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  • 7/30/2019 LGBTQ Planting


    LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, & QUEER (LGBTQ) GROUP: THROUGH THE EYES OF GOD13 He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind

    guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Matthew 15:13-14 NIVThe title implies a "divine seeing" regarding this popular dilemma known in the media as LGBTQ movement. It acronyms everyone who

    identifies with this group. Their behavioral expressions, as recorded in the Bible, are opposed to what God stands for.The Bible described them as humans with unusual sexual tendencies to the same sex and in our time they are sometimes technically

    tagged as "queer" people. The increase in population of this group of people makes it hard to ignore their existence. They promote

    themselves with great pride and with equal zeal fighting for an equal place/recognition in this world. It is either you love them or you

    hate them. They are succeeding in creating a new line of great divide between them and us. Many nations have advanced their cause

    through political legislations. Consequently, any view contrary to these political decisions is in danger of facing legal action and social

    ridicule. Someone coming from a faith-based view are now criticized as religiously biased and judgmental. Unfortunately, most faith-

    based views are coming from a rationalized concept supported by Biblical references. Their shallow understanding exposes a common

    approach which we will call it here as "looking at the fruit" approach. At times they are mostly reactions using politically-correct-

    biblically-worded thoughts from speakers and writers who attempted to find a right solution to this unavoidable confrontation with this

    anomalous tangible existence.Now, did we ever really consider God? Did we ever really ask God how He sees it? And if ever He reveals Himself to us, do we have the

    courage to stand up for Him? Could we really boldly speak in His behalf saying this is how God sees it? Is there a divine seeing that

    we're supposed to see in the Bible? This is what we are addressing here now.My personal belief is that a living and active God is able to speak and reveal Himself to me. He gave us a manual of life that we need

    while we are in a journey in this temporary earth. God knows too that we need an equipping to know how the manual of life will work in

    our favor with God as the highest reference. I will reword it, using the manual of life with God as the highest reference. Otherwise, the

    manual of life can be manipulated to conform to human standards.In practice, we bend or bow down to what God is saying according to what was written in the Bible, the manual of life. The misuse of

    the Bible is when we bend what it says to suit our human understanding and desires based on what we like and dislike. We are not the

    reference, God is. I will call it kingdom mindset. Any deviation from it is un-kingdom or, shall I say, from another kingdom that

    vigorously fights for equal recognition which takes its root from a political spirit. Politics is basically a promotion of two or more equal

    views. In a kingdom mindset there is an awareness of many views, but God's view is the highest of all. It is not to be treated as

    something of the same level as the other views. God's view is the standard, the rest are sub-standard.Looking at the main verse of this topic, let us take a good look at what we can learn from it.13 He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind

    guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Matthew 15:13-14 NIVThese are the words of Jesus telling us of what He sees and what others do not see. Let us list down some truths the Father is revealing

    here about Jesus, His Son.1.Jesus has a way of seeing what is from God and what is not from God

    2.His way of seeing is beyond the fruits, but way down to the roots. In other words, it is not just the manifest presence, but

    how it is deeply rooted in the unseen presence.

    3.The seen presence is the tangible side of it while the unseen presence is the intangible (spiritual) side of it.

    4.Any planting has a seeding process.

    5.There is a blind way of seeing things.6.The blind way is destined to perish.

    7.For us to see what Jesus sees, we need to be like Jesus, seeing what the Father does.

    8.What He sees is heaenly or from above.

    9.What the blind sees is not from heaven or from below.

    10.There is no equality between the view from above and the view from below.

    11.The view from above is Jesus' standard; the view from below is sub-standard.

    12.Jesus submits to the view from above while at the same time He is judgmental to the view from below.

    We could have more revelations from that verse but we will limit this list for the meantime.1. Jesus sees what is planted by God and what is not planted by GodWe shall use the LGBTQ as a case study from hereon. Using God's manual of life, we shall see what is rooted from God and what is not.

    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 NIV

  • 7/30/2019 LGBTQ Planting


    At face value, we could easily qualify them as two types of humans--male and female--both in the image of God. We see the original

    planting of God without fault and both are highly regarded by God as in His own image. They were born of God with spiritual seeds

    breathed in through the first man, then from the same man out came the second spiritual being in human form, the woman. One

    possesses God's masculine image in human form and the other has God's feminine image. God sees it appropriate to create humans

    with His infused male and female spirit in each of them. Their manifest presence is the fruit of their unseen spiritual presence which is

    rooted from God. One is a carrier of God's human male personality, the other carries God's human female personality.God required loyalty from them, God introduced them a kingdom way of life making them rulers over all living creatures on earth. As

    early as their beginning, they were made aware that only God's view will keep them alive. The other view will cause them to perish.

    So where is the LGBTQ's place here? Nowhere.

