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Message from Pastor Aaron


T he 1995 movie titled "waiting to exhale" depicts the flawed

nature of the world's understanding of love, singleness and

marriage. In this movie, four women bond over their inability

to find love. Their desperation to escape singleness and one day get married caused them to form a strong yet dysfunctional

friendship. The scarcity of good men caused these four women to hold

their breaths, waiting for the day they would find true love so they

could finally exhale.

Sadly in life and relationships many of us are like these women. We

hold our breath for a certain day to come so we can exhale. So many

of us once we reach a certain age hold our breaths, we live our lives in

suspended animation waiting for Mr right or Mrs right to come along

so we can finally breathe. Our lives grind to a halt, we can't find

happiness until we find Mr or Mrs right. We can't find wholeness until we find Mr or Mrs right. We spend all our time holding our breath

waiting, anticipating the right person to walk into our lives and this

inevitably suffocates our personal growth and happiness.

The are so many people in the world who are disappointed because

they have a poor understanding of what it means to have fulfilment in life. The single person wonders when the curse of loneliness will be

lifted and the married person thinks all the problems in the world are

because of their partner and wonders why God has given them this

impossible burden to carry. We treat singleness as a problem that can

only be cured by marriage only to find ourselves covered by a disease far worse than singleness. Why? Because our mind-sets and

expectations are completely misplaced. We place unreasonable

expectations on marriage and our partners and this only leads to

great disappointment.

So many of us treat marriage as the destination and singleness as a point in the journey to marriage. What we have to understand is this;

marriage is not the ultimate destination for a Christian, Heaven is.

Everything on this earth is temporary including marriage; what will

last forever is who you are and where you stand with Christ. So

spend time working on who you are and your relationship with Christ.

Your worth is not found in your marital status or what you possess.

Your worth is found in who you are in God. You are who are in Christ

and being married or being single does not add or take away from

that. You will find fulfilment and your life will be enriched no matter

what season of life you are in if Christ is at the centre of your life. Don't hold your breath waiting for a partner, a job or a degree, exhale

and live life to the full.

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There are several ways to serve and

participate in the life of the Church on

a regular basis. Contact any ministry

leader to see how you can get serving.

Admin & Comms: Caroline Agoi

[email protected]

CONNECT Groups: Joanna Addison

[email protected]

Men: Pasor Shadreck Chikomba

[email protected]

Missions: Nicholas Stephenson

[email protected]

Multimedia: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

New Life Choir: Josh Sebu

[email protected]

New Life Drama: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]

Prayer Ministry: Ronke Adeyanju

[email protected]

Sunday School: Judith Stephenson

[email protected]

Welcome/Hospitality: Akua Berko

[email protected]

Women: Violet Chikomba

[email protected]

Worship team: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

Youth: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]


Joshua Sebu & Bukunmi Taiwo

Justice & Joanna Addison

Linda Mathe & Andrew Bonsu

Nii Noi & Kafui Osuteye

Shelly Anne-Fung & Abigail King

Email [email protected] or

contact [email protected] for

more information on joining a group

These are a GREAT place for developing meaningful relationships as you

CONNECT with GOD, with OTHERS and with the VISION for the Church. We

encourage everyone to take part, grow and reach out as a blessing. Groups meet

on Tuesdays and Thursdays at different locations across the city led by the

following leaders:

Amanda Naude & Rebecca Odunaike

Caroline Agoi

Daniel Acheampong & Sheyi Kuyinu

David Kasule & Jennifer Amani

Francis Darko & Christine Ofosu-Ampadu

Jed Nkansah-Yeboah & Aaron Thompson


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N ew Life Church

began in 1928 and

has since then met

in various locations

including a shop, a mission hut, an

old Methodist building, in Northgate

before moving to our current base on

the University of Kent, Canterbury


For about 20 years now, we have been

committed to focusing on student

ministry especially to those from an

international background.

Alongside this ministry stream,

there has been a growing desire to

maintain strong links within the

wider community in the city so in as

much as we are committed to

student ministry and have every desire

to continue serving students, we

acknowledge the need to consider

intentionally the ministry we offer our

non-student members and the local

community of

What started of as a

church of 20 has grown

into an international

congregation with over

200 members in

attendance each


Over the last few years, we’ve seen

more members stay on and make

Canterbury their home. This along

with new members joining the

church regularly has resulted in

the increase of the non-student

population in attendance

signalling an expansion as

God broadens the scope of

our ministry .

