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Lesson Planning Activity

1. Grade Level: 12. Literature: Noah's Ark3. Materials: Photocopy of the literature for each student

Photocopy of activity sheets for each studentsPencilsCrayonsTokens (bear cut out)Cassette tape player Selected songs (“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”)


Noah's ArkReading Realm 1 (pages 228-335)Revised EditionNavarro and Oliveros2009 Trinitas Publishing, Inc.Bulacan, Philippines

Good Manners and Habits for Life (pages 2-8)By Shirley Llanillo Magbanua2008 St. Augustine Publications, Inc.Manila, Philippines

Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills (selected activity sheets)Grade 12001 McGraw-HillUSA

4. Reading Skill/Focus: Identifying significant details in the passage, sequencing, and cause & effect.

5. Objectives: At the end of the 40-minute period, the students should be able to:

5.1 Cognitive: Identify significant details in the selection, sequencing of events, and cause & effect.

5.2 Affective: Appreciate and care for the natural environment as well as gratitude for G-d's life-giving blessings.

5.3 Psychomotor: Draw and color the things that G-d has given you.

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6. Approach/Strategies:

6.1 Pre-reading (approx. 7 minutes)

Greet class and ask a student (ex. last student sitting at the last row at far left of the classroom) to lead a short prayer. You can use “Be Grateful for Your Blessings.”

Teacher: "Thank you for the prayer. Please sit down quietly."Student: (all will sit down)

Review previous lesson briefly. Try to connect the previous lesson with the new lesson. Show the objectives to the class.

Teacher: "For today's lesson, we are going to read about the story of Noah and his huge ark. First, I want to ask you a question. What do you think would happen if the whole world was covered with water? Would any living thing survive?” (Call on 3 students. Remind them to raise their hand if they want to reply).

Student: (answers will vary)

Teacher will distribute the reading passage.

6.2 During Reading (Guided Reading)

Teacher: "We will all read the story of Noah's Ark. What's the title of the story again, class?"

Students: "Noah's Ark"

Teacher: "I want you to repeat after me."

(Teacher will begin to read and the student follows. Teacher will use visual aids so that the students will easily understand the story.)

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6.3 Post-reading

Teach the students a portion of the song, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," with matching body movements.

Teacher: "Class, let us sing a song about rainbow."

Students will follow.

Teacher: "The story of Noah was longer in the Bible. When the rains stopped they searched for dry land through a dove. G-d also made a promise not to destroy the world through a rainbow."

7. Application:

7.1 Oral

Teacher will distribute the Rainbow Organizer. Teacher will draw a rainbow on the board or must have a ready copy in acetate for the OHP.

Teacher: "I want you to recall the events in the story, 'Noah's Ark.' We will try to write down the events in their right sequence. I'm going to start with 1. In the beginning – G-d created everything including people."

Teacher writes down the phrase 'G-d created everything including people.'

Teacher:"Class, you also have to write down the events in your Rainbow Organizer. Any volunteer, for the next event? Please raise your hand if you want to answer."

Teacher will give tokens (bear) to those who answered.

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Practice - Sequencing

Teacher will distribute the activity sheet on sequencing. Teacher will demonstrate how to answer the activity.

Teacher: "Now, I want you to practice sequencing events by looking at the different pictures. You have to write down the number 1 upto 8 inside the box. I am going to do the first one. I'll write number one inside the box beside this picture (people quarelling). I want you to do the rest. Raise your pencil when you are done."

Teacher will check the performance of each student. Token can be given for a perfect score.


Practice – Cause & Effect

Teacher will distribute the Boat Organizer.

Teacher: "Class, let us sing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat.' (The students will be occupied with singing and avoid creating too much disruptions.)

Teacher:"Can you recall the reason why G-d destroyed the world?"

Student:"Yes, Madam."

Teacher:"Please give me the reason and we will write it down under the heading 'Causes.' Please raise your hand to answer."

Student:"The people became so bad and started quarelling with one another."

Teacher:"That's right. I'll write it down and I want you to do the same on your Boat Organizer."

Ask more questions about Cause/Effect.

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7.2 Written - Word Power

Teacher: "Let us study the following words -ark, establish, covenant, flood, creeping, huge. We have to go back to the reading passage to get the meaning."

Teacher: "I would like to call a student who has not participated this morning (or afternoon)."

Student: "Ark." (will cite the passage in the story.)

Teacher: "Good!" (Teacher writes the answers on board with a brief meaning beside each word.

Continue with the other words.

Practice – Fill in the blanks with the right words.

Distribute the worksheet on Building Word Power. Demonstrate to answer the first number. Students will use the graphic organizer, My Star of Words, to write down their answers (whole words).

Teacher:"Class, I want you to answer the worksheet. I am going to do the first number. Watch carefully so that you will know what to do."

Students: "Yes, Madam."

Teacher demonstrates.

Teacher: "Please answer the rest of the number as quietly and as fast as you can. Raise your pencils when you are done."

Teacher will go around the room to check on the students.

Teacher: "I see that you are all done. Here are the correct answers."

Teacher will check on each student. Tokens can be given for perfect scores.

