Page 1: liiD^mfbm'oliliileiy^bl'^l!^ f w,erit on the even tenor of · Drovere-Batik, J A)li8 ATBBBIIL, Pre«. OKdeDBbargfi

PUBLISHED' WEEKJLY. n - o . l f. iti t si"

e»»a»s»sa»sssMeae»»«a»»ss>s»sass»s»a»»asas»M . , ,, UiiiirrnnfTi'i'i i 'pii< a, 4

:» „! ' • " 't tT***frurtf3i— . " . . i" •

o l

fliceSs set oi - j i l . Q . l f. -)t-l-t St" • i • '*•* " ' ' ' • ' 1 »1<Kl . . H ,.-n. J r t t r . , , i t l i t i i . > i m . . i l ' ' ' . ; . - > . , ^ ^ n ' 7 - l"' ' , . , . ' . ' . Tt , , . T ,•• - ,- - _ ,

i i . „ .::• '•"' ." "•;."'• - ' " • ' ; , " . -• • , I.i . . '' . . . . . . . . . . " • J7\.. vuyiuHw> a VIM yMnxivr-uittj. ut t i a ^ j s j

............ ,-ft. '•'•VKtluh-.w, .M •! . , . , , « , ,, • .<;.»,., ,•,&„! „,. | „) , i . • • . , ' . . • • J J__^»__L—LaMaUssssasJafcaasaatssetfeye^^ '• '•^•^•••••••'"Pl'WW'WM'IW^^ attsJWMsssMessssMiWeWMBB^^ .; I -'' "• i;m-n'JKj-uiini >-i nwuWmmuu .>mmtM "' ' •' ' : •'" ." "'"'

. • oavMsbUtjWfaisrJY: • ' ' •' AL U PROFE3SHKJVAU ftyglWBSfJaairoeted

ta Lhem, wlllreeetve promptattentlon. JOtce, oorner of Portland lube)!*Streets.

D . M A U O X E . J r . O . F . P A 1 * T B I D G E . f? -3 t£* t f '

ror . nMityKAJL

4 1 1 o v toe y- eVW'oT C 'd fcn-%% I

Ojjce J/rcAutlica Block.

MORRIS <fc VARY, x t t o r a e y s a n d CV>*fffl»i;Wtfi» a i Ln '

VtOS KiBBLB BO^.'dofijMroV »di l>* t iWBS

A.l iTrofesslonaltjusfaese eritrasted'W tHenf willr«-eetvtfpromrJt attention-..

— I*8W< "~ on^xetn. ...


I K - I T S .

ttAtcUHon al Boon W feand obtained uaaerthe late ot >f Cun«ess pasanaMarina, 1855. Il-ozn B. H., VAST.

BROWN & SPENCER. Attorneys, Counsel lors Ac .


Office lately occupied by Jameaand Brown, Marb If Bow .

April 12.1864 U-«-tf

-s .r , -S3' '

•a,5* ^lves his entire attention1 to the ilraotlee of his pro-OfflTce!confer of°8*ord' a§3°I§ao?ila Streets', Ogaeos-

uruli, S. Y. . , 12-M tf


ffioinmlssl on ^ » e t c b a r i t . FOB IBB PURCHASE AND SALS Of

P-lour, Wheat, Com, Pork, Fish, Water and Hand Grinds'ones, «o

O O D K N S B U K Q H , U . ^ . REFERENCES :

D . G . J D D 3 0 N , O g d e o s b a r g h , N e w Y d r k ,

8. OniBSnt, Prest. Drovere-Batik, J A)li8 ATBBBIIL, Pre«. OKdeDBbargfi Bank. JOHN D. .ron8o» Prmfc JttdaQn BanK.


iffUliuery Goods, N O W O P E N E D A T

CE> 11 <3Q. S3 » ;• B S T A B L I S H I I V '

D i j e n e r r e l a n G a l l e r y ,

B A ' t r ^ B L O C K , s a m e E n t r a n c e w i t h E A G L E H A L L . « . | » . | v O O T B H a B P B Q H , N . Y . E ^ H . O L P B .

H. P. HlLIiARD, Car>luet Maker at»d t lnaer tnker .

SHOP »OBT)-8*B«»*, King * AoefblVt Block Ogdtnllmoh,

<K s v.or-\tADBiCOPl'lN8now^n^alway»on hand ls,>, a HE\RSE.toorder, *Jn

SKELY <fe b'REEMAN, Mninfac turerso f aril Kinds J e w e l r y

' n IEV have Ja«t received ana will keep oon«tantly L Jftand a general a^»tm<mto<'Xarqao «e,Qarne't

I^oo^s! O r y s t a l a . t o B e t h e r w i t h o t h e r p r e c i o u s s t o n e r i n l O a S i o ^ i V n l c f i w i l l b e s e t t o o r d e r s t o g i e o t t o c l u s t e r s , a n d W a r r a n t e d e q u a l t o a n y t h a t c o m e f r o m

n n - i t v . <>Mr-« nxasr the. St. Umrmee Botcl. s i

r !H\S. I. B/VLUWIN. O o n e r a l P a a a e n f r e r A g e n t

t o AM. POWTB BAST Ufa WB8T lhrorfBh Tickets can be prooared over the following

Thompson's Boiinctnbonis I


And vicinity afepartloajaTly Invited to call and i a | r amine the sarao.

B i a i i r i e r s , B u p p l i o d a a TTfnia.1. September^ J8B8. n tt.

T O T H E L A D I E S . rlttrfti.Atoheion

HATING J U S * K K T l l R N E n FROM HEW* Y O K K a n d B O S T O N , w i t h h e r W i n t e r S t o c k o f

MIL,L,I!JERY GOODS, < And ber Winter Stylos of Ladles Hatf „ anooanoe- a i \ •ho will open It for exhibition on '

Tuesday, November JOth, ; A T H E K O L D S T A N D O N C O B D - S T . .

T h e S t o o i : c o n s i s t s o f a c a r o f n l s e l e c t i o n from t b 4 most fashionable (foods In the market, and win chal! lengecompetitlon. '

M f L a d i e s are reipectfalty Invited to call and BJ; amine'for' toetaaelvei, n to quality, quantity an price.

Ogdeniburgft, Soy, 7.18W-HJP" ZJS

V, F. W A 1 ^ 7 y]'Hsnt'


B A t O W I S ' S LINE OP STAGER* Ann0 all Railroads West of Chicago, at the loweat rate* of faro.


Qgdensh'irch. .Tahnary, 18« **>-"

40 for sale by 8, O . P O P E . ^ 0 0 B O X E S American Glass fromB^by^ ^JO^by

N leas, and "aS. *klnd»"of Xarniog done with neatne«« rii P O S T S . BALI.E8TERS, Table and Stand

anddespatch. by S. O. POPE.

Just RecUved from Bonton A superior assortment of 6,6X andlOotave

Piano F o r t e s : From the celebrated Maker* of Means. BBOWJJ

& ALLES, and others - . U i o

n a x. o © s o N B , OB" T H E B E S T B O S T O N M A K E B S .

T h e a b o v e w i l l b e s o l d c h e a p e r t h a n c a n b e h a d e l s e -' w h o r e In N o r t h e r n N e w Y o r k

E v e r y , Iaatrament warranted to g ive Satisfaction.

Old Piano* taken In exchange for new. P.inoa re­paired »nrt toned it tbe Proprietor'!

W V R E R O O H -B P i a n o F o r t e W a n n f a c t n r e r ,


J - o l t f . E . B A D L A M .



A ->mew ,cbeap, convenient And superior mode of balld ft. tng.showvng the snperiorlty of Gravel aonoretB ovsrbriok, stone and frame Hooses, manner of making and depositing; Its coat Ac , fee.

Price S c e n t s to be bad at g p

No. iTEagle Block. . .. • . — m

I N ' S t T H A N O D .


Oswego > . i • C'APWAL, 8U0,00U-STJB1 LTJS, $248,000.

S f R I N G F I E L D FIRE<6 I A R I N E I N S . C O . of Springfield Mass.,


of New York City O VPI TAL,, 8W0,00O—SDBPHJS, 8'2l«,000.

ATLANTIC P l f t B dr M A R I N E - 1 * 8 , COi. of P r o v i d e n c e R . I ,

C A P I T A L . 8 1 5 0 , I ) 0 « - 8 T J B P L T J 8 , »78 ,0O0.

NORTH AMERICAN PI R E IN 8 . COMPANY o f N e w Y o » k C i t y .

