Page 1: LEYAMS Final Project


LEYAMS[Lambs] Production


Margo AndrewsEsther ShinLisa Yang

Page 2: LEYAMS Final Project

Preliminary Research

for Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

Our story is based off of a collaboration of different friends from each group member.

We envisioned our characters to be extremely similar to average college students and did

not have to do a large amount of extra research. It was our goal to develop characters that

seemed both realistic and interesting and we drew from our own college friends here at

IU. We also used Facebook a lot in our screenplay, knowing that almost every student

here at IU has some experience with the website and knows that it can be used as both a

social networking tool and a way to “creep” on your friends.

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Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

Esther Shin, Lisa Yang, Margo Andrews

In the middle of the night, we see a winding road with a street lamp

every few blocks. We see the road from the driver's perspective, but we can't see his or her face. The car also seems to be moving quite fast. Suddenly, we see a kid riding his bike in the night and we hear a yell,

a crash, leaves blowing in the Autumn wind and screen fades out. Early morning, we see a petite blonde girl, MADDIE, ordering coffee at a

coffee shop with books in hand. She grabs her drink and turns around to bump into BRAD. He profusely apologizes and decides to try a smooth pick up line on her and buying her coffee. She smiles, scene fades.

A front door's lock jiggles as Maddie pushes the door open and sets down her books and backpack on the kitchen table, then goes to her room.

Maddy's cell phone rings, her roommate BRIANNA sees a picture synched with Brad's name on her caller id. She yells for Maddie to ask who it

is. Maddie bashfully replies that he’s no one of importance as she runs

down stairs to snatch the phone from Bri's hands. Bri is intrigued by her avoidance, being her snoopy Journalism-majored self so she jumps on her laptop to Facebook Brad. Bri starts to tease Maddie as she realizes

that Brad is cute... and old, and a college dropout. Two guys, DAN and CAL, are sprawled out on the couch talking about a

party they just got back from, two girls, Bri and ABBY, who may be as well be the same person as Bri, comes in the door and joins them. Cal, who’s been in love with Maddy for as long as he can remember, asks where

Maddie is and where has she been the past week. Bri remarks that Maddy's probably out with her boyfriend Brad. Jealous, Cal's curious who this guy. So Bri, Abby, and Cal decided to facebook creep on this Brad guy.

Dan half alert from his drunken stupor, suggests they not be so harsh on the guy, even if Maddy has an long track of picking the bad apples.

Wednesday morning, walking to class, we see the headline of the student

newspaper saying, "Death declared vehicular homicide, Sheriffs still investigating", then to reveal the holder of the newspaper to be Bri,

looking distraught. The story revealed a witness who's credibility may be discredited because he was under the influence. The witness saw a dark green beaten cavalier with a “cutters” bumper sticker speeding away

after a thud and the witness passing out. Motivated, Bri decides she wants to do a follow up story to satisfy her own curiosity and also a shot at the Editor’s position open at the end of the semester.

At the weekly Wednesday movie night with booze, an outsider had intruded upon their intimate gathering. Maddy introduces Brad to the group. Abby,

Bri, Cal, and Dan all feel this stranger, Brad, adding an uncomfortableness to the room. Attempting to avoid the awkward introduction, Bri decides to express her feelings about her new project,

that she is sure will land her the Editor gig. The group starts to gossip about the vehicular murder that has been so abuzz on campus. Brad seems to be a little jittery at this point, but is dismissed due to the

hostile “meeting the friends” environment. Abby, trying to ease the tension, asks Brad if she can add him on

Facebook. Brad agrees and continues to watch the movie. After a little while so snooping, Bri asks Brad if he drives a green Cavalier, because she found a picture of it on his facebook album. Brad grunts the

affirmative, and shifts a little in his beanbag chair. Bri replies with, “That’s interesting,” while making a mental note to investigate. Before the movie ends, Brad got up and makes a lame excuse of early shift at

work. Maddie leaves with him.

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Twenty minutes later, Maddie returns to her apartment with a group of

piranha ready to tear her apart. They questioned why she had to go with

him. She explained that his license is suspended and didn’t say anymore. After a round of interrogations, Maddy told her group to chill and that he’s a really nice guy.

