Page 1: Leather bound journal hashim bashir 6 s


Hashim Bashir 6S

Page 2: Leather bound journal hashim bashir 6 s

I was hoping along minding my own business when I saw my frog friends on a lilly pad chatting away. I joined them when all of a sudden I felt a vibration in the pond. Then it stopped... Petrified, horrified, frightened I was wondering what would happened next.

Dear Diary,

Today was the most weird day ever, I hope I have this experience again. Ill tell you all about it on the next few pages.

Page 3: Leather bound journal hashim bashir 6 s

Then I rose all of a sudden I didn't know what was going to happen to me.

Then I also saw my friends rising on there lilly pad, they were confused as me. All the fishes rose to the top of the pond staring and talking about us. Me and my friends all saw different frogs flying. Then I come up with an idea!

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My idea was to invade the local town. All the frogs agreed with my idea we headed off and did it. The first thing we did was chase the crows, they hesitated to fly away from us, scaredy cats!, It was awesome until our flying power warn off.

We hoped back to the pond in a grumpy mood but it was an awesome day!!.

By Hashim Bashir 6S

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