C A P I T A L , S 2 5 0 . 0 0 0 - S U R P L O S , fW.OOO. '


CAPITAL, SISO.OOO-SCBPLTJS, 928.O00. (Commenced boslness In July, 18SI.)



(lteoemly CommencedBasldess.) MAMPDEN F I R E INSURANCE OOMPAN1

of rlpringneld, Mass. CAPITAL, 8140,000— SURPLUS, 12,000.

r p H B above stock companies are among tbe beat In L the country. For Insuranoo, (to any amount,)

» p p l y l ° D . i l .OHAPIN. Agent atOgdonsburgb.

ALSO-Notary Pabllo and Attomoy and Counsellor a t Law. ">-8 tf-

S U R G E 0 N^UlfftlfyOE N T 1 S T 0 V E B JT7D80K »AJtK, ,'

/ BBTRBBOK OB BTATi BTBBIT. TheonlyresldentI>entlat,(wftli thseitfeptlonofDI

W. W. Best,) who manufactures whole and half sea ofteetb. 1

Ogdenabnrgh.Oec. 19,18frt n < 0 ' t f , . t

W. W. BEST, M. D . {

t e s i d e n t 2 > o n t i s t ( oonansBUBon, v. T. t

Would reapeotfully Inform his,numorons friends i r t | in r>'entlatry In the' most approved stylo, ftvefy drf' scription of Teeth Inserted, fronr one to anentireset^

irepared to perform all operation! ' . etl •

;rlpl Partlaular-attentton given to ailing teeth, thB mosu Important of all Dental operations Crystal Oold. a new article, surpassing anytning h e r d torort known to the profession

Teeth Oiled wltll ng anytning"

Teeth extracted without pain by oongelatlon. ~ • - •• - fl, • -i « B I I I e A i m c w u w u i i u u , p a i n u / u u i i H e i a i i o n . , (SET* Patients frnin a distance entertained free durj

ingbperatlonB. *»*Ofllce.JndBon's Block, np.stairsj—over Tbomp* son's Bopnet .Rooms, Ogdenaburgh, June \l, 1885.

Tbomp* 44-tf.


W ATHOTJS teLAWRBNOB. rittPOWTER AND 0 E A 1 , E R In ever) X crlptlon of Shelf and Heavy

H A R 9 W A R Z I . A i a o

A G E N T for 8. C . ' H E B R J N G ' S SAFE8, New London Sovthcs,



rth A De'nlq'a rlay Eorka. • purchased exclusively for

ent over tlrheDarchasers.—l My Goods win all be . ___, ..

CASH, givingme r2percerit over tlrheparcbasers.-This, tosether with the extenstve acqoantance of th<l late firm, wiil enable me to sell at exceeding loW prices.

10O D O Z E N Milk Pane forealo. A. WATBOU8 11-U t ta te WATRooa <fe LA.WB<iiq»,


W O U l i D inform the oitlzerut ofOGDElTH-BUSGH and vicinity, that he has opened a shop over the Hat Store of R. & T. C. Ate he-sod,for the pnrpos of attending to their wants rn

Cutting and Making their own Clothoa, selecting Trlmmtngi, Bepalrlntl their old Clothing, and doing everything bi his line. >

Please give him a calL Ent ranee, first door below Atebesons, up Stairs.

OT- Particular attention paid to onrtlng for other* to make '

Ogdensborgh, June, 1887, l<-13-tf. SrVVINGS'! S A V I N G S !

'&%&% e p a r t l

r _^r„_T_ _,._^i_„ fozthesafety of moneva deposited, art"pl»flgea lu capital, and tbe personal; liability; of Ata ^President,. Directory, and Stockholders, agreeably to,thd seventh |edtron.of thet Elghih Article of tbe Constitution or the State of New-York. AUGUSTUS CHAPMAN, President

E. N. MERBIAM, Oaabler D I R E C T O R S :

JamekG. Averoll, Henry, Van Renssolcer, James Averell, Charles P. Egert, Elijah B. AUen, GeoYge' A. Chapman.

Ogdensbargh, Nov. llth, IBM. | | 14-tf. THE AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY,

Heayy.«etthts wiii_bjrcarHed1trj:edd»>d xi ijR:. TImVWro ft«^'«or«^^.t^^^*^i^ni*.

St La-wronce Hotol Blocfct P'fd^hiburph. 14-40-tf. i *'-«*

Legally t titbotfxriil Vnclloneer for S. N. Y .

V IJWAYryready tanttemVto eaHslni hisproftsslci * ». May Hg Coujxd at. thf General Iptolllg^nce Ofllc/.}

r*ord-«trf,*/, (7<fcnj6«roA, N. Y. U. Opposite Seymour »Store.




G e n 'a Furnishing G o o d s ! AS REMOVED TO THE STAND formerly occupied by hlra In

BADLAMS .BLQCK, Corner of Ford and Caroline Streets,

Where he will wait upon his customers and the puble enorally, with his usual promptness.

JVi'.w Goods, Otthe most modenv styles and paterns.Jost reoefved and offered at prices to salt tbe times- Remember

At the Stand in Badlam's Block, "Corner of fford and Caroline Streets, Ogdensburgh, IT. Y. T, S. CLARK, Agent.

Mkylt . , 15-9-tf.

X has <<onne< •Tab Printing.

INIJEAtERO i c t t 'd w i t h I t

as l T v n i

. . . . . . . . . . . 'Ctert . entlrelynewPrtMes',Tvrje and listeria!. . « . — _ . „ . their Tlolnlty nan got all .kiwis of.Jpb work done on ahort,pntlCe, and on the most raascnableferma.

USTOS b Omce,


19-tr. , and on 1 . mostroasnnalileli ,

tICH &• KEirSllNGTON, / . i Proprietors.;

PRESCOTT MESSENGER 1 S T U B STJBSCRilPTrON price ol the Prttcott Ileum QOI t ee of pottage;. H i s an excellent family paper. Try I. fora year.

G r o c e r i e s .a t I V I i o l e s a l e : First Door above, the FoatOQeti

CANTON, N. Y. TERM S—Cash—PrlceaSattsflsetory.

18 3.n. ' . HT.K COOKE.


Xiatke H u r o n ' • ^'

Gri^iriNrxjjeiToiNrjas t The tjuarry (Von which theac-stanes- are- obubicd.

worked .Into new bands and win be extensively 'eompe tent men. Iheenbsortber b e t o g ' » c

polnted sole Agent for this section of the coantrv. now offers to the public an article no where excelled in quality, proportions, or workmanship.

Tbe quality ot this Stone for Edga-Tobls, Is At anpev riorto that of »uy other foOTjd;on,.4Ms» Western Con­tinent, and equal to the-•celebrated Fran<ih Stone in producing a fine edge, while It c a u away much faster than any other Stonenow hr u«ei • •

.. .Qpeof the«e_Stones, exhibited atthe Coqnty Fair, £ $ £ ( fro 4\omt PMlMlnff l • • .i- •

' « float Ihe fmt Premium

Dealers may warrant these Stones to thesatlanurtlon ofpurehasen,

.,. ( ^ O r d e r s addrciued to the the subscriber wll lre-yTvep'HirapisltenUCD, having a stock oh hana from «Mb» un-tol,2a«lbs_ . . ..

Jfprsalo WDoLESAUt A S S RBTAIL. . .«Hi ,9 , i ! !SS.* i * 0 ' t t ' n S ' , t otCdarso WsterStohealrom 6«lb9.'fo»fl0tilbssraBd two qualities of Fins and Coarse Berea Stone of small aliea.

Il-tf B. W. BTJSH. Ordansborgh.

P R E S X T P T T M E Q S . E N P E R PER YEAR. IS jAZ.ii THEY charge for a column In the PretcoJl ttktwagtY—half lit asm* proportion.

i:. J. aYNB8, Publisher,

fl*T a^lf*^ T >Br«»«AINOEAI.BRI»a»nt J K I - I I I J . to Subscribers ut ONE DOLLAB

THE PRESCOn TatORAPH. IS one of the most extensively circulated Paperaln

Can»da,and-l»fumlsbodat»l ,60 peryear.and IS managed with a view to make it a reliable medtnnl of news and a safe paper for the fireside. A s a medlui^ for

-"•- ^^WffibMJ Itoffera excellentfacl! and business men ''ft-tf • " • '

H li.MEBBILL. , f; anJ.Proprieter.

« O D A _ berry, BaspL itantlyon hand.

... W t t H LgltfO] y, Ginger and crear


TILLEY & BBOTHEB'B. , No.gOileobanlca'Brook.Fbrd-St.

