Page 1: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Inquiry Title:

‘LIFTING THE LID’ on Identity & Cultural Diversity

BIG IDEA (From Global Perspectives, A Framework For Global Education in Australian Schools, 2008)

Identity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the cultures of others

Understanding and valuing ourselves is the first step to valuing others. If we have a positive sense of self, we are able to be more open and accepting of diversity. By exploring personal identity and cultural diversity, students learn about and connect their own cultural identity and heritage with those of others in different times and places.

What understanding students will be encouraged to develop through participation in this unit;-Global Competency, not just knowledge-Establishing human relationships with the global community-Developing a ‘deep knowledge of Asia’ through active listening and collaborative learning

Year Level: Level 5 and 6 (AusVel Levels) Proposed Duration of Unit: 10 weeks Relevant Learning Emphasis (From Global Perspectives, A Framework For Global Education in Australian Schools, 2008)

Explore andidentify featuresof artworks fromdifferent cultures.

Develop anunderstanding ofdifferent identitiesand perspectivesexpressed inoral, written andmultimedia texts

Appreciatecultural diversitythrough playingsimple games.

Appreciatelinguistic diversityin Australia andaround the world.

Learn howcultures createpatterns, puzzlesand games.Calculate,measure andrecord temporaland spatialrelationships.

Consider scientificcontributionsof people andcultures.

Investigatesimilarities anddifferencesin beliefs andculture of peoplein Australia andaround the worldthrough familyhistories.

Explore the designof objects andartefacts fromdifferent places.

© Kath Murdoch 2006

Page 2: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Code Organising ideas

Asia and its diversity

OI.1 The peoples and countries of Asia are diverse in ethnic background, traditions, cultures, belief systems and religions. 

OI.2 Interrelationships between humans and the diverse environments in Asia shape the region and have global implications.

Achievements and contributions of the peoples of Asia

OI.3 The peoples and countries of Asia have contributed and continue to contribute to world history and human endeavour.

OI.4 The arts and literature of Asia influence aesthetic and creative pursuits within Australia, the region and globally.

Asia-Australia engagement

OI.5 Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional and global citizenship.

OI.6 Australia is part of the Asia region and our histories from ancient times to the present are linked.

OI.7 Australians play a significant role in social, cultural, political and economic developments in the Asia region.

OI.8 Australians of Asian heritage have influenced Australia’s history and continue to influence its dynamic culture and society.

AusVELS Civics and Citizenship Years 5–6(From June 2012 Civics and Citizenship Draft Document)

37. During these years, students continue to develop a better understanding and appreciation of different points of view and an awareness of justice and fair play. They increasingly engage in discussions about community and national issues, with a focus on contemporary issues, in order to consider why and for whom decisions are made. They have a broader awareness of global issues, such as human rights and Australia’s relationships with other countries.

38. In Years 5–6, the Civics and Citizenship curriculum will take into account a broader focus on civics concepts in the context of local, national, regional and global communities and the skills that enable active citizenship in these contexts. The content will provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge and understanding of the processes of government and democracy (the working of parliaments, how government functions, how political decisions are made, the rule of law and how courts function) and to examine civic issues more critically.

39. The curriculum will provide opportunities for students to engage in practical Civics and Citizenship activities such as voting in, and standing for, elections in school, and participative site-based activities such as parliament, law court and electoral education centre visits. Students can identify key issues in their community and society more broadly and, as part of building their skills for active citizenship, identify the relevant local institutions that make decisions about a range of issues.

Accessing Student Prior Knowledge and UnderstandingsCreate a “Survey Monkey” for students to share their prior knowledge of the topic and allow teachers to include the ‘student voice’ in the implementation of the unit.

© Kath Murdoch 2006

Page 3: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Ultranet Survey Monkey

Survey Link:

Key Questions –Content Questions

Are you a water expert? Explain what you know?What makes water precious?Why is clean water important for your health?Why is having clean water a global issue?What fractions of the world’s population don’t have access to clean water?

