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YASIS AT-TAQWAS ENGLISH LISTENING HANDBOOKCompiled by : Zaenul Wafa KUTUKAN BAGI ORANG YANG MENCARI ILMU ADALAH KELUHAN, INI SULIT SEKALI DAN AKU MUNGKIN TIDAK BISA 41. Everyone Loves BabiesBabies cry. Babies smile. Babies drool. They look at everything. They look at everyone. They kick their feet in the air. They make fists with their hands. Babies are curious. They put everything into their mouths. They ride around in baby strollers. They get a lot of attention. They have an easy life.List of Vocabulary76. A Noise in the NightShe says her prayers. She gets into bed. She turns out the light. She hears a noise. She turns on the light. She looks around her room. Everything looks okay. She turns out the light. She hears the noise again. She turns on the light. She looks around. She is scared. She calls her dad.List of Vocabulary3. He Gets Dressed, Sees His FriendThe boy puts on his socks. He puts on his shoes. He ties his shoelaces. He walks to the front door. He turns the doorknob. He pulls the door open. He steps outside. He closes the door behind him. He walks to the corner. He sees his friend. He waves to his friend.List of VocabularyRita buys a book to her friendWho buys a book to her friend ?Who does Rita buy to her friend?


F. Kata kerja yang bentuk ke 3 nya berakhiran EN BeatbeatbeatenmemukulBitebitbittenmenggigitBreakbrokebrokenmenghancurkan,memecahkanChoosechosechosenmemilihDrivedrovedrivenmengendaraiEatateeatenmakanFallfellfallenjatuhForgetforgotforgottenlupaGivegavegivenmemberiHidehidhiddenmenyembunyikanSpeakspokespokenberbicaraRideroderiddenmenaiki ( motor, sepeda )RiseroserisenterbitTaketooktakenmengambilWritewrotewrittenmenulisG. Kata kerja yang bentuk ke 3 nya berakhiran NSeesawseenmelihatSightseesightsawsightseenmelihat-lihat ( cuci mata )ShowshowedshownmenunjukkanSwearsworeswornbersumpah, berjanjiTeartoretornmerobek,meneteskan air mataWearworewornmemakaiSewsewedsewnmenjahitKata kerja yang Berakhiran EWBlowblewblown meniup,bertiupDrawdrewdrownmenggambarFly flewflownterbangGrowgrewgrowntumbuhKnowknewknownmengetahui,mengenalThrowthrewthrownmelemparciri-ciri REGULAR VERB ( Kata kerja beraturan )Selain kata yang tidak termasuk irregular verb disebut regular verbBiasanya bentuk ke 2 dan ke 3 diakhiri dengan ED beberapa contoh-contoh REGULAR VERBInfinitivePastPast Participle(V1)(V2) (V3)MeaningAskaskedaskedbertanyaAnswer answered answeredmenjawabApply applied appliedmenerapkanBelieve believed believedpercayaCall called calledmemanggilCarry carried carriedmembawaChangechangedchangedmengubahClimb climbedclimbedmemanjatCookcookedcookedmemasakCopy copied copiedmenyalinCry cried criedmenangisDescribe described described melukiskanExplain explained explainedmenjelaskanEnjoyenjoyedenjoyedmenikmatiHelp helped helpedmembantuImprove improved improvedmemperbaikiJump jumped jumpedmelompatPlay played playedbermainPrepare prepared preparedmempersiapkanPresent presented presentedmenyajikanKiss kissed kissedmenciumKill killed killedmembunuhKick kicked kickedmenendangLaunch launched launchedmeluncurkanLovelovedlovedmencintaiLock locked locked mengunciLook looked lookedmelihatListen listened listenedmendengarkanSeemseemedseemed nampakTalk talked talkedberbicaraWantwantedwantedinginWatchwatchedwatchedmenontonWait waited waitedmenungguWalk walked walkedberjalan