Ogdonsbnrgn. June 3d. 1858, • ' -

NEW JJRUG STORE. " ~ A . B . J E N N E R & C O . . .

tspcatssoaroo. w. rartBaooxi.j ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers In

D n tr o a; & OTn rtWiW D 9 ' Pftlnts, Oils , Varnish,,, A c ,


Cordef Ford and tsaboBa<atsu Of dsnsbargb. K. T. rjOOKIN6„ ^I5RVES.-TWO _ «>6>liarf«Gbuirat«s«s,"nearJy n»w. rirsaloor ax-

Cotaa'foWeVdHlcnui^nv ' :'. J

FoVshWyoa-Btyoir fp i iyV • •' " lAndtb«quast»u»1»»tp«rnl«x»dVrn« ,, i. Have vaaisneitmitn away,,j .. ,, „ U|

'. Ye open the eastsrn wllndows," , l l iM'Wiklowarat f i t i t in , ' '" 'WhercrtHo''sliiil^tsrTsilow*,'

'AadithehrodUdfnWrainiran.i • . ; .11.1 ![><*. / . / •!. , , - | V t l l »•! ' , • ( , ' .

r» yjourjj.arts are.fbji bjrdsrfsuashlne. In"your tboughta thit brookltt'silow.

But in mine Ittbe wtod of aatumb And the nrst ttiX (Jfslibw. ' ° '

' f f l •<•:.• t ,.'i J •• / i i . '

A h l whatwoaJtthft rTOrldba-WM ,Ll , . ir the children wern no mtfztj,,

We.sho,ald dread the dissert behind as Wotse tjian the dark before. ' '

WhsttbelstTSS era to) the (br«st,A WMbllfhtandjs>lrfojufaodj >i ,(, •„

Ere tbelrswaet snd tepdjgr jajcea _, Havo beep hardened IntQWQOd,

That to the world are children; Through *b««v-tt fealiitha glow

Of a bxlabter andaunnilecaUmata Tb»n reaches the trpibks below, , ,

Come to 'm«, 0 ye ch lldrsn 1 And whisper In my ear

What the winds and the winds aro singing In your sunny atmosphere.

For what are al) our contriving^' Add the wlsdotrl of'oar books,

Whon compared with your caresses, ' And gladness of your looks f

Your are bettor than, sill the ballads That ever were sum] or said;

F o r y o a r e l i v i n g p o e n v s . A n d a l l t b e r e s t are" d e a d .

— Longfellow.

BE A WOMAJET Oft I*ve>heard a gentlit mother,

Aattitt twilight hoar* began. Pleading with a son ion duty. Urging Dim to be » man.

But onto her blue eyed daughter, Though with iove/S word's quite as ready,

Joints ehe'dat the otJierdftty, ' • S t r i v e myi d e a r t o b e a l a d y . "

W h a t ' s a l a d y ? 1(.. l a u o m e t h l n g

Made of hoops andjsllks sndalri 1 Used IQ d*cois(s. Ihafsrla.'.

Like the fanoy rungii and chairs r Is It one who wastes on nove la

E v e r y f e e l i n g t h a t It) h u m a n 7 I f * t l s Ihla t o b o a \n13y.

Tim n o t t h i s t o b e a w o m a n .

Mother, then unto your daugbter Bpeak of something higher far

Then to be mere Fashion lady— "Woman Is a brlgher star.

I f y e In y o u r s t r o n g allTeotlon, U r u e >*onr s o n t a b e a t r u e m a n .

U r g e y o u r d a n g h t e j n o learn s t r o n g l y

To srtso and be a we<aiAn,

Y e s a w o m a n — b r i ^ h t n s t m o d * I

Ol that high and perfect beauty. Whole the minds and iioul and body,

Blend to work out life's great duty. Be a woman—naught lis higher

On the gilded ltst of fame; On the catalogue of Virtue

Thetc'I'BO brighter, holler name.

Be a, woroan—on todoity ; BalSe tbe world from all that's low, •

Place blgli In the social heaven Virtues fan- and ro dDant brow,

Bend thy Influence to each effort Shat shall raise tbe nature human;

Be opt Fashion's gildicd lady, Be a brave wholesouilad Woman,

kdary.alaal * t » percMd -Mf^i^lBe.liae:' jtoret, doae lo-st -parnswof ssjiasa « t - In the rufri, reading a long Alddeq, boolc. onwftole-jgorne aa ihe dnm^S^m*MKi\ boose, and


w i l n n t u n o ' . ' . «i'-»'1-,CJ 1OIJI* ' I I «'.L< r-1 i . - ( t

LJ... ?- like Majyni.ACfotfl ihe wiyr.

' «itl*J«ftnfj"tail, ma&<&u^i$%sMm

sJpr W'b DtMrl!%ra m%?mmfavm\\>

}i[--tMM<km\*t4'mMb(M*&M nipt) rr'pflf^ofWrVbd'

a j , j •No-^lrtkhtog rlPT^'<fcaM'Ms»r^^Ir^s.}>voa^g^rr>>r^rr)r^^ln^ -

i'mfaeJein-to iave> ibcstiTf. • */'.',! -•• ' . '-!'- t 1

•Bm, aj fcJMfi^^r^^. fry^ra^aj idJbo. rjoesn't-f-' , A .

•SI!erJr;i!,'BlP, 'Wlt&iiHMti l am aWryl bavfvaach»»dBOTkfUen,t vboji—no«\jfO and

fniaed IrucU—ihe rraqh ol^acttytiy wrongly {imployed—to an Invalid mother.

i .'• i . i i i i . ' 11 i iH ••) . ' ( ' 1

Let a«.«ipp*crp»a ihe^-oad nnd epter th> pleasant honwnt.ld. T b e larhlly* are most ul rriem Irr Ibe Billing room. KlIjt-iMajor ia poqfipf ovetja^boojq wWcb *be bol<l» uut o | aright; Minnie sits alifaepiani' jast lunching ibe-Weyn sbfrTyV" aeory 1s 'Ii)0tij5ib«, tbe" mo'bct«nd lalher. both .occupied will). • newapaper of i.hejlgbl klnfl. -,- , M ,

Soddeniy Mr1: Major tooka tip, ttH notices the absorbed altenlloD of bis yaunaesi daugh­ter. • , , • • ., . ; ' 'Wel l , ELly, whal tpterei iayoa so "mocn,

• d e a r ! " •" ' ' • " ' •' " ' " '• ' '• ' • '<••>-

TheJiule girl bloabed,,bUr anawered Inno naoasry^O! papa. It ia Roblnsqn Crusoe. Sofah Carter lent It to trie ye'sierdny, afid'ft is 10 beaoiiioll' •

'Ye»,deaf, a nery niesaqntand, enienain-!ng book ; si.flI, perhnna my daughter could rtrad aometblog beqie-r' wiih ' d»y.

more -profit' to-


: | l , |w s»illt^»:rru?>CAariiiarl*«j.:-wi|b)-yborB: 1' iplDk of decl ining tbeir reh'fesjiiss^ujjj ; .. ,-

H r A B . * r & A r ^ f i t e f ^ K ^ r d b a l vinob./'Sai\lei<Vi'«'31-«n»y l>e mid,. -.Sfott havejsiMe a^Rpffatd.w^ TO* j n y o n t ^ i .j.,

*%w*\h ?•«•? Wl.•!!,-., .rSo.fft-u..lJfTS«^ eruentlon.' - ,„ • Mra.'Baric.W'aHrl lieSrl'«fS^S, rBol?- afteV

3 1itt)« Hinro of ingi 8 8 bep»B'bei» atorvbf

'("vA0^^!. 8AJiA}rcr*. m.m^i^\

ahnnKing from tbe Kuuject aount WDICQ she ;thlt ti1rJetra,rlBfr«ib•V''K•'JJU,^ v "

•I rewrWAdtlbkiTriglm' JwtU:8be.-»sifter liiwaiDg.'atudo Lhfi«<« irf<;,«Blf-e»Awinp.i:ion, uotj adf oub/aidjngs, ^B.^JI wpoltt jof prre

uf' ---

-al ranger than fiction.

