Page 1: Lennox Primary - West Dunbartonshire Council · Lennox Primary is a non-denominational, ... At summer holiday time, ... Working together and sharing knowledge and ideas will greatly

Lennox Primary

Handbook 2016-2017

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Mission Statement 4

Introduction 5

Vision Statement 5

School Information 6

Teaching Staff 7

School Hours 8

School Holidays 9

Enrolment /Transition 10

School Aims 11-12

Curriculum 13 – 18

Religious Education 19

Assessment and Reporting 20

Homework 21

Equal Opportunities 22

Additional Support Needs 22

Parents in School 23

Attendance at School 24

Community 25-26

Extra-Curricular Activities 27

School Discipline / Supervision in Playgrounds 28

Uniform 29

Meals 30

Medical and Health Care 31

Information in Emergencies 32

Transfer – Primary to Secondary School 33

Data Protection Act 34

Useful Addresses 35

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Lennox Primary School


Bonhill G83 9PB

Tel 01389 773737

Email [email protected]

All local authority schools are

required by law to issue a copy of the

school handbook to certain parents in

December each year for their use as

appropriate. A copy of our school

handbook is also available online at




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Every person has the right to be educated in a climate in

which individuality is recognised and in which everyone feels

valued. We are committed to working in partnership with

you to provide education of the highest quality.


We will work together to ensure that everyone in our

community is valued and has the opportunity to learn for

life and to achieve their potential.


To enable everyone in West Dunbartonshire to become:

Successful Learners

Confident Individuals

Responsible Citizens

Effective Contributors

To achieve our vision, we will:

Create and deliver courses, activities and events which will

motivate and excite learners

Develop innovative ways to support learning

Value diversity, promote equal opportunities and foster


Promote partnership and community participation

Value achievement and celebrate success

Continually reflect on and aim to improve the quality of our


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Lennox Primary School

Dear Parents/Carers

It is a pleasure to welcome your child to Lennox Primary school. At Lennox Primary we

provide a welcoming nurturing and stimulating learning environment in which effective

learning and teaching promotes achievement and provides opportunity for all. We aim to work

in partnership with all parents/carers in order to ensure our children have the opportunity to

become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective


Lennox Primary is a new school, which opened in August 2015. We are proud of our new

uniform, badge and school name – all chosen by the previous two school communities.

Our vision is to ensure our children work together in partnership as a nurturing caring

community to foster and promote our values; Respect, Honesty, Tolerance, Perseverance and


We are currently developing our school grounds to create spaces to promote, outdoor

learning, STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and HWB ( Health and

Wellbeing) activities. We are also developing our school website at present.

If you require additional information, please get in touch. Do feel welcome to visit us,

although it is best to telephone first to make an appointment. We look forward to you and

your child joining our school community.

In the following pages you will find information covering the life and work of the school.

However, if you feel that there is anything further you would like to know or discuss please

feel free to call into the school or phone the school office on 01389 773737.

We look forward to getting to know you and your family.

Yours sincerely

Mary Begg ( HT)

Vision and Values

We will work together in partnership as a nurturing caring community to foster and promote







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Present Roll: 237

Current capacity: 429

Lennox Primary is a non-denominational, co-educational school which provides

education for children from P1 to P7.

We are very proud of our school which was opened in August 2015. The school was

built in 1976 and had major refurbishment in 2015 which will be completed in 2016

The school is designed on three levels with open learning areas and quiet rooms

allowing for flexibility and creativity in learning and teaching activities.

Playground facilities are such that P1 – P3 have their own playground with adult

supervision during interval and lunch breaks. P4 – P7, have use of their playground,

and use the grass football pitch. P4-P7 are also supervised during break times.

We have a very popular breakfast club every morning from 8.15am The cost is 35p

and 20p for those children who are in receipt of Free Meals or Clothing Grants.

We communicate regularly with parents through monthly newsletters, letters or

text messages and we arrange a variety of opportunities for parents to be

involved in the life of the school. We are also happy to arrange appointments to

discuss any aspect of your child’s education and wellbeing if this is required. We

will at times text parents with reminders of various events.

