Page 1: Let’s Write A Letter!

High School SDCBy: Linda Eaves

Page 2: Let’s Write A Letter!

Words in a letter can: Give Information Persuade Someone Be Funny Bring Happiness Search for Meaning

Be Written Anywhere!

Page 3: Let’s Write A Letter!

a heading (return address) in right top corner a salutation…

Dear Carla, indentation with beginning of each paragraph in

body …Dear Carla,

I can’t wait to see you! It has been so long since we have spent any time together.

closing & signature

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Begin with a Capital Letter Have Correct Spelling & Grammar Contain Clarity & Style Have Proper Punctuation

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Name & Address Return Address A Stamp

Sam Johnson123 Baker St.Anytown, Ca 90601

Carla Sanchez4567 Beach Blvd.Laguna Beach, Ca 95678

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sam johnson123 baker st

anytown ca 90601

Deer carlaI cant wait two see you, it has been so long sinc we have spent any time to gether? i really like mi scool. There is lots of nice peeple hear. my favrite class is english becuz i am lerning how to writ letters and spell wrds. My teecher is so funny she makes us laff all the time. how are you. Do you like yor scool! When kan we get to gether.

sincerely, sam johnson

Page 7: Let’s Write A Letter!

Letter Generator


Enchanted Learning

Letter Generator


Enchanted Learning

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