  • Lesson Eleven Part Two

    Acts 21:1-22:29

  • Acts – Seeds of the Gospel

    Lesson Eleven Part Two

    Acts 21:1-22:29

    A Dwelling Richly Bible Study

    Written by

    Jennifer Richmond

    ©2020, Dwelling Richly

    [email protected] ~

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  • Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Community Bible Study Lesson Eleven Part Two

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    ... We’re Here! Yay You! ...

    1. Who was the prophet who first prophesied a famine and then that Paul would be bound?

    Elijah Philip’s daughter, Mabel Agabus Timothy

    2. What significant fact about himself does Paul remind the tribune in Jerusalem?

    That he had taken a Nazirite vow That he was a tentmaker That he still ate kosher That he was a Roman citizen

    3. Who was Paul’s teacher when he studied Judaism?

    Hillel Gamaliel Confucius Dr. Grana

    4. What did Paul say about the gospel in Romans chapter one?

    That it should be preached That he wrote it That he was not ashamed of it That it was for the Jew last

    5. Finish this verse from Romans/Psalm 14 ...”None is righteous, no not...”

    You. My cat. Any idol. One.

    6. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection we can now walk in...

    the tulips newness of life righteousness one door and out the other

    8. Who did Paul commend to the church to receive help because of her patronage?

    Tammy Faye Esther Phoebe Lydia

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    ...Small-Group Guidelines... God’s Word is our standard. We’ll use the Bible - not opinion, popular teachers, or church tradition - as our guide for everything. We are using the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible for this study.

    We come from varying faith backgrounds, so please be thoughtful of denominational and religious differences. 'In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.'

    Avoid commentaries or study notes in your Bible – do your own thinking. Trust God, pray, ask for wisdom, read and answer on

    your own, then refer to a commentary for insight after you’ve done your own thinking.

    We’re all learning. Be gracious and patient with yourself and with others. No one has it all figured out.

    This is a Bible study – not an opinion or self-help support group. So, there are going to be “right” and “wrong” answers in

    keeping with the truth of God’s Word.

    You don’t have to share, but if you completed the study and have it with you, why not chime in? We all benefit from one

    another’s thoughts and questions. I bet you have something great to share!

    Discussion questions are written with care to move you through the previous lesson and prepare you for the lesson to come. Please read and answer them all and do not skip over or make up your own questions.

    Didn’t finish the study this week? Did you leave it at home? That’s ok. Life gets busy. You’re here! Yay you! This will be a good week for you to listen and perhaps jot down thoughts as others share, saving your insights for another time.

    Be considerate of how much you’re talking. We definitely want to hear from you, but also to allow time for others to share – limit

    yourself to about 2 minutes maximum. Your group leader will help with that.

    Watch the time. Teaching time is 45 minutes and begins at 7:40pm (evening) or 10:40am (morning). Leaders will wrap up the

    discussion five minutes before that.

    ...Small Group Discussion... Let’s share what we learned having completed the past lesson.

    1. *What verse did you decide to memorize? 2. Day 1 – Share some of your reflections from Acts 21-22 3. Days 2-4 We read Romans! Great job! Share your thoughts and questions from your reading. 4. Day 5 pg. 219 What was your title for this section? 5. Day 5 pg. 219 #3 6. Day 5 pg. 220 #9 7. Day 5 pg. 220 #13 – let’s see your heart, mind, soul comments on this! 8. Did you have a question or comment about this lesson? 9. Share praises and prayer requests. There is space for you to write down on the next page. 10. You’ll be connecting throughout this next lesson with a “study buddy.” Think right now who that will be

    and be sure to make time daily to text or call one another for encouragement and sharing.

    ...Mark Your Calendars... Starting tomorrow...LIVE and online!

    Register here: Day 6 - Thursday, March 26, 7:30pm

    Day 7 - Friday, March 27, 7:30pm

    Day 8 - Saturday, March 28, 10am (Special announcement this day!! Be sure to join!)

    Day 9 - Monday, March 30, 7:30pm

    Day 10 - Tuesday, March 31, 7:30pm April 1, 6:30pm – Meet online again to chat, pray, review Lesson 11/Part 2 and begin Lesson 12

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Follow LMCC Women on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for latest information.

