  • 7/28/2019 Legacy of Dr Asghar Ali Engineer



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    A storm has destroyed everything in my life. I am not even beginning to come to terms

    with the loss in my life. Death, like storm, is in Gods hand and you are so helpless.

    Never knew that death would snatch my very loving father Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer from

    us. I was not prepared yet for this colossal loss! But let me remember what he has

    bequeathed to me. My sister Seema rightly told a reporter that our father wanted us to

    inherit his legacy equally legacy of his teachings. In the lull after the storm I am trying

    to reflect on his legacy to gather some pieces of my inheritance.

    What is the legacy that I have inherited from my father?

    The discipline and the punishing schedule that he followed.1.

    He never budged from his daily routine which included morning walks to maintain his

    health; working from morning 8:00 am till 10 pm in the night with a small nap in the

    afternoon until he was hospitalized on 13th February; divided his day into four segments

    administrative work, responding to e-mails, reading and writing, and followed the timeschedule meticulously. Office staff was not allowed to violate. Visitors from outside city

    would be entertained even in violation of the time distribution, but visitors from within

    city were requested to seek appointment, but even then he would be considerate if they

    came from far. Even on Sundays and holidays, the schedule would hold for him and even


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    if he had to sit in the office alone. Sunday evenings sometimes was a time for a little

    stroll or a drive. Frequent travels deprived us, his family members, from his company.

    However, he did not distinguish between the groups that invited him. His commitment

    once given, he would honour it even if later some more important invitations arrived on

    his table. Even his ill health would not force him to change his mind. He has conducted

    his peace and conflict resolution workshops when sick. This discipline and long day

    enabled him to contribute so much to the world but perhaps contributed to shorten his

    life. How organized and disciplined can we be?

    (2) Nothing except the values of justice, equality, love, dignity, and diversity were sacred

    for him. No rituals and no traditions and no cultures. Cultures were only media through

    which humans made a sense of the world. All cultures, all faiths were to be respected.

    Except the values, everything else should be subjected rational scrutiny and reformed,

    reinterpreted, re-understood and refashioned to serve the sacred values. His lifelong

    search for truth knew no limitations and was checked by no sacred symbols, rituals,

    traditions, language or culture. Truth could be achieved only through relentless and

    fearless pursuit. No cost was high enough to attend truth. Truth required only an honest

    inner search dictated by conscience. He paid a price for his search of truth - transferred

    often and promotions delayed when in service of Bombay Municipal Corporation as a

    civil engineer for his honesty and for leading Engineers Association, took voluntaryretirement to work full time for the cause, suffering great loss of income, socially

    boycotted by Syednas establishment which meant being cut off from his mother, brother,

    sister and other near and dear ones, his house and office was attacked and completely

    destroyed by Syednas fanatical followers in February 2000, was physically attacked 6

    times by Syednas fanatical followers with sharp weapons in order to kill him, often

    abused and threatened, but nothing deterred him from his search for truth and no sacrifice

    was too high a price to be paid for his principles. How honest and relentless can we be in

    our search for truth?

    (3) If one realized any dimension of truth, it should be shared with people and without

    fear of consequences and in language that people understand. He often told me that the

    difference between a prophet and philosopher was that prophet communicated his

    message in language that people could easily understand whereas often philosophers

    spoke in language comprehensible only to a privileged few. The latter make careers, the

    former bring about social change and leave a lasting impact and legacy. As an activist

    scholar, Engineer always talked in simple understandable language through his writings

    and oratories. He consciously chose that! He had begun writing in academic language

    initially, but soon checked himself, for he wanted to work for social change! How

    passionate can we be in our quest for social change? Will we walk the talk?

    (4) Dr. Engineer often said that search for freedom required enabling environment. It

    required freedom and democracy and free dialogue. Three Ds, he would say

    Democracy, Dialogue and Diversity. All were necessary for honest understanding andknowing each other and more facets of truth in all its complexity. One had to be a patient

    listener and open minded before we strive for truth. The differences between two

    individuals and two or more groups can be made a bridge to reach out each other and to

    enrich everyones understanding through dialogue with those with whom one had


    Diversity was important as different cultures represent different systems of meaning and

    visions of good life. Since each realizes a limited range of human capacities and

    emotions and grasps only a part of the totality of human existence, it needs other cultures

    to help it understand itself better, expand its intellectual and moral horizon, stretch its

    imagination, save it from narcissism to guard it against the obvious temptation toabsolutize itself, and so on. This does not mean that one cannot lead a good life within

    ones own culture, but rather that, other things being equal, ones way of life is likely to

    be richer if one also enjoys access to others, and that a culturally self-contained life is

    virtually impossible for most human beings in the modern, mobile and interdependent


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    world. No culture is wholly worthless, that it deserves at least some respect because of

    what it means to its members and the creative energy it displays, that no culture is perfect

    and has a right to impose itself on others, and that cultures are best changed from within.

