Page 1: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Great BrickhillParish News

Delivered FREE each month to every home and business in Great Brickhill

January 2019

The Three Trees

We recently found a lost dog in Oakwood and took it to the vets to check

whether it had a microchip. It did but unfortunately the phone contact details

were out of date. Luckily the vets found an address and we were able to re-unite

the dog with its owner. Check out the article in this newsletter from TVP about

the importance of micro-chipping and make sure your contact details are correct.

Once again we’re asking dog owners who walk their dogs down the bridleway

from Cuff Lane into Oakwood to stop leaving piles of dog poo in the middle of the

path. This is a recurring plea from us again and again. It gets better for a few

months and then much worse.

Please bag it and bin it or kick it into the undergrowth. Lots of children and

families walk down into the woods and it’s a great amenity for the village but a

nice walk can be ruined by messing up your shoes or boots. If you leave it on the

path, even you might walk in it!

Best regards,

Merryl Jenkins & Carys Underwood

Contact details: Red Heights, Duck End, Great BrickhillT: 01525 261565 M: 07811 226728 or 07958 546284Email: [email protected]

We would like to state that the views represented in this publication are not necessarily those of the editors.

Letter from the Editors

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Please note the deadline for all contributions and advertisements

for the Parish Newsletter is the 15th of the month before.



Page 2: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Who Meets - Where & When

Parish Council First Tuesday in the month in the Small Meeting Room in the Parish Hall - parishioners are welcome to attend.

WI Meets second Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Mary Smit (President): 261944 or Amanda Randall (Secretary): 261476 or e-mail: [email protected]

Good Companions A club for the over 50s meets on alternate Wednesdaysin the Parish Hall at 2.30 pm.

Drop In Everyone is welcome to 'drop in' for a cup of tea and achat every Monday in the Parish Hall between 1.30 and 3.30 pm. Call in and enjoy some cheerful company.

Bell Ringers Great Brickhill Bell Ringers practise at 7.30 pm on Wednesdays - new ringers will always be welcomed. Contact David Middleton on 01908-230002 (mobile 07966- 458144).

Youth Cafe Meets at the Parish Hall during term time for Years7 - 13 on Fridays from 6.30 - 8.30 pm. Admission £2. Enquiries - text to 07845 580331 or email [email protected]

Bowls Club Every Friday 2.00-4.00pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Glenda Davey - 261402.

Village Choir Every Monday, 7:30pm in the church. If you fancy a bit of singing, just turn up on Monday evening. All

standards welcome! (Juliet - 261 210).

Happy Cup Coffee Every Monday from 9.15 - 11.15 am in the church. AClub child-friendly weekly drop-in coffee morning, especially

welcoming parents and carers of young children. All welcome - not obligatory to bring a child with you!

Little Ashes Pre-School Open Monday to Friday during term time, Little Ashesis a charity-run pre-school for children aged 2-4. Parish Hall from 9am to 12pm, followed by optional lunch club. [email protected] or 07855-215-154.

Tennis Club Enquiries 01525 261188

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Page 4: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

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WI News

Christmas was well and truly celebrated by Great Brickhill WI starting with adelicious festive lunch at the Inn at Woburn and followed a week later with ourmonthly meeting in the Village Hall. Giggles all round as Betty Page entertainedus with her, sometimes slightly naughty, monologues. Each one wasaccompanied by an appropriate hat and scarf which changed her personalitycompletely.

Mulled wine and Christmas nibbles were enjoyed throughout the evening. Manythanks to Mary and the committee for organising these events.

Come and join us on Wednesday 9 January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall to trybefore you buy! Next year’s programme looks good with monthly talks includinggarden design, a magic show and the history of chocolate with tastings! How canyou resist? For more information contact Mary Smit (President) or email us [email protected].

Good Companions

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

We ended 2018 with two happy occasions, Christmas Lunch at the Inn atWoburn and then the concert given by the younger pupils of High Ash School.The Lunch was so good that the venue for the next Christmas Lunch has alreadybeen decided! Everyone enjoyed the School concert and agreed that the standardhas improved greatly over the past few years.

Our first meeting of the New Year will be the Bring-and-Buy Sale on 9 January,so here’s your chance to start de-cluttering. This year’s programme is still a workin progress but we hope there will be something to please everyone.

Are you looking for a new interest? If so, and you are 50 or over, come along toone of our meetings. As a visitor, you will pay £2.50 per meeting but, as a mem-ber, the annual subscription is £10 – very good value for a speaker, tea andbiscuits and good company!

