
©Coloring Outside the Lines 2014

Let’s Get Engaged! with

Jeff Tobe, M.Ed, CSP

The Gorilla Story This story starts with a cage containing five gorillas and a large bunch of bananas hanging above some stairs in the center of the cage. Before long, a gorilla goes to the stairs and starts to climb toward the bananas. As soon as he touches the stairs, all the gorillas are sprayed with cold water. After a while, another gorilla makes an attempt and gets the same result—all the gorillas are sprayed with cold water. Every time a gorilla attempts to retrieve the bananas, the others are sprayed. Eventually, they quit trying and leave the bananas alone. One of the original gorillas is removed from the cage and replaced with a new one. The new gorilla sees the bananas and starts to climb the stairs. To his horror, all the other gorillas attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted. Next, the second of the original five gorillas is replaced with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm. Next the third original gorilla is replaced with a new one. The new one goes for the stairs and is attacked as well. Two of the four gorillas that beat him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest gorilla. After the fourth and fifth original gorillas have been replaced, all the gorillas that were sprayed with cold water are gone. Nevertheless, no gorilla will ever again approach the stairs. Why not?


The future of risk management!

• It’s all about perspective • Give yourself an A.S.K.

(Alternative Solution Kick)

Engagement = commitment…

It’s all about the “EXPERIENCE”

Satisfied Customers






Are you Prepared to Make the Leap?


2. Customer Segmentation 3. Customer Engagement 4. Employee Engagement 5. Training & Tools 6. Process Orientation 7. Joint Workouts 8. Capacity for Change

9. Consequences

10. Committed Leadership




M M M M m

M M M M m

What is the…


(Fill in the name of your organization here)

Every transaction cannot NOT be an experience for the customer!

How RANDOM or how MANAGED is the experience

you are delivering?

The vast majority of retail professionals deliver experiences without ever

thinking about them.

• It’s all about perspective • Give yourself an A.S.K.

(Alternative Solution Kick)

• Shatter the stereotype of the EXPERIENCE customers EXPECT to have with you!

Engagement = commitment…

MISSION… To lead and act as a catalyst in promoting health for all people. To recognize the individual as a whole human being with different needs that must be met enthusiastically. To communicate a vision of health, art, education, technology and a center for healing which will continually upgrade the quality of life in the community environment in which we live. To empower people to become partners in their healthcare.

DECLARATION... To HUMANIZE, PERSONALIZE and DEMYSTIFY the healthcare experience!

Identify the 3 biggest problems YOUR customers would say they have in doing business with you... 1. 2. 3.

Possible Declaration Words PERSONALIZE HUMANIZE DE-MYSTIFY Educate Inform Communicate Simplify De-Commoditize Enlighten Value-ize Streamline Capitalize Partner Accomplish Team

Create Innovate Demonstrate Design Advocate Expedite Deliver Motivate Champion Diversify Normalize Systematize Improve Teach Rejuvenate

Persuade Enhance Compel Unify Transform Resolve Initiate Organize Listen Revitalize Consolidate Clarify

Employee engagement is the degree to which employees are

emotionally connected and committed to their organization and their role in the customer


1) What _ _ _ _ _ _ …?

1. To be listened to

Radio Station WIIFM…

2) _ _ _ _ _ _…?

1. To be listened to 2. To be understood

Radio Station WIIFM…

EMPOWERMENT + ________________ = ENGAGEMENT

Presentation Notes
Look at time lines. Do this part standing. Look at your time line, was your change the marriage, or how you had to be in that marriage, its not that you got married – that is just an event. �What was most difficult? New job – was it the job, or what you need to be in the new job? Relate and link to Maersk model. Why do we make these changes so hard? What is really difficult about them. Relate it to their change model at Maersk, get to the source of what change and transitions are. Difference of who I am and who I need to be, can I accept the new way. It’s not the change itself, people change all the time. It is adjusting who we are, can I succeed in the change? It’s not really about change, it’s about who you have to be in the change itself.

100% responsibility for YOUR customer touch points

means 0 excuses for the “FUTURE”

Presentation Notes
Look at time lines. Do this part standing. Look at your time line, was your change the marriage, or how you had to be in that marriage, its not that you got married – that is just an event. �What was most difficult? New job – was it the job, or what you need to be in the new job? Relate and link to Maersk model. Why do we make these changes so hard? What is really difficult about them. Relate it to their change model at Maersk, get to the source of what change and transitions are. Difference of who I am and who I need to be, can I accept the new way. It’s not the change itself, people change all the time. It is adjusting who we are, can I succeed in the change? It’s not really about change, it’s about who you have to be in the change itself.

Ownership Sense of responsibility for the



Personality Profiles

Care Givers



Listen with your Eyes & Ears

People communicate with us in many ways.





WORDS ___%

___% __%

Psychological Cooling System

Frustrated? I am so frustrated!

Remove emotional barriers that block understanding.




“Coloring Outside the Lines is scary business…”


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