The next morning Bri is right on her game and is looking Brad up on Facebook, only to find the “New Green Car” album deleted. She calls up

Abby, Cal and Dan to see if they can have a group meeting ASAP. At the meeting, she points out to the group various things that she

found that makes Brad suspicious. The clues include: Brad’s a townie and the Cutters bumper sticker, the green Cavalier, obvious uncomfortableness and early exit from Movie night, and no license. Abby

immediately jumps on board with Bri and Cal also agrees, but probably more so out of jealousy then reason. Dan shoots down all of Bri’s arguments. The group is slightly convinced that Dan is right, because

Bri does have a history of being overdramatic. The group decides to put their suspicions about Brad to the side, and invites Maddie and Brad to

ice cream. Maddie and Brad agrees and asks the group if they could catch

a ride on their way. Riding in Dan’s Explorer, the crew arrives at Brad’s place. As Brad and

Maddie comes out of the garage, Brad tries to shut the garage door as fast as he could, but the crew caught last glimpse of a green cavalier with a scratched off “Cutters” bumper sticker and collapsed bumper.

Everyone but Maddie and Brad gives each other a nervous look of acknowledgement.

Newspaper flips through: First page: Murder solved! 2 page: Welcome our new Editor-in-Chief. 3 page: “Maddy, I’ve been in love with you forever, would you like to go on a date with me to Nick’s? Love, Cal

P.s. Thanks Bri for the Ad Space. :P

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Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

Esther Shin, Margo Andrews, Lisa Yang

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It’s the middle of the night, a car moves along a dark rode

at a rapid pace. The wind is blowing, the engine is roaring,

a biker rides across the screen and a loud crash is heard.

The leaves blow in the wind and the screen fades to black.


MADDIE is ordering coffee from the counter, she is balancing

books, a bag, an ipod, and barely has a free hand to grab

the coffee the BARISTA hands her.


Here you are.


Thank you. Have a good day.

Maddie turns to leave the counter and runs into someone,

spilling her drink on the floor.


Oh, I’m so sorry. Here, let me help

you. I didn’t mean to, can I buy

you a refill?


No it’s fine, thank you. I can get



I insist, honestly. Now what were

you drinking exactly?


Just a regular coffee, cream and

sugar. Thank you.

She smiles, and starts blushing. Maddie turns to go find a

seat in the cafe, and Brad returns shortly with her drink.


Alright, there you go. A fresh cup.

I’m Brad by the way.


Thank you, I appreciate that,

really. And I’m Maddie. It’s nice

to meet you.


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And from the looks of all your

books, you’re a student?


Aren’t you a smart one. Yes, I am.

I have a round of exams coming up

and I live with a few girls so I

can’t ever get any work done at



(Laughs) I bet. I could only


He smiles at her and the two are seen chatting for quite a

while. It looks to be a very fun time for the both of them.


Maddie is shown walking through the door into the kitchen of

her apartment. Her roommate BRIANNA is sitting on the couch

with her laptop. Maddie throws her stuff on the table and

heads up stairs to her room.

Music is heard, it’s Maddie’s phone ringing.


(Yells to Maddie up stairs)

Maddie! Your phones going off.


Just forget it, I’ll be down in a



Yeah, yeah. Let me see who it is.

Brianna gets up and looks for Maddie’s phone. She finds it,

and looks curiously at the caller i.d. on it.


So Maddie, who’s Brad Callahan?


Brad? It’s Brad?!

Maddie runs down the stairs to meet Brianna back in the



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Oh, um, it’s nobody. Just let the

voicemail get it.


Yeah, sounds a lot like nobody to


Maddie snatches the phone from Brianna’s hand and holds it

close to her body, smiling. Brianna shakes her head at her

and walks back to the couch to grab her laptop.


Well, I think I’m going to go back

up stairs and take a nap. I’ll see

you in a bit.


Alright, and be sure to call Brad

back while you’re at it.



Stop! That’s not funny.


Have a good nap.

Brianna opens her laptop and is shown opening her web

browser and logging into She types in the name

"Brad Callahan" and clicks the search button. She clicks on

the first name that appears and begins to pour over the



(softly, to herself)

Well, well, well Maddie. He’s cute.

I’m sure he’s just nobody.

She clicks through some of his pictures and goes back to his

main page to look up his birthday, relationship status, etc.


Whoa, class of 2007? How old is

this guy?

Brianna is shown continuing to click through Brad’s Facebook

page, and the scene closes.

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After a long night of drinking and partying, DAN and CAL

return home and flop down on the couch in their living room.

Their house is messy, plastic takeout cups are everywhere,

and the furniture is completely mismatched. Oddly enough,

the only nice thing in the area is the television which is

obviously the most expensive item in the room and where most

of their attention is focused throughout the day. Two girls,

Bri and ABBY, walk through the front door and flop down on

the couch as well.