Sadly, my husband John (aka Barri) Griffiths has finally lost his struggle againstAlzheimer’s. Until his illness he had been a keen supporter of Good Companions.May I thank everyone for their messages of condolence – they were very muchappreciated.

For further information please ring Jean on 01525 261582

Page 5: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Bus Timetables

This is the most current information we have, but if anyone has any updates onthese timings please let the editors know.

The 162 service (Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays except PublicHolidays) run by Red Kite (01525 211441)

Collects from Great Brickhill (Old Red Lion) at 10.01Arrives Bletchley Bus Station at 10.15

The return leaves Bletchley Bus Station at 12.15 and 14.25Arrives Great Brickhill 12.28 and 14.41 - No second bus on SaturdaysLeaves the Old Red Lion at 12.28Arrives LB High St at 12.50There does not appear to be a return journey.

The village bus service has been taken over by The Star from Aylesbury starting1/9. All times and days remain the same.


Open 7 Days aOpen 7 Days a


9 am - 5.30 pm9 am - 5.30 pm

01908 37753701908 377537

Behind McDonalds Behind McDonalds

on the A5 just a 5 minuteon the A5 just a 5 minute

drive from Greatdrive from Great


HUNTERS FARM SHOPGarden products, plants, trees,

compost and all you need

Pop in to thefarm shop -you’ll be

surprised bywhat you find!

Buy all your food for dogs, cats, horses,

rabbits and any other petsHigh Ash School 01525 261620

Rector - Revd John Waller 01525 261062

The Old Red Lion 01525 261715

Parish Hall Bookings 01525 261637

Cricket Club Pavilion 01525 261434

Allotments Secretary 01525 261606

St Mary's Church Warden -

Julia Turner 01525 261213

E: [email protected]

Little Ashes Pre-School 07855 215154

Police - non-emergencies 101

Highways 0845 2302882/01296 395000

Post Office Monday 1 - 3 pm Parish Hall

GB Gardening Club - Sally Pollock 01525 261941

The Fish & Chip Van now visits the village only at 5.00 - 6.05 pm on Thursdays.

Ring 07711 402066 to find out where they are.

Useful Information

Page 6: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

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News from the Parish Council

The Parish Council received a short presentation by Tina Hobson, our local PoliceSupport Officer who reported on local crime figures. She did stress that crimerates in our village are still very low, but crime, mainly theft from vehicles andhomes does still exist. Theft from both have been reported in the village over thepast few months so again it cannot be stressed too strongly, do not leave valuablesin cars or vans, lock up all windows and doors on your homes and consider leavinga light on in the evenings if you are not at home.

District Councillor Neil Blake reported on initial progress towards transformingBuckinghamshire into a Unitary authority and a transition team is being puttogether to control the process. The time scale for this transfer to a different formof local government is extremely tight, but the most immediate effect will be thatthe local elections for district, county and parish councillors will be moved backone year from May 2019 until May 2020.

Comment received from AVDC: “Local government in Buckinghamshire is facingthe biggest change in a generation as the five existing councils – Aylesbury Vale,Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe district councils and Bucks County Council– prepare to be abolished in 2020 and replaced with a brand-new unitary council.This new, single unitary council will take the best from the five existing councilsand make it simpler for individual residents, businesses, parishes and towns toaccess the services they need and for local government to be even more efficientand effective.”

Rushmere News - by Alan Turner

Work has started on the major refurbishment of the toilet block at Stockgrovecarpark. This has been promised for several years but each time the fundingallocated by CBC has been diverted to projects elsewhere in the county. The workwill take a couple of months to complete, but during this time the toilets in thecafé will still be available.

Whilst mentioning toilets, towards the end of summer work was completed on anew water supply to the Rushmere Visitor Centre. In the past, low pressure hasmeant that during busy periods the water supply was inadequate to keep up withthe requirement necessitating temporary closure of the toilets. This should nothappen in future.

Work undertaken by the volunteers over the last month has included coppicinga section of woodland alongside one of the main rides in King’s Wood. Thepurpose is to prevent trees overshadowing the rides, letting in as much light aspossible, encouraging grass growth and aiding drying.

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High Ash CE School

On behalf of High Ash CE School, we would like to wish all the Parish a veryMerry Christmas and a happy 2019!

It was wonderful to see so many of the Good Companions at our ChristmasConcert which was organised for them at school. Children across the wholeschool performed a range of Christmas music and poems to over 70 members ofthe community! They were joined by our choir and orchestra who reallyimpressed the audience. Our choir also performed at Stoke Hammond SeniorCitizens Christmas Lunch.