Parents can find a range of council policies and other relevant information about

schools on the council website,


About Lennox Primary School

Parents should note that the

working capacity of the school

may vary dependent upon the

number of pupils at each stage,

and the way in which the classes

are organised.

Lennox Primary School

Tel No 01389 773737 Fax No 01389 720958 Email [email protected]

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Lennox Primary School


Head Teacher Mrs M Begg

Depute Head Miss C Gilchrist

(Tues, Wed & Thurs)

Mrs S Clarke (Mon, Fri)

Principal Teacher Mrs J Williams

Other Teaching Staff

Primary 1 Mrs H Hay

Primary 1/2 Mrs C Thompson

Primary 2 Mrs C MacKinlay

Primary 3 Mrs McQuire / Mrs S Sheilds

Primary 3/4 Mrs L Kielbasiewicz

Primary 4 Mrs L McKenzie/ Mrs S Clarke

Primary 5 Mr S Mowatt

Primary 5/6 Miss O Maitz

Primary 6 Mrs S McDermid

Primary 7 Mrs Mrs K Brooks/Mrs S Sheilds

Learning Support Mrs H McColgan

Clerical Assistants Mrs B Hillis

Mrs M Farquar

Learning Assistants

Mrs A Buckley Mrs L Gourlay

Mrs J McLelland Mrs F Marshall

Mrs C Middleton Mrs A Proudlock

Mrs L Sanderson

Facilities Assistant Mr H Nolan

Facilities Assistant Miss A Stewart

Cleaning Staff Mrs L Douglas

Miss C Campbell

Mr D Connaghan

Catering Manager Mrs S Lockhart

Catering Assistants

Miss A Stewart Mrs M Cairns

Mrs A Hawkins Mrs I Milligan

Mrs C Blair

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School Begins 9.00 am

Morning Interval 10.30am – 10.45am

Lunch Break 12.15pm – 1.00 pm

School Closes 3.00 pm

*Primary 1 pupils attend in the morning only until the Monday 26th August.

Primary 1 will enjoy a full day of school from Monday 29th August.

At Christmas and Easter holiday periods, school will normally dismiss at 2.30 pm on the final day of school. At summer holiday time, school will normally dismiss at 1.00 pm on the final day of school. (Please note – pupils are not permitted to leave at 12.15 pm on the final day of school).


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Teachers Return Wednesday 17 August 2016

Pupils Return Friday 19 August 2016

Local Holiday Friday 23 September 2016 Monday 26 September 2016

School Closes Thursday 13 October 2016

School Opens Monday 24 October 2016

School Closes Friday 23 December 2016

School Opens Monday 9 January 2017

School Closes Thursday 2 February 2017

School Opens Wednesday 8 February 2017

School Closes Thursday 24 March 2017

School Opens Tuesday 29 March 2017

School Closes Friday 31 March2017

School Opens Monday 17 April 2017

Local May Holiday Monday 1 May 2017 School Closes (May Weekend) Thursday 25 May 2017 School Opens Tuesday 30 May 2017

School Closes Friday 30 June 2017

Pupils return again Friday 19 August 2017

Teacher In-service days 2016 -2017

17 August 2016; 18 August 2016; 14 October 2016;

5 February 2017; and 4 May 2017

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All children who live in the catchment area

of Lennox primary School and born

between (March 2011 and 29th February

2012) must register for education at this

school. A placing request can be made to

another school if desired. Parents are most

welcome to visit the school by phoning the

school office on 01389 773737.

New Entrants (that is, children who will be

starting Primary 1 in August 2016) will be

registered in January 2016. Details of the

exact dates can be found at the local

nursery school, by contacting the school,

or by checking local newspapers. When you

have decided to enrol your child/children

at our school, your child will be invited to

come along to school for transition

experiences. There will be a meeting in

May/June for parents whilst children

spend time with their teacher.

Meetings and workshops will also take

place once the children have started

school. Parents will then be given the

opportunity to become familiar activities

and learning that their children experience

in Primary 1.

Enrolment and Transition

from Early Years to

Primary School

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To provide a happy, safe and stimulating school environment, where all pupils

and staff feel equally valued and respected

To develop skills and confidence in all areas of the curriculum allowing children

to develop skills for learning, life and work.