I. Kata kerja beriramaBecomebecamebecomemenjadiComecame comedatangFeedfedfedmemberi makanMeet met met berjumpaLead led led memimpinLight lit lit menyalakanMakemade made membuatGet got got mendapatSell sold sold menjualTell told told berceritaPay paid paid membayarSay said said berkataStand stood stood berdiriUnderstand understood understoodmengertiDig dug dug menggaliHang hung hung menggantungkanBind bound bound mengikatFind foundfound menemukanJ. Kata kerja tak beraturan lainyaLie lied lied menipuLie lay lain berbaringLay laid laid meletakkanHas,Have had had memiliki mempunyaiDo did done melakukanWin won won menangHear heard heard mendengarkanShine shone shone menyinariGowent gone pergiSit sat sat dudukSleep slept slept tidurDie dieddied mati, meninggalLearn learned/learntlearnt/ learnedbelajar, mempelajariK. Kata kerja yang bentuk ke- 2 dan 3 nya berakhiran OUGHT BringbroughtbroughtmembawaBuyboughtboughtmembeliFightfoughtfoughtbertarung,berkelahi,berjuangThinkthoughtthoughtberfikirVerb atau kata kerja menurut perubahanya dibagi menjadi 2 macam :REGULAR ( beraturan )IRREGULAR ( tidak beraturan )Kata kerja yang bentuk 1,2,3 nya samaInfinitivePastPast Participle(V1)(V2) (V3)Costcostcost berharga,harganyaCutcutcutmemotongHithithitmemukulHurthurthurtmelukaiPutputputmeletakkanSpreadspreadspreadmenyebarkanReadreadreadmembacaKata kerja bentuk pertama, akhiran D ke 2,3 berakhiran TBendbentbentmembengkokkanBuildbuiltbuiltmembangunLendLentlentmeminjamkanSendsentsentmengirimSpendspentspentmenghabiskan,MempergunakanKata kerja yang bentuk ke 2 dan 3 nya berakhiran TFeelfeltfeltmerasaKeepkeptkeptmenjaga,menyimpanKneelkneltkneltberlututSmellsmeltsmeltmencium ( bau )SweepsweptsweptmenyapuLoselostlostkehilangan, kalahKata kerja yang bentuk 1 bervowel /i/, bentuk 2 /a/, dan 3 /u/ BeginbeganbegunmulaiDrinkdrankdrunkminumSwimswamswumberenangSingsangsungbernyanyiRingrangrungmembunyikan (alarm)RunranrunberlariE. kata kerja yang bentuk ke 2 dan 3 nya berakhiran AUGHT CatchcaughtcaughtmenangkapTeachtaughttaughtmengajar

27. Trash DayJennifer pulled the trash can out to the street. She pulled the trash can out to the street on Monday morning. Monday was trash day. The trash truck came to her house. The truck had a metal arm. The metal arm picked up the trash can. It raised the trash can into the sky. It emptied the trash can into the truck. Then the arm put the can back on the street. On Monday afternoon Jennifer walked out to the street. The trash can was empty. She pulled the trash can back into her yard. Next Monday she would pull it out to the street again.List of Vocabulary53. A Mirror at Dance SchoolShe goes to dance school. She wears special shoes. She stands in front of a mirror. It is a big mirror. It goes from one wall to the other. She holds onto a bar. She stretches her leg. She stretches the other leg. She points her toes. She bends over. She touches her toesList of Vocabulary24. He Talks to MomThe phone rings. He hears the ringing. He picks up the phone. He says hello. The other person says hello. The other person is his mom. She talks to him. He talks to her. She finishes talking. She says goodbye. He says goodbye. They hang up. He waits. The phone rings again.List of Vocabulary128. Rose QueenShe won the contest. She won the Rose Queen contest. She was the new queen for the Rose Parade. She was so happy. She would be in the parade on New Year's Day. She was so excited. She would be on TV. Millions of people would see her. She would wave to people on the sidewalks in Pasadena. Pasadena was the home of the Rose Parade. Every year, thousands of people spent New Year's Eve on the sidewalks of Pasadena. They wanted to see the Rose Parade. Almost 50 floats are in the Rose Parade every year. All the floats are beautiful. They have lots of beautiful flowers. She would ride on a beautiful float. She would wave to everyone. Her parents and friends were so happy for her.List of Vocabulary23. She Sees a WormThe worm crawls on the ground. It crawls slowly. She watches it. She picks it up. It wiggles in her hand. She puts it in her mouth. It wiggles in her mouth. She takes it out of her mouth. She puts it back on the ground. It crawls into a hole.List of Vocabulary56. Fire Truck Saves HouseHe has a little fire truck. It is a red, plastic fire truck. He sees a fire. He calls 911. A house is on fire. Please hurry! He pushes the fire truck. The fire truck goes to the house. The fire truck sprays water on the house. The fire is out. Everyone is safe.List of Vocabulary