'George, whal book iha,ve yoa ihere?' 'Oneoi D'Anbgrie's, faiher.' •Pol ft op, my son ; take yonr Bib le ; It Is

ihe'holy Sabbath"* 'O I but lather, ibis i!» so good, it telle of

'he ReloriD.-Tiinn, and ChrlsiiAns, and per-secoiiuns.; 1 am so mvcA inieresA't', fn . | t '

'Pal ii up, my son, u is Qod'J'-Vloly qiy; tdke "our Bible or your hymu-book/st f e'»e

all fltlll nud think ; Ii Is distracting Ju lb* mind to read such ihioga.' /

'Ol lalher—I—' / 'Mind me, air ' » There was no appeal from t&ia sternly spo­

ken command ; so Geiurge,wuh a hasty,step, unshed lace, and witb an angry heart, pot up bi» lavqriie volume, and b e wonjd not the Bib|e. Josleijd, he hurried to a so­la in a distant part of tbe room, and, threw himself upon It, sullen and thinking ungen­erous thoughts of bis faiher. ' t i e don't care anything about reading,' be said mentally, but passionately; 'he never reads history, and don't know hour gmud it 1% nor how much one learns, l.ibinlt ill's balelul of him to make me ait here duunb and siupid4-thal I du— and I won't read the Bible, for|h>e never explains ii to me. O'! dear, 1 wlahA coTrlfi go to sleep * / i •

Mr. Allen had looked round oficfe to see If his son was obeying him, and merely re­marking,- 'Don't: lenire that place, s i r , ' h e ibiew bis illk handkeuchiel over his lace and slept.

It w-a* a w^rnj, snimmer's d,ny. The win­dows w,er.e. alLppp^ajnd throu^ two pfibehi the arbor in, the g'atdem looked very cool knd inviting. 'Ifl had onlly uane adt there" wfth my feoolr," grumbled the boy, 'he never wunld, havRacrn ire".} anilL Imam if* no bBimWWd'D'aoblgnev I meanteaslt ibe minister.'

Jast ihen there wiu a great noise in came little Arehy with the kitien and a paatboard box. K.iuyj was running . in Krrat glee. *o wan Archj,-. "EheJ.r noise awakened, Mr. Alleo.

•What la that V be ciled sternly. rMe and kit, father j see, kit Is' 'ridTnjt roe1

Icjrhtirch j get gp, y0itt(«at,,i and fliway ibey galloped ngairr. '«

•Sli'p- that, yoo> wllcked- boy^ anhanieaa • he kitten, or I Shall whip yotj... ^eyerBly. Bad boy, do yuu know ibis Is. the boly Sab­bath r ,,'K.iMy was lired, sidin' silip—an4 1, loo,' cried A/chy, pouitng, as he siQod Intent oil ibe kitten,''lairiT wicked.' r

'Take ihat kiirerroutl" cried Mr.'Allen relnetantly springing'up Ironr blrCBalr/'aTnd alief that come-here mnd sit od this atoolj and it yoa stir ['It whip yoa «everelyy i i f . O l tbe ftboro wickedness o l children 1' he piled, groaning to biniferl, 'tbey hnle coodiiewa, 1 can't njake I hem c,oni>prthend iba,i ibis i s the Lord's day,'

A 8wee,t voice wa» heard alnging In itii ne'iti room, and sillily the words floated on the a i r—'Be dofelh' alU'tbfngs well.' ^'•CBtbeHnei'rfried Mr-Al l en . -

Ajodrjgg ir l ippeare i l^ •:• > ; • ! . . 'Calherinei a l t yomsinglng a-.»ongl' • ' i w a a a l o g i B g ' g ^ d ^ l h . *lWMPiga,we>l,'

lalher! wa».the rBiheirMrn,iu\rep,y. ,ifi . 'Tha.t ianjj tbe gueation wasq^yoo »lng-

AnJ?««?njrT' . . . . . . .

the child lopkerJ eafDrslly toward bCrriand arc lied.

'11 you think best, falber, 1 wilt read some-IhMng tl»e.' . _ , , „ _

'1 do lhiok, aa >hls day is set apart lor Ibe w.jreHlpof&oa, yoor Httle--Bfhlc migbttoe PfoQwuly •iMdied,' ., ., • ;..

'Wi|l you explain lo me. father V u Elly,laidaside-herbook Renily.-anitiwilb

iiltle .eeiriinij regret, applied herself Jo her Bible, sure c3| he? Inthir's iyWpafhy and a»-sfatmat-e'aboold-she need ih -n ' - •» t i -

{AePlhLmhfWt XO? a r e WX W«r*f i, v -

Yes faiher, I nm thoroughly ilred ol cjoing noiiiidg; Mywatfadieftir-l'-rtad.1'

•WeM, ri)X!«r.'i),Jo» Iwd peJleiwaK? • IUT. lie wnv. Take ihe back road down by ifie xlvrt-.'^rlo -ts-beW fait -rerrlni.telf am bdvr^mahV" evidEUBitooiXSod'a- aroodoems yoo^aa^e ,aeeo. Vqq nred a Jluje ajtcrci«e and yoa b«v^ berlh iig'iw.d'bDyto-d'iiy. Minnie, thilri, Why dun't yuu'ptay:aotnea)lag and singl jsbuqkl. like very mOctj lo/ht-aj ,'^a.ry fllitb,pB*viprJ» I omb The llmegirr, dellghled Ib'­quested thi>t3Usic , earrr the sacred song' very sweetly .and, the* rest listened in .approving si­lence . . . . : • -

'Nt'W ihat.other lavqrjie of refne,—'He do-eih all l"Jjpga vyell'—ih»,t Is a. rrjoat.bjutnilful

" ^ ^ y ' ' , ' ,i. -, I . So »ooi b^gtherflDsW'lell ap6n Ibe «lr 41

the ctrpe of tha t 4a7ra aabWih d i y , it aeero'ed ' as fl ihe angels wtr*- iWtMiing Wrf. Ut. M a . jor.smlHng opon -&r#'Vi'lie"-*oltly, 'Thattlf God!' Her e v e r were fitted- with happy tears. Jt was npiyel ai* njuoib* r-ince one<?l tbeir lluli onea had gone borne, and fbis son? tfaached their hea'ris' with the ' tendefest emotions. - > , - • i

Ai l waas i l ep l .wben a load pe^l. of laugh­ter'was beard'ln the 6acK pat¥ ol tbe boose'. In another minute., io-came Allydresaed bp In bla lather's morping gown, a pajroj spec­tacles on ti-ls hose.' ' • • • • - •

'My ue&r . 'n id Mr. Major .gravely . That waflall—rUobodyamUeil. ± b f HUle^pe lopk eu aboot In great confusion—ip/ew off ibe dresa, and tarr.bettd'doW* itfwanl-bl» father's open arms. , ,',, .

'1 ibin^ w c can do aomething better tban dress o p ' i d thatWdicnloi.s1 fastffotj to-doy, doa'l you^»ll l joT4iked:M<. Major.. t

'Yw-air . ' ihetjluieiel lpw said Inasqbdn-ed vol?e; itltr^sYJfhtblsTfnfiy h¥adlifVbls father's arms. In a quiet, aooibrrig.Voiee.lhel lalher told tbe story of little Samarl , illastra. ling |n lis qoufsr?, <bi^»weet Obedience <>l ihe holy chflH, mfd'ftbove all his regard lor God and b is appointed ordinahceo. O l ibtstwas better than rebuke, and ihe boy, young,«» be was, k i t jt, and learned a, lea*on he would noi soon lor gel.

Tbe bells were ringing—Henry bad re­turned, looking- fresh and glowing. T h e girls were all nrehared for nieeilng.

' W e l l , my cnild, bsvej 'bn passed t pleas' ant S n b b a W i ' naked ibe father. i'

BearningJeyes add read lips-answered. . '

M b t t n a v M o a m N O . — Qfice of MA. A12cn.~f Sir, if it ia not paid In lerqe days, i will *'rjp you, of every thlpf? von posAAr. fl4ytnd»|ogi toah;inka.n,.honeat de'bf. IKng.' , . , „ ,

But Mr. Arleo, I hawp-fcc.en fll-r-j V wJle Old stb/yL'bhl story ? ntTrnrVre'tb "say. air j

beg or • BotrdV t h e moiiey,'—or—yon know' m e ' ' - '••' " - ' ' -: ; ••'

IvJohOyV Mri»H»»Q.-kOJE» 'Br Mr.'Map^ h m asrramed'trya^k IhrHlfiV eatenaton '•Mh' Major, but l nm cruelly poor jaw flow.1 If yOa*<ooUld.alfiiwi:me « Hitle hrorc time-^'i

'Certainly, Mr.T M a y i I heard ,' a . /go*nei Bernuaion tb9|;oJd*Hj /«)?.'ywqrf)ay,j,^ yopr hflat lpF p i ^ n d , , ! ^ conlepl,' •,

The pfayrrs ot a gratefal man AM

(Mi^,^ep1i«dPM^-JUr«^ i«4ti^ t* t*Wi , Catherine, yon. wonlil reaeive ,yoai :»dng» lor the rest of the week. Tfc/»is ib#JUr4d'«4ayl y-ooare not e v e B ^ t i W ^ f ^ M g w r r ^ o M ^ , Qo• n«'Broad, Mkiilfe pna 4 M leao;«;«o ;;deaih,'..rbe<ievV # w > r « V l t o f Itt-O d « r P t-Caiberihe- diaapre »rerf$0t«o*#eet aohqrja ibd iMderfcrilfinenW'»»!»% arid''; biHrj*.


prayers ora graterul man, ftscepj Heaven.—N. Y. Examiner.


done one


I've done one good1 day's work, i f I never do unotbel-,'Said Mr. Brftlow, rdB-bing bis hands together briskly arid with the air of a man who felt Very rnncb pleas« ed with himself. - • • a

'Andeo' bavo I." Mra- Barlow'a <Trrico was in 4 lower tune, arodlrsa exnltant, yet indicative uf a spirit, with itself.

