tl'e ·t ngent fua· the Shepaf\l . Gold - Medal_- TW!J.: tla•\· made t;te ~ck at first, unt cure of nil the abov~:-mr-ntionell tcntly f.,\111(1 t•• cnt•t:tiu lauap1·cy Blacksmith and Farrier Work. c l. ::m'"'til J,nc:k llourHI•r. rou~-11 ---hat·k flounder. ~cui pin , '-h:t ll. · h er- I The undersigned begs t.o i ntima~ to l'iug t•'lll:l<'otl, ::aw ilclly. l nn1 p the public gencndly, .tlllll horsc-ownera . fi;;lt l'IHl h·\kc .. hi ncr !<kntc. ::q ui'fl ' J?nrttcu),lrly thn l. h~ ts prepared to do «tl'if.ICd j 1 •1~.: .~jtiller l:l'ith. (.'ll llllt'l', ' u.ll ki llll!l Of WOrk 11\ the nbO\'c-named

- , ... r\· ~h t.ll'llr I noticed a grent trouule~ and tli:::ea JC-l . For tru Iter or wi re d1:in~c. 'l'liey Lcgnn to net on my merit, worth :11~1· ltonc,;t a·Ault.::. of which wo nrc tho only manufnct~tr:r,.; . . rPir Onh•r;: l.y

promptly and snlaslaclon ly c.'l: t.'C illCtl. troulJI<' and in the sltort. s pace of Paine's 'clcry (\Hllpuu lld ;tnnd:; ' h:o Twas in tire conditiou oo the hi~hcst pinnacle uf fame. • · ' · · · ' ltne11 of trade.

Highest awnr<}s' nt .Bo:>t~n 1 6!'1.; .':l•i la•h: l.l~,laia , \ t ishcr1cs Rxlnbtt to.l. 1 . \>.

r on c now. I f11lly b,elieve Let u~: :Say ll> tlt u5e wlttl .aJSI11ot I -16 ilt:tl alone s;n-ctl me from tho Jniu UJ> with sickne:::s or dt:-ea:;c-

Lo!.dun 1 fi d ' I' I ~rave. 1d you will a ways .n those who nre 111erely :u anJ;-t 1:\l

l'nr~y. mnckNcl, :nul tbh, wlsrtn•g. , . HOHSE-~liOEJ~G ::cui• and ~!tad. . .

' ___..._ will be ~h·cn spccinl nttenhon, and he

Send for nlustratcd Catalnguc.

Worth their weight in Gold.

tttn:cll' Hll(l lmlancc ur our f:lmt ly one bottle or· l'ainc':; ('clery Cl•lll· , n·;ltl_y lo lull) aiJout the goou Dr. pound will surely prl'ven~ ,.;ickne ·

\\ illiant:-5. Pink Pilla did fo t· me.' and serious truul,lc. \\ lt cn you :-:w.H·n and · ub::cribcd to before feel tired wcru·y. wo1rn out au<l

"uw t hi~ l.'•tll day 11f ~ovcmbcr, 0\'et·tlouc, 'o. few 'l! o~c.3 of nnturc·:i 1. '!•:1. life-giver will gi ,·e ynu r!'ncwcd

. • . . ~unrnntcra to Jo :1!1 work. in this line 'fhc l:tlc )l o'-'C~!cr, o l with t.lw ~rcnlCllt cnre.

)£emJthi:'. 'l't!llll .. ha~ died in the 1 s- l1riccs to suit. the timcs,~nd sat· fund hoJ•C "!. a bli::: iul he t ca~t e!·· , isruction nssur~. . • . Itt hi. l a~ t wa ll and tf':;ta~t . ou t.. 1t a ~ );JCHOLAS HARRIS,

lml\'idetl that ~houl d there he a I Httr,•ey Street WtaL .. HI.\' !,om to either llf his :;i. t~rs ·in- , · J \V K L'N N- EDY

·nr. MORSE'S INDIAN Root Pills.



~ -8CCII A - . •

Sick Headache, Constipation, , Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,

B·snrder~n ;__l:iie,. ::: apq ::- ~ema.le : ·...::.A...:...;t_Im_ e_n_t_s. ' " zr ~~ • I - ,., .....,._ - - ·- ~ - - ...--x- - - - - .. - - THE SALE I S NOW SIX MILLION BOXE, YEARLY.


illGMAS BBEQHA., St. Helens; taneashire. Sol d uy•aJl Druggist& an<l Patent-Mc(licine Denlora, o~erywhere.

c .. KNOWLINC, St. John's, Agent for NewfonnUlt~nd.

1> . • \ . DJ:J.A~J::\·; N1>tnry Public· strength, \'igor nntl acth·ity. \\'nyne Co., )l ichigan.

law, and h(' hnp<>:l th Eo'ro will be. t • • .£.1 ,

then ~uch lllale i:-:i~ac is . lu tu~e I Boot and Shoe- Maker. ~ha~c :uul !'haru nIt kc ot :.t I ht I :-!old by nll dcnlcrd or sent by

r•uti l. JHI!'Ipaitl. nt 50 cent~ a b_ox, ur ~i x 1 ouxc:: ,.,, .. S:L)O, by nddrcsstng tht' llr. \\'ill inms' ~lcdicine Com· J>:llt)', Hwckdlle, On.t: Bcwat c of ia .. itat ion:' nlld suh:~tlhtlc:. nliJaed \1 1 l1c '' !!OOd.11

'lc:-.~ i··· · 'f. ~ldlqrdu & Cc>., St. .Tuhu':-, :u ,· whol•snle n~ents for Dr. \\ illl 1nt'' Pi uk Pi H~ in ~1\d.

r l{)l ,(), WIND, SULPHUR.

• · t.w Y nu.-. :-:epl. :H .-~\It snlis · tit'1l with ,,,,·uin~ o. lnrge ehnre of iltc railroatl,.;_pr the country, holu· iul-{ a virtual mor11tp~ly of the tp_le· ~!mph Ji1~~~t nnd talqqg 1~ }lrOn.Hn· clll pi.rlln lll lcns~,Lional y:tchttn~1 the <.i uuld:' arc prcparang to enter tl.c· liclc.l of ntnnufacturc '1 nnd com· pete with ouc nf the biggest cotn· llllH·ciulaHoaw polie. in this countr,Y, the Dinnwnd utnlc1l tnv~t. l~dwm A. ('lvnhl '~ pam'~ ~J)I}enra in the art ic c!-1 of ~ncorpornl\on of n \10\V ctlll tJ•!lliY which woro fil ed nt Trcn· ton , ~. J., ~cptemiJcr 1, by the sec· rct:trr ami treasurer of the new cor· pomtion Lieulennnl·Colonel W al· lace Duwns of tbi~ city . . The M~Y or•rnnit.:ttiun i:; c:·1lle~1 <.;onta-

c I ' , " dh llcntnl m ltC 1 com pnny, ·.un ns onices in Temple court 1\llu n pTnn~ S>ol cclod on ' moom{\clu nv~nq~, Pallsttic. : . .J. !wcor(l\n,, io \ls c lwrl~r His forn~!i4 for t\•~ · J1\llUl • f1lclu rp ot tt\' tch~ (\nd other woo(\· en nrticlcEI. 1 fi'ho cnvital stock is Sl 000 wo.' Tho pro; ident is Eu­wi1n A: Gould ; vice-president,. W. .F. Hutchinson i secretary nnd trens­urcr \\',tllnco A. Downs. K~w 1rl~t ·~~ ~t~Uong. u:n~hines

will be \ asod. Jt..neh ts shghtly larger thnn n sewing machine, hn':· ing 1\ lOJ1ger table, an~ f\1\ ~)\f\t seom n~c~S$firy \Q 'llll\~e lltnlches i to 're:1u tl roll of veneered wood in one ontl of the machine nnd match splits, nll cut,. fly o'!t of tbe oth er end ut the rate of 150,000 a al,inulo. ~h .. Ht\l~h~R!l9\\1 ~P" \\'\: ''Qn~o~, whfi 1s· 4 <hreo~ ,doseenuanl of Rubert :Fulton, the mventor of tltc litenmbont snid brie8y nbout his invention: "These watch rna· chines nrc patented in evory ~<\l\fr try on tho GlqLu ~\lll ~r~ ft~~1r P~~-. tcct9<l. · ·flo\r t'h~\1. .~r\1 ~n 4\t\\'ft'nCe of oth11t' mMch mdlun,r machines 1 cun lrow you by telhng you that the highest speed nttnined by any other IIHlchino is 8,000 matches. ~ minute. ·· "

Ho:\ll::~ADE SO.\ P.-Fir::t try out nod strai n the grcn,oe. Tid~ done, more thnn hnl f the wMk i:-~ tlml<'. The directionil ,,,.. makinJ! the :oap nrA on o,•ery cnn t l f pol:l"h. You cnn mnke hn rd so:tl' ,.<·ry nit-1', white and hnnl. H ero j,. t ho re­cipe: Hnn l Stll\lJ-crupty the con­tents of the ca n of potn ' h into n kettle with :1 ttuart o( c:Olll water. 'tir it with n 8poon o~· ~ . 'l'he

lye will t.liRsoh·c imm ly mad Lecomoc1uite hol. A wittocl•nl.

