
Portfolio Assignment

Portfolio Assignment By: Kelly Wills Learning Frameworks Dr. Harvey


Kelly Wills My major is still a mystery, but I am leaning towards being a physical therapist.

I forgive myself for not being perfect because I know I am human.

My favorite assignment from this class would be the community service project. The project opened up my eyes to many different aspects of life. By doing the community service, it helped me realize that it isnt the fact of having to spend your time on others, but being able to help others that need it. To be able to show appreciation and responsibility to others is what made me feel so good about doing it. My second favorite assignment would be the scavenger hunt. Going into the assignment I had no clue about what Grayson College offered. By completing the assignment, I learned that Grayson College has a large variety of different things for students to do on campus. My third favorite assignment would have to be the discussions on How People Learn. The videos we got to watch broadened my idea of casual studying. The videos taught me the true principles of effective studying. After doing the discussion, I found that the information the videos were providing helped me in my studies.

My favorite journal would have to be chapter 4 journal entry 13. By doing the quadrant chart, I got to realize the importance of certain tasks I do on a daily basis. It helped me change some tasks to be more important and make others less time consuming. My second favorite journal would have to be chapter 2 journal entry 8. In this journal, I learned about my inner critic and inner defender. This journal helped me see the way discussions go on inside my head. I learned that I decide how certain conversations go on inside my head. My third favorite journal would be chapter 3 journal 11. In this journal I had to visualize accomplishing one of my goals or dreams. I got to imagine the outcome that arose many other accomplished goals inside of me. This journal taught me that if I set my mind to something and put in the effort for it, then I will be able to achieve anything.

Week 8 would have to my favorite week throughout this course. I chose week 8 as my favorite because I enjoy doing power point projects. I also like the idea of writing a letter to the next class. The concept of getting to write what you feel about a certain class can help prepare others to come in the class. I am also happy that this course is coming to an end. What I mean by I am happy the course is finishing up is that I will feel accomplished with the course. I will feel happy that I completed and tried my hardest throughout the entire course.

The most important lesson that I learned fro his course is to be true to oneself. If one is making excuses in life, they will never go far. If one is honest they will continue on. I also learned that I need to stand up for myself when I think I am right. I shouldn'tt back up in the crowd and be shy, I need to stand tall and make myself proud of who I am. The third lesson that I learned in this course would be to have confidence in anything and everything that I do in life.

First Score Second Score 60 60 Accepting Personal Responsibility 72 76 Discovering Self-motivation 58 49 Mastering Self-Management 43 46 Employing Interdependence 52 49 Gaining Self Awareness 59 56 Adopting Lifelong Learning 45 42 Developing Emotional Intelligence 58 54 Believing In Myself

This course has helped me realize many different things about myself. One being that I tend to think I am not good enough for others around me. When in reality, everyone is their own person and tends to do things differently. I also learned that I need to give myself the credit that I deserve. I try my hardest everyday for my son. I want to be the best mother possible, but instead of constantly saying I need to be better, I need to realize I am doing a great job. I need to believe in myself with the tasks that I have.

As long as I have these people by my side, I will have the best life. CLICK AUDIO

My WishiTunes v7.6.1.9, QuickTime 7.4.1Rascal FlattsMe and My Gang (Bonus Track)Rascal Flatts2006Me and My Gang (Bonus Track)

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