Page 1: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1

Page 2: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 3: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 4: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 5: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 6: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 7: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis



The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question.

S/he displayed a high level of data analysis skills by describing clearly and in detail the pattern of

acceptance by Hong Kong ethnic Chinese of different ethnic groups; the discrepancy in the levels of

acceptance of people from developed and developing countries and in different contexts related to


Data interpretation and generalisation skills were also well-exhibited in the clear explanation of two

factors (sense of belonging and identity, language barrier) that might affect the aspirations for the future

of ethnic minority youths in Hong Kong.

The answer showed an in-depth understanding and an appropriate application of the relevant knowledge

and concepts, for instance, aspirations for the future and ethnic integration.

The candidate was able to address the crux of the question. S/he explained, and justified clearly and

logically the extent to which s/he agreed with the statement in view of the current situation in Hong


The candidate made appropriate and good use of the sources to formulate and support his/her arguments

from multiple perspectives (including the consideration of cultural diversity, inclusiveness in work

places, government support and counter-arguments).

The well-structured, in-depth and logical justification exemplified the critical thinking and organisation

skills of a Level-5 performance.

Page 8: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Question 2

Page 9: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 10: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 11: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 12: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis



The candidate was able to interpret the cartoon clearly to show the rural-urban disparity and rich and

poor disparity.

S/he was able to handle the data in comparing the bottom and top family groups within rural and urban

areas, as well as the data showing the disparity of the rich and poor between rural and urban areas.

S/he provided a detailed explanation of the impact that poverty reduction might have on the environment

in China, such as pollution problems being caused by industrial waste and wealthy lifestyles.

S/he made good use of data in Source C to support the viewpoints.

S/he provided a clear explanation for arguments supporting and opposing the relocation of the rural poor

to reduce poverty in China.

However, more detail should have been provided in explaining whether or not the relocation would help

a significant number of people.

Page 13: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Question 3

Page 14: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


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The candidate fulfilled the requirements of the question fully.

A clear and comprehensive comparison of the levels of happiness (shown in Graph A) was made.

S/he drew appropriately and comprehensively on the sources to compare the patterns of satisfaction with

quality of life (Graph B) in Singapore and Hong Kong, displaying good data analysis skills.

S/he made an appropriate use of the sources to illustrate the disparity between Hong Kong and

Singapore and to support giving priority to the two dimensions of quality of life.

For each chosen priority, s/he suggested and logically explained a means to make Hong Kong people

more satisfied with their quality of life, demonstrating an in-depth understanding of how the measures

may bring about positive impact on quality of life.

The well-structured, clear and in-depth elaboration exemplified the thinking and organisation skills of a

Level-5 performance.

Page 18: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 2 Question 1

Page 19: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 20: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 21: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 22: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 23: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 24: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 25: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 26: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 27: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 28: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 29: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis



The candidate was able to explain the possible environmental impacts of ‘fast fashion’ as a globalized

industry, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the question.

Plenty of proper examples, such as the structural and operational characteristics of multi-national

organisations of various kinds (including Oxfam, Nike and GU), were deployed to illustrate his/her

arguments. The explanation was in detail, though the part on endangered species and biodiversity could

have been more clearly explained.

The candidate presented his/her stance clearly.

This answer displayed an ability to think from multiple perspectives in the formulation of arguments.

For instance, s/he delineated the interplay between globalization and the environment and discussed

how IT has facilitated the growth of a globalized economy, making it difficult to resist the culture of

disposability. Also, cogent rebuttals were made, like the one in the third paragraph of Part (b).

However, the arguments were marred by a few ideas which were not clearly articulated, such as the

paragraph starting with ‘Thirdly’ in Part (b).

Overall, this answer exemplified the analytical power expected of a Level 5 candidate.

Page 30: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Question 2

Page 31: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 32: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 33: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 34: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 35: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 36: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 37: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 38: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 39: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis



The candidate showed abilities in multiple perspective thinking by discussing factors like the features of

adolescence, economic globalization and technological advancement, and showed ability in

conceptualisation, not only in naming the factors but in their elaboration.

The level of elaboration was excellent, showing a smooth progression in the discussion with reasonably

detailed descriptions of young people’s concerns, principles behind the operations of multi-national

corporations and how technology has been applied in the making of e-cigarettes.

In Part (a), the last part of the first point seemed to slightly overlap the second point, and some more

examples might have helped. But these small glitches do not overshadow the high level of performance

of this script.

The candidate knew very well the requirements of the question by putting the ‘ways’ being compared

under the same criteria, namely the time element, ‘certainty’ of effect, sustainability, and the root of the

problem. The criteria were well-applied.

The ‘ways’ other than ‘a sales ban’ were sound and practical.

The comparisons were conducted in a balanced manner between banning and other ‘ways’.

A slight drawback is that some paragraphs were not closely tied to the context of Hong Kong, such as

the first two points. They were, however, relevant to the current situation in Hong Kong.

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Question 3

Page 41: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 42: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 43: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 44: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 45: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 46: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 47: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 48: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


Page 49: Level 5 exemplars and comments Paper 1 Question 1 Comments The candidate demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question. S/he displayed a high level of data analysis


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The answer demonstrated a thorough understanding of the demands of the question.

S/he provided an in-depth elaboration on how modernised traditional wet markets improved the quality

of life with a reference to the situation in Hong Kong (e.g. how the ‘I-chicken’ Stall will help fight

against infectious diseases.)

However, some parts of the answer in Part (a) could have been better organised to explain clearly how

the quality of life could be improved by the modernisation of wet markets.

S/he provided an in-depth analysis of the impact of technological innovations on traditional culture in

Hong Kong with appropriate evaluating criteria (e.g. preservation, renovation and promotion). A high

level of analytical skills was well-demonstrated in the discussion on renovation.

S/he deployed sufficient relevant examples to substantiate his/her stance and formulated a clear and

concise argument, e.g. worshipping of ancestors and Chinese opera, demonstrating a clear

understanding of the concepts of technological innovation and traditional cultures in Hong Kong.

However, the judgement on whether the positive impacts outweigh the negative ones or not could have

been made more clearly in some parts (e.g. the discussion on preservation).

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