'Now take G pound~ dcnn gr(':t:-e. tallow or· lnrd. )rclt it until luke· warm ; ~h (ln oomrnenrt1 pumlnA" tl.e -colcl lye int(l tho welle1l grea e grndunlly In n : mall ~trca111 until it. is th tH·ousrhh· mixcc.l :ntd dropil from the stirr~r the thickue, of honey. To bo properl y dono t_ht'l stirring shou l ~\ cu{lptnte t\>r ~~~ ntlll·

utcs. ·rt l !$ tl'tou re,tdy tu t'''ur int·J .my n,qld.

lf y0\1 will l'ullow tlti~ rcci J•C, c}Oilcliy, yuu c:\nno~ fail in ~ctti_n~ nice soap. There 1: also a rcra pe for soft son p on each can uf potn 1~.



f~.-ltw~ rml=-. nnd tackle. exrep~ a \\'A'l'E H . ''l'. HARDOR. GRACE, haw nud n l••w hook,; to be lnu·tell 1 • • • . with th e t!',;tntM. in order thnl iJ' l (opp~'ttc lbo • hp.) th ere i,; nny li:ohinJ! in the other "'"cry de;.NipUon or LE.:\.TRERWARE \\'(lrld h<: IIIII\' he prO\'ide.d with • matlo and rl!vafred. tatklc l•l cnjo): the !"port which .nf· ! ~ llnml-ecwt>tl Work of ull kind!' r. furdcd hi m much dclagh t dunn::; ~1ccaaiLy . his ojot11n here \lpnn cnrth . '!'he : -===.===---.,.,,=::h====== panit .. UI:tr rcli$!iOu~ faith in whieh Carnages, Sleig s, Carts, &c. :'llr. Kaii.Ctthcrj!Cr dlc<l i::: notstnte1l. hut he c\·idcntJ~· pa~,o~d 9n to tho other world wath th~· l ull expcctn· linn of llluating fzank W alton and nll hi~ J i.;eiplcs with their fishing l'l)di!. ..

JAMES WARREN, O.·lRllJA(;J.:,(· SLEJGll BUJLDI!.'R he a'rca>nrl.'•l to c.'C cull' nil 'work In hll tine wll h 1l~·"amtch . 0001.1 null fnltbful work )lunrnnt.~cl.

A 11 kln\1 •• orHcpnart n~ llon o nL 11hort noUc:o nntl Ill wo•krnttl price>~.

The U'-e of aluminum, thn( l Ychh:lc;IJult~tnantc&latylciiiUl<l,lnOr•t· n1etnl of tho futllre. in the con- ~ ctu~ tlnlslo.. •

•. ~ruulit' ll of l H•t\ tr~ has been empha· J:G'r'~nlt fnct~~unmnteed. ,r t cll by l\\'1\ worlll-not:lhle C\' CII t WATER sTRF:ET, HAHBOR GR.ACE 1Jf tho pn::l week. A hope for tho --=~-==--,=--====== l'ufctv llt' the \\'cllm:ll1 polar ex· H b G H · D 1 • R pcui(ion, fM whi(-h . 0 lll lllly fonril . ar or race ail' IB8Slll( ooms arc felt, has to<.'n itrl!pirotl hy tho __ fn<·t thnt the iulrop}ll pvlt,.r da~hc l' P. llLGGlN ', PROPlUETOR. hat! t••ns tru •ted Itt~ three . mall i1unt · ol' nluminuut, hr which ho Rec ured ~rent strenglli with OX· tre111c lightnr.::3. .-\l umlnum, with it · trn \lo str uglh of,}-l,OOtl por.nds ~o 11\C s'lunre in~· h. i~ clnimod to he eqtHl l to iron, whilo only nbout

Rrgulnr nntl Cttsuril Cuetoml'rs can rcJy 0 11 ltnving their require­menta entieraotorily nttcuded to.

ce... Prcmisl'S- two doon~ 1\'CSt. or T<-lc­grnph Ofllee.

t ts weiJiht. W hether or not IVA~'.ER S1'., HARBOR OHA.OE. lho hu~o Arctic floc.~ hare been n l,)~l puncture the id<'~ NFL 1). LIGHTS Ill be ready early in Oct.ober. of thc~c boat::~, a more im 11• rtunt nn,·:\1 f~ntmc of nlumtuttm will he lN\>. 2, 1594.] tcstNI \n l1dW torpedo gun-boat -o-

SENT FRl::E.TO ALL PARTS OAN~UA~ .iu~t Luil t or that metal for th(l To :M:a.rt.n.ers. . . ,. · . • French (ioven tnacnt. Its o~lrt~ u&e -o--

. Tht~ 1 ~t~r~·1 11.~ p•Je~ll , :clnt tng lightnc~:'l i (';q>()(ltod io mnko pos· Harbor Grace I~and, Conceptiot BaY • w tho fntroductwn ot D1nmond !'il•ll) (\ op~ed t tf ~t knot nn hour. . _

0 , ,-,.

Dyes .to tho mo.nnrcl.• ancl people ~f 'fhab s pci1cl would cxcol the record l~atlt.~ulo ........ At o 42, 4·) .. North. ~n ononlul nnho.ll. l •• WOH\1 l:!,sHd- 1 of tWOil th C! new "English 'fhorny· Longatullo ...... ()3 OS 11 Wt'll. 1.~,for.. . . I croft torl>edo gunboat~, which luw In accordance with No. 1, 1894 the b~ 1\tllo book nllnutoly dc~crtb· achic\'ct a rntc of 2~.a )mots nn opticnl n parntus exhibited otl thb18· es be work n.nd ~ucc:ss .nch •.eYed hour. Li~l'l hH~li:nun IJ~ats l laull has f cen remo"cd . In ita place by Ot;le wl.lo ." ns e.trne:~tl ) <J<~, ol~tl wot\1<\ ~\l n t per nut tho cnrrytng ATROTTBR tumBBRG APPARATUS to hts. nussaon. Few comaucn·lq~ o'f e~tra ooni.- Jlhiladelphin Re-, . 1 b . ·-'led and trnYcllers of thr. ~~~\ \W I'' "::et' t .. 1' oC the -1fh order .\118 een anawu ,

h d 1 •0 , ~ • 1 col u · is now tn opcrataon. o~e: ""'' · P . ~ '' 1-.o a ueue ~ j . _... Jt, ia occult ill@, workod by &be bea' or c~nyl ~nd f))W, Indeed, co.uld I c II All rttll down .. ff(lm '1\'Cnkcning or- ·tho lnmp, nntl abon red ud wbl&e to~nct strong enougl~ to rc!lts t tho ' rc;ools t)f WIH'IU weather,) ou !•ced n good alternnt<.'ly, in quick '"~· !lor brtbes nnu temptaltons thnl were \(),1'1'~ nn_u hi~ p1nifl" r hko Hood's m~lly it. Hltlk<'a acv~n reYOluLioae per plncetl before the h ero of \h · ll\O."Y.·. Sn~nrnnlll\, '1 ry lt. mtnnte, ronr lloahts an each reYOluUoD. The litqo 4<1o~ ~~ nnpr~prit t ~ty --- . No al~rntil)tl bas been made &o &be \HW\\t.tu~d '\Ill\ wtl\ la,lofQS~ oht I Tho moeL pnlatnl1lc prepnrt\llon or square wood hou11c: froln tbe centre or

d ··ut \ · Cod J,h·rr Oil in tho WOf~d ls Miller's wb!ch L~tc lantern nsea. ~~h ~~~ ~~~ nn 1 other i nterc ti n(• Emulshm, tint I ' M\l. b~tng tnken by '1 he at <Its or lhe houao Are WHITE-' .1 ' ' . . "' im·,1Htl!l "hh na,umshu~g ancoea,. roor 1 lm. (Dy or'llcr}, rendmg ~alter, wtll bo mat let! to ~(ll<'f'll is " t\ut k\t\d Llu'l en rca" cougha, GEO. \V, MBWA, nny on'l In Cnnntb whq ~fllU:i 'I coM~ b{onohilill 1Hltl nil throulo nruJ Secretary· •


stnl card \\ith f\\11 p,o)).l oll~ce 1\d- ~1,ng trmt!)ha. .,;,·ery boule wnrr1111Lud. &ttrJ of Work•• Offici', r~s1 'o ' \Y-ells ~ ~~l<ihl\rt.lsoa\ ·Co,, No olly t:1aLtdi\te olhcr4: In big bottles, ~l. Jo\m'¥, July 19, 1894. O'j):t~,~~ ! '\>., <+ 6Qo, IUtt.l IUJO, aL drt~ggiiiB. 8epl. 1" J8tM..

• .I

Page 4: LINDBERG. · Nfld. R. NotfCe A.L,E, - · SMALL WQQD, · · BAKING l>O WDJ•;H, • ~~nt will

• .

