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  • 8/6/2019 Lexeme Relay


    Lexeme Relay

    (A Word Race Parody}

    Marnie Kanarek


    TYLER: male, late teens; judge of Word Race

    MARNIE: female, late 20's; wife of Gray

    GRAY: male, late 20s; husband of Marnie

    HEATHER: female, early 20s

    LUCY: female, mid-late teens

    LILLIAN: female of indeterminate age

    JILLIAN: female, mid-late teens

    AERIA: female, early-mid 40s

    ANDREW: male, early 20s

    THOMAS: male, early 20s

    KATIE: female, early 20s, eliminated contestant

    CODY: male, early 20s, eliminated contestant

    KEVIN: male, early 30s, creator of AllPoetry

  • 8/6/2019 Lexeme Relay


    SCENE 1

    (The lights come up on a set of 11

    chairs, 10 of them filled. The 11th


    a sign that says peace to all, bitches

    Johanna. Each person is staring

    straight forward to simulate the lack

    of personal interaction on the


    (A spotlight falls on TYLER, and he stands.)


    Members of Word Race... you have a new challenge. Now, I had

    something really amazing planned, but due to the fact that Kevin

    has "upgraded" AllPoetry again to include invisible fonts,

    vanishing poetry, a random porn generator, and a lava lamp, I

    decided to change it up.

    (All the other contestants roll their eyes except CODY,

    who randomly gets up and walks off stage right.)


    You have two options. Option One: a word bank poem. It must be

    free-verse, 59 words exactly. The word bank is: Pickle, Smut,

    Bayreuth, Mustache, Chimpanzee, and Tightrope Walker. Option

    Two: A sonnet that has no rhyme and no meter, and is exactly 10

    lines long. And it must be an Acrostic. I will provide you

    with the word that you must base your acrostic on. The word is

    IMBECILE. I am looking for something deep here, so don't holdback anything. I want to feel your tears through my computer

    screen, I want you to cry your poetry onto your keyboard, feel

    the damp plastic as you type through your throbbing heartache...

    I want fucking emotion, people!

    (TYLER is getting heated. He pulls off his shirt and

    starts jogging in place. HEATHER looks over

    appreciatively and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

    LILLIAN leans over and smacks her arm.)


    Stop breaking the fourth wall! We are supposed to be on theinternet! You can't see Ty's incredible abs on the internet!

    (HEATHER sticks out her tongue at LILLIAN, and faces

    forward again, pouting. LILLIAN shoots a furtive

    glance over at TYLER, who is standing there, arms

    crossed, tapping his foot impatiently.)

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    Are we done with the peep show?

    (LIILAN nods, looking guilty. HEATHER scowls


    TYLERGood. Moving on. So this is a collaboration round. These are

    your pre-assigned groups: Group 1: Gray, Marnie, Lucy, and

    Jillian. Group 2. Heather, Lillian, Thomas, and Andrew. Group

    3. Aeria. That's it, everybody... Now go write!

    (TYLER claps his hands briskly, then strides over to

    his shirt which is lying abandoned on the floor. He

    picks it up and wipes his face with it. After a

    moment's hesitation, he chucks the shirt in HEATHERS

    direction. She leaps up and grabs it to her,

    shrieking. Everyone else rolls their eyes.)

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    SCENE 2

    (AERIA is alone on stage, pacing back

    and forth. She is wearing a tunic with

    a lace frill and has a feather quill

    and parchment roll in her hand.)


    To be or not to be...

    (She shakes her head, muttering.)

    No, too obvious. Lets see. Aha!

    (With a flick of her quill she does a twirl and then

    stands in the middle of the stage. After a moment, she

    looks up above her and puts her hands on her hips.

    Suddenly, a spotlight goes on.)

    Much better. Ahem. I shall entitle this "Bleeding Hearts":

    Bleeding hearts are bleeding bleeding bleeding

    they ooze atop my keyboard's shiny face

    I wish that neighbor Joe would stop the weeding

    and gently touch his hoe upon my place.

    I want to kill the rabbits in my yard

    they hop around like little cotton whores

    the weeds grow tall and strong like stone so hard

    to crush the little bunnies more and more.

    the pain of sunlight jabs inside my eyes

    depleting all my blood into the sink

    the kitchen sink the sink of hell and lies

    and death that fills with demons, blood and ink.

    I wish for one more sip of passion's soup

    I am the best damn rhymer in this group.

    (Looking pleased with herself, she bows with a


    Take THAT, Word Race!

    (She strides purposefully offstage.)

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    SCENE 3

    (The lights come up on HEATHER,

    LILLIAN, and THOMAS, arguing.)


    I think we should wait for Andrew.


    We have been waiting for two days. If we don't start working on

    our poem soon, we won't finish in time.


    I think we should get to work. Andrew can catch up later.


    Look, Ill just go look for him.

    (HEATHER stands up and starts to walk offstage.)


    Heather! You cant do that!

    (HEATHER stops, looking confused.)


    Why not?


    We are supposed to be on the internet, remember?