'Let tu compare aotea,' Mid Mr. >Bar« low, in tboc«iir1(ler/t raaaatr of ode -who knows that "victory- <wilrbe> -on bis aide, •and see which 'baa • done tbe best day'4 work-' • y ^ t . . / ..

•Youv •ofcourse," rcturacdi^eW^jpMtlc-) hearted wife*' • •; • - " / ^ ^ * m.i, u

v W e abalt «ee< • < Let tba,faiarorj|iaf ynar day-'s work preced&Tnino. ." . .< .- '1 1 .

' N o / s a i d Mr*. Baflorr,^yoa.eball give tbe finit'experience.' -i 'no . -

•Very-well*' And.fall nf hiambjectMr. Barlowt begad. . . .,

*Yi.ia Temeniber tbtfcdebtof ^airfield, about which J *rwkefl.fe»ir,raomru> ago? .

dollarrwhen », left hpine, tniv>n?tpvaiir|r>— Now the whose chtiiBti««ari?oiu* tud to eQiWWe Klm^j , __ JfcMMfWR.i nra^c f t—

that another « n ^ ( ^ t ^ % i t W l willr«e* a-thml

<luy. try to ptrssesa my soul in patieoce.-atid'th&haSUetin fte OTAl1 day. Sb«Y ^ o - « r t '«'•• - ti •* 1 • . ! c. -.

Mra. Barlow looked o|>« with, a ilimid, bulf.basbfnl, ,flir »U her busluytd. ( She did nut meet bis eyes fpr. be bad turned 1 hern partly away.

Y**, dear Jenny, go od.' '-'••* '-The husband's baoyancy of tone was

gone. , la p|»co, was^omt^ing tender anil peneive-

Lillle.Eddy was nnusally fretful this

.mdrDin'gt.'oaVoa iH rtmetabfy. 'He BeenS-ed fyervenn I thoaeht—oroxa as-we tall- it- i— 1 w a s , lernutiid n> speaK ^ar»hly j,w»r or ihr^e time*, but remembering m y eop . lutio'n I pot cm tile nrra'tr of'pftrienc . neVer let"mfn h e a r h l o h e : 'Deai'frl irefel­low ! W h e n I went in wash biml tfteji brrnhfa&t, 1 found.,JHJt--,bpl}intl one of his e u r a * s m a i l ^ n f l a m p l . b o i l , v}\ Jjas, ^rjade liira ahghl ly Texertsji onr) worrveome all iluy'." O'rr. wasn't 1 p^adifiatr pnricoce'nad rufed !my*pirit<-I >• •• ' i

AXtur yud went away lu ibe Ktore, L>H^ r y ^ i n i o ( jine, oj( her oervfiraa burnnfri.—, She diilryt want to sn to school, to begin wirh ; Then able bttrJlilrW'ftofl tier nlhte t Hnd triT>o 'her,shoe pinciH-ti Ijer- I Telt very much annoyeti ; bor recalling qay jsood re-wiluiion, I met her irmai ion with calm-ne«s. her wilfulneBs'Wiin' gentle rebuke: arld'sn'l conquered.•'' S h e bisseil me and

.-inried tor ecbirpl w i t b a cbeerfnJ cuutlte, no.nce.lier s late Jin hex satchel , and the pinching abpo ntiheetled. S o 1 had m y reward. ' ' '' ' '

But m y -rVialfe' • W r o not o-eei1. Srioae extra waablnjj.'Vvha needed . S o 1 calleil Kl-

leq flDfJjrbiil.hp/nlhijt Wary wuaW rer|air,P a frock and fwo" o_airs of drawers to be wa8he"d*'odl, i he tin by1 some slips, and you «urte pocket handkerchiefs- <A &nbey re-fujual lea|«d fttim lbe: girl's quick, tonjeae, QiiiUndignanl words lo mc.. Patience! paljence . wnioperetl a small' Btill voice.— HrifJed with an efTrt'rt, my feelings. reB-i rained- m y atiepcb. and Controlled m y countenance. Very loextgripr -igQs, did I jppHinjo Ellen'e face, until she dropped ber eyes to tbe floor in confosion,

'"Yoa rnQ8t'hnve(^org'itreh 'yourself,' T said with Korns diefnity of-rriannerl< yet without..a' s iga «f ir,ritaujan. rShe°- ws» huml>le,at,9Dq ; grnjfesjied iho wmng and begged ray partlbn. J forgave ber after rrpfoof and she Went h i c k f6 t h e ' k h c h e n , BiimerbTngwiser, -I- fbirjk-, than w h e n I summoned ber. T b e . washing I required baa been ^PW" Wl' i"^a.w*" u"1*? ' a n t i

iho girl baa eeemefl all day as if the were entleavoring lo a ldnety klndheEtil adrTser--viro for that hasty speech.' -If A mistakp not.' we'were'bbtb improved by the disct«-plino throdgh which wo passed.

•,Q,|3gr trilija.l, bave bnd tbrcing^h, the. day. pqrne of tbem t[aite os severe as ihe few"! bhvfe meiiridned; bdi tbe arrnor of patience was whole • when tbe con sat down. J was able lo poeseag my snul in, peace, ao«l ibe contiaeM of mysflf has marie me happier. Tiii.s ia my good day's work. It may not seem much 'ib-ytrar eyes.' ' • •.''<» I •

Mr^JJarlnw did not. look or speak,, as the voice of hia wife gcew silijnt- ,3be waited olniost a minnic fnr pis reapdnae. Then he beitt forward outhlehly,1 'irrj'il Wased bbe, «nying as ho diil » Q « ; I , ; . I H I

J'M4nftTS/aa«g)rl£"'-.VOnr*jTJ feat^fr-fljine anccegut^njrs conquest—rrune easy toil, yodnnaJBlarji1 f' :J eWn v1} deaf, elricV 'yott heivrjq^irjia'rking, I ifavd^fhoogrU ibos^— My gnddiazofk has. colled' nxy garment*,

• • > •" v'.A-;, . >, . . f t<tH&:™n$aMtmm:MK&Mim--Mtftl : •.... *" "r" ^ f r » > v ^ u

i»Q. 1 9 d ' ' - . l M f e . . - ^ « o l f a i ' t ^ l r i A i ; i i : » > ^ tit} rrAyt l * * ~ , ^ j , • ' " '

\» e*r£inirtt» ^di

• S f .Krimh-hji' - t ! i be't

9 d » !

nf^rld^lltorirtlnVlrlfdi. ."H.Witiila'i.'im^ T .mn»a£.

Htrge family oFcnupren.Tiir tbe, most part

lring*Wlfft'l itdf^a#PkfiffierUirir«{ferJ iineiv ne went to inuiana, goto m

fta' lompany idJ'1iarr'ti

'itbiffiaixiisDileattf thiacityfor.akngtbtii-.

Tht»,«ory I* literally true, wwh the ex MRf*1 " fW'^m'ea . VerS«yf Wfifh,^°

::Mm:Jmk^. n M- 'J n-ii\w

a ' ii .! A,EaJlTB»-'M , - .7 - . „.