I _..., ' __ H_E_M_u_\_t .l!_~D_. _._u_. A 'Mu 'tb ..:} 1::1 l:o'"-1nmg O\ e1· 1w, 15fot·e, itt~~ ~~·ill hi l'utur& Lt! 1~ poJJidon i . uUend ftH <!~JlH c~i llltY lwlll tol' \~lit! coJ1 'C11icncc o~ Ill:) ~~~ ~ h •• w i .• ~~-~~~;uiJJic gcJac t·.~l l:' _


-A:o\1>-CONC.fPTJi)~ HAY AD l,E!l.T IS ER

Jlllll•l rh :\11\ ~tlhJ •t•l ur <t•' ll<'r , I ~ Ill\ ill.l I ll 111-j ~·t "''"~ ' l O III "'" 111111.~ thau (nih r , , I\•,• I

....... ... .,. .... ... ...... ...

nn~· 11 .1 N 1.\' nn; r L ... 'J'

· 'l'h:lt pluclq· ltttl c 11.auuu nr ti l(' ft~r Eas t-the Jn p.u\c·c-. () ' 1d~n t 1\· detcrminetl tu pu'h the \\Ill\\ llh l'h ll\(1 tn ' 1t'! lltlll~~l 1111111 IC'l till' Cl)~t !Ju "lul 1t 11\ ll\' Hv• h ·1"' " c uae tol•l j,, '~ tt utcl,l\ tch'.!' 1phH· cle~ t~a tch ,,J,cd 1'01 .1 h o.t:) of fl ll<'

hutult ct! nllll wn llull lll"' . To ~.1\' tlto lc.t .. l 111 11 , tl u•~t• ...

~0111eth111g C);l~'lll Ci)" lutllciiHI~ I I no t pat ltc tH 111 tlw utloa h C'1 plt•_,. nc ·:; ot the l 'l·re,_h ,d J:m pu c;:.. tcc1u 111g null1•1 t\ - tiH'll tlcn:;c l ' i.' lllll,­

iul'f th c lr ••t 1 ptng sullhltllc·". tltNI "<'ll~clc~il t' 11111 ;; then l o Jll "lt 111

lip tlh) tu tui Cil;llC I " -.1-. t' UIIljllll!.l \\ tth IIW "·I~.IC I IIII~ .tel l \ II\' llhl th1• l'Oiltplol~.: ::-tntc 111 llll' lMi ed nc:: - •.1 th e .J.I \'.l iiC~c \ :- ;1-<.'• ll llt• lll !t II II \'

' ' el l tnit:. ll. 11 .. th o ~:«Hill ' t I·~ bH'el'l Otg,llll/.C•d 1 rt lellt.!Clii'C~ lllltl \1\ CIO ll lt lll bcr ( 'l lllll •11 :{ \111 /.Cd

.uHI d n il cd 1111~h t " ell dct \' tlt• wort,l m :Hill ~ l.ut tt•\•bl v 1~ .I 1-

s h o 1"' !:h c :;ce .. t ; tt1 IH 1t tin.' t t ~ <'lt' \ oiJ10r tu'll[•nt.t ll\'t..•h • \ll'.ak 11\l,,dt ·

h\11 T ht:i " ·"' <'lllph htt.<' i ' ' ' th e siorht th o nthc1 tl,l\' <•I 111.~ ., . . Chm cse ohltl•a ;; ht'l ll~ <>t"lt lo th t• ~ton~ .umctl_nnh " tilt Jlll.! d - .• ntl

htm $ n1*'1-no rtl\\ " fu~h·c.l tl1• •11~ l· pion!, •• o~ tll CII .uc l·1: 1h• u1111 11~ thctc 1 ' t•t a t J,,d h1 k l" llt odetu ,um:! f1>i tlu·: r H'<' L •t lh 111111 n O\\ fv1 1 IIIUIIt I t o) th(' otltct ,tdc - to th~ ,.. t 1l c ,., 1i1 tl - 111 1 q t.ll'

A •el)rrcsp, luknt •• I the L .ntl•u> 'l tlllt•, \'lltlll ! .~ ~ l ul l( l.t ll f" 1~0 h om 'J'I l: ll T -1n, t '"IIJ'll~'d th e <.: l CilC" l11 h<' \\ l l lll'~ ~c• l th t•t c \\lilt \\ h,\ L h c h .I.! OIJSCI \ l'cl .L I\ 1\ d " -) tl e\ I UII'I ~ tl If li lt,;~ a-ll l• t ,f.t p II\

Il l! "tHI The 11n~e "·'' Ilk< lh.1t lntlli oiiC I '~ ICt t tJ ,Ul••thl ' l

,J,\j).lll tlll l>hllf•d \\I it :o, Jl l nl CII H ..: \

llll t i \\ h 'I ' Jit•tl\ \\ Od.t1t~ I ll , \

tlchntte cud th an 1 ".t- II\ .1 " l ttl ot nl•" t uttu••ll ltkc 1 c o i •JII\ ot p caturhl••l 1111.. T:qo,ll t 111 uiC' cat "I ul :11111 urclc1 l \ 111 ' ' ' , .. 1•)11 ll•• ,, \1 T IH· I c \\ . \ ' II\ . I' Ill 1\ 111 ~ Il l~ tlon ('\ C, \ loo II k t. \ 1\ l11' ,uttl e 1e1 \ ho 1\ p t llulllll' d II 'i111

\\ on1tl -cJcl ., tll fl,t- Ju•J11 ld Ill I ,'li;t • I l n nl•Chl lll' ,,, IHtlct " ,,t,l n.! Oltl t I l lll} \\ •' k 1 I \\ll h 111\rle {.;l>ll•

Stlm m.ttc "'l,til f n t h 111 • 1111 th1 OlhC'r !t,tnelthc ottl \' " ' ~ .l'lll \\ lt11 h l '

gcncr.ll i the ~ ) -tc 11 o t ,It 111 1 tnol th e 1ll\ ' 1~ . 1 ,.h tnt Th e 'J',.,,I,, COil C" )HJiHient l l'll<.'r til'' I he ' llliiC­of corruption and o,~, I" 1 nl•ll•Ht among the ( h I IIC't~ oiJH c 1 ~ 1 IL' c;,\\ :; l ll l Ulll h1"1011 tb .l t tb P l! oJ I I )\~ arc mo~t l ,r 1 1hlolt· lilt! lh t• hp 1n

C"C ou!!hl 111 utna f' h tltt<Hif! h the m lakc: •t :; n e) l\ pl ou~h tht ou~h :; !1tl\\.

Bnlll ult '"' th' "lHcC, :; h .b bt' cn hi therto .tttencllug tlt c ,\I ' ll .. ul the .h p", It :l[I !Jt'Ul:i th.\l 1 l.\tn l l' llur '' ' "' m.Hi t• J. , tlteu1 1n th e hnttlc nt A~:<.ut There 1L hn« l1 alt5p11 cd the Japane:w tnecl \\lth•Hlt cflcd th e t.tch~.;S "lllch the,·l.tlc:'l c.111wtl out a t l'mg- Y.lll~ \\1 lh bnlll :> nt s ucc c~ • It is added th.1t full! ol the baLti c \\I ll ncv e1 Le known. bul that the Jnpanc~:e un outtdNl th e Chinc;:,e auu dcln ct cd n n1ght 'tt tack. The .J.1pancse so mt tu:l.n ~~eel mntter::~ , ho11 C\'CJ l hnt enl'h of th c:-c dtvts h)l\S 1111 took c:u;h oth o1 ft) t th e enettl\' ntHI deal t SO\ ore exc~uhon t o their own m en, cnahhng the

bmc ' c f01 cc to cuL thmugh tltc oppostng lt.~" flntt cul\t''inue the11 march \\ ~thet or riot the Jnpnn­ecc will succeed •n the11 mn• ch on Pokin, 1 , Jn lh.1op1 nion OfAdmu .ll ."1r Geo:-gc WJ IIe:~, wh o \\:\~ engn~­etl in the cxpethllon o f 1 ' 0, CJ )JCll to some dvuut At nnr rnt <.', ho says1 they cnnnot ce1tninly do ~o before w111te r, ')tl .1cconnt of tlw clabornlc. prepn· atton noco:!s:uy to a cend th e Pettho Rl\'or

· · 'l'liE JLARHOL~ GltA ,g Sl'ANDAHD - ( · - -- -- ~---

J·\ h . .-. .now :\ lat~' lt~H."l' nL j J 1110HER EDUC!\TION. ~l.'nnl, thQ c.1 uf L\tn•a llc1 _../"' ll.uly c pon!:>c tn maUtl.lituug h ot ; (To ·n u: wrton oJ-"III~ ST\:slHno 1 uut \' B . tiHHit lh 1 ct.: h tuHll cd t IHHIS· : Den r "'J r- • 11 11 t 'd.,1!ttr;:. fl'h c .f.Lp" I'·" ltl,c_• 111cn ,I t I>~ \Oih runulll.'m t nt , IHitunminglcd ;111 <'' crvthm•• th e ' l!ol f11u 11 lho \\ll h • ""l<'ntpL, tll'lt.LIII) rc.hiUNI, f tho , • ' l'lo • 1. I l ll1H hor tlrrH <• ~1\~IHIID !tun~ llj::llll

( n rcnn-= 1 ~' l-\CClll to vC wnm- ~ n'nt l 11t~o .,f" Uluckho.1r i'o:~" f'Ompi!UIIt.:! thlc (o \ht ( •lie tl~•ll nst. thol II\!! ~Ill ul ill~lt(.'r 1: lttc t·

Tn u ll\\ l u,w n Wt.: diH'1 l .1ltc 11 11•11l 111 .Xt••dvu.tll. llll But when we t ttlll to \l~~lctcl.n " 1111po tLUll de- cuu adt~ tlu• l •rL t ha~ thl' sd1 ot1l'1 ol 'l'·tlch. '\\ltotelll 1t 1 1.1t~ tl ( I ) l llu:lottr ' Or.IH ', tnsh'ld ul ht'a lw;: thu ;h.tL the Tnp.1n c-C-,\Cic 1cpul:ictl nt lll!t <•f Ot•tporL JdH>t>ll\ 111 tllll'rc<cllt. <' X \ .d 11 1{1 ,. 0 1 l l ) 'l'hut Ch lllc"o 'u" - nm ant\l .. n , n:s. 1111~ l~t n• t:!Oillbl) uu ex·