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Herne Bay Church Plant

W hile spending

time in early

morning prayer

and fasting last

summer, the leadership team sensed

God’s leading in regards to a Church

plant in Herne Bay. The town had

never come up as a possible location

previously but following some

investigations, it became apparent

that there is minimal church activity

in the area. The opportunity to share

the gospel and potential to impact

lives in Herne Bay has stood out again

and again over the past months as

other potential options have also been




It’s hoped that in going forward

with a church plant in Herne Bay,

this will offer us as a Church a

valuable platform to CONNECT

with and serve the wider

community in the Canterbury area

on a long term basis and help raise

the impact of the gospel in the

lives of the local residents.

With a goal to begin regular

activities in Herne Bay by June/

July 2015, you can support the

church plant in various ways


-Praying for the city, the team to

be sent, the needs of the

community there and the

resources needed for ministry.

- Identifying what role you

personally may be called to fulfil.

- Talk about the church plant with

any of the leaders and feel free to

raise any questions you may have.

- Give towards /support this

year’s Race to 1000 as all proceeds

from the fundraising will be

directed towards the church plant

- Consider visiting the city to

prayer walk , CONNECT with the

locals and identify their needs.

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Clinging To

Worthless Idols

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that

could be theirs.” (Jonah 2:8)

I hate those who cling to worthless idols; I trust in the LORD.

(Psalm 31:6)

M any people in society today are clinging to certain things that do not

have eternal value. These things could be cars, houses, money, alcohol, status, reputation or even being dependent on other people such as a boyfriend or girlfriend, a husband or wife , friends and the like.

Although many of these things in

themselves are gifts from God, at times we hold on to them so tightly, we feel we cannot survive without them. It is easy to forget that survival in life is not determined by your possessions or by being dependent on others but it’s essentially about depending on the Grace of God.

The Bible is clear that anything we cling on to more than we cling to God is a worthless idol. These idols have become stumbling blocks for many, hindering them from relationship with God and reliance on Him. This is significant because the moment one decides to depend on possessions or other people for survival rather than on God, the Grace that God makes available to all is forfeited. This Grace can only be accessed through faith in Christ (“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.”-Romans 5:1-2) and not through possessions or people.

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Despite what society presents as valuable and worth pursuing, relationship with God is really the only thing that has eternal value and

so it is for each person to choose whether they will prioritise God and trust Him or not.

Nothing in creation should deflect your trust in God because it will inevitably become your idol. Trust in God takes off the pressure of trusting in all other uncertain substitutes and offers the assurance of being anchored on the only firm foundation there is in this life - Jesus Christ.

Besides, its inconsistent to trust God and be looking “elsewhere”. There must be a resolve to trust in God and to keep doing so no matter what the situation looks like.

Leaning on human understanding can lead into trouble. Not only is it unwise to trust in the heart which the bible says is deceitful but it is also

unwise to trust in the abundance of riches, possessions and associations. Even in their fullest flow these are uncertain, unreliable and will be of no benefit in the light of eternity.

Those who put their confidence in riches like many in society do today can never expect a portion in heaven. It is important not to get sucked in to and governed by the ways of the world because the

pleasures of this world can not secure you a place in heaven. Instead, it is by living for God and doing His will, having confidence in Him and relying on Jesus Christ as Saviour that secures your place in heaven.

If you have been putting your faith in possessions, people or anything else other than God, perhaps it is time to put a stop to clinging to worthless idols, turn from them and put your trust in God.


“ Nothing in creation should

deflect your trust in God

because it will inevitably

become your idol.”

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The Hub is our city centre base

intended to be a place of blessing

for those in the church as well as a

resource and platform from which

we can serve and impact our City

and local community.

Strategically located at Unit 15b,

Roper Close, the building is within

easy access to the high street,

Canterbury West train station and

along a main bus route serving the

heart of the city. As well as using

the space for much needed ministry

within the church, we seek to

facilitate bespoke programs that

will help the church spread the

gospel to our community.

Scripture reminds us that “the

Harvest is plentiful but the labourers

are few.” I therefore ask that you

pray for the Lord of the Harvest to

send in more labourers. I also ask

that you all step forward and offer

your service in the Lord’s harvest

field and in helping us minister

God’s love and Grace to our city .