Hey guys, how was your night?


(following Brianna’s lead into

the room)

Yeah, how was your night?


Eh, uneventful. Nothing special.


Yeah, pretty much same as always.

And I’m sure by nothing special,

Cal, you mean, no one special?


Stop, dude. Not funny.


Oh don’t get your panties in a

twist, we all know that you love

Maddie. No secrets here.


Yeah, for real.


I don’t, I don’t love her. But

since you brought her up, where has

she been? I feel like I haven’t

seen her in forever.


Well, she pretty much spends

practically all her time with her

new boytoy, Brad.


Wait, what?


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Snooze ya lose, pal.


I just had no idea she had a

boyfriend, that’s all. What’s he



You mean what’s he got that you

don’t have? (chuckles)


Well, he’s got a Facebook if you

really want to see him.


Pull that sucker up then, Bri.

Bri grabs a laptop sitting on the stained coffee table that

acts predominately as a footrest. She logs onto her account

and Cal moves closer to see what comes up on the screen.


How old is this guy?


Well, just, uhm, older, I guess.


He looks weird. Dislike.


That’s what I thought.. there’s

definitely something creepy about



I agree. Completely.


Eh, don’t be so hard on the guy. I

mean, yeah, we don’t know him but

what could be so bad?


How about the fact that we’ve

pretty much hated every guy

Maddie’s picked out... think about

it, they’ve all been losers.

Brianna and Cal continue to look through Brad’s Facebook

page, while Dan closes his eyes and Abby just stares at the


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A shot of a student walking with a newspaper in hand,

headline visible reading "Death declared vehicular homicide,

Sheriffs till investigating". The camera pans out and Bri’s

face is shown, looking distraught. Bri stops in her tracks,

pulls a notebook out from her backpack and writes down the

following clues. "Drunken Witness", "Cutters Bumpersticker",

"Green Cavalier". She puts the notebook back in her bag and

continues on her way.


(To herself)

Well, if this story can’t give me a

lead into that editing position, I

don’t know what will.

The camera pans out as she is seen walking into the

journalism school.


It is Wednesday movie night at Cal’s place. Bri and Dan is

talking in front of the DVD shelf next to the TV screen.


(Picking up a DVD)

Oh. My. God. Roman Holiday? I

didn’t know that you like Audrey



Nah, I don’t watch chick flicks. It

was included in the bundle that I

got from the sale section.


Roman Holiday is not a chick flick!


Well, Audrey is a chick, and she

falls in love. What can I say?


(shrugs and shakes her head)

Cal is walking out of the kitchen holding a giant yellow

plastic bowl of pop corn. Abby is sitting on the couch with

her laptop. She is a Facebook addict, and now she is

snooping on some guy that she is interested in.


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(shows the computer screen to


Hey, Cal! Take a look at this photo

and tell me what you think!


Well, he looks cute. Who is he?


The guy that I met at a party last

weekend. He isn’t texting me back


(looks back to the screen)

The door bell rings. Everybody looks at the door.


That must by Maddie. I’ll get it.

(walks up to the door and

opens it)

(cont’d) Hey, Maddie. How’s it


(stops when he sees Brad

behind Maddie)


Oh, hey Cal! This is Brad. Brad,



How’s it going?



Oh, hi.

They walk in, and everyone stops what they were doing and

looks at Maddie and Brad.


Hey, everyone. This is Brad.


(looks around)


Abby looks at Bri as if asking who he is, and Bri shrugs her

shoulders with wide open eyes. Everybody looks confused.


Well, have a seat. We are going to

watch ’Hitch’ tonight


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Everybody seats on the couches and sofa, but awkward silence

continues for several seconds. The DVD starts playing the

trailers before the actual movie starts.


(Trying to break the

awkwardness in the room)

By the way guys, I started working

on the new project for the school

newspaper. You know I have always

been wanting to get the editor

position. I think this one is gonna

be big if I do it right.


That’s great! What’s the project




Well, you guys heard of that car

accident few days ago?


The one where the bicycle kid got


Brad sharply looks at Dan, but turns his eyes away when

their eyes met.


Oh my gosh I heard about it too. I

read that if the driver took the

kid to the hospital instead of

leaving him there he would have



What a douchebag!


Anyway, I am going to start

investigating on it, and hopefully

solve the puzzle to bring the club

the hottest article of the

semester, which would probably help

me land the Editor gig!


(whispers to Brad)

Hey, you doing alright?


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Yeah. (pauses) Yeah.