" 1 1 11 1 ('•) pN;lcll 1rom our · •::)l'~ llU I (.;atY,," lul\ol t•llll :-:o tC\ o;llUt:l 1.1\ C•• ·IJ>:iCI v thn '' huuou r"ofuunStf•llHll.g»t(hc lnRI l'h,tl J ~O .I CI', 1 11'~11(1:ltl01l'l h.ttl IICCII IL l::l l l\l~ hxr.J to ~C'(' L~ ll t;t\ IISI' ul Jllm:L: te~umctl \\ Hh lwpelu l pl u:ipocl:;, lm n .l'"•" l.l t!!.l lllsfnc lhm \\ II) tim• 1ac ( 'l11n.t bcl ng Jll CJMrctl to ·ou~.;edu · m)t h l<,k tH h ouw, unolsco tf Lho frH It I'Oit.llll t e am:- t l) That. Engl.wd l,i~ilhu ro uC' f•Jr~ h o ~\\8 Lhu hlr\lllO \IJlfln

!t.t~olm.ule 1,)\Cllllt C~ t,1•tho l'\.I W'OI::I the lll!!hl!r l 'uutwd, who nndoullL•tlly, t•ll ,1 lie \\ 1.,1,.1 .... llld 1h,1t tho ma- nr~· dutng \ g rC',tl,\mll:l.'!llllg ~o~XI f·•r

I ' l 1 the c,•ltt.ll ~ Au1l "l"·,loc!4 he ,rra~ tn ]UIIh of' t lCill Ill ~ Ill 'ICCOI ( \\It l till' utiH'r <JII Ipn rls \~luch h111 0 dc)ll tl ~1g l.1nd <' l ( 'l'• >·d,\~ ::o de~palda thcn~rwiHI4 J,;r,•nL ~r<' h l' nncl wclutlo -.,1\ .. that l ' ltitlu tlcnlc,. ncgotl.ttlll(; ~ht•tn 1n tho llll:lt'mhl/ faalurc of tho 1'''·'' 1 Httrhor Gr.1..:0 sehw)l.s' Tnkc, for Ill

- - - - . slnnc(', the r\'sults , )1 Llns "' mnd cnp NOTES FROM THE CAPJTAL.llrc,lk ~~~~d Jltt. f.Hl " 111 H t• trL't4 Cont-cnL.

--- I hen• the<.;. (If I: lhgh ::icht'IOI tlntlthu 'l'h1) j)llll t lllli ( opt~,; of l: Oll\ CI,.n · ~~··t ho li~N:f~o'~> pCCtl\ ('ly pruiSCtl

1 t 1 • t t (} • ' > 1~1•r ~enl nn.t hh por ccr.t ol tht•Jr ~~Ill 11l 11~ ~ ll '' ·1 1'1 C-t' l~ 1:; lC c 11\dll II CQ, nnll.lll vi till' Ill "tlh honor& [ \\ !l lmg-1lc clcctwn On . • ll t11d.1~ A111 It h.l~ IH:JCil 111 mnny oth l'r l.t .. t tltc 111 "1 quc~tufn .b k cd "!ten pi tC{ ~ U11l's Llllii luok hko ·• cxpo:ung • •• ~nd,., m l't " a"· -l ~ · th l'rc an) t.hc c htct tllllll1 ptHcrt) nf tho ouL· tiC\\ .. hmn '1'11!1 f1u,;.d l! > '!' he d,t\' port ''' 1\• •1<.' t i l l .11111 t ho · C \ Cilin~ p IJICI·- II ' BIHkuo tr,l ' h 1\U8n11l "tho c•ln· 1\ C'H' 1 .. .::\lo 1 :. til l n ,1 ll C \\ , lo a 1 tllonul pOI\! rt) o l the loll'I'OftT of J111r 1 1,111 11 .. ol pc tplc:: \\ hu \H'!C \\ I ll Ill~ hvdtnc••," t here ''ould h \H) been nu>rc

t l'11!1nll Ill II ~ tt the dt ff< 10111 tH'.\\:.i• l jlCI olltcec~, \ s th~ mntter slnnl•, the rJ~Slllt" \1\X!r)lh 1•1 }tc 11 I t\ IJI.tlJie t O p 1 .. l•><•k lllllfC ,l:llllhU 11\lj'.)rlt•· nl ~ho ont· t~ l tlwn 1 hn-t' ll p.u t \ J: xcllcm cnl purL schu•'s 1\ 0II lli , 111 tune . blli\L O\ ~n l II\ h1:,:l t \-l l ( \\I· ~Ol\C I tlh he· Lh1• ~~ l ao> •1'.1 lll the j t\ Ollr..:,l Ct\pltl\l"

Itt• ,•clth tL the {\llllP•t \Hl uhl he a 0 1 cour:~o. 1t ..:•tllliiiL he ,•xpcct ,•d , 111111 , lo-t• 01w .u•d ..,1)u1e ol Cllll "I''Jillng no vnc Lnt 'lJ1 1c1,ho ml " hunal•lf lu•s •u 11 111 t~h• hch that ll< nh c l 1,,,1t,, C\ er h1c n pr.·~u,uptnous enough to

l , • , , llllftl; IIH" lltltlh <! nlllpvrLs..:hii ii~\YOUhl 1\ llll i1 l loc h it \ ' ole· .dttad At tlum1 .. th • 11r~1. ftm , t' lrs tlu ns wdl 111

'• ; I h t'l\ C\ <.'l nc ·',., \\ •h ll.t-h('~ thuH' "'cxn~u tn lll '•ns. :tll tho Collt'J.:CI tn •\•! l il t• \\ll e4 t it l l \{r l •tles 1•\•otc. St J..,h, '>~ l~ti L t lw \ cr) ohJt'Ct ot tlus

li l l \\ h a tC \\ ,\~ C.:tllldlii.LtC been Chl(' lll untl IIIOHIIICIIl IS tO riii!IU the 1 e ttlllH:d 1)\ . l lHltj lld t \ Il l' .jj') \ ott!" :~t II III mr o)f lhc 8Ch V01» \lll1\ .·r the IS ,, c 1 tlt r• \ "'' cruttlCll/ c:-r1'\di11.ttc l 111d 'IIIII I!' tins , ,.ry l•tfcr!or.tty to ' I I ~! '1' Km orht n~l)l)l\ <'llt (; ll· smh.·oll~gcsu11 I Bunnunturu annd

" ::- B1slu>p } tald , to hra tho nmlolllOn ol 1 nlatcd IIlli liii 111Cth,t tcly m c u, ~Ito ll'•lcl, r~ l•> r IIKI! tl11•1r scho.1l :! nnd \\ l tlllt'll an.J <.Weu <: hald ten \\ !'1(' d h · lhUIIHI~ I H' l O a lughfr 11' \ ~l, nml Lu t' I .. Ill)! poilf t l'~ 1;\ en tile \\ Jute- lrtllll lltOIII 110~ to ue ~l\llS hl•,l \\llh ~I\• 11.1' Jll tt v thCI11"'ch c • , .dthuus lt Ill); thctr sdu>hrl'l llllC're" enu\llcrw~ " the ' l1c ltc' cd they " ntud ~cl 'l'" il- ot c•lm 11t ton Is IL not Le ttl'r Lo 1111-h utr lll' dt tl mlt tlltl l: ljl 1t c 1'1\ll h 'I pro, ,• thr pr~sl.'nL a chools h). tills ntl· : u.•c 111 ,11,,111 ,. The li 'll! l'> :u c nur1hh1 :1\lll l' llt e1f U1~ht r l:. htC11~1•)n I. - ) \ L" j -j ) ll 'f'J th111 ' WJIIIIIrl\ 1\l('rii\IO .IMI.' Ve.''rl.~ I~ •uott' l tl . "n1;.r at .1 - " IC u f'n', h ,\( \·st thhslun,t.: more echoc)lll of

' ll ' ' ' C':o"' ,,j lite ptC';:<Cilt ( •0 \ ernmcnt SltiC·h an wlc rw r 'I" \Ill) IHI \\C knO\\ to \\ JIJ ,j l:>l,l' ll<i ,!le,a(l\ llll the 'f' llllll\ C l.:t~t in MJIHllp lrls <>f ~C\\(\IUIIdlnnd~ cl (' l: tlllll " l11c h tnkc., phcc to·IIHll · \ ): un, \\ ()111\lthe 1111 lll \lf$;;,001) go ao 1n 11 11ir, 11 tlo•H>tctl lO tho ohJect \\ luch

\ pw d .unnuon 11a .. hecn 1::snecl Blll.:kiJo:~r.,l " su~gl'"ls 11 u. durs no\\ 9

1 11 t. , C·l l'-'l lwn~ at :-;1 J 11hn >~ !.A• th ,IIOt\ld 1t noLLe l\'t'l lln r ' JII11Ck· t.o 1r.l" to ctHIHider ~~ hcthcr thn f111 t.

