
Create FlowUnderstand What It Means To Create Flow

What Is Flow?

• Picture a boat going down a river

• The process Flow should not slow because of how the process is designed

• The customer should be able to move through the process and not get stuck

• Batch Size Reduction

• Cross-Training

• Parallel Processing

• Standard Work

How To Create Flow?

Batching Can Increase Cycle Time

• Batching can sub-optimize the entire process, increasing delays in the process

• Goal: How can Batching be reduced?

• Serial Processing: A process that is designed to be linear or sequential

• Parallel Processing: A process with steps designed to happen at the same time. These steps are happening simultaneously

Parallel Processing

Standard Work

• Make common procedures and processes easy to perform

• Create effective visual aids, point of use checklists, templates, job instructions, etc.

• The goal is NOT mindless conformity

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