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Fearless-audaz explorer and extraordinary sportsman.

Throughout history, there have always been people who

have attempted-intentado what others consider to be

impossible. Whether they are-ya sean explorers traveling

to unknown parts of the world or universe, athletes

breaking records or individuals seeking adventure,

these people have put their physical and mental

strength-fuerza to the test-a la prueba and managed to-lograron do

amazing things.

Jason Lewis, is one such-uno de tales adventurer and

sportsman. He embarked on a "man-powered" journey

around the world that lasted 13 years. Jason and his

teammate Steve Smith, wanted to test-poner a prueba both

their-tanto sus physical and mental abilities to the

limits, as well as-asi como encourage team cooperation.

The two men set off-partieron from the Greenwich Meridian

on July 12th 1994, in their attempt-intento to travel

around the world. So, Jason continued and completed the

first solo "man-powered" journey around the world, a

total of 46505 miles in October 2007.

During the trip, Jason relied-dependíó on many different

forms of transportation. He walked and swam. He also

cycled from Singapore to Mumbai, India and later

through Ethiopia and Sudan, as well as through Turkey

and mainland-continente Europe. He broke both his legs, one

of which became so infected due to blood poisoning that

it was under threat-amenaza of being cut off below-debajo de

the knee.

Fortunately, doctors managed to save both legs and he

took a nine-month rest period to heal-sanar and recover.

He rowed-remó from Mumbai across the Indian Ocean to

Sudan and also across the Pacific Ocean, using a unique

“man-powered” wooden pedal boat, called Moksha, which

means "freedom" in Sanskrit.

A typical day on board Moksha involved-involucraba many

different but repetitive activities, such as sleeping

and waking in three-hour shifts-turnos, fishing, cooking,

washing up and also taking care of personal hygiene. He

also checked weather reports to predict stormy weather,

kept a detailed record of his daily experiences and

made drinking water from sea water using a homemade-casero

device on the boat. When I asked him why it had been

important to keep a record, he replied: "I had agreed

with my sponsors to record the voyage-viaje using a

camcorder and send reports via satellite to my website.

On a daily basis-diariamente, time for recreation was

limited and the only form of relaxation was to read and

take down-anotar my experiences in a diary. "When I asked

why he had undertaken-emprendido such a long-larga, dangerous

journey, he replied: "Well, at first, what I had in

mind was to follow the footsteps of the early-primeros

navigators, like Magellan."

Jason remarked, “I had used up eight of my nine lives.

The most important thing to do was to be alert all the

time!" This turned out-resultó to be true especially when

he was approaching the final part of his extraordinary

journey and was crossing a channel in a canoe. He

suddenly realized that a ten-foot crocodile was going

after-persiguiendolo him. He managed to escape just in time

by jumping out of the canoe and when he reached-llegó the

shore-orilla, he hit the crocodile with a paddle-paleta.

However, it snapped-se rompio its jaws-fauces shut-cerradas on the

paddle and wouldn't let go-no lo soltaba. Another difficulty

which he faced-enfrentó was in the middle of the Pacific

Ocean, somewhere near Hawaii. Jason said, “For three

weeks I would sleep and wake up to find myself at the

same point as before-de antes! However, I kept telling

myself to think positively and not to get discouraged.”

When I asked him if he would-iba go on such a-tan

difficult expedition again, Jason replied: "I think I

would-haria. I have gained tremendous physical and inner

strength-fuerza. It's those moments when you face losing-

perder everything that you learn the most about yourself."

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