Ool . MbVirn a vetJekoh fidli'tfcfa'n of The Old" Dominion , 'enjoye'd ^ffcttti pertdhki" popularity on account- .n£ hia (bflability of-v *I*!&nn%frrnjl.tKf. <®Vm CPv-l^alwayacajrwa; -big Vote whenever he w a s un Fur an o m c e .

atid'TisrjWry anficeedea' in fe i fev lncm^l l i cn i ' lhatiMlir>Jcrie.w-them -we l l , i f l e m e t his rhbiebAPfl.fDPrniogr'however, whert ou.-

**\f^\t«m%Mtitf tim'< w«rtB.fl 'fWpen ftWkfJtteSSettf^WWltede^ita Ust of all evils; it is the Bbandqnrnentj&jj:. with dead notbiogness. B e w n o can lni-

,j>lant'fariii'B^',ln^nfe3%fflS!r4ii 'Bdnl' is'tnb' best^hyribims^iL^fiiBif^iei?* *.di,:it* .«•

The river oSrQorfioo foilt»f' dyjtte'K bnt ere is flrt

OD^<^^^feB^iwir?-' feartbly anringa,, Bod wi l lhave no swKtgtft

" W i o W f W 1 ! „ l>e -,8h00L: i>A{'d

hiartjly with lujn and commencerT: >- I'Wllkbt^w do youjd.j, Tj ir 7. a m ^ e r y •glpil to rhee you ; a One day, Thir- I then yon sttrUTrfde your lnne 61dl'gray, Tbii-r 1 . . . . . . .

•No, sir,,. thfe horse is one tf, 4wrrpwed this, tnornjng,' .

•Oh ! ah ! wel l . T h i r , bow are the old genrlefrririn ma'fh'dy r "

• My parenTH bave been dead abont three year*. a».' - • / • : . .

;§H| hnwiihyotjr mfy, Tbitt orid :ihe children V

•\"hm an bnrtrumed man,* iftaurtf ruiiueh. Do y<m thill live on

anil'*tHe old'farm V . ' '' -Jip-Mrj, I've jqst apived where I was tioni.' ,

' W e l l . Thrr. I guerh T ilnn't knoxy vou after-nil.'-' f T .

(iuod mur-ning. Thir . '

fc^im Ohio ,



A formol faHbiiinhlirb vUirt ir ihusaddres-Bed a i i l l le^ir l : , .

' H « w , a r e y t n i v m y de,or V •Very well , I thank von, she replied,—

T h e wisirortKbn drldrkl : •Now-, m y rlear, yi>ur should ask me br*w

I am.' ,(• The child simply and honestly replied :

'1 dont waul lo know."

' fl'iw ,v>4 I jjj»*,'

Trde horlesiai baaeiliotuenergiy-inpd-., chart:

,ho w b1ight a'c^cu.nstk'rib'e'rllQ^ whole-cobrieifcftieiterlts.soiSuci]

_ -ithwf ar*pirit,-IPO;


14 here is flp|«ne,,d«.n»ofijt t h a ^ g |

T-uaed' W c l l r l MW^m^mfiPfiifii" .whidb he'ilffniJeVf1 iWpihBJ,'afld|<-Bw6oW'' tiDt-h»ve.aVt>u >ihati!*r8!Bti«i;Tcliistrej«ed, ift, ibe leasj^pcouragetl Jyjf,^oar^ernpri-. ne«sj» b»-.tpe pfeparation for your being

-fi l led;' .und your :'casHhg*a1dowt*"''V bnt tnenlairitig rfead^if y«fa*liftrrig op.-J-jtyurgqnti -,': :. a,\:_ : n. .1, «».'; -.». '• 1 ) • " " '• • • w j " ' > i . i . " ' " i - i ' . . A i - J ' , .

A man will confess his stns in genera] : it'ut^nUes'ins^which he •'wtiuni'nbt Ifav-e His flMjVlibo^k'rtbw-'ftrlils'right hndd,which bow)him;d«wB. svitbj-sbarnes, ,like, fl, wjnd.-;, stricken buiru9h, tho<e he passes oyer in . his^piayer- Wtfinjare wjljing to be thought'

'-infu^in dispijbiuon ; J^it in special acts j h e y e r e disposed to praise IheoBiselves-— They.iherefore,.,o»nfess Iheir depravity and't

'lefebd their conduct. ; ;Tliey..are wrong in aeneral and right in particular.

1 • a»

Traie bumamty conskts not )ri 0 sqOearn-i«m e5t{r, not iri-ptartina or 8hrinkingut ta les of irjjsery, but in 0 dwposition ol heart to> relieve it. True humanity appertain** l o ihe mind rather than Wjjnerves. and promps^ men to use real and native measures to e x - ' er-nie- the actions whichi it suggests.




T h e N"PW York N e w s b d s turned critic. It declahea'that the Syracuse resoluiiona-in relation to t h e 1 Ad miui st ration nf J A K E S BocifAWAN. 'is q; compl imenl «o delicate

•that it is scarcely disceroibl- . '

4ffip7^jra.from Prentice.

ThokdiloKof-lhe Charleston Mercury thiflk.6 [hat 'the .tnj»jpracticea of the Dem-nc^BtyiKhouliI be ,oboli,^bed.' It will be easier to abolkhihe' Democracy itself.

•Mr. Whitebbuse has hnd "a fair trial witb his Telegraphic machine onV' thn 'At­lantic cable ami failed. This is not„theon--ly While-Mouse failure recently record­ed.

' ' — sasi '•

A » a bird wnndereth from her- nest so ia u men that w.gnderc-th from his placs .

YlJurgoodiJBy,» Work gives'a tWofbtdJ blessing-.1 • • .r, . •'•..:' ••

A Strange, bp.t Irne Story.. W e havrrheaTrh-WorhTtfg' stranger than

the story we ari l tbgo^to- telale. When Thonins Galloway was 24 years of age.he manietl *' lairTv of nbom the sanie dge' W a vitli|rfj|Lw«y d'pwrrin tneSStateof Vermont. Th1«3lily)b:ad- .»wlaWAhler M^ her rjfjl Maban,ri, 5^0,01. . ^ e jtyn^.p| ]ker sec­ond itlarnage, was two years o f age. Just oho'ye'ai afteV'Gallou'ayV mSyriabe, Bi8;

Wife tlteif.;. Little Mei-y '•««» aene^to l ive with a stonily >l>y the namftof Eluaket^jn • nf»«h,bonna.vjljagf;1 aiid ..Galloway .]e|t apcuj a . wbalirie exjiediiuin. H e crpisetf add"wefuderefl frnm 'rjUde to-riTafce. 'aWtJ^ haOly^^e^in^DearljortJcoawyr-'initiinav twjtaty yieeai. havidfe. Alajfcedi sJnrje . tbia death of hi. wife. He Bft^ar4Mtoughf of vwitrnp'hia o ld Vermont home, bat he bad < beta»"ii-amj^ooa.ire7>c*t^&artr4i»r!riaiy brother .Jfobji ^ J J Iejf^frj^p|«oa,^«opn irffjer

Mary had grown up 1Q .womanhfrOfJ. tnar-rTen.ftd'blnigrr*rieVj. airi'ebulr] nb^'afesrttin "wbermi- H a v i n j f doi a n W r twa'o f^f i ec i ion -to^flWg-Wa tB t,he pJ«ce^M»cart ie ly : «yer

lt*d T .j.-j'i:

neyv Indiana wUb"«y«»rn"g

widtfw/"asVd)r»rJjitbjrt«Bdioj5i-iibff disparity >fltheir1Hfj!eit.,m|rrif,cl • har , . , ,^mrvwe,ej ja

^ a a «ootriei->Hi»b feu 'bwflBftp' chiUl M * -tcyaia fug a-j-o -»d* fed , lp. ii: I ao .sfiaa

" " 9f

n . 1 »asa»~<sjss»a 1 |i

Vev.y bad spel l ing is somet imes the best, us in the case of the Engl ish beer vender who wrote over his shop door :

'Beer ,6old here- '»

Tnm H o o d , w h o aaw ir. said i t was spel­led rigbtr because, the fluid he s o l d w a s bis own, bruin.

A Y a n k e e , according tt> the latest ian-thriritiyj i « « driyjpg rpan. - H e 6eesA9flu^-ducts w , buhjjlin^,-uprjnga, buildings in stones , and cabb, in everything.''

