Page 1: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

Bible Basis: Ruth 1 – 4; Luke 10:25 – 37

Key Verse: Psalm 82:4: “Save those who are weak and needy.”

Key Question: What should we do about people in need?

Key Idea: I believe God calls all Chris tians to show compassion to people in need.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible , Chapter 8, “Compassion”

Master Supplies List ❑ Believe Storybook Bible ❑ PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations ❑ Set of pick-up sticks or similar small toy in a container ❑ Family Page (one per child)

Optional SuppliesYou will need the following supplies based on which option(s) you choose in STEP 3 | Explore More:

❑ OPTION 1: The Good Samaritan sheet, scraps of cloth, adhe-sive bandages, thin blue craft foam; pennies (all items one per child), glue

❑ OPTION 2: Items to engage children in gross motor activities (hoop, mat, cone, etc.)

❑ OPTION 4: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child) ❑ OPTION 6: Four puppets

LESSON 8 | Compassion

Page 2: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL 2

STEP 1 | Come Together (10 min)

Supplies: Set of pick-up sticks or similar small toy in a container

• GATHER the children.

PICK-UP STICKS• GET up to retrieve the pick-up sticks. As you walk past the children

with them, purposely spill the container, spreading them around.• SAY, Oops! Now I’ll have to pick up all of these sticks! I sure wish I had

some help.• PRAISE the children for helping you as they pick up the spilled objects.

REVIEW• SAY, Thank you for helping me! Your caring reminds me of how Jesus

wants us to treat one another. There are many stories in the Bible about people helping one another. We’ll hear a couple today.

• SAY, In one story, some people are very hungry. Can you think of some-one you’ve met or seen who seemed hungry? How could someone help a hungry person? (Take responses)

• SAY, We’ll also hear about a woman who is all alone. Can you think of someone you’ve met or seen who seemed lonely? How could someone help a person who is lonely? (Take responses)

• SAY, There is also a woman who can only find leftover scraps of grain to collect for food. Can someone show us what it would look like to pick up the leftover scraps? How could someone help her? (Take responses)

• SAY, In another story, a man is robbed and beaten. Can someone show us what it would look like to be hurt? How could someone help an injured person? (Take responses)

• SAY, Today we will learn about how these people were helped and how God wants us to help one another.

KEY VERSE• REVIEW this week’s Key Verse. You may want to repeat the verse slowly

a few times until the children are able to say the verse from memory• NOTE: You may also choose to review last week’s Key Verse together.

Psalm 82:4Save those (lift arms in an umbrella-like shape)who are weak and needy. (cup your hands like a beggar)

Page 3: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL 3

STEP 2 | Hear the Story (10 min)

Supplies: Believe Storybook Bible, PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations

INTRODUCTION• ASK the children who their neighbor is. (Take responses)• SAY, Your neighbor is actually anyone around you. They don’t have to

live next door to you. It could be someone at the grocery store, a friend you play with, the person sitting near you right now.

• CONTINUE, Today we will read about how God wants us to help our neighbors. We will hear the stories of different people who helped their neighbors. Whenever we hear about someone helping their neighbor, we’ll turn and shake hands with one or two neighbors. Let’s practice this now. Turn and shake hands with one or two people sitting near you.

READ CHAPTER 8• READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from

the Believe Storybook Bible. Stop to remind the children to turn and shake hands when they hear these examples of people helping their neighbor:

• Ruth followed Naomi to Bethlehem so she would not be alone.• Ruth picked grain for Naomi because she was hungry.• Boaz let Ruth take as much grain as she needed so that she would

not go hungry.• The Samaritan helped the injured man.

• SHOW the illustrations included with this curriculum on PowerPoint slides or printable posters.

THE STORY OF RUTH• God created every person and he cares for every person. How

does God take care of so many people? Part of his plan is for us to help care for one another. When someone is in need, we can show compassion. Compassion is a caring feeling that causes us to do something. We can learn compassion from the story of Ruth.

• Ruth was married to Naomi’s son. When he died, Ruth and Naomi were both very sad. What would they do? Who would

Page 4: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL 4

take care of them? Naomi decided to go back to her hometown of Bethlehem.