Oh by the way Brad, I just sent you

a friend request on Facebook. I

found you on Maddie’s page. Could

you confirm it? Here, you can use

my laptop.

(hands her laptop over to



(receiving the laptop from


Oh. Okay.

(He confirms the request and

then gives the laptop back to



(with her hands flairing and

her shoulders shrugging, says

with her lips ’What the hell?’

to Abby, and moves to sit next

to Abby)


(shrugs and whispers)

I just wanted to snoop on him a

little bit as a good friend of

Maddie. I know you want to join me.

The movie starts, and everyone but Abby and Bri starts to

watch it.


(lightly stops Abby’s hands on

the laptop)

Wait a second. Is that his car?


It looks like so. The album says

’My New Car’.


(turns to Brad, and asks


Do you drive a green Cavalier?




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(Voice Over)

Didn’t the newspaper say that a

witness saw a green Cavalier that



(asks Maddie)

More popcorn?


Yeah, sure. I love these.


(stands up)

I think I gotta go. I got a early

shift tomorrow morning. It was nice

seeing you guys.


(looks up at him with a

confused look, and stands up

as well)

I’ll go with you.


Nice seeing you too. Take care.

Dan is very into the movie, so he stays focused on the

screen. Abby and Bri looks at each other with a weird look

and waves their hands. The door closes.


What the heck?


I know right? What a weirdo.


Yeah, I think Maddie deserves some



Like you, dude?


(deep in his thoughts, answers

Dan unconsciously)


(realizes what he said and

shakes his head)

What? No, man!


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Don’t lie.


Cal. Cal. Cal.


They continue watching the movie, and about twenty minutes

later, Maddie comes back to the apartment. The door opens,

and Maddie comes into the living room where everybody is

gazing at her with growing curiosity. Abby stops the movie.


So, tell me hon. What do you like

about that guy?


I mean seriously, he was like the

definition of anti-social!


I don’t think he said more than

five words either.


And he not better looking than Cal,


(winks at Cal)


What the heck, man? Well, but it’s

true that he was creepy. He acts

like a drug dealer or something.


And besides, why did you have to go

with him? Doesn’t he drive?


Well, he said his license was

suspended at the moment or

something, so I am giving him rides

here and back to his place.


I don’t know, Maddie. He just looks

and acts like an old towny. You are

young, pretty, and smart. What

makes you to be with him?


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Yeah, Maddie that’s true. If you go

out to a bar you this weekend you

will be able to find fifty or more

guys who are way more attractive

than him.


Wow, everybody, chill down a little

bit. He’s really nice guy!


Bri is seen frantically typing away on her computer, she

searches through Brad’s facebook albums, but the one

containing the pictures of his green car is gone. She looks

frustrated as she’s clicking back and forth looking for the

album. She reaches for her phone and calls Abby.


Hey, what’s up girl.


Nothing much, what are you up to?


Are the guys with you?


Dan is, but I don’t know where Cal



You guys need to come over right

now, and find Cal. (sounding



Whoa, chill out, what’s the big



I think I found some important



Okay, well, we’ll be over as soon

as we can.

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Abby, Cal and Dan arrives at Bri and Maddie’s apartment. The

group all gather around Bri’s computer as Bri’s explaining

with pride her findings.


Okay, so I was suspicous last night

because I found that album on

Brad’s profile about the green

Cavalier, so I got up early this

morning and looked into it. I was

hoping I could find a "Cutters"

bumper sticker or anything of

value. Instead, I can’t find the

album anymore. It’s gone.

(showing the group how the

album is gone)


(Completely on Bri’s side out

of jealousy)

Dude, that’s really weird.


This is what this is all about?

(a little patronizing)

Bri, do you have any idea how many

people drive a green Cavalier? It’s

like one of the most common cars in

the States.


Hear me out, on top of that, Brad’s

a townie, so would it be too weird

if he had a "Cutters" bumper



Maybe he’s a big little 5 fan. My

ex had a "Cutters" posters in his

room and he’s from Bloomin... Oh.

(Trying to help out Bri, but



This is what I mean! Most people

from out of town, even if big

Little 5 fans, would probably

support a frat or something. Not

the Cutters.


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Bri, are you hearing yourself

correctly? You’re making the

assumption that this guy killed

someone based on a common car and a

bumper sticker.


Okay, I may be a little paranoid,

but you guys were all there last

night. How uncomfortable did he

seemed when we were talking about

DUI killing?


That totally makes sense! That guy

was so jittery!


Oh, remember that last night how he

doesn’t have a license and Maddie

had to drive him?