    Join the Dwelling Richly group on Facebook

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    Praises and Prayer Requests “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your

    requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

    Please share any needs or needs of others in our Dwelling Richly group.

    We can all be in prayer and support one another spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

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    ... Lesson Eleven part 1 - Review Notes ... This talk is recorded to the Dwelling Richly podcast so you can listen again and share it with a friend.

    Acts 18:17-20:38

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Six

    11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

    name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

    ...Dwell in the Word... *Write the Word ______________________________________ Read... Acts 21:15-26

    ...Think & Reflect...

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    *Memorize & Meditate on the Word ________________________

    Select a verse(s) from one of our Acts 21-22 or any verse from Romans to memorize. Select a passage about 10-15 verses long from Acts 21-22 or Romans to write for the Write the Word portion of this study. Partner with your study buddy

    to memorize and write the same passages sharing your insights and thoughts along the way. Write your study buddy’s

    name here: _______________________________

    My Memory Verse for this lesson: ______________________________

    My Write the Word passage for this lesson: _______________________________

    1. My Title for this passage: _________________________________________________________________________

    2. Who’s the “we” in this passage? Where have they arrived? _____________________

    3. Paul’s been longing to be here in Jerusalem especially for what particular holy day? ___________________

    4. Thinking back on all that Paul has gone through, what do you imagine might have been among the top “things that God had done” that Paul told them about? (Acts 21:17-19)

    5. From Acts 21:20-25 summarize the response these Christians had to Paul’s arrival and report. How did those who heard this report respond?

    What concerns did they have?

    What actions did they want Paul to take?

    What was their rationale for having Paul do this?

    What was the message and what authority did they have in the message they sent to the “Gentiles who have believed?”

    (Consider Acts chapter 15 from Lesson 8)

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Six

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    6. What kind of vow did these men take? How can you tell it was that kind of vow?

    7. What did Paul do as a result of their concerns? (Acts 21:26)

    8. Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. How do Paul’s words to the Corinthian Christians ring true in what he is doing here in Acts 21?

    9. Are followers of Jesus Christ required to keep the laws of Moses – I’m not referring to the 10 Commandments or moral laws – but ritual laws? Not sure? Consider Romans 10:4 and other Scripture you may be familiar with.

    10. What does it say to you about Paul as a leader that he did what he did in Acts 21:26?

    11. Think about this: You’re Paul. You’ve just arrived in Jerusalem the city of God where you’ve longed to return after years of challenging missionary work. You give an exciting report of all that God has done through your ministry and while the people receive your account with joy they also hit you with a pretty long list of concerns and a pretty strong insistence of what action you should take. The Bible teaches that while Christians are made new in our spirit, we still have our flesh – or sinful nature to contend with. (Consider your reading from Lesson 11/part 1 from Romans chapter 7 or go review that right now.) With that in mind, what flesh vs spirit issue may have been in Paul’s mind as he is met with this situation from the Christians in Jerusalem? Note: This question is purely for the purposes of thoughtfulness, there is no indication in the Bible that Paul struggled in the flesh in this particular situation. My point in having you consider this is to prompt some thinking and deeper application in your own life about how we respond to and interact with fellow believers.

    Share your thoughts here:

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Seven

    11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

    name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

    ...Dwell in the Word... *Write the Word ______________________________________ Read... Acts 21:27-36

    ...Think & Reflect...

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    *Memorize & Meditate on the Word ________________________

    1. My title for this passage: _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is Luke (the author of Acts) referring to when he says, “the seven days were almost completed?” (consider Acts


    3. What happens to Paul before the time of his vow with these 4 men is competed?

    4. What is he accused of? Is it accurate? Why or why not?

    5. Read Acts 6:13 and 21:21 – Consider the connection between the accusations made against Stephen and the accusations made here against Paul. What observations do you have about these two incidents?

    6. The frenzy against Paul is so high that the crowd is seeking to do what?

    7. Compare Acts 21:11 and Acts 21:33. What do you see happening?

    8. Do you think Paul has any, “Man, I should have listened to Agabas and stayed out of Jerusalem” thoughts at this point? Why or why not? Support your answer with Scripture if you can.