To develop critical thinking skills across the curriculum.

To provide our pupils with learning experiences that will foster our values.

To ensure our children’s learning experienced in school allow them to become





Parents can play a vital role in helping us to achieve these aims. Through your help, interest and support we can make your child’s education a joint venture. Working together and sharing knowledge and ideas will greatly help your child in all aspects of their learning process and general development.

Educational Aims Of Lennox Primary School

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Improvement Planning

School Improvement planning allows schools to review their practice and determine

areas for improvement.

At Lennox Primary School our current areas for improvement are:

Raising Attainment:


Reciprocal Reading


Assessment and Moderation


Developing the Young Workforce

Languages 1 + 2

Self Evaluation

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Our rationale for building the curriculum at Lennox Primary School

reflects our aims, vision, values and the Curriculum Policies advocated by

West Dunbartonshire Council’s Department of Educational Services. It

also reflects the National Guidance issued by the Scottish Government

and is based on Curriculum for Excellence.

The curriculum areas are defined as:

Literacy & English,Languages1+2

Numeracy & Mathematics


Social studies


Expressive arts

Health and wellbeing

Religious and moral education

Curriculum for Excellence allows learning and teaching to be creative, enable

professionals to work together across the school and with other schools, to

share best practice and explore learning together. Children are exposed to

learning and teaching experiences and outcomes in all areas of the curriculum.

These outcomes are grouped into levels with an approximate age range.

Early Level Pre school and P1

First Level To the end of P4 but earlier for some children

Second Level To the end of P7 but earlier for some children

Third Level To the end of S3 but earlier for some.

Children learn by individual, group, co-operative, active and class teaching


The Curriculum

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This aspect of the curriculum is divided into

four main areas Reading, Writing, Talking and



In the infant stages the teaching of reading is

based on a successful and carefully structured

phonic programme that enables children to

decode unfamiliar words. Visual word

recognition of the most familiar words also

helps young children to read fluently. Children

are encouraged to question as they read and

discuss content.

Our pupils are taught to apply their reading

skills (to help with their learning across the

curriculum) and are encouraged to read for

their own pleasure and recreation. We have a

large library of both non-fiction and fiction to

cover all stages. A wide range of reading text

is used to develop reading skills.

Across the authority pupils are now being

taught a different approach to improve their

reading comprehension. This approach is called

Reciprocal Teaching within reading. This

approach lets pupils clarify, summarise, predict

and question.

Pupils who require additional input to help with

their progress in reading are given support to

help development in this area.

We also have regular peer tutoring

for pupils who need a little extra help.

The importance of parents

reading with their children cannot be over



From primary 1 onwards the children are

taught how to write a range of functional

texts such as instructions, reports, and

explanations. These are often linked to

other areas of the curriculum, for example

science or social subjects. Personal and

imaginative writing in the form of stories

and poems allows children to extend and

enrich their vocabulary, express ideas

clearly and creatively. In order to develop

their written communication spelling,

punctuation, grammar and handwriting are

taught regularly and systematically.

Children are taught to appreciate the

importance of accuracy and neat


Listening & Talking

Our children are encouraged at the earliest

opportunity to listen and concentrate, to

show confidence in discussions and are

given regular opportunities to develop their

ability to reason through talk and express

themselves effectively.

Languages 1+2

For most of our children English is their

first language. French is now being

introduced to pupils in P1-7 as the second

language. It is expected that pupils will

gradually increase their confidence and

competence in the French language.

German will be their 3rd Language and

taught to P5 - P7 pupils.

Literacy & English Reading Writing Talking Listening

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We provide a programme of learning

which is based on a practical approach to

Mathematics and focused on meaningful


The children work in a wide range of

learning situations which fall into four

main areas:

Number, money and measure;

Information handling;

Shape position and movement;

Problem solving

Each area within the mathematics

curriculum is developed throughout all

stages of our school, and is closely

matched to the experiences and

outcomes outlined in the curriculum

for excellence guidelines.

To provide a structured and balanced

approach to the teaching and learning

of Mathematics we use the published

schemes of Scottish Heinemann

Mathematics and Tee-Jay

Mathematics and have a structured

mental maths programme.