Our Foundation and Key Stage One children were outstanding in their Nativityperformances bringing a modern twist to the true meaning of Christmas. We alsotook part in Christingle Services at St Mary’s Great Brickhill and reading at theChristmas Eve Service too. Busy times!

Call on: 01525 261717 or email: [email protected]

Great Brickhill Parish Hall Committee

Annual General Meeting 2019

The AGM of GB Parish Hall Committee will be held in the Small

Meeting Room of the Parish Hall on Tuesday 15 January 2019

at 7.00pm.

This is a public meeting and so anyone who wishes to attend is very

welcome to do so.

Two existing members of the committee will be standing down at the

AGM, one of whom is the Treasurer, so we are urgently looking for

new people to join us on the Committee to help in the running of our

Parish Hall which is a fantastic community facility.

Any Great Brickhill resident who would like to express an interest or

find out what might be involved should contact the secretary, Celia

Feetam, on 261 075 or by email to [email protected] -

before 4 January. We are particularly looking for some younger folk

to join us.

The Committee currently meets just six times a year.

Page 8: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

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Tennis Club News

The Club would like to wish all Members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy2019. Advance notice that the Club’s AGM will be held in the Parish Hall meetingroom on Tuesday 26 February starting at 8:30pm. All Members are welcome.

Despite it being winter tennis continues to be played at Great Brickhill.Throughout the winter months we have at least 10 hours of coaching and 2 Clubsessions. We also compete in the MK winter league and have so far won 2 anddrawn 1 match with no losses. Great start.

The Club is now taking bookings for the Winter coaching programme. There are3 Junior courses and 1 Adult course on a Friday evening starting on 4 January 2018.Sign up early as the Junior sessions in particular are likely to be oversubscribed.Don’t forget that the Junior 5-8 and 8-11 sessions are held INDOORS (Parish Hall)during the winter. Full details on the Club’s website.

Even if you don’t play tennis you may be interested in Cardio Tennis, a fun way ofkeeping fit, every WEDNESDAY at 10:30 am. The first lesson is FREE. No need tojoin just come along and have a go.

Further details from either Pippa White 07773 357605 or David Bratt 07748768281. Visit the Club website at full details.

Community Defibrillator AccessThe village defibrillator is located in the porch of the Parish Hall. To access

it you need a mobile phone and, if it's dark, a torch. Use the mobile tophone 999 or 112 and the operator will tell you exactly how to remove the

unit from its location, giving you a code to use.

Please return the unit to its place in the Parish Hall as soon as possible sothat it can be replaced whilst the original is being serviced.


The Great Brickhill Parish News is available by email. This means we can helpreduce the costs and the amount of paper used in producing the newsletter. If youwould like to take advantage of this service, please email the editors with yourname, email address AND your land address so we can make sure that you aretaken off our delivery routes.

Page 9: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Great Brickhill Parish CouncilCouncillors:Chair - Chris Leech 01525 261416Vice-Chair - Barbara Wight 01525 261881David Bratt 01525 261542Ray Kettle 01525 261523Kathryn Layland 01525 261028Anthony Middleton 01525 261990Wendy New 01525 261717Clerk to the Council: Karen Barker 01525 [email protected] All correspondence should be sent to the ParishClerk at 8 Bloomsbury Close, Woburn, Beds MK17 9QS. Our Bucks CountyCouncillor is Janet Blake - [email protected] - 01525 261288.

Unfortunately the minutes of the December PC meeting were not available whenthe newsletter went to print. Once approved they will be available on

Next meeting: 8 January 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall.

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Great Brickhill Parish Hall

The Parish Hall Committee would like to wish all our hirers a very MerryChristmas and a Happy New Year. The AGM of the PHC will be held in ourmeeting room on Tuesday 15 January starting at 7:00pm. All are welcome toattend.

If you are looking for a venue to hold a party please explore the option of using theParish Hall. The hire rates are very reasonable especially for residents of GreatBrickhill. And don’t forget the PH now has 10 round banqueting tables and newchairs available if you need something more formal for a wedding anniversary orsignificant birthday!

The Parish is continuing to provide a free advice service for residents. EveryTuesday from 2.00 – 5.00 pm Kate Green will be available in the Meeting Room ofthe Parish Hall. No need for an appointment as drop-ins are welcome. Kate is anadviser for Citizens Advice Aylesbury Vale and is trained to give advice on money,consumer affairs, family and legal rights. Please ring 0344 4111 444 between10:00am and 4:00pm (Mon-Fri) if you wish to book a formal appointment.