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Practice - Listening

Distribute the graphic organizer, My Palette of Words.

Teacher:"I am going to read five sentences. You have to put a check on the blank if the word is used correctly. If the word is incorrect, put a cross on the blank. You have to write the number on each blank before your answer. Raise your pencils when you are done."

Teacher will read the five sentences from Building Word Power Activity 2.

When students are done, teacher will check their answer sheets. Tokens can be given to perfect scores.

7.3 Creative

Coloring the Sequencing Worksheet

Teacher: "I want you to color the Sequencing Worksheet. Be creative as you want to be in your choices of color. I'll give you 7 minutes to do it. Work as quietly as you can."

Students: "Yes, Madam."

Teacher:"Raise your pencils when you are done."

Teacher can play a soft, classical background music to enhance creativity among the students.

Teacher:”I noticed that there are so many pencils up. I will now go around and check your work. I’m also going to give you another activity. This is to check what you understood from reading the passage.

Comprehension Check

Distribute Comprehension Check Activity 1 and Peacock Organizer.

Teacher:”Answer the Comprehension Check Activity 1. Please write your answers using the Peacock Organizer.”

Students:”Yes Madam.”

Teacher:”When you are done, kindly raise your pencils.”Teacher will go around and check the papers of those who are done.

Teacher:”I will collect all the activity sheets that you have finished today.

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We will continue next meeting. For your assignment, just read the story again. Student ___, can you lead our closing prayer.”

2nd Day

Greet class and ask a student to lead a short prayer.

Teacher: "Thank you for the prayer. Please sit down quietly."Student: (all will sit down)

Review previous lesson briefly. Show the objectives to the class.

Teacher: “Today, I want you to continue working with some activities.”

Teacher will distribute Stirring One’s Mind. (Psychomotor Skill)Draw what the surrounding would have looked like after the flood.

Teacher: “Class, I want you to answer Activity 1 and 2. Raise your pens when you are done.”

Check if students are ready for the next activity.

Teacher:”I want you to be ready now for the next activity. I want you to think what you would say to G-d, if he’s going to give another flood to destroy the world?” (pause for 3 seconds)

Teacher will distribute Reading Connections and collects the previous activity.

Teacher:”I want you to answer this activity as quickly as you can. Please raise your pens when you are done.”

Teacher will collect the activity sheets when they are done. Teacher will lead the class in answering the missing information in the Global Organizer (A big copy on board or use OHP; give students one copy each for reference.)

Teacher:”Class, I want you to recall the story, Noah’s Ark. Let us work together to fill up the missing details in this globe. Can anyone give the characters? (Wait for 5 seconds then call on a volunteer.) How about the events? (Wait for 5 seconds then call on a volunteer.) How about the theme? (Wait for 5 seconds then call on a volunteer.) What lessons have you gained? (Wait for 5 seconds then call on a volunteer.)”

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Teacher will write the responses in each box.

Characters:Major: G-d, NoahMinor: Family members, people, animalsEvents: Creation

Men became evil People stopped listening to G-d People did very bad thingsG-d became angry and will destroy the things and people He createdG-d called Noah to build a huge boat, an arkG-d gave Noah instructions – family, living things, foodIt rained forty days and nightsThe earth was covered with waterEvery living thing died except those inside the arkThey came out when the time was right

Theme: Faith in G-d is a protection from calamities and disastersLessons: Obedience to G-d

Disobedience to the laws of G-d can lead to destructionBe faithful to the true and living G-d

Teacher: “Can you still remember the song about G-d’s promise to Noah?”

Students: answers may vary

Teacher: “Let us all sing, ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ once again with movements. Ready…sing.”

When the song has ended,

Teacher:”Very good.”

8. Language Arts

Give each student a copy of the exercises or write them on the board.

Listening Well

Teacher:”Now, I want you to listen to your teacher. I am going to say a consonant blend, words with /cr/, and I want you to follow in saying the word. Ready now? Clap your hands three times when you are ready”

Students: “We are all ready.” Clap, clap, clap

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Teacher will begin with the word created and will end with crown.

Teacher: “That was great!”

Speaking Effectively

Teacher: “Now, I want you to practice intonation. Repeat after me.”

Exercises 1-6

Teacher: “Good.”

9. Psychomotor:

Writing Effectively

Give a copy to each student. Teacher will read the instruction and demonstrate.Complete the lines of each poem. Choose from the words in the box. Then copy the poems on a sheet of paper.

Values Integration:Draw and color the things that G-d has given you.

10. Assessment

Teacher:” I want you to listen first to Points to Ponder. Then answer the activity sheets. Raise your pencils when you are done.”

Distribute the following:Comprehension Check Activity 2.Say What You Think About the SelectionReality Check

11. Assignment:

Action Plan

Teacher:”I want you to answer the Action Plan and submit it tomorrow. Before I end this lesson, I want to read to you a short passage: The Wisdom…”Thank you for your participation class. Goodbye for now and have a nice day.”

Note: If some students have difficulty in writing and spelling, you can use the Worksheets for Review to determine at what level they are in.

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