Understandings (3-5)What do we hope students will understand about their world by the end of this unit?

What is important and relevant for these students?

Do these understandings assist students to develop the “Big Ideas” in our through lines?

Critical teaching ideas

Students will understand that healthy water is a limited resource in a global community.

Students will develop a working understanding of how to create and implement a global community project.

Students will develop an informed awareness of their place in the global community and their role as an active global citizen.

© Kath Murdoch 2006

Page 4: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Key Resources (reflecting understandings)

Do we know any experts in the area? Can we draw on expertise within our community?

What excursions are available?

What materials are available to us? ( books, CD ROM, videos, charts etc)

What are some of the texts (including literature) that are likely to be drawn on in this unit?

Online Resources:Global Perspectives No Way Website Across The Water Museum Education Foundation Bugs Decade For Action and Citizenships Ebookboxes Vision

Key Texts:Global Education Project “Lifting The Lid”

Key Expert School:Marlborough Primary School, BRIDGE Project Australia Indonesia Peter Baines » Chairman Founder of Hands Across the Water

Possible action/performance task Is there a major task/event/action that students may undertake towards the end of the unit that will demonstrate understanding and allow them to apply what they have learned? Aim for an authentic purpose/audience.

Create a ‘Water Sanitation Plan‘to be implemented as a real action in a global community in need of assistance with water sanitiation.

(making real links to “Hands Across The Water” program or through ‘The BRIDGE Project, -Australia-Asia School Partnership)

Project could take the form/action of creating;-Pit Toilet construction kit (‘Lifting the Lid’ Resource)

© Kath Murdoch 2006

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“Launch” Tuning In (‘baseline data’)

What can we do to spark interest/enthusiasm/curiosity/motivation?

Should we set the scene by introducing an authentic issue or problem? Share literature or use narrative? Use visual texts? Drama?

How can we assess students’ prior knowledge, values and experience in relation to the topic?

How can we involve them in negotiating the direction of the unit and setting goals?


Video Spark:View trailer: I Am Eleven

Snapshot Lilydale West using the “I Am Eleven” format on the level 4 iMac.

If The World Was A Village Exercise-‘Thinking Globally’ Resource Pg 49

How do you connect to the rest of the world?Using a world map students discover where personal items and products originate from.Eg, shoes, food, stationary

What factors influence our purchasing decisions? (for example, country of origin, price, quality, etc)

What factors influence the price and quality of items?

“If Pictures Could Talk” slideshow discussion exercise (I see, I think, I wonder). Water sanitation around the world.

SHARED INQUIRYFinding out:What experiences/resources/ activities could be used to assist students to gather information in relation to our planned understandings

Sorting out/explaining/sharingHow can we help students make sense of the data they have gathered? How will they process, sort out and organise their ideas? (arts, math, English, technology)

What Do We Need To Know?Students jointly construct a “Wonder Wall” with their wonders about the issues raised in the tuning in phase and develop key questions.

Students to create a level 4 Wiki Space on the Ultranet using the 3 key resources to record their Introduce 3 Key Resources:

1) Lifting the Lid (Global Education Project Resource)

Now Where To? (Future Directions)Global Education Teaching Activities


Page 6: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

2) Excursion to the Western Treatment Plant

Discovery Centre

The Water Discovery Centre is located at Western Treatment Plant. It

has interactive displays on the water cycle; where our water comes

from and what happens to the water we flush down the toilet or pour

down the sink.

3) Hands Across The Water Website & Texts, (Peter Baines).

Activity 1: Spotlight on staying healthy Activity 2: Water collection and use Activity 3: Giving water a lift Activity 4: Cleaning muddy water Activity 5: Water safe to drink Activity 6: Community-led total sanitation Activity 7: Multimedia presentation Related activities


Activity 1: Carrying water Activity 2: Collecting water Activity 3: Water and sanitation for life Related activities


Activity 1: Staying healthy in different places Activity 2: Malaria Activity 3: Oral rehydration solution Activity 4: Handwashing for hygiene Activity 5: Dying for want of basic needs to be met

© Kath Murdoch 2006

Page 7: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Reflection and Action:How can we empower students to act on what they have learnt? How can we assist students to pull it all together and reflect on their learning.