Here are some of the programs

that will be running from The Hub; I

hope you will take full advantage

of them and where possible

volunteer to help run them.

Café Church

Every 2nd Sunday of the month.

Cre8ive Youth Night

Every 4th Friday of the month

Daughters of Destiny (Women’s

ministry) – Dates to be announced

Ignite (18-25 evening service) Every 2nd Thursday of the month

(term time only)

Inspire Dance Academy (Dance classes for under 18s) – T.B.C

(volunteers needed)

Men of Integrity (Men’s ministry)

Dates to be announced

Prayer and Praise Service

Every 3rd Sunday of the month

Relate or the Married/Engaged Couples Gathering

Every last Sunday of the month

Family Brunch hosted by Praisers.

Every 2nd Saturday of the month

Firm Foundations Discipleship Programme - Seven week course every Monday. Oct/Nov, Feb/Mar

and June/July.

Pastor Aaron

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Youth & Sunday School meet every Sunday morning and all our workers

are DBS checked.

Every third Sunday of the month .

Join us for an extended time of prayer,

thanksgiving, praise and intercession.

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Corporate Fast: Monday 2nd March

Baptism Service: Tuesday 3rd March @ St Andrews URC

Love Campaign: Sunday 8th—Saturday 14th March

Audience of One: Saturday 14th March, 6:30pm -Woolf Lecture Theatre. Featuring performances by CONNECT Groups ,individual, New Life band & more.

New Life Gospel Choir Community Concert: Saturday 21st March, 6:30pm, Canterbury Baptist Church


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Corporate Fast: Monday 2nd March

Baptism Service: Tuesday 3rd March @ St Andrews URC

Love Campaign: Sunday 8th—Saturday 14th March

Audience of One: Saturday 14th March, 6:30pm -Woolf Lecture Theatre. Featuring performances by CONNECT Groups ,individual, New Life band & more.

New Life Gospel Choir Community Concert: Saturday 21st March, 6:30pm, Canterbury Baptist Church


City Wide Good Friday Service: 10am—12:30pm, Friday 3rd April

Corporate Fast: Monday 6th April

INSPIRE Leadership Gathering: 7pm, Friday 17th April @ The Hub

Evening Prayer & Praise Service: 7pm, Sunday 19th April @ The Hub

Youth Night: 6:30pm, Friday 24th April @ The Hub


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W e can never be

able to thank the

Lord well

enough in

return for the love He has lavished

upon us. What a privilege and

honour to be called children of the

Most High God, members of His

household, joint heirs with Christ,

a royal priesthood and indeed His

own people. Paul the apostle

encapsulates it very well, when he

writes to let us know that the

depth, height and width of God’s

sacrificial love surpasses all

knowledge and understanding.

There is no greater love than

when one lays down his own life

for his friends, and scarcely will

someone commit to die even for a

righteous person. But we thank

God for Jesus who demonstrated

what real love looks like by His

death at Calvary. The writer of

Songs of Solomon tells us that love

is stronger than death and even

many waters cannot quench it.

Foreseeing the billions who would

receive the joy of His salvation

and those who would be

reconciled to the father from all

kindred, tongues and nations,

Jesus endured the Cross. The

scriptures rightly tell us that while

we were yet sinners, Christ Jesus

died for us. He could have asked

His father to abort the whole

project and we could have

remained as aliens, in darkness to

this day, a people far away from

the promises of God.

The scriptures also tell us that He

was wounded and chastised for

our transgressions and the

punishment due to us was laid

upon Him. Undeterred by His

knowledge of our inclination to

follow wayward paths He still

invites us to come just as we are to

receive the fullness of His

steadfast love. If we think about it

soberly, the King of Kings leaving

His opulent dwelling in heaven to

come and identify with our

weaknesses and sin, we can only

marvel at what manner of love

this is. He loved His own to the

very end.

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As with marriage, there is always

an element of sacrifice involved if

this unique union is going to be


For a start you have to be willing to

leave all other relationships that

may have been dear to you and

start a new life with someone you

do not completely

know at the time of

tying the knot,

which is indeed an

act of faith.

What Violet and I

have found as a

source of harmony and blessing in

marriage is that for both of us, God

always comes first. What this

means in practical terms is that we

highly regard the word of God and

seek to use it as a yardstick of our

behaviour in marriage and our

interaction on a daily basis.