Dear God, aku nampak lemah seandaninya kau takmengizinkanku untuk bernafas dan hidup normal,aku ingin terus mengagumi, mencintamu dan melewati semua ini denganmu.Dialah manusia teladan seluruh mahluk, ia mampu merubah kebencian dengan rasa kasih sayang dengan akhlaknya, beliaulah penyampai syafaat saat manusia harus mempertanggung jawabkan apa yang telah mereka lakukanbeliau adalah nabi Muhammad,Bertemu mereka merupakan salah satu alasan kenapa aku harus melanjukan profesiku sebagai seoarang pendidik, rasa memiliki mereka seperti anugrah yang tak tertukar dengan anugrah apapun,thanks to seluruh anggota ELC,kalian benar-benar mampu membangunkanku untuk selalu berkarya dan menulis,sedang lembaran-lembaran kertas yang berbentuk buku ini ,bukti bahwa perasaan yang mengisi hatiku akan selalu teruntuk kalian. Aku ingin menulis satu persatu nama kalian namun rasanya kolom ini tak akan muat untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingya kalian dalam hidup ini karena banyak hal yang telah kulewatkan dengan kalian.Belajar Listening memang cukup membuat telinga kita untuk menjadi seorang pendengar yang baik,sebaik dan sehebat apapun telinga kita jangan berharap dengan cukup satu kali mendengar kita bisa menjadi seoarang master of listening,perlu di ketahui bahwa kita tinggal dan hidup tidak dilingkungan orang yang setiap hari ngomong English, jika anda tak bisa menangkap percakapan mereka itu wajar, Apa iya anda tak pernah mendengar percakapan asli orang Sunda, Dayak, Aceh dan anda bisa menangkap setiap kata yang mereka omongin ? .Kemampuan seseorang dalam listening tergantung seberapa sering ia berlatih untuk mendengarkan, tak ada ilmu didunia ini yang bisa dikuasai tanpa BELAJAR. Jika anda berhenti untuk belajar,saya harap anda mau mengembalikan otak yang dianugrahkan Allah,semua manusia mempunyai otak namun ketahuilah banyak juga manusia yang otaknya telah dicabut fungsinya karena mereka berhenti belajar(berfikir dan dari kesalahan) namun mereka tidak menyadarinya.

Hello, my name is . ( Hi, namaku .)I live in .(Saya tinggal di .)My hobby is . ( Hobiku adalah . )This is .( Ini . )She likes .( Dia suka . )Example :Hello my name is SafiraI live in GubugMy hobby is watching TV/menonton TVThis is IndrianiHe likes reading a book/membaca bukuI want to go to the office(Aku ingin pergi ke kantor)Hamid: Where are you going ? Mau pergi kemana ?Tofa: I will go to the office Saya akan pergi ke kantor?Hamid: What for ? Untuk apa ?Tofa: I want to meet Mr. Ahmadi, do you want to come along ? Aku ingin bertemu bapak Ahmadi, Apa kamu mau ikut ?Hamid: No, thanks Tidak terima kasih She is a fussy girlDia seorang gadis yg cerewetNovi: Anyone knows Amel? Ada yg tahu Amel?Renata: I dont know, whats going on? Aku nggak tahu, Ada apa ?Novi: Im sick of her; she tells everyone that I cheat on the English exam Saya muak padanya, dia bilang ke semua orang bahwa aku menyontek dalam ujian bahasa inggris.Renata: Chill out, dont be upset, friend Tenang, jangan marah, kawanNovi: Call me if you see her Panggil aku bila kamu melihatnyaYou must memorize vocabulary(kamu harus menghafal kosa-kata)Sukri: Ssst..Mr. Wafa is coming Ssst Pak Wafa segera datangSiti: Where is Mr. Wafa ? Dimana Pak WafaSukri: He is in the office now Dia di kantor sekarangSiti: Its not beautiful day for me Ini hari yg tak menyenangkan untukkuSukri: Why do you say that ? Kenapa kamu ngomong gitu?Siti: Because I forget to bring my dictionary Karena aku lupa membawa kamuskuSukri: and it means that you must memorize vocabulary dan itu berarti kamu harus mengahafal kosa-kataA Flag ceremony( Upacara bendera )Dhofir: Who is that? Siapa itu ? Edi: She is our friend, Ana Dia adalah teman kita,NurulDhofir: What is she doing there? Ngapain dia disana?Edi: She is reciting the constitution 45 (forty five) Dia sedang membaca UUD 45Dhofir: She doesnt look nervous Dia tidak kelihatan gugupEdi: Would you like to be a chief of the flag ceremony Maukah kamu menjadi pemimpin upacara?Dhofir: Maybe, another day Mungkin, lain kali aja