Problem Solving, Strategies are

taught and reinforced at all stages.

We have links with the Mathematics

Department of our local Secondary


The development of our pupils’

knowledge and understanding of

Mathematics is enhanced by providing

learning experiences in context, when

appropriate and within relevant areas

of the curriculum.

Calculators and computers enhance

their mathematical learning


Numeracy & Mathematics

Number Money & Measure


Information Handling

Problem Solving

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Social Subjects, Sciences and

Technologies We aim to provide a balanced programme of

learning through which skills, concepts and

knowledge are developed.

Engaging in social subjects allows children to

develop an understanding of their world by

learning about other people, their values and

cultures, in different times, places,

circumstances and how their environment has

been shaped.

Every class studies several topics per year

using an ‘Interdisciplinary’ approach. This

means that learning is planned and drawn from

a variety of sources. Interdisciplinary Learning

Topics enable the children to further develop

skills and deepen knowledge linked with other

areas of the curriculum such as Mathematics;

Language and Expressive Arts.

We like to take the children out of school as

often as possible to enrich their learning by

visiting museums, local attractions etc. We also

like to involve partner agencies and members of

the community by inviting them into the school

to work with the children.

Sciences include study in

Learning through science enables children to

investigate their environment, develop an

understanding of scientific skills and context

while recognising the impact science has on our


The use of ICT is an integral part of

education. To participate fully in modern

society children need to be skilled and

knowledgeable users of technology as well

as be able to assess its impact in society.

Our pupils are also provided with

opportunities to use construction materials

to help with aspects of Technology. We

hope to be adding to our technology

resources in the near future.


Providing learning experiences in Science,

Technology, Engineering and Maths is a

priority locally and nationally. We provide

rich opportunities for children to develop

skills in these areas.

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Expressive Arts

Expressive arts include Art & Design, Drama, Dance and Music. Through

the expressive arts programme children are given a variety of

opportunities to learn creative skills to express themselves imaginatively

in different ways. Expressive arts can also be a forum for children to

bring enjoyment and entertainment to others through shows, concerts

and assemblies.

Many activities within Expressive Arts are integrated within our

interdisciplinary learning topics to provide a meaningful context within

which the pupils can practise and develop their skills.

To complement our expressive arts curriculum our children enjoy visits to

the school by musicians, theatre groups and music motivators.

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Physical Education, Physical Activity

and Sport

Our pupils enjoy two hours of PE per

week. Our PE programme includes a range

of physical activity, sport and fitness

opportunities. We have support from the

sports development team and active

schools both in the curriculum programme

and for some extra curricular clubs after


Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical


We provide a range of experiences for

our pupils to support with their personal

and social development. This will equip

them to make informed decisions and

choices in their lifestyle. The ethos of

the school aims to ensure every child

feels safe, respected, nurtured and


Relationships, Sexual Health and


We have a structured programme in place

for our pupils based around a curriculum

pack provided by the local authority in

partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow

and Clyde. We arrange for parent

workshops each year around the main

content of the curriculum pack.

Substance Misuse

Pupils learn about a range of issues

relating to substance misuse. They learn

about the risks and danger to their own

personal safety and their general health

and wellbeing.

All aspects of our health and wellbeing

curriculum are age and stage appropriate

for the pupils.

Food and Health

Pupils learn about a variety of food

related issues, from growing vegetables

in the school garden to what kinds of

food provide them with a balanced diet.

Pupils are also involved in making a range

of food and drink products such as fruit

smoothies, healthy snacks and baking.

This is done through our interdisciplinary

learning topics and with our school cook.

Planning for choices, planning for


Our pupils are equipped with the

knowledge and information that helps

them make informed decisions at the

right time. New P1 pupils are supported

as they start school life, and our P7 pupils

are well prepared by a sound transition

into first year at secondary school.

Health and Wellbeing

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It is through our programme of

RME that we teach tolerance and


Moral, personal and social

education also form a very

important part of the daily life

within the school. Children are

actively encouraged to show

consideration for each other and

to develop responsible


All stages participate in weekly

assembly in the school hall.