How can we encourage higher order thinking (synthesis evaluation)

How can we help them self assess?

How will students act on what they have learned?

Planning for Assessment:

What can we build into the unit to help us gather data for assessment of knowledge, skills and values?

What rich tasks are embedded in the unit that provide good assessment contexts?

Have we engaged the students in self assessment or peer assessment?

Student Rubric:

Student Reflection:

Weekly Lesson ScheduleWeek 1TUNING IN








Homework Ideas Brainstorm a list of the ways you and your family use water. Record the amount of water used in a week for each family member

AusVelsLiteracy Mathematics Science The


The Arts

© Kath Murdoch 2006

Page 8: Lifting The Lid on Identity & Cultural Diversity - …€¦ · Web viewIdentity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the

Island life: needs

and wants


This Learning object prompts Children to distinguish between needs and wants in an engaging and fun manner. To survive on a tropical island, Children choose six items to take with them. When they arrive on the island, the consequences of their choices become apparent. If they have chosen unwisely, people get sick, the water becomes polluted, rubbish accumulates, trees disappear and buildings fall into disrepair. Children are prompted to revise their selections on subsequent visits to the mainland.

Interactive Game/Video

View Island life: needs and wants TLF ID: L1008

DVD: Thinking Globally (blue booklet)

Interactive Activity: Points of Origin

 Lesson:In groups of three, work through the two bicycle-assembling activities.  When you have finished, write one statement about what you have learnt from the games. Share your statement with the others in the group. Discuss each statement, commenting, agreeing or disagreeing. Discuss the following questions.What factors influence the price of the mountain bike assembled?What factors influence the quality of the mountain bike assembled?In your groups, use the information in the bike-assembling activities to

create a bicycle for sale in Australia that you think would be good value but not the cheapest. Consider reliable sources, profit margins, speed of delivery, style, etc. Create a promotional piece – a poster or a PowerPoint presentation – showing and describing your bicycle, its qualities and the sale price. Display the promotional pieces in a ‘shopping mall’ for groups to consider which might be best value for money.As a class, discuss the following questions.What factors influence companies to source components from so many different countries?How do purchasing decisions link us to others around the world?How might purchasing decisions affect the lives of workers in Australia and overseas?

From around the world (Unit Going Global: From Developing Global Perspective DVD-orange)

HealthStaying healthy (upper primary)

Resource: Global perspective (Blue booklet)

Activity 3: Oral rehydration solution

Students investigate why diarrhoeal diseases cause many deaths each year, with young children particularly at risk. They learn how oral rehydration therapy, which uses a simple solution of sugar and salt, helps overcome dehydration and possible death from diarrhoea.

Activity 4: Handwashing for hygiene

Students learn about the importance of handwashing to avoid the spread of disease and explore the technology and health benefits of a Tippy-tap, a simple device designed to encourage handwashing in areas with limited water supplies.

Water for LifeP132 Thinking Globally (Blue booklet)

Focus: experiment with carrying containers in different ways. Understand the difficulties people might have in obtaining water

Read text Watery Tales from A life like mine

Giving Water A LiftStudents learn about a project to improve access to water in Niger. They investigate the use of pulleys to reduce the effort required to haul water from a well and design a simple pulley system to assist in lifting water.

Imagine you live in a village that has a new water pump. Write a story or draw a diagram contrasting the old way of getting water with the new way

Cleaning Muddy WaterStudents make a simple sand and gravel filter to clean muddy water and make it suitable for washing (not drinking).

Water Safe to DrinkStudents compare two methods of making water safe to drink: using alum and boiling; and boiling and distilling.

© Kath Murdoch 2006

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© Kath Murdoch 2006

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