See, exactly!


Bri, Bri, Bri. Calm down. I know

you like to investigate and

everything, but none of those

evidences are actually concrete

enough. Maybe we’re just being

harsh on Brad because our little

Maddie is growing up.




(Interupts Bri)

There’s a difference between

"growing up" and dating a complete

creeper. We should be looking out

for our friend!


Let’s just put it aside and give

Brad another chance. Bri, you’re

thinking too much. Abby, stop being

Bri’s ass. And Cal, you missed your

boat, so let’s stop being a little

bitch about it. We should see if

the love birds wants to go out and



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DAN (cont’d)get some ice cream or something,

since last night’s gathering was

cut short.


(gives in)

Fine, fine. I’ll give the guy

another chance. I’ll put my

detective hat away. Let’s go get

some ice cream.


(Rolls eyes)


Fine, I’ll call Maddie.

(is secretly glad that she

doesn’t have to come between

her best friend and boyfriend.

Abby picks up the phone and

dials Maddie’s number)




Hey girlie! Are you with Brad?


Yes, what’s up?


The gang and I were wondering if

you guys wanted to go get some ice

cream since we didn’t get to know

Brad that much last night.


Yeah! That sounds like a great

idea! Can you guys come pick us up?


No probs! I’ll see you guys soon!

(hangs up the phone)


The Explorer pulls onto the street that Brad lives on. Dan

turns into Brad’s drive away and sees Maddie and Brad emerge

from the garage door. Dan’s car stops and Brad hastily hits

the button to lower his garage door. But as the door comes


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down, it was hard to miss the green Cavalier with the

scratched off "Cutters" bumper sticker and a collapsed

bumper. Everyone in the car gave each other a nervous look.


A newspaper is thrown down, the front page reads, "Murder

Solved!" Flips to the second page, "Welcome Our New

Editor-in-Chief: Bri! Flips to the 3rd page: "Maddie, I’ve

been in love with you forever, I’ll be waiting for you at

Nick’s tonight at 7. Love, Cal. P.S. Thanks Bri for the


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Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

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Annotated Costume Design for

Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

: Maddie and Brad

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Shotlist for

Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

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Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Long Shot: Night, Oncoming car headlights beaming

BG: Deserted street Char1: Indiscernible biker

2 2 LS: Exterior of Local Coffee shop

BG: Students walking by


3 Maddie’s POV: looks at menu board and orders

BG: Menu board, coffee shop counter

2 4 Medium Shot: Maddie balancing her books, ipod, and coffee

BG: Busy coffee shop w/extras Props: Coffee Cup

2 5 Long Shot: Maddie turns to walk towards a table, Brad comes into view

BG: Busy Coffee Shop w/extras Char: Maddie and Brad

2 6 High Angle / Medium Shot: Maddie spilling coffee, Brad helping her with it

BG: Busy Coffee Shop Char: Maddie and Brad

2 7 Over the Shoulder /Close Shot: Over Brad’s shoulder, Maddie’s face, blushing

BG: Busy Coffee Shop w/ extras Char: Maddie and Brad

2 8 Long Shot: Brad getting Maddie a second coffee, Maddie sitting down

BG: Busy coffee Shop w/extras Char: Maddie and Brad

2 9 High Angle / Long Shot: Brad and Maddie sitting together talking

BG: Busy Coffee Shop w/ extras Char: Maddie and Brad

3 10 Long Shot: Maddie walking through door of house, puts books on table

BG: Kitchen and door area Char: Maddie

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3 11 Over the Shoulder / Long Shot: Over Brianna’s shoulder, Maddie walks towards

BG: Kitchen and Living Room Char: Brianna and Maddie

3 12 Low Angle / Long Shot: Maddie goes up the stairs

BG: Staircase Char: Maddie

3 13 Pan from Low Angle shot to a normal Long Shot: Brianna sitting on couch

BG: Living Room Char: Brianna Props: Brianna’s laptop

3 14 Long Shot: Brianna on couch, startled by cell phone ringing

BG: Living Room Char: Brianna Props: Brianna’s laptop

3 15 Pan/ Long Shot: Brianna getting up moving towards table

BG: Living room and Kitchen Char: Brianna

3 16 Brianna’s POV: cell phone showing “Brad Callahan”

Props: Cell phone

3 17 Long Shot: Brianna walking towards staircase

BG: Kitchen, Living room, Staircase Char: Brianna Props: Cell phone

3 18 Low Angle/ Long Shot: Brianna yells to Maddie from bottom of stairs

BG: Staircase Char: Brianna Props: Cell phone

3 19 Low Angle / Long Shot: Maddie runs down stairs towards Brianna

BG: Stair Case Char: Brianna and Maddie

3 20 Long Shot: Maddie taking phone from Brianna and running back upstairs, Brianna returning to couch