If you would like to book either the Main Hall or the Meeting Room, for a one-offor a regular event, please text Debbie Pincott on 07854 295690 or phone 01525261637 or email [email protected]

Page 10: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Table Tennis News

The Table Tennis Club continues to meet EVERY MONDAY from 6:00 – 8:00 pmin the Parish Hall, adults of any standard are welcome. Just turn up, pay the £3session fee, and join in. No need to start at 6:00 or finish at 8:00, please feel free toarrive and leave whenever you can. The Club is making good use of the 4 excellenttables we now own with 10 -14 regular players split roughly 60% male and 40%female. We have plenty of bats for anyone who needs to borrow one.

The Club is still doing well in the Milton Keynes Table Tennis League. At the timeof writing 11 matches have been completed and the Team is still top of League 6with 9 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss.

If you have any questions then please drop an email to David Bratt [email protected] or phone 01525 261542 or 07748 768281.

Thames Valley Police

Having your dog microchipped can make a lot of difference when looking for andtrying to identify a missing dog. Since April 2016 it has been a legal requirementfor all dogs to be microchipped by 8 weeks of age. Each microchip has a uniquenumber that must be registered on a Government approved database along withinformation about your dog and you as its owner. If your dog is not registered onone of these databases you can be fined.

It is important that the information is kept up-to-date so that if your dog does gomissing, you can be contacted at the correct phone number or address.

Reporting the loss to the police as soon as possible is also important, includingmaking them aware of the microchip number so it can be recorded on the data-base. This will make it easier to identify any dogs that are found and check to seeif they have been reported as missing or stolen.

It is also recommended to record the loss or theft of your dog online using socialmedia sites dedicated to finding lost and stolen dogs. Often these sites work withpolice and other organisations, such as local Neighbourhood Watch Groups andVeterinary practices, to try and find them.

In 2016, the Dogs Trust recorded that 9,000 stray dogs were reunited with theirowners due to having a microchip with up-to-date details. The People’sDispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) also reported that in 2017, 11% of dog ownersdid not realise that it was a requirement by law to have their dog microchippedand a further 7% had not updated their details when they needed to.

Page 11: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

GB Gardening Club - Calendar of Events

All evening events will take place at 7.30 pm at the Cricket Club

Monday 14 January - Gardeners Question Time Open Forum. Share yourquestions and knowledge. Questions in advance please.

Monday 11 February - Quiz Night

Monday 11 March - Talk by Carole Adams, 'All things Clematis'

Saturday 23 March - Local Produce Market at The Old Red Lion PH

Monday 8 April - Quiz Night

Saturday 13 April - Great Brickhill Plant Fair, the Gardening Club will have astand

Sunday 28 April - 10am to 12pm, visit to Rushmere Nursery

Monday 13 May -Talk by speaker Betty Cooke ‘Gardening for Wildlife’

Sunday 23 June - Village gardens open to members including plant swap, plusallotments visit.

Monday 8 July - Garden Visit Outing to be arranged.

Saturday 27 July - Village garden open to members

Monday 9 September - Demonstration and talk by Gill Gallon from PotashNursery on ‘Planting up a Pot of Spring bulbs’

Saturday 14 September - Village Show

Monday 14 October - Speaker to be confirmed

Monday 11 November - Question Time and seed swap. Bring along your seeds andexchange with others to save money, grow new plants and get growing tips.

Monday 9 December - Social Xmas Party

If you would like to join the Gardening Club contact Rosemary Howells,[email protected]

Page 12: Letter from the Editors Great Brickhill Parish · 2019-06-10 · Great Brickhill Parish News Delivered FREE each month

Church News - January 2019 Church News & Activities


Many thanks to everyone who made the Advent Coffee Morning a success. Themagnificent sum raised came to £985.65 – a breakdown of the total is on displayin the church porch. Pauline Sear was the winner of the Christmas Cake andPauline Waller won the Ginger Bread House. David Marlow has uploaded somephotos of the Coffee Morning to his


As you will know we are saving to build a toilet at the church and have started thisnew initiative – if you would like to help, please take an empty jar that you willfind in the church porch. Please return the jar when full of coins to Phillipa Cook(Tel: 261521 [email protected]) who will count the coins and let you know howmuch was in your jar and issue you with a new jar if you wish to continuesupporting the scheme.


A huge thank you to all who have given support to the church in any way during2018. It would be unsustainable to run the church and keep it open for all ourevents and services without the generous help of parishioners. Thesecontributions, either financial or by way of the time given, are much appreciatedby the PCC.

Great Brickhill Gardeners Club

Gardeners Question Time

Monday 14 January – 7.30 pm GB Cricket Club

Share your questions and knowledge.

Questions in advance please to [email protected]

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