Its time to take a rest( Waktunya istirahat)Lutfi: It is time to take a rest Waktunya istirahatLaili: What time is it now? Jam berapa sekarang?Lutfi: It is 10 (ten) oclock Sekarang jam 10 Laili: What will you do ? Apa yg akan kamu lakukan?Lutfi: I wanna (want to) go to stall Aku ingin pergi ke warungLaili: Can I go with you? Bolehkah aku ikut denganmu?Lutfi: Yes, go ahead (Ya, silahkan)Pass me the riceAmbilkan aku nasiKholis: Rikza, Can you help me? Rikza, dapatkah kamu membantuku?Rikza: Yes, with my pleasure, Ya, dengan senang hatiKholis: Please, Pass me the noodle Ambilin aku mieRikza: Help yourself Ambil sendiriKholis: Dont get me mad Jangan buat aku marahRikza: Calm down, Im just kidding Tenang, aku hanya bercanda kokKholis: Dont you know, how much is it? Tidakkah kamu tahu , harganya ini?Rikza: dont ask me, just ask the seller , please jangan tanya aku, tanya aja ke penjualnyaKholis: OK. This noodle is very delicious/tasty Ok. Mie ini benar-benar mantap/sedap (lezat)Rikza: Ehm..ehm, dont forget to pay for me Ehm.. ehm.. Jangan lupa bayarin aku www.zaenulwafa.blogspot.comSorry, I just have 1500 (One thousand and five hundreds)Maaf, aku hanya punya 1500Yuliana: Im starving Aku laper nihLika: me, too. How about going to Ngarjos stall? Aku juga, Gimana kalau pergi ke warung mbah Ngarjo?Yuliana: Thats good idea Itu ide yg bagusLika: What will you buy? Apa yg akan kamu beli?Yuliana: I will buy a glass of tea and fried banana Aku akan membeli segelas teh dan gedang gorengLika: How much money do you have? Berapa uang yg kamu punya?Yuliana: I just have 2000 (two thousands rupiah). Aku hanya punya 2000 rupiahLika: Its not enough, you need 500 (five hundreds rupiah) Itu nggak cukup, kamu perlu 500 rupiah lagiYuliana: Can I borrow your money? Bolehkah aku pinjem uangmu?Lika: Sorry, I just have 1500 (One thousand and five hundreds)Say hello to him(Sampaikan salamku buat dia)Agnes: What are you thinking? apa yg sedang kamu pikirkan?Sintia: Nothing Tidak adaAgnes: Dont lay to me Jangan bohong padakuSintia: Ok. Honestly, I love Thomas, look at him, he is very cool Ok, sejujurnya aku menyukai Thomas, lihat dia, dia benar-benar kerenAgnes: Are you falling in love? Apa kamu sedang jatuh cinta?Sintia: Yeah, like you see Yah, seperti yang kamu lihatAgnes: So, What can I do for you? Jadi, Apa yg bisa aku lakuin untuk mu?Sintia: right now, say hello to him Sekarang juga, sampaikan salamku ke diaAgnes: I think Its just puppy love Saya kira itu hanya cinta monyet