Our end of term assemblies

are open to all parents and

members of the community

who are welcome to join with


Parents may exercise their

legal right to withdraw their

child/children from religious

education or services and

should inform the Head

Teacher if they wish

alternative arrangements to be


Parents from ethnic minority

religious communities may

request that their children be

permitted to be absent from

school in order to celebrate

recognised religious events.

Only written requests detailing

the proposed arrangements will

be considered. Appropriate

requests will be granted on not

more than three occasions in

any one school session and the

pupil noted as an authorised

absentee in the register.

Religious and Moral


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Pupil progress is continually monitored by the

class teacher and Head Teacher using a wide

variety of methods. Continuous assessment is

carried out by the class teachers in their day

to day work with the children. By doing this we

are able to provide programmes of learning

which are suited to each child’s stage of

development in key areas of the curriculum,

and to take account of their needs when

planning for other activities.

Evidence is collected for each individual pupil

and a record for reading & phonics and for

mathematics is kept. Samples of children’s

written work is assessed and kept as part of a

writing folder to help us monitor progression in

writing skills.

Diagnostic tests are in use for Language to

assist in pinpointing specific reading strengths

/areas for improvement.

All schools in West Dunbartonshire Council

have a staged intervention process for

identifying pupils with support needs. Some

pupils have support plans to help them with

particular aspects of their learning. Parents

will always be informed about this and will be

invited to discuss key aspects of their child’s

plan on a regular basis. Information is available

about additional support on the council website

and it is also available on the parent notice-


Parents are welcome to make an

appointment at any time during

the school session to discuss their child’s

progress with the class teacher or with the

Head Teacher.

Parent Interview Afternoons / Evenings are

provided during the school year at which

parents will be given an allocated

appointment time with class teachers.

These meetings take place around

November and March of each year.

Appointments for families with more than

one child are allocated to make it as easy as

possible for you to attend. We encourage

children to attend parents’ evening with

their parent as they have a key role in

discussing their learning and next steps.

Parents are encouraged to come along and

view their child’s work and to discuss any

relevant matters with class teachers.

Each parent will also be provided with an

end of year report on their child’s progress.

These are issued before the March

meeting to allow any points arising from the

report to be raised. In West

Dunbartonshire reporting to parents take

the form of parent/teacher open evenings;

with reports, sharing learning by pupils to

parents and sometimes interim written

reports. Pupils in P1-P7 have a learning log

that captures their learning and

achievements.P7 learning logs/profiles are

passed on to secondary school

Level Stage

Early The pre-school years and P1, or later for some

First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some Third and Fourth To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some Senior Phase S4 to S6 and college or other means of study

Assessment Profiling & Reporting

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Homework is given to reinforce

and enhance aspects of Language,

Mathematics and

Interdisciplinary Learning.

We encourage parents to

participate in the learning

process by spending a short time

four evenings per week (work is

normally given to pupils from

Monday to Thursday.

The suggested time spent on

homework activities will vary

according to the age of your

child. Younger children are likely

to spend around 10 – 15 minutes

on their homework, while older

children should take between 20 –

30 minutes. Pupils would not

normally be expected to spend

more than around 30 minutes on a

homework exercise.

If the question of homework is

causing concern, or you would

like to know how best to help

your child, please contact the

school for advice.

Activities which you can do

with your child may be things

like reading together, playing

games, letting them show you

new sums they have learned or

simply encouraging your child

to talk about their day at



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All members of our school community are

treated equally. Every child is given equal

opportunity to access the curriculum to

learn skills and develop talents. The ideal

that both in school and throughout life,

boys and girls have an equal right of

opportunity is strongly fostered. All staff

have a responsibility to ensure the council’s

Equal Opportunities Policy is followed.

Additional Support Needs

Schools are required by law to

ensure they are providing for

children and young people who

require additional help with their


There may be a time during a

child’s education when they have

trouble with a particular aspect of

the curriculum, eg reading or

mathematics. When this occurs,

the class teacher will provide an

individualised learning programme

which is suited to their needs.