    13 He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Romans 15:13The LGBTQ is a manifest presence. It is a fruit. So what is its unseen presence or spiritual root? Did God say there are lesbian, gay,

    bisexual, transgender and queer people? No, He did not. Are they plantings seeded from God? No, they are not. Please remember we

    are just using LGBTQs as a case study here. It applies to every planting that is not seeded from God. The LGBTQs carry duplicated

    human personalities that are not from God seeded by, in this case, a sexually desirous unseen entity. Together with LGBTQs our

    transgressions manifest in various forms which may not be gender related. One is Cain's case. His unseen jealous seed branched out

    into a violent form of personality. The LGBTQs also possess the other unseen presence that motivates them to fight for equal rights in

    this world--the spiritual political root. This political spirit is so subtle that it could portray a seemingly heroic endeavor in today's

    politically dominated environment. They were made to believe that fighting for the LGBTQ cause is worthy of honor and dignity. This is

    another transgressing entity that manifested in the serpent when it petitioned for equal attention from Adam and Eve and it succeeded

    in politicizing them. He petitioned that if they eat the forbidden fruit they will not die but they will be like God knowing both good and

    evil. They were tricked to "look" the other way--the political way--and were deceived to dream for something that looks honorable and

    dignified. They believed they will still be immortals and will not experience mortality. Their newly acquired political mindsets branched

    out to us with no exception. Ever wonder why dead heroes are still immortalized today? The western world is very rich in this tradition

    because they fought for so many political wars in the history of this world. We must see how it is planted as well.

    Looking for answer from God requires spiritual hearing and spiritual seeing. God answered it through the Bible. We must fight for our

    right to possess divinely inspired kingdom mindsets. The opinion of God over and above the opinion of this world.The LGBTQ group were looking at it POLITICALLY, we were also looking at it in the same way as they do. They were the ones leading us

    to see it that way.(NIV)Romans 1:26-27

    Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. [27]In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed

    shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.We were compelled to sympathize by way of a loving attitude that is co-dependent with them. We were forced to look at it the blind

    way. We were told that it is not by choice. They were born that way. We were told it is not a mental disorder but a normal sexual

    orientation that does not require reversal therapy. We were shown resources coming from medically accredited practitioners. There's

    nothing wrong with them. They need to be acknowledged and treated as equally normal in the society. This is a highly advanced

    development brought about by this branch of transgression.(NIV)Romans 1:18-25

    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their

    wickedness, [19] since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. [20] For since the

    creation of the world Gods invisible qualities---his eternal power and divine nature---have been clearly seen, being understood from

    what has been made, so that people are without excuse. [21] For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gavethanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. [22] Although they claimed to be wise, they

    became fools [23] and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and

    animals and reptiles. [24] Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of

    their bodies with one another. [25] They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than

    the Creator---who is forever praised. Amen.32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very

    things but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:32Apostle Paul is implying in v.20 that he is looking at the timelessnes of God's judgment to humanity's sin and how this sin evolved from

    ages past. He is asserting that this social anomaly has its roots in the spiritual realm. That God showed him how to expose the roots of

    this sin mutation in humanity. Mutation is sins primary objective. It is the devils own instrument to alter humanitys image away

    from being in Gods image to his (devils) image. As if we are hearing the devil talking to God, I can recreate what you created.Since the time of creation, sinless Adam saw the invisible qualities of our creative God transforming His invisible powers to visible form.

    He formed animals in the man's presence and then He handed these newly created animals to the man to see what he would name

  • 7/30/2019 LGBTQ Planting


    them. He was made to see and practice the divine way of dignified life after the man himself was graciously appointed by God to the

    highest position on earth next only to God. It is an unmerited favor from God. Adam must have felt that God so loved the world. God

    gave Himself to the man so he could be one with God. God is his dignity and honor.

    Also in the time past, a rebellious creation in the person of Lucifer idolized all the divine qualities imputed to Him by God. He dreamed

    of becoming like God. He embarked on a mission to elevate himself and be visibly worshipped as a god. His number one tool is his

    knowledge of good and evil. He was addicted to the ideal that something beautiful will come out of mixing good and evil with his

    beautiful self as his own model. He became his own idol. His narcissistic obssession idolized his own beauty. He knows that God, in His

    holiness will never harmonize good and evil. So he dared to cross over from holiness to unholiness. He authored a new spiritual

    technology called sin characterized by every obssessive desire opposed to God. He succeeded in deceiving us by imputing to us this

    idolatrous seed sin. We were reduced to mere mortal thinkers having difficulty unlocking or even admitting that we are human breeds

    with natural skills of harmonizing good and evil. Jesus appropriately said, "You are of your father, the devil."

    Fast forward to our time, people are no longer aware of this God's invisible qualities turning into visible forms because we were made to

    look the other way, idolizing ideals with visible symbols. We glorify heroes of our time who stood out in their calling to make this

    perishing world and society a safe place to live in. We were caught in a trap that we need to secure our place in this highly advanced

    technological world authored by the prince of the air. We were awed by the creativity of this idolatrous sin so that we develop a

    numbness in our brain that says this is the way to go. God is just a myth. What was allegedly told by your God no longer apply today.

    Everything is possible. There is no need for a so called God.We enjoy a life without acknowledging God. We were made to look the blind way. We are mutated sinners and one of the advancedmutations are the LGBTQs. Yes, I agree many of them were born that way even as we were born this way. But I am not aiming for a

    place of approval in this perishing life and world. There is no dignity and honor in sin.Romans 5:15-16 says all transgressions started from one sin seeded in Adam causing him to transgress.15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the

    gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one

    man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.

    Apostle Paul spoke about the way God's gift of grace is poured out to many transgressions that branched out to countless generations

    as a result of one man's sin. We can see here how God is bringing justification to affect all trespasses committed by us. Paul sees it is

    rooted to one sin that caused Adam to die. Paul is also manifesting a seeing that exposes many transgressions branching out from one

    tree that is rooted from sin.

    We are sinners not because of our tendency to commit every act of sin. We are sinners because we are carriers of the sin entity

    imputed to us by the devil through Adam. LGBTQ is a fruit of one of the classes of sin we carry as long as we are living in this perishing

    body.We must inherit eternal life from God again.

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