• Ruth begged to go with Naomi. Naomi said, “You are not from Bethlehem. Stay here with your people. Find a new husband and have a family.”

• But Ruth told her, “Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people. Your God will be my God.” So Ruth followed Naomi to Bethlehem.

• There, Naomi had a cousin named Boaz. Ruth went into his field to gather grain to eat. Boaz saw Ruth collecting grain. He knew that her husband had died. He knew she was hungry. Boaz had compassion on Ruth. He said, “Take as much grain as you need.”

• Boaz saw that Ruth was kind and good. She worked hard. She took care of Naomi. One day, he asked Ruth to be his wife. They were married and soon had a baby boy. Ruth and Naomi praised God for giving them a new family.

THE STORY OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN• Jesus taught his followers to be kind and have compassion. He

reminded them that God said, “Love God with your whole heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” But who is your neighbor? To answer that question, Jesus told this story:

• A man was walking down the road. Robbers attacked him. They stole his money and his clothes. They hurt him and left him in the road to die.

• A priest came walking by. He saw the hurt man but passed right by. Then another man who worked in the temple came along. He also passed by the hurt man without stopping.

• Finally, a third man came by. He felt compassion for the hurt man so he stopped. He cleaned and bandaged the man’s wounds, and then put the man on his donkey. He took the man to an inn.

• He told the innkeeper, “Let this man stay here until I return. Here is some money. I will be back soon.”

• At the end of the story, Jesus asked, “Who was the good neigh-bor?” Everyone knew it was the man who stopped to help.

• “Go, and be a good neighbor,” Jesus said.• God wants us to be good neighbors by caring for one another. He

has been kind to us and he wants us to be kind to one another. When we show kindness, we are being like Ruth, Boaz, and the Good Samaritan. Best of all, kindness makes us more like Jesus!

Page 5: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL 5

REVIEW RUTH• ASK, How did Ruth help Naomi in the story? (She stayed with her; she

helped collect food for her)• ASK, How did Boaz help Ruth in the story? (He let her take as much

grain as she needed; he married her)

REVIEW THE GOOD SAMARITAN• ASK, How did the Good Samaritan help the man who was robbed? (He

gave him water and a blanket; he took him to an inn to get better and paid for his stay)

• ASK, How does God help us? (He sent Jesus; he forgives us; he teaches us to do what is right)

• ASK, How can we help one another the way God wants us to? (Take responses)

• PRAY, Please God, help us to be loving toward our neighbors the way you are loving toward us. Amen.

STEP 3 | Explore MoreChoose from these activity options, depending on your available time frame, to help children explore the lesson further.

Option 1: The Good Samaritan (10 min)

Supplies: The Good Samaritan sheet, scraps of cloth, adhesive bandages, thin blue craft foam, pennies (all items one per child), glue

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Good Samaritan sheet (one per child). Cut water droplet shapes (approximately 1”) out of the blue craft foam (2–3 per child). You can also find foam stickers at craft stores that may already be in that shape.

• SAY, In our story today, we heard about a man who was hurt. What happened to him? (He was robbed and beaten)

• SAY, Jesus used this story to show how he wants his followers to help others.

• GIVE each child a copy of the Good Samaritan sheet.• SAY, We each have a picture of the injured man, and we are going to

help him, just like in the story.

CLOTH• GIVE each child a scrap of cloth.

Page 6: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL 6

• SAY, The Good Samaritan came along and wrapped him in a blanket. Let’s put a blanket on the man.

• HELP the children glue the scrap of cloth onto the picture.

WATER• GIVE each child some foam water droplet shapes.• SAY, The Good Samaritan also gave the man water. He had been lying

by the road for some time and probably was very thirsty. This blue foam shape will be like the water he needed.

• HELP the children glue the foam shapes to the picture.

BANDAGE• GIVE each child an adhesive bandage.• SAY, He took the man to an inn, which is like a hotel, so he could get

better. His body needed time to heal from being hurt. This bandage will show that we can help heal his hurts.

• HELP the children attach the bandage to the picture.