1: H ~t .T•1h11"' \\ c .. ( Pl.lccntl.l, th.\L LutliiO If 1rb o r timcc J>UI'IIs uh· ... t 'l.u \ ·~ and Btlllll Tht'·C foUl tu111cd t•mnr lJ1pll)nu1!1, 111 n11t ·" on ­d. -ltl<i~ ,II( i•; Ill' cuulc,t<••l lit e d·•nct• couchtst, e " that. tl1crc ts SOIIIC· • l o'lt: d \\ - :\ )\ Clt1h(•j lOth B::t\' ~~ tlub~ 'NY \HUll):; Wllh t he ll)l!tl•lll of I ,, •r,:rc '' ' e !'led It Ill 1- t., l tl.e pl.wc l'tltl~o: t\1 .. 11 tn lb.rL >r Gr H l', ant1 ll')t , ,:1 •h e Uth :\o\ ~:u1 hcl ~t J ohn e- '' nit 1hc c:cccl!cnL pl.1ns of the \HSO wtl lit, n u l \ N c hiH 'll lt~ III CII, hul ·IIJk llh m'Jsr$ of Ll11l \lllncil Of lllg iH•r

E, luc.tll on ) \ nur;1 truly, ,. 1'l dn .:-n 111 • l"e 11 d.l\"' I'LtcC.I· 0 l'l'Oltl' l'E :\.CH ER t • t lll<l ~, \ !.11 \ :s 1' lo bu conto .. te•,l Oct n \

- T iu1 ru uiL of tho polittcnl cont <'~L ~ - DHO\\:o\l :l;t, A1' 111~"'T - On l'rtolt\ , 11 J...-~t J'.,rtm!l I' 1\ ,, •'t ('nntrri ct, t lt.t~ 111 'l'rwit) 1111.) ltsL f.dl wns knu\\n hcru l sn<l CIISC of tl rt ll\111 11~ •llCn rrt•tl at :-tt l; f!lt'u u l h111d 111111 u 11 • h •·• tiu: rctlr<)l nt. nun11 on tho Thnr~tbl\ t ho rhtr•l .tny tuon (_A)\C, lot•'•'\' (.;l r!Hm• tr A ho n, • ~~ l'o~ tu, k':~ Jl til, '•\'nnl'14 l.ulll', nlt.or p,,11Jng 0 1y s 1 1 ~ ·i :~ fnt r l u r l•t:k t111 l tltl t•n \\t lh lhd llll .!: .r •1r ,\:c luolltl\ 111~ i'unh r p •rli• 11 h "'')' '"' ha•l uu t hatLNn: r~l411 1t. ,,ll·ld \\ 'o~lod luLI\IIlhcl 'tltlotl lrd lour 111 11, lt•ll t 'trloutHnl 111 1pp11 •ll·ll l a• (i.l 1 tld•l-uh kuO\\ IItlttFntl.l) w nutll•' ' " the tfl c rno m fur, :--.llu•••ll(;.,, ,. \\ hcu - D. t t.' - l lu• huJ.II t .;t".<r. )

- - -... nc• rt ll~ t l~· ~!t .. r n ~ 1"' n w k t h • lr•J LL 114 r\ 11, .. , 1 1 • ,, It ,,., ··II l•·-·'" '· --U1:»K Ft"'ll t lt\ - l l't>hual. t ll\!'~ t h r [ nn•l ~h. c i Jl~ll I 1111 tho ln<n \\o.'rC :\h .,• r• 11. 1• ~ . .. 11 :1& nt(l (..\tpt Coio

r.'ill'fi \ ntH•·, {;tpl F11z·ntr11 k , nt •t•..:•l l tltrown 111 t 11c "IL\ 1 'I !t r ,. ''I tht Ill hr,.u~ht I ,, k\. •~ t 111• n a.t .,f rh~u lrtp : n L ::;t Juh11 '11 011 :;ttu r,l t) w H un :\I we re '\ l !i lll , .,_ ·~·r\ 1:1 ll•·h . loHL 11

111 - I" ,J, 1 r , 1 J · ,~. 1 d 1 " 11 , :; 1• 1r: w l.;t•. ,\luur,>u wllh :?J\1 q t l~ t n tll~h ~he fourth 1111 11 ~·1L .ul\r t ltt " '' '' 111d 'l h •• JMrl' h •d 1,,1•,1\ ' •I ,!:'lln•· · n1111 1t-s·.· ·u1 mtclwr 111 l ilu lt ,lr ul 1\ l'Uth t: r '\\ hC'n ~;h i.' rc{t•'•n• nt hltnn lt••! PH' rlll:s 111t,.;h t h1; ~"' !.t1l lo~ .t, 1l II\IHt ,,;, t }1o', ' 11\lcl) C:X)'CI'Ionct:ll !l'l lht.! BlllkiS 1h•nd loll h '' •II! h1 111•1, lit ,. lll~lllC: \\ td ~.:r llllhlt~ ' • I l' 1trlt " Ur,11 1k, .!i hll l~ll -'l hc ::>S \\"ultiStlr l. tkc \1 <'11~ nllr~h lolhn ( , .ulolo•n l l .w~tl) 111 111 lol' Lt· , t l ••11 lu:.u'.i. ll th, r;,' :.1.1 •II II Ill ti ll-

the I11Lll'r r :nt Cll Ia t \h'C ' " llrt kC h e r lomgc tll· · :iult n o t( •) ' •' 1111 ,, " '"' 0 11 I. lei 'J lwro 1\,lS •I l it ~ \ ol ~lgllL thus ltLSL lrl p for Lhll s c ttiOII n l'~' ! ~~~· J, l h t' 1· 1 14 1111 rl'l ll t' ll \\ nh { 1 Jl l 1~ II~\' !1'' 11 t ilt~ .l ilt ruv •II 1;, l,tr~; )J ., ~,r,. I J 1' Ill & <.AI':s olor CIJ •st. :;:,l .o \\I ll flll.:k. .LI(• \\ hvc\!r JI I~Llllllll !lllll \ llllpln:l f.lllll\.) ·~ ldt l ilt• r. .. -lr tlo•.t l .~ ••• r LI J~ l I I 1.,.,,.,_ has hc~n ll'lt sc;attcri!d nl••n..;: Ll1o V.} the t .t l\.{' llt ·- F n '" (. :. \m -1 1,. .. :-. ( , ( t: 1J,111d t:O \sL,111Hl h e r returnllvuth \\I ll c:o.iC • ....-- - -11 L. 1 L' l fl l 1>1\1 \ ' ltrt n •<tl fr•1n tor 1•h I tl.,:

I I I , 1 -'IIII I' ISv ·")I F- - •c =-- ..... <• 111 , , • • • • .11 COilllllllll lc.'tlOII \\llltlCCt) IS • I I IS (' (' l ~ I , I

1 r ot lu r .ht<'l ll I ll)! 1t .'i 1t'..,.I1Jcl: IW \ IIIJ;

lr \Jil uri.>~, a rrl \l t 11. ~ u< r )'"'r· , 1 , • . · yc. d 1) II t \ I ll • h1ld : l r.m ·11 p le~ 1 .. ~ :'11\t ld t l "'~ pl.•{ • •m . ll u r In ) IIHJr oiiiiJ;;-.

- l'· •luual meulHl£1! took plll'L' a t \\ as' co llfl~lh•d t CJ put ~ll• • Ulta~ud l i~L :-.h• lorc1•1;:1.1 :\l r H 11. \I t h 11•, lull llcnrL't! Cc.mtcuL lust m~ht-1111u I' Ill !{ \\ c lnlsll \) f,1, 111';.:- ""''rl o f 1• •:ol.s plu111l r~ wl,! :<ln ·~· 1 ~~ ~ !,, ::-1 lp, tlul:ll.l h e ld U) Mt'S:ir:l '\loruw \luriS••II tnt! • I lll t•lltt rtf, 1, , : .. 1 • tn1 '1o lull \'bl . r.~ol) . .M.u; ph l r.sun Ill ti ll! Ocn;I,{U ll lt ll, 1111 I 'I ,,. t'dl r lluiJcrl, l 'a l:1 I' ·r~ ' 11~ nr \ ~lrl•llg :-: I \\ I lid 1,), \\ r. r'tlu " " •·!c IIIIULh Cr Ill Lhu l.'ti!ht-rult.:ll 'l:l 11111 Ill ri\ Cd l llt>L lll;;ht lrv lll lori:;L,.I-rl·I"'I');X rct lt ~tt•• .. h• l lu r, t ills Ill r 1•1,.: I •r lho

1r \\' • V \Vhll!'\\ .ly, \l i.'S~rd J;iu r" •l d 11'1 ell\" II< 1118 C•,>·d~ 111tl ~~ ll<'r, 1,' 1 hc.tol ol the H '·', Lo l 11ul c r,' \H , , L ( li JII tl:~, .lud Johnsou. Mr Hvml JelL Ht•n rl't! ~argo tvr :'II I·H~q ru >II :\£ IIIII ,\: '·I :, d niiJil l.:u\ o; 1111 I ' the r JlllCt s l lltl ' t:,ml.bu t 'H'slcnlty ll\llrtllll" lnr \\ lllt ~lw l'X i•<' rt eucuol l llr " ~' llhur, lut \lll:.! \\ e t t ltl•r I Lt <.:r.u l) lotll•l) "~~ \\ d .u1tl hilurnu \Ia :-,uutl.l ::;huro :;, tlw U1' lll,ulo tml. 111" r,•norLhr ru thtn th~ ' CS fo.:c\ -dtn~l! I H r u nJt. , .,\• lo r 11•1\· Tho oth er C>tmluloLes n o t 111 He tr~'.s IWI:S tllll~ lt,\H' m u~ hut,.: Jll~ll ll; 'd ~urk • •HI ' lr• ~l a11d !llu\\ :~ho\\ 1 r.s Con Lent, lll:!t mght arc: on t he norlh ~oade S(' ' ·r.d !lclwoncr~ 1rrl\ t.ld' ' t":sl•' r l.l) "1 • c ' :tpt rl' Ut:• .r \ or tho u \\ "" and In I t~ Jr.un I. dtr11tl t•r 'l'hL· :"'! H.