We view it as our instruction

manual on all issues, and

voluntarily submit to its counsel as

far as we understand it. We are

cognisant of the fact that it is not a

walk in the park; therefore we look

to God for enablement at all times.

Following on from that is our

genuine affection and love for each

other, and the joy our company

brings to both of us.

We try to learn and remind

ourselves of the teaching of Jesus in

relation to His love for the Church.

He dearly loved it to the point of

death. What we

learn from His

experience is that

it is possible by

the grace of God

to truly love

someone and seek

to do that which gives them the

best advantage in this life– Just as

Jesus Christ does for us.

We are also convinced that we are

dearly loved by God in spite of our

past, and that He poured His love

into our hearts by the presence of

His Holy Spirit. We try to take

advantage of His gift of love by

sharing it between ourselves first,

then to our children and the wider


“ it is possible by the

grace of God to truly

love someone and seek

to do that which gives

them the best advantage

in this life.”

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We are also fully persuaded by

the words of the Apostle John,

when he warns us that it is

impossible to say that we love

God, and at same time hate, ill-

treat, or be unkind to those we

can see.

Marriage is a very good

environment in which to learn

how to love well and receive love

well in return.

For a husband and wife who

dwell together, there is an

opportunity for direct dealing

with each other constantly, more

than is possible in any other

relationship here on earth.

One of our sources of continuous

learning and refreshment are the

inspired words of the Apostle

Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 where he

instructs believers on what

quality love looks like. To him

true love never fails, does not

seek its own way, and has the

ability to endure all things.

For us we have an earnest desire

to see our marriage last the

distance to the glory of His name

as a legacy to our children and as

an example to those we care

about, including those of the

household of faith.

O ne thing we


ourselves to at an

earlier stage of our

marital journey was that we

would seek to avoid anything

which would place any one of us

at a disadvantage while fulfilling

our spiritual and professional

roles. Integrity is one of our

watch words, and also a duty of

candour is vital for us.

The words of the Psalmist where

he encourages brethren to dwell

together in unity are so dear to us

and especially the promise that

God commands a blessing where

that unity is present.

“true love never


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We see the ball as being in our

court in the sense that it is entirely

up to us to do those things that

will attract His favour and

blessing. We seek to avoid those

things that quench love and peace

between us.

We do treasure being in

agreement so much, and therefore

make it our aim to resolve issues

as quickly as possible without

avoiding them. We can humbly

say by the grace of God, marriage

does work and if done well, can

be a taster of heaven here on


Finally, we always endeavour to

continue sowing into our

relationship during the good

seasons of our life together, and

are consistently aware that we

have not yet attained perfection.

We therefore make it our aim to

commit all our ways to Him who

is able to keep us from stumbling.

We make a point to avoid living

our marriage to the gallery, well

aware that unless the Lord builds

our marriage, we can labour in

vain. We therefore seek to co-

operate with the master potter

until the beauty of the Lord is

completely formed in us and in

our marriage.

We are forever grateful for His

compassion and for His sacrificial

& eternal love.

The journey continues.


Best mates and apples of the

Lord’ eye - Pastor Anthony

Shadreck & Violet

”...the Son of Man must be lifted

up, that everyone who believes

may have eternal life in him.” For

God so loved the world that he

gave his one and only Son, that

whoever believes in him shall not

perish but have eternal life. For

God did not send his Son into the

world to condemn the world, but

to save the world through him.”

John 3:14-17

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On Sunday mornings we come together in a

big two hour celebration service to worship

God and hear dynamic teaching. We want

Jesus to be at the centre of everything we

do and we believe every service should be

a life changing experience for all those who

attend. You are very welcome to join us;

refreshments are served from 10am.

Woolf College, The Pavilion, Giles

Lane. University of Kent.

Canterbury.KENT.CT2 7BQ 01227

827524 [email protected]

We run a minibus service all year so feel free

to hop on board if you would like a lift to

and from service on Sundays

9:45 am: Parham Road

9:50 am: Dominos car park

10:10am: Canterbury East Station

The return journey leaves campus at

12:50pm every Sunday. Please be at the

pick up points at least five minutes before

time to avoid delays.


We are here

KEEP INFORMED - KEEP IN TOUCH l @NLCCanterbury l /NLCcanterbury


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