  • 7/31/2019 Light in the Mist of Thick Cloud


    For nation shall rise against kingdom;

    and there shall be famines, and pesti-

    lences, and earthquakes, in diverse

    places. All these are the beginning of

    sorrows Matthew 24:7-8(KJV)

    ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt

    has lost his savour, wherewith shall it be


    Light in the mist of thick cloudProf. Oyelami B. O

    The President:

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    Light in the mist of thick cloud

    Prof. Oyelami B OThe President:

    Texts: Isaiah 60:1-3; Matthew 5:13-16

    The world all over does not know peace or economic progress. There were economic

    meltdown, diseases and poverty everywhere, flood, outbreak of fire and earthquakes,

    tsunamis, civic unrest and so on. Our lord Jesus Christ predicted that toward end time andsaid :

    Arise and Shine

    Between 740 and 700 BC Prophet Isaiah looks at Judah prospects after the return for therebuilding of the temple in 515 BC, and the future of Israel, in particular and said in Isaiah


    The message of God through Isaiah is still very applicable to our lives .We the believers, themodern day Israelites are people God has commissioned to change the world. We need to

    bring the knowledge of God to many people that are still in dark about God and His

    For nation shall rise against kingdom;

    and there shall be famines, and pesti-lences, and earthquakes, in diverse

    places. All these are the beginning of sor-

    rows Matthew 24:7-8(KJV).

    In Matthew 24:14 our Lord Jesus

    said Gospel must be preached in

    all the world for a witness unto na-

    tions and then shall the end come

    Arise, shine, for thy light is come and

    the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee

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    kingdom through Jesus Christ. The Mystery of life is hidden in God .The solution to worldeconomic crisis and economic prosperity, global peace, human physical and spiritual

    wellbeing are found nowhere but in God.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:13-16 said ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salthas lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is therefore good for nothing, but to be

    cast out to be trodden under foot of men in Verse 14 he continued Ye are the light of the

    world a city that is set on hill cannot be hid and verse 15 neither do men light a candle

    stick, and put it under the bushel but to give light unto all that are in house In verse16 ,He ended by saying Let your light shine before all men that they see your good works,

    and glory your father which is in heaven

    Why must we arise and Shine?

    We were created by God to show His glory to all. He created us to have dominion

    over all things and gave power to life and death which is in our tongue (Proverbs


    We were made by God to fulfill His agenda to mankind to bring light to this darken

    world full of ignorance about purpose of God in the lives of people. To be bold in

    teaching His ways, free the minds of people from false doctrines ,and imprisonments

    from Satan and his cronies.

    We are to bring Kings and nations to illumination of God. Any nation that forgetsGod must surely perish and any King that meditate on the word of God daily must

    surely have good success (Joshua 1:8). There is trouble in the world because people

    have forgotten God their creator in their daily affairs. We have leaders and nations

    that do not consider God as being cardinal in the state affairs.

    God want us to have life that is better than good as Zig Ziglar said, a life fuelled by

    passion and purpose. Zig talked about Dr. George Washington Carver a man born

    into slavery and grew to be an accomplished greatest scientist of the nineteenth

    century. His strong faith in God was his guiding light throughout all of his full life.

    His passion to discover everything he could about everything God made, includingthe peanut, made his life a non-stop source of excitement, not only to himself but

    countless others Zig said. He was the kind of person for whom passion was a

    given and service was a constant. He lived to make the lives of other better he


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    Light in the mist of thick cloud

    It was not in the agenda of God for any human being to be poor except if the person isunder curse from God like disobedience to word of God (Malachi 3:9 &

    Deuteronomy28:16-68 )

    God has empowered us to call on him for solution to all problems (Jeremiah 33:3 &

    Matthew 7:7). If there is any person in dark about solution to global problem beingin God he or she should read Jeremiah 33:3 and meditate on it.


    God is interested in seeing that there is global order in the world. A world with peace,good prosperity to all mankind. God is a jealous God who cannot share His glory

    with any person or any false deity. We must preach the good news of salvation ofChrist to all. We must show love to all and respect God and His ordinances. MayGod help us to understand His ways and will for our lives, amen. Let no political

    attainment ,no Science nor Art take away from us the ream of Gods glory.

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