BG: Living room and stair case Char: Maddie and Brianna

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3 21 Medium Shot: Brianna on couch, with laptop

Background: Living room couch Char: Brianna Props: Laptop

3 22 Brianna’s POV: Laptop screen loading Facebook, searching Brad

Background: Laptop screen Props: Laptop

4 23 Long Shot: Dan and Cal’s house, they walk inside

Background: Small college houses surrounding area Char: Dan and Cal

4 24 Long Shot: Dan and Cal flop down on couch

Background: Messy living room Char: Dan and Cal

4 25 Over the shoulder Long Shot: Over Dan and Cal’s shoulders , showing television

Background: Couches, messy living room Char: Dan and Cal Props: Television

4 26 Over the Shoulder / Long Shot: Brianna and Abby walk into shot, sit on couches

Background: Couches, Messy Living Room Char: Dan, Cal, Abby, Brianna Props: Television

4 27 Long Shot: Brianna, Cal, Dan, Abby watching television and talking

Background: Messy living room and couches Char: Dan, Cal, Abby, Brianna

4 28 Medium Shot: Brianna reaching for laptop

Background: Messy living room Char: Brianna and Cal Props: Coffee table, Laptop

4 29 Long Shot: Brianna and Cal looking at the computer, discussing Brad’s facebook page. Abby and Dan talking

Background: Messy living room Char: Brianna, Cal, Dan, Abby Props: Laptop, television

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4 30 High Angle Long Shot: Brianna and Cal facebooking, Abby and Dan dozing off

Background: Messy living room Char: Brianna, Cal, Abby, Dan Props: Couches, Laptop, television

5 31 Brianna’s POV: Newspaper with headlines “Death declared Vehicular Homicide, Sheriffs still investigating”

Background; Newspaper

5 32 Pan out from Brianna’s POV to Medium shot of Brianna

Background: Campus sidewalk w/extras Char: Brianna Props: Newspaper

5 33 Long Shot: Brianna reaching for a notebook, shown writing

Background: Campus sidewalk w/extras Char: Brianna Props: Notebook and newspaper

5 34 Brianna’s POV: Brianna writes “Drunken Witness” “Cutters Bumpersticker” and “Green Cavalier”

Background: notebook Char: Brianna Props: Notebook, pen

5 35 Medium Shot: Brianna putting away the notebook, talking to herself

Background: Campus sidewalk with extras Char: Brianna

5 36 Zoom out from Medium to Long Shot: Brianna walks out into Journalism school

Background: Campus sidewalk , Journalism school Char: Brianna

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6 37 Long shot: Bri, Dan, and Abby hanging out in the living room.

Background: Cal’s living room

6 38 Medium shot: Bri and Dan in front of the DVD stack

Background: DVD stack and the TV

6 39 Medium shot: Bri picking up a DVD

Background: DVD stack Prop: Toman Holiday DVD

6 40 Medium shot: Dan discrediting Roman Holiday

Background: TV in the living room

6 41 Over the shoulder/ close-up: Bri refuting Dan

Background: DVD stacks

6 42 Medium shot: Dan replying to Bri, and Bri shrugging

Background: TV and DVD stacks in the living room

6 43 Pans around the livingroom/ Medium shot: Cal walking out of the kitchen

Background: kitchen to the living room Prop: big yellow popcorn bowl

6 44 Cal’s POV: Abby shows the computer screen to Cal, talking about the guy

Background: Bri and Dan still arguing in the back with Abby sitting on the couch Prop: laptop

6 45 Abby’s POV/ Low Angle shot: Cal replying to Abby

Background: kitchen Prop: popcorn bowl

6 46 Medium high angle shot: Abby describing the guy

Background: couch and living room Prop: laptop

6 47 Long shot: the door bell rings and everyone looks at the door

Background: everybody in the living room.

6 48 Medium shot: Cal saying he will get the door.

