  • 7/28/2019 Lesson Plan in bookkeeping for demo .docx


    Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONMabini Campus, Sta. Mesa, Manila

    Lesson Plan in Bookkeeping (CHAPTER 4: Measuring Business Income)I. TARGETS

    At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

    1. Identify the difference between the cash basis of accounting and accrual basis ofaccounting.

    2. Determine the importance of the accounting period in any business entity.3.

    Explain the revenue principle and the expense principle of accounting as well theframework it has for the preparation and presentation of financial statements.

    4. Generalize the significance of the time-period concept in a business.II. CONCEPT

    Measuring Business Income

    SUBCONCEPT: Cash vs. Accrual Basis of Accounting Accounting Period Revenue Principle Expense Principle Time-Period Concept

    MATERIALS: Projector Laptop Cartolina and score cards Chalk / Whiteboard Marker

    REFERENCE:Hernane, Milagros. Principle in Financial Accounting, pages 101-103

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    III. STRATEGIESA. PREPARATION1. Routine Activities

    Greeting the class, prayer, passing of assignments (if they have) and ask them to keep all

    their notes away.

    2. Review

    Show them the illustration in the cartolina paper which indicates the table of debit and

    credit rules and let the whole class answer for the corresponding exercise. Ask one of the

    students for each right answer to write the correct answer in the board.

    DEBIT AND CREDIT RULESIncrease Decrease Norm

    BalanceASSETS **Debit Credit Debit

    LIABILITIES Credit Debit Credit

    CAPITAL Credit Debit Credit



    Debit Credit Debit

    REVENUE Credit Debit Credit

    EXPENSE Debit Credit Debit

    **the shaded part shown in this table will be eliminated in the actual material.3. Motivation

    A student has the tendency to divert his/her attention in some other stuff during the

    discussion especially in a math class. Throughout the discussion this motivation would play

    part. The class will be divided into two groups. The name of the game is Pick Your Luck. Each

    group should have different representative to answer the questions throughout the discussion.

    The first player who raises his hand will be given the chance to answer the question. If the

    player got the correct answer then, he will choose a number of his want in the score board

    then he will reveal whats inside it and the points will be added to the groups score. Take note

    that the score cards in the score board has special powers that can get the rivals point, import

    one of the member of the other group and neutralizes the opponent so that it cannot get the

    chance to answer the next question or they can share scores.

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    B. PRESENTATIONCash vs. Accrual Basis of Accounting

    Cash Basis of Accounting

    Recognizes revenuewhen cash is received. Recognizes expensewhen cash is paid.

    Under the cash basis, service rendered in current year (2013) for which cash is

    collected in the next year (2014) would be treated as 2014 revenue.

    Under the cash basis, expense incurred in current year (2013) for which cash is disbursed in

    the next year (2014) is 2014 expense.

    Because of these improper assignments of revenues and expenses, the cash basis of

    accounting is generally considered unacceptable. There is no need for adjusting entries under

    the cash basis of accounting.

    Accrual Basis of Accounting Recognizes revenue when sales are made or services are performed, regardless of when

    cash is received.

    Recognizes expenseas incurred, whether or not cash is paid out.Under the accrual basis of accounting, adjusting entries are prepared to bring the accounts

    up-to-date for an economic activity that has taken place but has not been recorded.

    Accounting PeriodAccounting period is the period of time: One month One quarter One year

    Into which an entitys life is arbitrarily divided for financial statement purposes. Every

    business prepares Annual Financial Statements.

    Fiscal Year

    Twelve month accounting period used by an entity. Used by most companys coincides with the calendar year which ended on (some other)

    December 31.

    Revenue PrincipleRevenue Principle is the basis for recording revenues

    Tells accountants when to record revenue and the amount of revenue to record. Says to record revenue when it has been earned-but not before.

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    Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

    States that Income or Revenue is recognized in the income statement when an increase infuture economic benefit related to an increase in an asset or a decrease of a liability has

    risen that can be measured reliably.

    The Matching PrincipleMatching Principle guides accounting for expense.

    Identifies all expenses incurred during the period, measure the expenses, and match themagainst the revenue earned during the same time period.

    The Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

    Expenses are recognized in the income statement when a decrease in future economicbenefit related to a decrease in an asset or an increase of a liability has arisen that can be

    measured reliably.

    Time-Period Concept Ensures that information is reported at regular intervals.

    Fire insurance policies, for example, cover a period of 12 months. If a company prepares

    monthly income statements, a portion of the cost of such policy should be allocated to the cost

    of insurance expense each month that is policy is in force. Cost of the policy=total cost/12


    Not all transaction can be precisely divided by the accounting periods. The purchase of a

    building, furniture & fixtures, machine & equipment provides benefits to the business over all

    the years in which such an asset is used.

    For some expenditures, such as advertising/employee training programs it is not possible to

    estimate objectively the number of accounting period. Accounting principle require that the

    expenditure be charge immediately to expense.

    C. APPLICATIONAsk questions to the students about the topic that has been discussed.

    1. How many months does the fiscal year has?2. State the basic principle of revenue in your own words.3. State the basic principle of expense in your own words.4. For you, which is better? Cash or Accrual basis of accounting?

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    D. EVALUATIONSee attached paper

    E. AGREEMENTBefore dismissing the class, ask them to read ahead the next topic.

    Reference: Hernane, Milagros. Principle in Financial Accounting, pages 103-106

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    Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONMabini Campus, Sta. Mesa, Manila

    Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

    Course, Year & Section: ___________________ Miss Christine Garcia

    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Erasures and any form of alterations are invalid and will be

    considered wrong.

    I. IDENTIFICATION: Write on the spaces provided the term that is being described

    ______________1. Tells accountants when to record revenue and the amount of revenue torecord.

    ______________2. Twelve month accounting period used by an entity.

    ______________3. Ensures that information is reported at regular intervals.______________4. Recognizes revenue when cash is received.

    ______________5. Recognizes in the income statement when an increase in future economic

    benefit related to an increase in an asset or a decrease of a liability has risen

    that can be measured reliably.

    ______________6. Recognizes in the income statement when a decrease in future economic

    benefit related to a decrease in an asset or an increase of a liability has arisen

    that can be measured reliably.

    ______________7. Identifies all expenses incurred during the period, measure the expenses,

    and match them against the revenue earned during the same time period.

    ______________8. Into which an entitys life is arbitrarily divided for financial statement

    purposes. Every business prepares Annual Financial Statements.

    ______________9. Recognizes expenseas incurred, whether or not cash is paid out.

    ______________10. Recognizes expense when cash is paid.

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