MONEY• GIVE each child a penny.• SAY, When the Good Samaritan needed to leave, he gave the innkeeper

money to take care of the man until he returned. Let’s glue the penny to the picture to remind us of this kind of help.

• HELP the children glue the penny to the picture.• SAY, We have given this man a lot of love and care. That’s just how

Jesus wants us to show love and care to one another.• SET the pictures aside to dry.

Option 2: Where You Go I Will Go (20 min)

Supplies: Items to engage children in gross motor activities (hoop, mat, cone, etc.)

Teacher Prep: Spread the hoop, mat, cone, etc. throughout the classroom and, if possible, beyond.

• SAY, In the story of Ruth and Naomi, Ruth told her mother-in-law that she would follow her anywhere. Ruth followed Naomi to Bethlehem, where she helped Naomi by gathering food each day. We are going to play the following game to remind you of this story.

• CHOOSE a child to be the leader. Instruct the other children to line up behind the leader and follow their every movement.

Page 7: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

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• ENCOURAGE the leader to interact with any items you have put out (such as walk through a hoop, climb over a mat, etc.) and to model behaviors without props, such as crawling, tiptoeing, or jumping.

• ALLOW each child to have a turn as the leader.

Option 3: Luke 10:27 (10 min)• INSTRUCT the children to sit in a circle.• LEAD them in several rounds of the following verse, including the

hand motions.

Luke 10:27“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.” And, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Love (cross hands over chest)the Lord your God (point toward heaven)with all your heart (make a heart shape with your two

hands)and with all your soul. (hold hands in prayer position)Love him with all your strength (flex biceps muscles)and with all your mind. (point to your temple)And, Love your neighbor (point to one another)as you love yourself. (point to self)

Option 4: Let’s Color (10 min)

Supplies: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

• GIVE each child a coloring page.• PROVIDE a selection of crayons and/or markers for the children to share.• DISCUSS this week’s Key Idea as the children color.

Option 5: Praise and Worship (15 min)

“Be Kind and Compassionate,” by Ron Hamilton© 1988 by Majesty Music, Inc.

CCLI #559842

“This Is My Commandment,” public domain

Page 8: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

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Option 6: Act It Out (15 min)

Who Is a Good Neighbor?

Use four puppets or class helpers to act out the following short skit. Intro-duce the four characters to the children before starting.

Setting: At school


Ted injured boyBen a bad neighborMarie a bad neighborSammy the Good Samaritan, the good neighbor

Optional Props: Four puppets

Ted: Oooh! Ouch! I’ve scraped my knee. Will someone help me?

Ben: (in passing) Sorry, I’m kind of busy.

Marie: (also in passing) I don’t even know you.

Sammy: Hey, friend. Here’s a bandage. Let me help you get your bike home.

Ted: Oh, thanks! (to the children) Who was being a good neighbor?

Children: Sammy!

Ted: (nods yes; brief pause) Oh, no. It’s snack time, and I forgot my snack at home. I’m so hungry. Will someone let me have some of their snack?

Ben: (in passing) I can’t, buddy. My mom packed a pudding cup, and it’s my favorite.

Marie: (also in passing) No, if I share my snack, then I will be hungry.

Sammy: Let me help! I only have a bag of crackers, but you can have half of them. Then we can both have our snack together!

Ted: (to the children) Who was being a good neighbor?

Children: Sammy!

Ted: (nods yes; brief pause) Oh, boy! I just had some friends come to my house to play, and now my bedroom looks like it was hit by a tornado! Who will help me clean up this mess?

Ben: (in passing) Well, I wasn’t really playing with those things, so it’s not my job.

Marie: (also in passing) It’s your bedroom. Why should I clean it up?

Sammy: No problem, buddy. I’ll pick up the pieces of this puzzle while you put the blocks away.

Page 9: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

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Ted: (to the children) Who was being a good neighbor?

Children: Sammy!

Ted: (nods head yes) Sammy, you’ve been such a great friend to me. Others were not being kind or helpful, but you were. Every time. Why are you so good to me?

Sammy: I know that God loves me and has done so much to help me. When he says, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” I am happy to show his love to others.