Background: everyone in the living room

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6 49 Maddie’s POV/ Medium close-up: the door opens and Cal’s face shows up

Background: The door opening

6 50 Cal’s POV/Medium shot: smiling Maddie saying hi, and Brad standing behind her

Background: Brad and the hallway behind Maddie

6 51 Close-up: Brad saying hi

Background: hallway

6 52 Medium shot: Cal being awkward

Background: living room looked through the door

6 53 Medium long shot: Cal, Maddie, and Brad walks in

Background: the door to the hallway

6 54 Long shot: Everyone stops and looks at those who are walking in

Background: living room on the door side

6 55 Medium shot: Maddie introducing Brad to everyone

Background: the door

6 56 Medium long shot: Abby and Bri exchanging faces

Background: DVD stack and the couch

6 57 Long shot: Abby, Bri, and Dan looking confused

Background: living room

6 58 Medium shot: Cal offering seats to Maddie and Brad

Background: living room on the side where the TV is

6 59 Long shot: Everyone takes seats, Cal plays the DVD

Background: living room with everyone, the TV playing trailers

6 60 Medium shot: Bri talks about her project on the couch

Background: the couch, and Abby listening attentively

6 61 Medium long shot: Abby, Bri, and Dan talks about the

Background: couch

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accident 6 62 Medium shot: Brad

sharply looks at Dan and looks away immediately

Background: couch and the living room

6 63 Close-up: Abby talks about the accident

Background: couch and Bri

6 64 Close-up: Cal says ‘what a douchebag’ with a face

Background: living room and the DVD stack

6 65 Close-up: Bri continues talking about how this is important for her

Background: the couch

6 66 Medium shot: Brad looking down on the floor, and reaches his hands behind Maddie

Background: couch and half of Maddie

6 67 Close-up: Brad’s hand grasps Maddie’s clothes in the back out of anxiousness

Background: Maddie’s jacket

6 68 Medium shot: Maddie looks at Brad and talks to him

Background: Abby and Bri still talking

6 69 Close-up: Brad replies Maddie

Background: living room

6 70 Medium low angle: everyone in the living room, and Abby talks to Brad, handing him her laptop

Background: living room with everyone watching the screen

6 71 Medium shot: Brad receives the laptop from Abby

Background: Maddie smiling and living room

6 72 Close-up: the computer screen shows Facebook friends page. Brad confirms request

Background: Facebook webpage

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6 73 Medium shot: Brad gives the laptop back to Abby

Background: couch

6 74 Medium close-up: Bri and Abby talks about why Abby wanted to add him

Background: couch, and Maddie talking to Brad

6 75 Medium high angle shot: the movie starts, and everyone but Abby and Bri watches it

Background: living room with everyone

6 76 Close-up: Bri asking Abby about the car picture

Background: couch

6 77 Close-up: Abby talks back

Background: couch

6 78 Medium shot: Bri turns to Brad and asks him about his car

Background: couch and smiling Maddie

6 79 Close-up/ Voice Over: Bri thinks to herself about green Cavalier

Background: couch

6 80 Medium long shot: Dan offers more popcorn to Maddie

Background: living room, and Brad with anxious face Prop: popcorn bowl

6 81 Medium high angle/ long shot from Brad’s back: Brad stands up and says he should leave

Background: everyone in the living room with confused faces

6 82 Close-up: Maddie looks up at Brad with a confusing look

Background: couch

6 83 Long-shot: Maddie stands up

Background: everyone in the living room

6 84 Medium shot: Cal says goodbye

Background: living room

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6 85 Medium shot: Dan doesn’t care because he is so into the movie

Background: Everyone looking around and moving a little bit

6 86 Medium close-up: Abby and Bri looks at each other exchanging faces, and waives their hands at Maddie

Background: Dan still watching the screen and the couch

7 87 Long shot: Brad and Maddie walks down the stairs

Background: Hallway and the staircases

7 88 Long shot: Brad and Maddie gets into the car and leave

Background: The street in front of Cal’s place

8 89 Medium shot: Abby and Bri talking

Background: Cal and Dan standing

8 90 Medium shot: Cal talks

Background: living room

8 91 Long shot: Dan teases Cal, and Abby takes part

Background: living room

8 92 Long shot: Everyone continues watching the movie

Background: living room and the TV playing Hitch

8 93 Long shot: the door opens and everyone looks at Maddie walking in

Background: The door and Maddie

8 94 Close up: Abby starts interrogating Maddie

Background: living room and Bri

8 95 Medium shot: Bri cuts into the interrogation with Abby

Background: living room, Cal and Dan

8 96 Medium long shot: Dan also takes his part with Abby and Bri

Background: Cal nodding

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8 97 Long shot: Cal talks back to Dan, and continues talking to Maddie