    (5) For a person who has realized truth, it was absolutely necessary to be humble. More

    than anything, Dr. Engineer was a very very humble human being. While returning home

    from office (when he could walk home), often he would be stopped on road by a stranger

    and the insignificant stranger would discuss or ask his doubts and even argue with

    Engineer on various issues. He would passionately argue with the stranger his opinionsfor, sometimes, hours. My leg would ache standing with him but until the stranger was

    fully satisfied or decided to quit, Dr. Engineer would passionately keep discussing with

    him. Later when I would inquire why he invested so much time, he would reply,

    everyone was important. He was highly approachable and anybody could contact him

    anytime of the day and night with their queries. He would reply to abusive e-mails, and

    he could patiently reason with every opponent. His humility influenced even the most

    indoctrinated cadre who passionately opposed his views. His patience in arguing with

    them and making them see reason was remarkable. No case was beyond redemption for

    him. Each human being could be made to see reason and convert her to be justice and

    peace worker. Humility was very natural for him and was the other side of coin of truth,

    but it was also his tool to win over worst opponent! He has conducted his peaceworkshops in challenging conditions that the organizers can afford. Sometimes in

    conditions that would appall any decent person. People were important to him and not

    luxuries and comfortable situations. He would easily trust people and particularly those

    who were needy. Compassion for those needy, suffering and victims of injustice was an

    important value for him which he followed lifelong.

    (6) Peace with justice was another value to which Dr. Engineer was absolutely committed

    to. There could be no peace without justice and justice meant not only restorative justice

    where violators of ones rights were brought to justice and punished and the victims had

    the right to reparations. Justice for him also meant distributive justice where class based

    inequalities were not tolerated. In order to work for peace, he studied communal conflicts

    in depth and understood the roots of the conflict were in economic, social and political

    inequalities. He wrote extensively on major communal conflicts and explained that

    though religion was used as a tool to promote conflicts, religion was not the root cause of

    the conflicts. The real nature of conflict was competition between elite to control socio-

    economic institutions, including the state and establish ones hegemony over the other.

    Religion was used as a tool to mobilize large number of gullible people. Communal

    conflicts would not be possible without wide spread prejudices against the minorities.

    Prejudices against the minorities was the foundation on which the infrastructure of

    communal conflicts were built. Dr. Engineer painfully gathered facts and data to counter

    the prejudices against minorities convincingly. Many people have approached this author

    to recall how the workshop and sound arguments and facts placed by Dr. Engineer

    changed their attitudes towards minorities. One Haryana police officer by the name

    Sharma met me while Dr. Engineer was in ICU to tell me how attending Dr. Engineers

    workshop was life changing moment for him. He never hated minorities from that day

    onwards and, more important, would never believe in stupid propaganda like Aurangzeb

    would eat only after gathering 20 men of sacred threads of Brahmin.

    (7) One truth that he arrived through his search was that liberating religion from the

    clutches of the priestly establishments and restoring agency to a common follower would

    rejuvenate the religion, but more importantly, reveal the hidden meanings that we had

    failed to understand hitherto. Religion would become true moral power in the hands of

    the oppressed to fight injustice and change the oppressive status-quo. To him religion was

    not religion if it didnt inspire to question status-quo and established understanding andinterpretation and teach the followers to be rebels. He challenged the understanding of

    the left ideologists for whom religion was opium of masses. He would quote Marx to also

    point out that even to Marx religion was not frozen into single role of opium. Marx also

    argued that religion was sigh of the oppressed.


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    (8) Gender justice and equality in general and for Muslim women in particular was a

    great passion for him. He pressed his entire knowledge of Islam and understanding of

    Quran, Islamic history, study of Islamic jurisprudence to service for the cause of Muslim

    women. Quran, according to him talked only of rights of women and not of men in Surah

    An-Nisa and reference to men was always with respect to their duties and not rights. That

    was to set the social imbalance right where women only had duties and no rights. He

    argued that during medieval period, as Muslim rulers conquered territories and spread,

    and became an empire, patriarchal culture snatched the rights given to women by Quran.Muslim Ulema seldom could counter his Quranic arguments and would respond with and

    defence of patriarchal cultural values on the basis of morals. He instructed me to give his

    daughter and my sister her share in his property after him. He of course struggled for

    equality of all and was part of struggle for implementation of Mandal Commission

    Report much before we all knew about it.

    (9) Mission of Asghar Ali Engineer was to liberate religion from religious

    establishments, make it a tool to question established interpretations of religious

    scriptures and make it a inspiration to search for truth and change the oppressive social

    reality; to embrace diversity and learn to co-exist through dialogue of cultures and

    equality, particularly gender equality and rights of Muslim women and bringing scholarly

    works to bear to achieve these objectives was the mission of Asghar Ali Engineer

    expanded the horizon of knowledge and values and opened up many avenues for us to

    achieve the goal of equality, justice, peace, dignity for all and diversity. Asghar Ali

    Engineer was an institution in himself. Are we ready to carry forward his mission with

    the discipline and dedication that he had? We will strive!! May his soul Rest in Peace.



    Centre for Study of Society and Secularism

    Mumbai: - 400 055.

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    Mumbai-400 055, India.


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