    HEATHER...Whats your point?

    (LILLIAN looks exasperated.)


    You can't just "go and look for someone" in the jungles of

    cyberspace! Look, we'll send him a message.

    (THOMAS stands up.)


    Ill do it.

    (He clears his throat loudly, and cups his hands around

    his mouth to amplify his voice.)


    Andrew, we are working on our poem for Word Race! Where are


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    (THOMAS sits back down. HEATHER shakes her head.)


    This is so ridiculous.


    OK, now that thats out of the way, lets get to work. Illstart.

    (All three stand in a line, staring out at the

    audience. Each time one speaks, a spotlight

    illuminates them.)


    The Pickle and the Tightrope Walker.

    The pickle and the tightrope walker

    were metaphorically smutty.


    They grew brown mustaches


    Not brown, sexy. Sexy is better.

    (Heather rolls her eyes.)


    They grew SEXY mustaches and braided

    them together as a sign of their love,

    and spoke often about seeing the world.


    The pickle was German, and he said

    that Bayreuth was a flower filled with salty



    The tightrope walker disagreed,

    as did the chimpanzee,

    HEATHER & THOMAS (in unison)

    so they ate the pickle!

    (HEATHER and THOMAS high five. LILLIAN looks at them

    like they are crazy.)


    You are breaking the fourth wall again... don't you guys

    understand anything??

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    SCENE 4

    (LUCY and JILLIAN are standing alone in

    the middle of the stage. Every few

    seconds JILLIAN checks her watch.)

    JILLIANWhere are they?


    No idea. Should we get started?

    (GRAY and MARNIE stumble out from stage left. MARNIES

    hair is a mess and Gray is zipping up his jeans.)


    Erm... hi, guys! Sorry we were late... we were... uh...

    MARNIEPutting the baby to bed.


    Right! Putting the baby to bed. Totally.

    (JILLIAN looks unconvinced. GRAY puts on a big geeky



    So... a collaboration poem, eh? Lets get to it!


    Alright, I have been thinking about this a lot, and I think it

    would be a good idea to do the 'sonnet' option.


    OK, well, I noticed some issues with the prompt. For example,

    it's not a sonnet at all. That might prove to be difficult.


    True. Also, it has to be a 10-line acrostic using the word



    And imbecile is only eight letters.


    Well... those arent impossible hurdles, are they? Lets just

    do the first eight lines, and then go from there, shall we?

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    Alright. Ill go first.

    I feel the deepness of the rain

    My pain is really friggin deep,

    MARNIEBut in my deepest heart

    Everyone hates me more than I do.


    Cant you see?

    I am crying, crying, crying.


    Lost in this stupid fucking world,

    Entire countries hate me.

    LUCYWell, thats eight lines. Now what about the last two?

    (LUCY exchanges a worried look with JILLIAN.)


    Dont fret. Well figure something out.


    Ive got it! Lets just start the last two lines with

    exclamation points!


    ! These exclamation points provide a counterpoint

    ! to the angst-ridden drivel of this shitty poem.


    I love it! You are so clever, Gray.

    (GRAY blushes, grinning like an idiot.)


    Look, Lucy, I know we are on the internet and all. But keep

    your claws off my husband or I will send you a really strongly-

    worded AP it?

    (LUCY looks embarrassed and starts to tear up.)


    Um... yeah. Sure. Sorry.

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    (LUCY runs off the stage, weeping. Marnie grabs Gray's

    hand, and drags him off in the other direction, still

    grinning. Jillian shrugs.)

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    SCENE 5

    (TYLER is throwing around pieces of

    paper and muttering.)


    Ok, well, I guess we should get on with the judging. I willmake sure to make it painfully long and boring, just like your


    (He clears his throat loudly.)


    Alright, I will start with you, Aeria. Even though you had the

    most difficult people in your group to work with, you did win

    the last round, so you should have rocked it! But your meter

    was far too metric, and you did end-line rhymes, even though I

    specifically told you not to. If that wasn't enough, you

    ignored the acrostic completely and instead, did some crazy form

    with 14 lineswhatever that was.

    (He pauses, making a shes crazy gesture. Meanwhile,

    AERIA is sitting in her seat, quietly fuming. TYLER is

    clearly unaware of this.)


    Technique aside, I did like some of your emotion, but really, it

    felt a little too "happy" for me. I mean... bunnies? Bunnies

    are the universal symbol of joy and love. I wanted angst! I

    wanted fire!

    (AERIA jumps up, unable to stand it anymore. She

    points a finger at TYLER, voice shaking with anger.)


    You know NOTHING about sonnets! You weren't even ALIVE when

    Shakespeare was. I could be upside down on my head, in a pool,

    naked and drunk and still write better form poetry than all of


    (GRAY and THOMAS jump up and grab AERIAS arms to keep

    her from lunging at TYLER. HEATHER is giggling, and

    LILLIAN looks annoyed.)


    Doesnt anyone know what a fourth wall is??

    (KATIE runs in from stage left with a shot glass and a

    bottle of vodka.)