-Tho . S .. V1r •inn LLk<-: C lpl '1'111 · i\lnrtlt' , t; q lt l' lk.t:' , \\lth c;"l h>~h, <.qlll) lor, n r ri \'t' d fron~ ~11rth~ rt; pc,rts lu:L 111 ' C:!lt rei 1Y l he B '~ :,t l l ''• l 11111,. (l \ Cillll" n~ 6 O'O[llCK , 1\ntl Jell for \\ .~ ~~~ I ll ll-i t•;r, IIUI \1 J (I d I~ fr11111 1 1•111 J uhn'a ~1ftcr 1111 huur'11 dcl n • ho h•ttl r 11 , .,, , , " 'th:h nll<"t' ~:~he !I'l l·'' 1' "'tl· n lll rgc IHIIllUCr uf IHSSCIIJ.;Cr::o 0 11 llol\r. l, ::tlu·, !lnol th<' \\llltlnllu uc r Il l 1111\11\ (ollhom lo r tlus JIIIICl' On t ho tho,~ " 'n 1 h •~ Jlln .c•.'IL llo n ll•, 1 ~s 0 I ~nnd.l\ Ju,..l :! l ~t t n~t, nt ( 'l u·k· ':t h:st. t\ l t o! Ht: \ 1! ~hcurt! llld \\ l:,:horlll: , {• t? ll\ 1111 t \ r, lu•lo>n~ln~tu ~· l•,•hu :!, B l l _h l>~ thu J: ' J :\luqJin (; t; Dr l"rcdJ1IIrn, Prc m ll'l o .• o.lrtdJ.:. :\( ' l !'.'' t I ll ht r.., l ll tl.l ' tt) llll'l lr I '~~~·~ Urt~n~. ;\Jr. ,, l .h.uu \\'t ul r i .~ ' ' ''"' ' Kua~ht. (tho llolt.: llLed caudhllto l .. r lhl rC I I"•• ~l'' ~rd o thc:•r nrrl\u l~ \·hi~ ~{ da t•J,;h tl r of t lw t ('IJ '! \ it h;J: Twalllnwt~ (.; Bl•rtCilll , , c \mou~ .. - --- In~ l•urluu.; ·,.f (:;,Lrlo •11\ ,tr , 1111 :.\l n~ . t.hoo:~o " ho lllllt et .:r.--:.\[t ~~ ~rn S U - h 1 n 1 " ) ot xt. 1)1' - Jfl'nr-1

\ t:l11n• s "'htl!!H\ 11 ul t lurc ~m' u . ::. n . r• t.: IICC, S B Pt'l\c,. AJll!l' ' , ll l'tr- D , tlw t.mrlhSIIIIlll :\l r \\·. :\( I ori On Llh•llldt l nH .ul\ n lncl :\ftlUI', son:~, i\(r~ v Ap c~ , :\l r:s !utt, \I rt! dlc.l tUI S.ltllr.ln llh l rtllll.,! a iL, r t lol).: h \ tht• It' II :\l.t ol i H t \ hr .. l h r·lll· Aud rC\\ PaH.SOIII:I n n ~ lu n11 11 • ' \ c rt t l lhu·s~ \ llll'l t L\' '1 111" 111 1." t,.:n, h1 Ia;\\ ol tit, l.n,tt \rthur ;,,•IIIII .\ul.k, Sick I" riiOIIS \\•' r\l •m hoal\l , n n.l ni i1Lhu undcn, cnt, .Ill tiiWrtttl fl ll 1l lld It I I Itt <•{!lll rt l \ ~('IlL <I llw \\ ~· 1\ l· ,, l ll ll thll LH>II) of a ) ::lUll!; tlllll 111lllc•l \ll!r~.;l.'r lH: foot 11111P11 t'Hu l, the l

11118" l u ·w~ ~ llllC It tl h\ 11 , t 1 E ~ .1L111r \ II,. 111 \\ 1t!;!tt , vl

10 11 ,..111!! 10 l!!lnud l\1\ c ttouhll 111 t h ankh· " • h It HI Ill!:. t t: tl Loud 11 I· IIJ.;f:u ,1J "' .. • •• ...... _ huu 1nr 11111 11 1 ' cnr pn '1 •IIMh Trtc .-·~----__;..--,...====

---------... ::::::::!:::== IIIII Jl\ lt a II Ill \1 1' 511Ct: 1 ,:llu l, lon l Ill :\ Selling "Cheap" L1fe Insurance. llh11rt lt n l•·. other \)lll•h 1 th!ll •'" " h tt•1

E,·ety Ois tucltn thts ('v lvn) lrns ifS (]UOI ,l Of d~J,l\(J I :3 \\ h o SUIIlehO\\ IH\\ e ohL\11\ed Lh c of ::<CI I tng t i)O dear. · The tlc.u csl plnce 1 n lO\\ ll j )'Oll 1\e \'el C.lll g et :l IJ.\rg Ill\ there, '.lre thccommofa cx pt c:!ston , llll one would almo;'!t \\ (Hulet ho\\ the h ou ·o c'onttnue" :~nli doc~ a ll.l~ an g I.Jusmc.:" Wln lo thc-o uv

•J uno u:-; s t.\toments are ~111 c lo t1 .~l 1.1 tcr than tho c "htch mtght he sen t ou a hctle1 ml ...... ton, th e ourcc wh ence they<l h C\ cntu:tll~ round to he that \\ Juch !;CCk~ ,\ftcr chcapno~ , t:.lhot llt .m clm.tlnhl' ; nfte1 c1uunL1ty 1.1the t thnn qunltty at'LCr s uporhc tal J,:ug.un:i! 111 tlte• than real and In lmg \\ c>rth

({ood:; are lrcquontly rot ul cd loo ch eap 'l'h o c\·m·pre,..ont cl c"~n e to "ell mo;-e lmng coustnntly to tlt o lront tho though t · ell cl•cnpc~ and the 1ncren ed sale~ " Ill ti10IC than cqu•tllzo th e 1cdud••m Ill the 11\tli\' pt n fit '

em led tn Ius p:tsst 1~ n '' n 1111 • ' "' r. l " nwrnw:.:-. ll trn· "' IIJ! 1 .h Kt n 111,:, 'I 11 • t d a~p'J:Icli I 1tl, a nti \\ 1I K ltkc.l l11 !11-< tc ltll UIILtiiCI II llol jli•l!l:ll'S!It'tl ll llt l ll ro!l J.:IIL ~~r :,ktlt htn~ !llll lll •wplt.:• ol hi" h tllllh \\ IJn .. urtt: ll cnllc.t lvrtlt l'll\;01111 l iiii:S t•f jlflll!l' l u l I ll tJ11• IIJil'IIIIIJ:: d 1\ 8 ul 111 111huo I hu \\ 1~ t lkl.'n in 11c1, .mtllh•'~l· ttn tlth\14 " hwh nmrkc I lt1n1 lura !lt <'ntl~ uprtght 111.111 '"' rc not 111 r· llll U •• I "' llllt.trl' )lr F .. r I 1 1111 h a ~ ftllLlll\ h·n ~· the S \ 11111.1Lh~ vi mnn) frtOIIol\'.. Ill their lJcrc.t \1 1\lCIII

-T111: ' f11 1111:\1. \1 h 1:1 F.cTtox - L he rt dlllt 0' I h1• IJ di•Jl I ll 1 111~ cll'C tl •'ll \\ t l "'

wee a\ cd Ite r \! .tL " 11 ou !"> tlttr.l " ~ Hn· tn,.: 'I ho r. ~niL 111\u nutlunl.t n urJ•rt:So lO lJCILll tollh I! 'fltc \\ I li th ; \ 11l • I' ll'!!. I" II I tre;-.! ()11\!-.! J3. luo hgurui llr<' -

( , F tiOtt• . • • • .. .. • 1 /Il l \I I' l"u:.;ltt. .... • . .. 11.!'1

)L1;nrll~ for h 111t!' • ·J•·> The I ug~· l ll lJOrllj J.!•K'~ c• 11lt•at l) t o

Sht,\\ th ll tltt llldt•pCIIII~ IIt L t ~.;k rt !Il l 1 l f.tfl IIIU~~ ft t ~ •• ' ll fl:l'fl ulholli'.J :.\fr l'1h1V:1 ''' Ol •' I II .;urc.; 111 I~ ~ ll l'r~·

[ B Bu1.:u;g • 117 1

DIED o .• rn I t\ na,;ltl, l' lt h I IIII!., .dt( .. 1\

1·• •..: .111 I p 11 dnl t iiiH'>~", lovnw " llh <· ~ · lllpl lr.' Jl l l llnH •. IJ ,nr} .\ rthur 11 1\lil, (1.mrlh l>Oil ()l \\ 11!11111 :\l t:- l t'r~ nn 1 tl~e• 1.11•• ' Ill' 1111111 h l'tJrtl, 11,.,• d 17 \ • •II:! nn•l ~~ muuths -· (.•vnc to ! tt: "II h .h•su ,

O n ~11111l l~ nt~ltt l •L~t . nit• r n ~hort t ll fl~~:l, l'nlrt t k ,IIOrrtf8t' ' , d.Jcst !1011 C•f \l11rgan \l,.rrJ·IW) ,n~cJ.! · } ~· 11'11.-H 1 l' .