Lennox Primary has a teacher

responsible for Support for

Learning and we also receive some

additional input from the central

Support Team. The school has

input from Psychological Services

who can, if required, make further

assessments to help in profiling

the nature of specific learning


All our pupils are entitled to

personal support to enable them

to gain as much as possible from

the education we provide.

Permission must be obtained from parents

or guardians before any child is referred to

the psychologist. The education of your

child is best achieved through a partnership

between home, school, and where necessary

outside agencies. We feel it is important

for us to inform parents as early as possible

if we feel their child is having difficulty.

We hope that with your support we can do

our best to help your child. Please

remember you may call at any time if you

have any worries concerning your child.

In Lennox Primary School we aim to get it

right for every child (GIRFEC). Further

information is available from




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From the earliest opportunity, parents

are encouraged to become involved in

the daily life of the school. There are

many events during the school year to

which parents are invited e.g. sports

events, concerts, services open

afternoon, topic celebrations.

Newsletters are sent home regularly to

keep parents up to date with the busy

life of the school. In addition you may

receive text messages as an occasional

reminder of specific events and our

website is regularly updated.

Parents’ Evenings to discuss the

progress of individual children are held

twice a year and are always well


Our Pupil and Family Support worker,

Ms Norma Wightman who is based in

Vale of Leven Academy, also supports

our home/school partnership.

Parents are encouraged to help by

supporting the activities and events

organised by the Parent Council “Friend

of Lennox Primary”.

Details of who to contact are on our

address page at the back the school


It is by co-operating with each

other and sharing information that

your child will gain full advantage

during their years at school.

Apart from the various types of

parents’ meetings arranged by the

school, it is hoped that parents will

feel welcome to visit at any time. It

is helpful for the smooth running of

the school if parents who wish to

speak to their child’s teacher or to

the Head Teacher arrange a

suitable time and date beforehand.

Parents in school

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Section 30 of the 1980 Education Act

lays a duty on every parent of a child

of ‘school age’ to ensure that their

child attends school regularly.

Parents are requested to let us know if

their child is going to be absent from

school and to give them a note

explaining the reason for the absence

when they return to school. If a child

is to be absent for a long time we would

be grateful if you would let us know as

soon as possible.

The Policies for Parents document

“Achievement Through Attendance”,

available to all parents from the school,

and from the council website, outlines

the importance of good attendance. If

your child does not arrive at school in

the morning and we have not heard

from you, we will make every effort to

get in touch. If we are unable to make

contact, we may ask our pupil and

family support worker to visit your

home. Please understand our

responsibility for the welfare of our

pupils requires us to do this.

During the school year parents may

wish their child to leave school

during school hours for medical or

dental appointments. Parents are

requested to call at the school to

collect their child. Children are not

allowed to leave the school premises

unless accompanied by an adult.

Every effort should be made to

avoid family holidays during term

time as this disrupts both the

child’s education and reduces

learning time. Parents should

inform the school by letter before

going on holiday of the dates. The

Scottish Government has issued

guidance to schools that family

holidays taken during term time

should be categorised as an

‘unauthorised absence’.

Parents may request that their

children be permitted to be absent

from school to make an extended

visit to relatives. Only written

requests detailing the destination,

the duration and the provision that

will be made for their continuing

education will be granted and the

pupil noted as an authorised absence

in register. Clearly with no

explanation from the parent, the

absence is unauthorised.

Attendance at School

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As the school is part of the local

community. We have close links with

local Early Education and Childcare

Centres (EECC), our partner primary

schools and VOLA.

We have staff from local support

services in to speak about Road Safety,

Firework Safety, dental care etc.

The Parent Council hold regular

meetings to plan and organise events.

Local Learning Communities

All educational establishments within

West Dunbartonshire Council are

members of a Local Learning Community

(LLC). These LLC’s are made up of one

secondary school and its associated

primary schools and include a number of

Early Education and Childcare Centres

and Partnership Nurseries. Lennox

Primary is a member of the VOLA Local

Learning Community.

The five Learning Communities in West

Dunbartonshire have been established

as part of West Dunbartonshire’s

educational improvement strategy. This

strategy has a clear focus to raise

educational aspirations, achievement and

attainment of all pupils while improving

the skills and knowledge of all staff

involved in the education of children and

young people.