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    Here, Aeria, to feel better make you drank good this plez.

    (AERIA stops struggling and looks at KATIE with a

    confused expression.)


    (KATIE sighs and speaks very slowly.)


    Sorry... phone sucks... drink this.

    (AERIA takes the shot glass, fills it, and knocks it

    back. She then gives the glass and bottle back to


    AERIAThanks, I needed that.

    (KATIE gives a little curtsey and runs back off-stage.

    AERIA stands there for a second before shrugging the

    two boys off of her, and gives TYLER a sheepish look.)


    Sorry, Tyler. I just got a little excited. I'm OK now.

    (TYLER raises his eyebrows. AERIA slowly sits back

    down, and TYLER sighs.)


    I think we should move on to the next entry. The next group was

    Marnie, Gray, Jillian and Lucy. While you did adhere to the

    rules of the prompt, I felt like it was lacking in some way -

    I'm not sure it really felt "sonnet" enough for me. Plus, Katie

    told me earlier that the spell check on her phone said that

    imbecile is spelled i-m-b-e-e-c-i-l-w-e. Which is 10 letters.

    But, it wasn't too horrendous. I probably would have liked a

    little more cursing though.

    (GRAY stands up, looking annoyed.)


    Look, Tyler, I don't like the way you are judging this round.

    Or any of the rounds for that matter. I am going to stand up

    for everyone and bitch about the things that bother me because I

    am super dramatic.

    (GRAY starts waving his arms around emphatically.)

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    I am an astrophysicist. That means that I am a genius and am

    always right. As a gesture of how seriously dramatic I am, I am

    going to pretend to quit right now.

    (GRAY starts starts to walk off-stage. Everyone else

    looks stunned.)


    Gray, you should come back.

    (GRAY stops, looking confused for a second.)


    I should?


    Yes. Go sit down.


    Oh. OK.

    (GRAY sits back down, and MARNIE pats him on the head.)


    Sorry Tyler, go on.

    (TYLER rubs his face with his hands and sighs.)


    You know... you guys are a lot more annoying than my X-Factor


    (LUCY starts to cry. HEATHER gets up and goes over to



    Its OK, Lucy. Tyler wasnt talking about you. He was talking

    about Gray.

    (GRAY looks indignant, and starts to stand up again.

    MARNIE places a firm hand on his shoulder, restraining

    him. LILLIAN looks over at HEATHER.)


    Heather, you aren't supposed to go over to... you know what?

    Never mind.

    (HEATHER just shrugs, gives LUCY a hug and walks back

    over to her seat.)

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    Can we finish this, please? I have a Lady Gaga concert to make


    (Everyone nods, abashed.)

    TYLEROK. The last group is Heather, Lillian, Thomas and Andrew. But

    I have been told that Andrew never showed up. That means that

    unless he comes to me with a really good reason, he will be

    eliminated this round. So, to the three of you that did do the

    work, I thought it was really excellent. Original and abstract,

    but really concrete. My favorite line was the one about the

    sexy mustaches. Fantastic imagery!

    (LILLIAN looks smug.)


    Yes, Tyler, I thought that section was full of creative nuance.

    (HEATHER starts to look disgruntled.)


    But, while your poem was easily the best, I have decided to only

    award you the silver trophy.

    (LILLIAN is offended.)


    Why? If its the best, why wouldnt we get gold?

    (TYLER stands up, pulls a crown out from under his

    chair and puts it on his own head.)


    Because I deserve gold!

    (There is stunned silence all around.)


    But... Ty... you arent competing? How can you win gold?


    After putting up with you guys, I think I more than deserve it.

    (TYLER bows dramatically and then strides purposefully

    off stage. Everyone is left looking confused. LUCY

    bursts into tears again. LIILIAN stands up and starts

    kicking down chairs, yelling at everyone.)

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    I will not stand for this! This is an outrage! This is a

    travesty... this is

    (HEATHER stands up calmly and goes over to LILLIAN.)


    (LILLIAN gets right in HEATHERs face.)


    What the hell do YOU want!?


    You are breaking the fourth wall.

    (The lights go out.)

  • 8/6/2019 Lexeme Relay


    SCENE 6 (Epilogue)

    (Stage is empty. After a few seconds,

    ANDREW runs on from stage right, out of

    breath and a little annoyed.)

    ANDREWHey, guys, I'm so sorry I'm late! This fucking upgrade has

    given me nothing but problems and I got so lost that I guys?

    (ANDREW looks around confused.)


    Where is everybody?

    (At this point, KEVIN walks on stage, carrying an open

    laptop. He is looking at the screen and muttering to

    himself, oblivious of ANDREWs presence. ANDREW looks

    at him quizzically.)


    Uh... who are you?

    (KEVIN pays no attention to ANDREW, instead focusing on

    pressing buttons on his keyboard.)


    Aaaaand, that should do it!

    (KEVIN jabs a button forcefully.)


    AllPoetry... Deleted!


    Wait, man, what are you doing!? You can't just delete us like

    that! Who do you think you

    (The lights go out.)

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