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How the Sausage is Made: The Ways a Bill Really Becomes Law in


Katherine Barillas, MSW, Ph.D.Director of Child Welfare Policy

One Voice Texas

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It’s Not as Simple as it Looks

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The Hard Earned 13%

Filed Passed Vetoed 0










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The Build Up

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Politics & Pre-filing

Primary Elections – March 2012 General Elections – November 2012

Pre-Filing begins

Lower the #

Higher chance

of success

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Bill is Filed

Identify Problem

Interim Charges

Late Sept/Early Oct 2013

Vetting Issues

StakeholdersPolicy &

White Papers

Approach Legislators (authors & sponsors)

October 2013

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Session Starts January 2013

Committees assigned (late January)

Early March (60 days in) – deadline for filing most bills

May: Deadlines for committees to report bills

(earlier for House than Senate) Last day to distribute calendars Last day to consider bills on 2nd and 3rd


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Companion Bills

Double the chance of success &

Double the work

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Committee Hearing

Check on


Preparation of

material &


Meet with

members & clerk

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Results of Committee Hearing

Bill reported favorably Send thank you emails to staff and other supporters Follow up with organizations that opposed

Bill left pending Visit with staff to see if members have questions See if author wants to call a desk vote

No vote Motion to reconsider by majority of chamber

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Calendar Committee

Meet with members of committee

Put in a card & get others to do so

Check in with clerk to see if there is a hold

If on LoCo (Local & Uncontested) check-in with members of committee

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Set for the Floor

Hit key members

Be available for questions & possible last minute amendments

If necessary strategize working the whole chamber 150 members of the House 31 members of the Senate

2nd reading – amended by majority vote 3rd reading – amended by 2/3 vote

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Repeat the process in the opposite chamber

Meet with committee members and clerk

Gather witnesses and amend testimony


Bill placed on Intent Calendar (Senate) Notation of Local & Uncontested

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The legislation will be returned to the

House where they will have to concur or call a conference committee

Your job is to ensure author and others are agreeable to amendments

Amendments in the Opposite Chamber

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Bill enrolled (passed by both chambers

and ready for signature) Signed by Lt. Governor and Speaker

Let things ride at this point unless you are aware of concerns from the Governor’s



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Breath of Relief

June 2013 – last day for Governor to sign or veto

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But…Work is Not Over

Send thank you letters to authors, sponsors and committee members

Connect with agency staff to inform rulemaking

Work with stakeholders to implement

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How the Sausage is Made: The Ways a Bill Really Becomes Law in


RelationshipsTrust & expertiseKnow the processHustle What you don’t think will happen – will happen

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