Mrs Begg represents Lennox Primary

School on the VOLA LLC; however other

members of staff may attend meetings

in support of improvement work. The

VOLA LLC is led by Laura Mason, Head

of Education Services who is assisted by

Julie McGrogan Service Manager

(Educational Development).

Updates on the work of the LLC’s will be

made available through parent council

meetings and through Standards and

Quality reporting.

School and the


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Pupil Groups

Through participation on a number of pupil led groups our children develop the skills

to enable them to become confident individual, effective contributors, successful learners and responsible citizens.

Pupil Council


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After school activities vary from

year to year and may include

Active Sports professional

coaches providing football,

athletics, mini mover sessions,

choir and science club etc.


P7 pupils attend a Residential

Excursion, this year travelling to

Ardentinny Outdoor Centre in

March. Here they will have the

opportunity to take part in

activities such as kayaking,

orienteering, hill-walking and

environmental studies.

Our school is always interested

in inviting parents to assist in

extra curricular activities and

we would welcome any offers

of help which you would be able

to provide.

Extra Curricular


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To enable our pupils to benefit fully from

their time at school it is extremely

important that a high standard of

acceptable behaviour is achieved.

The school promotes a POSITIVE

discipline policy which rewards good

behaviour as well as dealing with the

unacceptable. We know that children

respond to praise and encouragement no

matter what year they are in.

Clear expectations of behaviour are set

for our children and these are discussed

regularly both in class and at assemblies.

The school has an anti-bullying policy which

is based on the principles outlined in West

Dunbartonshire Council’s anti-bullying


Bullying is seen as an important issue for

all staff, parents and children in school.

The effect of bullying cannot be

underestimated, not only on the child being

bullied, but also but also on the bully and

the rest of the school. We will not accept

bullying in school and incidents will be dealt

with as a matter of urgency. The school

anti-bullying policy is based on three basic

rules for children:

1. Do not hit back

2. Walk away

3. Tell an adult

All the children are made aware of these

three rules and are reminded of the

importance of them in school.

This will often be done in Health

Education, PSD work and at assemblies

where zero tolerance to bullying is

regularly visited.

There are clear procedures for reporting

incidents of bullying. Copies of the school

policy can be provided on request.

a number of strategies.

If you have an individual complaint

about a school matter we would call

upon parents to raise these directly

with the school or through the

Council's complaints process.

House System

On entry to school children are placed

in one of four ‘houses’ – Lomond,

Lancraigs, Leven and Luss. When a child

displays good citizenship e.g good

manners, attentive listening, acts of

kindness towards others etc, they are

rewarded with a crystal. Twice a year

the house with the largest number of

crystals receives a special ‘treat’.

Star Pupil Awards

Once a fortnight a child from each

class is chosen as star pupil.

Supervision in Playgrounds

At Lennox Primary we aim to provide a

safe play area for our pupils and to

ensure that they conduct themselves in

a well- disciplined way.

An adult presence is provided in

playgrounds at break times in terms of

the schools Safety and Supervision of

Pupils (Scotland) Regulations, 1990.

Promotion of Positive

Relationships and Discipline

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School Uniform

Given that there is substantial parental and public approval of uniform, schools in

West Dunbartonshire Council strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform. The

wearing of school uniform helps promote the identity of the school in the local

community and helps create an ethos of sharing and pride in the school.

There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as

items of clothing which:

Potentially encourage faction (such as football colours)

Could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political


Could cause health & safety difficulties (such as loose fitting clothing

or body piercings/jewellery for PE and sport)

Are made from flammable material (for example, shell suits in

practical classes)

Could cause damage to flooring

Carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco could be used to

inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do so.

Lennox Primary Lennox Primary School uniform is:

White Shirt/Blouse

Lennox Tartan Tie

Purple Jumper/Cardigan with School badge

White Polo Shirt with school badge

Purple Sweatshirt with school badge

Grey trousers/skirt to complete the outfit.

Lennox tartan kilt, pinafore.

Grey blazer with purple trim and school badge.

Purple waterproof jacket with school badge

Parents are also asked to supply shorts, T shirt and gym shoes for PE.

