
LIGHT UP AFRICA Please support our £30,000 ($50,000) fund raising target by

purchasing one or more of the Magic LED Bulb.The cost per bulb is £20.00, includes VAT and postage to anywhere in the UK. For each Magic bulb sold, £5.00 will be donated into our Ghana project ( to supply all young people.

This is the only LED light bulb in the world that incorporates a lithium-ion battery of 2200mA that provides a super bright light of around 280 lumens for up to 3 hours .The Magic Bulb is installed into a standard lamp holder, screw or bayonet and used like any other light bulb and has a power consumption of 5 watts an hour, replacing a 60 watt incandescent bulb or a 18 watt CFL. While its lighting your home, its also keeping the internal battery charged up, just like emergency lighting. For Rural Africa, where there is no guaranteed 24 hr electricity supply, this is just the beginning. With the mass production in China of solar panels (due to western government subsidies) offering a 20 year + guarantee for TAX free electricity production from the SUN, we should all think about our home lighting to be off grid to gain this experience. Replacing all your old light bulbs with the latest LED bulbs, even the CFL energy saving bulbs, is the least expensive of all energy saving technologies to invest in, followed by solar water heating.

LIGHT UP AFRICA LIGHT UP AFRICA is my own funding platform, and my hope is to

raise awareness to the wealthy and middle classes of the world, the serious issues outside food, health and wars, that much of Africa is facing today.In the developed world of Europe, USA and many parts of Asia, we take for granted that we will have electricity supplied 24 hrs a day, as long as we pay the bill, the same for water and gasoline for our cars.

For over 100 years, major corporations with financial support from banks and governments have exploited the vast resources Africa once had, and once those resources become to expensive, these corporations move on to another country.

In the UK, the government supports the mass take up of solar farms costing £millions, to demonstrate the carbon emission reductions and how many homes the solar farm will provide electricity too, but has yet to recognise the hundreds of millions of MW hrs our hundreds of thousands of street lights our burning up each day with outdated HP lamps..

After 10 years of funding support by governments in Europe and the USA, the cost of solar PV panels is now rock bottom. The same thing is happening with LED light bulbs, which now makes solar powered lighting with battery storage financial viable in many parts of Rural Africa today with your support.

LIGHT UP AFRICA My first visual understanding of

the problems many Africans were facing was when I was part of a UK DTI renewable energy trade mission to Sth Africa in 2002. I was already exporting solar water heating collectors to my Sth African partner from the UK, later on from China, which allowed me with his help to visit parts of Sth Africa outside the big cities to see what life was really like.The first picture was taken in SOWETO, where I was invited to educate young Sth Africans about how solar water heating worked and how a DC light bulb works with a solar panel and a battery. What I found was, each one of these people were spending £35.00 a year on throw away batteries for there flash lights, as no street light was invested in..

I later shipped out to this group 100 solar powered flashlights after showing them how the suns power can re charge the battery inside FREE of charge. This led to the group to sell to others and earning a $1.00 per flash light sale. The bad news for the battery manufacture was reduced sales.


My 2nd charitable project was after a visit by the mayor (Astrid) from Kinshasa, the Congo in 2003. There need was to use the soya beans to produce soya milk for the babies in there care, as the factory had shut down due to powder milk being exported free to the Congo at that time from the USA.I later presented a power point presentation to students at the Boulder University, Colorado, USA.I shipped to ASTRID 20 soya milk makers, I was importing and selling through my Global Warming Solutions Centre in Ferndown, Dorset, UK from China.I later sent them solar panels and an invertor, with a battery bank sourced locally to power the Soya Milk makers, as also at that time, no guaranteed electricity supplies.


Young Ghanaian Children being educated through donations provider by American students, who have become part of the Yonso Project, AGONA, Ashanti Region , Ghana


The guaranteed day to day lighting is provided by generators, which require expensive imported gasoline.At a cost of around £15.00 ($22.00) we can supply a single super bright LED bulb with a rechargeable battery that can be re charged a solar panel in the day time and AC when available.For a solar LED home system of up to 6 LED DC bulbs, the cost is around £50.00 $$70.00 upwards.For a school, a workshop, church and community centres, the cost is from £200.00 upwards, depending on how many hours at night and lighting required.


As well as educating Ghanaian children, the next step is to give them a skills set, so they have a job to improve their lives.Within this AGONA Village community supported by the donations, a Bamboo frame bike business has evolved, with exports to the USA and Germany.Once we have provided the work shop with solar LED lighting, we will expand this to give AC power to operate power tools..We are also looking at offering the first Bamboo E bike, once the E bike kits have landed in AGONA later this year See the Bamboo bike range on the web site


If you place the words LIGHT UP AFRICA in a Google search engine, you will be amazed at how many organisations are bringing awareness and education to the rest of the world regarding the continued electricity supply problems 980 million people have in Africa alone. Look at the world from the space station to see how dark Africa is compared to Europe, USA and parts of Asia.Across the world, some 1.8 billion people have no access to electricity and drinking water.In our own small way, we can make a change through people like me, who have enjoyed a good life, used the resources provided to us all through corporations looking to become multi national and the power they have over governments. I am not asking for money for nothing, as charities do, instead I want you to experience 3 hrs of night time without your guaranteed electricity supply, by living the life they will soon lead, through this LED rechargeable light bulb. Also look to re charge your smart phone and tablet from a solar battery charging panel, to reduce our carbon emissions, before we start to demand AFRICA does.

Thank You

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