^ot^i-s^d ^elkjioqs -


Ifci ;o ]t\iver.-«iie


coverpd in Gal loway*« preaeriCj^iJiwftJ&fl the appearance n£ai ruhUentnrea a&d edi—

BlesaerlneeSiiii Sorrow. Tbefe 'are i t r h c when' ft'ittip great ror-

row hus turn awuy t'hi- inindtrom irs fum-iliar ritiririnrf».'6ndtfBldlevel those (ItSfYtg s wbieh 4H'priWp*rity seemed so - alible—•-vvhenlbe'rhnst: rooied- convictions - ofnbe• rea^in aeem Truji-efoetiSt and tbe hl<,sn>mal> of-iifip heavenward imagiDiji ipn .jgp j ii|;fbp-f..K tbfl^l V V > " diM^j-:«fon. JJMivW^ apd j'VYS, and hopa». wrfh a l t t | | u - ; mal |V tnrle. nnd pomji, and' glory, seem to 60 dirwn togi-rhennrli ibe 'fit- rhul-rhe sriul is left as h gatdr'n ttiat horn no wnrer.iand Its' B^wa^rderinE bird' caat ont j)f ihe ne»t—in thalday of irouble and treading down, and perplexity, the noise of vij»l»> the mirth tif the tabrernand the jyy of the bsrp^ ere si-lent,}0J,h,e gra,ye, Blessed is, the, who, when cast into tnis titter 'wretched­ness', fa> avvay ftorh ail critetureB antl'iVora aH- cirmfortsj eiff-jfet-Tje v^tfling, amidst alf bis rears and his anguish, there "to remain as long as God shall pleabe- • 1 • .

Six*y-Se-v;oa Porspita S a v e d .

HAMPA-S.'-Sept. 27-

The bark LotoCfrorh Ll^erpHol, aniv-nl'in rlaTiffrx borbor:on Soriday afiet-noon with twelve «f t h e a x t y - s e v e a surviving passengers of tbestenm.shj.p. Austria, burnt, at sea September, 13th, in lat. 45.01,. long 41.30,'-rafan-froahKe oaVk"Mtirris;' on the 1 4 t h . ' • • . > ' , .

At a little after two o'clock, on the 13th dense volumes of smqrve bursi from the aft entrance of ihe steerage. The'ship was insTantly pat afhaTf iSrieed.' af'whifeh she continued witi) the maaazind lexploded. - The .engineers, it. is inforrpd*-.were in-

«tuatly;spf]u,cat,ed..Tbe.rire was next seep breaking through the lights amitUbifi. and sravel'ed'aft "with feaifful rapidity. 'Some persona let? down a boat on :ihe port side nf the• quarter deckt-wd she was thmigbt. in be .crushed .under the screw. An at­tempt was made to launch a boat on the "larboard siile, Uutl't"v*as sWathped from tbe nnmber whoi rushed into it, and all werelost. . , , i . i ,, . * j i~ .. . r°»

All the first cabin passengers. were (pn ihe poop, except aj&w^geni'fernen. who m ust ha yebeen, i g f « i in the smoking room. IVTutiy^ seCObtT 'caRri 'pfifeengers were alsoojn the .poop, but^ a ^an^b?r,qf -hem sot shot into their cabin by fire.som'e ofYherri were pulled b'piiii'i/righ the ven-ilntiirt bat the greater nhmber. bbald not

be extricated, the l»,st vyoman drawn up '. -ajd thrfre were six alreoily suffocated. ' "The ladies a'nrf" gentleman oh 'the- poiop

jumped into the sea by twos and threes ; -ome of the ladies in flames; -several hes-i?Hed.|bot werBdfjy^rU",the last mo- 1

•npnt. In half u,n h^nrinot a sppl was lo lie aeen on the poop.

"Tbe French bark ''Morris. 'Capf. Ernest-cnaad. came alongside the! steamer at il)t»utiivfv"Bri<Jv.H..Pt. n. ^a.nd .rescued foqjy t'ussengers, cljjefly w k e p pp th^ bowsprit. A few were picked up Hoatitig around •.bout 8 o'clock. -XJne'o'f ihe mrirhirii: fjoats' oame up with aboatlrfJJJ persons in i t y - i n -crudiog*he rirst^pdtthirol^ffiperfiv .Afier-warrjs t h r ^ o r . . f^nr ,men were p,iclt|d up flonting on a piece or orpken boat,

•The'sVeofin bffiibef wai itaken"up, having been1 s w i m m i n g Tfor .»t«-hora»s H e and the«Pi-Ber w«r4js«)veK'ly hutnH - O n e m a l e passenger, burnt/rigljtfully and s o q e oth-»rss l ight ly . Th'ere were bt t t s ix women sa'ied.'frireB ofwhbrti'w^re'burnt. '

A' Norwegian -•tiarK <dame< trpiito^ / ihe -tejBmer.tba ne#fi4nuroinfl, a n d ^ a t s were obseryed^igqing^onnd the burnin|i s h i p . — T h e y rnav h a v e piqked uti a 'few persons— haf'on.y'-B teW: Thb'lWrVrth'baa'Wti com-rrin^Rjation with,:the Nuew*gian

tat < .1 ^ ^ ^ ^ . » - - . * - . ' ...; o l i. . ; - . i - . -^Ageiiiua^oat/Wsa^woy.Jtbe wmQ.a*x ^ur ldw Wa^.j^^r^.^j.jdiyj&uj the

wld and % J i % f l i f f l ^ t h u s m regard to;thes-iC!'es8tulbangmgot atgate, t h B : e f ^ t » ] o T w ^ g ® p o r f ^ i e ^ n •genewlj^lje' ata^iwlfctteHrvBetlWvaiiarR.j•> ^nefiqiai tnariall^D^A^^Vto &blei e v ^ ' ? » » ! v t «a^fi« V•' • .-tJJJi

On the 31st thtauojoa&jriithe istifiua ;w,erit on the even tenor of his. way. The liiD^mfbm'olili i leiy^bl '^l!^ f £JOBS) tbe.poetBiha?ingt>eenalreaay<flat;^-i

.i«£ftt twenty anmnteB afteriOwOfeloest- Wfii ^eva.^-fla^ljwlritjte^e^r5 , ~&6&e? jgopb* fet with two charges, -JSHd'- wittS^g^BMlte •

p^clook the eonneotion, was coaiplete, and signals caipe tojingK-fto'r^^digteL i»8t,f

m dH||nctn|s8. mthKajw, H)C^sSnpmng wefewany iya ip t

warrl*; -'tjiueipffffinoj % 'those who have bellevelMiot tW¥ealrvy of the event, and itd cariacTtj to* vtfke' 6iioh'fmes­sages th>p)i^il; T h e iait) is a I f f ^ ^ ' K -t t tyrfll be a bond^pL jinign^^etween the .jtwff ienees, a, sure tih,i^g against bow, and a great ,*yaiiMWgr, pt' those . « W go through!' • WTlTI / ! / i t if . / J l f 11

It hangs on "itsifiasyi !sirn,|ilieifcy," and tips already Elicited the itnastAVOciferous

^pprobitioni i.lVv]bae,rth6!Atlffntifli ,ea;bk binds 'continents toge^et^oui ^rte'blB'tlB itpe fenou in one unWd^'en fetrinsr, frater-•saizing.tbe t v o in"6ri^.'",^ &e first swings kit the;gaie/ we' rbrwaxded r& • messagei|to ^President Buchanan ?-s-i .. *.

THE" D A K S , August 31 . _ ,".v, •:• xtnp'-iV • f'I ;iiy T-DEAE BUCHANAN :—Welve got a gate.—

I t -is national in its arrangement. ., It knows no North, no Sooth, no East, no

."West, bo-6 swings allaround. "Feteb over

tHptodteilan'ttM^M^H-: ' -." ' ' • ' "HAMr-AX, Sept, 37,

To'Cyrtos TV. F I B L D fJ'ewYork;. . i I have Arrived here on my way to Bul la ' Arm w i t h instruments and regulations to teat tbe Cable w i t h Valent ia . Good and tegular currents from Newfoundland w«re received up to the time I left Valentia, the

^'12th inst., but no words had been received since tbe 2d inst. Tb.eJ--testing; -snows a loss of insulation three miles from "Valen­tia, .but Lhope to wprfothequgh^ j j ^ JI leave here as soon as possible. The steam­er for'St. John does not start till the 7th of jOotober, but 1 sha'l try to get there by gun boat or otherwise immediately.

(Signed by Lundy from Valent ia office.)