Ted: Now that’s being a good neighbor! Let’s give a round of applause to Sammy, the Good Samaritan!


STEP 4 | Going Home (5 min)

Supplies: Family Page (one per child)

• GIVE each child a copy of this week’s Family Page.• SAY, Give this page to your family when they pick you up. It will

remind you to tell your family about how God wants us to be kind and helpful to one another.

• HAVE children practice telling you about how they can be kind and helpful to others.

• REVIEW this week’s Key Verse as well as today’s story and Key Idea from the Believe Storybook Bible as you wait for the children to get picked up.

• MAKE sure each child remembers to take home any activity sheets or craft projects and the Family Page.

Page 10: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible
Page 11: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

Lesson 8

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Page 13: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

Lesson 8

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Page 15: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL

The Good Samaritan Name:

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LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL

[Coloring page to come]

Let’s Color! Name:

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LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL

FAMILY PAGE | Lesson 8: Compassion

Bible Basis: Ruth 1 – 4; Luke 10:25 – 37

Key Verse: Psalm 82:4: “Save those who are weak and needy.”

Key Question: What should we do about people in need?

Key Idea: I believe God calls all Chris tians to show compassion to people in need.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible , Chapter 8, “Compassion”

How to Use This PageThis week, your family can either read the story from the Believe Storybook Bible or read the Bible Basis verses from your Bible to help your child remem-ber it. Use the Table Talk questions below to start a discussion around the dinner table, while driving in the car, or just about anywhere. The Living Faith activity is designed to remind your child of the Bible lesson through a drama or other engaging activity. The Extra Mile idea provides interactive ways for your child to connect with the story.

Table Talk

1. Who does God want us to help? (Our neighbors; everyone around us) Who can you show kindness to?

2. Tell me about a time when you were kind or helpful to someone. How did it make you feel? How do you think it made the other person feel?

3. Who are some people who help you? Who is kind and loving to you?

Living Faith

Option 1The story of the Good Samaritan makes for a fun role-play. You may even need to act out the scene twice so your child can play the Good Samaritan and also the injured man. Prepare your child to play the injured man by wearing a bath-ing suit or similar garment under some loose clothing. Use stuffed animals for robbers so your child can wrestle around with them during the “attack.” The

Page 18: LESSON 8 | · • READ aloud the story script below or chapter 8, “Compassion,” from the Believe Storybook Bible

LESSON 8: Compassion | PRESCHOOL

Good Samaritan will need a container of water, a blanket, a bag of coins, and a donkey (use an ottoman or large pillow for this). You may even enlist siblings to play the parts of the priest and the Levite who walked by without stopping. Talk to your child after the role-play about how important it is to be a good neighbor to the people around us who may be hurting.

Option 2Have your child act out this scene with dolls or stuffed animals. Provide adhe-sive or rolls of bandages for your child to help the injured doll or animal.

Extra Mile

• Practice this simple fingerplay based on Luke 10:27

Love (cross hands over chest)the Lord your God (point toward heaven)with all your heart (make a heart shape with your two

hands)and with all your soul. (hold hands in prayer position)Love him with all your strength (flex biceps muscles)and with all your mind. (point to your temple)And, Love your neighbor (point to one another)as you love yourself. (point to self)

• Make a “Helping Hands” door hanger to encourage your family to look for opportunities to show love and kindness. Help your child trace and cut out their own handprint on construction paper. Punch a hole in the paper and tie a loop of yarn through it. Write “Luke 10:27 — Love your neighbor as you love yourself ” on it. Whenever someone in the family is “caught” living out this commandment, transfer the hanger to their bedroom doorknob to recognize their actions.

• Put your faith into action by helping the needy in your community. Col-lect items from your pantry to donate to a food bank or schedule a time to help out at a soup kitchen. Your young child can decorate a paper grocery bag to hold items or make art drawings to give out at the soup kitchen.

• This easy snack idea is definitely a conversation starter. Break graham crackers into individual rectangles. Spread a dollop of white icing in the center and press a red jelly bean into the frosting (this should look like a bandage). As you share this treat with friends or neighbors, also share the story of the Good Samaritan and God’s love.

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