,\ I L1 brul••r. tm t he l th 111st , •t ite r.\ lon~t 1llnuu!l, II crhut :\l l•ro; c r, ol l' ppt•r l l nn tc. ,, ,,i4~c.t.!l) t'l(r.s •

Sale of Work! Tho \\'omt·n..: Aso:ocwt inn, · (;f

~p.1111ard s U.ty. tlc~nc · to tnforlu thcu h 1cnds lh,tt ·

A G ale of Work ,, 111 J,e hol!l1n the •Schoolro&m on 'l ' h \lntl.t..,. ~ U\ !'Ill her J -:i

n .. nl -' ~'P<'II .1t .: ,, clock <'"nt11l •ulwns t.h.titklullv rccei\ -

e1l tt lh t:! l'.u "'111,1gc -__. -

),, \l c~~:, \\ h (;Il l' \ ' tnd T \\. !'tl, ,I ll ltll 'the ( t O\ CI IIIIHHI I , ,\lhll, \ \1,--l- 0 1),, ' 0 1 auo 'l'ol ta ll 1n the 111\ , 1\ ~t u i tltc \\ h1le \\.1~· }1\rl\' 11 t •ll t -C lhl' l ' t•llh the 1'\llllot, :\s nettiH l pn1 l ~ Ill"' \ l'l 1 "~\I C<l lt <t t • l dJ~4 .. '" t h e people \It t :nc\ C d •c- a l t tgc "'IIJlJ'h 11 1~ hu,me~s 111 t lt r·~c ), t\"' .111d 1t • ~ thoug ht lu~ ( h 1\ l<'C:ot \1 ,. j tf tl \' ~(Ill, I Tt 1;) II" P.·

The benchcllll rc .. ult:; •II ,cllm~ By Telegraph. de.trcr :11e nc \ Ct ttlh.tnrccl, .tl lcns t

- - {>-- not by tho rotntl m o1ch.lll t, \\ ho '"'

I I' ' h OIIIJ>SIII III•J '1' L'o·' , ()I) • w~" \( I' . K111 •ht . 'i~o~l

B AZA~'-l. R --(1--


Je"' !o 111 tk e .1 loret 1"4 1, .h th b.d­lot l,. ,:o.: ll'\ c.tb nolhtng mitt! the I' I •> PC I tame

~1 m h 'I n xt<.'l\ , ;; I c it lm the c;,,rc­b· of the IC.liii.CI ! 't!lcrm, or l:Lihc:u h c t CtC\1 Th e J',,hnn as I told ~ ou1 11':\d Ct-" -.ome 111nc ngn, nnl\' ­ell he ro from the n o 1th \\ ith the l'c,tJ' p:nt)'. n1Hl ;liter a hort de· Jn,· Rndctl '' nh th em to . Pbtladcl­l'lllll . \t 11vmg th e re -:Jto took on hoard a cnr~o of anthrnc1to ( 11 l11 <: h, u.'· tho \\flY, 1s not n \ Cl.} cnrgo 11 roug h \\ enlhetl !'! met) wd .... ulcd o n th e 'ltd 111 t lor :-it

.Joh,n ' rt "111 thu~ be s.ecn thnt she hns been H> dnyR out, nnJ no llC\\ ::; o f h er ,·C't Ot com ;;e she m ty be b1 vketi clo" n, t h o pe " o "til uon h c.u of the crew he111g ~II'<' I y broug-h t t n to ;;omo port.

TJtalclt cad di"Ort e- ·~a • htwn­h:t~ l1tcly ul.HI I) its nppourauce in th1 <: c .. tty Quite ,\1\Umhor of chile I­I en has s uccun• bed to the mnlnd v, nncl It appcrli :'J to I.Jc of n more vtrttlant typo 111d tM.JI o contngtous tiHtn usunl. ~o•r.ething hould bo dono to "t.Ly 1ls pmgr~ -\t pres­ent no allcmpt, ns f11r n,s I can hcnr, 1 made to kc~p th(\ dn~ense in tho lucl\hlle:i 1da c1e i t brok e out It 1:; nee om pnmecl h)lol6n sot e tb tont. ond Rume children hflve been only :21 hou1s fi ick \\hen dc.tth cl:umcd them .ts 1 ts \' lett m

C'HAT~ ROCK .'t. J •>h n ':;, O ... l 22, 18'>4

H \I n·' x. Oc t 20 - 1'he cond i- ns J us~ly entt le1l to :l fa ll • c tuune l­ti<Jll t>l the Cznt 1::1 \\ Oriie nnd thc1c ntwn lo r the M lllh lllc<i !1 ) .,1 1s no Jtnve ol 1 eco' ery body .11ul muHl n the "I c~,tl ct

'l'hc \ meel uf Afghani ' tll) J:; hot- or lllllllUfactlll el te1. :O:u m c nrllclo:> .110 ;;nl.t

Adtnmtl Ill>pk ins \Hites n l etter C'oi>t, no d onl, l as' lc.tder.., J'\ll-to the ~l'un~M. ach·ocatmg the ln!L mc tly, ~uch lc.tdcr:; .. " clc_lwu tctl .\t lanLtc SCI\ 1cc to one 01 two line~, but c·tc h \ c u

.J q , m·s Emperor openetl Pnrllll· fresh !l.dthtloni:! nrc mnde to the h .; t mout ; he a k:l n loan o t a h\lndted of :~rl1cles o n ce cnp.1h le of p1 ~•­malllon dollnrs nnd w11l pro!!ecute clueing fait pw tits. ttll 1l h.t!i uf the war lnle ) ' gn·on tho J cr I atti c

Tt IS reported ~rcat dJfiJcult1cs cll.Lnco to shnt e m the le\\,tld:! ul ex ts l het.ween Premier Ho::-ci.Jery s tnct ntlcntwn nn~l busuw•-< 1n· antl Enrl Ktmberly. te~ntr.

'!'he <Jnnatl1nn revettue decreased Th e rule nppllc:; Lo Ln ~:: h~~.; r~ · a. •mllton one hundred thousand (\~C~: Itisone thang toi.Jc in-smcd , d\1ll :u~ last quarter ; the exporLC4 nooth er tlung to IJe Tn:-~mcd nell dee~ea~ed four nnllions and the Does 1t pny to buy n goCid altlclc ' 1m ports thl'eo millions. a k this questio n o f ,tlly Ill tn you

()t;T 22 - The Cznun.1 having meet, nnd the wtll ho· "Of \\ .llched const1u1tly by the Cznr s course it p.1y::1 , 1L co1 L:unly d ocs I.Jetl 1do hnu ~~ ~troke of apoplexy not pny to buy n poot :u lacle ., on .'nltudny. The C:rnlr Wishes the H ea·o is gootl O\ 1dencc of the mattlllge <1t the 0:r.nrcwitc h ~· tnke · tn~""h of .tJae-rt-bO\'Al · t:.~ 111cnt · plnce tulmeth .ltQly. • - In 1 j6, tho Rev Ell\\artl Htlgh t

Russian Rccndtles htwe dropped of New YorkCJly, obt:u necl n policy 7 pmnt:1. in the )1 utunl Iiifc fo1 S.J,,OOo. Li fe

'fhe Gmnd Dnke George is dying Iifi\n-, Annunl Premium, Slll 1.2 ofcoo umpt10n. ~ ThcPohcy recenUybecnmo n clatm

Th o .J.1pnneso were 1e pul scd nt nnd hts heirs rece1vcd Sl0,7J ' --t he tho Ynlu rtvcr. value of tho Pohcy: wtth 11 nc ·

'fbe Chin~se cttstoms rcYonue cumulnted divideu<b. 'fh e m s.u totl hn collap::;ed Pence negottn~tons paid nll premiums in en h, 11 ilh hn vc been 1 C3nmed hopefully one exception. In J, 71, he u eel Chinn lS prcpnred to concede cer- 810-1.07 en h div{dend 1n p:ttt pny­tnin tcuus. Engl1lnd n'Tade o'•cr- m ont. of hisJ)remiu m•for thnt) e:u· tures to the Powers on n now basis The d1v1 ends crethted to the The maJOrtLy of the Powers nccord Polley nt its mnturity nmomJlotl to \\ 1~h l~nglanc:l, nnd it IS ex pec tod 16,719 00, while tho total pre· thnt the others will ns!!ent. The miums pnid hythe [nRured toncho1l inten •ontton 1s purely diplomntic tho sum of 86,398 ·19, thu lcnvmg nnd 111 th e frhmcllie::ot s pint. n profit in dividencls nloue o t

- OcT. 22,-The Jnp1mesc au- $3:!0 51 Leaving out tho 11\te rc~t-

:..; \le i\ '' ;,.! 1\ F Uc111 lrtol!:t' 'i .!fl :'\ .. \ul t :l pollc,l . • .!t~:t

In l til­l I' ' I h(' III JI!I'lll

A 1' G•llklrtolgr• ........ :.\r I' Km~hL . . (; I '(No((• .,

J >r :.\l <) l~t'lltl" ... l.lllg lll l'llll 'L 1\1 rnt•r ....... \\I ll Ill. InS ...