So do I Aku jugaAna: What day is today? Hari apa sekarang?Lutfi: Today is Tuesday Hari ini hari selasaAna: Whats subject right now? Pelajaran apa sekarang?Lutfi: Its Indonesian subject now Sekarang pelajaran bahasa IndonesiaAna: Does Indonesian teacher come? Apa guru bahasa Indonesia datang/hadir?Lutfi: I dont know, what is your favorite subject? Aku nggak tahu, Apa pelajaran kesukaanmu? Ana: I really love Arabic and Indonesian Aku sangat suka bahasa arab dan bahasa IndonesiaLutfi: So do I/me, too ( Informal ) Aku jugaWait for meTunggu akuFaidur: I wanna (want to) go to bathroom Aku ingin pergi ke kamar mandiFathul: Wait for me Tunggu akuFaidur: Make it faster please, Im bursting Cepetan, Aku kebelet nihFathul: Oh No, the bathroom is locked OhTidak, kamar mandinya terkunciFaidur: Who is inside? Siapa didalam?Fathul: No one answers, just open it Nggak ada orang yg jawab, buka ajaFaidur: Ok, I just wanna take a pee Ok, aku hanya mau kencing kokFathul: Dont take too long Jangan lama-lama You must be responsibleKamu harus bertanggung jawabFuani: Where is Malikah? Dimana Malikah?Mahasin: She is absent today Dia tidak masuk hari iniFuani: How about Fadilah? Bagaimana dengan Fadilah?Mahasin: She is sick Dia sedang sakitFuani: How about Andi? Bagaimana dengan Andi?Mahasin: I think he plays truant Saya kira dia membolosFuani: You must be responsible? Kamu harus bertanggung jawabMahasin: Responsible for what? Tanggung jawab untuk apa?Fuani: because you are our chief Karena kamu ketua kelas kitaMahasin: Ok, I will look for Andi Ok, saya akan mencari AndiShe always insults meDia selalu menghinakuMufid: What a shameful MemalukanLatifah: What are you saying? Ngomong apa sihMufid: dont be childish Jangan kekanak-kanakanEka: Who is childish? Siapa yg kekanak-kanakan?Mufid: You two, Why do you fight each other? Kalian berdua, mengapa kalian bertengkarEka: She always insults me Dia selalu menghinakuMufid: Stop fighting, you are friend, arent you? Berhenti bertengkar, kalian bersahabat bukan?

Emily: Welcome home, Dad. Selamat datang AyahDad: Oh, Emily. How are you today? Oh, Emily, Bagaimana kabarmu?Emily: Fine. BaikDad: Good. And how was school today? Bagus. Bagaimana dengan sekolahmu?Emily: Really fun. Sangat menyenangkanDad: Good. And what did you do? bagus, dan apa yg kamu lakukan?Emily: We made things. Saya membuat sesuatuDad: Like what types of things did you make? Seperti jenis apa yg kamu buatEmily: We made books. Kami membuat bukuDad: You made books! Okay, and what else? Kamu membuat buku. Ok, apa lagi?Emily: We . . . we made paper kangaroos. Kami . Kami membuat kanguru dr kertasDad: You made paper kangaroos? Okay, and what did you need to make your Kamu membuat kanguru dr kertas, dan apa yg kamu butuhkan untuk membuat paper kangaroos? What kind of supplies did you need? Emily: We used crayons, papers, glue, and we had to follow directions.Dad: Well good. And what did you do after school?Emily: We went home, played games.Dad: And did . . . Mom said you went to the junior high school.Emily: I rode my bike in the tennis court.Dad: Did you go by yourself?Emily: I went with the whole family, and we went with Nathan, Sara, Racheal.Dad: You went with your cousins.Emily: And my mom.Dad: Well, that's great. Well, let's get ready for dinner.Emily: Okay.Do you have hobby ?What is your hobby?Why do you like it?

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