Background: living room

8 98 Medium shot: Maddie makes a confused look

Background: the door

8 99 Long shot: Abby asks Maddie why she had to drive, and Maddie Answers

Background: Everybody else in the living room

8 100 Medium shot: Bri says why she doesn’t like him, and Cal also takes part

Background: Abby with her arms crossed and Dan whistling

8 101 Medium close-up: Maddie tries to chill down everyone saying Brad is a good person

Background: the door

8 102 Medium long shot: Abby and Bri look at each other and shrug

Background: Cal and Dan in the living room

9 103 High Angle, Medium shot Bri’s room

BG: Her desk, scattered papers Character: Bri

9 104 Close up on of Bri’s phone

BG: Desk Character: Bri

9 105 Medium Close up of Abby

BG: In bed with Dan Characters: Abby and Dan

9 106 Close up of Bri BG: Bri at her desk Character: Bri

9 107 Close up of Abby BG: Dan rolling over Character: Abby And Dan

9 108 Close up of Bri BG: Bri at her desk Character: Bri

9 109 Close up of Abby BG: Dan getting out

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of bed Character: Dan and Abby

9 110 Close up of Bri BG: Desk Character: Bri

9 111 Close up of Abby BG: Dan is gone Character: Abby

10 112 Medium long shot of door with Abby, Dan and Cal walking through

BG: Door frame to Bri’s room Character: Abby, Dan and Cal

10 113 Medium Close up of Bri, POV of laptop

BG: Abby, Dan and Cal hunched over Bri as she is on Computer Characters: Bri, Dan, Abby, Cal

10 114 Medium Close up of Bri

BG: The computer and desk Character: Bri

10 115 Medium Close up of Abby

BG: Bri’s Bed and Cal Characters: Abby

10 116 Medium Close up of Bri

BG: Desk Characters: Bri

10 117 Medium Close up of Cal, pan to Abby

BG: Bri’s Bed Characters: Cal

10 118 Close up of Bri BG: Desk Characters: Bri

10 119 Medium shot of Dan

BG: Bri’s Bed, Abby Characters: Dan

10 120 Close up of Bri BG: Desk Characters: Bri

10 121 Close up of Cal BG: Bri’s Bed, Abby Characters: Cal

10 122 Medium Close up of Dan

BG: Bri’s Bed, Abby Characters: Dan

10 123 Medium shot of Bri sweeps to Cal

BG: Desk Characters: Bri and Cal

10 124 Medium shot of Abby and her phone

BG: Bri’s bed, Dan Characters: Abby

10 125 Medium Close up of Maddie

BG: Brad’s house, Brad

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Characters: Maddie 10 126 Close up of Abby BG: Bri’s Bed, Cal

Characters: Abby 11 127 Medium POV from

Steering wheel of Dan

BG: Cal, Bri in the back seats Characters: Dan

11 128 High Angled close up of Dan’s Tires turning onto a street

BG: Road, grass, curb Characters: Car

11 129 Long shot at Brad’s garage doors

BG: Interior of the garage, the Green Car Characters: Brad and Maddie

11 130 Medium Long Shot POV of Brad seeing Dan’s car pull into his driveway

BG: Street, Mailbox, etc Characters: Dan’s Car

11 131 Medium Long Shot of Brad

BG: Brad’s House, Maddie Characters: Brad

11 132 Close up of green cavalier’s scratched-off bumper sticker as the garage door is closing

BG: Interior of Brad’s garage Characters: green cavalier

11 133 Medium close up pan of the reaction of the people in the car

BG: Dan’s Car interiors Characters: Dan, Abby, Bri, Cal

11 134 Cal’s POV Medium shot to look at Maddy, track in to Medium Close up

BG: Through Dan’s car window, Brad’s house Characters: Maddie

12 135 Medium close up of newspaper on a table

BG: Table with papers scattered Character: newspaper

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Storyboards for

Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

: First 30 Shots

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Location Scout for

Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

: Coffee Shop where Maddie and Brad Meet

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Google Sketchup for Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy: Cal&Dan’s Living Romm

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Movie Poster for

Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

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Who Spy


Love, Lies

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for Love, Lies, and Friends Who Spy

1. Snow Patrol- Set Fire to the Third Bar (When the group sees Brad for movie night)

2. Teagan and Sara- Where Does the Good Go (This could be for when Maddie's guy friend sees Maddie and Brad together)

3. People in Planes- Instantly Gratified (This could play when they're almost positive it's Brad that's the killer)

4. Keane- Everybody's Changing (When the group picks up Maddie and Brad for ice cream and they see the car)

5. TATU- Perfect Enemy (When the friends are doing their "research" on Brad)

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