To:rd 1~ I!! Polltn.,: D I) 111 Tnn1L~ J>1<1 I IICI ' I he r l'lHdt 111 11 l 1kcl) hll kilO\\ 11 uoun Frttl t ) U•1th slrlt·~ :!C •m lto pul ul of ~II CCI d!! J'IHl Olhtr h\ · <•lt,:U· u ons .trc h t l ilt; t•nslw,l Nununntwn fur ::it J ohn's t::.u.t nnd W <.' t, l'l tccnuu. nntl Burlll t.tkcs plnco tm thc s.unu tlatc -Wcdncodtl~ , O~t J l \\ IU IIl 1'\ll h n,; fM c:tch dtt~tract Will he lwhJ on :-,atur· d :t) , Xo , cmbcr lO 'l'cn !!oMIS nrc 111\0h · Ctl1t1 these contCI!l l!-t•''•l Ill :-;t John 's );llsL, threu 111 ' l John'11 \\1t•st, thr.•u 111 l'h lCc n tHl , 'lllllt\\ll 111 Uuran lhe ' olcs r<'CCI\ eel l•) lht• rhll'crunt \J \llth cl nt:~ foe each <h sl rJcL clurw~ t lw ~cn~rnl d~:cllon l.1st fall wcrc as folh.l\\ 6


ST J ou:s-':; Wf"..sT. Hou ]<; P 1\torrts . .2•'117 Jnmr;; Tt·~slcr,... ... . .... Hli..i.l M \\' ruriOIIJ; ......... 17:N H on M :\lonroe ............. l liOJ , P • • J :':lCOU ................ ...... 10;')0 J . 0 11l1tlhnn .................... 12.38

PI.M;F.STI \, J McGmth ................... 12-H 0. H . Emerson ... ........ 1210 W. J S Donnelly .. . l tO l II $ncnu~u . .... .... . • .. WG:o> J. W }'Ol'llll ........... ...... JQ,')() H. O'Uwycr .. ........... 1038

'1 tC' l ttOII ll t ol :,t l:'l\' j,h('n ':t Churc h, (, ri'<'11Sih.11HI wtcutl ( I> \ ,) hold tnJ.: n DtZitr d u rllll! Chn•llllt~ IH••k, 111 ntol ot tile l' \ I:J:ilf lJ \ LL ('0 :\ll 'J.l:I IO~ l'l,; :\1) Go •ntnl>ullllllS (If :Ill) d•·t~~rlp­tlon wall lw t h mk fulh rN~c l \ t'd h) tho folit'Wtng llLcll! s tJf tho 0 u lll l'lllll( C' -

:,lt•s Alltl~· :'ll r;; [' l:· l~nr, \1 rl! J . E.JJ.: 1r, ~rr .. I ' ' , \l r-1 I> Bhu ullor.l, :\fra. J B•atuJ fott1, .\1 1'11 ll t'n~ lat r, \118-:1< 11 E. :;iqmr<'"• S l'l cklnn l \ C.1l lttu!, M. Br.lf.:c \1 Bury, JJ Burro" , L Dlmuny, v ll u lclung:f - Orh'

H!i ' H. J . .RC \1) 0 l 12 1 ~9 1. ~-· -------.....,..


F,,r '.1lc \)y I'ul>hc Auction vn

Wednesday, 24th inst Rt 12o'dntk, on the Prc mJscs, thntco m

fHrtn ll l•· nnd sul;stnnll til) limit.

DWELLING-HOUSE with Garden (hcstm pl!',}sllunlcd tm HM\ O) trcct. Lhc Pstnle of tho l11 t.e Mr Thomua ll••ndurson

The House contnw s < 1ght. room11 nnd n In~ b,aacmcm C( llnr, frost· proof. Posse s ton ):;1\l.m l 11t :.'\ (1\ c ml>c r.

JnuncdHttCI} nfll:' r the 61110 of &nlJ houac, 1 ·\ 1llat>ll lly 1' A ltCI IOn on t<nmr. pn•n11111 s, nil tho HOU ' CHot,D Fl H:Sfl'l.'Rt:: llolong111g to tho 81111J <'&!lite

( By Or\l<.'r o f tho ntlmum!mtrix, ~11'!1. Thomns I lend en o n )

J J. MURPHY, o, t. 111 Si Auc u o nl'l't.

POST OFFICE NOTICE. Labrador Winter S~rvice.

-o-)(ni,& will be dospntched from

th t ~-> Oflice, 'in '~uohcc, for the T.a. ht tdc>r coa -t, 110 or about

The cost of war ts e\·er ::tlHI .ll ­wny.;s a heavy 'ttcnt to botl• sides nhkc. Fr:nulo; of one ktnd,...., nnd nnotllc r tu e uro to be perpetr:tt('tl One of the lendmg ollic l'd !; tt.'l'len '1':~\n is churged wtth hnv~g bou~ht from Germany 'il11cc h uncJrocl thousn.nd discnrtlccl rtflc'"tfvt wh tch he pnul two tt.le1s each, and chnrgetl tho Government nine t.1cls. lie nlso purchased n large tlunnttty of • . l'ltO'I l.~lln \?Oil -'fht.• ~tNundr r.:1dy cnrtrtdgcs whtch wcreCound to he (:lo\ (r,C'I1t lliormnn,'!trrl\ t'tl hero on

' 1 J · li . l• rh!.ty n1gM from J ,,hnvlo r Sho le fL \l~tcs·ly u~e c ::-. •1 ung Chang

1 Punch Th:n\ 1 l :•~t. \luncl 1y 11n,1 touehccl

thontleS ut Seoul opened the mat}· earning factor, thtR polic y did n ot of the Bntish Com~ul. The Consu cost the ins ured one ceut. unll th.ea o ns ks in~tructions. is a clenr profit shown over cost of

Oh inn d emos negotiating pence. 84.320 51.

• B UUJN. Dr. T111t ....... . ................ 003 l:'aine ............ ................. 960

bl NoYembor1 1H!>4, Allan slCilmer Curthngcn ian1,

12th Decembor, 1804l Allan steamer r Carthngeuir:m,

()lscovered the fra.ud, and s ummo n - 111 nt.. Spt•nr H t\rhr.r ami St. Juhcn•8 on ~ Cho11g •.o appear before hun Lhl' rr\)nuh ~horc ll~l\\ wg ~ho lust.-nnm­During the interVHH\ that foll owe(l ~ eel plotco 'l hu1'8<lt1y morrung. A l•uJio l,i Hung Chnng 1$ Paid to h n\' Cl numbc>r or flt\l!$engcr~;~ c:u1lo U(l f r11m tho slapped Sheng'd faCJ 'uhscquent- con~!' by h~r. ';'-moug othor~-UEiss rs ly the <lolinrblent fSbtmned lMvc of J, Ji. Alllny, K Jurott. J . ~r .. pp, 1\£.

I 1 I) H twr. lhlln, 1(. J honwy W. P•ltal)llt!, «o, a\bsencc on t c ylcn l1nt le wns 1 · and sovcra.l pnds of lielung crew~ he Nor are losses i'liiHin,r to tho abo\ e lind on J,oard c\ JoL cQtllieh, &c. 'l'he the only Qnes whtch tho com- ~eRt.h<>r on tho waa hnru, with b~tante hnve sometimes t o bear. OCCAelonal anow 11howtJr~. ' \

The Czar's condition is less Cnn tmy Compn.ny WI iting so-alarming. He wnlked yesterday. called 11 C HEAP b:iUitAXc~: 11 s how 'l'he Cuu ewitch 's marringc takes such "- result? It pays . to buy n. pi nco to-morrow. The Czarina is good nrtiole. , ·· b()ltor. A mnn makes no mi~tnkc in Lu,·-~oumnnJ.I bns JOined the Tri,Ple ing a Policy in the Grcntest of all

Alhancc Coml>tmies TnE ~luTU,\1, l.U'E <H' Tile Ttnlinn Government sap- NEw YoRK, whos e Contracts Cl)m­

pre:~sod sociuliE~ta, and called so· bine Secmrl ly, [nveijtmeni, Insur· cinlists workers aiming at revoln- nnce. Oon t wnit I D elnyg.<, aro tion. dn.ngorous.

Le Mes;turter.................. .522 H. Kn1ght ...... ,. ........... . ... ·HH

THAT JOYFUL FBBLING • W1th tho cxlulnr•llJUg aeneo or rouo\\•cd h unlth and atrenglh RnJ tnlernlll olean· hness1 winch folio,~ a tho use ofS) rup of Flgll, 19 unkno~n to Lho row "'ho h i\\'C not ~rogreasccl lleyond the ol<l Limo medicines and tho cheap sllbetttutce sometimes offered but no\•er accepted by tho well informed.

6th Jnny , l 9ij, stea•ucr St. l-1ierre, l s i. Feb , 1805 Fully pnid' Jettors ,,m be for· •

"nrdcd, OUt nl) Jll\pCr8 Or parcels. R ettu n mails wUllenvo Blame S1l-· blou on Dec. 20th, 1894, 21at Jnn­unry, 20th Feby., and 20th Marcl1, 189.>1 respecti \'ely.

J. 0. FRASER, P.M.G. Genornl Post Office, }

Sept. 121 1894.





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