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Seven

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    9. What had Paul told his friends about this in Acts 21:13?

    10. How does the tribune respond to the situation?

    11. Read Genesis 37:12-18. What if Joseph had just stayed away from his brothers? Like Paul, Joseph went the extra mile to give his brothers the dream he had received. Paul, too, went the extra mile, even against the counsel, urging, and prophetic words of his friends – but his heart was for Jerusalem and God’s people there. What can you learn about Paul’s – and Joseph’s – priorities from this passage?

    12. On a practical level, how will you apply what you’ve learned in this passage to your life today? Be specific. Really consider what changes, if any, you can make to live in line with the example of Paul from this passage.

    13. Connect with your study buddy today. See how they’re doing on their study and memory verse. Ask her for any prayer requests or praises she has and write them here:

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Eight

    11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

    name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

    ...Dwell in the Word... *Write the Word ______________________________________ Read... Acts 21:37-22:21

    ...Think & Reflect...

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    *Memorize & Meditate on the Word ________________________

    1. Watch a video clip of this scene here: 2. In what language does Paul address the tribune? ______________ Which makes the tribune assume what about who

    Paul is... The Egyptian mentioned was a Jew who proclaimed himself a prophet and gathered a large following with the intent to lead them to the Mount of Olives, where, at his command, the walls of Jerusalem would collapse. His force was attacked by Felix but the Egyptian himself escaped.

    3. How does Paul reply to the tribune’s assumption about his ethnicity?

    4. Why not tell him he’s a roman citizen at this point? (Just your thoughts on that, no right or wrong answer here )

    5. There are many ways an angry crowed can be addressed. How does Paul address this rioting group and what does that say to you about his heart?

    6. He shifts from speaking Greek to the tribune to speaking what language to the “fathers and brothers?”

    What does the footnote in your bible say about the language Paul was speaking?

    7. Why do you think Paul makes this shift? They all would have spoken Greek...why now speak in the Hebrew language?

    8. Paul gives tells of his conduct before his conversion first. Read and summarize Acts 22:3-5

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    9. The Jews have accused Paul of being anti-Jew, anti-God, anti-Temple, etc. The tribune assumed he was a trouble-making Egyptian (a Jew from Alexandria). What does his testimony about his life before conversion tell them very clearly?

    10. Paul does a little name-dropping in his testimony. Who does he mention by name in 22:3, and why do you think he does this to these Jews?

    11. Read Galatians 1:13 and consider Paul’s words there along with Acts 22:3-5. What does this tell you about Paul’s priorities?

    12. Beginning in Acts 22:6, Paul details the account of his conversion. Compare Acts 9:1-19 with Acts 22:6-16 and note any additional details we learn from this passage.

    13. Reading this account, note how many ways Paul gives glory to God in his conversion:

    14. Paul moves from relating his conversion to explaining the commission he received from God in Acts 22:17-21. What prophecy did he receive in this trance that has repeatedly come to pass?

    15. Knowing that many of the Jews would reject the gospel, what does Jesus tell Paul to do?

    16. I’ve heard this thought provoking question asked, “If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” And now here Paul is, not exactly on trial, but giving his defense in the form of his testimony. Is there enough evidence to convict him?

    Would there be enough to convict you? Why or why not?

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Nine

    11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

    name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

    ...Dwell in the Word... *Write the Word ______________________________________ Read... Acts 22:22-29

    ...Think & Reflect...

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    *Memorize & Meditate on the Word ________________________

    1. “Up to that word they listened to him...” What was “that word” and who were “they?”

    2. Read the angry mob’s words from Acts 22:22 in several translations and write your favorite wording here:

    3. What does the tribune order to be done? What was the goal of doing that?

    4. Why do you think the tribune orders such a drastic measure?

    5. What does the footnote in your Bible say at Acts 22:25?

    6. Amidst all this chaos and stress Paul speaks to the centurion near him. What does he say...ask, really?

    7. This question sends the centurion off to the tribune who then returns to Paul – still bound. Summarize that scene from Acts 22:26-27

    8. What do we learn about the citizenship of Paul and that of the tribune?

    9. What impact does this have on those who were about to flog him?

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Nine

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    10. Paul could have alerted the tribune at any time in this whole ordeal that he was a Roman citizen, why do you think Paul waits until this moment – just seconds it seems before the whip was brought down on his back.