Clothing and Footwear Grants Some pupils may be eligible for a clothing grant. Parents can ask at the school office or they can access information on the council website,

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Our school operates a lunch

service which supplies a variety

of healthy meals and snacks.

Copies of the menu are available

from the council website.

All pupils in P1 – P3 are entitled

to free meals.

Children in P4 – P7 may be

entitled to free school meals

and parents can ask at the

school office or they can access

the information on the council




Only those children whose

parents receive income support

are entitled to free milk at

lunch time.

Seating facilities are available

within the dining hall for those

pupils who bring a packed lunch

to school.

We also request that, in the

interests of safety, children

are provided with non-

breakable containers for

drinks, and that no drinks in

cans be brought to school.

If your child requires a special

diet for medical reasons,

written request and a letter

from your child’s doctor is

required for catering staff in

order for specific dietary

requirements to be adhered to

this can be provided if notice

is given.

Lennox Primary is a nut free


School Meals

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Health Care West Dunbartonshire Council has strict

guidelines and policy on the

administration of medicines. Consent

and information must be given if

medicine is to be administered in

school. In school we have a member of

staff who is qualified to administer

first aid to assist with minor injuries

and accidents.

Parents of children requiring long or

Short-term medication during school

hours should contact the Head


Medication cannot be administered

without written details. A form is

available for this purpose. All

medication must be handed to the

School Office and staff will dispense it

at the appropriate times. Parents are

also asked to give written details of

any medical condition which may affect

the education of their child and also

keep the school updated.

If a child takes ill during school time,

he/she may require to be sent home.

It is necessary in these circumstances

for an adult to call at the school as no

pupil will be allowed home without an

adult to supervise them.

We ask parents to update school

emergency contact details on a regular

basis to help us on those occasions

when we may have to get in touch.

The school nursing service is involved

with all aspects of health screening

and helps with health education.

Hearing, vision and dental checks are

also carried out throughout the year.

P1 and P2 take part in a tooth brushing

programme. The school nurse is also

available to help, advise and guide

parents with individual concerns over

pupils health and wellbeing. Please get

in touch if you would like us to arrange

an appointment with the school nurse.

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We make every effort to maintain a

full educational service, but on some

occasions circumstances arise which

lead to disruption. Schools may be

affected by, for example, severe

weather, temporary interruption of

transport, power failures or

difficulties of fuel supply.

In such cases we shall do all we can to

let you know about the details of

closure or re-opening. We will inform

you by telephone and text. We shall

keep you in touch by using letters,

notices in local shops and community

centres, announcements in local

churches and announcements in the

press and on local radio. You will also

be able to access up to date

information from the council website,

The council operates a helpline in

emergencies, details will be made

available when this happens.








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Pupils normally move to secondary school at the end of pf primary where

they will have the opportunity to complete at least four years of

secondary education.

Parents will be informed of the arrangements by December of the year

preceding the date of transition.

P 6 & P7 pupils attend the Academy for induction visits in the summer term.

Secondary staff also visit and work with the P7 pupils, getting to know the

children in advance.

The Pupil and Family Support worker, Ms Norma Wightman is an integral part

of this process, carrying an in depth knowledge of pupils in terms of pastoral

care. Positive, constructive liaison between the cluster schools is a major


Transfer from Primary

To Secondary

The school to which our pupils

normally transfer is:

Vale of Leven Academy

Main Street


G83 0BH

Tel: 01389 777000


Page 34: Lennox Primary - West Dunbartonshire Council · Lennox Primary is a non-denominational, ... At summer holiday time, ... Working together and sharing knowledge and ideas will greatly


Information on pupils, parents and

guardians is stored on a computer

system and may be used for

teaching, registration, assessment

and other administrative duties.

The information is protected by the

Data Protection Act 1984 and may

only be disclosed in accordance with

the Codes of Practice.

For further information please

contact the school.

Data Protection

Act 1984

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G82 3PU

TEL: 01389 737000






G82 3PU

TEL: 01389 737000





TEL: 07825 20165247





G82 5BN

Tel: 01389 608072



Although this information is correct at time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the

matters dealt with in the handbook

before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question,

in relation to subsequent school years

Useful Addresses

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