, ... ' , . '$iooe,«s ' '.. J' '• - l ' • • ~- - j * . . , * \ -,iii i< ..te E v e r y m a n ' m n s t ' p a t i e n t l y !abide''IJia%

time., cot in listleia-jdie.t! aeasj no t in-, useless: pastime, nor in: fiuera-•RPWlsiec'iW 5, but jrv.constflnt. atcadjr and, qheerfn^jendeavor;, ol]ways_ willing, ful'7

filtuig. und accomplishing hts task : that when the occasion cornea' be may be^e'q'tiaT

, tn t he occasionV' IHte talfefaV-of success' is odtbiitjf more tinarj doin^-what yoa i*an;do ffieltf.wifhtmt.a i h p n g ^ i o f ^ e , ^ Jf^ comes at all, it will come because. H is de-^fi;e.d: nbrDecauW W& ttM^Frer. "K • itPVerl irxdisdretV ahll Wdublggotne "nrabr-tipn'wbich care* so much abode-lame; about Rhjtttthe.Tyorlr>.faya nf o«^ to- be«)lway»

toDoalwaya anxious about tpe etlec't of ^B'at * e uVtSr SiyV'to 'b'K^lWttyA^falSft "j tr^beirihe '«ehirt3ltifr«our4J o w n LTrblcesi**- 1

£o%g$igy>tu "tv tnO.")-' .'fUti'far- wlJ-H •. .-». ' ^ I F J , - . . l|.*PL'1'l,,".-,.MiJ-ii.) •A.,:f.-t>i .

i -'SlfefigifmsijafiHjrfa perpetail dlopitig'oVer ^rrjwy)0tik4fh£t|le.lii5wr^ inqt^ Pf iyw-

' ,reliEionTrnn. PMO can bp religtor-

Prizflfeiit in Hewffiiven^oaT) the

JNKvlBfltewEiftialiidajg^bpt. 24.. Geprgp Mercer, an "Engliahman,.anuV. a

cutter by tra^e. » W killedln 'ari- ainattenr pn^eiifh'tih rBB city ?tts't Wight* by W i U ' liutn Hoastotuano^ieriJEngltsbmajw There,

, They fought,


Brain was'con^psted. •' S o o s t o n i s o r a * thmed forseterninotiiin tOrday. .

i -ir l . - . ia ," . ' • : • ..,-.•• j .:.. -,' •

•yh^llnrj i ipg ^ ^ f f l e f . .

'Tt-is-'eupridsea^aSiffie mfrnin^ateaireiJ,-wllichij»*reportedito bavBtbeeajfjean off>tfae. count of NewfoRn^Uffidj!, WOB Jhe- Auajria;,

thampton.on tfle.

bbieilyitfl'B^wifyingrGfrdiBmirJitbe! duties

^i^a^&k^wMr^ Ski] t lie:corfipW of Hi vibe Vrdtfl-. tba bertin^-irt mtiBfdllyv'wiaely, courageously, fortbaihrjftoriiifCbriatiiacjr.reatlifijuleriiO the confncf>^ifS.?r j0^r^

ISeerr'werdife-fer Tnorfe" tban-.wa»reeb.?^&id even before this startliugfltory ot .a.|;shjp] on fire, appreboiystow Jo*- -pe^p. saiety were cetwrally, .felt., j l ipre'^i . tab much reason W&Mt'mmUMMite of the

t^e. .:niya.ti-> JcaajA T h e AriB*r i i i rae 'J>: f iwfcc^ 2,334 tons, bu^MM % r # f G ^

gow, lastfj#r | h a S u p | ofuswi. bhei belong* itatttie -ilMmBurgri*«Mf~Atoe»ean • SteamKhip GompaHyJ ulnaiifB latest sur-.

w i i t t m m p f i r f ^ l i a r j ^ ^ ^ as being ''gjod-llr,6*!^ c r i p t i o n H C T e ^ ^ E ® l ^ i « i n ; t b e ewep^

4 i « * ' r t l m 4 n i f t f U ^ , m i g W « b e . ^ * e ^ ^ f e « ^ ^ w A 0 M the naas«»Mir«'v200iiidii8o nave expediKs^. their « s ^ ^ % % o f l « f WWfftW trie

" r%hiie»the ship wa#

VENUS VISIBUK IN xafe DAY TIME.—As­tronomical novelties abound just at pres ent. Besides the three comet*, two of tbem telescopic, now flashing through the skyj'o dayligtit "viewmay beihad, with a moderately good p tir of eyes, ot the planet Venus, the«venin^rnar,ntrW^T^h«~bBigbt ot her brillitinoy. 3 e r position, is souther­ly about 30 degs. from the sun, and as many frdho the horizon, at a rough calcul­ation.: In tbe full .bl<use of the sun yes­terday, the planet was plainly to be seen, thougtinot easily to be found without the aid? of some previo'is discoverer's digitals. 11 uridreds of people gatheKed in tbe Park in the afternoan, and. stare 1 from the con-venient jh i caat the rare spectacle. When once got within range'of a tree, a'chimney top or a'flag staff the plane't was very dis­tinctly to be seen ; "bat was-apt to be lost tofituaght' when thaoeys- -wnridered; away from ner for a mjtnspjt,, v An impression prevailed for some time., that the strange object was the corned,,which i s now flirt­ing a very respectable course in the North-West in the evening, and in the North-E'i*t in the m-iritrig vbtit that error was soon a sjibtiuii-wy'the'-koowihg ones, who decided that the* nucleus of the cornet was top, dull to be seen in tbe day tK|%>i %nd , out'of the position which that « ^ S l s * \ / ' weft meaning body wiae likely Wff ' that time,—Jour. Com.

1"HE W A T I B E FrsteNdH TDONDVC^ED' MAT -TB!BS TS CHINA —-The' following extract from our foreign news, shows a practice of diabolical, cruelty . on tbe part of tbe Frenph that would hardly be expected fr.oni any natSonprofessing the least degree of civilization. They complain of-the Chinese, and murderopet-hundred to their on^. Thjy eijrpaj the,Chinese in tkeir heathenish barbarity, as much as i ' t sger ^upyrcedes a sheep:

" But .what has.fjeerj the immediate catfee'df'this, some''will ask. Thrj'answer issbort.' Repelling a:ttempts at Sociability the.Chinese meet our advanee&.with cruel­ty...-. W.e give an instance of what oocwr-red on' Saturday last, almost under o|ir o^n eyes, f o u r Frenchmen landed .frfcm i no of the Ortinet's boats for the purples of purchasing provisiooSi ' When near w e South^ Gate, and in the^new .cjty^thwp-wero hemmed in-by th.e Ba^i^efc; Three

.out tbeir-way tnrOugh-—the fodriffi'"was cupturedvund his bead and hands cut off The £reoqh, naval commander onjtho. river, landed .a party of men,, marqhed to tbe street wnere the murder wfia coinniiiteed, measured Off-100 paces , and a t o n e end placed a> detachment, w i t h directions to shoot egery; . m a n tjhat tried tq;,escape. A s imi lar Dar'ty'barred the other end . . Then came tne' Tev&nge. Every adtilt male i n the'hO'aBe lining^ho twndred pttoBs.'Wfls sei»ea,-Bhoti andi^riiB^thro'at'euilli Und then lefttoewelterid^fieftoii, asajwarningto % , q e i g h t o r h ^ one to each-yard, made a ghastly.spectacle. AWm¥t'£&%'c^§8B, 6 n l y « fflafmed, tliSlifll. find -the blind, will remain longer intbis-doomedimty.. after occurrepoes, like these , . , , . , ,,«,j ;, , , , , , . ( , , .

.<•- . , AtBANT, 29. , 4?|« nremen'sjparaHe a"nd"trial w i h Twii

sblenala'amtir . ' iBeWrafnW' engin'es "tium-oeKng"from 6 a t * >S9 :mbri» a r e ' n p from N e w *ork* Therejara i n - aU- «wne , (JO -ox

m g 50 men in each T h e parade com­menced a t 1 o ' c l o c k , and t h e aprjt^aToial> ri^^Md«ked^^h>,iiaiiB8lmeI^<4le!»rf£^d


y«s^'^aneral - WjiUlfield Scott, rw.ho ia

severoaeoident last week,,wniojLBMy oon-fine.him-to his bed for soWlSeflr!& was Hbou*¥ttkdirig!ayinny^pn.rey given by •GoLDelaneldv-wben.' rjn «oing-down- the -#tiir« bis foot flipped, and he fell to the Fbot^m. Of ing to tto$m g Bfesboul-WaS^uriaBlrtd a r ^ t ^Jia f'ftigrjt>,"ahd t h e !8l|*Wa8'«eve1se.i W ^pef«tt!of'Ji|B'ttd-

lm. ,. The General tras » M " t o T ^ r f i e o ? ; and

«ltfaOtgtCeiMi^t#fVlio'isistiI^ iaSbr-ingtiutense pain. This Occident-to the

ltyJlte-.o0fii}Jiti$*y General-wmberegrettedAth»ugbout the

<ever i*irt£Snuei. without .isfewj stefj ~ -** •

i r e p ( . « e q V i t _ m T S ( g r r > g s ^ e



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