    11. Paul’s love for his Jewish “brothers and fathers” is clear. So much love did he have for them, so much desire to see them all come to Jesus that in Romans 9:1-5 and paraphrase Paul’s passion...

    12. Big review...Think about Paul’s background as a Jew and also as a Roman citizen. Consider also this, of all the men that God could have chosen to bring the gospel to the Jews and the gentiles – God chose Paul. Why do you think Paul was the perfect man for this mission? Why was his background an advantage? Why was his background also a challenge for Paul personally? Share your thoughts here...and also, connect with your study buddy and see how she answered this question.

    13. Read Philippians chapter three. Read it aloud...maybe even stand up and read it and really enter in to the spirit of this passage. After reading, select one key verse that stood out to you and write it here:

    14. Now, consider your background. Where were you born? How were you raised? What traditions and experiences have you had that make you uniquely qualified to share the gospel? How might your background cause a challenge to you when sharing the gospel?

  • Lesson Eleven part 2 zDay Ten

    ...Create & Share..

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    Our Create and Share day is set aside to take what we’ve learned and read and thought about and

    move it from our mind and heart to our hands and share and connect and express what

    we’ve learned to others.

    Think back over the passaged we’ve read and all that Paul went through and all in the name of

    God...and instead of quitting and crying out in his own defense he kept on. Honestly, in his place I

    can see myself just crying out in discouragement and self-pity, “Hey! This is ridiculous! I’m doing

    your will here, God! What is up? Why is this so hard. All. The. Time! Can I just stop? Or could you please just make this a little easier?”

    There’s a line from Fiddler on the Roof that I couldn’t help but think of during this study. It’s

    something I think we all feel from time to time when things are really hard. It’s how we feel when

    things are hard for a long time and even when we know that we are doing the right thing that God has called us to do. That kind of struggle, that kind of suffering can wear away at your strength not

    to mention your faith. Tevye, the patriarch of the Jewish family, says it like this: “I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But, once in a while, can’t You choose someone else?”

    Jeremiah the prophet, when discouraged because of the constant message of doom and gloom he

    had been given to deliver to God’s people started pondering the idea of just never talking again

    about God, never speaking another word from God again. But, as he thought about his he found

    himself in another even worse dilemma. Here’s what he said at the thought of just quitting and never speaking God’s words again:

    “If I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,”

    there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones,

    and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.” Jeremiah 20:9

    I don’t know where you are in all that today. Maybe this is a season of strength and resilience for

    you. Maybe you all in and all excited and ready for more. Like Paul – bring it on! But, maybe, just maybe, in this moment you are feeling like Tevye – choose someone else, God. Maybe you are

    emotionally like Jeremiah, and intellectually like him as well – I feel like shutting up – but I know

    that it’s no good.

    Wherever you are today, take some time in this moment to gather your thoughts and write them

    out in a prayer or letter to God. Be real. Be honest. Just tell God how you’re feeling and then...pray.

    Pray for continued strength. Pray for that Paul-like resilience. Pray that you would, in the midst of all

    you are facing, find that the truth of who God is and the reality of the good news is exactly what

    you need to remain faithful. Then, share it.

    Reach out to your study buddy and let her know how you’re doing. Consider sharing your thoughts

    in a blog post if you write a blog or a Facebook or Instagram post...maybe even take a video of

    yourself reading or just speaking these words. I know that your testimony will strengthen and encourage others. I hope you’ll do that today.

    You know what else, I’d love to hear your heart in this too! Feel free to write me and share what

    God is doing in your heart.

    [email protected][email protected]

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    Lesson Twelve will be available at on the Dwelling Richly Bible study page.

    Please join us on Wednesday, April for our next Bible study – we’ll chat

    about this lesson and start Lesson 12

    If you haven’t already, you can register here for the

    online webinar Bible study

  • Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Write the Word

    Write the Word... ________________________

  • Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Write the Word

    Write the Word... ________________________

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